Voodo and Hoodo books | for beginners and advanced

You read these words because you are looking for the book Voodoo or Hoodoo. You’ve come to the right place, we’ll show you the best suggestions for the Voodoo religion and Hoodoo beliefs. They will be books for beginners and more advanced. There are many traditional books on the market that accurately describe both issues. Sometimes they are written by people with long experience, other times they are anthropologists.

Voodoo is a common movie motif and appears in many fantasy or forensic books. It is usually shown there as something negative, used to hurt other people, what is the truth? It is possible that you do not know the exact description of Voodoo and Hoodoo, let us first introduce the differences in the definitions of both concepts. If you had your theory behind you can easily go to the list of best Voodoo paperbooks and ebooks.

Is it worth reaching for books Voodoo?

Since you know about Voodoo, you either saw the movie in which the word was mentioned, or you were born in the USA or Haiti. Why exactly in these two countries? For there are the most followers of this syncretic African-American religion. Syncretism is about combining many beliefs and religions. It is popular to say that the main role in Voodoo is played by Ioa or ghosts. They are actually very visible, the very name Voodoo comes from the language of the Fulan tribe and means spirit, but in this religion there is also one main God Bon Dieu. However, he completely does not interfere in what is happening on earth, so worship goes to the spirits.

Negative associations with this religion arose during the Haitian revolution (1791-1804), when the French considered Haitians to be invincible thanks to Vodo. The US government is afraid that Voodoo’s power to gather large numbers of believers will negatively affect the state of the country. Many followers fled to New Orleans, where religion transformed into Hoodoo, but more on that in a moment.

In Catholic states, everything related to Voodoo was considered tricks and fraud attempts. Propaganda involved Hollywood in its activities, which was to show Voodoo as something bad, related to Satanists. Currently, Voodoo is practiced in Louisiana, Brazil, Haiti, Ghana and several other African countries.

The question arises whether it is worth reading Voodoo books? What’s in them? As we mentioned at the beginning, there are several types of books whose content depends on the values ​​that the author wanted to convey. The most popular are Voddoo’s spell books, description of rituals, tutorials for getting started, stories and beginning of Hoodoo in New Orleans. The choice is really impressive and everyone will find something for themselves. Books are most often available in electronic form, but there are also traditional paper editions.

At the end of the introduction, let’s mention Hoodoo. Often, both concepts intertwine and are confused, when looking for a book about Hoodoo, you can buy about Voodoo because the title was misleading. Don’t worry about it, because virtually every literary item on this topic contains references to both issues. Hoodoo has evolved from Voodoo and is not a religion, it is a set of beliefs and practices that draw on handfuls of “Black Africa”. Now that we have ordered knowledge, let’s check what books we have found.

Voodoo Books

The list includes books written by English-language authors or translated into this language. The list of publications in Portuguese, Spanish and several others is equally large. The presented books have various prices from $ 3 to $ 30. We are sure that you will find reading for the next few days among the suggestions below.

1. The Voodoo Hoodoo Spellbook

We start with a hard blow which is the Voodoo and Hoodoo book of spells by Denise Alvarado. The author is valued and this publication has gained a lot of recognition among readers. Her interest in the subject was somewhat imposed by her birthplace, which was New Orleans.

In the book, the author writes down all her knowledge gained over the years of living and studying in New Orleans. She wanted to prevent Hoodoo from being forgotten and she did it quite well. The spell book contains over 300 rituals, spells and recipes by Voodoo and Hoodoo. Spells move every aspect of life, from entertainment (gambling) to everyday matters (love, health, well-being).

This is the perfect Voodoo beginner’s guide. You will also find there a historical background, a description of psalms and information about the pantheon of ghosts. What will be the greatest value for you is: recipes for oils and potions, ways to create Talismans, description of the magic of candles, curses.

2. Haitian Vodou: An Introduction to Haiti’s Indigenous Spiritual Tradition

Another great title to understand what is the original Voodoo, or Haitian Vodou. Mambo Chita Tann, a teacher with 20 years of experience and a lecturer in African religions, decided to transfer her knowledge to paper.

Haitian Vodou is a book that takes the reader on an intimate journey through the habits and beliefs of Haitians. It dispels myths about the Voodoo doll and zoombie, answers questions about the ceremony and contains prayer texts. If you’re a beginner, it’s almost a must.

3. Jambalaya: The Natural Woman’s Book of Personal Charms and Practical Rituals

The third suggestion is a book by Luisah Teish. This is a very personal view on spirituality and a changing world. Describes the approach to Hoodoo and Voodoo from the level of female spirituality.

We recommend the book to more experienced people, because it is by no means a guide. This is a book for a conscious reader who wants to think for a while about what he has just read.

4. VOODOO: The Secrets of Voodoo from Beginner to Expert

How about a free Voodoo book? In a way, you have the option if you sign up for the Audible trial version. When you do this, you’ll get an audiobook to listen to anywhere. However, if you prefer permanent access to reading, you can add the book to your Kindle library for a small price.

The author titled the book as a Voodoo guide and you will actually find the absolute basics in it. The case with more precise information looks worse, the author does not go deeper into discovering the religion of Voodoo. From the guide, you’ll get a basic outline of history, spells and a description of several rituals. The book contains 120 pages, which is read for one evening.

5. The New Orleans Voodoo Handbook

New Orleans is an extremely important place for Voodoo. Kenaz Filan in his book decided to delve into the history of this place. We get the impression that he has taken a little too far in this direction, deviating too much from the Voodoo theme, which makes reading a book feel like it was a historical book with elements of Voodoo.

However, it should be given that it contains recipes for magical oils, instructions on how candles work and information about Marie Laveau. If you are looking for dates, people and specific events, this is something for you, but if you require a greater movement of the Voodoo kewstia then we recommend other books from our list.

6. The Complete Guide To The Art Of Voodoo

If you are looking for a new voodoo translation book, we would like to read the literature by Grant Horton. This is a complete guide for people who want to enter this magical world. You will learn the history, the elements needed to cast spells and create a micro, learn how to create oils and ink. There are also psalms and prayers in the book. After going through the elements that every beginner must know, you reach deeper to learn about the advances that will help you protect your family and friends.

7. Embracing the Spiritual Legacy of the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans

Marie Laveau has already appeared in one of the earlier points and it is not surprising, because it is hard to talk about Vodoo without mentioning the greatest legend of this religion. This is also the second book by Denise Alvarado that we recommend today. Her friendly writing style is undoubtedly accessible even for likes on the subject of Voodoo.

The book is not only a biography of Marie Laveau, but also tells information about the origin of Voodoo in New Orleans, spells, rituals and prayers. Marie called herself Pope Vooddoo and went down in American history as one of the most influential people involved in magic.

To this day, her grave is a place of pilgrimage, we invite you to read the history of this amazing woman.

8. The Voodoo Doll Spellbook

The third and last book by Denise we present is The Voodoo Doll Spellbook. Most people think Voodoo sees the image of a doll with studded pins. There are many myths around her, from this book you will find out if they are real.

Alvarado also decided to look at the doll from ancient grace, egit and other parts of the world. This book of spells will help you find true love, get a job and protect yourself from theft.

9. Secrets of Voodoo

Voodoo for the average person has many secrets, if you want to delve into getting to know them, then you should pay attention to the author Milo Rigaud and the book being discussed. You will find descriptions of Ioa, symbols, rituals and the ceremonial calendar in it.

We have here a position trying to find out what Voodoo is, the author looks at this issue from many angles and tries to provide the reader with as much valuable information about this Haitian religion as possible.

10. Mambo Rousseau’s Haitian Voodoo

Mambo Rousseau was brought up in the spirit of Voodoo, as an experienced practitioner he shares 70 spells, recipes for magic oils and incense, and songs. The formulas do not require hard-to-reach ingredients, so you don’t have to worry about not being able to enter the world of Vodoo.

11. Voodoo History myths and facts

The voodoo religion has been known for hundreds of years, but in fact the perception of people about it remains vague and preceded by prejudices. Riley Star will try to dispel the greatest myths, explore the history and development of Voodoo.

People looking for the basics, not paying much attention to specific spells and recipes will appreciate the book for how it presents the history of Voodoo in an accessible way from the times of religious religion through the period of slavery to the present day.

12. Famous voodoo rituals and spells

Once you acquire basic knowledge, e.g. from an earlier book, it is worth getting interested in practice, the twelfth proposal on our list may be helpful. This is a list of spells, botanical plants, oils, powders and other things used in Voodoo ceremonies. Only specific things, always available.

13. Voodoo Queen: The Spirited Lives of Marie Laveau

Many books have been written about Marie Laveau, but it doesn’t make much sense to present them all. This is the last item describing the life of this religious leader whom we recommend in this article.

The book is a crime story taking place in New Orleans.

14. Secret Societies of Haitian Voodoo

How about the scientific approach to Voodoo and its impact on Haitian society? Wade Davis is a Canadian anthropologist, ethnobiographer and writer who describes various cultures from around the world. In 1982 he went to Haiti to deconstruct zoombie cases.

What did he find there, and how did Voodoo’s religion and vodoun culture affect him? You will learn by reading this well-written book.

Hoodoo Books

The topics Hoodoo and Vodoo are discussed virtually in every book side by side, but some focus more on beliefs and others focus on religion. We decided to split the list into two separate sections, once you have read the suggestions about Voodoo, take a look at the Hoodoo books.

15. Working Conjure: A Guide to Hoodoo Folk Magic

It’s time to look at Hoodoo and there is no better way to do this than starting from scratch. Sen Moise lives in New Orleans, where he runs a Conjure New Orleans store, and teaches about Conjure / Hoodoo throughout the United States. The book contains a description of rituals and spells and shows the reader what Hoodoo beliefs are. A must have for every beginner.

16. Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic

A real treasury of knowledge about the roots and herbs used in Hoodoo. In this book you will also find examples of spells, tips on how to create mojo and incense bags. 500 herbs and 750 traditional spells were recorded on 224 pages.

This is a book intended for people who want to start practicing hoodoo in various forms. If you already know the history and rules governing hoodoo rituals, you can safely reach for this title.

17. 365 Days of Hoodoo

365 days of gradual introduction to the world of Hoodoo spiritual traditions. This is a guide that will make you understand completely what Hoodoo is and how it works from a beginner in a year. The pages contain spells, rituals, recipes and interesting facts.

Gradual introduction will cause you not to get discouraged too much and start to control some elements of your life using the rituals presented in the book.

Author Stephanie Rose Bird has been continuously associated with mysticism and occultism for 30 years. She was pushed onto this path by her family in which medium and healers could be found.

18. The Art of Hoodoo

The book is only available in paperback, but is this a bigger problem? I love reading traditional books, especially when they deal with mystical matters. The Art of Hoodoo is a list of accurate and easy-to-learn instructions on candles, lamps and magic.

With the book you will create candles that evoke love, you will learn how to create your own spells, what to do when a candle goes out and what their colors mean. If you are a beginner, we recommend it for advanced people, you will not find much revealing information here.

19. Old Style Conjure: Hoodoo, Rootwork, & Folk Magic

On the pages of this book you will learn how to read bones, burn candles and how to build your first small home altar. A simple guide to read that shows how ancestors did in completely different times, and how important it is to appreciate people who are not with us and the dedication they have had in practicing Hoodoo.

Starr Casas is a practitioner with many years of experience, but what is equally important is simply a good writer who has many bestsellers.

20. Sticks, Stones, Roots & Bones: Hoodoo, Mojo & Conjuring with Herbs

Hoodoo combines African traditions, Indian herbalists and Christian rituals. Stephanie Rose Bird in his book takes the reader on a journey through the healing culture and shows practical advice that can be learned from these beliefs in everyday life.

21. The Red Folder: Private Lessons on the Practice of Hoodoo

This book on its 136 pages gathered information on spells, amulets, methods of divination, the principles of the operation of the pendulum and much more. If you need a specific set of the most important information, consider buying this book.

22. Hoodoo Bible Magic

Giving your book the title Hoodoo Bible may be considered quite controversial, but the Bible has been used for years as a member of many books on various topics. The author approaches the Bible as a material from which he can learn many spells.

It shows the connections between Hoodoo and the Christian religion, all with good taste, maneuvering between being accused of heresy. This is a reading that will give more practice than a beginner, if you are such a person then go ahead, you won’t be disappointed.

23. Hoodoo in the Psalms

Psalms are a popular place from which magic spells are extracted. On the pages of the book you will find over 160 spells that a novice will cope with and an advanced person will find several spells that he probably did not know. This is an ideal proposal to supplement the library.

24. Wurkn Dem Rootz: Ancestral Hoodoo

To understand Hoodoo culture, one should approach it from the perspective of former African Americans who found themselves in a foreign country and lived on the principles of others. Wurkun Dem Rootz focuses on showing you how to consciously connect with your ancestors.

25. Hoodoo Honey and Sugar Spells

Love spells are very powerful spells that often make use of numbers, honey and syrups. Deacon Millet presents complete instructions on how to use these substances in reconciliation and love spells.

The book also includes something like the FAQ where the most common questions Deacon encountered.

Beginners and those who want to broaden their knowledge of Voodoo and Hoodoo cannot complain about the lack of materials. A lot of them are being developed by people who have been doing this for several decades. What makes us happy is the fact that the presented books fight popular myths and answer many doubts.

New Orleans is still the headquarters of practitioners of both methods and the city derives both financial and promotional profits because there is more information about it in the media. The history of the Voodoo religion and Hoodoo beliefs is difficult, heavy but sometimes cheerful. How many authors have so many ways to tell this story. We hope you have found a book on our list that will be your next reading.