Chinese symbols of happiness

China is one of the oldest empires, its existence lasts from the Bronze Age to the present day, and everything indicates that only this country is accelerating. China is a country of many dialects and differences between regions such as religion.

Theoretically, there is freedom of religion in the Republic of China, but five religions (Buddhism, Taoism, Islam , Catholicism and Protestantism ) are officially registered . It might seem that this is a strongly religious country, but you cannot forget about the political system that prevails there, which translates into faith.

After the end of World War II, the communist authorities massively closed temples of various denominations, the situation changed only in the 90s, but this does not mean that it is perfect. Authorities often arrest members of both registered and unregistered religious communities.

According to data from the Pew Research Center, as many as 52.2% of Chinese do not profess any religion. Traditional religions ( Taoism and Confucianism ) and biddism have the most followers . These religions are not strictly religions in the understanding of the Western world.

There is not one particular main God (Taoism has something like a first-order being), there is no promise of paradise, but there is a lot of philosophy and considerations about life. This state of affairs, gave a large margin for the formation of symbols that are given special significance, of course, there were also symbols of happiness.

chinese dragon

1. Dragon

We associate these mythical creatures with huge winged creatures (sometimes intelligent) who are often in opposition to man. Their image is completely different in Chinese culture. Everyone who watched Mulan remembers the lovable red dragon.

The Chinese dragon has no wings and curls like a snake. It is a symbol of happiness and prosperity. Is a representative of Yang’s male energy and is a frequent motive of talismans. The Chinese eagerly refer to themselves as “Descendants of the Dragon”.


2. Fenghuang – Chinese phoenix

It is a mythical bird derived from Chinese mythology. The ruler of birds, originally of both sexes eventually ended up as a female (Huang). This change was intended to pair the phoenix and dragon together to form the well-known combination of yin and yang.

It is associated very well as a symbol of virtues and grace. It can be found in times of peace and happiness, while in uncertain years the phoenix hides to wait it out. The combination of the phoenix with the dragon is a frequent motive at Chinese weddings as a symbol of a successful relationship. The bird motif, and more specifically the crane, is also visible during Japanese weddings.

peach chinese symbol fo happines

3. Peach

Many religions have demons and evil powers that must be fought with good. Amulets and talismans are used to strip them off. However, in the history of using many other methods, in China they were branches of a peach tree.

However, this fruit has a lot of different meanings in Chinese culture, in that it is considered a symbol of happiness, when it is given to newlyweds, those who, apart from happiness, will gain success in life and fertility.

Among other symbolism it is worth emphasizing the symbolism of immortality. According to legends, the Peach of Longevity blooms once every 3000 years, and consumption of its fruit gives youth and immortality.


4. Bat

A bat is another animal symbol of happiness. In Europe and America, the associations with this animal are moderately positive. He appears in many movies or fairy tales and is always placed in a dark scenery. In China, however, it is a symbol of happiness, which is credited with good power.

Chinese iconography has something like five bats which means: happiness, longevity, wealth, joy and dignity. The bat was a frequent element of decorations, nowadays it is a rarer sight, but it appears, especially during the new year.


5. Qilin

Myths in China are very vivid, another example is Qilin called by the people of the Western world a Chinese unicorn (although this is not a very precise name). It is a being that only showed up in places where honest people lived and there was harmony.

Legend has it that one of the representatives of this species was seen at the birth of Confucius. Chinese mythology has it to himself, that rearranges mythical creatures as a conglomeration of several different animals.

The same is true in this case, where the example version consists of a dragon’s head, a trunk covered with fish scales, a lion’s tail and ox hooves. As for the horn, unlike the stories we know well, this creature has one to three horns, which means that the name unicorn is missed.

double happiness

6. Double Happiness

The number 6 on the list of symbols of happiness belongs to the ornament commonly used as a symbol of a successful marriage. Usually the sign ” 囍” is written in Chinese calligraphy and often appears on traditional decorative elements related to marriage.

The symbol of double happiness is also often found throughout the wedding ceremony, as well as on gifts given to the young couple . Its color is usually red, but it is also black.


7. Animals

As in our culture, so in the Chinese people large symbolism is given to ordinary animals. These include the turtle, personified with wisdom and longevity. His figurines can be found in many homes because they are supposed to ensure harmony. The lion is a sign of courage and happiness, while the fish is wealth.

number 8

8. Number 8

In one of the previous entries we described the amazing symbolism of the number 7, which is extremely important for many cultures and religions. In the case of China, the number 8 plays an important role.

This is due to the pronunciation of 八bā similar to 发fā , which means 发财fācái – get rich. Another argument is that if you turn the figure eight to the horizontal position, you will get the infinity sign. The number 8 is symmetrical in shape, i.e. it has a perfect balance. The other numbers that have good associations are 6.9, and 2.

red colour

9. Red colour

Red as a symbol of something good is found in many Asian countries . Many of the symbols listed have a reference to marriages and the same applies to red. We associate a wedding with white, in China this color is the color of mourning, while red symbolizes purity and innocence. Chinese coins of luck are also threaded with red chains or strings.

China’s culture is a legacy of thousands of years, rich in dozens of myths and beliefs. Despite the change of the world, many of our traditions are still cultivated, and life in China is filled with symbolism. If you are interested in culture, you must visit this country and collide your ideas with reality. However, before you buy tickets, we encourage you to read our other articles.