Chort - slavic demon

Chort (Russian : чёрт, Belarusian and Ukrainian: чорт, Serbo-Croatian чорт or Čort , Polish: Czort and Czart, Czech and Slovak: Čert) for the Slavs, especially in the Russian tribes an evidently negative figure, synonymous with the devil.

The culture of the Slavs has a number of similar beliefs and traditions, but the perception of some mythical characters is different to depending on the country.

Devil is a malicious demon hostile oriented to people , the old Slavs feared up as one of the most feared demons. Originally called Bies, especially in the lands currently belonging to Poland after Christianization renamed to Chort.

By decree of the king is not possible to change the faith as the cue , so some people decided to adjust the beliefs of pagan to the new religion. He is the son of the god Chernobog and the goddess Mara. In so- called popular Christianity, he is considered a servant of Satan.


The Proto -Slavic (Slavic) language is considered to be the common language of all Slavs who lived 2,000 BC. Regarding the word čьrtъ, there are many divergent theories, according to one of them is a derivative of the words čersti/čьrtǫ ( draw a line, a furrow ).

One of the derivative interpretations of these words is the reconstruction of čьrtъ as a supernatural being, responsible for the fate of man. This hypothesis assumes that the original assumption for the devil was to bring death, then he was embodied with all evil.

Other theories suggest the similarity to the word black or witchcraft, but in the language of Lithuanian kyréti means “angry up.”

In addition, calls to attention the words such as Ukrainian kutsiy and the Czech and Slovak Kusý in this case, pointing at is that the demon had one leg shorter.

Afanasiew suggested, that the word “devil” comes from the “black” – the name of the color usually associated with evill. However, M. Fasmer noted, that “black” was just a euphemism for the devil.

According to Famer, the pre-Slavic * čürtъ is “cursed”, just like lit. kyrėti “anger out”. According to linguist L. Radenkovicha the word “devil” in the language of Russian is polonizm origin of the Czech Republic, which came to Russian dictionary directly from the language Polish or by language Ukrainian at the end of the sixteenth century.

As you can see there is a lot of contradictions about the origin of words , but close to them in a specific group of terms, often marked by negative emotions.

Polish culture

Old Polish belief about the devil not can get around the no memories of fiendish. Indeed, shaggy, with horns , hooves and tail far exceeding the size of a man , who was limping on one leg. Bies and Chort are one and the same character, the change of terminology occurred at the time of adopting Christianity.

Despite the fact that the Chort was transformed into the role of the devil, he did not have as much power as Lucifer had who was higher in the hierarchy.

In Polish culture, the legend about Mister Twardowski, a nobleman who, according to the report, sold the soul to the devil, is firmly rooted. He sold his soul to the devil in exchange for great knowledge and knowledge of magic.

He wanted, however, to outwit the devil, so to him the signed pact added paragraph saying that the devil can take his soul to hell only in Rome, which was not planned to pretend. However, bies/devil got him in an inn under the name Rome and abducted him. Twardowski prayed to Mary and the devil lost him along the way. Twardowski escaped to the moon and stays there to this day.

Czech and Slovak culture

Devil in Czech culture did not play a clearly negative role. She accompanied St. Nicholas, he was his guide and had the task to punish naughty children, was equivalent to the Austrian Krampus.

Picture devil in Czech folklore indicates that blends wit in the human environment. Fiends can remind people of horns, claws, tail and hooves, assume outfits hunters and red hats, or dress up on black.

It happens to also, that the devils are in the form of animals such as black dogs. The daemon is shifter to more easily be able to cheat their their victims, often takes on the appearance of the young and pretty man, but observant person does not have to be afraid, because the transformation ever there was full and you could go to meet the little corners hidden in her hair, or leg with the hoof, often concealed in tall boots.

This feature was especially useful because the devil was sent on earth by Lucifer in order to gain human souls. His way of winning the soul was to make a bet/contract with someone whose stake was his soul.

The devil was very insidious and fulfilled his promise in a very cunning way, which usually ended in winning the soul of a stuck man.

In slightly more recent stories, cart was a much more positive figure because he tried to bring evil characters to hell. Often, he made good friends, giving them various treasures and magical items.

Devils are not perceived as the devil, they have a lot in common, but they are not the same characters.

Turkish culture

Although the Turks do not belong to the Slavic peoples, their folklore often coincides with that in the lands of Central and Eastern Europe. Çor ( Chor ) are spiritual beings with nane from pre-Islamic texts and oral communications.

They live in an invisible world in dimensions invisible to man. Patients have the form of fire, but they also have a physical form that allows them to interact physically with people and objects. Chorus is human in nature, that is, it can be good, bad or neutral. This description is quite different from the Slavic version, however, it is believed that Chor is Czart.

A devil in mythology

Slavic mythology contains the myth according to which the Devil fought a battle with one of the deities (probably Perun) after which he was sent to earth, and as a result of his fall began to limp. This is a clear reference to the Judeo-Christian ideas of talking about fallen angels .

Czarts also play the role of gnomes from German-Scandinavian folklore. Guarding treasures in what has been described in the Ночь пе ред Рождество м ( 1832).

Similarly to Turkish beliefs, the devils have two bodily and immaterial forms, which is why they are called evil spirits. The physical form most often looked like a combination of man and animal.

The demon inhabits swamps, forests and water reservoirs, it also manifests itself in air whirls. He sent people bad weather and illness and urged him to take his own life.
