9 lemons in a bowl – feng shui meaning

9 lemons in a bowl

In this article we will answer the question: what does 9 lemon in Feng shui mean? And what are the benefits of storing 9 lemons in a bowl.

It can not be hidden that this is a topic designed for people who want to increase their well-being and improve energy in the home. Lemons are highly valued by people who use esoteric power.

Before we get to the heart of the topic, we traditionally propose some definitions to systematize knowledge.

Feng Shui

Citing the exact definition of Feng shui does not make much sense (we will devote a separate text to it), at this point you need to know that this is an ancient technique originating in China that focused on planning space in harmony with nature.

Feng shui was and is very important for the Chinese in accordance with this art, cities were built, and now many people practice Feng shui in their own homes. Among other things, this is why this method is included in geomancy.

To accurately convey the original meaning, you must understand symbolism:

  • wind that cannot be seen – invisible

  • water that can’t be caught – elusive.

Hence fēng shuǐ = (Life force / being that is) invisible and elusive

Number 9

In China there are a few numbers that are considered lucky among them there are 1.6, 8 and 9. The last two are the most important. The number nine is associated with longevity and happiness. Is a frequent motive for lovers and weddings.

You can read more about Chinese symbols here:

9 lemons feng shui

The importance of lemons

Many citruses play an important role and have their own amazing power. These include lemons, grapefruits and oranges.

Virtually all of us like the taste of lemons, whether in normal form or as juices or as an addition to various dishes. The human body needs vitamin C and we often replace it with tablets, however, if you have the opportunity, I always recommend using natural ingredients, although there is nothing wrong with the tablets.

Lemon has accompanied mankind for centuries and has been used not only for dishes. Yellow color is the color of energy, happiness, optimism and life, it gives freshness to the room.

Lemons are valued for their detoxifying properties for the human body.

To this end, it is recommended to drink water with lemon, according to Anthony Williams it should be 16 ounces of water with lemon. This drink should be drunk once a day. It is recommended to drink water with lemon in the morning, preferably just after waking up, about half an hour before the first meal.

This fruit has many other positive effects as it supports liver and cardiovascular function as well as wound healing.

Leaving health, many cleaners contain lemon extract, and the lemon itself perfectly cleans some types of stain.

In addition to science, religion and beliefs also reach for lemons as fruit full of power.

9 lemons Feng shui meaning

We already have the necessary information to put everything together. We know that Feng shui focuses on life force, the number 9 is the number of happiness and longevity, and lemons are the fruit that we associate practically only in a good way.

This connection alone is good enough to end the topic here, but it would be too easy.

It is quite widely believed that nine lemons in a bowl not only provides positive decoration, but also cleanses the room of negative energy. If you see lemons decay and rot quickly, instead of drying out, it can be a sign of cleaning your home from bad energy.

Another use of lemons (in some parts of the world) is to use them to remove disease from people. The ritual consists in moving the lemon from the feet to the head of the sick person, then cutting it into 4 parts and throwing it outside.

Some people recognize that a lemon tree cannot be damaged by bad energy at all, which is why they grow lemons in their homes.

In China, many sellers place lemons in glasses of water at the entrance to neutralize negative energy and prevent it from entering.

Feng shui masters recommended ordinary people to use lemons at home with an emphasis on kitchens and living rooms. It is in these places that many people reside and their different energy.

If there is a person with negative energy there, it will be neutralized so that it does not affect other people.

7 or 9 lemons in a bowl

The last issue we will deal with is how many lemons should be in the bowl. As the whole article suggests, it is usually recommended that there be 9, because this number is associated with fullness. Other suggested numbers are 1,4,6,8 and 7.

7 lemons in a bowl is recommended to use in the southwest kitchen, because this area is from the earth element. The numbers 6 and 7 are metal and are able to neutralize the negative impact of this place.

Belief in the operation of a bowl of lemons divides into two camps, people who claim that the quantity does not matter and those who, however, observe that there are always 9 in the bowl.

If you decide to decorate your room in this way, this is the first step that means that you want energy and want to draw as much as possible. Every day we are cut off from nature, especially on frosty days.

The proximity of yellow fruits full of health and energy will definitely not hurt, costs little, and can only help. Whether you use the principle of feng shui and 9 lemons in a bowl is a secondary matter.

We wish you never run out of positive energy!