Hypnosis events – comedy hypnotist show

Access to hypnotic events aimed at a larger group of participants is not so common. Most of these types of events are intimate meetings organized for local residents. Today we will present the most popular Events we have found. The list will not be updated, but event names should remain unchanged.

1. Comedy Hypnosis Show

Do you want to have a laugh and at the same time have a hypnotic experience on stage? Comedy Hypnosis Show is a fun way of presenting hypnosis with the active participation of the audience. The performance begins with a brief interactive introduction of the audience to hypnosis.

Over a dozen volunteers from the audience are invited to the stage and then the Hypnosis Show begins. Volunteers in a hypnotic trance play the funniest comedy providing the rest of the audience with lots of fun.

The whole is run by Erick Kand, a comedian and hypnotist who has been in the profession for many years. Has hypnotized over 20,000 people. His performances are available throughout the United States. His activity on YouTube is very popular reaching over 3.5 million views.

Erick Kand has been a certified hypnotist since 2001 ( Master Practitioner of NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming). He also sits in a 3rd degree black karate belt and was a certified accountant, but his career as a comedian attracted him much more.

2. The American Hypnosis Association

AHA sponsors monthly conferences with invited speakers on various interesting topics in the field of hypnotherapy and behavior modification. These classes are definitely more substantive, intended for adults. There is no element of show and comedy.

A constantly updated calendar can be found on the AHA website:


3. The Hypnosis Company

If you want to hire a hypnotist for an event, you can use the services of the comedian hypnotist Justin James. Justin offers comedic hypnosis performances for schools, private businesses and normal families. Occurs mainly in Las Vegas, if you are from this city, its services may interest you.

4. Adults Only Comedy Hypnosis Show

Another suggestion is a fun hypnosis for adults. Mark Yuzik is a recognized hypnotist who will put laundered volunteers from the audience into a hypnotic state. The show is intended for adults due to jokes present in the program.

5. Events related to hypnosis in Las Vegas

If you live in Las Vegas you can’t complain about the amount of hypnotist performances. There are sites like lasvegas.com/shows-and-events/hypnosis/ where you can get tickets for many interesting hypnotic shows. There are both comedy performances and those aimed at an adult audience.

6. Hypnosis $ Magic Show Jim Spinnato

This is a 0 minute hypnosis show led by Jim Spinnato. These performances are a combination of magic, illusion and comedy; with a lot of audience participation. – Everything designed for adults is not a magic show for children. If you want to have a laugh and live or are in New England, check out the Comix Comedy Club offer

Hypnotic events are not usually cyclical, known e.g. from music events. It is a pity, because it is the perfect way to first come across hypnosis and cool entertainment during performances combined with comedy.

If you want to find the best offers for yourself, you can type in the search engine “hypnotic events near me” and if you do not live in a remote area, there will probably be some satisfying offer. Information about professional event events can be found at: ishhypnosis.org/events/