
The cult of nature is one of the most original cults. According to the theory of evolution, humans became humans as a result of the development of apes. However, for this to happen, we had to get off the trees. It is likely that we did it for fermenting ripe fruit, which is quite a prosaic reason, but directly related to trees.

Which does not change the fact that these plants played an important role in our development. It is hardly surprising, therefore, that as soon as we developed better we began to look in the footsteps that leave signs of upcoming events.

Xylomancy Definition

Xylo in Greek means wood, mateia is a divination. Xylomancy or rose wood is an ancient technique that was meant to read both the future and the past or present.

It consisted in the interpretation of signs from twigs, pieces of wood or fallen tree branches. In reading the prophecy, the shape, size and thickness as well as the patterns left by the examined element were significant . In the early days of xylomancy, only branches that had fallen naturally were considered suitable for divination .

Biblical times brought the evolution of xylomancy to the point where the fortune teller read the patterns left on the ground by fallen branches and tree branches. In the event of a sudden fall of an element, one would expect the unexpected.

Xylomancy went on fertile ground in Slavonia historic small regions in eastern Croatia , located above the region between the Sava and Drava, there is practiced since ancient times and is the divination of the small pieces of dry wood (shape and position) encountered by the person soothsaying.

Further evolution of this method led to less interference of nature in divination. People began to collect branches and collect them in half from the bark, then throwing them to the ground. Twigs that fell down without bark took part in the divination.

Xylomancy is closely related to dendromancy, teframamination and indirectly to pyromancy. One way of divination was to observe how the logs burn in the fireplace and how the fire behaves.

You should also read the work by Lewis Spenc, Occult Encyclopedia that describes xylomancy.