Chromotheraphy - healing colors

Today we will discuss the extremely interesting topic of chromotherapy, which has an interesting history, is practiced all over the world and most importantly it works. In various accounts and sources you may have encountered synonyms such as: color therapy, colourogia, cromatherapy), they describe exactly the same phenomenon.

We will try to make you interested in this topic, explain the definition, go through history, show the impact on anxiety, refer to myths and facts, and check whether colors heal.

What is chromotherapy?

The definition of chromotherapy begins with words describing this phenomenon as alternative medicine. Alternative medicine is the treatment of disorders with a medical basis but not biological credibility, too few tests, pseudoscience or simply non-functioning.

If this admission did not discourage you, then remember that if something helps someone and there are no side effects should be considered working, and that science does not know the answer is a separate issue. Acupuncture or acupressure are among the same group as chromotherapy.

Regardless of the fact that we are on the page describing spiritual, esoteric and magical phenomena, always in the case of topics about health, we recommend first visiting a doctor. Chromotherapy cannot cure cancer, but positive effects on your psyche and health may occur, about this later.

Let’s return to color therapy, because we have already written it, and you still do not know what it actually is. Chromotherapy practitioners are chromotherapists and they claim that by using the right colors (specifically lights of different colors) they are able to balance the missing energy resources in the human body.

This is the definition understandable to the average person, in more detail we are dealing with the treatment of diseases based on the use of visible spectrum – electromagnetic radiation that is received by the retina in the process of vision.

Translating this into human speech, light is energy, and the interaction of this energy on matter results in the phenomenon of color. Our eyes do not see the full palette of colors. The eye was created to see 380-780 nm long waves. Of course, this is an approximate value, some people’s eyesight apparatus may be more sensitive, but the differences are irrelevant.

This visible spectrum is perhaps more familiar to you by the concept of visible light, these are the electromagnetic frequencies that define individual colors.

  • interval at 380 nm to 436 nm – violet,

  • interval at 436 nm to 495 nm – blue,

  • interval at 495 nm to 566 nm – green,

  • a wavelength range from 566 nm to 589 nm – yellow,

  • interval at 589 nm to 627 nm – orange,

  • range between 627 nm and 780 nm – red.

Chromotherapy has nothing to do with other light therapies, e.g. blood irradiation therapy. Every biological creature, but also inorganic matter absorbs light, which in the case of living creatures affects their functioning.

The method assumes that the human body consists of colors, arises from them and is stimulated by them, and each organ has its own color. Although it may seem strange, after a while you understand that all parts of your body are made up of cells that are made of atoms, which are energy, and as you know, energy leads to the formation of colors.

In chromotherapy, it is assumed that each of our body components reacts to the right color frequencies, so that light of the right length can affect individual organs.

Our organs are composed of specific energy, in the case when its level falls we are dealing with pain and disease, then this pathology should be repaired using light at the appropriate intensity.

Color therapy assumes that energy in the form of light affects not only the biological processes of the organism, but also its ethereal part. By generating waves of the right length, we are able to stimulate biological and hormonal processes, which has a direct impact on the balance of the entire system.

The summary of the above-mentioned definition of chromotherapy can be reduced to one sentence describing chrometrics as a way to treat physical (disease) and mental problems, using energy manipulation in the form of light waves of the appropriate length. We hope that this introduction is clear and we can proceed to discuss how color treatment arose.


Hardly anyone likes history, but we think that your interest in this topic should be thoroughly exhausted, and in order for it to be necessary to know the history of chromotherapy, without the past it is difficult to understand the present.

It may seem that chromotherapy is a new concept, after all the concept of energy and wavelength are not so old issues. While the concepts themselves are actually relatively young, there has always been light (in earth’s history).

The beginnings of chromotherapy should be seen in ancient times. Initially, it was based on phototherapy based on sunlight treatment. The method was practiced in the ancient civilizations of China, Egypt and Greece. The beginning of color therapy is considered to be 2000 years BC.

There is no doubt that our ancestors had no idea what light really is and how it affects the body. Despite this, they used red, blue and yellow light in their treatment, i.e. the basic colors of which all others are composed.

If you were once interested in the history of ancient Greece, maybe except for the war and the pantheon of the Gods, you remember that the Greeks used various dyes, e.g. in painting hospitals of that time, i.e. healing temples.

The Greeks strongly believed in the healing properties of colors. For the treatment they used the aforementioned phototherapy and treatment that can be considered indirect, based on ointments, dyes and patches.

Let’s change the continent to Asia, specifically the current Iran and let’s jump to August 23, 980. Then one of the greatest astronomers, thinkers and doctors is born, considered one of the fathers of modern medicine, Ibn Sina more known as Avicenna.

The creator of The Canon of Medicine, a textbook that set the standards of medicine not only in the Islamic world but also in medieval Europe, and was the basic textbook of medicine until the 18th century. He wrote in it a significant sentence, which after translation is “color is an observable symptom of disease”. He described in detail how color therapy can improve health and how it should go.

One of the elements describing chromotherapy was a table illustrating the relationship between color and body temperature and its physical condition. Simplifying the red color was supposed to affect the stimulation of blood, it was probably about increasing the pressure, the blue was to cool it (reduce the pressure) while the yellow was to reduce the pain and inflammation of the muscles. As you can see, despite the passage of 3,000 years, three basic colors were still operated.

There is not the slightest doubt that The Canon of Medicine was the first major development of chromotherapy that caused knowledge to spread throughout the world (of course mainly Europe – Asia).

As you probably know, certain colors evoke some emotions in people, the example of red is associated with stimulants. Avicenna knew this a thousand years ago, recommending a person with a nosebleed to avoid looking at bright colors, as they can stimulate the body, which can result in a rise in blood pressure and more frequent bleeding. He recommended being among the so-called cold colors approaching blue.

He was also convinced that bad color therapy was not allowed to have the desired effect.

9th and 20th century

Relax, we’re slowly reaching modern times, but before we do, we’ll talk about three more important names for chromotherapy.

The first is the general fighting during the American Civil War Augus Pleasonton who conducted practical research on the properties of colors. However, he narrowed his area of ​​activity to blue. He described the influence of blue color on plants, animals and people.

He described that the use of light with a blue color has a positive effect on plant growth and “better” livestock. For people, he had a message saying that blue is the best medicine for burns and aches.

Unfortunately, these were only practice records, without chemical / biological / physical education, so his work is not considered scientific.

Edwin Babbitt was a person with similar status as Avicenna for chromotherapy. He approached the subject more comprehensively, took on aspects that were previously overlooked. We will not describe how exactly he defined individual colors, you should only know that he assigned colors to specific diseases.

Babbitt is the author of the first “professional” tool that uses light in healing therapy. It was a thermolume cabinet that used natural and artificial light to create colors. There was also a chrome disk inside, reminiscent of a funnel with a color filter designed to focus the light in one place. This beam of light was directed to the place that was being treated.

The book he wrote, and whose current circulation can be purchased in the link below, contained information about patients and the effects of treatment. It contains information about effective treatment of bleeding, wounds, hunting pains and other diseases. His work was a milestone in understanding chromotherapy as a scientific issue.

Spectro-Chrome Encyclopaedia is the last work we want to tell you about before moving on to modern times.

The book in question is a chromotherapist’s manual, it is a doctrine of color therapy activities. These rules can be proved at any time in the modern world. He discovered that specific vibrations of colors or energy focused on a given organ affect his biochemical reaction. As soon as you know the organ’s response to a particular color, you can create a complete therapy.

Problems with organs functioning in a disturbed manner result from the disturbed balance of energy / colors, which leads to problems with physical and mental health. According to Ghadiali, specific areas of the body are assigned a specific color, this is a theory that overlaps with the theory of “chakra”. One of the best-known quotes that underpin modern chromotherapy is:

“The color bands of spectrograms are produced when a chemical element undergoes a process of combustion or vaporization that accelerates the motion of its atoms. The specific band of colors and dark lines emitted when a certain element is heated, are known as Fraunhauafer lines.”

Ghadiali stated that the chemical elements are colored compounds and can be introduced into the body using appropriate colors.

The history of chromotherapy after 1920 is definitely more extensive. If you want to read it, we invite you to a real treasury of knowledge about chromotherapy, the link is at the end of the article.

Chakra and chromotherapy

We will talk briefly about the chakra theory, this is a topic for a completely different article. Ayurvedic medicine is medicine with Indian roots. It is a type of alternative medicine, in modern India and neighboring countries, it is an element of normal medicine.

One assumption is that people have seven chakras located within the spine. According to New Age, every witch tells one spectrum of visible light and is connected to the functioning of a specific organ. Chakra imbalance can lead to pain and illness, and using the right color can restore balance.

How is chromotherapy done

The course of chromotherapy varies depending on the particular case. Let’s start by discussing the effects of phototherapy recognized and practiced worldwide for neonatal jaundice.

Jaundice for newborns is not amazing, it occurs in 50% of children and 100% in premature babies.

The main symptom is yellowing of the skin and this alone does not require treatment. We want to make it clear that ordinary jaundice does not require external interference. However, this is not medical advice and we always recommend consulting a doctor.

The problem occurs when jaundice is transformed into pathological jaundice. Already in the 1950s a hypothesis was stated that infant jaundice can be treated with sunlight. Confirmation came 10 years later when it was recognized that white light could replace blood transfusion. Ultimately, the doctors came to the conclusion that blue light is safer and it is used in today’s medicine.

What causes jaundice is increased levels of unconjugated bilirubin, under the influence of phototherapy there are 3 reactions: photooxidation, configuration isomerization and structural isomerization. They help excrete bilirubin in the urine and bile.

Pathological jaundice in the newborn requires additional examination if petechia appears on the skin, when the baby’s abdomen is hard and bloated, the urine is dark and the stool is gray.

The main indication for phototherapy is increased bilirubin in the blood of the newborn. There are no absolute contraindications for phototherapy.

Benefits of chromotherapy

At the beginning we mentioned that chromotherapy cannot cure cancer and we support it, but there is a certain part of it that can do such miracles. We are talking about photodynamic therapy in brief (PDT).

It consists of injecting photosensitive chemicals that accumulate in cancer cells when they get there and act on them from the outside with a red light, they are activated by destroying the cancer.

The benefits of chromotherapy are also improved skin appearance, reduced wrinkles and increased energy levels in athletes.

Benefits of chromotherapy for psychology

The use of lamps that give different colored light not only has benefits for physical health, it also helps in finding balance and treatment of mental disorders.

Well-described blue light reduces the effects of eating problems and depression.

Pink has a calming effect and suppresses aggressive behavior. While in a room illuminated in pink, people tend to be milder.

The opposite of pink is yellow which increases aggression.

Chromotherapy sauna benefits

We managed to deal with the most important theses regarding chromotherapy. Now we want to talk about slightly looser topics that you will be able to introduce to your life in order to improve mental and physical health.

The first suggestion is a sauna illuminated with LED lamps. Color therapy in this case is a great solution in the autumn and winter, when the lack of sun makes itself felt. Just using the sauna has a relaxing effect, combining this experience with a properly selected color can only bring better benefits.

If the nearest sauna of this type is far too far, you may be interested in a home sauna solution such as in the announcement below.

Where to go to such a sauna? We have readers from different parts of the world and pointing to specific locations is pointless. Just type in Google the phrase chromotherapy sauna and if you are in town it should not be a problem finding such a place.

They usually don’t have dedicated LED chromotherapy lamps, but you can get them from a few to several dollars.

Color therapy glasses

The second suggestion we have for you are eye glasses for color therapy. If you have familiarized yourself thoroughly with the topic, then you know how important the colors have on the psyche, and how to deliver different colors to the body in the easiest way?

Of course through the eyes. Whether you believe in chakra connection or chromotherapy alone, the effect should be satisfactory.

Good glasses should not hurt your eyes, in terms of ophthalmology, be comfortable and worn in moderation. We strongly recommend using them indoors, in the garden and in safe places. Trips with glasses that make you see the world in red will limit your perception of potentially dangerous stimuli such as red light.

Color therapy app

Before proceeding to the summary, one last suggestion, which are applications for color therapy. In this case, let’s be honest, this is more a painting therapy than a color therapy. On Amazon you will find many free chromotherapy applications, so you can use them without any problems.


We have reached the end of the article in which we will be tempted to draw conclusions. Chromotherapy or color therapy as you please has undoubtedly been an important element of medicine for years. In the years closer to the present, its properties were denied, despite this elements of light treatment are used in today’s world.

If it wasn’t for people like Babbit, we probably wouldn’t be enjoying the benefits of blue light treatment today.

Colors are energy that has healing properties that affect the physical and mental aspects of humans. Chromotherapy is not an invasive method, which is why it is very accessible and it is hard to harm it.

In case you were thinking about the benefits of chrometrics, we’ve provided you with a list of many of them and you shouldn’t have any doubts right now. If you liked this article, we encourage you to subscribe to the newsletter and like our social media, Thank you.
