Conversational hypnosis

Not all of us have been gifted with the gift of persuading and selling our own opinion nicely (it is not without reason that “selling” was used, but more on that later). In this case, you can use conversational hypnosis, which puts the interlocutor in hypnosis without his awareness.

It is a very interesting solution, quite easy to learn (but difficult to master) and, equally importantly, easily available in various courses.

However, before we discuss the subject of conversational hypnosis in a broader way, we do not recommend using this method for bad purposes. Each of us should have a moral backbone, and being good in verbal hypnosis can tempt us to abuse this amazing tool.

Learning conversational hypnosis is a great way to help others, remove pressure from them and everyday problems, and only as something that can help the hypnotist.

Thanks to the knowledge of conversational hypnosis techniques you will be able to establish easier relationships with family and people at work, or new business partners, and the conversation will cease to be a sad necessity for you and will begin to be something pleasant and satisfying.

Of course, most people are unable to reach a level where during the conversation they hypnotize someone and say the words “and now in 3 seconds you will fall asleep, then snap your fingers, wake up and be nice to me.”

You will use conversational hypnosis more often in everyday life to ease swollen disputes or negotiate better prices for a car or apartment. Without extending let’s check how to hypnotize someone without them knowing.


If you know what hypnosis is, you can skip this paragraph, if you do not have this knowledge, let us give you a brief definition.

Hypnosis is called a state of altered consciousness during which a person is more likely to accept the suggestions and instructions of the hypnotizing person. During the so-called trance often occurs various phenomena and among them stands out:

  • positive – seeing something that is not

  • negative – overlooking something that is

  • lockjaw – muscle stiffness

  • time distortion – a subjective feeling by the time a person hypnotized

Conversational hypnosis avoids these elements and is less invasive.

Conversational hypnosis definition

Conversational hypnosis also occurs under the terms verbal hypnosis, sleight of mouth and hidden hypnosis. It is communicating with the unconscious mind of another person without first informing them that he will be hypnotized. The term is closely related to neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), an approach for communication and interaction.

The main goal is to change the other person’s subconscious in such a way that she changes her mind based on the hypnotist’s suggestions and thinks she did it of her own free will. Covert hypnosis is not clearly classified as hypnosis, there is still a debate about whether it is hypnosis or a much more NLP-like action.

Using this method is especially easy for tired people. The mind of such a man does not work normally and is more susceptible to the other party’s suggestions.

When deciding to learn verbal hypnosis, you must remember that many experts believe that this is not a method that allows you to change the views of a hypnotized person and act against your own will. By using this method you will not force a person who never goes through a red traffic light to do so.

You have a much better chance of succeeding in alleviating or stirring up emotions that already prevail in the hypnotized person.

Susceptibility to conversational hypnosis

Susceptibility to hypnosis is something measurable, the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale can be used for this purpose. It remains relatively constant throughout life and is highly likely to be inherited in the genes to some extent.

Wikipedia reports that 25% of people are highly susceptible to hypnosis and 20% are not susceptible. Trying to hypnotize someone in a traditional way or during a conversation you must remember that each time such a person’s resistance to suggestions increases.

Hypnosis is associated with the susceptibility to suggestion and acceptance of a hypnotized person of messages and information with partial suspension of critical judgment.

When conducting conversations, remember that the stronger the fear of external contacts has a person with whom you talk, the more paradoxically it will be harder for you to hypnotize him.

First steps with conversational hypnosis

To even think about the hypnosis that other people will undergo, we recommend starting with yourself and learning self-hypnosis.


During self-hypnosis, it is not so important that it helps to find a comfortable place where you feel safe and comfortable. This comfort should not disturb other people, it is best to learn self-hypnosis while alone in the room. You should take a sitting position, so you won’t fall asleep.

Prepare the body

The next stage is closing your eyes and balancing your breathing. Breathe slowly and deeply, getting rid of negative emotions with each breath. Let yourself calm down and free your mind from everyday problems.

At the same time, relax every muscle of your whole body, let not only the mind but also the body have time for itself. Relaxing all parts of the body at one time can be a difficult sentence, try to relax the body from the bottom toward the head.


Imagine a specific picture, e.g. a beautiful beach with blue sea. Then add sounds like the sound of the sea or the sounds of birds to this visualization.

Imagine the smell of this location, everything smells somehow, the sea is associated with the smell of fresh iodine (this is a difficult task, but you can manage it some time).

Once you are in another world, beautiful and friendly, in which everyday problems do not reach you, it is time to face them. If you lack happiness, think in your mind, “I’m happy here, I’m fine here.”

Start to relax, and when you reach the state of complete relaxation, say “when I add to 5 I will be rested and happy”, open your eyes and check if your mood has improved a bit.

If the answer is yes, congratulations the visualization helped you de-stress, now this can be your permanent way of relaxing.

After self-hypnosis, you can often look at some conflict from a new better side, find its solution, experience better sleep or overcome fear of contact with the other sex. Now you can try to translate it to other people around you.

Elements that facilitate hypnosis

Each of us somewhat unknowingly uses conversational hypnosis in some way. After all, each of us wants a different person to accept our case, be it in price negotiations or when we ask a family member for a favor. There are several elements that make verbal hypnosis easier.

  1. Confidence – Do you want to achieve the effect? You must be sure that you will succeed. There is nothing worse than a hypnotist who is not sure of his abilities. Of course, self-confidence will grow with every successive hypnosis, but from the very beginning you should believe that you will succeed.

  2. Health – If you feel physically ill or worse mentally, let go of hypnotizing others. It’s hard to try to help others with the same problem.

  3. Creating a Vision – As a verbal hypnotist, you need to master the art of visualizing places and events in a hypnotized person.

  4. Improvisation – Be ready to improvise, the hypnotized person will not always follow the path you have indicated directly, it is important that you can guide her back to her.

  5. Focus – One of the features of a good hypnotist is to focus on the task at hand, if you can easily enter the self-hypnosis state, it will be a positive sign.

  6. Embedded command – You must be able to issue clear commands that do not allow interpretation.

The process of putting people in a trance during a conversation

All the information above was needed for you to manage hypnosis during the interview. If you have gone through the above text to this point, then you probably can not be accused of lack of determination , and this is a positive sign.

Start the conversation being relaxed

Definitely the easiest way to learn conversational hypnosis when talking to someone you know and have specific relationships. This will definitely reduce the level of stress, and any stumbling blocks that could upset you when talking to a stranger will go unnoticed.

It is also a great way to assess your skills. When you get a phone call from a friend that he wants to talk and while already in a meeting you will notice that he is upset, do everything to de-stress. If you manage to achieve this effect in a few minutes, applauding the first step has been made.

Build trust

Another point you must do is build confidence in yourself. This is closely related to the first point. People who will feel that you can be trusted will share an additional dose of information with you.

You will not have to get anything from them, they will tell you everything during a nice conversation, not even fully aware of it. That’s the point, you are to communicate with the subconscious mind of the interlocutor, not directly.

Focus on yourself

At some point during the conversation you will have to take the initiative. Focus on your plan, slowly and successively try to reach the subconscious of the interlocutor.

Gaining attention can be helped by making eye contact, presenting a photo, interest in a story based on the interlocutor’s interests or subtle directing the conversation to hypnotic areas.

Do not give up

When you see that the interlocutor took up your topic, but at some point began to deviate from it and ruin your plan, do not lower your head and remember to focus. Try to pull him into your hypnosis using appropriate motives or by hyperbolising words, giving them greater emotional significance.

As soon as you succeed in it, you will penetrate into the subconscious of the other person and the first goal will be achieved, and you will succeed, which will build your confidence.

Hypnotic words

In the previous paragraph we mentioned words, their proper selection helps to control conversational hypnosis. There are many words with power, below is a short list:

  • Imagine – Probably the most powerful tool of any hypnotist. This phrase allows you to move a hypnotized person to the place where we want to live.

  • And – “relax and feel comfortable” the conjunction in the form of “i” plays a significant role here, somewhat directing the hypnotized into the second sentence and increasing the amount of things a person has to do.

  • Because – “you can finally relax because nothing threatens you here”

A set of words used in the example:

The more I imagine you in this dress, the more I am convinced that you will look beautiful in it. Imagine yourself at the banquet for the exhibition of your work. Sooner or later you must buy it and show it to me.

Make sure he’s in a trance

There are several signs of trance in another person:

  • Mydriasis

  • Change in breathing

  • Reduced motor activity

Pass what you want

At this point, you are ready to tell the interlocutor what you wanted from the beginning. Worried about his health and wanted him to rest and take less work?

This is the perfect time to use the above words in a statement that will make your friend / family member, despite notorious workaholism, actually agree with you and give up a little.

During the speech, give words a lot of meaning, create sentences that are meaningful to the interlocutor. Example:

“This job will finish you” vs. ” Your work is murderous and will bring you to the grave”

The second sentence will give him more food for thought.


This is how conversational hypnosis works. It is a process that requires learning and many attempts, but it is worth the time spent.

Conversational hypnosis is a limited but powerful tool for changing the world around us and creating it better.

We hope that the information provided has proved to be interesting and helpful in learning this technique. If the topic interested you more, we recommend checking out the course led by the famous hypnotist Igor Ledochowski.