
Ukobach or Urobach depending on the translation, is a lower order demon described by the French occultist Jacques Albin Simon Collin from Planca , a demonologist and writer living in 1793-1881, in Dictionnaire Infernal published in 1818 (a book about demonology , describing demons organized in a hierarchy).

Ukobach – demon look

It is depicted with a red or burning body, large eyes and ears, and a pan filled with coals or a hot poker (probably used to bake souls in hell) . It has eyes, nose, ears and lips so that the senses can better appreciate the torments of the victims.

The function of Ukobach among demons

He is the inventor of fireworks and the art of frying food. Is designated by the Beelzebub to maintain the oil in the infernal boilers that are made with the blood of the Vampire forged west where the sun.

Dictionaire Infernal editions

Dictionaire Infernal has had many editions over the years with different content:

  • Dictionnaire Infernal ” 1818 (first edition)

  • ” Dictionnaire Infernal ” 1825 (second edition)

  • ” Dictionnaire Infernal ” 1826 (reprint of the second edition)

  • ” Dictionnaire Infernal ” 1844 (third edition)

  • ” Dictionnaire Infernal ” 1845 (fourth edition)

  • ” Dictionnaire Infernal ” 1853 (fifth edition)

  • ” Dictionnaire Infernal ” 1863 (sixth edition with illustrations by Louis le Breton)