Famous hypnotists

As in the world of illusionists there were famous people (Harry Houdini), so people interested in hypnosis can not complain about the lack of celebrities. You can get interested in hypnosis quite accidentally by finding some information in magazines, books or the internet, but there is also a good chance that this world will draw you in because you saw the performance of some great hypnotist and you began to wonder how it works.

Hypnosis and hypnotists have become a constant part of many entertainment programs. It’s hard to say if this translates into the understanding of hypnosis, but it has undoubtedly increased the audience of this amazing technique.

Below is a list of famous and recognized hypnotists who are already historical figures, but we will also describe the silhouettes of modern stars.

Historic Hypnotists

Milton Hyland Erickson (1901-1980)

Milton was an outstanding American psychiatrist and psychologist specializing in medical hypnosis and family therapy. Erickson was largely self-taught. At the age of 17 he fell ill with polio, the doctors did not give him a great chance of survival.

His body was seriously paralyzed, but Milton did not give up. He began to remember how his muscles reacted to the movement test.

By concentrating on his memories, he slowly learned to tweak his muscles to regain control of parts of his body to the point where he was eventually able to talk and use his arms.

According to hypnosis practitioners such as Marc Aymar, Francoise Lotery and Felicia Mocanu, Milton H. Erickson is recognized as one of the two central figures in the field of hypnosis during the 20th Century. The second central figure, they claim, was William Joseph Bryan Jr MD (1926-1977) who they identify as the first full-time medical practitioner of hypnosis in the USA.

Erickson believed that the therapist should enter a trance. He believed that trance is a common everyday phenomenon. Erickson maintained that trance is a common, everyday occurrence.

For example, when waiting for buses and trains, reading or listening, or even being involved in strenuous physical exercise, it’s quite normal to become immersed in the activity and go into a trance state, removed from any other irrelevant stimuli. These states are so common and familiar that most people do not consciously recognize them as hypnotic phenomena.

His books are:

  • Hypnotic Reality ISBN 0-8290-0112-3 (With Ernest L. Rossi)

  • Hypnotherapy – Exploratory Collection ISBN 0-8290-0244-8 (With Ernest L. Rossi)

  • Experience of hypnosis ISBN 0-8290-0246-4 (with Ernest L. Rossi)

  • Practical application of medical and dental hypnosis ISBN 0-87630-570-2 (with Seymour Hershman and Irving I. Secter) (out of print)

  • Time distortion in hypnosis ISBN 1-899836-95-0 (With Linn F. Cooper)

William Joseph Bryan (1926 -1977)

Bryan is a very interesting and controversial character. Undoubtedly, it can be described as famous in its time, and to this day its activities are analyzed in certain conspiracy circles. This American physician and pioneer of hypnosis was one of the founders of modern hypnotherapy, and his career has attracted the attention of US governments.

He began as a military psychiatrist at the CIA, and was a participant in the MKUltra program known as the mind control program. His first publications were based on forensic examinations only later he switched to the normal use of hypnosis.

William Joseph Bryan Jr is famous for inducing Albert DeSalvo ‘s confession to multiple homicide under hypnosis.

The controversy aroused by the hypothesis of William Turner and John Christian in The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy that Bryan was responsible for inducing Sirhan Sirhan to fire blanks at Robert F. Kennedy with posthypnotic suggestion . Other conspiracy theorists have repeated this claim.


Legal Aspects of Hypnosis , 1962

Religious Aspects of Hypnosis , 1962. Republished as Leave Something to God by Relaxed Books 1998, Winfield, IL

The New Self-Hypnosis , 1967 (with Paul Adams)

The Chosen Ones: Or, The Psychology of Jury Selection, 1971

Étienne Eugène Azam (1822-1899)

Charles-Marie Eugène-Étienne-Azam because that was his full name, b y wit French psychologist living in the 19th century, born in Bordeaux which is mainly remembered for his work in psychology. The most echoed was the case of a patient named “Felida X”, whose disease was named by Azam as a doublement de la vie or split personality.

Felida was to have two personality states:

  • serious and sad

  • happy

After analyzing, he determined that both personalities have no idea about each other. This is one of the earliest documented descriptions of multiple personality disorder.

It is worth getting acquainted with his works:

Hypnotisme, double conscience et altérations de la personnalité : le cas Félida X ,, preface by Jean-Martin Charcot, 1887

Hypnotisme, double conscience et altérations de la personnalité: le cas Félida X (Hypnotism, double consciousness, and personality changes: the case Félida X), (1887); Étienne Eugene Azam, with an introduction by Serge Nicolas.

In this case it is hard to describe A Zama as a strictly hypnotist, but it cannot be hidden that he had an impact on the understanding of this science.

Peter Reveen

A more contemporary hypnotist famous mainly in Canada. Peter was born in Adelaide (Australia) but his life was associated with Canada.

To start his career as a magician, he initially offered free tickets for his performances. 1962 The Man They Call Reveen had the opportunity to appear in the cinema, and his career began to develop. Eventually, over 6 million people in Canada and the United States watched his performances.

Contemporary celebrities of hypnosis

Derren Brown (1971)

The showman who was presented to a wider audience during the Derren Brown: Mind Control TV show in 2000, won two Laurence Olivier Awards for Best Entertainment. Brown is not considered a person with special abilities. His activities are based on body language reading, cognitive psychology and hypnosis.

Of course, as is the case in such cases, he is often accused of tricks presented by him using paid actors who perfectly play their roles. Derren claims he uses actors at certain times, but the audience is aware of this.

In an interview in New Scientist in 2005, when asked how he “acquired his psychological skills”, Brown says that he learnt skills as a hypnotist, which he was not sure how to apply until he started performing close-up magic .

Brown describes hypnosis in his book Tricks of the Mind.

Paul McKenna (1963)

British hypnotist and bahavioral scientist. He started his media career early, at the age of 16. He was interested in hypnosis by one of the guests participating in his program. Initially, he considered hypnosis as a nice method for self-development, but after a while he saw its entertainment aspect.

He started his hypnotic performances before friends, then moved to pubs to finally land at the Duke of York’s Theater during a cyclical program. His performances were a success and brought him fame which allowed him to appear on stage in the Netherlands, the United States and Australia.

In the 90s he began his television career, ending this decade with 3 programs on his account:

  • The Hypnotic World of Paul McKenna (1993–1997)

  • Paul McKenna’s Paranormal World (1997)

  • Hyp the Streets (1999)

In recent years, he has hosted a clever talk show with the clever name of McKenn, and in 2016 he read, among others, the works of Hans Chris Andersen for children’s applications.

McKenny has many celebrities who are his clients. Ellen DeGeneres thinks he helped her quit smoking

Recently, McKenna has focused on teaching people how to “deprogramme” their sugar cravings, claiming “sugar is the most dangerous drug in the world”

Susan Hepburn

Susan Hepburn is an accredited hypnotherapist and psychotherapist and is a world leading authority on weight loss working mainly between the States, Europe and London’s Harley Street.

Hypnotist fame has been built for years, currently has over 30 years of experience and works with celebrities from around the world. Susan was often a guest at various TV shows, but she never hosted her own show.

Celebrities mainly appreciate her empathy and discreet service, thanks to which unnecessary rumors do not leak to the network.

A characteristic feature of her methods is a very high success rate of around 96%. Susan Hepburn is also the author of several bestsellers.

Susan plans to organize major seminars at sports stadiums around the world.

Kevin Stone

Hypnotist Kevin Stone is an international Master Hypnotist expert and a trusted and awarded hypnotist in America. He is a certified Hipnoterpeuta, he has been a specialist practitioner since 1995. He appeared on television many times and with the greatest celebrities.

He was also a guest of many press articles, including for Cosmopolitan or People. He is the author of the Total Power Programming CD “Stop Smoking Now” and “Lose Weight Now” and 22 other CD programs. He is also known for Comedy Hypnotist Hollywood Hypnotist Kevin Stone.

Dave Hill

Another famous hypnotist is Dr. D ave Hill, who had already performed over 8000 shows worldwide hypnosis. Occurs mainly in casinos, but is also a frequent guest of fairs, schools or amusement parks.

He works with many corporations, including the largest such as Google or PayPal. He was a wizard in many television programs, including ” Mythbusters” : where he hypnotized Grant, Torah and Kari in less than 15 seconds to improve their memory.

Dr. Dave also has a PhD in clinical hypnotherapy (DCH) and has helped over 3,000 patients improve their lives with hypnotherapy.

Chris Hughes (1975)

British TV hypnotist and hypnotherapist. They will become famous for attempting to set a world record for the biggest online hypnosis event. The Socialtrance live event was exclusively for users of Facebook and Twitter and attracted over 1,000,000 listeners from over 130 countries.

He gained popularity as a hypnotist using new media to promote hipnosis. He organized special hypnosis sessions to help in slimming and quitting smoking. This was his original use of hypnosis, which he helped his friends.

Boris Cherniak (1964)

A hypnotist and Canadian comedian born in the Soviet Union. He is also a motivational speaker, artist and author of books. For some people it may be known more as Hypnotist The Incredible BORIS.

His real career began with a performance at the Global Leaders Conference in Dubai (2008). It was very positive and seasoned with lots of humor. He is credited with the authorship of the term “google me.” Boris Cherniak has been recognized as # 23 among the 30 best speakers in the world in 2018. P slaughter Global Gurus.

Cherniak’s television appearances show the power of hypnosis through comedic skits, as well as show therapeutic effects.

Glennn Harrold (1962)

Another British hypnotist and hypnotherapist, self-help books, application and CD. He started very nicely by recording home hypnosis sessions and selling them to bookstores and stores. He was interviewed extensively, including on BBC Radio. His presence is also visible in British newspapers. He helped celebrities overcome their phobias.

As you can see there are many famous hypnotists on the market, offering not only entertainment but also help through hypnotherapy. The popularity of hypnosis is much less than that of magic, it is dealt with by fewer people, making it harder to catch interesting characters, but as you can see a few are found. We hope you liked the above list of famous