
Mirrors have been used in many novels for centuries to create an interesting atmosphere or even separate worlds. Enoptromancy is a technique of divination based on looking in the mirror and reading events that have already taken place or are yet to happen.

This is a practice closely related to captromancy, which has also been described on the website. The beginnings of enoptromancy should be seen in ancient times, when people looked at crystals and the surface of water.


Enoptromancy is a word derived from Greek: Greek enoptron , looking glass + manteía , prophecy.

Divination methods

The basic method used for enoptromancy was to look at the surface of the mirror reflecting the moonlight. The fortune-teller searched for blood on the surface of the earth’s satellite, or rather its reflection, and then interpreted the shapes seen.

The most widespread and reliable is the version in which a woman looks at the reflection of the moon in the mirror and measures the minutes that have elapsed since the moon was obscured by a bird, a cloud or some other element. Minutes are a representation of the years that will pass until you marry a man.

Another option was based on hanging the lens on a thread and slowly lowering it onto the surface of the water, usually a fountain or puddle. Then the incense was fired and prayed. A clear picture was a sign of coming out of the disease, while blurred indicated death.