Hooponopono meditation technique

You are probably wondering what this foreign sounding word ho’oponopono is. Why do you hear and read about it from many sources. Why millions of people around the world use ho’oponopono technique. Are the healing properties of this technique real?

We will try to answer this question, it will take us a moment, so take a cup of coffee and we’ll start.

What is ho’oponopono?

Before we tell you how to use the ho’oponopono meditation technique, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the etymology of the word.

Ho’oponopono (ho’oponopono, hooponopono, ho-o-pono-pono) is derived from the ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness.

It is associated mainly with Hawaii, but it was practiced by people on the islands of the entire Pacific including New Zealand.

Ho’oponopono etymology

  • hoʻo – start action

  • Pono – it is a word with many meanings such as abundance, prosperity, perfection, goodness, honesty, duty, correctness and correction.

  • Ponopono – ordering, rectification and regulation.

People blame the governments and the whole world around them less and less for their current state. The slogan saying that we ourselves influence how we live is getting to a growing number of recipients. What should have been obvious was not always the case.

In Hawaii they quickly linked the way of life with the health of a given person and it is not about diet or sports, but about the thoughts that person has in his head and the words he speaks, especially towards loved ones.

We make mistakes that, according to the beliefs of Polynesian cultures, cause disease or angered the gods. However, it is not the mistakes themselves that are to be the cause of the disease, but the guilt that accompanies us.

Ho’oponopono is a ritual for solving problems and atoneing their faults. In other words, it is a ritual mental cleansing during which family relationships that are affected by arguments are repaired. It is a kind of prayer and confession at the same time, aimed at reconciliation.

The disease cannot be cured until the patient repents for his faults. Such a ritual was accompanied by a priest (kahuna pule) or a healing priest (kahuna lapa’au). Penance in this case was not to be done by word, but by word. People were asked to forgive family members, close relatives or gods with whom they had to confront.

Hawaiian prayer for healing

Most often, the prayer took place in a family circle to improve the broken bonds. Contrary to appearances, the h o’oponopono method is very mundane and effective, but it requires a bit of good will. He can repair a broken family atmosphere by getting to the heart of the problem and finding its solution.

It all starts with prayer, describing the problems of his analysis and finding the cause. The participants’ approach is very important. You can’t stick to your version of the facts without letting the problem lie with you. Family members try to clear their emotions and devote some time to reflection.

When the problem is clearly identified and the person or people who caused it are repented, forgiveness occurs. Then a ceremonial feast (lady) is to be held to close the event.

This was the traditional description of this event. However, one of the biggest advantages of ho’oponopono is that the ritual could be easily adapted to modern times. We do not need priests for this, or even the presence of the whole family.

You must know that hooponopono was also practiced preventively, weekly or even daily. Meditation is not an art that is used only in crisis, but quite the opposite.

Meditation is to prepare us for problems that will definitely happen. By spending a moment of time with ourselves, we are able to answer many questions that we would not normally think about.

Is it really my sister’s fault? Did I behave properly? Why did I act like this? Did it really hurt me? Was my reaction adequate to the problem? Why did I act so stupid? What is the best way to apologize for this?

These are just some of the questions that come to mind during meditation. Each question raises another one, until at some point the answers we were looking for appear.

We are only human, we make mistakes and we will make them. The trick is to throw out negative emotions, go out and conduct a dialogue with yourself to wipe out bad energy.

Ho’oponopono technique

The amazing plus of ho’oponopono meditation is that it can be practiced anywhere, just a few minutes is enough.

  • Sit upright in a chair or armchair

  • Close your eyes

  • Relax your tense muscles

  • Start taking deep breaths

When you feel ready, it’s time to say the mantra.

Ho’oponopono mantra

Do you know what is the next advantage of this method? Mantra / prayer which is very simple and consists of several phrases:

I’m sorry please forgive me thank you i love you

As soon as you start repeating the above words in that order, you will begin your self-transformation process. No complicated esoteric practices, no long rituals. You can also come across a different word order:

i love you I’m sorry please forgive me thank you

As you can see, only the phrase “i love you ” was changed to the beginning of the mantra. There is nothing wrong with that, after all it’s about the effect.

Thanks to this treatment, at the beginning we realize that we love the person we have hurt, which can affect the course of meditation. However, for the purposes of the article, let’s stick to the original example.

Ho’oponopono meditation script

I’m sorry

The first step is usually the most difficult but also the most important. It is no different in ho’oponopono when we have to start by getting used to the idea that it is someone who suffers through us. It’s never easy to admit a mistake. However, without this moment you won’t get rid of the bad energy between you and the person.

When repeating the mantra, think to whom you are addressing these words. Who do you want to apologize and ask for forgiveness, whom do you love and who do you want to thank.

To understand this, it is often recommended is that you were the first person in the “intentions” which will celebrate a prayer. Let’s face it, hardly anyone of us lives a life of success.

We feel guilty about ourselves that we have not learned, which is why we have poor work, that we are sick because of our own stupidity, or that we are overweight and we cannot do anything about it.

The moment you accept that your life looks like this, and only through your own decisions you understand that it does not have to be this way. You will apologize to yourself, ask for forgiveness and thank your own spirituality for being able to accept your faults.

It is sometimes worth not limiting yourself to the words ” I’m sorry”. A full sentence will add much more serious and powerful overtones:

I am aware that the current problems in my life result from my actions and I am sorry about that.

Please forgive me

The second step will be to ask for forgiveness. For your part, there is not much to do here, you only ask yourself or someone to forgive you.

It’s important that you really want it. Remember, it’s all about your feelings, if you don’t care about forgiveness, nothing will come of it. Feelings of conscience cannot be artificial and controlled, if you really regret deep inside yourself you won’t have a problem asking for forgiveness.

Thank you

You are very close to final success. Say the words ” Thank you, ” it doesn’t matter who or why you thank. Although in our small modification we recommend thanking the person we are thinking about.

No matter what we thank her for, for forgiveness or just because she is, thank her as many times as you want.

I love you

Once you know who you are apologizing for and what you are apologizing for, you will certainly love that person, God, pet or intangible thing like air. Repeat “I love you ” as many times as you feel appropriate. Nothing limits you, show how much you love.

It is usually said that the words “I love you ” are the most powerful that the human language can speak. They can change many things and create a better reality.

Who started Ho’ponopono?

Ho’oponopono was not originally named. Morrnah Nalamaku Simeon (1913-1992) is considered to be the main precursor and teacher of this method. She contributed to the popularization of this wonderful method in the United States, Asia and Europe. She made the first modifications to the traditional ho’oponopono in 1976, he wanted to adapt this method to the times.

Morrnah Simeon was raised in Christian culture, he studied the philosophy of India and China. She added the traditions of Hawaiian prayers and combined it with reincarnation and karma. Her aspirations were unscrupulous, which exposed him to criticism from some Hawaiian purists.

Morrnah’s presentations and lectures were held in various states and 14 countries. She has visited numerous colleges and universities.

Simeon died on February 11, 1992 in Germany. She led reelection until the end and taught about ho’oponopono .

Is Ho’oponopono effective?

Let’s think if this is not too easy and effective for something that would work.

During ho’oponopono, you discover yourself. You evaluate your behavior and you are like Shrek and ogres that are like onions. With each subsequent meditation and spoken mantra, you reach deeper and deeper, hiding your superficiality and discovering the “real self”

You begin to understand that it is your actions that influence the situations that meet you in your life. You are the captain of the ship, which also has the power to tame troubled waters.

When you change your perception of yourself, you will begin to radiate positive energy that will infect people around you. In this way you will create a wonderful environment for coexistence.

Man is a herd who needs to be needed. You can convince yourself that you are a loner, that you do not need people and their acceptance, but you probably just are introverted and receive any criticism as an attack.

By enjoying the benefits of Hawaiian ho’oponopono, your life will become more structured and understandable . You don’t need any faith here, ho’oponopono is based on emotional intelligence.

The coolest part about this is that you can check it out at any time and you’ll find out for yourself.

Ho’oponopono healing

Finally, we left the matter of healing the body. As you already know, this method was originally intended to heal the body and only with time more emphasis was placed on healing the spirit. To this day, Hawaii is practicing ho’oponopono as a treatment method. However, healing of the body mainly concerns the Polynesian predecessor ho’oponopono .

In the islands of Vanuatu, people think that disease is caused by anger or inappropriate sexual behavior. Confession and admission to wine are recommended as therapy.

Remember that modern ho’oponopono is a relatively young technique and focuses strongly on healing the spiritual part of our existence. This meditation technique allows you to effectively heal anger and envy and organize your own thoughts.

How do you use Ho’oponopono to heal others?

Healing other people is possible (in spiritual terms, of course). As we mentioned at the beginning, the ritual was more complicated and involved the conversation of the whole family to get rid of bad emotions.

It is not difficult to see that something often bothers people close to us. Let’s offer such a person a conversation and use the ho’oponopono mantra .

The story of clinical psychologist Dr. Stanley Hew Len is popular on the internet, allegedly meant to completely change the atmosphere in a psychiatric hospital for sick criminals. They were to be hardened criminals, murderers and rapists.

There was a dense and unpleasant atmosphere in this place. Dr. Stanley was supposed to turn the whole situation 180 degrees, but this is not true. He actually worked there, but he did not use ho’oponopono for healing purposes.

This does not change the fact that treatment of others is not possible. This is just an example of one of the false statements you may come across on the internet .


Ho’oponopono is an interesting way to deal with problems with yourself or a bad atmosphere in the family. By practicing meditation, you will certainly understand the benefits of this technique, but if you are just starting to start, nothing stands in the way. With the longest ¼ moment, try and let us know how it worked for you.

Remember that patience is important, sometimes a day is enough, and sometimes it takes a month to understand what has a negative effect on the atmosphere you surround.