
Ceromancy is a combination of the Latin word “complexion” or wax and the Greek manteía meaning divination or foretelling .

Fortune-telling is done by pouring wax, previously melted in a brass crucible (this is laboratory equipment with a cup-like shape ). Originally hot wax poured into bowls filled with cold water. During congealing wax took various forms on the basis of which divination was made. Certain patterns of shapes were repeated over the centuries, which made it quite easy to systematize the interpretation of the connections between the divination and the shape from which it stems.

Currently, in order to simplify the process to the maximum, wax is poured through the ear from the key (on the mentioned St. Andrew’s, the most popular method of divination). Then the shadow of the frozen solid is interpreted. Similar fortune-telling on a massive scale was also held on New Year’s Eve. Another interesting fact is that in distant times, instead of wax, lead was used.

The Turks used Ceromancy to guess who had committed the crime and find missing items. In the sixteenth-century Alsace, sorceresses used wax divination to find the perpetrators of charms.

Ceromancy is one of the simplest methods of divination, all you need to know is the right shapes and their characteristics.

Wax divination – interpretation of symbols

  • Angel – if you see an Angel in the shade, it means that someone is watching over you and you have nothing to fear. In addition, it can be a sign of your soulfulness.

  • House – pouring wax ended with a figure in whose shadow you see the house? This means that you can expect peace, security and a family atmosphere.

  • Heart – the interpretation is twofold, depending on the edges of the figure. If these are smooth, you can expect to find true love in the near future. In case you are already in a relationship, your partner is probably the one with whom you should associate your future. However, if the edges are ragged / rough, it makes one wonder omen nab whether the current relationship is for sure that you expect. However, if you do not have a divination at the time of divination, unfortunately, do not expect in the near future that you will find such, or they will be rather successful relationships.

  • Ring / Ring / Wedding ring – The first interpretation is obvious, it means marriage. On the other hand, for people who are already married, the matter gets complicated. You can expect either a divorce or something even worse …

  • Cat – the shape of a cat does not bode well for people in relationships. The shape of the cat-like shadow is a prophecy of betrayal.

  • Star – A spotted star is a sign of happiness and luck in the coming year. If your life has not been a success story, then the star is the hope of changing this state of affairs. Big changes will be waiting for you, but only those that will come to you for good!

  • Mountain – I like walking in the mountains, although it is often not an easy task. The mountain symbol means that in the coming time you will have to fight for yours, it’s hard to get every meter to finally reach the top. It will be a hard time, but your patience and persistence will be rewarded.

  • Dog – If the effect of ceromancy is something in the shape of a dog, then this is a warning to you for a false friend. You should be careful in making new friends and in existing friendships.

  • But – There are two interpretations, somewhat converging. The first is very general, it means soliciting. The second one speaks of achieving life goals. Striving to acquire new knowledge, explore the world, and create new businesses.

  • Cloud – Do you sometimes see the world through pink glasses, or there are moments when you are a person detached from reality? If so, you will need to provide verification of your current life in the upcoming time. In this way you will reduce the risk lurking around the corner.

  • Child – There are several interpretations here. The first basic is the appearance of a new family member, but not necessarily a child. Other interpretations go in the direction of achieving stability and organization of life and choosing new life goals.

  • Butterfly – This is a symbol of internal change that will take place in us. During it, we will get rid of toxic people from our lives, while rebuilding valuable relationships that we may have neglected.

  • Peacock – Symbolizes prosperity in matters of the heart

  • Ladder – You can expect some form of promotion in the near future. It can be a promotion at work, an organization or broadly understood social promotion.

  • Balloon – If you see a balloon, you will be in for a temporary trouble, which you will fortunately deal with.

  • Woodcutter – You are not recently to get a little overworked / overworked? Time to put on hold and relax a little.

  • Bell – Expect the unexpected! An unexpected message awaits you, you don’t know if it’s good or bad.

As you can see Ceromancy being a pouring wax is a very interesting and simple form of divination. All you need is some wax, cold water, a key, a lamp that will illuminate the wax shape and a list of wax figures. We encourage you to try not only on St. Andrew’s night.