
In occult environments and traditions, Tenebrion is referred to as the spirit of darkness, it is also sometimes referred to as something even less material or an idea. It has not been described in the most popular occult books: Goetia’s Art and Daemonum’s Pseudomonarchy, thus the exact form it takes is unknown.


In Latin: Těnebrae , ărūm – darkness, darkness; night, blindness, impotence, fainting, death, dark place, corner, hideout; concealment, low condition, ambiguity, uncertain position. Těněbriscŭs – hidden in the dark, darkened, dark. Thus, the name of this demon really refers to darkness.

Demon in pop culture

  • James H. Longmore Tenebrion , ed . Black Bed Sheet Books – Nicholas Grabowski, Antelope, 2017.

  • David V. Mammin , The Angels of Resistance, 2nd Edition , ed . David V. Mammina & Lulu.com, 2012; continuation : “The Angels of Resistance II”, ed . David V. Mammina & Lulu.com, 2006.

  • Mark Alessi , Gina M. Villa ” Route 666″, Tenebion is one of the characters in this comic published in 2002-2004.

  • Thrash Metal band ” Tenebrion ” from Peru.

  • Lord Tenebrion

