
Allocer also known as Alloces , Alocer or Allocas in the occultist tradition and demonology is a powerful demon whose title is the Prince of Hell. He is subject to thirty-six demonic legions. It is also the 52 spirit of Ars Goetti from 72 fallen angels who were attached to a brass vessel by King Solomon and thrown into the waters. Legend has it that the vessel was found by sailors who, hoping for the treasure, opened it and let the demons back into their home.

Goetia is a magic system based on summoning ghosts and demons to the real world so that they serve the purposes of the magician (goeta) calling them . He is associated with King Solomon, who was to be given God’s power to summon and control demons.

The origin of Allocera is not entirely known. It is seen in early Judeo-Christian culture

Allocer – summoning a daemon

In order to summon Allocer to our world, a seal should be made that should be made of copper. In addition, you need to obtain sage leaves, sandalwood from which incense and green candles are made.

Demons are usually summoned for some purpose, it is no different with Alloches who can provide immortality to the summoning person, teach her the arts and astronomy, and can also serve as a tool of revenge on other people.

The demon’s power is expected to be greatest between August 23 and September 1 and December 8 and 11.

When summoning a demon, remember about security measures, one of them is e.g. addressing the demon with respect, avoiding giving him the role of a subordinate.

Allocer demon look

The demon takes the form of a soldier on horseback. His face resembles a lion (but he is human) with a red complexion, and his eyes are burning . In addition, he speaks in a powerful voice that supposedly helped him lead meetings in hell.

The meetings he managed were intended to reflect on social events in regions with specific demons.

Prince of hell in literature

Alocer has been described fairly well in the Lesser Key of Solomon, Luciferian Goetia , Daemonolatry Goetia , Dictionnaire Infernal , Pesudomonarchy Daemonum , as well as several other grimaces .

Pseudomonarchia Daemonum ( grymuar of 1577 of the year, by the Dutch occult and learned, Johanna Weyer (John Vera ) (1515-1588), describes the hierarchical structure of the hell) describes Alocera in such a way :

Alocer is a strong prince and great , henceforth comes like a soldier , he rides a great horse , has a lion’s face , very red , and with burning ears , speaks in a great voice , makes man wonderful in astronomy and in all liberal sciences brings good familiars and rules thirty legions .

Text Original : Alocer Dux magnus and fortis : procedit ut miles in aequo Vasto insidens : facies ejus leonina , rubicunda valde cum oculis flammeis : graviter loquitur: hominem reddit admirable in astronomy and omnibus Artibus liberalibus : conferta Bonam Familia ; Dominatur triginta sex legionibus.

In Dictionaire Infernal, a book about demonology, describing demons organized in a hierarchy. It was written by Jacques Auguste Simon Collin de Plancy and published for the first time in 1818, the author confirms the description of the demon.

Original text: Alocer , puissant démon, grand duc aux enfers ; il se montre vetu en chevalier , monté surun cheval énorme ; in the picture rappelle lés traitsdu lion ; il te teint enflammé , les yeux ardents ; il parle avec gravité; il enseigne les secrets del’astronomie et des Arts libéraux; il dominetrente-six légions.

Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers (1854-1918) belonging to the occult association Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was responsible for translating min. Goetii : smaller key of King Solomon, and there is also a similar description:

The Fifty-second Spirit is Alloces or Alocas. He is a prince, great, powerful and strong, appearing in the form of a soldier riding a great horse. His face is like a lion, very red and with burning eyes. His speech is hoarse and very large. His office is to teach the art of astronomy and all liberal sciences. He brings you good familiar; also wields 36 Ghost Legions.
