
Divination from the mirror

Fortune-telling with a mirror, this is what catoptromancy is also known as captromancy or enoptromancy. With its help you can look into the future, past and present matters. Catoptromancy originally consisted of staring at the crystal and was widely practiced by Greeks and Romans. In today’s world, during Halloween, women look in the mirror over their left shoulder to see their future husband.

She was described by the Greek traveler Pausanias living in the second century AD:

In front of the temple of Ceres in Patras there was a fountain separated from the temple by a wall and was an oracle, very real, not for all events, but only for the sick. The patient left the mirror suspended on the thread until its base touched the surface of the water, first prayed to the goddess and offered incense.

Next; looking in the mirror he saw the announcement of death or recovery, according to how the face seemed fresh and healthy or with a ghostly aspect.

In ancient Rome, priests who used catoptromancy were called specularia

The most reliable method is considered by a woman to look at the reflection of the moon in the mirror to determine when she will get married. The minutes during which the moon will not be obstructed by a bird or a cloud are measured. Every minute is one year.