Batraquomancy – batrachomancy

Batraquomancy – batrachomancy

Divination based on animal behavior is a very ancient method, and the collection of such practices is called zoomancy. Batrachomancy is a kind of zommance consisting in divination from the behavior of frogs, newts and toads. The word is derived from the Greek betrakhos (frog) and mateia (divination).

Forecasting changes in the weather is the main goal of batrachomancy. The relationship between, frogs and rain is present in many cultures and written sources. From Africa through Europe, China to the United States, the method of reading weather from the behavior of frogs has been present since distant times.

Batrachomancy was described by Cicero (Roman lawyer and philosopher) and much later in the writings of Edward Topsell from 1608.


Frogs were used for divination, the interpretation of which was based on how high they jumped and in what direction they showed this jump. Their coloration was also important.

Another method was to listen to wood toads as a sign of rain. If the frog’s skin color changed to darker, it was also likely to rain during the next twelve hours.

In Poland, tree frogs were observed which climbed higher on the branches of trees on sunny days, which could be related to the height at which insects flew. Amphibians began to be placed in jars with ladders to see if the tree frog was climbing up when sunny weather was expected. Of course, the current development of technology meant that no one closes frogs in aquariums.

The sounds made by frogs were also important in assessing the weather. Louder sounds heralded bad weather.

The frog in many cultures is also perceived as a symbol of happiness and money.

Batrachomancy cultivated for thousands of years is now practically cultivated, has been supplanted by modern technology. However, observations of animal behavior in certain circles, especially in rural areas, still matter, although they are treated rather as superstition and curiosity.