
Today’s topic concerns crystallomancy originally derived from catoptromancy and combined with hydromancy. This is one of the methods of divination, probably the most rooted in people’s consciousness thanks to fairy tales and movies.

To put it simply, it is fortune-telling from a crystal ball. Probably at this moment in your head you have a picture of a gypsy woman in a headscarf who predicts to customers a great fate for the next days or years, saying that she saw a fortune, new love or something similar.

What does crystallomancy mean

This method was used already a thousand years BC. According to Saint Augustine, the ancient Persians were the first civilization looking for crystals of the future. Despite the passage of thousands of years, crystallinity is still practiced by fairies, modern Witches or magicians.

The principles and manner of crystallinity varied depending on the culture. In ancient times, attempts were made to call our spirit into this world. Very extensive ceremonies were prepared for this purpose. The person who undertook this task had to be pure and religious.

The ritual was held in a quiet place to avoid interference. The time for invocation was when the planets reached the right position. Soothsayer or magician, depending on the names, headed east and evoked a ghost. As a medium, the help of children was often used, who had not managed to decay and sin yet. Currently, preparations are much shorter and easier.

Crystallomancy does not have to apply to crystal balls, anyway it was difficult at first so mirrors or even a sheet of water were used. Crystals serve fortune-telling due to their physical properties, specifically light transmission.

The fortune-teller, looking at the crystal, notices various shapes that, when properly interpreted, are intended to read the future or answer the question of the person who comes for advice. Of course, it also happens that the diviner does it for his own use. Often in fairy tales you can see how beyond the future, in the ball you can observe events like on a TV, this is associated with far-sightedness, about this issue later in the article. This form of divination is interesting because practically any polished surface is suitable for making it.

Let us, however, deal with the most sophisticated and known method. The crystal ball from which it bodes may not have a specific diameter. They can be tiny balls that fit in the palm of your hand, as well as those known from pop culture, lying on a cushion or placed on stands the size of a volleyball ball. The sphere has its best properties when made by hand, of course this is impossible for many people, so when buying, experts recommend that you immerse it in the moonlight.

The crystal ball should only be pulled out at the time of divination. For the rest of the time, it should be covered or hidden in some place where the sun does not reach, e.g. a trunk. Although there will be people who want to diffuse crystal energy throughout the room during the day, placing it in a well-lit place.

The ball should be a ball, i.e. flattening on one side is not recommended. The most recommended placement for this object is the stand. A ball made of beryllium, quartz, calcite or amethyst can have the natural color and mineral structure as much as possible.

In the case of balls made of glass or lead, there should be no air bubbles in them. Individual crystals have additional powers, such as a sun stone that promotes correct divination on sexual subjects. The crystal can be white, yellow, blue, purple, green or transparent. Rock crystal is considered the best solution, but its prices are quite high, which is why popular glass spheres will also work well.

The next element to pay attention to is the room’s decor. Fortune-telling should take place in light and calm conditions. Candles and incense work well.

Crystallomancy is not an easy occupation and not everyone, and really hardly anyone uses its full potential. Before reading divination, concentrate, begin to breathe more slowly but deeply, and sit or stand straight. You will not always get a visa the first time, it all depends on the magic powers.

When you see the hazy area, stare at it intensely. In this way, you can get an image of people or places, although more often there are colorful clouds arising as a result of light scattering. The meaning of colors:

  • Blue clouds symbolize career or business success

  • Golden clouds symbolize prosperity, constant cash flow and a renewed romance

  • Gray / Dark gray clouds symbolize bad fate

  • Black clouds symbolize some really bad things that will get in your way

  • Green clouds symbolize health and happiness of the heart

  • Orange clouds symbolize hidden aggression and anger, restless emotions

  • Red clouds symbolize the coming danger. This person must be careful.

  • Silver clouds symbolize the times ahead, followed by goodness

  • White clouds symbolize a very good fate

  • Yellow clouds symbolize impending obstacles

Cloud images can be small or fill the entire sphere. You must be prepared for the visions to be symbolic and the images unclear. Charles Richet claims that about one in twenty people will experience sensations that cannot be obtained by ordinary means.

Far-sightedness is another interesting aspect that requires at least one paragraph on the subject of crystallinity. It involves seeing things that are far away from us. One can read here the account of Ada Goodrich – Freer who saw the death of a woman or books found in a distant library.

Hereward Carrington in his book Modern Psychical Phenomena (1919) recorded a series of experiments and observations of the physiological changes of the eye accompanying the vision of the crystal . For example, he discovered that the seer sometimes looks at a point in space closer or farther from the crystal, and if the scene is distant, the focus of the eye adjusts to the apparent perspective.

Crystomancy practitioners say that this divination method is very good and evokes incredible experiences in looking to the future. Critics consider visas only as fiction or fortune-teller imaginations. There is also the theory that, intensely staring at the crystal and entering a kind of trance, the diviner after a long reflection finds the answer to the question asked.

Crystallomancy is a very interesting topic, which is supposedly used even by the FBI, however, we will never get any natural confirmation of this information. This is a method of divination that anyone can try, the fact that it has survived thousands of years means that there must be something magical about it. If you are interested in this post, we encourage you to comment.