
The development of new technologies did not stop people from divination, on the contrary, it created new opportunities for creating modern divination. The videomancy is a combination of the English word Video and the Greek manteia (prophecy) and consists of divination from movies.

This is a very young technique that began in the late 20th century (early 1980s). It has spread along with the great popularity of movies recorded on VHS cassettes.

Video-painting has many methods of divination. One of the more popular is launching a random TV channel and divination based on the first program watched.

On TVs equipped with a DVD, VHS player or decoder, you can stop watching the movie footage at random and predict the frame rate.

Videomotion also allows you to make spells. The best described is the spell of recording a certain pattern on video tape. The pattern is to make the person who will watch the recording fall into hypnosis, which will last until the end of the material or turn off the TV.