Esogetic colorpuncture

We are continuing our review of alternative medicine, this time it’s time for Colorpuncture. If you have never had contact with this concept before and want to learn how color light acupuncture works, what reviews you will meet most often, and most importantly if colorpuncture really works, we invite you to read.

What is esogetic colorpuncture?

Let’s start with the fact that colorpuncture is classified as an alternative medicine. Regarding etymology, it should be noted that synonyms include phrases such as cromopuncture and color light acupuncture.

The main premise of colorpuncture is to treat patients using mystical / esoteric beliefs that colored lights are able to stimulate acupuncture points. At this point, we encourage you to read the article on chromotherapy, because colorpuncture is one of its forms.

As you can see the definition is very simple and assumes the lack of effectiveness of treatment. Before I address the medical aspects directly, I will explain a few concepts.

Pseudoscience – alternative medicine

Both words have a very similar definition: Medical practices conducted to treat a patient without untested medical results, lacking biological credibility and ineffective.

Theoretically, at this point I could finish writing the article, because everything is known, but it’s not my style.


Chromotherapy is a very interesting issue that is the basis of colorpuncury. It is a method of treating man using colors, it omits the aspects of the 7 chakras located at the spine.

Think about what color is actually. Exactly, color is light, but why does it take on different colors? The color of the color depends on the frequency of the electromagnetic waves. Man sees a color band from 380 nm to 780nm. Of course, for there to be color, there must be matter.

Color is the result of the contact of visible light of a certain length with an element of matter.

We have clarity about how colors are created, but what does this have to do with treatment? Well, a lot, the color is light, and light is energy, energy are cells that are made of atoms, and atoms are made of energy, our whole body to matter consists of the energy effect.

“We know today that man, essentially, is a being of light.” ~ Fritz-Albert Popp, Ph.D.

Chromotherapy uses this property to treat various physical and mental illnesses. In the event that an internal organ hurts you, you must act on it with the energy it is made of. Supplementing energy loss in the form of a specific color has a positive effect on pain and other symptoms.

This is theory and what about practice? Chromotherapy, like colrpuncture, is classified as alternative medicine, however, there are some inaccuracies when its derivative called phototherapy is a commonly used method of treatment. Blue light is used to combat pathological jaundice in newborns.

Psoriasis and arthritis patients also benefit from blue light. The effect of blue light on the human body is scientifically documented and used every day around the world.

Chromotherapy describes many positive effects of using other colors, for example red has an effect on increasing pressure and better work of the circulatory system.

An equally fascinating method of treatment is the injection of photosensitive chemicals that find cancer cells, accumulate in them, and under the influence of an external impulse, which in this case consists of exposure to red light, become active and begin to destroy cancer cells.

Chromotherapy was treated seriously for many years, but as you can see after many years, some of its elements have been accepted as a scientific fact. Similarly with colorpuncture, the problem in this case is the overlap of two methods officially considered pseudoscience.

Color puncture

I hope that all information is clearly described and you understand your issue today. Now I want you to analyze the words of today’s topic. It is a cluster of two words, the first is “color”. You know that this is pure energy in the form of visible light, affecting matter.

However, “puncture” is of course a reference to “acupuncture”. Acupuncture is a topic that deserves a completely separate article and will probably arise, but I assume that you know roughly what it is.

This alternative medicine is derived from traditional Chinese medicine and involves puncturing the right places on the body with needles. Why is such a commonly used treatment method in the group of “alternative medicine”?

The reason is the large discrepancy in scientific research, there are those that describe acupuncture as a working way to get rid of specific pains, but there are also a lot of studies stating that there are no such effects.

Traditional acupuncture contained faith in the existence of life force energy (qi), which clearly contradicts the scientific approach. Along with reaching Western cultures, beliefs have been completely abandoned, current acupuncture specialists do not give needles any spiritual properties based on biological aspects.


A few words about the historical background of esogetic colorpuncture. You are lucky that this is a new method otherwise you would have a nice paper to read.

I will use for a moment an example of chromotherapy to illustrate since we know about the healing effects of light and colors on the human body.

We have known this for a very long time, already the ancient civilizations of Egypt, China and Greece used the healing properties of colors. Light for our planet has always existed. People in ancient times had no idea about atoms, cells and energy, yet they were able to heal with light.

The Greeks marked their healing temples with dyes, often blue. They also used ointments, fabrics and other elements in specific colors for medicinal purposes.

The real breakthrough came after the birth of Aviecenna who created The Canon of Medicine and stated: “color is an observable symptom of disease.” His research has been used for hundreds of years around the world.

The past century was the most important in understanding the impact of colors on people. Spectro-Chrome Encyclopaedia is a doctrine describing the advantages and ways of using chromotherapy.

Colorpuncture is a method developed in the 1980s by German naturopath and acupuncturist Peter Mandel. Also he is the creator of the concept of esogetic colorpuncture. You already know what the main part of the phrase means, while Esogetic is “merger of esoteric wisdom of life with the energetic principles of life’s processes”.

Colorpuncture is a method of treatment far more related to spirituality than it is in the case of chromotherapy.


Three of the six factors (called molecules) represent the subtle energies: the chakras, the formative field, and the converter model. The other three factors describe the physical reality: the body systems, the coordination system, and the transmitter relays.

Peter Mandel has worked closely with the nobel laureate Dr. Fritz Albert Popp, one of his quotes we have posted above. He claimed to have found a way of communication between human cells.

Biophotons were to be carriers of information in living organisms. He showed that damaged cells send different wavelengths compared to healthy counterparts. Another observation was the increased emission of biophotons when the cell was not in its normal equilibrium.

Disruption of cell homeostasis can lead to a change in the flow of information (light) in the body. Such a change in one cell causes disruption in neighboring cells, which ultimately leads to disease.

The most interesting starts now. As you already know, light waves penetrate the skin receptors, and they react to both light and different colors (we still remember that color is energy).

According to Albert’s theory, biophotons are able to transfer information faster than neurons and are not limited by the nervous system, thanks to which they interact with photons and can affect their structure. Colorpuncture is aimed at reaching damaged cells and eliminating pathological changes.

Esogetic Colorpuncture therapy

I think the dose of knowledge you’ve gained so far has already given you the picture of colorpuncture therapy.

Color treatment is a relatively new method currently found in alternative medicine, but is gaining importance in traditional medicine.

Coloropuncture is more than just biological aspects, spirituality is an important element of therapy. It often happens that patients expect something more than just treatment, they want to reach the root of the problems. If you adhere to the principle that illness is the result of problems with life energy, then this therapy is for you.

Colorpuncture in its spiritual aspect is based on the aforementioned 7 chakras taking different colors, warm colors are responsible for adding energy, cold for its loss. Using both provides the right balance known as yin and yang.

The therapeutic process is based on the use of a pen-like device finished with a prism-shaped quartz. The device is connected to the power supply and can produce light waves of different length and frequency. Which, as we already know, is to lead to the reconstruction of normal conditions in cells.

The return of optimal energy flow should restore mental balance and support health.

It is accepted that Coloropuncture treats mental disorders, allergies, hormonal and musculoskeletal disorders, stress and addiction.

Therapy is a unit process, changes should be felt after just one treatment.

Esogetic Colorpuncture therapy is non-invasive, no needles are used, the crystal is applied directly to the place indicated by the patient. There are no contraindications against this type of treatment.

For diagnosis, Kirlian photography, non-diagnostic iridology, finger polarization and foot line reflexology points, Puttkamer organ segments and several other methods are used.

Colorpuncture training

Colorpuncture trainings are usually paid meetings organized by clinics that perform colorpuncutre treatment. Such trainings usually begin with a brief introduction to the rules governed by colorpuncture. Training costs oscillate around 100-200 dollars and often consist of 2 days.

Colorpuncture reviews

What are the opinions about colorpuncture? Different, there are many cases of people claiming that therapy has helped and the other two claiming to see no change. The best reviews are clinical trials, and these, unfortunately, in the case of colorpuncture were rare and conducted on a small group with an empirical basis.

The results are optimistic because in the elderly 89% reported improvement, and in children 56%.

One thing is certain, light therapy is very helpful in winter in the case of depressive symptoms, and chromotherapy and other sciences of Esogetics colorpuncture are still under investigation and many organizations devote their own resources to it.

Our review says: we recommend checking out, but especially in the case of physical pains first see a doctor only later to order colorpuncture therapy.


I think everything has already been said. You know the basics of colorpuncture, know its assumptions and know the course of therapy. Based on this information, you must decide for yourself if you want to try. Since jet is a non-invasive therapy, you do not risk worsening your current state of health.

Alternative medicine is a very broad concept which includes methods that do not have the slightest coverage in medicine and those that become medicine like phototherapy, which is similar to colorpuncture based on light and colors.

Remember that holistic health analysis has no right to be more important than routine medical testing. In case of physical problems, alternative therapies should be used second. You can always use them simultaneously with normal tests (at least in this case).

Thank you for your attention, we invite you to read other articles and we wish you health, both mental and physical.