ST Amiga Format Sound Sampler

The ST Amiga Format Sound Sampler was a DIY sampler published in ST Amiga Format Issue 11. It connects to the printer port, and therefore can be used by either the ST or Amiga, or any computer which can recognise the same from said port. For the ST, Replay software can be used for example to sample, therefore depending which version is used, it is believed 8-bit mono sampling up to a frequency of 50 kHz can be achieved. A free version of Replay was included with ST Amiga Format Issue 11, restricted to a maximum sample rate of 15 kHz. When published, users could attempt to build this sampler themselves from scratch, order it as a kit, or in complete form from Magenta Electronics in the UK. It also had a sister product called the ST Amiga Format Speech Synthesiser, found in ST Amiga Format Issue 08, offering of course speech synthesis.


  • Name: ST Amiga Format Sound Sampler

  • Type: Sampler / Sample Editor

  • Bit Depth: 8-bit

  • Sample Rate: 5 to 50 kHz

  • Sound Quality: Mono

  • Hardware ADC: Yes

  • ADC Connection Type: Parallel Port

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