Atari TOSser

Atari TOSser                                      

tosser / (tossa)


1.  A person who tosses something.

2.  Vulgar British slang for a stupid or unpleasant person.

3.  A user of Atari TOS based computers.

4.  A user of Atari TOS based computers who is unpleasant and likes to toss things. 


Welcome to the Atari TOSser website! 

Conceived in 2017, the aim of Atari TOSser is to serve as another archive of Atari information for notably the 16-bit and 32-bit eras, but not necessarily exclusive to.  On this website you can find information, links and downloads for all things Atari from mostly a bygone era, of which are of interest to me, and from a UK / European perspective.  There is one exception however, no games, not because I am not interested, merely because forums and this here internet is full of information, images and 'favourite discussions' regarding games, so I am not going to deal with anything games related here. 

Why this website?  I have noticed historical Atari websites appear to dwindle year upon year, and as a user of Atari computers I have acquired some knowledge and information as time has passed.  Aside from that, forums, although great for communication, discussion and sharing of information, are limited in their organisation of the very same, sometimes losing that wealth of information, links and downloads in layers of threads saturated through time.  Although searching a forum is part of the fun, it is also nice to have something more organised and immediate, therefore the Atari TOSser website can be seen as a complimentary Atari resource for the items which can, and often do get lost in those forum threads.  It is merely my way of making a contribution.

Information has been resurrected from the messy depths of my mind, furthermore thoroughly researched.  Where necessary information has been verified using a secondary resource to corroborate the claim.  However it should be stressed this is purely a hobbyist website, not adverse to errors.  If you think there is incorrect information I would be grateful if you contacted me, however I will ask for evidence of your source of information, and depending on the aforementioned, a corroborative back up or provenance for the same.  Only then will information be updated.


I am Atari74user, you can find me over at Atari Forum, and on the odd occasions on Atari Age and Exxos forums.  I have been a user of Atari computers and consoles for many years, starting from Pong, graduating to an Atari 800XL during the 8-bit era, Atari ST during the 16-bit era, and subsequently the Atari Falcon, Jaguar and VCS 800.

With the exception of Pong and the Atari 800XL, I still own and actively use all of these machines, which have seen me through recreation, education and now hobbies alike.

My affection for all things Atari sees me as somewhat of a collector due to nostalgia, as well as through my passion for music and music technology.


This website has been written in my own hand, money has been spent collecting, time organising, and even more time researching and 'digging', so please be respectful.

The Atari TOSser website only serves to share information with the Atari community, it is in no way affiliated to Atari, and is of course non-profit.

Lastly click me, I'll make you happy long time, errrr.  Many images are clickable and linked to resources and / or further reading, the same is true for most underlined text.

Thank You

A thank you to mu:zines, for a lot of the exceptional work archiving music publications from the past.  Notably magazines I used to read and remember fondly, Music Technology, The Mix, not forgetting Sound on Sound.  Also to Vintage Synth Explorer for their archive of music gear over the years.

© 2022 - 2024 Atari TOSser. 'All rights reserved' - written content

This website was published on 01st January 2022, although research and creativity started offlinefrom 2015, and subsequently continued conceptually unpublished since 2017.This website is not optimised for mobile platforms.