Generate  Your First Professional 


BUSINESS 2 Another  Level.

I Built an Entire SMMA Using JUST AI

I Built an Entire SMMA Using JUST AI

Make $3,000,000 With A Business You Can Duplicate


PART - 1 


yeah we do about three million 3.5 million a year I was the worst one bro if I can go from dropping out in ninth


grade being literally suicidal hating my life not wanting to wake up to making millions just a few years later what the


are you capable of now I work two hours a week I don't know


if I mentioned that but like I I don't do anything most local businesses their problem is not they don't know how to


get leads the problem is they're shitty business owners we've added on something called the hybrid model so instead of


just running ads and sending leads to these Realtors and saying hey go close these leads we actually teach them how


to convert the leads so if you could create that feeling for your clients of if you leave our program you're leaving


a community there will be an inherent fear of death I've seen people complain


dispute and ask for refunds for the same information that have seen other people become millionaires with


at the end of the day brother it's you welcome to the we're gonna make it


podcast where we talk about the nitty-gritty tactics that underground entrepreneurs are using to build their


businesses to the seven and eight figures the goal of this podcast is to go into excruciating detail on the


tactics and strategies that they're using right now so hopefully you can implement it into your business and see more success if you like tips like this


you can always subscribe to our free newsletter but other than that please enjoy the episode Matt Shields yes sir



great to have you here brother so I saw your YouTube channel the video specifically I built six smmas to prove


it's not luck highly recommend everyone go watch that but first off how much money do you make by that how much money


do I make our agency does about 250 000 per month uh per month yeah it's done


it's done up to 290. it's it hovers but yeah we do about three million 3.5


million a year and how old are you 22 22 yeah baller okay bro I'm really excited


about this because when I watch your channel you are kind of the opposite of what I see in most people that talk


about smma or make content on smma in the sense that I ran an smma one of my


first businesses got to around 30k a month that's like my best month and what I always didn't understand was when I


would buy courses for smma everyone was focused on sales or getting clients for yourself but they were never focused or


teaching me how am I actually going to get the people that I close their clients so first to keep it simple so


everyone understands what's going on here what service do you offer like what are people paying you for yeah and that


is a great Point like that is the Paramount problem in this industry is nobody actually teaches how do you make


your clients money so what service I offer is Facebook and Instagram ads for real estate agents but


on top of that what we've done differently where we've really tried to innovate as a company is we've added on something called the hybrid model so


instead of just running ads and sending leads to these Realtors and saying hey go close these leads we actually teach


them how to convert the leads and so we've developed a community in a Consulting component to the agency to


where as for Mosey says you want your service to become the solution to the client's entire business and that's what


we've worked on we're not just a lead gen solution we are a holistic solution to Realtors because the fact is most


local businesses their problem is not they don't know how to get leads the problem is they're City business owners


like a gym doesn't know how to operate or scale or keep clients or create an incredible client experience Realtors


don't know how to maximize their sphere of influence they don't know how to effectively sell so we've taught them


all of those things and that's where we've tried to kind of innovate our service delivery so I want to ask you how did you even learn how to make their


business better than them when you're not actually running one but before we post that later into the podcast I more


so want to say like let's break it down as simply as possible sure you help real estate owner real estate real estate

His Service


agents make more money by getting them people that are trying to buy or sell a house


yeah so you find people that want to buy or sell a house and then you're running ads to find these people yeah and those


people book a call with the real estate agents essentially essentially we've we


run the ads to find the buyer or the seller we send that information that we collect from that potential buyer seller


to the agent then we have a CRM where we help them follow up with that person and actually get a meeting to meet with them


and then we teach them the sales process okay to take them from a lead to an actual paying client so they make money


okay so real estate agents that are looking to grow their business you hire your agency to help them get clients and


basically from there you just have this system where you send them you run ads for for them under their brand


um sometimes okay so you run ads for them yeah and then they basically just get sent to clients and that's what they're paying for you how much do they


pay you so our average client pays eight thousand dollars for six months usually


or per month uh for the full six months we do a lot of paid in fulls and then if they pay month to month it's anywhere


from fifteen hundred to two thousand per month and that's for ad basically ad Services media buying in a way yep and


then the Consulting on top of it and the training in the group okay so how what is specifically your method for getting


them clients so we're running ads on Facebook and Instagram Facebook and Instagram and the


key like in advertising the best copy in the world the best headline in the world


the best image in the world cannot beat a great offer so we try to come up with a no-brainer easy to click easy to grab


offer for our agents um and usually that's a free home valuation because because of how uh you


know fluctuating the market has been in the last couple years everybody's like well what's my home worth now what's my home worth now so that's gotten us a lot


of clicks it's worked for the last year and a half and then we do other offers at times we'll test but we come up with


a great offer a catchy image a catchy headline because at the end of the day the headline's the most important thing


and that's how we grab the info and then we send it to the agent that's really smart because if I own a home like I want to know how much my house is worth


and I hope like if it's free why not and then they click into it and they're going to be like do they go through like a funnel yeah is there like a vsl or


both so there's a funnel we get their information we've tested the vsl but we stopped doing it now we just get their

Creative Ads


information we actually have something called Geo mapping so let's say you put in your home address into our funnel it


will pull up the Google Maps listing and satellite shot over your house so now like the person's looking at their own


house and like oh this is legit because a lot of online ads on social media it's like I don't know if this is a scam or


if this is real so when you see that sort of Technology it makes it way more trustworthy and that's helped us just increase conversion rates and options


evaluation they just have to the realtor does it manually call and that's super important on the call in person because


you can't value a home unless you actually see it like it's like it'd be like online dating you can't say a girl


is a 10 because you saw a Tinder profile you have to meet her in person it's the same thing with a house because you have to see how it compares to the house next


door the rest of the neighborhood all that stuff and it gets your foot in the door and then now that human Connection in person exactly so it's a way easier


clothes for them exactly spot on that's really smart Okay so ad is free home


valuation what's the creative looking like the photo good question we've tested like a lot of stereotypical canva


images and those have performed well but where we've tried to be a little bit different as a company is we actually


pay a production agency to make these viral style pattern interrupting commercials


um and we do this for ourselves too this is what's beautiful about this business is if you can provide yourself results


and you can just say look client the same system that got you to be one of my clients I'm going to run for you so you


can get clients it's like all right they got me so we run Facebook and Instagram ads for our own agency too that is our


no number one acquisition channels just paid ads and so we come up with these viral style marketing commercials one of


them that has just gone crazy is called the real estate wrap so we paid this guy shout out to Joey if he's watching this


and he made this amazing amazing creative where he just raps about real estate and all the problems and it went


viral all the Realtors shared it and it got us I don't know probably made us like seven hundred thousand dollars in a


year and we paid twenty five hundred dollars for the commercial so we've made those for our clients in their markets


so we have something called like the markets hot out here it's time to sell your home and so like we made it we made


a video in a music video like that when the market was super hot so little things like that have really taken our


marketing than XL that's not touched on in a lot of courses or the creativity needed you're basically running ads and you need to get people to click but I


saw that where you literally made a music video and the lyrics are like speaking as a real estate agent to their


problems yeah objections they're facing and then that like got their attention yeah they loved it and then they automatically shared round because I


think it's funny and now you're just getting so many clients outside of that ad the best advertisement David Ogilvy said the best advertisement is one that


doesn't seem like an advertisement at all a music video does not seem like an ad so music videos entertainment but


that was our best ad ever but music videos have the product placement of like alcohol or whatever it is like they


just have them in there and they're easier to watch most ads are painful to look at so like it's almost subconscious yeah 100 so that's genius and that is


cool that because that's how you get clients that's how you're marketing the real estate agents but you're also going to do that for them and so when you're


on your sales calls like they first hand see okay this guy like it works yeah so


that's really interesting okay so that would be the typical just that alone is what my smma agent was or uh because


what he was like running an ad for them getting them book calls appointments or whatever and

Hybrid Model (Important)


then hands off and that was like probably that's probably the standard way to do an agency but you go way


deeper than that and actually teach them how to be better at their business yeah explain that I only have one quick


Interruption for the podcast today guys and maybe this is a good time to share the podcast with a friend or throw it in


your group chat if you're actually learning something because share the knowledge so you can all become better together but I want to put you guys onto


a big opportunity that I'm seeing in the world right now and that is building software but with no code typically


everyone kind of knows that software is the best business in the world but you have to hire developers it takes a lot


of time but we're in the future and right now you can actually build software with no code on a platform


called Bubble not only that you can actually plug AI into bubble to build any AI software tool you want very


quickly we actually figured out how to build a AI tool to help students with their homework in just a few weeks and


we actually made a free course showing exactly how we did everything from plugging in the AI building the actual


app itself in an even connecting stripe to accept payments and again that's a completely free course that you can find


in the link in the description below other than that guys enjoy the podcast share it with your friend if you're learning something this has been a


really good one so far and it only gets better but you go way deeper than that and actually teach them how to be better


at their business yeah explain that well to revert back to what I said in


the beginning the most Paramount problem for these entrepreneurs these local business owners is not that they don't know how


to get leads or that they don't know how to Market is that they don't know how to run a business I can give you all the


leads in the world all the opportunities in the world but if you aren't the person and you don't have the know-how to actually cultivate that into a


transaction because you don't have effective follow-up processes you don't know how to sell for the life of you like agents will come on our group calls


and we'll do a role play and we'll be like all right I'm a lead I'm potentially interested in selling my home call me and the Agents will call


and they'll be like it's it's terrible to listen to it's it's it's very very hard to listen to but that's


why we focused on it because most of your clients if you're an agency owner they are taking your amazing


opportunities that you're sending them and they're just completely fumbling them and so we've tried to and they'll


blame you and they'll say these leads suck it's like no they don't suck you said hey do you want to sell your home with me as your opening line like you


hurt you're a bad salesperson and so we're very ruthless with our clients I'm like look the leads are the leads the


the X Factor is you as the agent because I I can send 20 leads to a rockstar agent


and they'll close maybe three of them I can send 20 leads to a brand new scrub and they won't close any of them and


that's just the the harsh reality of the business so we teach them follow-up we teach them how to hire and recruit


virtual assistants we teach them mindset we teach them uh sales and how do you show up to a listing appointment we


teach them the entire business so that's where we've really done things differently because the the underlying


problem in smma is leads don't act leads are a commodity leads are so easy to get


and you can't build an amazing business on the backbone of a commodity so it's kind of getting them to be accountable but without like being mean to them


because they're paying you yeah so but we will call them out you can we'll call them if you have that relationship great


but so but you're not a real estate agent you've never sold a home yourself I have no idea how to sell them yeah so how are you teaching these people when

How can you teach people without expertise


you know nothing about their world in theory that is that is a great question Brett um the first thing is my mom's a realtor


and my brother's a realtor so I had a little bit of insight into how much of a


problem this industry has which is there's it's so outdated they teach you


how to grow business off of referrals they don't know how to actually convert predictable acquisition sources like


paid advertising and so I just kind of saw how flawed the industry was firsthand or secondhand through my


family but the way we actually teach is we just bring in experts in the industry


like we have a best-selling real estate author we're looking at bringing in some of the the number one wholesaler in the


country to come and do a mastermind with our agents we bring in experts who are great at sales have built successful


real estate businesses and we leverage ope other people's expertise and that is what I love is that I don't need to know


this I just need to find the person who does and I need to know that I need to find them and so if I can go and


Source these people pay them 250 an hour Meanwhile my clients are paying me you know 2 000 a month and there's 30 of


them on call it's it's like sixty thousand dollars per that call or whatever and I'm paying the agent the


coach 250 an hour to do the call so I'm just leveraging other people's expertise and we're bringing them in and they're


teaching the agents for us because I don't know the first thing about selling a house I would completely it up so


I yeah so again this is focus again this is what I mean by Pro your product Focus yeah you were going I've never heard of


this before and so you're going above and beyond for your clients and I'm sure that out after all these coaching calls


are having all these real estate clients you can kind of see like this person is getting the same kind of leads as this


person but this person's getting 15 clients paid a month this one's only getting three so you almost like can


just learn from all the people doing it the best yep and then bring that into your coaching for future clients exactly


and that's and that's the management consulting process of her Mosey talk about this you bring in all of like


management consulting you find you don't do all of the innovative ideas that's making a company successful you figure


out between all the companies what are the few things things that all of them are doing that are like indisputable like they're all following up with their


leads in the first five minutes they're all calling at least eight times right maybe one of them's going and knocking on on the door and dropping off a CMA


but the others aren't so you just focus on what are the things that all of the successful ones are doing and over time


we've discovered like the few key things that you have to do as an agent or as a local business owner to actually convert


a lead and then we just teach it to all of our agents because we have so much data you know there's hundreds of clients who have gone through the


program between the high ticket offers and the low ticket offers and we've learned from all of them and we've acquired data and now we just try to


kind of reteach that to everybody see and I love that you've learned this because you've learned this the hard way like the last video you this is your


sixth SMA where you're learning each one of these pieces and now that you started your sixth one you have all that knowledge and it compounds and then talk


about your story near the end of the podcast but really I want to focus on so Alex ramosi has like I guess another


note here is he talks about like how he had to Market his first gym yeah how he's like go put out flyers yeah I put


out 50 anything he's like worked really hard and did a lot and then he came back and the guy like yelled at him because he needed to do 500 and so when you're a


beginner you don't really know how much work it takes to be successful and people will again just protect their ego


and not look in the mirror and be like it's because I'm not working hard enough product oriented you're a very product

Product Oriented


oriented person and you had a saying in that video that was it was like free trial


referral system and great product explained why you are such a product


oriented person our first couple of agencies which they succeeded uh but


partnership you know different things happened where I got basically I had to leave the agencies and and start this


one again but the first few did succeed um and they did well and they were product focused as well so they were


free trials up and then run a great free trial get them as a pain client and then ask them for referrals that's like how


we grew our first three agencies to 20 30k a month in like three four months was just free trials referrals Etc so


why are you so product focused honestly or what are the benefits of being product focused I'll answer both


of those the real reason I'm product focused transparently is because like deeply rooted in my nature is insecurity


that I won't be enough for people and like like studying great product CEOs this is


hardwired in their brains it's like there's a a deep amount of insecurity that they will never be enough and so


they have to build something that is so great that it's like irrefutable that they have served you well and so like in


in the core of my bones it's like I just don't want to let people down and so I want to build something really great the


benefits to that are look at the most successful companies they're incredible products if you want


to get the 10K a month 20K a month sales will get you there sure but if you want to get to a million a month if you want to build an eight-figure business if you


want to get to 300K a month you have to build something that people actually love to use and studying Jeff Bezos who


I think is the greatest entrepreneur of Our Generation Um I know a lot of Elon fans might hate me for that but his whole thing is


create value for customers and think in long-term time Horizons like reading all of his shareholders uh letters and just


studying that it's a Relentless obsession with the customer how can we provide them the most value possible and


so for me that is the benefit is if you can provide them the most value you can


charge the highest prices you will keep them the longest and the best form of marketing is a happy customer so it


grows exponentially as Naval says you only sell because you don't know how to Market and you only Market because you


don't know how to build product so if you build product right you don't have to Market you don't have to sell the product does everything for you so I


think that's really the benefit yeah it's the drop shippers dilemma where they think that they can just like get an instant run an ad convert if it's


profitable they scale but if you don't eventually get referrals Word of Mouth where one sale equals three because


they're telling their friends your ads will eventually become too expensive and you will not be profitable and your taxes will fail so one side note I want


to tell everyone here if you guys haven't noticed already his name dropped at least five different


quotes or ideologies of very successful business people and you talked before we


got here the success is the compound of the people that are in your team yeah but it's also a combination of the information you're putting in your mind


if you are in a low-income neighborhood and everyone around you is only making like two thousand dollars a month and


they're in the cycle of low quality information yeah that's all that's in your brain and you can't like break out


of that so how are you supposed to be successful tea is filling his brain with the most successful business ideologies


that have been proven to work in the right thesis then applying that to his business are why he's able to scale an


opinion in my opinion so quickly at 22 because you're learning from the right people I appreciate you saying that I


know what we'll talk about the story later but it it you just gave me an interesting Insight which is like


you know well we'll get into the story but I dropped out I dropped out of high school in ninth grade so like I left


school after ninth grade and I left the public education system you become what you consume and all I was consuming


there was drama negativity hate fear a lot of fear a lot of high school or


trigonometry yeah right I don't even make it to those classes but that's all I was consuming and you become what


you consume so leaving that environment as scary as it was then I started looking to YouTube and I always tell people like I went to YouTube University


that's why I make YouTube videos is because I was a student now I want to be a professor while I continue to be a


student too so like yeah man I just I guess I got really blessed that I I


did drop out of school as scary as it was because then I started consuming from not Jimmy the high school


quarterback but I was listening to Jeff Bezos and people like her Mosey five years ago before anybody knew who he was

No Original Thought (Important)


and like that's that that research at the end of the day there's not there's no such thing as an original thought so


how can you how can you put the thoughts that are already proven by other people into your brain and actually understand


them and comprehend them and leverage them like none of this that we've done is really me as like it kind of sucks to say it'd be cool to say it was my


Innovative idea bro the hybrid model her Mosey did that with gym launch Joel Kaplan did that with agency lab and our


whole goal like 18 months ago I messaged our CEO when he first joined the business because I had


to bring him in as a partner I messaged him dude what if we built the gym launch for realtors agent launch what if we did


that and he was like cool idea I'm not against it that was it but that was the backbone of what we did it wasn't even original thought it was just like we


copied her Mosey but that is the game that is the game Steve Jobs said bro and I'll quote another entrepreneur why not


Steve Jobs said like this is a fascinating story to me he quoted Picasso when he stole xerox's


um GUI like decades and decades ago right in the late 1970s he quoted


Picasso and he said you know Picasso had a saying good artist copy great artist steal and we


have always been Shameless about stealing great ideas and this is because he went to Xerox and he stole their GUI


when they sued him 150 million dollars because he stole this graphical user interface or whatever it was he just


stole it he saw it he stole it he implemented it into apple apple takes off Xerox crashes out of the computer


business they stop selling uh you know retail computers or whatever he stole their idea the greatest product oriented


CEO in history was stealing ideas and products from other people why are we trying to innovate as 20 year old


something entrepreneurs Steve Jobs was stealing why are we stealing bro like the answers are out


there he literally went into their like Office Park Center like what was it maybe to sell Apple to them or something


and they showed him what they were working on like this windowed version of a computer where it used to just be like


all like text-based yes it's that's a crazy yeah they gave him a million dollars worth of pre-ipo stock for Apple


they invited him to their Inner Circle where they had all the most Innovative technology in the world and he just says he saw the GUI and said they don't know


how to Market that we need that and he put it into the uh the Macintosh and it's been history same goes for like any


industry you're in because these people have obviously spent a lot of time and money making mistakes and learning and yeah skip all their mistakes like this


is your Baseline now because it's working for them now make it your own or a little different well said yeah I mean Facebook did it when Snapchat came out


with stories mentally just stories then Tick Tock comes out now every social media platform has the infinite scroll smart people learn from their own


mistakes wise people learn from the mistakes of others so if you can just learn from all of the other people who have already messed up for you you'll go


way faster give me your input on the people listening this right now they think that's wrong that are to their book core belief that think you're


stealing you're a bad person and that they're gonna discount your success because of that mindset right now I mean look that's fine at the end of the day


like it it really doesn't matter but I will because I I understand the moral dilemma like I do understand it what I


would say is again there is no such thing as an original thought you're going to steal the question is are you going to steal something good or


something bad because you're stealing somebody else's belief no matter what everyone go back and listen to where he


said there's no such thing as original thought the first time and listen to that 60 seconds over two or three times that will foundationally change the way


you think about the world but moving back to the actual tangible business yeah I want to make sure we fully understand what you're sure let's get

Choosing a Niche


into it so first off imagine someone's new how did you you started with gyms how did you get into that Niche how did


you choose a niche good question I did it completely wrong I would I


would choose a niche completely differently now um because of the quote you mentioned to me uh that I think I said in the video


big Market great team which is definitely something we can chat about but I just like gyms I liked working out


I used to be super into fitness unfortunately now I'm scrawny you know Punk but um I used to be really into


fitness and I loved Jim so I was just like oh I'll work with gyms because if you can have a level of expertise in the


industry you're serving it separates you from everybody else like if I can come in and talk web3 with you like it you're


like oh this guy actually knows his I'm not just talking Facebook ads I'm talking the ins and outs of your industry and it builds trust and trust


is the most important thing in Persuasion which is the most important thing in sales so that's why I chose the industry uh I just liked it and I knew a


little bit about it it's called understanding your problem space I learned that from Sam Altman by the way guys you can the person the guy who made


chat GPT open AI y combinator thousands of videos how to start a startup is the


best so I'm so glad you said bro I love that how to start a startup is the best YouTube series like this podcast will be


good hopefully you'll hopefully learn something but at the end of the day like Sam Altman and founders of doordash and


Airbnb all it's just in free YouTube videos okay stand for classes it's crazy from the people who made the biggest


companies YouTube University brother I love that that's important but that's why we're where we're at 100 so I'm


gonna keep saying that I'm every damn podcast because it's so important but brother okay so that's your system for getting real estate clients uh like

Getting Clients


actual results for themselves yeah so go deeper in how you think about getting clients for your agency


you talked about the music video that's making a creative ad what is that process how would you come up with ad


creatives it kind of goes back to Ope in that specific instance of other people's


expertise we just went to the video production guy and we had saw an ad he made for an HVAC agency so again real


estate real estate rap may sound like a super Innovative idea but we saw somebody do it for HVAC and we're just


like oh what if we made that and we made it better steal and innovate that is the process other people's ads other


people's ads they Sky posted it on Facebook but you can go to Facebook ads library and you can search up basically


any industry and you can just go look at the best ads um there's also things like turbo add finder which you can it's a Google


Chrome extension you put it into your laptop or whatever and then you just turn it on and then instead of seeing


posts and shitty distractions on social media it will just show you ads and you'll just see ads and ads and ads you


can look at the best ones you can look at the engagement you can look at you know if they have more views they've probably spent more money which means


they've probably made more money and so turbo Ad Finder um Facebook ad Library there's a ton of


ways to find ads but in this case the guy just posted it to social media my business partner tagged me is like we


need that and I was like okay cool We messaged the guy he's like oh yeah man I could cook that up for you next day this


guy's insane next day he's just got the full song and he's like here it is I'm like all right then we made the music


video we ran it action takers yeah okay so there's two I'm so torn because I feel


like I'm conflating the two like getting clients for your agency and getting clients for your real estate clients is there anything else you want to share on


actually getting your clients good results do you think it's really important you really have to there's a ton


um but like you really have to transfer ownership of the outcome to them because if they view you as a scapegoat for


their lack of success they will always be able to say no Brett your lead sucked so if you can if you can properly


transfer ownership of the outcome to them and you actually give them the training they need to be able to succeed and you really you know build the hybrid


model then your product even if they don't succeed and this happens to us all the time if a client doesn't win they're


like yeah but I saw Sarah Lou winning so like I know it's me guys I'm sorry I've been lazy and that they don't come to us


like the typical agency and say your leads suck they come to us and they're like man I I really need you guys to keep me accountable right now that is


such a paradigm shift um of that industry so that's all I would say transfer ownership of the outcome okay I'm about to get super


detailed with you then okay so you hire you get a client they saw your ad of you yeah music video got their attention


they booked with you they want to sign up so fulfillment wise yeah they pay you eight thousand dollars for six months


then you're running ads for them yeah first off are the ads you're using the same for every single client you just


change their name to their logo yep when you're doing fulfillment yep okay and then what is the the specific budget


that they are because they're paying you eight thousand dollars for your service to run the ads for your creativity for


your time all your expertise and whatnot but then they still have to pay for the ads that you are running correct so what


does that model look like 600 to a thousand dollars per month is what they're spending on ads um


yeah super short answer okay that makes sense though because it's not that complex so they have to pay eight thousand you need


to be ready to spend six to six hundred to a thousand dollars to even get to clients and then you put it you send


them a free course so they can make sure that they're optimized on closing they


know the best practices yeah and that way you know that it's not you it's them yeah and the course isn't free it's part


of what they pay for so we're not just selling them leads it's included and then there's we do eight calls per week


where in our community we have multiple coaches lead industry leaders that come on and you can go and ask questions they


do master classes we bring on special guests um and we just yeah we we teach them


eight times a week we have live calls we have a community we're about to make an inner circle where people can basically


the best of the best can go upgrade um to a more Elite coaching and a more inner private Circle and yeah but that's


that's the hybrid component we're doing live calls live trainings and we also do one-on-one meetings occasionally and


this is all because if they if you don't have that part probably 50


of them after that six month period will not sign up again dude the average real estate this is a crazy stat the average


real estate agencies uh lifetime span is 61 days


61 days two months is the average in our industry oh yeah oh yeah


and so your whole goal is to make sure like go above and beyond make sure they are equipped with the right information so they do get results so you know if


you send them leads they know for a fact that they have the right information until you can really gauge if the leads are quality and then you are focused on


them getting better results so that way they stick around and keep paying you more so that's the difference between like a low effort agency of someone


who's not going to see success and someone who is doing hundreds of thousands of dollars a month because you


are losing less clients the clients are doing so well that they're actually referring you to their other friends because every real estate agent has four


other friends that are real estate agents yep and they're going to tell them how great your service is the point where they almost get Goodwill by


recommending you to their friends because you help them and it makes them look good exactly that that was super


well said and eat your customers complexity I'll leave it with that you have your customers complex so is that


literally the key to scaling in your mind like no what was been the difference between what's the difference between it three thousand dollar a month

The Key to Scaling


agency and a thirty thousand dollar a month agency then a 300 000 a month agency team okay


what three thousand to thirty thousand is a team three thousand to thirty thousand is focusing on the right things and


literally just like not jacking off every day like like seriously it's just like just do the right thing every day


and and focus on acquisition like as product oriented as I am one of the most


important things I've learned is like you can't build the product you can't build the best product if you don't have the most people


yeah they're all data and I say that with love for our clients like I literally love these people but


statisticians say like you don't have statistical significance until you have at least 100 sets of data so if you have


10 clients you don't even have statistical significance yet you can't make adequate decisions because they're coming from a place of emotion not from


data so in the beginning it's just focusing on how do I get as many clients as possible understanding there will be


collateral damage some of them might hate you you might not do great for some of them that's okay you can still act and do right by them and you will


eventually learn the secret and the process to a successful outcome and then you can scale that up but most of the


time and I was guilty of this we're too afraid in the beginning like we don't want to let anybody down it's a it's a


deep insecurity right we don't want to let anybody down so we just don't sell anybody at all like we'll do a couple


free trials and that will be that but deep down we're insecure about our product and we have no conviction and


that is just ruining our ability to actually sell and scale but in the beginning zero to Thirty zero to a


hundred honestly it's just literally setting appointments closing appointments mastering sales info


focusing on that and not getting distracted and all of the false problems that aren't actually problems which is I


think what happens a lot of times it happened to me five times or just focusing and thinking that you need to make your website perfect or this


perfect oh that's it instead of something that just what's an actionable step moving forward income producing


activities if it makes money do it ipas I love ipas I don't drink alcohol but I love ipas when it comes to business


income producing activities if it makes money do it if it doesn't don't until you got 100K a month okay I want to go


to systems yeah just so we can like outline the funnel really quickly yeah so or your real estate clients the


product you are delivering you are running an ad if they click for the home evaluation yep they go to your website


from there right a landing page what are you using to build your landing pages we use something called High Level going to


CRM okay and then so you're making them their custom landing page with their branding and the Geo mapping with in


their location with go high level and then how do they book the actual in-person consultation they have to call


the lead and they also can do it over text we also have an AI component the AI can message the leads and actually book appointments for them that's another


kind of unique thing mostly taxes don't have yep is it twilio we use twilio that's like the carrier


um but the AI is something custom built it's used like dial using dialogflow which is Google's software I think but


you just train it on your own data basically yep exactly or in the future man okay so that's it for your client


side okay now right that's that space I mean sure there's subtleties but that's data or whatever just tracking that's


that's essentially it okay that's the premise then for you running ads to get clients to get you know say to sign up


with you what is your system there what softwares are you using so you run a Facebook ad well that's a beautiful thing it's the same thing same it's it's


go high level um we use well we also use close now a new CRM that we've been testing but we


we're running the same ads we're taking them to a landing page built on the same software we're using the same exact


system but are you doing appointment setting and like Setters with closers so yeah we use Setters we use I mean we


have we have Setters we have closers we have an awesome team can you explain what a Setter and a closer is yeah it's important app too yeah so we actually we


got this tip from hermosi when we were when we were meeting with him um just a nice little nugget he gave us


was like Hey every time you have a lead opt-in have somebody call them immediately and do a triage call we're


like interesting so like have them call the lead qualify them see if they can move their appointment up so if you


booked from with me for three days out try to get you to meet with me the same day that way the interest is high you


don't deal with no shows so we hired Setters which I don't like that language but we hire appointment Setters triage


callers who call all of our inbound leads they qualify them uh and then they see if they can move their appointments


up and then they make sure they're actually going to show up because there's a ton of no-shows in this industry so that's what an appointment


setter does a closer what we call them is advisors because we are not a marketing company we are a consulting

Psychological Framing


company so you're not hopping on a sales call with me you're hopping on an enrollment call and if I think you are


good enough to join the program then I will allow you to enroll and so it's a completely different mindset shift because now it's not this person is


going to try to convince me it's I have to convince this person to be able to buy their product psychologically it's very powerful so we have advisors AKA


closers and they hop on the zoom calls and they actually close the deals okay let me translate because this is smma


language yeah I know I'm sorry people don't know what this means okay so he runs a Facebook ad of a music video


about real estate agents having problems and if real estate agents want to get more customers they click the link on


the Facebook ad yeah then once they click that link they go to a landing page that talks more about how they can get more clients if they work with this


company these people put their name email address and phone number to learn more once they click learn more they


have an internal system using go high level and zapier probably use apir no we


just make but we used to usually I just make two Okay cool so make.com and go high level and once that person hits


enter they have this person that's called an appointment setter that gets a text message that's an automation they


hit enter this person on their team gets a text message you have a lead here is their name call them and then this


person immediately gets that text and once that person hits enter they get a phone call from a Setter on his team and


this person is there to answer questions give a little bit of what is it uh


pre be a qualifying pre-qualified pre-qualified in this game in a minute pre-qualifying telling a little bit more


and the goal of that Setter is to book them an appointment with a sales person but what is genius about him and the


reason I actually booked this interview was because at this exact point was because you don't call a sales call you


call it a enrollment call an enrollment call why again it's it's psychologically it's


different if I'm booking a meeting with you Brett for you to sell me something like


it's it's introductory call for marketing services or something right if that's the you come in it defensive when


you say exactly you're already looking for reasons to say no because you know it's a sales call you've been sold before most likely you got sold some


you didn't want to buy and now you just have an entirely negative connotation to all sales people but a


coach an enrollment an advisor that's somebody who helps you that's somebody who helps you make a better decision


which rarely is what a salesperson is supposed to do right as hermosi says the difference between manipulation and I


think he says persuasion is intent right so if your intent is good the salesperson is supposed to actually


guide and advise the person but when you're a salesperson it sometimes can change the intent so we switch to


enrollment um and advisors and psychologically it just creates a different vibe which is


so important and a little detail that nobody can ever think about so if someone tells you hey would you like to book a sales call no I'm gonna guess no


one wants to get sold or a free consultation call all that shit's kind of gotten it's almost like one you've been


accepted two you're already in it yeah like you're in the process and you're like feels like you're moving forward into that priming going into the call


and the mental attitude going into the call yeah was like I saw you talk about


it on your channel Matt shield on YouTube he talks about all the stuff on his channel go follow him but thank you dude that's like that one was like yeah


that's so cool enrollment interview too I should add on it's an interview because it's you haven't earned it yet so now it's like trying to get accepted


exactly exactly you have to prove yourself that's the word framing yep


did you like see a conversion rate difference like you can quantify honestly we've been doing it for so long I don't know yeah I could I couldn't


give the honest answer to that that's a really important detail but yeah so then okay so he has a Setter that calls them to try to get the enrollment call and


then they're on the enrollment call that person is trying to get that Aroma call like as soon as possible keep the person


like interested because people are in like an emotional state when they see that if you wait two days three days


life happened their kids were crying they completely forgot what's this call I don't care but if you get them while they're like still emotionally strong


they show up to the call then you try to sell them and get payment right on that call yep yep and then you're closing for six months or eight thousand dollars yep


and now you have a client what's the onboarding process so say they signed up yeah they're down you got their credit card they're in this is super important


because most agencies lose the client and it doesn't matter if you're an smma by the way you can be any type of agency


like this this is all applicable across different Services selling a service that's all it is his service is ADS is a


connector of someone to something else to someone else like that you're you're a connector um yeah in some way so works for all



agencies the onboarding process is where most agencies lose their customers so what we do is as soon as somebody pays


US money we call them immediately we have our head coach Jake who's also a real estate agent I did not mention this


most agencies real estate marketing agencies they're account managers are


random Joe smose who worked at a software company right and we're account managers Jake is a coach not an account


manager again important language language matters uh but he's also a real estate agent so he speaks the language


so as soon as you pay us that 8K and you start saying damn I just paid the mate K so I really have paid the make hey damn


I kind of want to get that 8K I don't know if I Jake calls you up and Jake says hey man what made you join the program you start thinking of all the


reasons you joined and he says hey I'm also a realtor I've used the program I've closed 800 000 listings from the


system you just paid for you're like oh okay I did make the right move buyers and Morse is normal it happens it's


common having that first what we call an ABR which is just antivirus and Morris it's literally what we call it it's an


ABR call anti-buyer's remorse call in the first five minutes that's super important that is the most important


call is the first one after they've paid you money so we nail that call we get them to say all of their buying reasons


again we get them excited we create a tangible goal what do you want to achieve in the next months and let me


say cool let's work on this together so now they've reminded themselves why they bought they've created a goal and they're excited there's no canceling


there's no buyers remorse after that then we take them into an onboarding call that is 90 minutes long and we do


this in a group setting so we have usually five to six clients on each onboarding and we're just for 90 minutes


expectations expectations expectations and it's super important for your team too because when expectations defer


problems arise when they think they're going to get something different than what you're actually giving them that is where people get upset that's where they


cancel in any business so 90 minutes of just straight here's what this actually looks like here's what you need to do to


succeed scattered with a ton of testimonials and case studies in Social proof that has helped our retention more


than anything else I can talk about that expectation call 90 minutes of just straight here's what you need to do to


win here's what to expect if you're not rich after two months that's okay like simple but just reminding them


that has done the most for our retention out of anything probably again one of the most important things


about running an agency if you're actually considering agency watch that part again but when people spend eight


thousand dollars on a big package they probably they might not have talked to their wife about it


they might not have talked to anybody it's a big Financial investment for these people they're kind of taking a bet on you that after they get off that


call they were an emotional state all excited but then they sit there for a loan a million thoughts go wild and so


the fact that you call them within five minutes is really impressive and then you put them through a 90-minute like is


it group or is it one-on-one it's a group onboarding we used to do one-on-one but we had to move from one to one to one to many this is where your


community is really interesting for an agency because every agency course has a community which is I see so much value


in but exactly but having a eight course or a community for your clients is like even smarter I never thought about that


you need a mentor a mastermind and a skill exactly and like dude communities communities are the few like this is the


thing I'm the most passionate about about a state AI or company is the community because they're they are


primitive they've been with us for years like you thousands of years ago if you got kicked out of the community if you


did something and got kicked out of the tribe you literally felt less safe because now you have to go hunt a woolly mammoth by yourself and it's way harder


to kill woolly mammoth by yourself and so like deeply rooted in our DNA is this idea that we have to be a part of a


community in our group in order to survive so if you could create that feeling for your clients of if you leave


our program you're leaving a community there will be an inherent fear of death like I know that sounds extreme but it's


in their DNA in their psyche somewhere is this feeling of I'm not safe if I leave this community no one wants to get


kicked out of the community it's all subconscious um and it's all survival so that's why communities are so important I heard


Emmett Shear one of the co-founders of twitch talk about how Community was the most pivotal moment for twitch to go


from like a decent company to what it is today they built a community and if you look at a lot of the most successful


service based companies they all have this like the agency communities you've talked about that I've been in there


were great communities so why not just just build that for another business in a market that's way bigger there's way


more Realtors than there are marketing agencies so that was kind of the thesis behind building the community when no one around you is doing what you do you


can't relate to their problems you can't like talk to each other about like how your day was going what things you're facing how you can solve it and in a


community of people that have done it at the same level as you higher level than you and they can just tell you skip this don't do this do it this way and you


make friends you're not canceling a service anymore you're leaving a friend group 100 how hard is that and uh


something Donald Miller said in his his book building a story brand he says make your clients the hero of your mission


make your clients the hero not your product and in a community your clients can literally be the hero by going to


somebody and saying Brett you're struggling with this I struggle with this too let me help you out and now it's like they're helping people they


feel more safe because they're providing value and they get they're getting fulfilled it's like it's not a Facebook Ad Agency anymore it's it's a


psychological Marathon mood it's it's like you're all a team is trying to help each other grow your exactly and you


gotta show there's back you do it in real life events yet have you ever thought about that we haven't yet we do team Retreats and we've thought about


doing internal team Retreats but we haven't done in-person Mastermind events yet something we're working on though


with the Inner Circle that's smart that's cool okay so you sign them up they'll get the uh anti-buyers remorse


call yeah then they get immediately into a group onboarding kind of their tribe of their cohort in a way what else are


they getting like a packet emailed to them automatically good question they get an automatic voicemail from me um


which is automated but it sounds personalized and then they get a loom video which is just like basically a


screen recorded just a normal video basically they get a video from my mom


um and she says Hey like I'm one of the clients here I've used the product which is true like my mom just closed multiple


deals with our system she says like hey just wanted to welcome you hope I see you on some of the calls that video goes


out to everybody um that's another really powerful nugget it's like what if your clients introduced your service after they pay


instead of you introducing it what if you had a client say oh Brett you joined the Inner Circle dude you're so lucky be


or these guys are badasses I'm a happy client and it's like oh okay I'm in the right place yes if you just go on here and be like I'm the best ad buyer in the


existence look at all these ads I've done look at all the results I have you look arrogant but if you have someone else say it about you it's like a whole


different effect on people exactly and I love how intentional that was you're smart so also another side note a


Learning lesson you chose this because you understood the problem space because of your mom and so I'm big on like there


is no best business model it's like what is the best business model based on your advantages you everyone has a unique knowledge Network or skill set and so


you need to like like just be honest with yourself do you have like an advantage because you have some in in


your network that can give you an understanding of the problem space do you have the experience yourself so you understand the problem space or do you


have a skill that you're better at than anybody else is that you can leverage to make yourself better than everybody else so I love that that's how you kind of


identified real estate but let's go into is there anything else about onboarding because I would love to get into


how uh you partnered with someone and that really shot up your success from 30 to 300 yeah but is there anything else


in onboarding so you have buyer's remorse call group onboarding a packet with testimonials everything they need


to know where everything is automatic voicemail and then automatic video that's basically it and then they're in


the community and this is where you log in to see your results this is how you track your leads just educating them on the process that's all in the CRM yep


okay cool and that's all automated through make.com and go high level basically cool right


if you're I love how tactical you get I just have to say like I've done this before dude that's what I know yeah


which is cool because you you owned an agency and obviously we talked about that but I just love how like this isn't


you know stories are cool but like we were talking about this isn't just like here's my story this is like tactically what do you do and I love I love that


it's appreciate it bro it's just what I'm genuinely interested in too yeah because I know how much goes into it and


you can't just be like yeah I run ads then I get clients they pay a thousand dollars a month an hour at 300K a month


like yeah there's so much Nuance in there yes that like the little subtleties so but I want to say there is



like a big movement for solopreneurship and I'm a fan like cool like I get it it's a lifestyle thing yeah and I also


think that's for like people that are like in their mid 30s they work their whole life they have families and they're like trying to optimize for


lifestyle yeah I can say personally that I was stuck at around 30k a month like my best month was 30k in my agency and


then the second I actually met someone who was equally ambitious my age equally going out of their way to achieve and


had an agency there's no little more successful than mine when we teamed up Millions like that yeah in a matter of


months and so kind of share your story because you've obviously started six of


these to get to everything you're teaching right now but you had to learn each one of these pieces step by step as I referenced earlier and so for you to


go 30 to 30 300K you're a big Advocate on the quality of people on your team


and some total intelligence of your team is how big your business can be so can you click this is where we can talk


about your story where were you at right before you met your partner how did you meet your partner and what did that do for you yeah


foreign just a quick note on the one person business model because I kind of feel


have a hot take on it it really depends on the game you're playing are you sprinting are you marathoning there's a


great book called built to sell and it says that every business whether or not you want to sell it should be built to sell and that requires a team because if


you are doing everything you don't have an asset you have a high paying freelancing gig that's it you don't actually have a business you have a high


paying job which can't be great it can literally can't be like dude the guy you had on it was making 1.3 million profit


badass keep it going but if you ever wanted to exit to where he could do whatever he wanted all day long with his


time he would need to build a team so for me it's just like I know one day I don't want to have to do anything for


anybody I want to focus on the thing I love every moment of my day so I built a team I went through the struggles of


that way harder way less fun but you learn a lot about business and eventually you get the freedom because now I work two hours a week I don't know


if I mentioned that but like I I don't do anything like I work two hours a week because we have amazing team that runs


everything um so anyway I just wanted to add that in as far as my story where I was at


with my partner can I say one thing on that yeah there is no pride in working hard in my opinion like the goal is


there's Sprints like we're like if I need to get my systems down I need to deliver product I'll work 16 hours 18


hours a day yeah but people will come on here and be like I work 16 hours a day and it's like kind of like an ego Flex


thing I'm like dude I was working 70 hours it's a that's a really fascinating


um note that's really interesting you're not doing things right like yeah in my opinion that's again if you want to be a


this is an argument definitely work there's a component of it I mean for like dude I was working 70 hours a week


for the last four years it's just the last six months where now I'm working two hours a week so like I want to be clear I I'm not on my ass like I was


hustling and I did believe in it hard on a the right thing to build a machine that could eventually in itself which is


the actual goal which is what passive income is portrayed as but it takes a long time to build a machine and work


sorry for cutting you off no no I love that I think that's a great note as far as where I was before I met my partner


so I've known my now partner or CEO Jared for three years


um we actually bought you know Billy Wilson obviously you went to high school with Billy Wilson which is hilarious because I bought Billy's course he


changed my life spent weeks with him at his home in Kansas love that guy Jared my CEO also bought that program so we


met he was 16 years old I was 17 years old when we bought the course


um and if you want me to touch on like where I was at psychologically and all that stuff before then I can or if you


just want me to get into it cool from the start in a little bit Yeah so Jared ran a fitness agency too I was running


an agency for Jim so was he did you buy a gem launch no okay no but that would have been


genius yeah that would have been interesting but no I never bought gym launch it was like 16k um I was like how are they doing this


yeah so Jared and I both ran marketing agencies for gyms we knew each other I


was doing like 20K a month profit and he was doing like 3K he was doing 15K a month but he's


doing like 3K a month profit we went over our books with each other and I was just like this kid knows nothing bro like I'm I'm doing 20 game on the


property he's doing 3K a mother probably he's dumb but he was putting everything back into the business and Jared is a


genius at this he he did not care about short-term shirt short-term income because he was running the marathon and


he was thinking long term Jeff bezos's first letter to shareholders ever it's all about the long term that was the


title it's all about the long term 17 years later he becomes the richest man on the planet Jared did not care about


how much he could make in Flex on a YouTube video which I've been guilty of I have to admit he cared about how much


he could learn to build the best business possible and so he put everything back into the business and he bought Joel kaplan's Mastermind and he


bought all these courses and he bought all these high performance coaches like he just invested everything and then covet happened my agency crashed to zero


because it worked with Jim's his agency crashed to zero because he worked with Jim's but he was in Joel kaplan's Inner


Circle he was in all all these different places he had all this information that he paid for and he he sacrificed his


income for information and he scaled 100K a month in an Ecom Niche during covid because that's what was selling


his digital products right because everybody went from in person to online and he built the agency to 100K a month


in six months and I crashed to zero and I was like man maybe this kid didn't know something I didn't know and so Jared and I have been


friends ever since he exited that agency he did not know how to build product if I'm being very


honest his product and customer service from what I heard sounded like a mess but I could get up to 20K 30k a month


and I would be stagnant because I knew how to deliver product but I didn't know how to sell I didn't have the infrastructure for marketing that's what


Jared was great at so when I saw a state AI it actually wasn't mine it's an agency that Jared and I acquired because


I was running a Facebook Ad Agency for Facebook ad agencies so I was running a white label agency which you'll


understand but essentially that's just a an agency that does the actual


fulfillment for another agency yeah so oh you do the Fulfillment you would run the ads yeah like let's say you run an


agency for gyms and you went and sold a client but you didn't know the first thing about Service delivery exactly you


didn't know how to actually run ads for Jim so you came to my agency I ran the ads in your name and said oh this is Brett's company actually it was us you


sold the clients we did the back end that's what I was doing after my gym agency failed so you want to learn about


that Iman that's what Iman gotchi's course is kind of about I feel like Facebook ads or yeah okay cool


um obviously do not know that okay and so yeah so we were running a white


label agency and we were partnering with different agencies one of them was a company um called vzm and they ran ads for


realtors and we were the ones actually doing the ads that was a state AI but at the beginning it was just vzm and I saw


this guy who I really liked him as a person but he was kind of a new agency owner but he just kept getting new


clients week after week and he didn't really know that much more than any of the other agencies but he was taken off


and he was just like I don't know what's happening I was like dude why are you scaling so much he's like I don't know I was like that's a sign he doesn't even


know why he's having the as much success as he is but he's crushing it so I said dude do you want to like partner up and


he was like I was gonna ask you the same thing because I don't know how to run ads so I was like cool let's partner up I take 50 in the in the company but I'm


not really doing anything I'm just like I'll be your product guy then I run into Jared and Jared's like


coaching agency owners at the time he exited his Ecom agency and he's just kind of burnt out looking for the next thing and I'm like Jared you should come


into this real estate agency with me and we should scale this thing up he's like bro I hate Realtors that's what


he said he was like I hate Realtors it's a terrible Niche churn sucks they're all broke the lead quality sucks all these


things that every agency owner says he's like it's a terrible Niche I was like bro we're getting like 10 clients a


month nobody's canceling it's I don't know what's going on you got to check this out with me and it's a huge market


and that is a key it was a huge huge market and uh eventually Jared calls me


back a week later and he's like you know what let's do this he joins the slack Jared and I partner up we go from 10K a month


to 150k a month in 90 days and it's been history ever since so the reason I


partnered with Jared which I think is important is he was incredible at sales and marketing he had a skill that I do


not have I did not have and again I'll quote her Mosey I don't know if this is his original quote but clearly I'm a


connoisseur of his content one of the things he says you should only partner with somebody if they have the skills you don't have the money you don't have


or the time you don't have Jared had the skill that I did not have and so we partnered up I did all the product all


the back and he took over the sales team brought in a ton of closers raised the price did all the fun fancy front-end


stuff and we scaled fatal mistake is partnering with the person that's most convenient or like a friend from that


you grew up or that you like the most yeah that you like the most fatal mistakes and you'll learn eventually I


think we all we've all learned and another big thing about Partnerships is like the best companies and if you read


good to Great amazing Business book by Jim Collins one of the things they talk about is leadership teams need to the


autopsy results Without Blame or bias autopsy results without blamer bias so


Jared and I Jared was on the debate team in high school he loves to debate and I hate it but we debate


everything and the reason is because I've had Partnerships like this where I'll go to them I'll say hey here's my


idea and I'll say oh that's a great idea let's do it oh here's my new idea oh that's a great idea let's do it oh I


think that's a bad idea oh you're right that's about and they just would agree and they were just yes men and I was like I don't even need them as a partner


Jared and I is the exact opposite I'm like Jared I think we should do this and he literally looks for reasons to say no but it's actually good because then we


know we're only actually doing the right things and that's what the most successful companies do is they autopsy


the results they don't care who was right or wrong they look for what is objectively the right thing to do that


is such a good way to frame I've never thought about that way have you ever done a psychedelics you don't have to dude I'm literally bro I said God give


me a sign that I'm supposed to do psychedelics tomorrow and now he asked me we're supposed to do it tomorrow in Sedona that's a great choice


that's exactly what it does it allows you to separate your ego and your identity wow decision making and so like


you can get in a feedback loop like this is the right business this is the right business this is the right decision yeah and then you can just do that and it's

PART - 2 


all of a sudden your ego and identity is completely separated from your own decision making where you can criticize that like objectively and laugh at


yourself dude so if you're in a rut that's like the key that is so interesting I'm definitely doing it now like that I


would not be surprised I'm literally uh I'm literally I'm gonna do them tomorrow now because you said that but it's


interesting like most of the things we don't know stem from fear of admitting that we


don't know them like like most of the things we think are it's I think Mark Twain has a quote it's not what you know


quote you guys yeah dude a phone quote book at the end of the day um he says something like it's it's not


what you don't know that gets you in trouble it's what you think you know that just ain't so and it's our ego that


keeps us in thinking things that aren't true and it's it's ego it's the self-protection but I love that so


everybody do shrooms normally that's funny okay so with that being


said I did want to ask you said you're 50 50. how did you guys how do you guys make decisions if you both I disagree


that is a great question he is CEO and he technically has laissez which sucks because I'm the founder and like it's


like yeah he has the final final set yeah because he is CEO I've given upon


and I've given her that responsibility and we have never really actually had a problem there


he has made decisions that he did without my knowing or like things


on the front end that he just you know basically was like I didn't need to tell you about it because it's the front end I go to him for every decision I make he


goes to me for like some of the decisions he makes so there's definitely a problem there and I've just had to accept like I made him CEO because he


was willing to take on the responsibility and take ownership over the entire team which I didn't want to


do so like I have to accept the fact that he's going to make some decisions without me and I just have to kill my


ego there and say you know what you made a decision without me let's talk about it so much of good Partnerships


is just not trying to be the bigger person 100 because you could like get to this route where you think that


you like it can become an ego thing where like you make this decision and it


becomes personal and it's like now you're trying to win an argument regardless of logic because it's your like it's your side versus their side


not about what's best for the business yeah so me and my partner I think I'm the one that like has like final say for


the most part but in our uh partnership agreements it's always if it comes down to it flip of a coin yeah like if it's


like if you want to like to death die on The Sword we just flip a coin just have to deal with it interesting because that's in every operating agreement we


have that's an interesting framework I kind of like it I can just challenge him to a bad one yeah he gets head Target


Tails yeah I think it's important especially because Partnerships can go wrong I know


you talked about like get everything in writing and get Partnerships down pat please well we can save that one for another day yeah so again let's go into


team help you said you have he manages the team how big is your team well I manage the back any minutes but he's

Team and Hiring


ultimately CEO so like he has the final say and stuff like that okay so first off just objectively how many people are


on your team contract teachers and full-time employees just everybody's full-time 17 17 people okay what okay 17


people wow and they're all full-time employees W-2 yeah um W9 and then some are uh it's like 88 bin


or something okay okay interesting okay so then let's go through


what in order do you hire for an agency that's scaling


what in order do you hire that is a good question


I heard Layla say I'll just keep quoting them because they're I mean you are from somewhere there's no original spot


it's 100 true it's just about like can you actually grasp the thoughts that are being taught because like you can listen to this podcast and go out and like not


follow any distance person to learn so one of the things Layla um I heard her say because she's a genius with hiring


and management is you want to hire for the thing that you hate the most and you're the worst at like start with high


offloading those things because they're probably draining the most of your energy yeah so if you're a sales oriented person hire somebody to run the


ads hire somebody to talk to the clients hire for also what is the biggest problem right now time wise what is


taking up the most of your time because if you can free your time you can go work on the most important thing in the business which is going to be generating


revenue and attracting more team members so just hire for what is taking up the most time right now like it any agency


I'm talking to or working with because I'm starting to take equity in some it's like literally if you're looking to hire


people what is the thing you're spending the most time on right now that's the framework we use so when you're first starting out you're by yourself you just


put you have to do everything all 10 things you have to come up with the ad make the ad run the ad do the setting do


the sales call do the onboarding do the expectation management yeah and then actually end up fulfilling and so just


identify out of what part of those steps you do not enjoy the most and then find someone how do you find someone great


question we are big fans of recruiters recruiters money love speed we like to just give people money save the time and


find people fast the philosophy I call this eight figure philosophy but like


this is the thing this is the backbone of our company never stop selling never stop recruiting like and you do that all


the way to I think you can probably get to a million dollars a month I haven't done it myself but I think you can get to a million dollars a month never stop


selling never stop recruiting and through one channel for recruiting for selling no I think you need multiple


acquisition channels to get to a million a month for recruiting you can recruit I mean your recruiters can recruit on a


ton of channels we just pay a recruiter and uh we basically have them on payroll and they find the people for us they


bring us amazing candidates and we just do the interviews and go from there we sacrifice our money for time how much do


you pay on your Twitter um we get a good deal but like 4 500 for a CSM or a sales person usually it's


like 10K so it's basically there's 10K per person they find you essentially four


England like for us-based front-end people yes for overseas employees we can


get team members placed for fifteen hundred dollars which is really good that's just a flat fee you pay them yep


cool yep I've never done that that's interesting it helps so much it also depends on the nature of your company if


you're like a really Niche company you have a small amount of people it may make sense to hire from Network especially with the leverage you have in


your brand uh but when you're like an agency and you can train people from the ground up it's a little less niche


it just makes sense to have a recruiter find the people for you yeah there's not many our industry is very new so there's


not a ton of like established people or companies that you can recruit from yeah and yeah my network definitely helps um


Okay so 17 people wow that's really what's the what roles is it like four Setters five


salesmen is that like bulk of it well we have three sales people we have a sales manager we have one Setter right now so


three sales Etc one sales manager one Setter we have a wizard who's basically


an automation specialist kind of like an ops manager but just the automation side they don't do some of the other


operational things you have to do then we have a head coach uh we have two customer success reps below the head


coach we have three media buyers and then we have an executive assistant and the head coach should customer success


those are all like the community coaching calls calling them talking about like a month are you everything going okay how's your experience


basically email support all that okay gotcha cool yeah that's a good structure bro that's the breakdown and


250 to 300K a month so is that what channels are you using to get clients is


it solely Facebook ads Instagram they still get Instagram referrals Tick Tock ads as well okay so this is something I


want to just nail because it's so crucial to your business and I also want to talk about your uh finding your franchises how that helped you at the


beginning so making a good product is how you get referrals essentially yeah but is there a referral structure you


have is there a fee you're paying and then go into the actual franchise how you found franchises as well yeah


another really good question referrals we incentivize our clients to give you referrals because you're going to pay to


acquire a customer anyway you might as well just pay your clients to do the acquisition for you because their referrals make better clients and


they're easier sales so we pay our clients um 33 recurring for life of anybody they


refer lifetime value 33 percent yep that's really good you do you could make


you could make six figures just referring people to State AI so if you know some Realtors connect us thirty three percent for life


for real that's crazy um at the gym agencies what we did was two referrals equals a free month and


people love that yeah we had one person refer us 12 clients they got six free months and they gave us 12 clients it


was a no-brainer I'd do it every time that's like basically just a side hustle for them at that point sure so yeah when


it comes to asking for referral at what stage are you asking it like are you waiting until you get them like a result for a month



dude I love that you know this space because like I feel like those questions are are super if you class them today


and then ask him tomorrow like I feel like yeah so rude yes but also that's


what I used to think and now it's like as soon as your client has a win you want to ask them to upsell into your


higher level program if you have like the first win if it's big enough yes not yeah


um like we joined Cole Gordon's Inner Circle and like in the first like I don't know month they were like yo join


the Border like and it's like that's how you should do it so it makes sense as soon as they get a win


um you want to get a testimonial a success interview saying good things about your product and service you want


to ask them who they know you want to get a written review on Google if you can um and then you want to upsell them into


whatever thing you want because you've gotten them to say good things you've asked them who they've known so they put your their name on the line for you now


that now is the perfect time to try to upsell them into a higher level program as soon as the iron is hot that's when


you want to strike right like as soon as there's momentum capitalize on that because that's when like the start of a


relationship you're excited and now you're starting to see some results you're like oh this thing's awesome like that's when you want to strike and you


want to get uh testimonials referrals all that stuff how do you know that they got their first win Community helps because we do okay so


this is another little uh I guess nugget for agency owners we do something called the agent lottery so every time a client


posts a win in our Facebook group our private group they enter a ticket into the agent Lottery and in the Asian


lottery in the agent Lottery we give away uh commercials like the custom songs but


you actually get to be in the ad we're flying somebody out to be in the ad with us we're taking them out to dinner it's


just fun yeah and we're also giving them a free month of the company we're a free ticket to our first in-person event a


for a free VIP ticket um and then there's like other things we give away so every time you enter a


ticket we're giving like forty thousand dollars worth of stuff and it's a six month challenge which is pretty long I'd


recommend doing it for like 60 days not six months but we do the agent Lottery anytime somebody posts a win they get a


ticket entered and then we raffle it off so give your clients an incentive to want to share their wins our Facebook


group is just full of people crushing it crush it like a couple days ago we had a client saying got a 1.2 million dollar


listing from you guys two hours later another client got a 1.6 million dollar listing from you guys a few hours later


one of our OG's they closed 16 deals from you they make so much money off of that too insane wow it's insane and so


now also what that does is psychologically all people are ever seen from your company is wins how can they


go to you and say your product doesn't work right they just saw 40 people get wins and enter the agent lottery so


that's that's another thing we do um I forget where I was going with that but that's another no but that's something that's like for that's Community


Building like tactics right there yes people look at a community there's like one post a day two posts a day and it's


like I can't get this to work it's all tech support people are like gonna just have low energy painful but if you are


incentivizing saying like hey if you share your win you're entering this Lottery to get an ad cash whatever it is


now everyone's just putting their share it just because Community is like a living breathing organism or like


growing a plant you know like if you let it die it's dead it but it's a momentum game yeah just like an agency scaling in


that sense as well that's cool that's really smart and really clever that's non-obvious to a lot of people you never


you don't see those in smma courses a lot of the time until you've Advanced so moving on that's really good Insight


thank you um I just want to go through Just One Last Time like just objectively what are


the your Tech stock or what are all the different softwares and automation do you use just list them all

Tech Stack


okay so slack for team Communications yep stripe for payment processing so


what do you do for if you want to accept payment what's that process for the 8 000. we just get their card we put in


the stripe you just write down their card number we we our closers our advisors have access to stripe so they


can just put the card info right into stripe straight you know I guess hey funnels or anything nope straight into stripe um we used to do pay funnels just


Stripes easier for us so stripe slack for team communication high level for


CRM management internally and externally close for internal CRM managing leads


and Prospects close close it's like close.io pretty cool software from what


I heard honestly I don't need that sales team does Facebook group um make.com for automations a little bit


of zapier there's probably some other stuff I'm missing but like that's the main that's


the what was your attack message provider twilio is connected to high level so if you just use high level twilio will be embedded in that yeah go


high levels grown so much dude I was I was on the click funnels group era dude I was the three I was like the 300th


person in high level like four years ago when nobody knew what high level was I came across it I was like this is going


to change the game and I was like I didn't even want to tell anybody about it because they almost optimized for smma in a way they did they were an


agent so Charles Clark the CEO um he was an agency owner that's why the funnel stayed broad for like any funnel they


like specifically went into like every solution for your agency yeah and now people are making bank on they're like a Phil their affiliate program dude I


know I know the number one high level affiliate Thomas Gannett I don't know if you know Thomas um I won't say how much he makes but


let's just say he's like 20 years old and he's making bank just literally referring GH I've heard so


many stories of that like the last two or three months great it's interesting because they give 40 lifetime Lifetime and they have a high ticket service yeah


it's really interesting it's a whole new one Sean Clark is an incredible CEO by the way just like product focused to the


core customer obsessed everything we've talked about he embodies and that's a huge reason High level's been so


successful okay I'll check him out yeah huh interesting all right so I think that I think I fully understand your


your agency I think I know how you run out to your clients how you get results to your clients what you focus on to make sure you're getting a good product


I think I understand how you get clients how you fulfill your process


pretty clearly so yeah you seem like a really smart guy you're really well read you're really well educated but you said


that you dropped out in ninth grade yeah I don't know if I got to say legal like I don't even know if that's legal I


don't know if I could say well educated so I'll tell you how I finesse but not formally educated not formally educated I'll tell you how I finesse the


education system completely and I've never heard anybody say this but it's not so I dropped out of ninth grade to


my parents dismay and uh disgruntledness and it was very difficult but I left after ninth grade and I can talk about


why but to talk about finessing the education system I went and I did classes online like before it was cool

Online Highschool


before covid was a thing I just did online programs before before it was cool


um so my senior year of high school I did this thing called pin Foster it's a company it's a school you can look it up


I went to Penn Foster in my senior year I finished two full semesters six full credits in three days any pro anybody


can go do that right now do that finish the entire like get your diploma


you could like you could finish four years of school in a week how crazy you'd be 14 years old sitting


just like all right so mad in high school like all the time like this is such a waste of time so slow I'm here


seven hours yeah okay so I left after ninth grade and then I did online and I realized you could finesse


um my senior year I I guess my senior year I graduated early I bought Billy Wilson's course I wanted I was 17 17. so


I finished in three days um I had bought Billy's course actually a couple weeks before that and


it was just it was really interesting man because


I remember going to my mom and saying like I'm not going to college and I'm


buying this course and I want to build a marketing agency and I also needed her to pay for half of it because I couldn't


afford the course and I remember telling her that like sitting her down at the kitchen table just like


this and saying like Mom I'm gonna buy this course I'm not going to college and she just like freezes and then she


starts crying and I just see like these tears all up inside her and she's just like Matt like please go to college she was


so worried for me and I was like Mom like I just need you to trust me I just need you to take this but like


and I stopped convincing her I was just like you know what I don't care what I have to do I will never see that look on


my mom's face again I will never see that look on my mom's face again of fear and and disbelief and and just I don't


care what I have to do now my mom's a client she's wanted to be a business partner of mine love her to death we've


grown a great relationship but she was so scared of me not going to college and buying this course and going in this


digital route that it gave me the fuel I needed to just say I don't care what the I have to do I'm going to make this


work and if I didn't have that motivation I probably wouldn't have worked so hard to try to succeed with this so


that that was a pivotal moment for me was talking to her and saying hey I want to buy this course and her just


literally crying in my face and then just three hours later I go to my brother I'm walking upstairs he's like


so man what colleges are you applying to and I'm like oh dude actually I I'm gonna do smma and he bursts out laughing


bro my brother and I have obnoxious laughs so he's just like like literally laughing like a high-pitched girl and he's just like smma


and I'm like and I just I felt so bad dude I was like my mom doesn't believe in me my brother's laughing at


me my friends are making fun of me like was so I remember I went to the gym one time with this girl that I had a


crush on and she walks up to me I'm 17 at the time I dropped out of school so I was like homeschooled so I was like I'll


loser in a lot of people's eyes and I remember I go to the gym with this girl I liked and she walks up out of her


car and the first thing she says to me like doesn't say hello or anything she just says what are you doing like what do you mean we're about to


work out she's like no like what are you doing you're 17 you don't have a car you don't have a license you don't go to


school you're not going to college you don't have a job what are you doing I was just like


what the am I doing I was like I gotta prove people wrong and I'll be


honest proving people wrong was the single biggest source of motivation that I ever had now what's honestly really


weird is people believe in me and now I have to prove them right and it's way less motivating than proving them wrong


so it's been fascinating for me but that's part of what pushed me so hard you see Michael Jordan's the Last Dance


yeah like he just finds reasons like make things personal for no reason for that reason dude a competitor Michael


Jordan I have some crazy Michael I met Michael Jordan um I met Michael Jordan because I yeah


um I live in Charlotte I lived in Charlotte I played basketball my entire life I played at the Jordan brand classic which is a high school event


where he he gave our entire AAU team shoes and like signed them no yeah so I met Michael and I started looking into


him and like dude some of this he did is insane Psychopathic dude he went he went to one of his teammates houses


to play cards with him and his grandma his teammate got up and like went to the bathroom and Michael cheated in the game


to beat the grandma bro and he like he didn't tell the grandma he cheated in a card game against a grandma that's


Psychopathic it's cool because it's Michael Jordan but bro if I did that to your grandma you'd be like


okay so I will say I'm gonna shout out Dan Co here do you know how


that is Dan yeah yeah I love his like spirituality but he put me on this thing called uh like the nine sages or seven


stages of ego development to actualize.org it's like six hour long podcast of like the stages of your ego


development and so it's like the pre-conventional the conventional stages of your ego where people at that stage


are literally incapable of like thinking that their worldview is wrong and so


when you're constantly as a high schooler kid being told by your parents everyone around you your ego is only developed to a space where if you're not


doing that one path that everyone is saying is the right path you genuinely to your core belief that anyone doing


things differently are wrong to the point where you're like scared and you need to like try to protect them yeah so it's


interesting to Glide the exact same story as a kid like I always felt different I always felt like no one was like taking me serious I had like big


Ambitions this I was like this can't be right like we're wasting all our time we're not learning and so I love that you like had the balls internally


to drop out finish school fast and then stand up to your parents and I will say


one more thing because I know a lot of kids relate to this like your mom is only viewing you off of signals that


you're sending her based on your performance because she's at her job she's not with you at school and when she's seeing that you're like not doing


well in school you're dropping out in her mind like what's wrong with him is he like doing drugs is he like not like


what could I do better because they like take account like their accountability what could I be doing better to help them go on the right path but any person


wants extraordinary result will be in that position that you're in and have to stand up for themself over their parents at some point yeah so what gave you the


courage to even go against them and do that


or to tell them before you even started I was too scared to tell my parents like I just did it and I was like if I make


10K a month then they'll like they can't say anything so I did it silently


while going to school and wasting a ton of money in college honestly man it wasn't courage at all


like the reason my mom cried this is like the real explanation of the story


age 15 to 8 17. I had given up on life like after I


dropped out of school like I every day I woke up I just hated likes and that is the most ignorant thing I


will ever say I admit it it's the dumbest thing I could ever say but I hated waking up did you have a reason like a core like I had so I had


I was diagnosed with anxiety depression and OCD The Big Three As I call it and


it crippled me like I I couldn't walk into a grocery store my anxiety was so bad but like so many might judge Mears I


couldn't talk to people so just for like reference like that is that that's the shift you can make as a


human being go from not being able to talk to people to being able to lead a team of 17 people and hundreds of clients like that is what I'm fascinated


with more than anything else is what is the transformation you can make as a person on this planet what it what are


you capable of achieving by transforming your mind because that is the greatest superpower we have so like I was in a


completely dark place I I had been going to therapy for years I wasn't making progress my life was


pitiful and I had probably the lowest self-esteem of anybody you would ever meet ever and my mom knew that and she


had watched me go through all of this and she was just so worried and she didn't know what to do nobody did they gave me bills they gave me all


this nobody knew what no knew what to do and Entrepreneurship was like


the one thing that gave me hope that maybe I can actually go and make money and all this proving wrong that I think I can do I can leverage it in a way that


makes me financially free and so when I discovered entrepreneurship it was like it was the only thing that gave me hope


that maybe I can actually overcome all of this and become freak and it's the best thing I ever did and saved


my life and I'm extraordinarily grateful I love to psychoanalyze and so have you been able to like now that where you're


at now with perspective your brain's more developed and like awareness have you been able to like look back and try


to understand what was triggered because anxiety is like in my opinion maybe this is completely wrong and you stand up for


yourself if this is the case but in my opinion anxiety OCD or but depression is like triggered because of your


circumstance that you're in and you are like out of control and you can't you feel like you can't control that situation and you're in a bad Loop so do


you think that the fact that you were being put into a system that wasn't designed for your personality type


was like the reason that you were feeling anxiety and depression or do you think that you actually there's like a brain chemical mismatch genuinely


because I think one last thing yeah because doctors will just prescribe in America just prescribe you An Extremely


Dangerous Drug to change your brain chemistry to fix it and they did instead of trying to change your environment


first and they did that which is everybody wants to give give the solution to the problem but nobody


everyone wants to give like the the Band-Aid to the problem but nobody wants to figure out like how do you actually heal the or identify what the problem


actually like how did how did it come about and like they gave me like Lorazepam or some and they're


like oh you won't feel depressed anymore they were right I felt like a zombie though I didn't feel anything I


just was like walking around like I don't feel anything for six months so looking I thought about this so much


like why was my anxiety so bad why was I so depressed and I think a lot of it


is yes being in an environment that I just didn't fit into I think a lot of it is


rooted in the programming that happens from age zero to eight seven my parents got divorced when I was six and I think subconsciously I maybe somehow blamed


myself and have always had like some core like lower self-esteem because of that because I felt like I was the


reason my parents got divorced but consciously I don't think like that at all yeah I'm glad they got divorced it's way better that way so I don't know


exactly what it was um but I know one thing for sure is I was


anxious and depressed and sad because I was trying to be somebody that I wasn't because I was trying to fit into a box


that I couldn't I was like a fly trapped in a jar going like banging its head from side to side trying to figure out


how do I get out of this it just went crazy and then entrepreneurship for me was realizing that the lid was off the


jar the entire time and I could just fly right up and like for me I just yeah I just I was trying


to fit into a box that I didn't fit into that caused me to be somebody I wasn't so of course I was anxious I was faking


I wasn't who I actually was of course I was depressed and the Bible says anxiety causes depression within a man so the


anxiety created the depression and the anxiety was created because I was trying to be somebody that I wasn't and it's


because I overvalued myself and I thought things were more important than they actually were like my biggest thing


to share is you are going to die none of this actually matters don't take yourself so seriously and if I could


have done that back then I would have been able to be free like who cares if somebody says dude your podcast sucked


your information you I don't like you who cares if somebody says oh you're a terrible business like who cares you're


going to die none of this is this is all made up bro all the cameras everything is just made it's a game it's a game


that we get to play but I was taking myself way too seriously and uh it me up yeah I think you have to


live by a moral ethical code at that point and then you can rest easy at night from there and it's kind of just what you're referencing is the Albert


Einstein quote like if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it's going to live its whole life thinking it's stupid talk about quotes man I love


that myself I love those but that's just like the system that most people are put on top of that's like pre-puberty


puberty you're all going through this different transformation you're in a small like social status Circle and if


you're not thriving in that social status Circle that's how humans like judge their performance in life yeah


you're obviously gonna have a horrible time I was very sad in Middle School in high school yeah for that exact reason


but you seem to be going through a lot different like like a lot harsher so once you got out of that system and then


you told your mom you finally made that like statement I'm not going to college I'm going to do this did you feel like


was that when the lid was opened and you found the way to go through did that like open the doors to the first feeling


free that was the first time in years that I had hoped like that was the first time in years I


woke up with like hey maybe I because my plan was like after I turned 18 everybody's gonna go to college I won't


be able to live at home anymore and like that's when I'll have to take my own life and like that was my plan for three years is like this is over this is


miserable and like I can't even begin to try to comprehend how


I used to think that was the option for me like that was the best solution of my life was to end it


so when I saw entrepreneurship yeah it gave me hope for the first time and now on wake up every day and I'm just like


and Nick can attest to us a test this because we're both the same way like I'm just grateful every breath I get


to take I walk outside I see this and I'm like how lucky am I just to be here and um entrepreneurship 100 was


the the reason for that yeah so I


entrepreneurship isn't necessarily fun or easy like directly the tasks you have to do yeah it's not instant


gratification you have to come up with an idea for an ad make an ad for a week wait for the editor you have to learn


the systems take a course do all this it's not easy so obviously it was more gradual than just like today I'm going


to start being an entrepreneur and now you had hope but the Hope was building and you saw an opportunity that you got excited about and then you could see


results kind of yeah so what was like your actual process from like the day


you started your entrepreneurship Journey you took did you bought you bought Billy's release of course so what


was like some of the key points that like you actually started making positive movement forward


I had to get over my fears I had to get over the anxiety I had to start cold calling cold calling was a mental


tug of war challenge for me and that was like I remember the first cold clock because I've always fine dude yeah


especially when you have like literally diagnosed anxiety and OCD like I'm I'm 15 minutes because this is how OCD works


it sucks I I don't speak it over myself anymore I no longer have OCD that but when I


did I was I was like dialing the number for 15 minutes straight and then deleting it all and then dialing to get into deleting unlike 15 minutes it took


me to make my first cold call you know what's hilarious bro I call the guy and it was the best cold call I've ever had


till this day I was sweating I was shaking I was so nervous and he's like so like did you buy a course or something it's a gym owner a cold called


a gym owner in Virginia and he's like did you buy a course or something I was like yeah he's like whose course did you buy I was like Billy Wilson he's like


Billy I know Billy this random gym owner in Virginia was in an inner circle with Billy in a mastermind with


him and we hit it off we had a great conversation and that showed me these fears are just false evidence appearing


real and it's not anything that can actually hold me back and I realized like this is all made up in my


mind this life there's there's another side to every fear that I have which is the reality of it which is actually


something beautiful and I had a great conversation that I was terrified of I was terrified of calling and I ended up


having a great outcome so I started to reshape my mind into realizing what you you perceive will happen might not


actually be the reality and I could just trick myself into taking the action so cold calling was a huge thing for me there's nothing scarier than the unknown


the fear of the unknown like for me even like going to get a bank loan like at this age I've made a lot of


money in my life but yeah I've never gotten a bank loan before so like I don't know what questions to ask I don't know how to go about it am I going to


come off rude am I going to say something wrong yeah and it's just like terrifies cripples and crippling anxiety but the second you just go in there and


do it like oh this company literally exists to give loans that is their business they want to give you a loan


and they're trying to help you you know how to do it it's like no-brainer and that's everything I've experienced and so I think one thing for let me know if


you've experienced this for a lot of agency Founders is one a lot of people like to talk about oh I'm gonna start an


agency I bought I got a course I bought a course and then they go tell their friends tell their parents I'm gonna start an agency and they get like a


dopamine hit because they are saying they're going to start an agency but then once it comes to actually you know


making their first cold call making an ad putting them taking action putting themselves in the position to fail


that's when they get blocked so how did you find that like was it out of pure necessity great question dude I'm so I'm


so glad you asked that because yes it was literally life or death for me like I viewed my life as either I figure out


how to make money to survive or I end it and so it was like it was life or death I had no other option there was no I


want to make 10K a month and buy a Lambo I didn't give up I said out loud to the universe God if I can make twenty five


hundred dollars a month online using this smma thing I will be the happiest person in the world I said that out loud


2500 a month 100 times that later I'm still not the happiest person in the world unfortunately but that's all I


wanted in the beginning I just wanted to survive that was it all the nice stuff in the cloud like I didn't care


about any of it I just wanted to live I've heard Luke Belmar talk about Newton's third law


what I'm fascinated with is Newton's first law and it's a object at rest


stays at rest and an object emotion stays in motion unless acted upon by an


unbalancing Force most entrepreneurs whether it's politically correct or not to say are objects at rest and I was one


of them and the loss shows that the reason you're an object at rest is because you haven't been acted upon by


an unbalancing Force so for me my unbalancing force was I had no other option I had to get


into motion and once I got into motion I stayed in I stayed in motion which is the law of momentum


right staying at rest is the law of inertia staying in motion is the law of momentum so you have to figure out I'm


at rest why what is my unbalancing Force for me it was people's judgments it was


people's doubts it was proving people wrong it was survival I had an unbalancing force that caused me to get


out of rest and get into motion and if you can be introspective and figure out what that unbalancing force is for you


you will have a source of motivation that is just incredible to tap into that


beats any sort of Desire or anything because you have your unbalancing force and your reason for getting out of rest and mine was just survival


I've never heard that like a way of explaining like that meta is a metaphor that metaphor for like entrepreneurship


there's a lot of yeah symbiosis I think uh between science and success


sorry that really just like resonated with me a lot that's really interesting because that's like a lot of physics but it also applies I'll put it I'll put to put it simple like more simply my


partner Jared I love when he says this until the fear of staying the same becomes


greater than the fear of change you will remain stagnant um


that is so interesting okay sorry so basically explain to me


you just I'm profound okay so basically explain to me that someone's watching this right like


everyone watching these podcasts are always not everyone but a lot of people watching this podcast are going to be


thinking like they have the perspective that they're going to watch this and be like that's the reason he's successful and I'm not


like he had something he had an advantage that I didn't he was in he grew up entitled he grew up rich he was


in this circumstance it would never work for someone in my circumstances no one could possibly be thinking that


listening to your story in my opinion so what could you possibly say to someone like how do you get someone that has a


certain constant mindset or way of viewing the world where they are constantly justifying why they are not successful


or why someone else is successful in discounting their success for some reason like that people talk about


belief a lot belief is the biggest key to success right you must believe to


self-development you must believe I don't think it's belief I think it's realization okay once you realize


exactly what you said isn't true once you realize that oh it will never work for a person like


me once you realize that you are truly the captain of your fate and the master of your destiny or whatever the quote is


once you realize that I can actually just shape whatever sort of life I want for myself and once you


actually understand that that's when life opens up to you for me it was going to an event in Mexico my first


networking event ever I was 18 at the time I was making zero dollars a month and I go into this room full of


entrepreneurs and they're all doing 100K a month 200k a month 500k a month a million a month and I meet all these


people and I hear their stories and I listen to them and I see them I I realize they're


not that much smarter than me but they're making 200k a month 500k a month I had the realization that it was


possible it wasn't even the belief I wasn't like oh I think I can do it I was like I know this is possible I saw


people firsthand who did not go to college who are making half a million dollars a month I know I can do it too so like once you see and that's why I


love sharing the story making content is like if I can be the source of realization for somebody else to where


they say man I hated school too like bro I was ranked 330 out of 400 students I


was in the bottom 25 of my high school I was in Middle School I was commonly referred to as the worst kid in school


because I had the most attentions I got suspended like I was the worst one bro if I can go from dropping out in ninth


grade being literally suicidal hating my life not wanting to wake up to making millions just a few years later what the


are you capable of like that's the game explain the process of how you did that


I know it's so nuanced and so many different learning lessons but you have to talk as long as you want if


you could have to like describe the most impactful like Learning lesson is the most like


game changing moments I guess is the best way to put it the event was used to like start to finish yeah


the event was huge being in person the cold calling was huge because I was getting over my fears fear paralyzes


more people than lack of information ever will 100 and so starting to slowly but surely get the small wins the small


wins of picking up the phone and cold calling somebody what can that lead to go into the event meeting people in


person surrounding myself with people who forced me to level up or get kicked out of the group because again that


tribal fear of if I get kicked out of the group I'm not safe once I leveled up my circle and I was surrounding myself with other six and seven figure


entrepreneurs I had to change who I was or I would have gotten kicked out so I forced it and


JFK tells this incredible story he shared this with the range on these quotes let's go okay


look in the Buddha don't get it started on Buddhism bro but JFK tells this amazing story about the moon landing


and this is how they he claimed that we landed on the moon um this was the reason behind it he told


the story of his grandfather who grew up in Ireland and his grandfather and his


school buddies they would walk home every day from school and they would climb these walls they would try to climb the highest walls they could one


day his grandfather and his buddies get to a wall that was so high they didn't think they could climb it so what they


did Brett was they took their hats and they threw their hats that their mothers had made for them for their school


outfits they threw their hats over the wall so the only way that they could go and get their hats was by climbing over the


wall so they gave themselves a reason and a necessity to climb over the wall and when for me putting myself in that


group of high-level high-earning entrepreneurs it was me throwing my hat over the wall and saying I'm either gonna become the person that is worthy


of being surrounded by these human beings I'm going to get kicked out and I'm not going to be able to go home because I don't have my hat with me so I


threw my hat over the wall by going to these events getting in person with these people and building relationships


and joining a tribe that I didn't want to get kicked out of there is zero doubt about it that you are the people that you surround yourself with and if


everyone around you like my circle here everyone's making millions dollars a year yeah we have one friend who their


companies got valued at 200 million dollars yeah and they've been building it for the four years we've known them the whole time they're our age and it's


like I thought I was doing amazing holy and then I just I'm not going out


I'm not doing anything so right I'm staying in for the next six months and I want to be at that level because they're going to have a 50 million dollar house


and I want to live in the neighborhood stuff and is some part of you worried like if I don't I think I'm gonna lose


the screw this like some travel party yes absolutely because like as much as I want to say these are like my genuine friends and we all have each other are


each other's backs like regardless yeah if I start slipping start eating unhealthy gaining weight smoking weed


all the time doing all these bad habits they will subconsciously stop hanging out with me because they know that it'll like rub off on them and so it's an


unspoken thing these are my friends these are my brothers but at the same time if you don't have your together you don't deserve to be in this


group and it's like something that is just in our nature it's just as selfish for you to pull the average down as it


is selfish for them to kick you out exactly so if you're gonna let them down of course of course they're not going to surround themselves with you anymore All


Humans Do Is compare like you say that there's no original thought we mimic each other yeah like it's my medic desire at the same time like if my


friend wants I think I saw you talking about this too if my like if Sebastian or someone wants like is buying a Urus


or looking at a Urus I never once thought that was a cool car and then he got it and then one time I saw like a


girl be like whose car is that yeah three days later subconsciously I find myself on a car website looking to buy a


Urus and I'm like last week I told someone I don't even like urises and now like I like had like a holy like


perception or like yeah just like what is going on like I am not in control of what I'm doing right now we're nomadic


creatures it's freaky and so the point I'm trying to make is if you're in your local area and all of your friends around you are smoking weed playing


video games and they work like a job where they make four thousand dollars a month with their degree and you're making ten thousand dollars a month with


your smma you're gonna be like I'm the man I'm killing it this is great but there's no reason to grow and so


intentionally throwing your hat over the wall yes is the key to leveling up to 100K a month a million dollars a month


because you have to have that Direct in my opinion I do that direct comparison that direct reason to desire something


and being conscious of the fact that I'm I am not in control of what I desire being around people that make me desire


in positive ways is the single-handed like cheat code to life because now I don't even have to like


seek it it's just around me that makes them you're 100 dude that's so well said and you're also constantly growing your


realization of what is possible your friend who has a 200 million dollar company as soon as you said that I was like


what am I doing I need to get to like I'm and I'm real if I met the guy and I talked to him I'm sure I'd be like oh


I can build it it's the realization so you're constantly growing that as you grow your circle too very very powerful


and I think you should get a Urus one day that's funny I can't copy so bad so


I think you should get the exact same one just a different color it would be kind of cool to have a squad roll up in different rainbows rainbow your assist


but yeah okay so really I've loved the conversation and so


really just let me know yeah bro last thing I really want to talk about if you guys want to learn his story is


really inspiring I wanted to get into your story but like we're getting close to the end here so I just wanted to kind of more so focus on


at the end like I always like to ask people like who do you learn from you've quoted so many people yeah but


who do you like learn from the most who have you like who would you uh like attribute most of your success to at


this point


like my dad number one


my dad was a senior VP HR Manager for Fortune 100 company how at least everything like I used to think he had


the lane and like we weren't Rich growing up but like he just had a good job and he had a high level position but


um because I remember you mentioned the you know this kid grew up rich so of course that he did I couldn't we I was just like middle class but anyway my dad


had a really important job I guess and I used to think it was the lamest thing in the world and then I had to hire somebody and then I had to manage


somebody and then I had to deal with I want to raise I want to quit I then I deal with I was like okay what do I do


here and I asked my dad about it one day and he just like opened up this flood of HR wisdom and I was like damn dad why


did you tell me you knew so much cooler and uh now I go to my dad for like HR management advice because he's you know


hired hundreds and hundreds of people and done it at the highest level um so my dad number one


um and I would throw my mom there as well for just her grit and not giving a what people think about her bro my


mom's gotten kicked out of more basketball games and others anybody got your kicked out of a bro she's at the end of the day she does


um I would also say Alex tremozi very fortunate to have had a conversation with him and and actually chatted with


him and learned from him and uh also just learning indirectly from him for years I think business-wise he has


influenced me probably more than anybody else the Buddha I've learned a lot from studying Buddhism and studying the


philosophy that Buddhists hold and then I would also add Jesus to that which is


a complete contradiction from Buddhism but I think Jesus and like King Solomon into some of the wisdom in the Bible


those things have influenced me probably more than anything else at the same time studying Sam Altman


like I could share with you people I study all day long like there's so many I think it really comes


from a family and then again people like hermosi and


some of the wisdom that is in some of these biblical texts as well I think those have been the things that have led my life more than anything else I really


do think people might over emphasize the business knowledge needed to be successful yeah and really it's just


about taking the action doing the uncomfortable things and neglect the spiritual side or the actual like focusing on your happiness


personal side personal side yeah better way to put it and so that is really interesting for you to say that because I've watched your content and you do


focus a lot on the personal side I know and I feel like I've actually been doing it too much because I think people are like all right dude like we get it now


and like I need to post some tactical so um I'm glad we I'm glad we did this because I'm like damn there's a lot of


technical I need to talk what's the details that matter most I do want to ask you that I totally forgot this you can reference Billy's course a lot yeah


so like what and you were like a blank slate like you could have found a Drop Shipping course you could have found an affiliate course you could have found


Amazon yeah it's like you could have chosen any of these like stereotypical make money online for companies and


they're all valid business models so what was it about smma that really like it was like that's the one that I'm


gonna do that I could be great at logically and made the most sense to me it seemed the most duplicatable Ecom you


have to find the product you have to create the brand it's like there's a lot of variants and Nuance to it SMA it was


like find businesses sell them Facebook ads and like copy and paste my structure help them get customers the other thing


is like I saw myself in Billy that is so important if you can see yourself in a mentor they'll they will be able to take


you away further because you will be able to believe and realize even more that the


things they've done are possible for you too because you see yourself in them Billy was like kind of this like you know awkward like kind of introverted


guy who seemed to really be honest and care about product he wasn't a flashy Wolf of Wall Street salesperson and I


love that about him because I was like man like you're not trying to me you're not like amazing


exactly you just seem like a genuine dude who like figured out how to build something cool so seeing that in billion


I should add Billy to the list of people who've changed my life because 100 he's at the top of that his 600 course has


turned into over five million dollars for me right now so like that education system is by the way there you


can turn a 600 course into but everyone in the comments is called an online course is a scam these days so it's just like brother Jan Henry said something I


found very profound I'll quote another Guru but uh he said I've seen people complain dispute and ask for


refunds for the same information that have seen other people become millionaires with at the end of the day


brother it's you who are The X Factor so so speak to that did you


ever think that you were like when you were younger did you have like an ego like you were special you were different you're like you can achieve way more


than other people even through the depression and all that did you have that gut feeling somewhere in my core I


knew I viewed life way differently but to be honest with you I didn't think it was in a positive way like I didn't


think it was I'm so unique I'm capable of something great I thought it was I'm so unique why am I so up


like I thought it was a bad thing and I I think that's normal maybe good and


ironic he can't tell because everyone around every signal you're getting is that you're on the wrong path and that you need to conform yeah and so anything


that's not not conformant conforming it's it feels wrong and you're taught it's wrong and it's programmed from


schools from media from everything it's programming into your mind that if you do not conform you're doing something wrong so of course when I didn't conform


I felt terrible but so you would say you felt different but you viewed yourself yes it felt terrible I never felt like I always felt


like I don't belong because I I find it hard for me first off the school system was designed to make you conform and to


make you like learn the skills to be an employee like that's really why our public school system was made and that's why it's free because if they give you


the basic skills you can make the business owners money fairly excellent I just thought about it like that oh my


next video I have my next video with Luke we go in on that oh yeah yeah or exactly that so I but I also find it


hard to like come on here and give advice something like hundreds of thousands of people will watch this but I genuinely believe that like if you do


feel that way like to your core where like you feel like something's wrong with you because like you think this


can't be right like you need to find a way to not be in school now maybe Middle School maybe the first few years of high school you


should probably go to but like 16 17 if you can like really if you have the self-motivation and you do like learning


and you're looking around like this is not this can't be right you're not fit for that system seek Educators online


seek a business model where you can learn step by step how to make money and keep practicing because it's going to


take three to five years for you to really get good at it where you can compete but eventually you will succeed


so do you like have a stance like do you think people should you dropped out in ninth grade that's insane


so I don't have the balls I don't have anyone telling me this again it wasn't balls it was like fear like I hated going to school every day so much that I


didn't have the balls to go to school so I dropped out so it was it was complete necessity


do I have an opinion on going to college the numbers here are interesting like the actual stat I could give my opinion


all day but stats show people who go to college people with a college degree on


average make 85 more in their lifetimes than people without a college degree so statistically speaking most people


should probably go to college it's unfortunate and that data may be outdated in this new economic climate


that we're in I think that if you aren't going to college you can guarantee similar amounts of success with these three


things and I've talked about this in a video once but I think it's super important because college at its


foundation is a professor it's a group of students and then it's a mat it's a uh I don't even know what it's called a


major accreditation or something a major right you get your major you have your professor and then you have your group


what is online education it's the same exact thing you have a mentor who teaches you high ticket sales you have a


community of other high ticket closers and then you have the skill of actually learning how to sell so a mentor a


mastermind and a community a mentor a skill and a mastermind those are the three things all that is is college just


flipped in a modern way so if you can find a modern high paying skill with a good Mastermind and a good Mentor you


are going to college you're just doing it in a way that you want in a way more affordable way that is more in alignment


with who you are with a very clear end goal like I guess the answer isn't don't go to school or go to school just be


intentional like if you're a stem major like if you're going to Medical medical school go to school yeah don't try to


get a medical degree from online 100 but if you are like just going to college


because I don't know I'm gonna get a business degree I'm going to do journalism because I have to pick one off this list because my parents told me to go to college yeah you're wasting


your time and you are setting yourself up for a miserable life so it's more so I guess if you're self-motivated to


learn that's like my whole mission at this point because I just feel so Jaded by


the school system because I went through the whole thing like I graduated and I immediately started working for myself


and I've never used my degree and have made way more money than any of any people might agree and I just did it


because I like had the ego internally like my parents wanted me to go to school my mom wanted me to go to school so I went through because I felt like I


was doing the right thing by Society it wasn't hard for me so I just get the degree yeah but then work on my side


hustle relentlessly every hour I'm not in school and then hopefully I can liberate myself you said it was the main


thing like you're like the reason you like your purpose you feel like is to what flipped the education system I feel


genuinely Jaded by the school system like they were they were not there I


think that was the biggest realization that I had at the world especially America no one is here no one has your best


interest in mind they all have their best interest of growing their bottom line and America is designed to addict


you you go to the corner it's marketing for sugar for fast food McDonald's which


is an addiction you can get physically addicted to carbs to Sugar yep pharmacies doctors doctors have


Partnerships with big Pharma the actual companies who make the drugs and so there's different brands of Adderall


Vyvanse Ritalin each company has a different back-end deal it's like an affiliate program for doctors and then


doctors yes they might have your best interest in mind but they're also more worried about getting a negative review getting someone going like someone


saying that this person didn't listen to me so if I go to a doctor and say I can't pay attention and I want Adderall


give me Adderall if they don't I'll go on Google and say he didn't listen to me I'm seriously in a bad place and this


doctor doesn't listen or they lose their Partnerships because they're not giving anybody any of the drug business and so I yeah school was the what firsthand


taught me that it also applies to school but firsthand taught me that like we learned the food pyramid in elementary school which is made up by


bread companies to sell more bread and so School taught me firsthand like these people Everyone that works in the system


thinks they have my best interest in mind but the system itself was not created to actually help me right and um


how I felt about it going through it that's a really good point that's why I make YouTube videos because I have consumed so much information from real


sources like that like Stanford go to Stanford but I'm talking about like University division one schools like middle of America or whatever yeah it's


too expensive the information is beyond average you're learning from middle managers of Business Schools and they're


not trying to teach you how to be entrepreneurs so my goal is just I want to disrupt the education I want to talk with you more about that super


interesting because that's what is serve others well that's that's kind of where I was going um


I don't know exactly what it is yet that's cool I act like that the mission


is to free the world and I don't know exactly what that means but


I think there are four levels of Freedom there's Financial Freedom mental Freedom physical freedom and spiritual Freedom


I'm not a master at all of these I don't know all of them I've learned the Financial Freedom I've worked on the


mental Freedom not completely free I still struggle all the time um I think part of becoming mentally


free is realizing you are never completely free you just learn how to manage it um physical Freedom all the


they put into our food in our water that literally programs us to feel sick make


us all don't even get me started anyway um and then the spiritual warfare that's going on in the world too which I'm not


very accustomed to but I have some friends who who've enlightened me on that stuff so I just I don't know what


it's going to be I don't know what I'm going to do I honestly have no idea but I know that this


website this idea this came to me and it was put in my lap for some reason and I


know that the mission however it is accomplished is the most important mission that I can possibly think of which is to free the world like think


about space travel and what some of these Ultra Rich Elon and Jeff like they're well they're trying to go to another planet right


and people are like that's the biggest thing we can do is literally find another uh planet to live on and survive


on as a community but you're just gonna take the same up programmed messed up community in


society and put them on another planet it's not actually solving the problem it's again what we talked about with prescribing drugs rather than solving


the core of the problem going to another planet is prescribing a drug free in the world I believe is actually solving the


problem so I don't know what it's going to look like I don't know what I'm gonna do I have no idea but I


know that if I do nothing else on this planet if I


do nothing else with this life but actually serve others and try to help people and free them in some way shape or form while also working on freeing


myself completely I know that I'll I'll die uh fulfilled and knowing that I did the right thing


and that's what it is that's amazing bro and I do think the information you shared in this podcast is like a first


step in that direction or a great step in that direction I appreciate you coming on here bro I appreciate you so much I appreciate you not holding


anything back bro I felt like I had to share everything so I yeah man the fact


you DM me was incredible I feel very very blessed and fortunate to have been on here so


thank you man it wasn't random bro where can people find you YouTube um I'm trying to put as much as I can on


YouTube and I'm trying to take that content to a new level value what's the channel name it's called match if you


look up Matt Shields it should pop up if you look up like Matt Shields SMA or d-mat Shield if


you just look at Matt Shields it should pop up Instagram is official Matt Shields if you DM me I will always


answer um if you try to sell me I might not but if you just DM me like I try to respond to everybody uh every YouTube


comment every Instagram DM I could check my phone right now there's nothing but so like I will respond to everybody because I remember when I was a kid


reaching out to people that I saw on YouTube and I was like how cool would it be if this person responded to me I feel so humble that some people view me in


the same way right now so if you message me on Instagram I will reply if I seem short or like maybe it wasn't the most


in-depth answer I apologize but you know I'm also working and trying to build companies but uh yeah man that's it


Instagram YouTube that's basically it yeah guys definitely check out his YouTube I would definitely recommend starting with the video I built six


smmas in a row to prove it's not luck you'll basically hear his whole story and the lessons he learned along the way


basically each one he started after the other just got better because he took what he learned the previous one to make better decisions and now he's making 200


300 000 a month so definitely go check them out and again guys watch this podcast two or three times because that's how you actually absorb


information and actually pick it up you can use it every day in your life and he dropped a lot of insight on like personal stuff business itself even the


nitty-gritty tactics that we'd love to get into but hope you enjoyed this one guys I'll see you in the next one have a wonderful day

NEW SMMA HACK: What Is The 'Hybrid System'? (Quickest Way To Scale To $10k Per Month?)


PART - 1 


guys you already see the title of this


video we're going to be diving straight


into what on earth is the hybrid system


like what actually is this hybrid system


that i keep going on about so guys


welcome back to the channel hope you're


doing well and staying safe all i ask


for return if you're new around here


guys for these free videos that i do you


know it takes a lot of my day and i'm


very busy at this point with the agency


the personal brand building our agency


transportation all that sort of stuff so


all i ask in return is drew drop me a


like drop me a comment and make sure you


turn on the notification bells when you


guys subscribe as well so that being


said guys let's jump straight into this


so it's been a long time since i've done


a video but i keep getting dms guys of


people kind of was like asking me what


on earth is this hybrid system you keep


knocking on about in your videos now


some people have you know maybe i've


just posted this on my instagram or


something like that or maybe i've just


posted this on like facebook or whatever


it is but people keep asking me and


popping up in my dms and asking me like


what on earth is this hybrid system and


what is it that you're actually


genuinely going on about montauk gordon


so long story short guys i've noticed


real quick with s mma there's normally


like two kind of routes that you can go


down you can go around like the old


traditional route of doing smma which is


if i'll be honest with you is slow


tedious i'll explain that in a second


why i say that then there's the new way


which is i like to call the hybrid way


it's the way how i've created and it's


the way how i'm going about you know


scaling my business this is the way that


basically took me from like i was making


like 3.1 k british pounds i actually


dropped down my agency drop down this


was like in may i think it's like the


start of may end of april i set myself a


90 day challenge to get myself up to the


10k per month mark you know us dollars


for once and for all i ended that month


it was actually 24 days into that month


to be honest with you so out of the 90


days it took me 24 days once i figured


out the hybrid system to scale me from


3.1 k to 8.6 k british pounds which is


like 11 000 each dollars i believe i


think it might be just under 12 000


don't quote me on that i guess you guys


can do the conversion i'll probably


throw some sort of screenshot on here or


if you haven't seen it already it's on


my channel anyway so if you just go to


my channel go to the actual thing it


shows you how i went from 0 to 10k


basically and it shows you my entire


journey obviously i'm talking about the


3k to 10k there but


i kind of explained my entire journey


from before that as well so 24 days into


the 98 challenge you know i actually


scaled my business up to that 10k per


month mark us dollars right now


currently at the the time i'm recording


this i'll throw a screenshot up right


now but i've actually made 4.8k this


within like seven days i'm actually up


like 217 you'll see on a screenshot


anyway guys but i've basically just


turned back on my outreach guys and i


literally within the first 30 messages


i'm not joking within within the first


30 messages i've sent i sent 20 output


messages set to meetings from upwork


then i set i i sent out uh 10 emails got


my first meet in through cold emails


within the hour i'll throw the


screenshots up now because i post it's


on my story by the way if you're not


following me on instagram definitely


follow me on instagram so i'm dropping


all sorts of tips on there on my stories


in my actual you know feed as well so


you can actually read that and actually


learn some stuff about sma so definitely


follow me on that's where i'm most


active and if you have a question


definitely you know send me a dm but


guys what on earth is the hybrid system


well the hybrid system is what's allowed


me to do all of this sort of stuff not


only that but it's allowed my students


right now for example i just got to


message me saying that he's actually now


hit the 4k per month mark i'll quickly


throw that on the screen as well and


that's all coming through the hybrid


system guys so you're probably wondering


okay motel what on earth is the hybrid


system well guys look like i said


earlier there's two ways traditionally


of going down with sma starting at a


social media marketing agency now here's


what all the gurus are kind of teaching


kind of like this i call it a slow


method it still works don't get me wrong


but it's like i keep seeing it over and


over and over again where people will


come to me they they say they've gone


through all of these like gurus courses


and stuff like that so they've gone


through all these gurus courses and


stuff like that and they're literally


still telling me these are students that


have actually jumped on calls with me


and stuff like that so they say this to


me all the time guys where it's like


they've gone through all these gurus


courses and they've only set like one


meeting in like three months for example


is that kind of the actual case today


i'm actually thinking of and shooting


i'm actually thinking of right now so


what i've decided to do is i've taken a


step back from the whole sma game and


just taking a look at like what's


actually happening in terms of like


everybody's doing the same thing they


they go online they try to start a


business because they're broke they


didn't come across like drop shipping


amazon fba affiliate marketing they then


you know try probably drop shipping


because they don't want to actually you


know talk to clients live and have like


actual live sales calls because they're


normally introverted and kind of scared


and just want to make money online


that's kind of like why why i did it


then they realized that drop shipping is


not as easy as it sounds and it's just


up and down up and down up and down in


terms of your income some products are


hot some some some months and sometimes


you know those same products can be just


completely dead the next month so they


then try to find a more stable business


model look at all the other business


models and they settle on sma i'm pretty


sure like 90 of you watching this have


pretty much done a very very similar


route to this they didn't get into sma


you know after watching a couple youtube


videos and then what they do is they try


to offer the same service to the same


niche that the guru kind of like


mentions in the videos and that's


actually the wrong way of going about it


and then what actually happens then is


you maybe you know invest in a course


something like that and you buy this


course and then you try to do cold


emails straight away or like some sort


of cold outreach straight away it


doesn't actually matter if it's called


emails or calls or if it's called


linkedin messages it's all called like


methods that you guys are using now the


problem with that is that i i guess it's


free so that's the entire i guess that's


what enticed you to actually get into


that free method of called outreach in


the first place because it's completely


free and you can you guys can get a


start you know for relatively cheap


because you all you need is the email


address for example if you're doing cold


email so i can see the appeal there the


only problem is that you jump straight


into the deep end as in you're trying to


master one of the hardest skills on


earth think about it if anybody could


just go and grab an email from gmail


right now go buy a g suite domain for


example and start sending out emails and


get clients straight away i don't think


anybody would be working jobs to be


honest with you so these gurus kind of


make it sound a little bit easier than


it actually is not only that but they


brush over the fact that lead sourcing


and first line writing so like when you


write emails guys the key to sma first


and foremost let me just go back the key


to s mma is to have lots of outreach


that's personalized so lots of outreach


equals lots of meetings but if you take


it to the next level it's lots of


outreach that's personalized that gets


you actually more meetings and more


clients so if you can do lots of


outreach at scale but they're


personalized that is literally the key


to smma now that being said if you guys


know anything about small have you tried


or you've tried this for yourself like


lead sourcing like finding leads


qualifying the leads finding the


business owner's actual email address


then writing the email that's


personalized to them and sending that


out that is literally like a nine to


five job within itself so most people do


this they struggle to do this bit


because it's just they struggle to get


the numbers out is what i'm trying to


say they're not pushing enough numbers


they're not doing enough outreach to


actually hit their goals and they're


wondering why they're still stuck at


like 1k 2k or even less than that with


the agency it's just because you're not


cranking out enough outreach that's


personalized and it's not your fault the


reason why you can't actually do this is


because you don't have a system which


you know this lead sourcing stuff is


automated so that's where the hybrid


system comes in instead of doing all of


this stuff in the beginning like the


lead sourcing the first line writing


that sort of stuff yourself what we do


is we you we just skip over that for now


just for now and what we do is we


actually implement and use upwork


upwork.com now i'm not affiliated with


upwork or anything like that i'm not in


partnership with work or anything i


believe i have to say that as a


disclaimer but yeah this is i'm just


genuinely giving you the stuff that's


actually worked for me and it's


literally changed my life this this


camera that you're gives you literally


were watching me on this microphone


that's picking up the audio literally


all came from upwork well it was a one


domino effect anyway that got me


everything else this apartment that i'm


setting this chair that i'm signing this


these new airpods wherever they're


probably in my pocket somewhere and


actually in my pocket but you get you


get a point i'm trying to make guys so


what we're doing is we're skipping over


cold outreach for now just for now and i


found that this is the easiest way as a


beginner if so if you're making less


than like 2k per month right now this is


probably for you i call it the hybrid


system the hybrid system is where we use


upwork to stack smaller ticket clients


these are dinky clients to be honest


with you you're probably not going to


enjoy that that much but that's okay


this is for cash flow purposes right and


it's going to allow you to move much


quicker and much further with your


agency in the future so as i was saying


just before my camera battery decided to


actually just die on me guys but a


hybrid system works like this we skip


over cold outreach for now just because


we know it's a difficult thing to do not


only is it difficult but it's actually


tedious so instead of doing this entire


business from a to z ourselves which by

PART - 2 


the way if you're doing that you know


running your agency like doing every


single piece of the agency yourself as


in you're doing the lead sourcing you're


doing the first line writing you're


sending the emails you're doing the


service delivery that's not actually a


business guys that's actually a


nine-to-five job disguised as a business


it's a 95 job but you just slapped a


label on it saying agency that's not


actually a business the way you know


you've got a business is if you could go


on holiday for maybe a week two weeks


something like that and your business


actually grows without you actually


putting your input that's when you know


you've got a proper business go and read


the e-myth if you do not believe me and


all a lot of people are like oh my god


can this read is this really possible is


this really a thing yes it actually is a


thing go and read a book called the


e-myth as in like the e-myth anyway guys


so with the hybrid system we stack up


smaller ticket clients that allows us to


get cash flow and like i said these


clients you're probably not going to


enjoy them too too too much because


they're going to be like slightly lower


ticket clients so when i say slightly


lower ticket connection charge anywhere


between 500 per month to 2000 per month


is what i found to be kind of like the


range if you will then what you can do


with that cash flow is stack up these


clients but the funny thing is is that


these clients come in at a much higher


frequency so you actually get them in


quicker for example one of my students


actually finished a one-to-one program


where i teach people one-to-one there


are spots available if you want this but


i teach people on a one-to-one basis and


i taught her basically the hybrid system


she then went on to close seven excuse


me three clients in seven days so three


clients in seven days so she went from


zero to two point eight k per month in


seven in the first seven days of


actually completing the program which is


absolutely insane so a lot of people are


actually starting to clock on to what


the hybrid system is and i'm pretty sure


that all the gurus are going to start


switching around their courses but


anyway guys take a listen to a voice


note somebody sent me that actually


joined agency transportation so agents


transportation is my six week online


program where i teach you the hybrid


system basically a to z from you know


how to run an agency the automated way


using the hybrid system and implementing


this so i teach you everything from


sales the actual outreach cold emails


upwork outreach i teach you how to do


you know service delivery facebook ads


and social media management everything's


included there's also a group with it


but guys listen to what one of these


students i guess said about the agency


transportation program on instagram he


basically sent me a dm but take a listen


to what they said so far bro um i'm


loving the course loving all the modules


yeah man like seriously the way you came


up with the hybrid system nobody else in


the industry has done it the way you


that the way you've done it and i think


as a beginner it's uh it's


it's the best way you can start an


agency and these guru is trying to tell


like oh do cold call do this and that


but that that is that shit's not


gonna work and the fact that you came


out with this idea is very very clever


and uh


yeah man you're the real goat so as you


can see guys people are actually


starting to catch on to what the actual


hybrid system is and you can see that


people are actually starting to


understand the logic behind it you skip


over cold outreach right now you stack


up smaller ticket clients you then take


that cash flow from the smaller ticket


clients and you invest it into hiring


lead sources these are people that are


going to find leads for you and vet


those leads so that you have you know


high quality leads only being reached


out to and then you get them to write


your first line so you can either hire


two different people or you can hire one


person which is a first line writer and


a lead sourcer or you could hire you


know uh just one person a merchant


together or like i said you can hire two


people so you can have a first line


writer or you and you can also hire


someone else to do the actual lead


sourcing for you can have two different


people there or you can even have


multiple first line writers and you just


do the resourcing but as you can see


guys this allows you to go much much


further because you now can just focus


all your energy on just doing the


outreach as in you don't have to


actually do any of the first lines in


your emails they're all automated for


you using lem list and a first line


writer and a lead sourcer or you can


measure two into one and basically


allows you to crank out like triple the


amount of outreach than everybody else


in less than half the time


well technically if you have first two


if you have two first line writers for


example each writing you 25 emails a day


for example you are literally sending


out 50 emails every single day to 50


different businesses every single day


not only that but those 50 emails also


have automatic follow-ups being hit to


them as well because we're going to be


using stuff like lemnis and that's


exactly what i teach in agency


transportation it's how that students


being able to scale to 4k that voice


note i just basically showed you on in


this in this particular video that's


exactly what they're talking about as


you can see he's talking about how


logical it is and it just makes literal


sense the more outreach you do the more


clients you're going to get because the


more conversations you're going to have


so if you can automate this sort of


stuff it's literally like a cheat code


guys i literally feel like i found like


this holy grail i just want to share it


with you guys and if you guys are


actually interested in this i do teach


this in my one-to-one program where it's


a live one-to-one program where you get


a guarantee if you don't get clients in


90 days after completing a program you


actually just get a full money-back


guarantee that's how confident i am in


the hybrid system and in my teachings if


you will i've never had to give a refund


not even once so i know it's just going


to be a complete win so it's pretty much


like as soon as you sign with me in


terms of like helping you scale your


agency with the hybrid system and


working with me one-to-one you're pretty


much guaranteed a client at that point


it's like i'm literally giving out


clients at this point i'm not even


joking i've never had a student that's


not got a client in that particular


program in 90 days i'm i'm very sure i


haven't i'll probably have to double


check but i'm well put this way i've


never ever wanted even once i had to


give a refund back because they haven't


got clients like not even once i'm not


even joking so the second thing i also


do is i also have agency transportation


guys so agency transportation is like my


one-to-one program but in like a


packaged up do it at your own pace


online version if you want it's much


more refined much more in detail because


i can i can spend much more time going


into in individual points if you will so


that's 83 transportation if you want to


learn more about either of those just go


into the description below i'll you know


make make it very blatantly obvious


which one you'll actually inquiring


about one will be one-on-one coaching


mentorship if you will and then one will


be the agency transportation that is


open for enrollment and is 50 off right


now so i would take advantage of that


that being said guys this has been the


hybrid system again stacking small


ticket clients using upwork because it's


warm and the clients on there are


actually quite easy to get and you get


them at a high higher frequency you


stack up to like 2 2k 2.5 k 3k per month


with your agency with these small ticket


clients you then take the profit out of


that and you just hire somebody for like


250 or 200 per month to write you 25


emails per day literally or you can even


hire two people to do this for you you


then can buy what you call lead sheets


but what i'm trying to get you guys to


understand is that like with sma you


either use like sweat equity at the


start you either use like your sweat


equity and you put a lot of effort into


it because you're you're broke or you


can just get cash flow really quickly


using upwork and use that cash flow as a


resource because when you actually get


money money opens doors as they say i'm


pretty sure you've heard the saying that


money opens those and i'm just being


super transparent with you guys look


look as soon as you actually start


making like two to three k with your


agency things actually become much much


easier if you know what you're doing an


sma actually becomes just so much more


easier if you know what you're doing


when you're at that two to two to three


k per month mark because at that point


you can actually leverage your your


financial resources if you or your cash


flow to actually hire certain people to


do the tedious jobs for you even at that


point you can literally just go and buy


a whole media buyer at that point you


can get the best of the best media


buyers you can go and get the best of


the best lead sources go and get the


best of the best lead sheets you can


just go and buy leads for example so at


that point it actually the game becomes


so much more easy because i know it's


like being in the trenches when you're


dead broke you've got very little in


your bank and you're just trying to do


all this outreach yourself and nothing's


working for you you're just not getting


the numbers out and every time you do


get a response it's like i'm not


interested or or something like that not


interested or we just don't care take us


off your list i've been there guys and


that's what the hi the hybris system is


here to kind of cure is revolutionizing


the sma industry right now and i can


guarantee you that most of these gurus


are going to be changing their programs


around to include it remember i created


this i put my name on this i should


have freaking trademarked it but i guess


it's just it's just a system that you


can use it it just makes sense if you if


i'm honest with you anyway guys if


you're interested in working with me 101


or any strategic go and press one of the


links below jump on a call we'll see if


it's a right fit for you because i'm


only looking to help people that i


genuinely know i can help i'm not in


this business to kind of like quote scam


people or pull one over on people i'm


here to genuinely help people make a


transformation in their agencies just


straight up just being bluntly


transparent with you guys that being


said guys hope you're doing well and


staying safe and i'll see you guys in


the next video pretty soon peace



English (auto-generated)


Social media marketing

From Montell Gordon



Recently uploaded


My SMMA & A.I Predictions For 2024+ (Will AI KILL SMMA?)

How To Start A Social Media Marketing Agency In 2022 - The ULTIMATE A-Z FREE Guide


PART - 1 


so ladies and gentlemen welcome to this behemoth of a free video so what i'm going to be


doing today is jumping into a completely free training this is probably going to take around 30 to maybe even 45 minutes


something like that hopefully i'll try to keep it as short as possible but there is a lot to cover there's over 75


slides on my computer here of sheer value on what a social media marketing agency is why you should start one


why not you know go and start another sort of business online i'm also going to be breaking down exactly what niche you should get into


what are the best outreach methods for each niche and stuff like that i'm also going to be breaking down exactly how to


price your services what services to even offer and i'm also going to be breaking down exactly how to close clients even if you are a beginner


with zero past experience or no case studies so without any further ado guys let's jump straight into these slides because


there is a lot to cover so again welcome to this presentation on how to start a social


media marketing agency slash digital marketing agency in 2021 this is the ultimate ultimate guide i


have done my best my very very best to include everything you could possibly need in order to start a social media


marketing agency from complete scratch so this is a complete a to z guide this is also going to be helpful


not only if you're a beginner but also if you are you know that one to two client mark or even three to four client mark


i'm going to be showing you and breaking down some really really cool stuff that's going to give you extreme clarity on what the business


model is what it entails how you go about scaling it automating it and what sort of software you need


everything is basically included in this presentation right here so make sure you stay to the end because there's some


really valuable stuff that you do not want to miss so here are some of the topics we are going to be covering

Topics Covered


so i'm going to be covering what exactly is a social media marketing agency slash digital marketing ngc because i know a


lot of people confuse it with like mlm is it some sort of mlm is it some sort of pyramid scheme is it like a scam or something like that


so i'm gonna be breaking down exactly what social media marketing agency is or a digital marketing agency is i'm also then going to be breaking down


why exactly you should start a social media marketing agency in 2021 in particular and why it's a great


business model to get into at this moment in time i'm also going to break down exactly how they work i'm gonna break down the essential parts of


the business model into basically five essential parts that you really really need to hone down and master i'm


then going to show you exactly what you need to start what software you need whether you need a website or not i'm also going to show


you exactly how much you probably are going to need per month in order to run a successful social media marketing


agency i'm going to show you exactly what niche you should get into what services you should provide to that particular niche and how


to actually price those services so you can go about closing clients and making money i'm not going to show you exactly how to


reach out to clients the best methods of setting up meetings i'm also going to be showing you exactly like the how to like


personalize first lines and what sort of methods you should use such as like should you cold call should you code email should you send out facebook


messages all that sort of stuff i'm going to be breaking that down in this video as well i'm also going to show you exactly how


to go about getting clients with zero past experience i'm actually going to be breaking that down because i know that a lot of people come into


smma and they're worried about not being able to get clients because they have zero past experience and they don't


really know how to start a social media marketing agency or get their clients great results then i'm actually going to show you


how you actually go about getting awesome results for your clients even as a complete beginner now i know that


sounds you know super hard to believe but i'm actually going to be getting into that at the end so make sure you stick around to the end


of this video again so first and foremost i just want to break down what is a social media marketing agency slash digital marketing

What is a Social Media Marketing Agency


agency because i know that a lot of people see the word smma and they get confused or they see the word dma and


they get slightly confused you've probably seen it around the internet and stuff like that and you've always wondered like what exactly is this social media


marketing you see if you guys already know what social media marketing agency is go ahead and you know skip a few minutes ahead of this i just want to


break down exactly what a social media marketing agency is and what the difference between a digital marketing engineers and a social media marketing


agency so i've actually pulled up a couple of actual definitions from google itself so


a social media marketing agency or social media marketing should i say is the use of social media platforms and


websites in order to promote a product or a service so basically all you're doing is you're using social


media such as facebook instagram linkedin twitter pinterest you name it if it's a social media site


and you're using that to promote some sort of product service event something like that you are actually partaking


in social media marketing so social media marketing is basically what it sounds like on a team you're using social media platforms


in order to promote some sort of product or service or event basically so digital marketing now digital marketing


is basically like broader term because social media marketing is basically using social media whereas digital


marketing is using the whole internet and online means that it's digital in order to


promote services products or events basically so digital marketing is the broader term


and social media marketing actually lives within digital marketing because social media is digital


so in layman's terms digital marketing is pretty much the use of any sort of internet digital media platform in order to uh


promote products or services so it's a much broader term that basically encompasses anything basically internet-based that you're


using to actually promote services so digital marketing so of services include social media marketing itself


email marketing seo google ads facebook ads etc etc so anything is basically on the internet now you're probably thinking

Social Media Marketing Agency


okay cool now i understand kind of the differences between digital marketing and you see in a social media marketing agency but


which one do i basically pick martel well that's a great question so me personally i've seen that both of these types of


businesses can actually be scaled to eye watering heights in terms of monthly profit but in my own personal opinion i


would actually recommend you stick to social media marketing for now and start a social media marketing agency the reason being and again that's


that's all for digital marketing agency now the reason being for that is because you're probably already familiar with social media


and how to use it you're probably in fact you're using it right now to actually watch this video on youtube um if you're watching this on youtube if


i've posted it somewhere else then apologies you probably have instagram on your phone facebook on your phone some sort of social media such as snapchat on your


phone so you're probably already used to using social media anyway so i think you know why not just use your expertise on how you are using that


to actually help other business owners because some business owners don't even know how to post on facebook or even you know booster


post or something like that really really easy to do we've pretty much grown up using it and that's a valuable skill


now not only that but social media is pretty much everywhere and everybody who basically lives on the


internet hangs out on some form of social media website or the other now it's actually much much


simpler i've found to actually target the right people using social media it's a little bit more difficult to do


using like email marketing and like um seo seo is a very like a delayed type of


service if you will um i've also seen that like and again seo go lives under digital marketing now so guys as


you pretty much seen throughout the trends i'm pretty sure if you go to google and just like type in like social media


statistics you can see that pretty much everybody and their freaking uncle has either a facebook or instagram


account now for this reason alone i believe you know the social media stuff is home to the greatest traffic


sources on planet earth and what i mean by that is pretty much everybody and their uncle has a either a


facebook or instagram account so you can literally target those people why you should start a social media marketing agency in 2021


in particular see if you take a look at the graph on the left here you can see that the


number of employment paid employment has actually decreased significantly and this was back in quarter one of 2020


and as you can see it's continuing throughout 2014 of 2020 and what it's going to do is continue to rise slowly


and gradually it's going to get better of course as things go back to normal but as you can see the pandemic has done absolute numbers on terms of employment


and getting and people being laid off so as you can see the graph from hmrc pretty much says all i need to say


due to the pandemic more and more people are being laid off from their jobs you see going to school getting good


grades a good degree quote-unquote secure job is no longer a safe not a viable plan anymore you see we are


not living in the 1970s where this sort of action you know going to school getting a good grade getting a good degree so you can


get a secure job that was the route back in the 1970s but now we are living in the digital era


where anything is pretty much possible if you have the internet and i'm guessing you guys have internet and a laptop


if you're watching this video you see the pandemic has completely just shook the world and turned it upside down and


it's advanced us digitally five years plus in less than a year no job so me personally i'm not too into


the whole conspiracy theories but to me it actually looked very clear as to what they're


trying to pull off with these lockdowns i'm not going to get into all like the conspiracy theories but to me it genuinely is evident to me that this


is not just about the virus this is a what you call great reset of the economy they're trying to basically increase


our online spending they're trying to you know get rid of cash they're trying to move businesses online they're locking


down local businesses and forcing them to basically close because they can't stay open because they can't afford to actually keep their doors open


because they're getting no customers because they can't get customers because they're freaking close because the government's telling them to close


so to me it's genuinely obvious that these people i would guess these tyrannic type of people the government


if you will are trying to pull over one on us as in they are trying to lock down businesses


they're trying to get rid of small businesses they're trying to get rid of cash they're actually trying to have a one-world government i don't want to go


into all the conspiracy theories but you guys can go and look into that by yourself i'm just going to keep to my business stuff here so now

Online Business Growth


while all that's going on on the flip side online businesses are actually thriving to say the least and that's


because more and more people are stuck at home so they're turning to the internet connected devices to alleviate their boredom and because of this


there's more eyeballs on social media so it's easier to actually serve advertisements to people on social media at this moment


in time because there's more people on social media now that means it's going to be easier to get people to buy it's also going to


lead to unseen spikes in sales as well and as you can see on the left-hand side of the graph


e-commerce sales has basically jumped 52 billion in sales over just like a one year period


all because of the whole kobe thing which is absolutely insane you can obviously pause this and read some of the stats but i want to go make


sure that while we we go through this so guys as you can see kovid 19 has accelerated the growth of


e-commerce tremendously so this is according to a an adobe report that i actually found they i


think it might be a couple of months old at this point back in 2020 but as you can see it's saying that total spending in may hit 82.5


billion which is up 77 year over year which is obviously insane and again if


you want to go check this source it's from forbes and adobe let's just summarize this on why you should actually start social



media marketing agency in 2021 in summary right jobs are becoming less and less secure


and more and more people are being laid off all while more and more businesses are turning to


online means to stay alive because they need to this basically means business owners who have not had


to ever rely all learn how to get customers online are now needing to adapt in order to do so so


they can actually basically stay alive and it's for their own survival so to me as you can see


there's literally a double trend here more and more people are getting laid off which means jobs are no longer secure which means you can't put your faith in


the government or some sort of employment scheme or something like that then there's also on the flip side more


and more businesses are turning to online stuff so that to me is just literally screaming start an online business


starting off my business start an online business and it doesn't really take a genius to spot this opportunity to be honest with you

Start an Online Business


okay you're probably sat there wondering okay cool well montel i can see that local businesses showing down is becoming less less


secure so it does look like a it's a great time to now start an online business which if you're thinking that you're definitely thinking on the right


terms but you're also probably thinking okay but why a social media marketing agency in particular why don't i go start amazon fba


affiliate marketing or e-commerce dropshipping or something like that so why start a social media marketing agency in particular


well reason number one is because there's no product cost you're not producing any sort of product there's no shipping cost there's no product cost


there's no development cost or anything like that because you're selling a service there's actually no product cost


i've already mentioned there's no shipping cost because again you're not shipping anything you're actually selling a service


over the phone there's no advertising cost when you first get started out you can run ads for your agency but it's not necessary until


you're making a significant amount of money so there's no advertising cost so if you were to do drop shipping for example


you definitely have to obviously think about shipping costs product costs because obviously you don't have to build the products


yourself if you're outsourcing them up so with e-commerce drop shipping and stuff like that you definitely don't have to worry about like product costs


because you're obviously importing those from china but yes product costs are still slightly a thing in e-commerce


drop shipping just because obviously you're gonna have to pay for those products off the top of the when a customer comes and buys your product


obviously you have to pay for those products for amazon fba of course you have to pay for your products and order them in bulk


now with sma you can obviously start you know from your bedroom you can actually start this with just an internet connection a laptop a computer you can leave i've


even had heard of people start this on their ipads and stuff like that i wouldn't recommend it and because it's just better on a


desktop or some sort of computer so you can open multiple times and be more productive that way now you don't really need any money to start i


mean you can literally start with an email address and that's it no joke i'm going to show you exactly how you do that as well and with a


social media marketing agency you can literally get started right after this video and it will probably take you less than four hours to completely set up your


business you could probably do it in two hours if you're really like trying to go quick with this but literally after this video there is no reason why you shouldn't


have a social media marketing agency and you should start like seriously so another reason why i recommend you


start a social media marketing agency over all the other businesses is because it's a reliable source of income


this is of course if you can retain your clients it is a reliable source of income unlike any


other businesses such as drop shipping because think about it when you get when you close a client with a social media marketing agency let's say you're that they're


paying you a thousand a month for example that's like the cliche line to use from all the quote-unquote social media


marketing agency gurus when you close the client for 1000 a month that 1 000 a month if you have a contract in place for


three months or six months for example you know for six months time you are three months time however however long your contract is you are


going to get paid at 1 000 a month whereas with e-commerce for example products that you're selling may go hot


one might be hot one month and then go completely dead like the fidget spinners and stuff like that so your income is actually directly tied to that which is


why sma is such an appealing business model also with smma you only really need around five to


seven clients to be making 10k profit per month not like hundreds or thousands of sales a month from like your e-commerce drop


shipping store now profit margins as well are absolutely beautiful when it comes to social media marketing agency if you do this right you can actually


have profit margins north of 90 now i personally haven't seen these sorts of profit margins in


any other business model yet besides like selling online courses because obviously they're like a you record them once and then they're


online forever basically so those are just some really really cool awesome like uh reasons why you should start a social

How does a social media marketing agency work


media marketing and you see over the other business models hopefully you can start to see the trend here and see the appeal in the


business model so you're probably thinking awesome well montel that sounds cool enough but how does a social media marketing agency


work well in the most simplest form possible if i could break this down in the more simply what simple way possible a social


media marketing agency works like this you basically get paid on a monthly basis to help businesses either get more customers or sales from


their social media using advertising and slash or you can get paid to manage a business's social media accounts


and basically create content on on their behalf so that they have a solid online presence without themselves


needing to basically spend a whole bunch of time doing it themselves so basically either way you're offering


a service and you're basically like an accountant that's it's genuinely not a sexy business model but it basically works and i've noticed


that in business it's always the least sexiest stuff that basically works so you're basically like a an accountant you're offering a


service to a business owner and you can either be a convenience offer convenience offer basically helps people save time so for example if i


help a business owner with their social media that's basically me helping them save time because yes they can do it


themselves it's pretty easy to learn they probably can learn how to post pictures and stuff like that on their social media


in like a just like one youtube video but having me do it basically allows them to focus on other areas of their business


and obviously that's important such as customer service all that sort of stuff or growing or creating new deals and


offers and stuff like that so that's what convenience offer or you can be an opportunity offer which is basically like you're helping them


make more money or save more money so here's the business model 101 what i'm going to do is break the business model

Business Model 101


down into five crucial areas again this is like a 10 000 for overview there's definitely more


areas of the business than this these are like the five main pillars of a social media marketing agency so we have lead sourcing and prospecting


lead sourcing and prospecting this is basically looking for businesses that are qualified for your services now what you're looking for is certain


indicators that point towards a certain business being able and in the right position to afford your services that basically need your


services and they can afford them basically if i was to say in a simplest way possible the best way to prospect is to get


specific on who your ideal client avatar is and then lay out your own


pre-qualifying features so for example you want to work with e-commerce businesses that have like 20k followers


on instagram have a facebook pixel installed and who are already running five to ten ads that would basically


give you a good indication that this business owner number one takes social media seriously in terms of they have the 20k followers on instagram


so that's like their their shop if you will and their online presence is strong basically having a facebook pixel installed as well also


indicates that they understand facebook is important and that they should be tracking visitors also makes our job easier as


advertisers because they probably have a more seasoned pixel and then the last point is you know running five to ten


ads despite popular belief i actually go after businesses that are already running ads because that shows me they have some sort of advertising budget so


those are just a couple of indicators that would show to me that this business is qualified and they can afford my services as well


so outreach this is the second point this is probably the most most most


important bit of sma now this is leveraging the right medium platforms


such as cold emails cold calls linkedin etc etc for contacting business owners directly in order to set up a meeting


with them this is the point you want to set up a meeting with them your job with outreach is just to sell


the meeting not your actual services what your aim is is to not sell your services via the cold call or cold email


or whatever outreach you're doing but to sell the idea of you having a quick 50 minute chat with the business


owner now i've found that if you call your calls something like free growth analysis


session i've seen that that has a higher perceived value than just saying you know a quick 15-minute call just because it sounds


like you're going to be jumping into more high-level stuff with the business owner and i've seen it they go for that more so after outreach that then leads us on


to the actual meeting the social media marketing meeting or these the sales call if you will


and um and closing so the meeting and closing now this is basically where you sell the


client on the idea of signing with your agency and becoming a client of yours now the best way to do this


is to create a script that is based around what i like to call the quote-unquote bridge method of closing


where you do not actually sell you actually diagnose so selling you don't want to do because it comes across as sleazy especially if


you're talking to business owners as well and if you're very pushy you can actually push put them off i've seen that


if you use what you call the bridge method and diagnose that the current situation in their desired situation and then you sell them on the idea of


your services helping them to bridge that gap between where they are currently at and where they want to go it's much easier to close the client


that way so that basically means despite you know popular belief in what you might believe you are not actually


selling them on social media marketing or facebook ads or whatever your services you're actually selling them on a better future so you're not


actually there selling facebook out you're genuinely selling them the idea of getting from point a to point b


which is you know their current situation and their desired situation we'll be getting into the script as well in a second so definitely make sure you


stay around for that so payments and onboarding is next after you close so i want to do this in obviously sequential


order so lead sourcing outreach then you obviously land meetings you then close those meetings what do you after those means


after the meeting and you've actually closed the client that takes us on to taking payments onboarding and delivering results now for this particular step it's super


super important that you have the right systems for this as this will basically determine how long your clients stay on for not only


that but when you close the client for like 2 500 a month or something like that you want to obviously look professional so i


recommend you have a automated onboarding process i also recommend you use stripe hooked up with it with a software


called symbol invoices.i o so if you don't have a stripe account definitely go and set up a stripe account no you don't need to


have a registered business in order to set up a stripe account you can literally just say that you're a sole trader or a sole proprietor i believe


it's called in the in the us and then what you can do is then hook up your stripe account with simple invoices


super easy to do you literally just click on button and that allows you to take automatic monthly payments i always recommend you


auto bill your clients each and every month now for onboarding like i said i recommend you use a


a simple five to seven step video series on vimeo as a free automated way to set


expectations explain what your client needs or explain what you need from them as well and explain exactly what's going to be


included and not included in your services as well as what's going to happen next now service delivery service delivery


basically means you know delivering the service it kind of sounds like what it is on a tin it can actually be outsourced now i actually recommend you outsource


or even get a team member um because this is a real business guys this is genuinely a real business i know it's smma makes it sound like it's not a


real business but this is genuinely a real business call it an agency a digital marketing agency if you want to it's basically the same thing but


this is a real business so i recommend you actually outsource or build your team from the very beginning so that you don't have to


you know service your clients yourself but if you want to you can obviously service your clients yourself especially if you're good as well


so that leads us on to team building and management now this is when you really really


understand that this is a real business model and you are a real business owner at this point so if you want to become a real business


owner with that being said and not just a glorified freelancer i recommend you start building your team


directly after this video i'm not even joking like build your team from the moment you start now this is actually going to lead to a


triple win situation it's a win-win-win situation the reason being is because your client's going to win because they're


getting awesome results from an actual expert so if you hire for example a top-rated like freelance like media


buyer and you hire them onto your team and they work for your team and they actually deliver results for you and your clients what's going to happen is


your clients are going to be super happy with you and your agency because you have an actual expert an actual professional


this is delivering results for them and so your clients going to be super happy with the results they are actually able to


deliver so that's one room win right there you yourself win because you're not time tied to your business time wise and


you free yourself from you know for example if you go close 10 clients right now also you've made a bunch of money but now your time


is completely tied because you have to go and service those 10 clients yourself which means you've not really won i mean you've won


financially but time wise you've not really won and i don't know about you but i want to be a real business owner


where i have location freedom time freedom and financial freedom so when you outsource or build a


real team member guys and get them to deliver results you actually win because you free up your time which is the one


for you because obviously you're you're getting free time back and then also your team member who's actually delivering the results


win as well because they're getting paid to do what they love which is run ads or you know build social media accounts so it's a


win-win-win situation everybody wins um everybody eats so i personally believe that you should


ensure this so i want you to make sure that you at least know your service enough well enough to


actually sell it so what i recommend guys is you actually spend at least 10 to 20 minutes watching all


the videos on youtube you can find about how to get better at your service just so that you can actually go out


understand it speak the language to clients and show them that you know what you're talking about so i'm not just sat here talking and


saying you know oh just going outside straight away without learning this sort of stuff no i genuinely believe you should learn your service and learn it well enough i


don't believe you should become an expert at it and spend six months learning facebook ads and have zero clients and staying broke in your


bedroom i'd rather you go and get a client after 20 hours of knowledge and then have your media buyer teach you


how to run real facebook ads and stuff like that so what's needed to start so albeit yes you can start an

Whats needed to start


agency for completely free just know it's 100 going to absolutely suck because like if you can't actually use


money to build your business you're gonna have to use a whole lot of time and sweat what i call sweat equity but yes if


we're going to just you know settle the argument here yes technically you can actually start a social media marketing agency


with just an email and for completely free but again it's going to cost you a whole lot of time and it's going to be extremely tedious


it's going to be an absolute headache and you're probably going to hate it 100 i i personally hated it at the beginning


when i was doing everything myself like prospecting outreach trying to then talk to clients trying to deliver your


services trust me it's way too much to handle and it's very tedious time consuming and you're probably going to it like i said


now no gurus are actually gonna tell you this i'm just gonna lay out straight flat you're probably gonna hate it if you try to build an agency for


completely free on yourself yes you're definitely gonna hang in fact if you're on a shoestring budget here's

shoestring budget


what i actually recommend yes you can go out and start social media marketing youtube with like a dinky old like a gmail


account such as like your name at gmail.com which probably will not warrant any great results it probably takes you a long


time to even get a client or even a reply back if you're using a gmail account no one's going to take you seriously because you don't have a registered domain you don't look


professional so if you're on a shoestring budget here's what i recommend number one make sure you go and get acuity


scheduling now when you can see that little asterisks on the bullet points that basically means i highly recommend those no


matter how much they cost as in the other ones that don't have asterisks next to them you can kind of get away with not using


them but the ones with asterisks i highly recommend you use these because they're going to make your life so much easier so acuity scheduling this is a calendar


software that allows you to take me in send over your calendar and help people book in it also sends


automatic email reminders to people who have booked in a call with you so that you don't have to remember to follow up with them and remind them about your


call so that actually increases your short break because sometimes when people book a meeting with you if you didn't have this software you'd


have kind of like manually go back and forth with them which is unprofessional looking for times and you know if they're in a different time


zone to you you have to convert that into your time zone super unprofessional whereas if you just send over a calendar link using acuity


scheduling they can book in any time that suits them it automatically converts the time zone it goes into your i calendar on


your iphone or your calendar or whatever kind of software you use and it's basically very organized very streamlined and it also


sends out automatic reminders to them so that they they turn up on time on the right day at the right time


and then zoom zoom is an online meeting platform i'm pretty sure you may have heard of zoom now it's getting very very very popular it's basically like the


better version of skype people don't actually need to create an account like skype and then add each other which is why i love zoom


and then what you want to do is with your zoom account you need meet and link and you put them in your email


reminders of your acuity scheduling software so that when people book in a meeting with you it will say the time


the date and the location and the location will actually be your link to your zoom meeting when people then want to to actually


join the actual meeting that you just got they click the link and you can take online meetings this is how you take online meetings


so lem list this is something i recommend you get but you don't have to get this you can actually start with manually sending out emails and stuff


like that as long as you are good at remembering when you need to follow up with certain people so if you're gonna not use lemnis you're probably gonna


need to use a crm system or make sure you're just you know making sure you're keeping track of who needs to be emailed again


because if you just send one email to one business owner one time you're probably not gonna get a response it's the follow-up that makes you a lot


of money so lemonlist is basically an automated email software which basically allows you to send out a bunch of emails and


stuff like that on blast um now i know a lot of you are just gonna skip this you're going to exit out of this video


and you're going to go and send set up lem list and just blast a whole bunch of businesses from some scraped leads without watching my


previous videos on this so do not do that because it never works you always want to make sure you personalize your emails and it should be showing you


exactly how you do that so automate software definitely get that it's 29.99 though you don't have to get that if you don't want to


now professional domain from google i highly recommend this so a professional domain would be like montal montelgordon.com or your name at


yourdomain.com and that's 12 a year then i want you to also go and get g suite this is highly recommended g suite is the actual


email provider from google so you have to buy a domain then you have to buy g suite g suite again is the email


domain which would be you know montel at montelgon.com now i kind of messed up before i said a


professional domain the personal domain is basically like your website name your email domain is your actual email that's linked to that website so it'd be


let's say your agency name is like abc agency your email domain then so that would be 12


a year but then your email domain with g suite would be your name at abcagency.com and that's six dollars a


month highly recommend it because it comes with google sheets google docs schools slides all that sort of stuff also what i want you to go and


get but you don't actually need to pay for this until you close a client which is simple invoices simple invoices is ten dollars


a month it's a invoicing software it does what it says on a tin it basically sends over simple invoices it allows you to do auto payments as


well which is what i recommended earlier and then you've got synovial snow view is completely free you can actually keep creating


like gmail accounts and just using it whenever you run out of credits but it's allowed you to help it basically helps you find emails on


the website so go and get synovio it's better than hunter.io if you're familiar with that and then slack for communications i have the free plan


still never played for slack slack is uh client communication that's completely free now if we take a look at the bottom here


that's actually a total of 62 dollars per month that's for everything i've just put on the slide however you look below that


there's another total with the asterisks and that's just everything that has an extra asterisk next to it which is like your


bear bear bare bear minimum of what you should be definitely paying for and again you can take a look


what i put which is the acuity scheduling your professional domain your g suite and that's basically it


that's 22 per month now if you are on a slightly better budget here's what i recommend acuity


scheduling zoom lemness a professional domain g suite simple invoices snow videos slack


i also recommend you get a lead sourcer that basically helps you find leads qualifies them and saves you hundreds of


hours of time you can literally pay somebody on upwork for this fifty dollars for like a thousand leads and if you do the maths


on that and however many if you just write like 20 emails a day or something like that you actually only need to pay like 25


they actually only like works out to be like 25 a month based on the maths so i also recommend you get a first line


writer or slack which is like a va which basically this is a person that writes 20 personalized emails for you a


day just the first lines of that day and you can pay them like five dollars an hour for like two hours a day which


works out to be 200 a month and then if you're going to build a case study funnel which is like a a video explaining your agency services


on the click funnels that's going to cost you 97 per month but i actually recommend you use wordpress for something like this


when you're not super super advanced and you can get that for 95 a year instead of 97 a month so if you


did take the total of all this i've just said on the screen that's a total of 296 dollars per month


which is extremely extremely cheap which is why the profit margins are extremely good with a social media marketing agency

What You Dont Need


so here's what you definitely do not need definitely do not need because i see a


lot of people worried about building a fancy website you don't need a fancy website unless you have a funnel i don't


recommend websites i recommend funnels don't build a website a funnel is different a funnel actually has


actionable steps that has some sort of end goal a website is just like a business card it's been


pretty much useless it's just like a online business card so what you also don't need is a degree i know people say


i don't know why but people think you need some sort of degree marketing a degree in marketing is probably the stupidest thing i've ever heard


i know the person who even created that degree i don't even think they understand how quick marketing


moves these days for example if you go to look at facebook ads like three months ago it's completely changed throughout until


now which is january and all because of i'll give you a real life example the ios 14 update apple's just released on


blocking certain like pixels and stuff like that and tracking and stuff like that that's already had an effect on marketing so by the time


a marketing degree curriculum gone through like it's testing and then been approved by like the


educational institutions and then put forth into the actual curriculum of a school or a university


by that time everything in that course will basically be irrelevant because everything's move everything's moving so fast


so what you also don't need is a registered business unless you are in the u.s again this is not like um legal advice


but i think like an llc will suffice in the us now the reason why i say that you don't need a registered business in the uk is


because you can just operate as a sole trader or a sole proprietor i believe it's called so don't worry about having a registered business


unless you're in the u.s where you can basically get sued just for sneezing sneezing i've heard some real horror stories in the u.s on like um


people just being sued for all sorts of stupid stuff what you also don't need are business cards absolutely stupid you


don't need an office you don't need a fancy business name literally name your agency your first name last name media or first name last


name consulting like literally don't spend more than 10 minutes on that you can always change your business name later on and you definitely don't need


to worry about tax structure or like offshore accounts as long as you are basically registered for like


self-assessment here in the uk that that's basically here in the uk and you want to make sure that you're obviously just declaring that you're making some


sort of income to the government and you definitely don't need to spend six months and this is the key right here guys i want you to


make sure you listen to this one you definitely do not need to spend six months learning facebook ads or


social media marketing you definitely don't need to do that so what niche should you actually get into

What is a niche


so first of all what exactly is a niche well i don't actually know the actual definition so if you google what i mean issues i


believe it's going to say something on the lines of a group of people that basically share certain characteristics and


commonalities so basically what you can actually do in niche in in sma is actually niche down via the


industry that you're in which is what i recommend you do so here are com some of the most popular sorts of niches that you can actually


get into so we've got gym businesses we've got restaurants we've got a car dealership niche we've got a dental practice niche


um we've got real estate niche we've got accounting businesses law firms cosmetic businesses tattoo parlors barbershops salons etc


etc basically these are all local businesses where you're going to be doing basically local lead generation for them now like

Local Lead Gen Niche


i just said these are traditional businesses um or what you call the local lead gen niche


here in this so in the smma community we call them local legion niche basically what you're doing for these


businesses are not generating themselves you're actually generating them leads so most of these businesses like i said are local legion clients or niches


that's a local legion niche now what i've noticed and if you're smart you'll also notice this as well or even if you just do just a quick


google search or even if you just live on in if you just actually look out your window should i say most of these local lead gen like


businesses or even traditional business stock are actually closing down or or even closed down right now due to


the whole pandemic so this pandemic has actually shown me and it should show you as well as a business owner that if you're going to


start a social media marketing agency you may as well start in the e-commerce niche if you want


unlimited reliability because think about it you can't really shut down an online business unless you take away


like their factories or something like that you shut down their factories which is probably not going to happen unless something extremely drastic


happens or if they have their products in-house you know they don't need to worry about that anyway or if like their business


relies on some sort of shipping and like aeroplane just like stop falling out of the sky or if the internet basically goes down and if the internet basically


goes down we've probably got way more problems than you know starting your business so for me i just believe that if you


jump into the e-commerce industry or niche you're going to have unlimited reliability because again if you are


trying to go after local legion niches and businesses they're probably going to be closed and you know who's to say something like


kovid 19 won't happen again when it's all over and basically also who said that like everything's


gonna go back to normal once you know the virus subsides and they kind of reopen stuff for me this is just a clear indication


that i should definitely be focusing my energy on helping online businesses and that's what i've basically transitioned from i


used to be in like the reset niche now i'm focusing more on the e-commerce needs and transitioning into that over like a six to 12-month period so

Ecommerce Niche


the e-commerce niche why on earth would we go for the e-commerce niche so as you can see on the left hand side i've just pulled up


an oberlo screenshot and the source is from emarketer.com so you can actually go check your source but as you can see


global ecommerce sales have actually grown continuously and healthily


over like a five to six year period i believe that's a six year period so again on the flip side the e-commerce


while all other businesses are shutting down on the flip side the e-commerce market is actually expected to grow to a global


net worth of 6.542 trillion in sales by 2023 that's


trillion with a t i don't think you understand that just that 0.5 is literally half a billion it's absolutely ridiculous


as you can see the whole market's actually growing whilst all the traditional businesses are basically struggling so why on earth


would you start a business in like a struggling market when you can actually go and find a market that's basically


prospering and thriving and actually growing year-round year so me personally as well i actually


genuinely think that this growth is going to be much much higher i don't know when this actual research was done but i actually believe


like i said as well the whole kovi thing has actually pushed us like five years in advance and advances five years in terms of


online business and and doing stuff online by like five years in just one year so i personally think that the growth is


actually going to be much much greater than this all due to coping so a question to you do you smell a trend yet surely you're


smelling this trend so let me give you some more reasons for the e-commerce niche i'm not actually trying to sell you on this

Reasons for eCommerce Niche


i'm just trying to show you that like what i'm doing what i found the research i've come across and i'm just going to lay out some facts for you real quick


so you know reasons for the e-commerce niche you see when you run ads for an e-commerce business you are directly


responsible this could be a good thing or it could be a bad thing i'm not just going to say it's all good and whatnot but as you can see you are directly responsible for a client's


sales via facebook and instagram ads so that basically means if you run good ads you're gonna see good results that are


clear cut so you can see for example with the e-commerce niche if you spend 10k on ads and you bring them back


60k on that you've just made them a profit of 50 grand so you can actually see a clear cut return on investment month on month


which is what you call your website purchase conversion value so that can actually be seen very clearly and if a client ever tries


to kind of like act up and be like oh your service is not great you can literally pull up the facebook business ads manager account in their ad account


and you can literally say what the are you talking about we spent 10k this month when we brought you back um 60k we made you a profit of


50k this month how are you not happy with that so with the local legion niche this is different though with leads you can't


actually directly track it you can slightly do it but it's very very difficult to do you actually have


to ask the person where they found out about your business and stuff like that and some people go online some people could just not fill out your


surveys or something like that but you can't actually really like directly currently


leads to profit generated you can't actually track that down to the pence and penny like you can when it comes to e-commerce businesses


running ads for them also clients are already used to operating online you see when it comes to e-commerce clients they're already used


to operating online so they're actually used to stuff like having zoom calls working with people remotely


and they're already used to completing payments online and signing stuff like contracts which are already online as


well and e-commerce clients they already know the value of advertising and social media and thus are continuously trying to find


more and more ways to get qualified traffic to their websites because that's the aim of the game with e-commerce businesses getting quality traffic that are going


to buy their products so they know that doing some sort of some form of marketing facebook ads advertising that sort of stuff is


important for their business whereas traditional businesses kind of still see facebook and instagram as like kind of like gimmicks if you


will where you basically go to chill out and socialize with family and friends and talk about justin bieber videos and


taylor swift videos so it's actually much easier to sell ecommerce business owners on the idea of running facebook ads if


you are actually good at what you're doing so with e-commerce business as well you can actually charge way higher retainers


i have not seen anybody charge for example like a 10k plus um per month


deal with just one single local lead gen business just because most of them most of the businesses have x like local lead gen


businesses or even traditional niches such as gym businesses they have ridiculous overheads such as like equipment costs they have like um


premises costs which obviously they have to have like some sort of store restaurants have to have like some an actual restaurant


they've got a whole bunch of stuff and stuff like that so e-commerce businesses don't really have much cost apart from their um cogs which is


obviously cost of goods sold as most of the time they don't even need offices or a bunch of staff or workplaces they can use like automation


and software to automate most of their stuff so they have like like like a two-man team like an e-commerce business can


have all this automation installed on it for like i don't know 300 500 a month or something like that


and they will have like the firepower of like a 20-man team for example because they can automate their emails and stuff like that they don't need to really


reply to customer responses they can have like automation bots doing that for them and stuff like that all of that sort of stuff helps


them save on costs as well now with e-commerce business as well i've seen that you can actually charge


performance fees so what i mean by that is let's say you um close a client for example for


two thousand dollars a month and you then also sign them on a ten percent kickback


fee which is what you call a roads deal or performance fee you can call it whatever you want and you help a client make an additional 100k


revenue after spending 20k on ads that basically means you brought them in a 80k profit now if you were to just


close them on your 2k per month deal and make them 80k profit that's cool and all but you've only made two grand from that


client so you've actually made him 8 grand you've only made 2 grand back however if you said at the beginning of that deal that


we're going to charge you 2 000 per month and we're going to incentivize ourselves to run better ads for you


by assigning a 10 kickback fee or performance fee which basically allows you to take 10 of


the profits you generate again that's off the profits so what you would have done and what you would have made in total was that


initial 2 000 which is your flat retainer fee plus 8 000 from the 80 grand profit which is


obviously 10 of the 8 grand profit that you've made and that's just from one client that's literally 10 grand from one client


as you can see it starts pricing up very very quickly and very nicely so let's talk about pricing how do you



actually price your services so for social media management let's talk about that now unfortunately there's actually no


formula for this i've not actually seen a formula or anything like that what you need to do in order to work this out is you'll need to work this out based on


your expenses such as if you have a team member in place how much you basically want to make etc etc so let me give you an example if


you want to make 10 grand a month from your agency i know that's like the the common like um kind of like response i get when


i when i ask people where do you want to take your agency they always say 10k a month if you want to hit a 10k a month mark which is obviously six figures and


you have a team member charging you 200 per client um that's basically managing and creating the content for you because


again social media management is like you know creating social media social media posts and stuff like that so if you charge one thousand dollars a month


for this then you know you're gonna make roughly eight hundred dollars per client so what you then do is you take the ten


thousand dollars which is your gold figure and you divide it by basically your lowest retainer which is eight hundred dollars


you know you're going to need to close 13 clients until you make 10k profit per month so what you need to


do is figure out how many clients you want to take on how much money you want to take you want to make per client how much your costs are and then reverse engineer


how much you basically want to make and do the maths backwards this way in reverse engineering so ps


just really quickly i've personally seen people who are doing social media management charge anywhere from 500 um dollars per month


to 2500 a month the most i've ever charged personally for social media management


is two thousand dollars per month uh just for social media management which was actually creating content for their instagram


their facebook their linkedin those uh and their twitter excuse me facebook no it was actually instagram it was


their linkedin and their twitter so that's all i was doing so what i'm going to do for the facebook ads

Pricing Formula


for local lead generation there is an actual formula for this and i'm going to break that down right now in an older video i'm going to


use it all the video because i explain it extremely well so i'm going to cut to that right now so you can see the exact formula for


actually pricing your services for local lead generation here's the pricing formula for paid traffic for local businesses so guys you


want to take the average customer spend per visit in profit or you want to take the average you know monthly cost of


a customer in profit as well so what i mean by that is whenever a person comes into a restaurant for example how much do they


spend and let's say it's fifty pounds eight or fifty dollars if they then spend fifty dollars how much of that is actual profit to


that business so you need to ask them okay so if an average person average table value is 50 pounds


or 50 how much of that is actual genuine profit that you get to keep so that's


what i'm talking about here or for this per month section i'm talking about let's say it's a gym or like a some sort of like a


subscription-based business where it's kind of like a monthly cost um like a gym so you want to take the the average gym cost but actually find


the actual profit then what you want to do is times that by the number of returns


or how many times or how many months they stay on for and that will give you the yearly profit


value now you want to take the yearly yearly profit value and times it by how many years in total


that customer stays with that business and that gives you the lifetime profit value now what you want to do


then is reverse engineer the whole process so you want to take the whole process as in you're running ads for this business


you're getting them leads people are showing up and then they're becoming customers so you want to reverse that whole process so typically here's what's going to


happen if you're running ads for a local business you're going to create some sort of offer and you're going to start running facebook ads over


on facebook of course those people who are interested in this offer here people who see that certain


amount of people who see that are then going to be interested and become leads of of that business you're going to generate leads out of those leads


only a certain amount of people are actually going to show up to the actual gym to redeem their um three day pass or seven day pass out


of those people who actually show up to the gym and actually do these seven days or three day pass are going to be are gonna


become customers now i like to use very conservative numbers when i'm reverse engineering this process here


um so the it's the ad offer leads to show ups to customers so let's say of you know 10 000 people that


see this ad 100 people then become leads so 100 people put in their details and become


these to redeem this offer out of those 100 people 20 of them actually show up to the business and actually


actually walk through the physical doors and go to the gym and redeem their little um seven day free pass basically so let's


say that 20 people people show up to the actual business and and out of those 20 people 30 of them


actually turn out to be long-term customers now that means you're going to generate around six customers now what you want


to do is you want to take the number of customers you've generated which is going to be six in this particular case


you then times it by the lifetime profit value and that's going to give you the total


profit value so what you're going to do then is take the total profit value and take away the


cost per acquisition and that's going to give you grow the gross profit you're then going to take the gross profit and divide it by two


and that's going to equal your service price now let me show you a full full example


because that might sound confusing to you or something like that but i just want to break it down so you guys can see um


exactly how this works out so talk about facebook ads for e-commerce now unfortunately


sorry to disappoint you but there's no formula for this whatsoever like this is literally based upon your pricing for


this it's been like offering facebook as e-commerce businesses this is solely priced and based upon the value you can


actually bring for the for a business literal go instinct actually comes into into place


here as well you also want to factor in what's a fair deal based on the results you know you can actually bring for this business


based on what you've actually broken down number wise in their back end you know figuring out and working out their cost


of goods their break-even roads their customer acquisition costs and their profit margins and again sorry to disappoint you but there's


actually a there's not actually a formula to basically break this down if you look at any quote unquote guru in the e-commerce space


there's just not a way to actually price this you actually obviously are going to price very differently based on businesses however big and or


small they are for example if you are going to charge if you're going to work with a client that's you know spending


20 grand on instagram ads or facebook ads for example a month then you obviously know you can probably charge them around 5 6k for


that because that's quite a hefty amount to deal with so for example if you're working with a business who's already making multiple six figures you're going


to charge them very differently to a business that's only just hitting that six figure mark again if you're working with a business and then you


know the average ad spend is like 20 grand a month or something like that you probably can easily charge five six grand or something like that flat fee


plus a 10 rows deal whereas if you're working with a business is only making or even even spending like five to ten grand on


ads you probably are going to only be able to charge like two to three grand four grand at that uh the max plus maybe a 10 rows deal if


you're if you're cheating you can get away with it but um yeah the main takeaway on this is you're gonna price your services based


on value not the time it's gonna take you to run the ads and i'll give you a cool little


metaphor story on this for example if you was to work with apple and you're a i don't know a developer like a website


developer and you spot an error on apple's website if you literally help them boost their revenue or their profit


should i say by 0.00 you're literally going to be able to charge at least 10 grand for that even


if that only takes you five seconds to do just because you're gonna write one line of code and fix that problem you could easily charge


10 grand 20 grand for that if you're gonna boost their profit by like a couple million a year because again they're a trillion dollar company how do

What is outreach


you do outreach so now that we've got our pricing down what services to offer so we've got social media management stuff we've got facebook ad stuff how to


price them gone through all of that sort of stuff how do you actually reach out to clients to watch the sell your services so


outreach if you're wondering just basically means reaching out now the aim of outreach is to convince a


business owner into having a meeting with you so that you can get in front of them diagnose their current situation and


sell your services as the solution to their problems outreach is not for selling your services only the mean


so don't write stupid like stupid stupid long outreach messages trying to sell your services right there and then and tell


them telling them your price and all that sort of stuff all you're doing is trying to get them to book in a meeting so you can do that


live on a call now here's a few outreach tips what i want you to do is i want you to keep your outreach

Outreach Tips


messages short especially if you're using text based outreach such as emails facebook


messages instagram messages just because people don't have the time to read lengthy emails not only that


but it's super annoying when you get 11 feet long ass email like get to the point keep it concise these are business


owners they're very busy so keep it short keep it sweet so we also want to do is you want to keep the whole thing


readable within 15 to 18 seconds for the reasons i've literally just stated you always want to personalize your outreach no matter what as well scripted


templates never work i've i've found this it just never works i literally believed in called emails didn't work which by the way they do i


just sucked at them and i even said that back in the day so never use script templates they never work like i said


they can actually work but only if you're sending like 500 plus of them a day which i don't recommend


at all but then like at that point like pretty much anything will work if you're sending like 500 emails a day


so what i also recommend you do is include a one sentence case study now if you don't have any case studies or anything like


that you can actually use your like a team members so if you've got a team member a media buyer for example or who's running some great instagram


ads or something like that or facebook ads you can actually use them if again this you will have to speak to them about and


whatnot for me i had to put a contract in place with my media buyer to allow me to use his results to actually leverage present


them to clients and stuff like that and using the clients and stuff like that what you can do is you can actually use your team members past results


to actually convince clients that you obviously know what you're doing if you don't have any whatsoever and yes it's ethical and yes


it's legal because they are part of your agency at that point if you build a proper team also guys do not include links on your first touch


point so your first touch point is when you just find a business and you send them the initial email you've never spoke to them before


don't include links in that because that immediately screams i'm trying to sell you something here and that's actually going to put people


off what i also don't want you to do is use trigger words such as marketing agency uh or like take your business to


to new heights or like scaling your business from i don't know like 1 000 sales to 10 don't just don't use


super salesy trigger words like that because it actually puts business owners off and don't use language like for example like


10x your growth in your subject lines because again that's super super cliche super like um salesy and you can


actually get mark to spam as well if you keep doing that sort of stuff i'm not getting marked as spam is not good for your email health also i didn't


mention actually put this on on this particular tip whenever you have a call to action a call to action is saying hey book a free call with me


or when are you free for a quick 15 minute call that would be a call to action because you're calling them to take some sort of action that's what a


call to action is so call to action short for it is cta cta shop call to action make sure when you create


your cta in your email it's short sweet it's very precise and you only have


one cta per email don't be saying look at this case study and then book in a call here and then check out my website as well don't don't


do that so that's free ctas right there you don't want to do that you just want one clear cut cta so

What is the best outreach method


what is the best outreach method i know for a fact you guys are searching for the best


outreach method and you're also searching for the best niche those are the two most common things i hear time and time


again within the agency space now this is going to be another disappointment to you guys i myself


honestly have been looking for the quote-unquote best outreach method and the best scripts to use but they simply


just don't exist there is no magic script there is no magic outreach method what you have to do is you have to do


the research into what the niche particularly uses on a day-to-day basis and leverage that method to get in front


of them for example e-commerce business owners are notorious for checking their emails multiple times a day


especially first thing in the morning actually literally google what's what is it like to be an e-commerce business owner and you can literally find like


what that average schedule is and you can genuinely see like a whole bunch of like i went i went i went and visited


like um forums where like e-commerce business owners were talking amongst each other and they were sharing like their daily schedules and stuff like that and


what they do is they wake up early they're normally early risers and when they wake up early they check their emails like first


finger day first thing in the day just to check if they got like orders and stuff like that they need to fulfill and like team emails and stuff like that


because they normally have a team that they manage so i found that they check their emails religiously multiple times throughout the day


especially first thing in the morning i've also found guys as well the e-commerce business owners for example they don't necessarily need offices to


operate or run their business and they typically only have like a customer support number which by the way is probably outsourced to some sort of


automated software or to someone else in like a developing country or something like that this basically means


that leveraging cold emails would be better than doing cold calls for the e-commerce niche because again


they check their emails they don't really have like a mobile phone number you can actually call however for a niche like the car dealership niche or


the real estate niche they are constantly sat by their phones in their office waiting for like deals to come through


and some of them are even doing cold calls themselves for example estate agents definitely do a lot of cold calls themselves again i googled this and


actually seen that they do they have like a morning meeting they then go out there and do like door-to-door sales they also do like


cold calls and stuff like that religiously so and that's especially in smaller businesses as well


so you have a really good shot of like reaching the business owner directly via a quick call if you're in


those particular niches but for example trying to cold call a doctor or a dentist on the oven is literally like trying to


eat some cacti with warm sea water like no joke it sucks i literally did 300 cold calls to just


dentistries around my local area and like the couple cities are around me and stuff like that and


they're always always in surgery it's always the gatekeeper picking up saying yeah the doctor's in surgery or they're busy so i believe that like


using cold emails or even linkedin as a professional way to connect with them would probably be your best bet if


you're going to be contacting doctors or dentists but again guys please remember the whole aim of this slide here is to make sure


that you guys remember that each niche is different and you're going to need to test to see which one works best for you


and you're also going to do a lot of research you're going to need to do a lot of research into your particular niche how they operate


what their routines are and what they use on a day-to-day business day-to-day basis in their business so that you can actually get in front of


the actual business owner not the gatekeeper so let's talk about choosing your weapon of outreach so i'm just going to list

Choosing your outreach method


off a couple of methods of outreach so obviously we have cold calling we have cold emails we have loom audits


which is basically if you're not familiar with loom loom is like a video recording software that allows it's like a google chrome extension that allows


you to record your screen and stuff like that and the audit is basically just going and recording their businesses like social media accounts and stuff like


that and showing them what they're doing right what they're doing wrong and what you can basically help them with so that's what an audit is you can also do linkedin to connect with professionals


instagram as well you can use that for outreach facebook you can use outreach direct mail which is literally like sending old traditional letter box


mails as in you go and send that in the post and um you genuinely get you can get clients like that i've heard of people


getting clients like that walk-ins basically walking into you know events you can walk into a business if they're


open again this is probably not really relevant for the time we're in right now but you can also but yes traditionally


like two years ago this was very popular like doing walking so like literally walking into the barbershop or like a restaurant and


asking them if they need help with their marketing you can also go to network events where business owners basically gather and talk about business you can you know


tell them that you're an agency owned and you help specific niche to achieve a specific result using your services


so you can also use up work stuff like freelance websites so i believe you can use like upwork.com um


which is a very great website i highly recommend you use upwork and you can use other freelance websites as well like e-guru i


think i think one is don't quote me on that i'm not really using the other freelance websites i just find that upwork's the best so guys just for argument's sake if

Best outreach method


i genuinely had to pick which outreach method is the best i genuinely would say first of all there


is no best outreach method but i genuinely would stick to using upwork although it's not free for


example using upwork is a freelance website if you're not familiar with it and it costs me 140 pounds per month


on these things called connex connector will allow you to apply to jobs now the reasons for why i say that i recommend using upwork


if i just had to say one just out of the sheer like argument's sake i just see it as like look on upwork you


have clients that basically qualify themselves they literally go out of their way to create a client account post a job out that basically means


they're warm to the idea of um hiring somebody for their social media there's no need to find leads or qualify


them as they're basically in a list format for you on the platform clients are at the end of the sales


funnel as in with the traditional outreach methods you need to go and find businesses you need to then qualify them based on what they look


like how they look like they're operating online if they can afford your services there's certain indicators like that we've mentioned previously


and it's in this video that indicate whether they're going to be ready to buy and if they can even afford to with work


that eliminates all of that because clients are literally at the end of the sales funnel they're posting out jobs saying i want to hire somebody and they're basically


ready to buy right there and then so there's no guessing games here so clients are 100 looking for social media managers slash facebook ads


ads people to hire so this basically eliminates all the other guessing games such as trying to qualify businesses or even


find leads and the leads literally couldn't get any warmer than these because they're literally at the east at the end of a sales cycle


literally posting out a job saying i want to hire so from what i've seen personally and i can


genuinely say this hand on my heart from what i've seen this is the quickest and easiest way to get a client but not


but with that being said what about your free options here are your free options cold email is a very very great tip


because a lot like everybody has a an email think about it if you're going to do like facebook outreach


think about in order to even sign up to facebook you need an email address to even sign up to that if you want to sign up to linkedin


you have to create an email address in order to even create a linkedin address so everybody has an email address people


say that email's dead even i was like cool emails don't work at one point but trust me cold emails do work so here's a few


tips for your cold emails and your cold email game make sure you use a g suite email and not a gmail email so


the difference is basically you know a g suite email would be like your first name at your own domain.com


because it looks professional you want to use that because it makes you look like a serious business owner you don't want to use a gmail which is


your first name at gmail.com so like montel gmail.com that is not professional and


it's going to be extremely hard to get a client that way because they're just not going to respond to you because you're you just don't look


serious but yes you can use a free gmail account but i don't recommend it so yes this is not technically free


because it costs you six dollars per month for g suite and 12 a year just for your domain so it costs you like seven dollars a month if you


really work it out if you want to work out in a monthly figure because 12 divided by 12 months is one dollar of course what i recommend as


well is do not use your agency's website as your email domain so that's your your outreach stuff so what i mean by that is


if you have an agency website such as abcagency.com don't use your first name at


abcagency.com for your cold outreach what you would do instead is go and buy


another domain yes this means you're going to be buying two domains one for your agency website and one for your code outreach now i get


a lot of people asking me why on earth would you buy two if i already have one well because if


you have an agency website right which is abc agency.com and you use that for cold outreach you


are eventually going to ruin that domain because you're going to get mocked to spam because you're probably going to suck at cold emails


and you're going to ruin your agency website because that domain is going to get ruined so that means you're going to have to


then create a new domain move your whole entire website to a new domain which is extremely


tedious and time-consuming to do so i wouldn't recommend you do that so don't ruin your website by using that domain as an out code


outreach domain so what you do is you use one domain for your website and you buy a second domain for example


abc agency.net.ent so net that would be a new domain but it's


still pretty much the same name as your as your website but you would use the net version now as your email domain to actually send that


code email so you can burn that out without having to worry about your website domain actually getting ruined


so you want to make sure that you ensure that the emails you're obviously sending to are valid so you don't mark to spam


you want to make sure you also set up your dkim and your dmarc record you want to send at least five emails to


to one person as in you want to make sure you send an initial email and then for follow-up emails because it takes


at least 5 to 12 touch points to actually get someone to actually consider buying and five emails is


classes five touch points and you wanna make sure that you personalize each email you send out now emails are going to take you a while


to master this is something again that the gurus will not tell you emails itself is a skill writing good emails is a highly profitable skill


that will take you a while to master so what i want you to do and what i recommend you do is spend at least three months trying to master this skill


because this is probably the most important task bar none until you get a client so what you want to do is just spend a whole bunch of time


just mastering cold email and testing different things out to see what works and what does not because that's going to bring you the most profit because


that's how you go and get meetings and meetings and how you go and get clients so personalizing your first lines here's a little tip for you guys


here's how you personalize your first lines so this is not a repeat this is not a personalized


first line saying stuff like this hi john i just came across and i'm just going to put journal journal clothing


just like a fake business i just made up so just bear with me here so if i say to john and i reach out to john and i go


hey john i just came across journal clothing on google whilst looking for quality men's clothing brands and seeing


you with a bit owner of this business that is not a personalized first line i know you think it's personalized because


you're mentioning the business owner's name and his company name but business owners know what a merge tag is a merge tag is


where you have an excel sheet with columns in it and each column is a different name and you have an automated software that


basically pulls in each name of that business as it goes down the line so this is not personalized because you can easily


switch out the words john and journal clothing to a different clothing brand name and a different


name such as mark so you can literally put hey mark i just came across mx clothing on google whilst looking for


quality men's clothing brands and it would still make sense so that's not a that's what that's not a a personalized


first line this is a personalized first line hey john i just checked out the podcast interview


you had um with ben tiller on how you and your wife hannah founded journal clothing from


your garage back in 2017. love the point you made about being disciplined as an entrepreneur


this is very personalized because you've mentioned you what you call name dropped the interview podcast is done with a


person called ben tiller you've also name-dropped his wife you also listen to the podcast and you can actually see that he said that he


started general clothing from his um garage and then he also dated that which was back in 2017 then he also brought up a point what


that he made in in the podcast saying that i love the point that you made about being displayed as an entrepreneur that's way way personal way


way more personalized because you can't then just change out the name john to max and send that to max and make the same


thing because max will not have an interview with ben tiller and his wife won't be called hannah and his

PART - 2 


clothing brand what we call them um general clothing and he won't have started his business back in january back in back in 2007 and he wouldn't


have made the point about being disciplined as an entrepreneur that is extremely personalized and if you were to write a personalized email to me


you would say something like hey monto i just checked out the whole entire video you did on how to start social media marketing


agency in 2021 as a beginner i really love that the point you made about personalizing first lines i'm


using your tip right here to actually reach out to you right now that would be a really personalized line


line to me especially so let's talk about setting up meetings now because the whole aim of your outreach don't not


get you confused is to set up meetings and that's it so setting up means what i want you to do is spend the next


three months mastering one form of outreach such as emails but for something like upwork


you can you can basically get a client within the first 15 days it took me 23 days to get my first client using upwork but out of those 23 days because i


wasn't working on saturdays and sundays it actually took me 15 working days to actually close that client i think it might have been eight fifteen to eight fifteen to


seventeen working days or something like that but basically i closed it moving like 15 days i believe 15 17 days give or


take two days so what i mean by this guys is only focus on one form of outreach until you


have mastered it don't be trying to do 10 different version 10 different pieces of outreach until you've got a client


once you've got a client then you can start talking about doing what you call omni-channel follow-ups which is like reaching out via email and also


connecting with them via linkedin and then sending them follow-up emails after your five touch points on email that's more of an advanced


strategy what i'm going to do right now is just spend three months 90 days straight set a number for example i'm gonna send 20


emails a day for 90 days straight without missing a single day that's what i want you to do that's how you really get good at this sort of stuff


and that's the key right there if you rewind that i've literally just given you the keys to a multi-seven-figure


business i'm not even joking so what i also want you to do is sign up to acuity scheduling and make sure you get a zoom account so you can link in


your meeting software and stuff like that so to communicate with each other so you can have automated meetings i want you to also like i said just


place your zoom meeting room link into the emails of your acuity scheduling software this is not your cold email


outreach by the way not yet what i mean by that is when people reply to your outreach you're immediately then going to send them


you're going to get them on a call by actually sending over your calendar link so what i mean by this guys is when you sign up for acuity scheduling


and zoom zoom will give you a unique meeting room link like i mentioned before you put that in your acuity scheduling


automated follow-up emails for when someone books in a call with you this link does not go in your code emails i know it's going to confuse


people so when you send a code email out to somebody on the initial thing and they've not replied to you initial message you're not putting your links in there i


mentioned this before i'm going to mention it again do not put your links in there because you only put your link in an email when they reply back to you


because you can get marked as spam if you're just sending out links it also looks like you're just screaming like i'm trying to sell you something


here so what i want you to do is make sure that when people reply to your outreach you immediately try to like i said get them on a call


by sending over your cousin link now i know that some people wonder this but never ever state your price for example if you reach out to


somebody they say oh how much do you charge don't ever state your price until the end of your sales call as in you don't


mention on email how much you're going to charge them or anything like that you could literally say two pound and it'll still be like yeah that's too expensive


or two dollars yeah that's too expensive because you have not built any value up yet so when you sign up for qt scheduling it


allows you to create questionnaire forms basically and what you can do with this questionnaire form is make sure you're asking questions


such as what is your current monthly revenue what's your goal figure what's stopping you from achieving your goals what's your current monthly marketing


budget that sort of stuff and these are all to ensure that you um qualify these businesses before you even jump on a call with them


so you can actually see who's booked in a call when they booked in for on what their answers were to these questions and i highly recommend you


answer the uh you get them to answer these questions and make them a requirement to even get on a call with you because that's going to save you a lot


of time and um effort having to speak with business owners that are not qualified so these are what you call pre-qualifying


questions so make sure you ask pre-qualifying questions that's how i do it and again use zoom to host your meetings online so


you don't have to actually meet people in person so you can actually close clients in other countries and that's how you do it so let's talk about closing clients on


our next point so for me this is the most important part of a social media marketing agency in my opinion


because you're gonna really quickly come to the realization that social media marketing agency and building a successful one


is pretty much about being able to set meetings closing those meetings and then keeping clients happy and then rinsing repeating that process


that's basically it setting up meetings closing meetings keeping clients happy it's not about you


know learning facebook ads and becoming a wizard of facebook guides or a wizard like social media marketing or something like that it's not about that so


and if you're you know a disbeliever in that i just want to give you a quick reminder the aim is to become a business owner


not the head chef at your own restaurant and if you need a book to even qualify this or even um you know back this up go and get a book


called the e myth the e myth i don't know i forgot who it's by again but you can just go google it and


you'll come to the realization that your businesses and this is a real business by the way just because it's called sma it is a real business


you're going to see that this is a real business and if you're like the head chef at your business your business is reliant on you and it's


not really a business it's just another nine-to-five job so closing clients when it comes to closing clients and sales in smma the


most powerful method i have ever used ever like literally ever is what i like to call the bridge method so i'm gonna


break down what the bridge method actually is so this is going to get into some real deep stuff here guys now closing clients using the bridge method


what on earth is the bridge method here's what the bridge method is so what you're going to do is you're going to identify a


client's current situation then you're going to identify that desired situation now there's a gap in between where


they're currently at and where they want to be so their a point or their b point or you can even call it their x


point which is like maybe they're at 10k a month and they want to get to 50k a month that would be the two different points and obviously there's a


gap in between that now what you want to do and what your job is on a sales call is to figure out what a client's current


situation is which is on the left here and their design desired situation which is on the right you don't want to widen


that gap by turning their basic needs and basic problems into explicit needed and really needed desi


what you call explicit desires and then you want to position yourself and your services as a solution to their problems that's going to help them bridge the gap


between where they're currently at and where they're actually desiring desiring to be so let's talk about the


actual script there so let's jump into part one of the script which is set in the frame so when you jump on a call with a business owner


what you're going to do is you're going to keep your small talk to a minimum as business owners can smell fake rapport building skills from a


minor way so what you're going to do is spend one to two minutes max on small talk you're just gonna ask them stuff like


you know oh where you're calling from how's everything over there how's the copy thing how are you enjoying your day that sort of stuff so then what you're gonna do is


ask john if he wants to dive straight into the call he's going to say yes then what you're going to do is you're going to set the frame by saying well john


this is how my discovery calls usually go i'm going to start off by asking you some questions about your business to figure out where you're where you're


at and where you're trying to go and then at the end of the call what i'm going to do is explain everything that i have to offer and if you're a good fit for what i do


i'm going to offer you a chance to work with me one-on-one and it's just a simple yes or no from you right there and then


how does that sound he's going to say yeah it sounds great motel let's jump into it and then um you're going to jump straight into your call but you must


absolutely must set the frame and take the lead of this call or you may as well get out the call i have looked at over 300 calls i've


pretty much done that probably even 400 500 calls now yeah it's definitely over 500 calls actually to be honest with it at this point so i'll also have my


personal brand and stuff like that and i have you guys booking calls with me as well and i also have like automated systems going out reaching out to clients and


setting means with those also have the upwork stuff i've had hundreds on top of hundreds of calls i wouldn't say i've had more than 500 i


think i've had like 520 something if i actually look in my acuity scheduling client list there's actually over 500 people in there


so i personally have seen when and i actually record all my calls basically i've seen that when i do not set the


frame of a call the call never goes my way and i've never closed a sales call that i've not set the frame for if you


want to get a good book on why you need to set set the frame get a book called pitch anything by oren klaff it's my favorite


sales book i highly recommend you get that so step two is figuring out their motive simply you're just gonna ask them


why they decided to carve out time out of their day to actually sit down and speak with you so you're gonna ask them what's the motivation behind booking in


the call today and what you're looking for here is a couple of golden answers such as one they're struggling with their facebook


ads or social media two they're either you know things are just not working for them or free things are just moving slow or four


they have some sort of problem within their business than they need to fix right now so those are like the golden answers then what you're gonna do is


jump into step three of the actual sales script which is figuring out their current situation


so the current situation is where they're at right now as in what are they currently doing with their business how is their business running what sort of


processes and pla do they have in place and you find out their current situation by using what you call situational questions


such as how long have you been in business what are you currently doing for marketing as in what your current marketing strategies what are your best selling


products if they have multiple products what are your profit margins looking like what is your sales process slash funnel are you happy with it at the


moment and you know how big is your team what platforms are making up the majority of your sales volume do you know how much is costing


you to acquire a new customer what does your current advertising strategy look like what is your current


row as what is your you know your overheads and what your profit margins and how much is that why i've underlined this one


this is the key question here how much are you making with this business per month right now because that is their current situation


in business we measure like the our kpi is obviously how much you're you're making per month for the business


so that's what we're going to be asking because that's going to show us their desired situation current situation excuse me so we can figure out where


they're trying to go and that gap in between we're going to widen that so this is how you figure out their current situation how much are you


making with this business per month you need to get an actual figure here a specific dollar amount if


you don't get that you need to ask them for a specific dollar amount if they continue to say they don't know you're going to ask them


to ballpark it you need that figure that takes you on to part three which is the second part which is like 3.2 i guess or 3.1 which is


figuring out their desired situation now the desired situation is where they want to take their business and you're going to find out that is the desired


situation by using what you call future pacing type of questions so for example are you happy with your current monthly profit figures they're going to


say no because we want to get into this sort of thing you're going to also ask them are you happy with the way your current ads are performing where do you want to take your business


in the next 12 months that should be underlined because that's literally the question you need to answer so where do you want to take your


business in the next 12 months that like i said should be underlined in bold in italics that is the that is


the big question right there where do you want to take your business in the next 12 months that's how you figure out that design situation cause they're gonna say on


this previous slide they're at 10k per month then they're going to say well in 12 months time you want to get up to 80k per month um and then you're going


to ask you know why is 80k per month for your focus right now why is it so important for you to you know scale to 80k


why not just stay where you are at 10k that's a you know that's that's a successful six figure business right there why do you even want to skate


scale to that 80k per month per month then you're gonna ask some stuff like you know how would things change operationally john if you could get to


8k a month now i'm going through all these questions fast right but i want you to make sure you're


speaking extremely slow use a lot of pauses


for dramatic effect silence in sales means you're comfortable and if you speak slowly


more slowly you speak the more comfortable you are the faster you speak the less comfortable you sound and the


more rushed you sound the less you're going to close the slower you speak the more you are going to close


so make sure you speak slow whenever you ask a question completely show up let them answer i want to put that out


there so part four of closing clients is getting them to release control so once you've gone


through and found their current situation their desired situation you're going to get them to release control and what i


mean by that is most business owners come into sales calls with a wall up so what you're going to do is you're going to go so


john you're currently making 10k per month right now with a business with your business and you want to scale that to


80k per month in 12 months time so john tell me why do you personally think that you haven't hit that mark yet that 80k


per month market and then what you're gonna do guys is you're gonna go completely silent once you ask this question and you're gonna look out for these


golden answers right here which are you know number one they just they they say stuff like they don't know how to or they don't have like the


ability to do it themselves they want to get there faster they can get there but they just want to get there faster


free they don't have the time to train themselves or learn facebook cards or their or train their team and learn their team and train their team


with facebook ads on number four they just want a proven system slash roadmap some sort of guidance or somebody that


they can follow that they can trust that can basically do this for them and they can follow basically and i


have them as guidance so those are pretty much like the four golden like answers when you ask this question that you want to look out for


then what you want to do is define the gap in between where they're currently at where they want to want to be at and you


want to gain permission to share what you have so you're going to go okay so john to summarize


right now your business is pulling in circa 10k a month and your main issues are x y and z so x


y and z is obviously what they've talked to you about throughout the call you can obviously identify their problems really easily and i recommend you write them down so


you're gonna go okay so john just to summarize right now your business is pulling in circa you know around 10k


um per month right now and your main issues are this thing that thing and this thing and you want to take your


business to that that 80k per month mark in 12 months time right they're gonna


say yes then you go okay well in all transparency john it's clear to me that you've hit a


little bit of a fork in the road and what i mean by that john is if you keep doing and then you ink you you


basically insert what they're doing right now so their current strategy on what they're basically doing for sales right now which you should have found out in their


current situation so let's say they're doing influencer marketing so after you've said this you're going to jump into this and you're going to go


okay well john in all transparency it's clear to me you've hit a bit of a fork in the road in terms of your business


now what i mean by that john is if you keep doing influencer shout outs you're basically going to stay at 10k


per month right he's going to say yes to that because it's a very common easy obvious question now you then move on to the second


question so you go so john i'm pretty sure by now you've probably come to the realization yourself that if you


continue to do what you're doing right now you're probably going to get those exact same results or you can even word it like john now


i'm pretty sure that you've come to the realization that you're going to have to do something different in order to get different results right


they're going to say yes to that because it's very common if you can't and this is basically what einstein said all those years ago the definition of


insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result you can also use the quote that like if you want change you have to


change or if you can actually just say to get different results you've got to do something different basically but um that's the type of


point we're trying to make here so and then you're gonna go on to this point right here which is basically gaining the permission point all this


was kind of like defining the gap saying that they're at this point and they're not at this point and that you they need to do something


different or else they're just going to say whether or not that's kind of like stretching the gap and being like they need to do something in order to


see different results so then what you then say after all you after that defining the gap what you then say is


you basically gain permission by saying well john look at this point in our call i honestly can tell you're going to be a


great fit for the line of work we do here at the agency would it be okay if i dissect exactly


why i'm more than confident that i can help you scale your business to that 80k per month mark in a 12 month


time span that's all you basically say and they're going to say yes 100 please show me what you've got i've


never had a person say no to this then what you're going to do is you're going to do some regurgitation i call it regurgitation but basically all you're


doing is like taking in what they've said and then basically spitting it back out to them so you go well awesome john


well my area of expertise is helping e-commerce businesses scale to multiple six and seven figures


using facebook ads now we typically work with and then what you do is you state that exact


situation so i would go and john we typically work with e-commerce businesses that don't have a


solid facebook ad strategy and they're still using stuff like influencer marketing in order to get


sales and what we do is we help them scale to seven and six and seven figures multiple six and seven figures


and we do this through our 90-day social paid program which is done for you


social paid ads paid traffic advertising on the social media platforms john you then go completely silent so when


you state what you're an expert at what you need to do though is make sure that when you state this sort of stuff you're using exactly what they've said


to you so for example if you're talking to a real estate business you would go and say here that you help would it be okay if


you explain how why you're more than confident you can help them scale to whatever they've said


in 12 months they're going to say yes then you go awesome well mark my area of expertise is helping


real estate businesses scale to 20k per month using facebook ads


and we typically work with busy estate agents that are still using cold calling and


cold emails to get clients and what we do is we create an automated system for them that pulls them in new high quality


leads every month so they can close them and scale up to that 20k 30k 40k per month mark and we do this


through our lead gen our 90 day lead generation done for you facebook ads service it's basically all you say


obviously come up with a better name than than that's it's kind of long but you get the idea guys basically all you're doing is stating their exact situation


and then regurgitate regurgitating it back to them because you want to make your offer sound like it's an exact perfect fit and again once you state


this you want to go completely silent here as a typical next response is okay so how does this all work


and this is where their logical side of their brain will kick in they'll they'll hear that you're a perfect fit


you've sold them emotionally and now you've stated that what you do is exactly for them they're then gonna say


okay cool so how does this all work and that's where the logic comes into this so what you do is you then start explaining your services because they're


gonna ask you how does this all work how do you do that what are the specifics of this what you want to do is then explain your services and there's


two main ways you can do this you can do this with case studies or you can do this without case studies with case studies what you can do is


show one to three of your best case studies that you've previously got either from yourself or your team member i recommend you


getting a team from the beginning and this is one of the reasons why then what you can do is you break down the mass behind the results


that you've actually been able to generate previously and then break down the numbers in their business and show them why it's a no-brainer for them to


to join on with your agency you can then show also make sure you when you when you're showing your case that is clear you want to clearly show how you


took a previous business from a to b or x to y what i mean by that is you helped this business they


were stuck at 10k per month and you scaled them to 50k per month using facebook ads so you want to show them like a clear


cut return on investment that you've been able to generate for a business and make sure you pull up like your screen and actually screen share


this pull up your calculator pull up your actual results pull up your business ads manager if you don't have like an nda


or pull up a presentation if you do have an nda and you can actually just show results without you know showing the


business owner's name and stuff like that and with this method it's definitely gonna i kid you not it definitely is easier to


close clients when you've got case studies and stuff like that because you can just show them exactly that you've done this before and they can have have that


confidence however it's still possible without case studies and here's how you do that you can legally and ethically what you call


leverage authority hijacking authority hijacking is saying that you have a mentor out in um


the us for example that if you're in the uk that's been able to generate x results help the business go from x to y and you


can explain how he's done that and how he's taught you how to do this so you know exactly how to do that and that is what you call authority


hijacking because it gives you authority as well because you know this person this is your associate that you're talking about here your mentor


you're talking about here and he's taught you all this and you now know this knowledge that you can then implement in their


business to help them get results then what you also want to do or what you can also do is break down the mass behind your services


if you have zero results so if you don't wanna authority hijack what you're gonna have to do is explain your services in


excruciating detail down to the pension penny and what i mean by that is you're working with e-commerce businesses factor in their overheads such as their


staff cost their um advertising costs how much they're going to be able to afford to acquire a new customer what


their break even realize is you have to do all these numbers and make sure you know your numbers down to the t show them certain formulas if you pull


in a customer this much and acquire a customer this much this is how much profit you're going to make that means we are left


with a customer acquisition cost of this which is still going to be profitable all these sorts of numbers you need to show them that you basically know what


you're talking about if you don't have case studies as well you can also offer some form of guarantee out of confidence not fear and


what i mean by that is you could say well john look i've not done this before but i've taught this and i know my numbers and i


can see why this is going to work i have associates out in the u.s that's done this i will i can also offer you a guarantee i'm so confident in this i can


also offer you a guarantee so when you offer your guarantee state something that makes sense then as in like if we don't


double your ad spend over a period of like 90 days something like that you can get a refund or if we don't make you


so profit back in 90 days we'll give you a full refund or something like that we work for free that sort of guarantee you want to offer


you don't want to offer it out of fear though and what i mean by that is you don't sound confident enough so you're offering a guarantee just in case you


up instead what you want to do is say i'm so confident john that we can actually generate your results i'm willing to


work for free if we don't get you this result that's how you want to frame it it's worded slightly different but it has a huge


difference on the way your guarantee comes across then what you want to do is you want to pull up your screen share and go through


actual calculations with them to show that this offer is a no-brainer offer as in you want to break down their rowers


you want to show them how much it's going to cost them per lead or how much it's going to cost them to acquire a new customer what their profit margins are


currently at and why that's going to allow them to spend x amount on facebook ads and that's then going to result in this if


you if the numbers stay steady that sort of stuff and just show them that it's a no-brainer even include your service fee


and say even if i charge you two grand for example we're going to be able to and we get a customer acquisition cost of this and we can only pull in 100 new


customers a month for your facebook ads which is only x amount of um customers a day we're still going to bring you back 20


30 grand so let's say say an actual specific number say 30 grand or something like that that means we've spent


two grand on facebook ads that means that's 28 grand your profit margins are 80 that's and then you work it out and then


show them exactly why it's a no-brainer even including your service fee even include additional costs on their


site such as their staff costs even show them that even with your stuff you're still going to be able to afford this because again a lot of people don't figure out don't


kind of remember that e-commerce businesses do have staff they do have cost of goods as well so make sure you figure out the real break even robots without case


studies yes it is slightly harder to close clients but it still can be done the key to doing this is having this all


pre like written out way in advance and make sure you practice it and go through it and you know your


numbers down to the t basically so that's how you're going to close clients without case studies so moving on to point number eight or step


number eight if you will in the sales call you want to basically extract objections so once you've stated up your offer


how it works what you're then going to use is use like this bridge line here which is you know so john so once you've


explained all your numbers and broke down your cases and stuff like that you're going to say so john as you can see from the numbers and the


mathematics behind this and your particular in your business in particular this is a complete no-brainer in all


honesty with that being said do you still have any sort of concerns moving forward or anything like that john so basically all


you're doing there is saying that you've broken down the numbers for them and you can see that this is it's a complete no-brainer for them and


they should just sign up immediately but with that being said do you still have any concerns moving forward john so the


reason why you want to do this is because most people think that being good at objection handling is the quote-unquote key to sales


however has heavily stated in the book called spin selling absolutely amazing book and from my own


personal experience diffusing objections before they even come up is a way better strategy than


handling objections and if you do this script right there's not going to be much or any objections


at all and they'll go right into asking you basically how much is all this you know gonna cost in order to run my


ads or do your social media marketing um for them social media management for them so closing clients part number nine the


open some people call this to close but what they don't really realize and remember in sma is that when you quote


unquote close a client you're not actually closing them you're opening a relationship up as in closing if it was a one-off product then


yes that would be closing closing would be like you pay me 200 pounds for a new monitor


i give you a new monitor you keep the money up you only need to reach out to me if you have a problem with the monitor


that wouldn't be an open relationship however with clients you're pretty much going to be talking to them on a day-to-day basis


for months at a time they're going to be your friends you're going to have to build a real relationship with them that's the reason why i call my


quote-unquote close as an open so i say as soon as they ask okay someone tell how's this all going


how much is all this going to cost i say well john my fee for all of this is only three thousand dollars per month


plus ad spend and the key here is to go completely silent as you can see it's underlined in red


completely completely completely silent silence is a indicator that you are completely confident in your price do not try to


stutter here i mean don't don't try to don't stutter and don't try to kind of justify your price you don't ever want to do that


silence is the key here once they say yes that's cool if they don't say yes here you're going to have to handle some objections but again


there shouldn't be any objections because you've gone through the script to do it correctly and you've also extracted objections before you stated


your prize and so that you could handle them and diffuse them here obviously at this point if they do have some some concerns you just you


obviously handle those concerns and then they go okay cool i i completely see and i understand your offer i mean how much is all this going


to cost john i mean the montel then you go well john my service fee for all of this is only three thousand dollars per month


plus i'd spend then again you go completely silent on this and then once they say


stuff like okay so how do we move forward what are the next steps or yes sure let's do this or something on that basically on on


that sort of like on those on those lines basically what you want to do is say awesome well which email address should i use


for invoicing and then what you're going to do is you're going to take the email address right there and then


on the call so that you can actually go to simple invoices set up a subscription and send them the payment on the call i


repeat on the call the rule number one is you want to take payment on the call if you don't take payment on a call and


they say stuff like oh i want to think about it ask them what is it exactly that you need to think about that you can't ask me here on the call


but again if you've handled the objections previously and extracted them previously you probably won't need to do that so at this point


they shouldn't have any objection so you need to take the payment on the call because objections normally are just fluff and bs for them trying to escape


the call without making a commitment so again to reiterate rule number one is you want to take payments


on the call not off the call you don't want to send them no email you don't want to send them more information you don't want them going


off and and talking with their team or their wife or something like that um you want to take the payment on the court handle


all the objections if there are any and then take payment on call so awesome now you have a client you've


taken payment you've set it up payments gone through you have a client awesome but what on earth do you do now this is


the way i was confused with as well what you do is you send them over your onboarding link which is a again a link


which is basically either on built on click funnels which is a funnel type thing or it's a series of


seven miniature videos on like on youtube you can use like a youtube playlist or you can even use like a vimeo playlist i recommend you


stick to vimeo this is a free way of doing it you then send them that and you get them onboarded and then you get them into


slack and what you do is when it comes to running ads what you want to do is yes i mean you can run the ads yourself but


if i'm being honest if you try to run as yourself as a beginner this is you know it's completely up to you you can do it but if i'm being honest with you guys i


think it's not only dangerous but i think it's stupid and irresponsible of you if you try to do that yourself if you're a complete


beginner because you're you know you're risking people's money yeah they can get very upset if you up and don't know what you're doing so i know


this is not easy by any means but i do recommend you find a few media buyers and have them


basically in the back of your head slash in your roller decks for when you land the client and what i mean by that is go out there find a whole bunch of


media buyers like two to three media buyers and you have them in your rolodex like basically you know you can contact these


people you basically stop you talk to them and you have them in like your your rolodex your contact list if you will


and you know that they're there in the back of your head for when you land the client so you know as soon as you land the client you can just go message them


and they'll be ready to get going that's the best position you could be in and make sure obviously make sure that they have awesome results as well and


they are actually a legit media buyer so here's why i actually suggest outsourcing facebook ads from the very beginning


you see facebook ads is a very complicated skill that requires years of mastery again you see how the


master reads it's in bold and it's in italics mastery means mastery it takes a long


time to master this sort of stuff now you'll probably to in order to master this sort of stuff that leads us


as point number two in order to even master facebook ads you're probably going to need to buy an expensive course or two all free believe


me you're gonna have to probably buy a whole bunch of different courses each one of those costs was probably like 997 which is the typical cliche


guru pricing that they use and you see even when you do have these courses and you're learning these courses and you sit there and


spend a whole bunch of time on these courses learning facebook ads through courses is basically akin to trying to learn learn like how


to swim like trying to learn how to swim by watching courses on how to swim you don't learn how to swim by watching


youtube videos on how to swim i mean you can pick up tips and stuff like that but learning how to swim you have to get in a water and you have to swim


so that means basically we're left with two options we either spend thousands of our own money on facebook ads running actual ads for


our own businesses and stuff like that to trying to get real world experience or we actually find somebody who has the


experience and just hired them as you can see it's sounding like the best thing to do right here


is to hire somebody who's already in it and i know a lot of people say that like you know i'd rather learn facebook


because it's a good skill yes that's cool and all but think about this if you go and hire a media buyer you get clients you get paid what's gonna


happen then is if you really wanted to you could literally get your media buyer to actually teach you real world facebook


ads that he's using to get your clients great results whilst you're making money from that exact same client imagine that


that's like a win-win-win-win situation because you've got a client making money you've got a media buyer


saving time the media buyer is winning he's getting paid to do what he loves which is facebook ads you're then winning again because not


only are you getting paid by your client you're getting paid by your client which is then being used to pay


for your media buyer which is then being paid for him in order to teach you because you're probably gonna have to pay him to teach


you or something like that or you might even do it for free if you're paying him quite a lot so he's gonna teach you now you're learning a new skill and your


clients winning because they're getting great results which is like a 5x win so that is an even smarter idea if i'm


being honest with you and again i'm not saying that you don't need to learn facebook ads yes i highly recommend you spend around 10


20 30 hours learning all the tips about facebook ads but that's it do that spend two days on


that at the absolute max just so that you can basically speak the language of with business owners on a call


and show them certain strategies that you know work through the videos that you've seen and through some of the best experts on facebook so you can


sell your services so yes understand facebook has enough so you can sell your services so like i said it's a triple win scenario


if you have a media buyer because you win as you can use that casually to use to land clients you also make money and


you free up your time and because you're closing clients now because you're obviously able to land them easier because you've got case studies now and they trust you you


also get to free up your time because your media buyers delivering results your client also then wins because you have a professional an actual


professional that should be involved looking after their account and then their facebook accounts and growing their business with cutting edge


strategies and a professional person that knows exactly what they're doing and your media buyer wins because they are behind


their computer getting paid to do what they love which is facebook ads now where on earth do you find good media


buys so you can use facebook groups but be careful because most of these are full of people who are trying to do the same thing as you which is you know


poach for media buyers and people of these groups the admins and stuff like that and people just around the group in the


community get really pissed off with agency owners trying to just start an idiot from scratch and find media buyers so yes you can get kicked out of groups


if you piss people off so you have to be very smooth with how you word your stuff you can use freelance websites which is what


i've done to find my media buyers i found too many buyers on here i even found a media buyer that was like working with kevin david


like absolute beast of a media buyer he ran like most of his ads for like a couple of years or something like that he's actually had some awesome results


but yeah you can use stuff like upwork freelancer guru.com people per hour and fiverr i use upwork


to find media buyers if you're wondering by the way if you're wondering how you do this you don't just post one time for


a media buy and think you're going to get one you have to post like an absolute like addict like like you you're just


addicted to posting the same post like it's ridiculous how many times you have to post to find a media buyer so i've actually found as


well that you can actually search for media buyers on linkedin and you can actually start networking with them as you can see on the screen on the right i typed in


facebook media buyer in linkedin as you can see there's a hundred thousand people with the title facebook media buyer


in or some sort of advertiser in linkedin and that's just for that one keyword you can even stop use stuff like


facebook advertiser so as you can see there's a whole bunch of different people on there you can go and connect with and again you only need


like five people to come forth and say they're a media buyer that are good and then you can vet them down but basically what you want to do is you


want to make sure that you vet all applications using google forms so what you want to do is create a google form and ask very qualifying questions


to these media buyers based on what the results they've got and how long they've been a media buyer if they're an agency owner and stuff like that


to basically vet them before jumping on the call with them and then what you want to do is jump on a call with like the top three to five of those


application forms that you get through that you did get that they get completed and you want to hire like obviously one you know just one of them if you only


need one one media buy what you want to do is have calls with like the top three to five of them and then make sure that you hire one of them


but have others in the background as well just in case something ever happens to your media buyer god forbid you know maybe go sick or something like


that and you need a new media so let's talk about paying your team so we're building a real team here guys a real business as you can see i


call we can call them contractors you can call them media buyers and stuff like that but realistically they're going to be a valuable part of your team especially


your media buyer your media buyer is going to be probably the most profitable thing you can do for your agency ever getting a good one


is going to take you a long time it's probably going to be very difficult to do yeah it's very difficult to do but once you've done it it's it's one of the most


profitable things you can do because think about it it's your media buyer that gets great results for your clients and your clients that pay you so if they if your


clients are happy they're going to stay on a long time and if you can get if you can basically increase your retention rate retention


rate basically means how long a client stays on with your agency forum continues your services for pays you for if you can


increase your average retain like your average retention rate from like one month because maybe your clients are leaving after one


month because you have a really crappy media buyer or you're doing it yourself to like 12 months as you can see you're going to make 12 times more money


from one client without even needing to get more clients so as you can see it's crazy not only that but if you're


in the e-commerce niche where you're getting performance kickback fees if your media buyer is amazing and gets amazing


results makes 100 grand profit and you have a ten percent rise you're gonna make 10 grand from that from just a performance fee and you may


have like a free grand retainer fee in there so you can make 13 grand from that one client from your media buy and you can pay them like 750 to like 1


500 per month on your media buy to your media buy for that for something like that depending on obviously how much they charge of


course but yeah for those who are wondering because i know that this was something i was wondering when i was first beginning all this stuff no you do not need to pay


your media buyer or your team until you have been paid yourself as in when i say go find a media buyer i'm not


saying you're gonna go and hire them right on the spot and pay them a thousand dollars right there or however much they're charging you


right there and then what you do is you find your media buyer you have them on rolling in like your rollers in your


contacts you then go and close the client for i don't know three grand a month and then what you do is you use that free


grant or whatever you close the client for to pay for your actual media buyer to then get them to deliver the results yes


there is a bit of a time in between where you get the payment and it needs to clear in your bank so hopefully you have the money to float just for a couple of like


a week or something like that because payments come through for example if you get a payment from a client of three thousand dollars it might take like a week to go through


your stripe account into your actual bank to then pay your media buyer so tell your media buyer you're gonna pay them


two weeks into your your deal basically when you're closing clients you get they get paid two weeks into it so you have that time


if you don't have the money to float that two weeks in between then you obviously you have you can basically just tell them it's going to be a two-week type of thing


i get paid two weeks later it's gonna clear through then you're gonna get paid on that particular day if they if you tell them that very or transparently and


authentically you're they're human they probably understand so your media buyer you pay for them after you receive


payments for your client like i just said now you pay them on a per month per client basis or


per client per month basis as in you don't pay them per an account as in if they manage doing five right accounts you don't pay them


i don't know a hundred dollars for an ad account or something like that a day you don't do that what you do is you pay them per client so if you have 10


clients you'll pay them each individually for that for those 10 clients on a per month basis if you've got 10 clients you could probably can hire


somebody full time in-house and have them as an actual employee and cut down on your cost by


having them on like a set fee each and every month obviously that's up to you is completely up to you how you run your business


now if i'm being honest you're realistically going to be looking anywhere from like 750 to 1500 per month per client


for a good media buyer if you if you literally know any cheaper let me know that they've got great results hook your boy up


send me some over here i'm all set for media buds but you know i mean who doesn't want more media buyers but yeah just be wary about that guys


you're definitely going to be paying decent money for what they do because they have great skills and you should pay them decent money for what they do


because they're going to be the most profitable thing besides outreach that you can ever do in your


business so you're probably thinking okay cool i know where to find media buyers i know how to pro pay them and stuff


like that but why on earth would a media buyer work with me if i'm a complete beginner so i've actually heard people say you


know if a media buyer are experts at what they do and they're amazing at running ads and they can take stores from like zero to 700k in like


three months which is what my media buyer can do and i'm a complete beginner why on earth would a media buyer work with me


if they could just start their agency themselves and stuff like that which is a very viable question very logistic


logic question to ask now this when i when i first heard this and came across this and i kind of started thinking about this


myself this made me realize like entrepreneurship itself isn't just about selling products or your services


you literally as an entrepreneur must be able to convince people and sell them sell over people on your


vision and move people and convince people and persuade people this is what i found entrepreneurship really is so you


definitely need to be able to to get good at that everything is sales now as that cliche saying goes abc always be


closing but guys please remember like this is what i want you to keep in mind if the media buyer you are basically


talking to wanted to start an agency first and foremost you wouldn't be having that conversation with them


because you probably wouldn't have reached out to them because they probably wouldn't have positioned themselves as a media buyer freelancer advertiser


nor would you be calling them a media buy anyway because you'd be calling them an agency owner believe me if a media buyer who has solid results really want


to be an agency owner they would be a freaking agency owner not a media buyer so just themselves calling themselves a


media buyer is their own choice to be a media buyer instead of a agency owner that's what i'm trying to


say here guys also if this line of thinking was present everywhere in the world there would literally be no amazon no


apple no sony no tesla or any other big companies that you use and hear about on a daily basis


the reason for this is because think about it i'm gonna pose this question back at you then if you say to me okay why would an


expert facebook ads want to work with me if i have no clients and i'm a beginner why don't they just start their own agency i could


literally say that back to you and say okay well if that's the case then why is it that the engineers at apple who actually


create their iphones by hand why is it that they don't go and start their own apple or for example i'll give you another way i'll give you another


example why is it that the chef's uh mcdonald's if they're so good at creating burgers why don't why don't they go make their own burger


shop or i'll give you another example what about these software engineers at amazon if they can build a whole amazon


store and put products on it and make the algorithm get you to buy more and more and they're still an extremely good at


the software engineering side of that and they can build a website for fun why is it that they don't have themselves them software engineers


themselves why don't they have their own amazon as you can see there's more things that go into a business than just


being good at the actual service delivery there's way more things that go into this now that brings me up to this point


whilst running amazing ads and getting like absolutely killer results for your clients is extremely extremely extremely


important i don't want to downplay this right here guys i know that i've gone through and said you should hire media buyers and stuff like that but i don't want you


guys to take my words out context yes running ads is extremely important and getting good client results


is literally like the aim of the game it's the bloodline of your of your business apart from outreach of course outreach and getting clients great


results and closing like the main main things those three main things right there are super important ads are extremely important


results are extremely important because that's going to dictate how long your clients stay on for and it's going to be impossible for you to even scale your business to 10k a


month for example if your clients are just leaving after month one so yes getting clients to stay around through


amazing thoughts is extremely important now with that being said that disclaimer they're being said


yes ads are important but there are way more moving parts that go into an agency than just the ads


there's prospecting there's outreach there's team building there's management there's client communications there's


sales there's closing there's planning there's funnel building there's all sorts of stuff that go into


running an agency typically as well what i found is that media buyers are super geeky like introverted people


who are just literally nuts and crazy about numbers they want to basically be able to earn money online


without needing to talk to people face to face i've found that they're very like introverted like geeky people like nerdy people that


just love computers and just like love being in their bedroom they don't really have a life excuse me if that sounds kind of wrong


but like i've noticed that like most of my media buyers i speak to are like really nerdy people that stay in their house and don't they don't really like going


outside and talk to people so but again you guys have to respect that some people just don't like


the fact that of building a business some people just want to work for a business and not have to worry about managing payments managing clients


closing sales finding and doing all sorts of other business stuff some people just want to do what they're good at which is just


running the facebook ads for example some chefs just want a bake in a restaurant some chefs are literally just good at


bacon and i just want to work at a restaurant or some people are just good at cooking and just want to work at a restaurant that doesn't mean they want to start a


whole restaurant themselves they may want to in the future but they at this point in time they want to be a chef some people just don't ever want to


start a business because they know it's stressful and there's a 110 things that go into a business multiple things that go into a


business they just literally want to do the one thing that they're good at which is running the ads so yes you have to respect that as well


so let me wrap all this together guys so number one what you're gonna do after


this video is you're going to decide on a niche so what you're going to do is you're going to pick a niche now what i recommend you do is you kind of pick


something that you're interested in that's kind of like the cliche thing that um gurus say in my particular industry in this mma industry


but i actually believe it's better yet to even pick a niche that you've spotted a trend in


that's genuinely trending because the market i found doesn't care about you they only care


about what you can do for a particular niche and if a niche has some sort of trends that you can actually adhere to and actually help them with go


and jump into that niche even if you don't like it yes i know that you're probably you've heard like i don't know like


steve jobs talk about like start something that you love yes i do believe you should start something that you love eventually but


right now when you start your agency this is for money this is your cash flow business you need to start this business in order to get cash flow right now so


you don't have to go and work a freaking shitty job in this whole colby situation where jobs are just becoming less and less


secure and more and more people are getting laid off so pick something that you've seen us a trend in such as e-commerce businesses or like


online businesses online accounting for example this particular month is all about self-assessment over in the uk and doing


a self-assessment tax so as you can see go and help tax accounts get more more clients basically that would be a trend right now


so i also recommend you pick something that you have prior knowledge in if you kind of have prior knowledge into something yes definitely you can go and


pick pick that you can also do something that you've basically done before as well so like prior knowledge that sort of stuff definitely do that also guys i want you


to remember that there is no perfect niche so do not spend more than two days on doing ample research


google is 100 your friend you can literally go on google what it's like to be an e-commerce business owner find out their


problems find out what you you can do to actually help them and stuff like that you can literally go on google like what the the trends are for businesses right


now whether they're opening back up how much it's going to be predicted to spend in certain markets and jump into that


market because all you need to do is get you know five to seven clients in your like three to four k each and you're


literally making a whole bunch of money right there um so above all else i recommend you


pick a niche you know is not going to be affected by core videos not affected right now by kovid


and who can afford to pay you at least two thousand dollars a month and what i mean by that guys is there's no point going and picking like


a niche like restaurants right now like if you're in a place in the world where restaurants are open then yes definitely but for me right now


restaurants every single one of them are closed restaurant businesses are taking a super hit for example salons


nail plate nail and beauty bars and stuff like that are all closed so why would i go on why on earth would i go and pick a


business where i know that i can't even go and get clients because there are close so what i would recommend you do is go and pick a niche


or industry where you know the businesses are open and stuff like that and i also recommend you go and pick a niche to compare you at least


two thousand dollars because that's going to help you scale really really quickly and you don't want to really be working like why would you


go and sell to people who can't afford your services that that's that's backwards that's like literally going to that's that that's


just extremely backwards guys definitely pick a niche that you can actually afford your services now once you've picked a niche what you


want to do is identify that niche of problems now people get this backwards all the time people pick the service


first and then offer it just to a random niche what you need to do is identify a niche and then identify their problems and


then figure out what service you can provide to solve those problems so what you need to do is you need to find a genuine


problem a niche has first and then you go about figuring out how to solve that problem


profitably for them and you're gonna get paid to do so so this is like the what you call the market backwards approach


you first of all go to the market you do research into a niche you see what problems they have you then figure out how you can solve


those problems by saying hey well these guys have a problem with email marketing these guys have a problem with getting customers online um so what we


can do is actually offer something like that to help them get more customers online and then you go and offer that solution to that problem and that's what


real entrepreneurship is and this is how you should definitely do it so once you've identified the niche and found their problems you want to find


the right pieces so then what you want to do is you want to then go you want to go about figuring out how to acquire the skills you need


in order to fully solve and satisfy these customers needs and problems in the most efficient and


time efficient way possible as in you need to go and figure out do you need to learn facebook ads do you need to learn


instagram ads or in fact do you actually want to find people who already have these skills and put them in place so these are the two


basic options when it comes to finding the right pieces to put in place then what you want to do is you want to pick your weapon


of outreach and what i mean by that is again you want to select the best medium for getting in front of key decision makers of these businesses


and you want to reach out to them directly to speak with them and set up meetings so you're messaging on what you're basically going to be


helping them with on your offer should immediately strike a nerve with them as in you need to find a problem that's very


painful for them and if they could solve it they're willing to pay money and then you want to say that you're a person that specializes in


that service and that you can help them with this and that should immediately make the hairs on the back of their necks stand up as


in like oh that's exactly what i've been struggling with in my business let me jump on a call with you so we can


actually talk about how this basically all works then what i want you to do is collect at least 100 replies to see what the date


is telling you if it's primarily like negative such as like oh no go away we don't need that but we just don't need that right now


you're gonna have to change your offer what i mean by that is don't marry facebook ads as a service if you see for example if you're trying


to offer facebook ads to e-commerce businesses and they all say that we don't need facebook ads we don't need facebook but we need google eyes we need google ads


we need google ads and like most of your replies are saying that they need google ads well obviously you can see that data right there


is showing you they want google ads so why not go and find somebody who knows google ads and offer that as a service


don't marry your service guys this is what everybody gets stuck on don't marry your marry your servers you can literally switch services


if the date is there this is the key i don't want you to start switching services just because you feel like it you actually have to look at the data


without any emotion just with sheer logic alone and offer the service that they actually want


what's the point in offering for example if you wanted chicken and rice for dinner why would i then offer


you a tuna sandwich when you just told me you want chicken and rice and you're not gonna buy my tuna sandwich of me but if i cooked you


chicken and rice you buy that off me that's that's exactly what we're doing right here so you don't want to secure the bike and what i mean by that is


close clients take payments rinse and repeat the process when i break it down like this it sounds very very simple what i mean by that is yes you want to


go and find a niche so figure out their problems go about figuring out how you solve those problems and you're going to close


clients and take payments yes it does sound easy but no it's not actually that easy guys i've heard the same one time i don't believe i can't remember who said


it but like groaning agency is the easiest hardest thing you will ever do which is kind of like oxymoron but it actually is


very very true because it's very simple the business model all you're doing is finding initial problems figuring out how to solve it and then


solving it and they're paying you for that literally sounds super easy but there's a super bunch of things that go into this but yeah what you want to do is you want


to ensure you put systems in place to help you free up your time or you're going to run into what i like to call golden handcuffs and what i mean


by that is i mentioned it earlier let's say you closed 10 clients right now 10 e-commerce clients and they're paying you oh two granny's great you've


just made 20k you've just cleared your business to 20k a month however now you have to service all those clients yourself and that's going


to be a complete headache if you don't have the right systems in place which is your media buyers and your team members now once you've


got you know clients in your closing stuff and um you're rinsing repeating it repeating that what you also want to be doing in the background is obviously


making sure you're delivering amazing results and the key to digital marketing and the social media marketing agency is to make


sure that you are retaining clients as that's the only way to build up this business and stack your your income basically and


what i mean by that is if you have an average retention rate of one month then each month you're gonna have to close a new client


just to even stay at 2k a month but if you have a retention rate of like 12 months and you keep closing clients each


and every month by the time 12 months around you and you close the client each month you're going to be making 24k a month because you've got 12


clients now each paying you 2k a month instead of having to close 12 clients each one a month and then each one of


each month they leave after just one month so again i just want to give you a quick reminder remember that it's easier


to keep a client than it is to get one so keep that in mind so you can also as well by the way guys


i've got to mention this but like delivering amazing results when you deliver amazing results you're going to be rewarded by your clients


if you get them really awesome results because what they're going to be doing is they're going to be telling your friends about you who are probably also other business


owners what i've noticed and they're going to refer clients to you and you're going to close clients that way as well so make sure you're


delivering awesome results so guys i hope you've actually enjoyed this presentation this has been probably


the longest video i have ever made on youtube now while i've actually tried my best to actually include everything


in this video there are still way more things way way way more things to learn about


building an agency and none of this is quote-unquote easy believe me i've made it sound easy from


like you don't just go and pick a prop go pick a niche find a problem solve it get paid it does sound easy but it's not easy i


don't want you to think that this stuff is easy so for those who aren't serious you know feel free to take everything i basically


laid out today and given to you guys for completely free you're free to take it and just completely leave but for those who want to learn more and


who are very very serious about building an agency i have something very very special for you guys so for you guys that are


serious i offer personalized live and tailored one-on-one help through my four week mentorship program


this by the way if you're wondering is a full comprehensive live done for you program this is not no pre-recorded


program that you sit down and watch this is basically live where you get to literally work with me live on screen you get to see my screen and


you get to see what i'm looking at you can see what i'm clicking on and what you do is you work with me one-on-one and we build


your agency out from complete scratch or from where you are at right now in terms of how many clients you have


and stuff like that either or i can still help you and again you get to work with me for four weeks straight as we build


out your agency live basically and each week what we do is we meet on zoom so again zoom is like skype gone on


for ages but pretty much what i try to do stick to one hour each call and again each call is a live call and


again you show up each week at the same time and you have a call with me directly one-on-one it's not like it's


one eight other people on the quality literally just me and you on the call and what we do is we go through and build your agency live while i hold your


hand basically and walk you through across the road if you will and the reason why i've done it this way is because it's way more


interactive it's way more fun as well and it's way more valuable because i can actually deep dive into way more stuff you can


literally stop me and be like hey monta why did you just send that message just there what's the reason behind clicking on that link or


something like that or why did you put this link here that sort of stuff you can literally stop me and be like montel why have you done this a certain way


also guys between the weeks that we have so basically you know like each week when you turn up to the call between those weeks so like let's say you have


your call on monday so tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday and sunday and you're not going to be speaking to me on zoom what you're going to be doing is


you're going to be getting coached by me via voice notes through my own personal phone so you can ask me any questions about anything at


any time and get a response back typically within four to six hours of course that's why i'm awake of course


so what i mean by that guys is throughout the weeks you're gonna get coached by me via voice notes via like little loom videos as well and


i always update my training so that whenever i do something new you can always always get that thrown in your folder as well so this is like a kind of


like an evergreen course if you will but guys look this is not for everybody now i don't want to put any sort of like


scarcity celsius psychology like reverse psychology like friggin salesy tactics index i'm genuinely not that type of


dude but like guys due to the results i've been able to achieve for myself and my students this is not a cheap program not


only that but my time is very very valuable as i've got an agency to build i also got this youtube channel and i also help people with their agencies as


well so as you can see my time is very very pressed so i have to charge what i'm worth and i also know that i've been studying this stuff now for over


like two to three years or something like that so this is for very serious people only who know they must have skin in the game


in order to get in the game basically this is for people who are either ready to start their own social media marketing agency


or scale their existing one and we have people in the community by the way if you're wondering from all walks of life you know their


agencies are all different sizes there's actually 27 of us in the program right now so yeah it's a great community it's


tight-knit i get around to everybody and it's very personalized and tailored help that you're going to get very


specialized help as well that being said guys you see if you was to go and find tailored help like this on this sort of level


it will easily set you back 2500 per month from anybody in my field and believe me i know because i've been


watching the market all the other quote-unquote gurus i know exactly what they're offering how they offer it


what they price it out as because again i'm a big guy in market research as you can see from these slides so i know


exactly who's pricing what what so to get something like this a program like this or a mention program like this where it's live and


you get this sort of level of detail and care and tailored help you are literally going to be set back 2500


be prepared to pay for that so with that being said my program i've actually priced it even though it's only sub


um or 1500 it packs gut wrenching levels of value guys and kid


you know program i busted my ass for this i've put everything i've got into this this is my life's work my career i


take this stuff very very seriously and my program is sub 1500 just because i want to make it accessible to most


people i could easily charge you 2 500 for the program and still get you a an amazing roi because i can show you


how to get client number one you all you have to do is run to repeat that you've got 10 clients it's crazy so guys


what is actually covered in the actual program remember the program is completely tailored to suit your exact needs and


everything you are currently struggling with but that being said here are like a few things that we can cover i probably missed a whole bunch of stuff out of


this basically guys what i want to say to you guys is that yes you can come into this program and basically create the program yourself


and what i mean by that you can literally like write a full pdf sheet if you wanted to on all the points that you are basically


struggling with send that to me and i can basically use that to teach you everything i basically know so i'm


pretty much well versed in pretty much everything sma i wouldn't say everything smx obviously have not worked in every


single niche but anything you basically could know about taking payments setting up systems i've done and i'm doing right now in my


business and yes i still actively run my agency so here's a sort of stuff we can cover again this is what we can cover i


probably missed out a whole bunch of stuff so next level mindset stuff i'm going to be jumping into mindset automated outreach systems how to


automate that with va's a manual outreach if you don't want to you know you don't have to financial resources to outsource this store stuff i'm going to


teach you the manual systems on how to set up meetings consistently so you have multiple meetings a week because if you can set


up meetings consistently you can get clients really easily because any idiot let's say if you have like 100 meetings a week


even if you have a one percent close rate you're still closing the client a week so i'm also going to be showing you how to find top-notch media buyers i'm also


going to give you my exact hiring funnel process that basically allows you to vet all the media buyers and at the end of


that pull you out really awesome media buyers are going to be very effective for delivering results for your clients


so you never ever need to worry about that again i'm also going to give you the onboarding training as well that basically allows you to onboard clients


and i'll give you the funnel that's basically included we can also cover stuff like how to close complete strangers for like one thousand dollars plus or two


thousand dollars plus in a single call and how to actually do that without having to send over quote-unquote more information or let them


you know think about it i'm going to show you exactly how you close strangers take a complete stranger into a paying customer or paying client within one


phone call i'm also going to show you how to diffuse objections and what you call the inception sales technique where you incept a for


into someone else's mind have that person think that that fault's an original for and have them basically sign on


on with your agency using that for i'm also going to show you how to make sure that your clients are results are absolutely stellar i'm


actually going to show you exactly how you go find top rated media buyers like i said i'm also going to show you how to set meetings with cold email outreach i'm


going to show you everything basically all to do with work upload strategy i can also show you stuff like um


you know case study building using sales funnels and and getting to get inbound inbound clients so those


are the things that we can cover and what we'll do is we'll go through on our initial call and actually talk about what you need and exactly what


you're struggling with and again like i said if you don't even want any of this sort of stuff you can literally build the program yourself in terms of you can send me a


whole pdf file on what you're struggling with and we can go through all of that so what do you actually get with the


program you get my undivided attention throughout the calls and throughout the four weeks


very very very valuable as in you literally get me as a mentor undividedly to help you build your


agency from complete scratch or wherever you are at right now for a whole four weeks straight and trust me we can get a lot of stuff done


just in one week never mind four weeks so i'm also going to give you my personal mobile details so that you can


contact me 24 hours a day and you get to actually keep this for life so me personally i don't want this mentorship program just to be like a


four week thing and then i forget about you because i know that sort of stuff happens as well i've had people in my program tell talk about other people's


four-week program they're not going to mention any names say that this is exactly what happened to them but basically you get to keep my contact details for life and you can


contact me at any time my program i want you to be my brother almost as in like you guys are my family


i call my program people the people in my program my family i don't even come students call them my family and um these guys joke about with me all


the time we talk about business all the time we have funny conversations and they even people that i was working with like


a year ago to this day they literally still talk to me on a day-to-day basis even now even though their quote-unquote four weeks ended 11


months ago something like that so you're going to get live unmatched interactive training where i can share


my screen with you so you can see every single button that i'm clicking on and you can literally stop me in my tracks and ask me


why have i sent that particular outreach method message why have i replied to this message this way why have i done this thing this way can


you slow down can you go back can you scroll back up it's very interactive it's not like a pre-recorded course where you can't do that you can


literally ask me right there on the spot if something pops into your head oh hey monta i had this idea what do you think about this why have


you done this motel that's exactly what this course is all about so what you also get is an exact replica


of my business as in all the scripts that you need for example the outreach scripts the outreach systems the sales scripts


the templates the contracts that allow you to lock um clients in for multiple months so you can have a secure income for like three to


six months at a time the website templates the funnel templates they're all built for you even the slides even


the question forms even the intake forms even the hiring process they're all completed for you all you have to do is change your name and you


get them given to you com for completely free and i always update these as i go along all you have to do like i said is change


out your logo change out my logo to your logo and what you also get is massive accountability you will see that i'm a very big guy on accountability so


it's literally impossible to slack in my program because i know that some of you guys will be buying courses i did this myself


and then you go off and then you you buy these courses then you learn the information and then you just don't take action or you just start slacking you


take action for a bit and then you just start slacking well with me it's literally impossible for you to slack because i'm going to be


causing some extreme mental financial and business shifts in your life i'm


also going to be holding you accountable and i'm going to be your accountability partner which in itself


is an amazing thing and i've literally had people literally try to pay me just to be an accountability partner i don't know why they would actually want


me to be their accountability partner i mean i'm pretty sure anybody i can do that could do that you can literally use your mum's accountability partner i guess but i


guess they wanted somebody who obviously knows how to build an agency and stuff like that as their accountability partner so i guess i can see why but yes


you get me as your accountability partner and again it's gonna be virtually impossible for you to slack in my program so


you also get that much needed reassurance as well as someone to talk to throughout your entrepreneurial journey because i know it can be lonely


as well so what i mean by this guys is i know that like when you're first starting you're wondering am i doing this right


are things supposed to be this way is it does it normally take this long to get a client or should i be doing this thing


should i say this thing you just need somebody to ask like questions sometimes too just to get that reassurance and i'll be


that person for you because i know exactly what i'm doing here with the agency evidently so i'll also be that person you can actually speak to


and kind of lean on whenever you're lonely throughout your entrepreneurial journey we can joke about stuff and um talk about this random stuff if


you really wanted to obviously business related as well but yeah what you also do is get access to mention group with all


with 27 other individuals in there are all focusing on the agencies so you're actually going to be able to find a


friend for life i also didn't mention that in this as well you also get the recordings of our calls so whenever we have a call on zoom


i record all of them and i send them in your google drive folder so all the resources all of our calls


are recorded and stuff like that and you get them in your folder and you get to download that folder and keep that for completely forever basically now i challenge you i


genuinely challenge you to find a better live one-on-one program for less than


fifteen hundred dollars i'll wait right here i will literally wait right here go out there and find me a fifteen


hundred dollar per month program like this this is value pack is this and


just tell me just tell me and i'll make mine even better even even better and i'll still be that one so for those who are tired of


procrastinating and they can see the opportunities that i've laid out here for you i want to use the current times as like


these lockdowns and stuff like that as a time to build something real and something serious for once in their life i'll leave my calendar link below this


video all you have to do is use that to book in a completely free strategy session where we're going to be going through a couple of things


so you're probably wondering what on earth is this call while this call is not a free coaching call neither is it a pitch


infested like sales call you'll see com you come to realize quickly that i'm not one for doing the sales stuff i i just diagnose situations and i


offer you logistical things that are going to help you that's genuinely it i just show you what you're doing this wrong doing this


wrong this wrong this is what you need you're probably going to need to help your help with this do you want my help yes or no no okay cool that's nothing


nothing wrong with me do you want my help yes cool let's jump in the program you won't see me doing any sort of reserve psychology any sort of pitching


like that so what is this call it's a simple conversation to establish where you're currently at what your goals are


where you're trying to go and what you need in order to actually get there and then i'm going to see if you're a good fit for working with me one-on-one and


for the program so this call as well guys i just want to make sure that you guys understand that this call is not for lucky lose or for


those who just want to book in to see what it's all about this is for serious people only you see my time is precious and i have


an actual agency with real clients that have i have to attend to and a real team i have to attend to and


i'm real people i have to manage on a day-to-day basis i also have a youtube channel as well and a personal brand i have to manage as well so please respect


my time and do not book in if you are a lucky loot or you're not serious about booking in a call with that being said guys i


hope that you've enjoyed this video make sure you go to the link on the screen which is montel gordon dot ask


dot me forward slash discovery to book in your call to see and break down and have a growth


analysis session where we can talk about your growth where you're at right now and you're going to come away from that call with amazing


immense sorts of value because i'm going to show you exactly what you need to get there i'm going to show you exactly where


you're at right now what what you need to do in order to get to to your goals what that's going to take realistically as well


that's the thing set an expectation really realistically and i'm going to show you exactly how to get there and offer you a chance to work with me one-on-one so guys with that being said


i hope you've enjoyed this please make sure that you like comment subscribe and share this video because it's taken me a long long time


hope that you've enjoyed it and i hope that i speak with you guys very very soon thanks have a good day

Taking YOUR Existing BUSINESS


BEST Lead List Scraping Tools (SMMA)

Traditional Social Media Marketing Agency

DON’T Start A Standard SMMA! | SAAS + Ai model

PART - 1


you are watching this you are on the


frontier of AI automation automation


agency AI automation


and drop everything and focus entirely


on AI SMA Aisa lgbtsa SAS whatever I


don't know all these acronyms it's


getting insane but AI agencies have


taken the entire online business Space


by storm as I'm sure you've already seen


AI automation my first response to all


this was what even is an AI agency what


do they even do and more importantly


what do they do that's better than what


a traditional agency does so I went


ahead and analyzed all of this so you


wouldn't have to so after hearing


various opinions and being bombarded by


tons of different acronyms I think I


might have found the ultimate agency


model of 2023. if there is one because


let's be honest there really is no


Ultimate model it's whatever you want to


do but there are three main models that


I want to go over obviously these are


ones you've probably heard before but


let's jump right into it number one is


the good old traditional social media


marketing model basically just SMA


number two is the relatively new SAS or


software as a service and the number


three is the weird and futuristic AI


model AI agency model that is only just


now starting to blow up so three models


I have a really good understanding of


the former two but not of the latter one


but then I realized something nobody


understands AI right because it's new


and it's constantly improving so it'd be


crazy to think that we actually know how


this weird computer bot works and what


its capabilities are but the reason AI


agencies are starting to blow up is


because it's the next shiny object


imagine how cool it would be to use this


AI tool to run a complete working agency


without you even having to be involved


would be cool right but that's not where


we are yet and that's also just not what


the people want yet the people want a


solution that alleviates the pain that


comes along with their problem and we


are the people that solve that problem


and I truly don't think that AI has the


ability to solve that problem completely


at least yet it's up to us to give them


the right service or the right tools


that most efficiently get them that


solution that they're looking for and as


exciting as the AI stuff sounds it's


just not there yet AI will not yet do


everything for you without you having to


do anything that's just not where it is


yet and so setting up an AI automation


agency is a shiny object and it's


something that's going to improve over


time and so it's good to have it your


mind but there's a better model that


works that still integrates AI but not


the way that you think it does so let's


get into it so like I said before three


models let's go through the pros and


cons so the first thing is a traditional


social media marketing agency now this


is in my opinion the best place to start


especially even just with online


business in general this is the best


place to learn the most about how to


actually be good at helping businesses


get clients this model is actually very


difficult which is why it's the best one


to choose because you'll learn the most


from it and not that the other two


aren't difficult but it's better to have


a preliminary knowledge base before


going into the more complicated models


than to just jump right into it which is


what SMA will do for you it'll make you


experienced nuanced it'll get you to


know what you're doing and that's how


the model is so good and to me it's also


an evergreen model that will pretty much


always work but here's the thing a


traditional agency is a model of the


past and naturally the model of the past


will also be the most saturated the most


competitive the most commoditized all


the things you don't want right everyone


starting out in SMA today is pretty much


indistinguishable pretty much just the


same copying pasted agency messaging and


reaching out to the exact same business


owners on repeat every day you're just


an agency fighting for more clients


while every other agency around you


offers the same service and is fighting


for the same thing so yes you could


absolutely win and uh if you watch my


entire Channel if you go back to the old


videos there's a bunch of content


showing you how possible it is to win


but unfortunately just because of where


things are going there's no way you


could be the best if you're a standard


agency and I want to be the best right


and I'm sure you guys do too and so this


is what I'm getting at but I want to be


clear if you are running a traditional


agency right now there is absolutely no


problem with that that's exactly what I


would recommend most people to do why


because it's the best place to start out


to learn to actually progress and know


what to do so you can move on to the


bigger stuff it's the best it's better


than all the other things that you'll


find like the Drop Shipping stuff no


it's it's way better than all that but


if you're in a rut or you're hitting a


wall with your agency or your business


or whatever and you're stuck kind of


like how I was or if you're just new to


everything and you just want to know


more about what all this means then you


should hear me out for the next two


models because I'm going somewhere with


this the next thing is the SAS agency


now software is what everyone wishes to


sell because who wouldn't want to sell a


product that you build once right that


you could resell as a monthly


subscription it's a no-brainer a


packaged solution delivered via software


and sold to as many people as possible


is the golden model and it's the golden


model because the clients never leave


you just keep them for months on months


on months if not years and as long as


their business is running they'll be


relying on your software so you could


get as many clients as you want not have


to worry about any churn you may be


asking what is the issue with SAS what


is the con well there aren't many at all


really but some business owners are


actually just so bad with technology


that they don't have the capability to


rely on a software because they just


don't know what they're doing whatsoever


and even though the software is so


useful and you know it's useful it's too


complex for them to understand also some


business owners are really lazy or


they're really busy so they need someone


to do it for them they want a


done-for-you solution instead of a done


with you or do it yourself solution


these are all valid concerns but there


is a way around this software is an


amazing model and it is truly the new


meta of agencies but here is the key and


this is my point Don't just run a


standard software agency but rather run


a software agency that integrates AI


because think about it when you're


selling a software people are relying on


that software to do the work for them or

PART - 2


to make the work easier at the very


least right now if you implement AI you


could change software from a


do-it-yourself solution to a do it with


you solution it's just that you're not


the one doing it with them the AI is the


one that's doing it with them I know


this sounds nuts but bear with me if you


leverage AI to do the simple like busy


work that's kind of tedious that the


owner doesn't want to do and doesn't


know how to do and you could pretty much


eradicate the only concern that comes


along with software agencies that means


you could sell the Google reviews you


could sell the SEO you could sell the


website in funnel building you could


sell the email marketing templates you


could sell the SMS templates you could


sell the database reactivation you could


sell the ad template plus anything and


everything else that helps businesses


get clients that you can do within your


software but you could still also sell


that traditional smma service which is


the appointment setting right and that


part of the system the appointment


setting is one of the best parts of the


system is because you are doing it for


them if you could find a way to automate


right and to and to have ai handle the


employment setting for for you then


you're really striking gold so that


means you're combining what a


traditional agency does what a software


agency does and also what an AI agency


does and you combine all of them and you


just kind of integrate it into one big


product that you sell as a service right


one thing that you have to build once


within a white label software like go


high level and you sell as many times as


you can as a subscription that again


leverages instead of you AI because


again you do not want to be entwined


with the business because then you're


actively servicing tons of clients and


you're building out a massive team


instead of building out that team right


where the people on the team are just


doing the dull tedious tasks you get AI


to do it for you there's so many things


that are simple that humans do that is


so replaceable with AI I know you're


probably wondering how the hell this


works and that this is super foreign and


that makes sense it should sound super


form because obviously AI is so fresh


but think about it this way there are


certain tasks that all of us do right


now that could be completely automated


by just leveraging AI the only reasons


that you haven't actually started using


it is probably because one you don't


really know how it works and how you


could actually use it in like everyday


life or in your business or you don't


really trust it yet and you don't


actually have faith in it to do what you


could do so here's a solution don't go


all in on AI don't put all your eggs in


one basket there's so much Buzz around


Ai and not that there shouldn't be but


if it's very much so in its infancy so


you could use it as if it was in its


infancy which would be to do the things


that you don't have to do the things


that are super simple that AI can do if


you look at any smart like solo


entrepreneur or even just any big


corporation like they're all thinking


about ways to integrate AI right now


whether they've done it already or


they're about to do it and so stay ahead


of the curve by integrating AI with your


agency instead of just doing a complete


AI agency innovating your agency with AI


as AI is also evolving and this is the


example that I want to give when it


comes to the appointment setting stuff


ask yourself if you're that much better


than AI at actually conversing with


people or at conversing with leads for


your business right are you actually


that much better than AI at doing that


if you prompt AI correctly they could


sound 10 times better than you and be so


much more efficient than you quicker


right all those responses that you have


you could simply prompt it within go


high level so that even the things that


you don't automate within the GOI level


automations are automated with chat GPT


so you could have ai shoot out the


messages instead of you which makes the


whole appointment setting process


automated and if you include this within


your sort of software as a service or


within your agency bundle then your


client could leverage the AI the same


way that you do and make everything


automated for them and that example that


I just gave is something that you could


do right now today with go high level


like literally they have that in the


software so it's insane and people just


aren't using it yet now everything that


I just told you is my exact agency plan


moving forward I'm not saying to jump on


this because it's the next shiny object


but I'm saying to have it in your plans


for the future instead of just going on


with your current model without thinking


so here's my plan and in my eyes the


ultimate plan that took me months to


devise I will be documenting this entire


Journey with this plan and giving away


everything I learned along the way as


well as just giving you everything that


I build the same way that I gave away


everything with my first agency when I


was building it I want to do the exact


same thing with my hybrid agency that


I'm working on now it's gonna be a wild


ride that's kind of why I'm doing it and


uh yeah you guys are going to be here to


see everything I'm currently in the


process of setting everything up within


go high level and there will be videos


coming out soon going over what I'm


actually doing in detail and I thought


this video would be good to me just so I


give you guys an idea of where I'm going


and where I think the future of the


space is going and if you don't already


have high level and you're setting up


either your SMA your AI business or your


software as a service business then


you're really missing out so if you do


want to get a wide level you could


obviously just use my link it's a 14 day


free trial you could hop in there and


see if you like it if you don't you're


free to leave and not spend any money


you'll also be eligible to get access to


like my snapshots that I use for my own


agency and everything that I go on to do


you'll have access to that as well


because I give away everything for


people that use my affiliate link the


early bird catches the worms to hop in


there also helping my Discord server the


link will be in the description and also


in the pin comment in there you'll find


a community of like-mind individuals


literally working towards the exact same


thing that you are we're just helping


each other it's a great Community I


promise it'll change your life in one


way or another it's completely free to


join why wouldn't you do it and lastly


if you want me to help you more


intimately you could also sign up for


agency Builder where I'll help people


one-on-one it's my program I'll be


honest you'll click on a sales funnel


link but I promise out of everyone I


deliver the most value for the cheapest


price it's like choosing between a used


video game or hopping in the program


getting me to help you build your entire


agency instantly as well as just


building alongside you in general all


right it's been good let me know if you


have any questions and uh if you want me


to go over certain things in specific


that I kind of glazed over in this video


because you might be overwhelm with all


the new information that just chucked at


you and you might want to know how to do


this stuff more in detail just comment


I'll be responding to all you guys and


message me on any platform as well I'm


really responsive thank you so much for


watching and I'll see you guys in the


next one peace out everyone and goodbye


you are watching this you are on the frontier of AI automation automation agency AI automation and drop everything and focus entirely on AI SMA Aisa lgbtsa SAS whatever I don't know all these acronyms it's getting insane but AI agencies have taken the entire online business Space by storm as I'm sure you've already seen AI automation my first response to all this was what even is an AI agency what do they even do and more importantly what do they do that's better than what a traditional agency does so I went ahead and analyzed all of this so you wouldn't have to so after hearing various opinions and being bombarded by tons of different acronyms I think I might have found the ultimate agency model of 2023. if there is one because let's be honest there really is no Ultimate model it's whatever you want to do but there are three main models that I want to go over obviously these are ones you've probably heard before but let's jump right into it number one is the good old traditional social media marketing model basically just SMA number two is the relatively new SAS or software as a service and the number three is the weird and futuristic AI model AI agency model that is only just now starting to blow up so three models I have a really good understanding of the former two but not of the latter one but then I realized something nobody understands AI right because it's new and it's constantly improving so it'd be crazy to think that we actually know how this weird computer bot works and what its capabilities are but the reason AI agencies are starting to blow up is because it's the next shiny object imagine how cool it would be to use this AI tool to run a complete working agency without you even having to be involved would be cool right but that's not where we are yet and that's also just not what the people want yet the people want a solution that alleviates the pain that comes along with their problem and we are the people that solve that problem and I truly don't think that AI has the ability to solve that problem completely at least yet it's up to us to give them the right service or the right tools that most efficiently get them that solution that they're looking for and as exciting as the AI stuff sounds it's just not there yet AI will not yet do everything for you without you having to do anything that's just not where it is yet and so setting up an AI automation agency is a shiny object and it's something that's going to improve over time and so it's good to have it your mind but there's a better model that works that still integrates AI but not the way that you think it does so let's get into it so like I said before three models let's go through the pros and cons so the first thing is a traditional social media marketing agency now this is in my opinion the best place to start especially even just with online business in general this is the best place to learn the most about how to actually be good at helping businesses get clients this model is actually very difficult which is why it's the best one to choose because you'll learn the most from it and not that the other two aren't difficult but it's better to have a preliminary knowledge base before going into the more complicated models than to just jump right into it which is what SMA will do for you it'll make you experienced nuanced it'll get you to know what you're doing and that's how the model is so good and to me it's also an evergreen model that will pretty much always work but here's the thing a traditional agency is a model of the past and naturally the model of the past will also be the most saturated the most competitive the most commoditized all the things you don't want right everyone starting out in SMA today is pretty much indistinguishable pretty much just the same copying pasted agency messaging and reaching out to the exact same business owners on repeat every day you're just an agency fighting for more clients while every other agency around you offers the same service and is fighting for the same thing so yes you could absolutely win and uh if you watch my entire Channel if you go back to the old videos there's a bunch of content showing you how possible it is to win but unfortunately just because of where things are going there's no way you could be the best if you're a standard agency and I want to be the best right and I'm sure you guys do too and so this is what I'm getting at but I want to be clear if you are running a traditional agency right now there is absolutely no problem with that that's exactly what I would recommend most people to do why because it's the best place to start out to learn to actually progress and know what to do so you can move on to the bigger stuff it's the best it's better than all the other things that you'll find like the Drop Shipping stuff no it's it's way better than all that but if you're in a rut or you're hitting a wall with your agency or your business or whatever and you're stuck kind of like how I was or if you're just new to everything and you just want to know more about what all this means then you should hear me out for the next two models because I'm going somewhere with this the next thing is the SAS agency now software is what everyone wishes to sell because who wouldn't want to sell a product that you build once right that you could resell as a monthly subscription it's a no-brainer a packaged solution delivered via software and sold to as many people as possible is the golden model and it's the golden model because the clients never leave you just keep them for months on months on months if not years and as long as their business is running they'll be relying on your software so you could get as many clients as you want not have to worry about any churn you may be asking what is the issue with SAS what is the con well there aren't many at all really but some business owners are actually just so bad with technology that they don't have the capability to rely on a software because they just don't know what they're doing whatsoever and even though the software is so useful and you know it's useful it's too complex for them to understand also some business owners are really lazy or they're really busy so they need someone to do it for them they want a done-for-you solution instead of a done with you or do it yourself solution these are all valid concerns but there is a way around this software is an amazing model and it is truly the new meta of agencies but here is the key and this is my point Don't just run a standard software agency but rather run a software agency that integrates AI because think about it when you're selling a software people are relying on that software to do the work for them or to make the work easier at the very least right now if you implement AI you could change software from a do-it-yourself solution to a do it with you solution it's just that you're not the one doing it with them the AI is the one that's doing it with them I know this sounds nuts but bear with me if you leverage AI to do the simple like busy work that's kind of tedious that the owner doesn't want to do and doesn't know how to do and you could pretty much eradicate the only concern that comes along with software agencies that means you could sell the Google reviews you could sell the SEO you could sell the website in funnel building you could sell the email marketing templates you could sell the SMS templates you could sell the database reactivation you could sell the ad template plus anything and everything else that helps businesses get clients that you can do within your software but you could still also sell that traditional smma service which is the appointment setting right and that part of the system the appointment setting is one of the best parts of the system is because you are doing it for them if you could find a way to automate right and to and to have ai handle the employment setting for for you then you're really striking gold so that means you're combining what a traditional agency does what a software agency does and also what an AI agency does and you combine all of them and you just kind of integrate it into one big product that you sell as a service right one thing that you have to build once within a white label software like go high level and you sell as many times as you can as a subscription that again leverages instead of you AI because again you do not want to be entwined with the business because then you're actively servicing tons of clients and you're building out a massive team instead of building out that team right where the people on the team are just doing the dull tedious tasks you get AI to do it for you there's so many things that are simple that humans do that is so replaceable with AI I know you're probably wondering how the hell this works and that this is super foreign and that makes sense it should sound super form because obviously AI is so fresh but think about it this way there are certain tasks that all of us do right now that could be completely automated by just leveraging AI the only reasons that you haven't actually started using it is probably because one you don't really know how it works and how you could actually use it in like everyday life or in your business or you don't really trust it yet and you don't actually have faith in it to do what you could do so here's a solution don't go all in on AI don't put all your eggs in one basket there's so much Buzz around Ai and not that there shouldn't be but if it's very much so in its infancy so you could use it as if it was in its infancy which would be to do the things that you don't have to do the things that are super simple that AI can do if you look at any smart like solo entrepreneur or even just any big corporation like they're all thinking about ways to integrate AI right now whether they've done it already or they're about to do it and so stay ahead of the curve by integrating AI with your agency instead of just doing a complete AI agency innovating your agency with AI as AI is also evolving and this is the example that I want to give when it comes to the appointment setting stuff ask yourself if you're that much better than AI at actually conversing with people or at conversing with leads for your business right are you actually that much better than AI at doing that if you prompt AI correctly they could sound 10 times better than you and be so much more efficient than you quicker right all those responses that you have you could simply prompt it within go high level so that even the things that you don't automate within the GOI level automations are automated with chat GPT so you could have ai shoot out the messages instead of you which makes the whole appointment setting process automated and if you include this within your sort of software as a service or within your agency bundle then your client could leverage the AI the same way that you do and make everything automated for them and that example that I just gave is something that you could do right now today with go high level like literally they have that in the software so it's insane and people just aren't using it yet now everything that I just told you is my exact agency plan moving forward I'm not saying to jump on this because it's the next shiny object but I'm saying to have it in your plans for the future instead of just going on with your current model without thinking so here's my plan and in my eyes the ultimate plan that took me months to devise I will be documenting this entire Journey with this plan and giving away everything I learned along the way as well as just giving you everything that I build the same way that I gave away everything with my first agency when I was building it I want to do the exact same thing with my hybrid agency that I'm working on now it's gonna be a wild ride that's kind of why I'm doing it and uh yeah you guys are going to be here to see everything I'm currently in the process of setting everything up within go high level and there will be videos coming out soon going over what I'm actually doing in detail and I thought this video would be good to me just so I give you guys an idea of where I'm going and where I think the future of the space is going and if you don't already have high level and you're setting up either your SMA your AI business or your software as a service business then you're really missing out so if you do want to get a wide level you could obviously just use my link it's a 14 day free trial you could hop in there and see if you like it if you don't you're free to leave and not spend any money you'll also be eligible to get access to like my snapshots that I use for my own agency and everything that I go on to do you'll have access to that as well because I give away everything for people that use my affiliate link the early bird catches the worms to hop in there also helping my Discord server the link will be in the description and also in the pin comment in there you'll find a community of like-mind individuals literally working towards the exact same thing that you are we're just helping each other it's a great Community I promise it'll change your life in one way or another it's completely free to join why wouldn't you do it and lastly if you want me to help you more intimately you could also sign up for agency Builder where I'll help people one-on-one it's my program I'll be honest you'll click on a sales funnel link but I promise out of everyone I deliver the most value for the cheapest price it's like choosing between a used video game or hopping in the program getting me to help you build your entire agency instantly as well as just building alongside you in general all right it's been good let me know if you have any questions and uh if you want me to go over certain things in specific that I kind of glazed over in this video because you might be overwhelm with all the new information that just chucked at you and you might want to know how to do this stuff more in detail just comment I'll be responding to all you guys and message me on any platform as well I'm really responsive thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one peace out everyone and goodbye



PART - 1

Starting A New SMMA From $0 Using AI (Live Walkthrough)


I've personally made over five million dollars for the agency business model but today I'm going to be starting an agency from scratch to prove to you guys how quickly you can start making money as an agency owner now I'm going to be going at this completely alone getting into the trenches by myself I won't leverage any existing team members or any of the assets I've created over the years we're going to be hitting this with the very Basics so I can show you a realistic journey to going out there starting a company and signing up your first client I'm an attempt to do all of this in just four days so it's going to be very interesting and what's more than this is after I've built the agency after I've signed up a client I'm going to be giving away the entire business to one of you guys who are watching this series check out the comments and look at the pinned one to see how you can enter okay let me show you the plan so I created this figma board which basically goes through every single step that I've got to take in order to launch this brand new agency from scratch reach out to clients sign one up and then deliver results okay in theory and the way I see it agencies are broken down into three core areas when they're first starting we have foundations these are things like your Niche your service offering your logo your website your branding and all of that we then have getting clients so we have lead generation we have Outreach we have actually having meetings and then signing up a client and then we have delivering results so onboarding that client and delivering your service to them so I'm going to give you the whole top down view we are going to be going through this planning chronological order over the next few days I have a limited amount of time I can dedicate to this I've budgeted four days hopefully Max in order to sign up a client and deliver results and I want to show you that entire process okay so you can be empowered to go out there and do this for yourself okay I want to show you that this can be straightforward and I'm going to give you the ups and the Downs it's just going to be like this is unplanned obviously so we're going to start off by choosing a niche okay now I am going to reach out to people in the local area I live in Norwich in the UK you always want to start off local regardless of where you are I've got a couple of ideas but I need to validate that by doing some research I need to look into the other agencies in my area I don't want to go for a niche which is oversaturated so I'm going to do some research I'm going to establish the ICP so the ideal customer that we're going to be reaching out to the ideal client that we want to sign up I'm going to decide on the service okay so what service is going to be perfect for this specific Niche come up the agency name create a logo and create a website and I'm going to attempt to do all these foundational work in this one day today because I want to show you guys that you do not need to waste weeks and procrastinate on building out that stuff we're going to do it all today we're going to use AI tools and so on to get it done as quickly as possible okay getting clients next thing I'm gonna have to do is build a lead generation strategy so we're going to build a big lead list and then I'm gonna have to build an Outreach strategy to actually then go and reach out to those individuals and try and sign them up and we'll try and get meetings with them I don't know whether I'm going to do emails call calls or DMS at this stage probably a mix of the three I always follow a multi-platform strategy and hit people from all angles but the goal is going to be getting some sales meetings in I'm going to record those on zoom and then hopefully we can sign up a client so I can then document the process of delivering results so on boarding the client developing an offer establishing their ICP then building a marketing plan for them launching some ads and getting some results for them so this is the plan and this is a Monumental amount of work to put into four days of work I don't think anybody's ever attempted to do this on YouTube I want to show you guys exactly the entire process and you can replicate this for yourself and Empower you to actually go out there do this and finally launch the agency you've been thinking about cool so let's work through this I'm going to be highlighting these green as we're working through them so we know what stage we're at we're going to start off with choosing the niche now obviously there's hours of work to do here so I've got the screen recorder and I'm just going to let it rip I've got a couple of cameras set up and then we'll just Mash together whatever we deem to be the most useful information as we progress through this so choosing a niche first thing I want to do is I'm going to find whatever agencies in my area because I want to just establish if there are any Niche specific marketing agencies I know I will start off with ads probably my service let's just have a look at ad agencies and just see if there's anything anyone competing over just a specific Niche no these guys seem to be pretty generalist again kind of generalist full service generalist so you notice how many agencies are generalists like not enough agencies specialize in one Niche and that's really the secret to large scale specialize in a specific Niche the upside is so much greater and these little guys look like they're branded marketing agency and these guys look like they're pretty generalist based on the clients they've worked with no so we don't really have and this is the first page of Google anything other than that I'm not really worried about if it's a smaller agency we know it doesn't really look like we have any agencies that are specializing in a specific Niche especially based on the names what I'm kind of looking at as well is okay are any of these agencies like named after a specific Niche let's say but they're all pretty generic like yawn marketing quick fire method marketing like KH digital coder agency like these are all pretty generic names it's like no Niche specific names here and I want to go for a niche specific Agency for sure like if we want to have an in and we want to sign up a client as quickly as possible within a specific Niche then the goal is going to be really let's let's make it as neat specific as we can when it comes to The Branding okay so let's just go for this so we've established that there are no major Niche specific competitors in the area so there's no niches to avoid as per se so let me run you through Denise and I'm thinking you're going for in the rationale behind that so Norwich is not actually that far even though it's kind of in the sticks it's not that far away from London it's actually about an hour and a half train which makes it attractive for all the people that are looking for houses outside of London so they can just get a train into London actually go to work okay so London's extremely expensive for those who don't know real estate wise crazy expensive and so people look to live out in the countryside further afield but where they can still have a direct access to work Norwich is one of those places the real estate market is absolutely booming here there are so many Estates and so many new houses being built up all the time because people want to come and move them so estate agents would be a really good Niche real estate would be really good Niche here for an agency I don't want to do that because I've worked with State agents before and sold to them in previous sales jobs I don't want to go back into that doesn't mean it's not a good Niche for you guys but a complimentary Niche to real estate is Home Improvement when there are new houses being built all over the place people with older houses want to improve them because they feel insecure look at all these new properties so Home Improvements is a really great industry in the area I've seen so many people thriving so many business owners thriving in the area in Home Improvements and that encounters kind of encompasses a whole bunch of different things so let's go through on the basis of that and see how much opportunity there actually is in home improvements in the area so now Home Improvements is also really great for lead generation agencies okay all we need to do is generate leads on platforms like Facebook or Instagram and so on we can send them over to these individuals and by Home Improvements I mean like Renovations I mean extensions I mean Landscaping I mean solar there's so many different angles that you can go down so even just home improvements Norwich we've already got so many different businesses here on this list that we can reach out to okay but home improvements could also be like kitchen and bathroom showrooms see kitchen fitting bricklaying so we've got a lot so there's a lot of opportunity around and actually just to make sure that we don't miss anything out and we're going to Chachi between do a new chat I'm starting an smma and my Niche is home improvements what are the keywords should I be searching for to find businesses within this niche remodeling handyman services home repair services renovation interior design it's good flooring Plumbing electrical painting Landscaping home insulation so these all sub niches that I can use and develop a lead list from okay so there's a lot of opportunity there's so many different things that come within home improvements in the same sense that if you went for health and fitness for example it's not just gyms there's personal trainers there's chiropractors there's osteopaths okay it's people that do alternative therapies Chinese medicine and so on there's so many different things so when you pick a niche try and think outside the box look at all the sub niches as well not just be don't just be limited to the obvious don't be so basic to just go for restaurants gyms dentists you know there's so many different sub niches Within These larger niches so I'm gonna go for um Home Improvements that's a decision I'm making that's the niche I'm gonna go for so let's establish the ICP and in fact I want to document this as I'm going I think I started an ocean board earlier yeah I want to document this out so we can keep track of this the niche that we're going to be going for is Home Improvements location it's Norwich UK again always start local to you ICP let me just run over to Google and I'll run you through what my CP is the ICP is basically your customer profile it's your ideal client and you want to get a good understanding of this before you start reaching out to them you want to really get a good idea of okay because not all the businesses within that if you're within your specific Niche are actually going to be suitable for your service so what industry are they in what's their geography we've already established this what kind of company size are they this is important when we're starting off we don't want to be reaching out to massive companies I've got like 20 plus employees the likelihood of us sign them up for our service as an amateur it's pretty low and now I'm not going to be able to leverage any of the previous case studies that I've got in my other agency right I'm not going to use any of those assets I want this to be a very fair test to you guys and I want you to see that I'm doing this from scratch so I'm going to be going for smaller companies okay anything from one to ten employees is going to be kind of the Max and in fact let's just like let's work through this we'll do a notion board as we're doing it company size it's going to be one to ten employees budget like that doesn't really matter and we're not really going to we can but uh revenue is something that we really kind of more so need to be known so let's say we're starting off we're going for Home Improvements not all you're gonna have a lot of people that are Freelancers and those people are probably not going to be making more 10K a month like if they're doing really well so we want to make sure that we're going for people that can afford more than that if we're signing up at 10K a month business they're not going to be able to spend more than 500 a month on our service realistically so in an Ideal World this is going to be like 20K plus per month business now we're not going to be able to establish this necessarily before we actually start reaching out to these clients this is going to be something that we're going to have to try and figure out on a discovery call with them but we can try and do the guesswork based on the size they look at the amount of testimonials they've got the amount of employees that they've got if we can find them on LinkedIn and so on who's a decision maker so decision maker is going to be owner founder MD okay so it's going to be the owner of the business and that's going to be the case with all of you starting off it's always going to be the owner founder MD if you're a larger agency sometimes you go for the marketing direct and so on but you don't want to mess around with that in the initial stages okay what are the pain points that a someone in the Home Improvements industry would have I'm going to do some research on this but my initial in uh thoughts are it's just lead generation and it's actually not just lead generation it's high quality lead flow because we don't just want to generate rate loads of leads for these people if they're not actually people who are going to be spending money needs to be people with good budget let's do a little bit of research though in fact let's just go back to chat GPT what would you say are some of the biggest pain points in the Home Improvement industry that a agency could solve now usual point of call would be go over to Google but it's crazy now that we can go over some chat gbt and we can just take basically all the information that's on the internet already and just have it in a concise place you'd be Daft to go over to Google for this information now and go through and spend hours digging through this yourself utilize chat gbt and everything that you do it's like an ingrained Habit in my life and all of my team's life now to use this okay so lead generation as we said many Home Improvements business struggle finding new clients especially in their local area okay yeah we can do that brand awareness branding I can I feel that actually I've got a quote on a getting a wall built outside of my house and I was shocked to see how many of these businesses didn't have websites already didn't have good social media so branding is a good one reputation slash reviews this is a good one communication not going to mess around with that content creation content creation this is quite an interesting one I think the priority for me here looking at this list is good quality lead flow and potentially content creation like I don't have the time to go out and take photos for business but what I can do is I can advise them on how to take good photos they can send them over to us and we can create some good creatives for ads for them content creation is a big play important form because they don't have time and it's the last thing they're thinking about they're thinking about building someone's house they're thinking about fitting someone's kitchen they're not thinking about okay let me take a before and after photo whereas they could get some really good photos to get some great before and after photos what do you think is the most lucrative sub Niche within home improvements kitchen and bathroom remodeling is probably what we really need to be going for is the sub Niche which has the most like desired service so what is the one that's going to be the most commonly used kitchen and bathroom remodeling is probably that probably closely followed by landscapers and gardeners and then extensions and so on but I want it to be high ticket enough so we might want to start off with Kitchen and Bar from remodeling we may find in doing Outreach that it's not a high ticket enough okay so here we've got a directory trust the trade let's find one of these businesses so we've got one here Hide kitchen so let's have a look at this so these guys have actually got a really nice website I wonder if they're running any ads just want to see the potential of whether or not these guys are even Marketing in the area so these obviously look like one of the best not running ads at the moment okay so what I've done there is I've gone on to Facebook on about page transparency they're not running any ads let's go on one of these other these guys I'm guessing then I'm really not going to have a good online presence at all look at that I've got a mobile number straight away so we can we can reach out to them but we've got to be careful we don't just want to be reaching out to an individual it needs to be a company okay so we can see that these people aren't tech savvy and then not running ads even some of the best ones was best reviews on this there's only a couple of businesses on here there's going to be a lot more of them if I'd probably find another directory out here check a trade is a really good one to look at transformed kitchens 95 reviews so these are obviously a much larger business might not even have a website okay so we might have a work cut out for us here because lots of these businesses don't even have websites and so on so we're just gonna really I imagine we'll come to this when we do lead generation but I imagine the best place for us it's gonna be Google Maps that's where we're going to find the people a little bit more tech savvy so the opportunity is there like the opportunity and the fact that these guys they're not thinking about like okay well I'm gonna run Facebook ads this is almost like a little bit of a blue ocean opportunity because these guys aren't tech savvy at all lots of them are running from word of mouth and so on and getting referrals so there's a lot of opportunity for us as agency owners so where are we we're doing ICP anyway let's go back to that so their main business goals are delivering a good service and making money isn't it I want to add another potential thing here on this we don't need to worry about Technologies or attributes but I want to do potential bottlenecks because we've encountered here that these guys really aren't tech savvy so they might be techphobic which can go against us if they're like well I don't need a website why do I need a Facebook page and so on so that's probably going to be something we're going to come into one-man band is something we're gonna have to avoid I think that's probably pretty much going to be the main issues that we're going to face and also understaffed I hear a lot of stuff um about us having a employment issue at the moment like unemployed like a staffing issue Within These trades and so we want to make sure people can actually take on the work and that are not at full capacity already I imagine lots of people speak to will be at full capacity so we're going to make sure that we need to be mindful of that so that is our ICP let's move on service so we've kind of already really established it based on this information based on this information based on the fact that we've looked at a couple of people's websites based on the fact that nobody is running Facebook ads and I will just check this on the Facebook ad Library as well so if I go and we go on let's see we're gone this is one of my first ever clients Supreme kitchen and bathroom showroom this is this is this is one of the first clients that I ever signed up actually I think it was my third client that I ever signed I've never worked with like that Blast from the Past brilliant okay page transparency not running ads shame on you Supreme shame on you you didn't learn anything did you um okay so let's go and do kitchen Norwich okay here we go what have we got so these are can we filter this by a certain area no this is just kitchen knowledge these are estate agents these are estate agents these are all like a state agency ads real estate ads but not actually this is Mulberry kitchen studio so this is actually it's one company in Norwich in Norfolk Mulberry kitchens I've seen these guys before nice established business and they are running ads is currently running ads let's see if we can find another one Royal Norwich no that looks like a person with a developer okay so there is one kitchen and bathroom showroom in Norwich as far as we can see that is running ads right now and they're obviously performing really well they launched these ads in may they launched it on the 10th of May so they've been running for almost a month now obviously getting some decent results this ads been running since the 12th of April you only have an ad running since the 12th of April if it's delivering great results so as far as I'm concerned the lowest hanging fruit for the majority of agencies new style agencies if you don't know what kind of service that you're going to deliver if you don't know uh you don't have a foundational skill ABS is the lowest hanging fruit you could in this instance deliver content creation you could do social media management you could do branding and websites but ad is what's going to make you the most money I'd actually think like probably followed by website creation but if you don't have any experience right creating website is going to be a little bit more complicated for you although we are going to go through building an agency website in a minute I believe that ads is something that you can learn I don't believe I know to add to something that you can learn in a relatively short time especially when it comes to lead generation results if you know somebody that can generate lead generation results with ads and you can just use the strategy that they've taught you then it's very easy to get yourself off the ground running so that's what we're going to do it's going to be Facebook ads let's call it the proper name meta ads seems to change now and that includes Instagram as well of course so that's a service agency name let's continue with some GPT stuff now as far as naming conventions are concerned I see a lot of people waste time with this and ultimately your name doesn't actually really matter so much of your agency like your name is something that I mean it matters to an extent that if you've got a really name and it's going to go against you in the future then you that's going to hurt you but the majority of people don't have offensive agency names and so for the majority of you it's not worth procrastinating to the extent that you don't actually get started soon most of the time your best option is picking a name which is related to your personal name you know like my original agency was Platinum Enterprises in fact when I first started I didn't even have an agency it was just Jordan Platinum but now I did Platinum Enterprises which isn't really a great name but you might want to do your initials then Media or marketing and so on so you can keep this pretty simple it doesn't need to be too creative so let's say you're getting really stuck for ideas first of all you can use chat TBT to come up with generic agency names like not all of you are going to be going for a specific Niche straight away when you first get started you might want to keep your name more General okay into some kind of marketing base name like all of the agencies that you saw in Norwich to get all those different kind of very Broad agency names I want to get the quickest results in the shortest time possible so for the purpose of this video so I'm going to make it Niche specific so when I mention our agency name it's going to show to that Niche that we only work with that industry so I'm gonna ask DBT can you help me come up with an agency name my Niche is Home Improvement give me 20 options home bandage tool homemake media Renault reach Renault reach I really like that Renault reach I'd be surprised that wasn't taken so now now the caveat to this is don't get too excited over a name that you find you need to make sure that it's actually available as a domain okay domain is obviously the URL that you've got now I use GoDaddy as a domain host let's see if that is available Renault reach renaoreach.co.uk renaoreach.com look at that that's awesome so we've got home renovations got Renault reach I like that Renault Renault meaning is Renault short for Innovation yeah Renault A Renault yeah I had a Renault on a house a renovation okay cool I think we're gonna go for that let's not procrastinate on this I like Renault reach let's go over to Google and make sure there's never no other business we're gonna reach cool let's do it Renault reach okay so what I'm gonna do is just go ahead and buy this domain name nice okay and now we need to create the logo smashing through this this is the world's quickest agency brand created but this is solid like if one of our one of my students came to me with this they had a plan here this is solid this is this is some great foundations right now let's go over to Google and let's find an AI logo create I want to make this something that you guys can go and do like you could go and use canva.com at this stage to go create a logo you could go over to fiverr.com and go pay a logo designer there's plenty of people on Fiverr that'll be more than capable of creating a really good logo for you I personally think that we won't need to do this you can see look at all these people 17 pounds 30 pounds 55 and so on you can go and do that or you can go and play around with canva I'm gonna go and find an AI logo generator logo.com I'm just gonna dig up the options and see what we think looks like the best tool let's see what these dig up let's come up with one see now I I generally broadly speaking like you could argue that you could be a lot more creative in your own personal time to actually come up with this and I would recommend giving this some proper thought in your own time as well and so like let's say you were coming up with a slogan Not all agencies need slogans by the way like it is quite nice to have something attached to it if it's kind of a simple industry but there's something quite enjoyable and pleasurable about having a glass of wine sitting in the evening planning out your business like personally those were some of the best memories of my entire business were those very early stages of hanging out on my own in the evening plotting like planning the chess moves for the brand affluent dot Co I had so much pleasure in planning all of that out and you could argue that using AI tools takes away from that pleasurable side of the business so if you are creative naturally we've got time constraints here but if you're a creative person naturally I would recommend giving yourself the benefit and the pleasure of going through and building out this brand for yourself but not if it's at the detriment of you actually doing it um in a timely manner do not spend any more than a day doing it or a couple of days max okay your Renault our reach that's nice that's really nice your Renault our reach let's see if that looks cheesy on a logo I don't think slogans always have a good fit colors colors colors let's just see if there's any kind of like typical colors used within home improvements we want this to be familiar obviously blue is used blue is a color of trust it's why a lot of people use it I want to see if there are any kind of typical obviously you've got the B and Q which is I don't know if you have this whether you are it's a big department store that's quite an interesting one what are the biggest retailers used in their home improvement industry UK B and Q and Screwfix Screwfix is a good one hmm so we don't want to like rip off someone's branding ever but if you can associate if there's there can be an association between a color and an industry so it's like almost like recognizable to an extent I think that's like it's always worth exploring that I I really don't like this color this this dark blue you kind of don't want to let your emotions get involved as well but I I really don't like that dark blue color like reminds me of school for some reason like I'm not a I'm not a fan of that um but what about the b q b and Q color code we could definitely take that color okay let's see let's go with an orange and let's go with a bold okay and let's do with icons first of all Renault renovation home improvements okay it's like very on brand looks like a tool these are such typical logos used I don't get sucked into using something like that also just like text like text is also just nice like if in doubt when it comes to an emblem just use text like don't get sucked into this is also nice okay I'm gonna give another logo maker an opportunity to do this just do brand mark see if the word increase makes a difference [Music] foreign I like that but I don't like the font I wonder if we can play on this let's edit this and let's change the font okay what do we got [Music] oh I like that it's very on brand this is difficult we have two completely different brands here this is this is what I would personally gravitate to the most this is the one that if I if it was for me if this brand was built for me and let's let's just make this Fair because we want to make sure the colors are actually correct as well so we want let's make the color actually the same so it was if I was if I was creating this logo this is probably like well I am creating a logo but if this was like catering to me I know it was like okay if I was if I started a construction Home Improvement type business um what would I want the logo to look like okay what would I like gravitate to the most and it is this kind of like more kind of modern we have the traffic cone which kind of simulates like construction type thing but it's a more modern kind of clean font that being said this There's Something About This which feels a little bit old school um and because of that I like it because they can the Home Improvements industry is very old school in a sense I'm gonna get a second opinion in here and ask I've got two completely different logos this is like very modern but then there's something about me which is gravitating to this because it feels old school in a way [Music] like as if it comes yeah that's right it is a bit constructiony that to me feels way more yeah I'm gonna change this logo at the bottom here but do you think the cone is still a little bit constructiony Yeah I think in the cool way though yeah but this font is nice isn't it this this this this main font yeah right let's get this bad boy finalized so let's change the slogan font Open Sands get rid of the italics it's nice more crisp and we're not going to be using the orange background we'll be using the orange four the actual logo so nice there we have it right how do we save this save purchase 25 for a one-time purchase that's decent 25 one-time purchase has taken us under an hour to get this logo like we would pay more than that to someone decent on Fiverr and definitely not have it within an hour so yeah love it right I'm gonna go ahead and purchase that so we're gonna want transparent PNG we're gonna want that white background there as well uh this is actually really nice you can see this in different color ways this is a good tool awesome okay fine let's add this to our notion board let's add a cover image to the notion okay let's clean nice so that's the logo out of the way let's move on to creating the website all the time not too bad I'm gonna make a tea stretch my legs and then we'll get back to it thank you [Music] okay I just realized we skipped a really crucial step before doing the logo before even thinking about the website we need to plan our offer now an offer is our way of proposing value to our Niche Home Improvements it's the specific result of our service it's not our service it's a specific result that our Niche can expect to get from our service and it needs to tap into the pain points that they're experiencing now it's important that we plan the offer before we do any of this because the offer is going to dictate a lot of the content that is on our website especially when it comes to the copywriting so let's dive into that first okay so by the way you're the mate team I think that's how you say it highly recommend it's got caffeine in it still curbs the need to have that afternoon coffee uh if you're a bit of a coffee fiend so let's add this to this first of all in fact for now we'll just put it underneath here side service and offer so let's keep doing this on notion and I'll create an offer section underneath the ICP so there are two main components to building an offer first one is nsvp which is Niche specific value proposition and then the second is our actual offer these two components make up an offer statement most agencies just get this offer part okay they don't they miss out this nsvp but the nsvp is our emotional buying it's an emotional statement which feeds into the specific desires of our specific Niche and then we're sometimes going to highlight some pain points as well some without statements and so on so this will look something along the lines of we help Niche achieve results without pain so we help this specific Niche achieve this result without experiencing this pain okay so it's a statement which feeds into their emotion and this is a precursor to the actual offer which is the specific result that we're going to put forward now in our instance this might be something like we help Home Improvement businesses generate qualified leads okay because they want high quality lead flow without doing anything themselves okay this is very primitive but I'm going to pump this into chat gbt in a moment and we'll see what it fires back normally I'd spend an hour or so kind of creating iterations of this reading it out loud until I found something I was happy with but we've got AI on our hands okay offer is the specific tangible result okay so get specific result within time frame or risk reversal so we're going to mention the specific result that they can expect 10 leads 20 leads 30 appointments 50 increase in sales whatever that may be 100 increase in conversion rate okay within this time frame 30 days seven days 30 days is pretty typical or risk reversal risk reversal or some kind of guarantee or you don't pay or pay on results basis we're taking the risk away from the client so in this instance it might be get actually coming up with a specific result is quite tricky in this instance and it is going to be for any of you who are working with a niche that you haven't worked with before and the really important factor to take in is to always try and under promise and over deliver so many agencies make the mistake of over promising and under delivering they promise 50 new qualified leads and even if they generate 45 and the client made even loads of money they're still going to be disappointed because they're not getting what they were actually promised in the first place whereas if the agency just promised 30 leads and still generated 45 they're delivering the exact same result but the perception has completely changed the client happiness has completely changed the likelihood of getting referrals and testimonials has completely changed all because of the ability of that agency to under promise and over deliver and we see this in so many times business all over the place I ordered a Mac a couple of weeks ago from Apple Apple famously under promise never deliver they say oh your delivery is going to be on the 10th of June turns up on the 6th of June they know it's always going to turn up on the sick but they tell you it's going to turn up on the temps you have a better experience and you buy from them again now as a general rule of thumb if you haven't worked with a niche before you can guarantee 10 qualified leads okay that's not going to be many in some Industries and this will vary from place to place I would speculate and I haven't worked for Home Improvement to about four years now that we're going to generate it's going to cost us between 10 and 30 pounds per lead so even if you said 25 pounds per lead if we're spending 500 pounds a month on ads which is probably why I'd start the ad budget nice and Conservative then we're generating 20 leads okay so if I promise 10 I'm going to over deliver we want to factor that in now I could message the iPhone academies hundreds of agency owners in there and ask someone who's worked home improvements to give me a number but it's not fair on you guys for the purpose of this series where I'm just trying to make this as legit as possible so we're going to promise 10 qualified leads within we're gonna do 30 days because it's going to be a monthly revolving contract and we're going to do all you don't pay so we're going to have a guaranteed result today I think it's really important that all agencies have a guarantee of results some kind of a risk reversal these days if you don't have this you're not putting away your money where your mouth is and you're not going to be able to compete with your competitors so with in doubt just under promise and over deliver okay now this offer will evolve over time the minute I started working with a home improvement business and I know what specific result I can get for them this is going to be a lot more okay this number is going to increase so I'm going to make this I'm going to increase it moderately I'm not going to bring it to the max if I've got a client and I've generated 60 leads for them I'm not going to sell it at 60. I'm going to set it kind of at like the lower average of the clients the result that I'm getting from my clients so let's get rid of these and let's dive let's go over to this to chat GPT and see what it spits out can you give me five other variations of this nsvp Let's see we Empower home improving businesses by driving qualified leads to them allowing them to focus on what they do best that's nice our services ensure a steady stream of qualified leads for Home Improvement businesses all without lifting a finger we specialize in securing high quality leads from business freeing them from the complexities of lead generation complexities of lead generation itself is quite a complex statement so I don't know if they'll fit providing with quality the qualified leads while they focus on their craft okay so these are nice these are these are all nice angles I like this without lifting a finger can you play on without any heavy lifting I like that because it's very Niche specific we're playing on Words With home improvements we bring a consistent flow of qualified leads to Homegrown business to home print business ensuring they secure new contracts without any heavy lifting okay I think we can make this a lot simpler let's play around with this regenerate qualified Home Improvement leads for you no heavy lifting required okay we generate qualified Home Improvement leads for you no heavy lifting required okay I like this so we're talking about the specific desired result the qualified Home Improvement leads for you no heavy lifting required we grow help home Home Improvement companies grow by generating we help home improvement companies grow by generating qualified leads with no heavy lifting required let me play off that together this is definitely the statement and the reason I like it is I like the use of simplify especially as we've established these businesses are Tech phobic okay they don't have great websites don't have great social media so you want to keep things simple we also are staying away from jargon and marketing terms it's very simple English okay because we want this to be received in the way that we intend it to be so we simplify growth for home improvement companies by delivering quality leads with no heavy lifting required now with the offer statement I want to keep this really simple so get 10 qualified leads within 30 days or you don't pay this basically offers 101 10 new qualified leads in 30 days or you don't pay I'm quite happy with that now if we get rid of these and we look at our overall offer statement now we have we simplify growth for home improvement companies by delivering quality leads with no heavy lifting required get 10 new qualified leads within 30 days or you don't pay I'm very happy with that we'll play around with the copywriting when it comes to the website but imagine if like most agencies do you just had this offer statement get 10 new qualified leads days or you don't pay how are you going to do that that sounds complicated I'll only have a load of extra work for that okay with all these excuses and objections and so on that this lead might have well just with this and SVP added to it we simplify growth so you know it's something simple for home improvement companies by delivering delivering quality leads with no heavy lifting required so it is simple and you're not gonna have to do any extra work yourself so we're getting rid of two of the biggest objections that they could have just by adding this nsvp at the start of our offer cool okay so let's move on to the website so we've got a number of options when it comes to building a website I want to keep this as simple as possible we could use wix.com we can use Squarespace and we can also use a tool called go high level go high level is what we're actually going to use it's an all-in-one agency management tool you can use it as a CRM and also as a web Builder but it's really important that you use a drag and drop web Builder that has templates that you can use because you don't want to spend any more than one day building out your website half a day I'm going to be attempting to do this in literally a couple of hours and you do this because your website is going to evolve over time and there's always limited amount of information that you can put on your website when you're first starting a business so many people have these massive about Pages way too many stock images and all these different services at the listing you don't need it your website is simply just to show that you're a professional company and that you are who you say you are and when someone clicks on your domain from your email you've actually got a website up there and you don't just look like some back bedroom business okay what we're going to do is we're going to do this on go high level high level you will have heard of if you've been in the agency space um this isn't going to be a big in-depth tour of high level because we're going to be going through the tool throughout the next couple of episodes I'll put a link in description you can sign up to a 14 day free trial but I don't care if you do use high level or not you can use any web Builder as far as I care but high level does have the ability for you to use it as a CRM and the pipeline management tool as well which is why I like it now the caveat is three years ago when I used high level and I hated the talk but actually they got a lot of investment a couple of years ago they're doing a really good job right now and they're pretty much dominating the agency software space so you're going to hit 14 day free trial create an account and I'm going to go ahead and create an account now right so when you've made an account you'll be taken through to the dashboard uh you've got navigation on the left hand side it's where you can look at your calendar any leads that you've got your opportunities as well we're going to come back to this in a future rep but for now we're going to skip down to site you'll also notice that my logo says just close you also say go high level when you have a premium account you're able to what's called White Label or software so you can change it so it's in your own branding but yours will be exactly the same identical apart from this logo so we have funnels and we have websites they're both pretty much the same thing a website typically is a multi-page site and a funnel typically is a sales optimized single page landing page okay now we'll start off by looking at funnels and we're going to go on template Library typically I imagine these are going to be more optimized for what we need them for they're going to be more simple and there's a whole bunch of different templates that we can look at so a couple things to highlight I'm not looking for one which has loads of images like this for example we've got loads of images going on here we're just not going to have this many images as a new style agency and when you start using too many stock images like you can start just look a little bit like it's just basic having all them stock images so avoid it unless you've got loads of content in your content agency generally we want something that's just a lot more simpler okay so I'm looking for something as simple as possible go over and look at websites as well template Library you can even type in agency and see what comes up okay marketing agency these look a little bit primitive looking at those agency landing pages have a look at this so typically the only things that we need in our page will probably get rid of this navigation we just need a hero section which is a good section at the top where we're going to have our nsvp or our offer we're then going to have either our services or a process in our business might have a little bit of an about us we're going to get rid of this because we won't have like all the results we can talk about and then we'll get rid of pricing typically we just want a contact form so we can add a contact form to the bottom of the page and a call to action button so really they're the main components aren't there the the hero section we're going to either have our services or our process we're gonna have a tiny about us and then a call to action with uh [Music] so I'm going to go with this template here this is actually why I created for a client ages ago it's really simple you'll be able to replicate it in less than an hour on go high level we just have that hero section up the top we have either who we are or our service we've got a little bit of like testimonials results uh we're going to get rid of that because we're not going to have any starting off I'll probably replace this revival like our service or maybe our process I'm going to change this to an order form of sort and I'm going to put an address and a phone number and a call to action button maybe some features and benefits at the bottom but again call to action buttons all go into the same place you should open up a form where somebody can submit their details and redeem the offer okay so very simple landing page you do not need anything more than this when you're first starting out so I hit edit edit page this web Builder will be familiar we've ever built a website before at the top we've got our kind of a navigation for the different sections so we have sections in green then we have um our rows which I think are yeah our rows are in pink okay so that's the actual content areas and then we have our kind of elements and columns in uh orange we can go ahead and just click manage on any of these and highlight over any sections and it will just take us to the relevant area on the left-hand side we have all of our main navigation so if I click on this title here I can move it around if I go drag it around okay I can change the text I can go down left and change the color there as well in fact let's change that to our brand color Okay add color there you go same again for the buttons get rid of that border there as well so I'm going to do is I'm going to work down this page and fill in the Frameworks and work on the framework first so get all the right things in the right places and then we'll work on the copy and then obviously publish and so on so let's get to it [Music] so you see we've got a this is a two-part um section here there's two columns sorry in this it's overall section I don't want two columns I'm just going to have a single so I've got rid of that column and just have a single column where I'm going to add a form just go down form there you go don't have any forms yet fine I can always add one shortly [Music] so what I'm looking for here is a feature image so we've got a little image and then we've got some text this is perfect for things like mentioning the service or process I say service or process because more than that is going to get a little bit complicated if you have multiple services that you're offering then it might be worth mentioning that but here all we're really doing is lead generation through Facebook lead formats which are very very simple ads don't require a landing page so we're better off going through the process especially as we've established again these shouldn't both tech savvy so we can then explain it if they understand it then they're more likely to want to buy it because it's not it's not a hieroglyphs to them right now in our instance I'm actually thinking I'm going to do this as the process so like for a three-step process of how things work with us we're just doing lead generation for a Facebook lead form so it's a very very simple service it doesn't need much explanation so if we go through the process then we can help our Niche understand exactly what it is we're doing for them in simple terms so this is going to be like step one just step two step three cool change the logo up the top foreign so you can see some spacing at the top there as well [Music] okay punch nicely let's change the background image here and first we need to find one of course now it's really important that when you are getting imagery for your website you're not just taking it off Google because you can have all sorts of issues when it comes to copyright you need to make sure you're using a royalty-free uh search engine like pixels for example pixel is used all the time there are other ones out there but pixels I found to be pretty great so if I type in Home Improvement what I'm going to look for really is an image that how many images have I got on here I've got one two okay so I need imagery that is going to cater to the entire Niche you don't want to have imagery like this in Home Improvement for example we've got a construction site we've also got like the kitchen more polished side um solo whatever so we don't want to just do for example these these construction images that cancel out like and or put off the wrestler Market what we really need is a mix of the two so that's what I'm looking for so something like this is really nice I think that would be really nice for the hero section so if I download that let's just find the second image as well for near the call to action something more Construction what is this like uh we'll see what it looks like download and we go back to the Builder upload this image use this one for the hero we need to scroll down and do background color just put color overlay on top and then we're gonna do background image opacity heavy fade so now we have this kind of fade over the top so it's much easier to read that looks clean I like that a lot let's just preview it yeah that's clean [Music] [Music] okay so let's move on to the copy framework typically it's better to have your nsvp at the top of the page so we're gonna have nsvp here and then we want to have a call to action towards the bottom of the page with our offer statement so we have a contact form this would be a good one for our offer so we have offer we have our nsvp these are going to be things to complement the nsvp who are we a little bit about us our process benefits I don't know if we're going to be doing the full five benefits yet things like money back guarantee uh qualified lead guaranteed results or whatever outfit will come up with those shortly but if we have a look at this this should be pretty solid framework for us to go on nice okay I'm overdue some fresh air so I'm gonna go for a quick walk digest on this copy a little bit and think of some ideas and we'll get back to it okay [ __ ] you know thank God I'm not a vlogger anyway look at these views try to get out and Escape digital at least once a day people don't realize how cooped up they are in a house it's behind a screen behind your phone and we need to get that vitamin D we need to get breathe the air get in your own head get in your own thoughts I don't even understand how people can think straight if you don't spend at least half hour an hour outside every day let's get Cabin Fever just thinking about this copy on the website and even our office statement and we're using the word lead we get you qualified leads but leads isn't even a term in the Home Improvements industry is it like I got a quote on getting a wall built outside my house by four different bricklayers within the last six months and every single time it's it's a quote we'll get your quote out I've got quite a lot of quotes going on at the moment and no one's talking about leads I'll do a bit of research when we get back but it might be better for us to use quote instead of lead in our offer statement in our nsvp and especially on our website It's always important that we speak the language that the niche speaks because if we're promising something that they don't even desire or they don't associate with then we're fighting in that pill Battle Before we've even got started all right [Music] okay let's finish this bad boy off so just want to whilst that's on my mind change some of the copy here on the note of quote instead of leads simplified group home improvement companies by sourcing potential clients ready for quotes with no heavy lifting involved we make it easy for Home Improvement businesses to grow by generating leads ready for quote quoting without any heavy lifting required okay this is interesting I like this let's let's write this down because I want to I want to just have this on hand just in case if there's somewhere fitting on the website for us to talk about like quote ready leads oh quote ready leads I like that okay I'm gonna write down some terminology on this page either way write some random quote some copy notes when you're thinking of copied like you always want to just be like writing things down and it comes to your minds like quote ready leads I like that I feel better about that we simplify growth for home improvement companies by sourcing quote-ready leads with no heavy lifting required if they refer to quotes as leads this works will they referred to leaders quotes whatever it works Home Improvement industry is typically an industry where you go to a kitchen fitter or so on when you need them typically speaking they're not calling you up and therefore it's not a sales driven industry although all businesses are technically sales driven businesses it's not a sales heavy business and therefore a lot of these business owners may not be used to the term leads which is why I don't want to put them off if they're not okay many of them will be working on Word of Mouth especially in my local area Norfolk like people were born in Norfolk don't typically leave Norfolk especially businesses um and therefore I want to make sure we're covering all grounds so let's go with this so how can we apply this to the website let's just go back to uh high level and then see what we can do so and start off with the nsvp okay that's going to be too long I'm going to get rid of that let's put that here this is too much remember earlier we wrote a simplified version of this let's try it out let's make this bold let's do quite ready leaves for you I like this term quote ready we generate quote ready Home Improvement leads for you so much less effortless effortless business growth effortless business growth we generate quote-ready Home Improvement leads for you no heavy lifting required love it get more leads nice simple call to action we always want to keep this simple I hate seeing like these really long click funnels-esque call to actions right let's go down the page in fact whilst we're on nsvp let's go where we're putting the offer I want to put the offer here get 10 qualified leads within 30 days or you don't pay and see what this looks like too long can we put some a subtext underneath this sub headline change that color so typically we want to have a time frame um but this looks so much cleaner on the website we could have it here get 10 new qualified leads within 30 days or you don't pay nice clean get 10 new quote ready leads okay who are we help me write a who are we section for Renault reach make it no longer than this that's longer that's definitely longer make it shorter mention we're based in Orange okay I want to mention the location it's going to go in our favor cool this is clean we're a knowledge based agency that helps home improvement companies by delivering top tier quote ready leads through strategic advertising on popular social media sites our targeted approach not only frees frees you up to concentrate on your work but also ensures your growth is driven by genuinely interested clients making your business expansion smooth and efficient your business growth smooth and efficient nice like it like it like it um again like we can revisit this at any time and just change this copy but for now we just want a base so our process step one step two and step three just plan this on here first step one I'm going to gather content I don't want to do content creation so step two launch ads step three generate leads gather content launch ads generate leads now for the sections underneath [Music] okay gather content in the initial step we collect visuals that highlight your craftsmanship these form the foundation of our strategy serving to attract a greater number of potential clients to your business next we launch ad space on the content we've collected these ads are strategically designed and placed on popular social media platforms to capture clients attention finally we collect information from individuals who are genuinely interested in your services prioritizing quote ready leads and eliminating tire kickers cool tie kickers is a term for someone who's yeah not interested it's kicking the tire looking at the car right let's get an icon for each of these so we want a number of some sorts so let's do this on flat icon so flat icon is a free icon directory and there are premium ones on there as well but actually that Free Library is pretty amazing happy with this we can also make this the orange color we will then hit edit icon we can choose a new color I'm going to do a custom palette let's get the color of our brand okay download [Music] now if we go back over change the image [Music] what are some of the big pains so results guarantee coat ready leads thank you Okay so we've got these benefits at the bottom this is not necessary for just from a design perspective it looks quite clean industry specialist guaranteed results qualified leads what else we need to change on here so we're pretty much there right the only thing that we need to do now is create this pop-up and update this form this button as well just to want to submit that form so let's go ahead and edit the pop-up and then we'll go and create the form to edit a pop-up and click that button there and if we go on pop-up settings we want to change the background the Border color there you go and then we can do get 10 a quote ready leads and then we'll do the sub headline and then 30 days or you don't pay so we're reaffirming that offer okay I'm gonna make this text a bit smaller intend quite ready leads in 30 days or you don't pay to change some spacing on that a little bit okay cool this looks clean so now I just need to update this form so if we make sure the website is saved can we come off this here so we're going forms Builder ad form and we want to take full name we're going to take email address and let's take phone number and let's take some information can we take like a bit of text let's make that smaller for sure tell us about your project okay can I Center that left perfect so we need to change the on submit message [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you okay here we go so this is our finished website we've got our hero section with our nsvp press get more leads it takes you through to the application form which you can submit um we've got a who are we our process and then we've got our application form again with our offer directly on page we've got simple kind of benefits which isn't necessary and then just a footer so a very clean simple one-page landing page you do not need any more information than this when you're first starting your agency final thing we need to do is actually get this launched on the domain so it's when I reach.com and we also need to change the meta data at the top to do that we go SEO metadata Renault reach upstairs final task for the day nice Renault reach fueling Home Improvement growth like that let's go with effortless Home Improvement growth and then reach we'd simplify grow phone print businesses we've had high quality leads for in you from the heavy lifting let's build your success together and then we can also add the keywords and so on this is for Google so when people search for us so we do Home Improvement leads Norwich Home Improvement knowledge home Renault invasions author Renault reach social image this is basically what people see if they share the link okay update metadata hit save but then also want to get a Facebook pixel set up on here as well which we can input into this tracking code and now the final thing we need to do is set up the domain in fact I'm going to do on tagline your Renault are reach okay so or you want to go settings I'm going to change this to go this is home okay and no settings and then go add domains add new domain now we need to add these DNS settings as a record to our domain so I'm going to go Daddy I'll log in go DNS add new record a record the values here and actually let's do a c name c name will be better so we don't do cname so there we go and it's going to be www leave that default and hit save get rid of this one here first of all you can't have a conflicting C name save cool this will take a little while to go it's going to validate okay that was quick okay now we go back go on sites select the domain hit save and change this to go okay cool www dot run out ofreach.com normally it takes up to 24 hours yeah so it hasn't loaded yet but this will do within 24 hours run outreach.com will be live cool so guys let's go back to the plan today in one day I'm exhausted we have managed to choose a niche establish the ICP decide the service the offer the NV and nsvp our agency name we've created a logo and we have created a website meanwhile you've been pissing about for the last two weeks trying to pick a niche I need to go chill next up we have lead generation and Outreach I still get to meetings cheers thank you morning could you put me through to Gareth please morning could you put me through to Market please hi how can I speak to Andy please morning can I speak to Jonathan please back in the middle okay no worries hi Andy my name is Jordan I know you're busy so I'll be really quick I just wonder whether you guys could handle another five or so quotes at the minute um no afternoon can I speak to Rob please I know that's all right it's a little bit of a complex of a topic like you should pop me through to are you doing please say it again [Music] oh oh okay that was awkward back again next week and then I'll have time to have a chat with you okay I'm always interested in there so yeah no give me a phone call back next week when I've got more time

24,829 views Premiered on 14 Jul 2023

📹 Episode 1:    • Starting A New SM...   📹 Episode 2:    • Live SMMA Lead Ge.. 📹 Episode 3: Launching Friday 21st July 2023 ________________________________________________ If you want to find out how we help agency owners sign their first or next 5 clients, guaranteed, check this out 👉 https://www.affluent.academy/?utm_sou... ________________________________________________ GoHighLevel: https://www.gohighlevel.com/?fp_ref=a... ________________________________________________ 👔 Win An ENTIRE, Ready-to-go Agency (1 Winner Left): Must be subscribed, must like & comment on EVERY Episode once live! The winner will be announced on the 31st of July (Location to be confirmed) 💻 How To Win An Apple MacBook Pro (1 Winner Left): Must be subscribed, must like & comment on EVERY Episode once live! The winner will be announced on the 31st of July (Location to be confirmed) 📞 How To Win A Free Coaching Call (5 Winners Left): Must be subscribed, must like & comment on THIS video & EVERY Episode launched. The winner will be announced after 24 hours of each episode via my Instagram @JordanPlatten

0:00 - $0 to $1000 SMMA Challenge (Intro) 0:48 - The Step-by-Step Plan 3:38 - Choosing An SMMA Niche 7:20 - Finding Sub Niches Using ChatGPT 8:35 - Establishing An ICP 11:05 - Deciding On A SMMA Service 19:25 - Coming Up With An Agency Name Using ChatGPT 20:00 - Buying An Agency Website Domain 20:56 - Creating An Agency Logo Using AI 29:41 - Planning The Agency Offer (NSVP) 38:41 - Creating An Agency Website Using GoHighLevel 1:03:47 - Episode 1 Progress Review 1:04:15 - Episode 2 Teaser ________________________________________________ Follow me on other platforms: IG, FB & TikTok @jordanplatten 

PART - 2

Live SMMA Lead Generation & Outreach (FULL Walkthrough)


okay let's do it episode two of starting an agency from scratch I don't know if I've named the agency series by now but yeah I'm starting an agency from scratch if you didn't watch episode one I want to prove to you guys that it doesn't take a long time for you to sign up your first client I'm literally documenting the entire process of getting your first smma client in fact let me dive into what we have done so far if you haven't yet watched episode one go and watch it because what we did is we laid all the foundations we chose a niche we established ICP which is the ideal customer profile the exact kind of customer we want to reach out to we decided on our smma service and our offer our agency name and we also used AI chat gbt as much as possible to get rid of all the time consuming tasks we created a logo and created a website and I did all of this in one day in one video as well so today what we're doing is we're getting clients so we're going to be going through lead generation I need to build a lead list of all the companies that we're going to reach out to we're going to build out an Outreach strategy I don't yet know whether we're going to be doing emails call calls and DMS probably a mix of these things and that's going to really tie us in for today I mean there's quite a lot we're going to do all the lead generation and our first batch of Outreach set a couple of meetings hopefully and then record those meetings for the next step next video and hopefully sign up a client and then we're going to move on to delivering results and boarding a client developing an offer for them establishing their ICP building a marketing plan for them launching their ads and getting them some incredible results nothing like this has been done on YouTube before I want to put my money where my mouth is and show you guys exactly what it takes to actually go and out there and sign your first client I'm not leveraging any assets that I've developed from building a multi-seven figure agency over the years and helping over 2 500 people start their agencies I'm not using any of those assets I'm doing this as if I was one of you guys coming fresh into this industry so let me show you what we've got going on so far this is what we've created agency name is Renault reach okay we're playing off the renovation we're going for the Home Improvement industry okay so Renault being renovation abbreviated reach being marketing obviously I'm going this tagline your Renault our reach a lot of this has come up by a chat GPT you should go watch the process if you haven't it was pretty cool we're going to be location Norwich Norfolk in the UK this is where I live I always recommend new site agency owners to be reaching out to local businesses to start off with and of course I'm not going to break that rule service wise we're going to be going for meta ad this is going to be a lead gen service okay we're going to be generating leads maybe a bit of appointments setting for the home improvements in these Niche so our ICP which is our ideal I'll write this down so you know that for reference ideal customer profile company size one to ten employees so we're going for the smaller end of the business we don't know you're going for the big ones just yet we're starting out Revenue wise anything from 20K plus per month even 10K plus per month to be honest it'll be relatively suitable so yeah 10 20K per month decision maker is going to be owner founder MD their pain points is going to be high quality lead flow where they've got budget as well they need to be people that are quote ready people that can actually afford their services so we're talking about kind of kitchen and bathrooms Home Improvements we're talking about solar we're talking about landscapers all these businesses that come under Home Improvements another pain point is content creation they don't have the time they're very busy you've got mastering their craft actually doing the work they're not thinking about taking photos for social media branding and website reputation reviews business goals delivering a good service making money obviously and some of the bottlenecks or that they're relatively Tech phobic industry I don't know what it's like in the rest of the world but certainly in the UK the Home Improvements industry is one that is yet to be digitalized as per say many of these businesses don't even have a websites so they are techphobic and that might be an issue when it comes to actually running ads I have no clue how these guys are going to react to this lots of one-man bands around as well so I imagine when we're doing our Outreach we're going to have to we're going to be doing a lot of qualification and speaking to people that can't necessarily afford our service or we need to go through some mental barriers and help them think about expanding the business potentially and also understaffed there's an employment crisis in the UK when it comes to labor at the moment and yeah they're at a shortage so I wonder whether this will be an issue offer will bone out is we simplify growth for home improvement companies by sourcing quote-ready leads with no heavy lifting required get 10 qualified leads within 30 days or you don't pay so we've got a direct risk reversal in there as well and then we've got some of the copy that we've written for our website in fact I'll show you the website this is what we've got simple landing page simple opt-in page effortless business growth we generate quote ready Home Improvement leads for you no heavy lifting required so we're playing off all these kind of different old copywriting and attachment ntp hell I can't get my words out we're playing on Words based on their industry whatever get more leads is the call to action bus and they press that it brings up the pop-up get 10 quote ready leads within 30 days or you don't pay quick who are we our process again call to action with the order for with the booking form there and then we've just got a couple of credibility icons at the bottom of the page let's jump straight into this lesson and what we're going to do is we're going to carry on the same soup and we'll be marking these off as we are working on them so lead generation I suppose the first thing we need to do is know what leads we're actually going to be reaching out to because Home Improvement Niche is pretty Broad and I'm pretty sure we haven't already identified a sub Niche you know we haven't so I need to identify a sub Niche really and to do that I'm going to actually use chat GPT to help us out here you give me some sub niches Within Home Improvements okay my gut tells me like things like kitchen and bathroom showrooms would be a good one to go on kitchen renovations there you go bathroom there you go basement finishing is not something we have in the UK Outdoor Living improving so kind of landscapers I think Landscaping could be a good one at the moment it's like it's we've just hit Summer today is the first day of summer in the UK yeah Landscaping is going to be a good one as well flooring Roofing so I think like what we're probably going to do and I'll write this that we'll keep this all on here initial sub Niche we're gonna do kitchen and bathroom Fitters landscapers this will give us enough for what we're going to be doing for the purpose of this series but let's put flooring down as well we can do solo as well so this will be enough for us to go on I'd recommend picking free sub niches anyway when you're first starting out so you've got your overall Niche which might be health and then within that you've got personal trainers you might have acupuncture you might have private healthcare hospitals whatever but you want to pick some sub niches and don't just want to be going completely broad straight away so we've got our three here kitchen and bathroom Fitters landscapers and solar most obvious place to go is Google Maps Google is our friend it's the easiest place to find leads so if we go I'm just gonna do kitchens as the keyword kitchens Norwich so we've got kitchen shops kitchen renovator cool there's quite a lot of these some of these are going to be corporate companies so I'm looking at these I'm recognizing some of these names like howdens I'm pretty sure this is a a corporate company let's have a look at this howden's knowledge so like you see this is like a multi location finder Depot so this isn't going to be suitable for something like the annex these guys definitely would be suitable handmade kitchens Norfolk this is the kind of the perfect kind of client that we want to be reaching out to right now now we can go through this list and manually take the data put it in a lead list and that's what many people do but I'm on a time limit here and I want this to be as time effective as possible so we're going to do is we're going to use software so I already have a tool called Data scraper installed actually it should be called Data Miner is that my data Miner yeah data mine okay date scraper is the add-on I recommend you checking this out it gives you the ability to scrape data from any website basically so we're going to do is going to select a recipe well I don't have the time to do is show you how to set up datamine and right now that's take away from the rest of this video but you can go watch a video on YouTube about it if we do Advanced scrape let's have a look at this and we're going to do next page automation which means it's going to go through all the pages and we're going to do scrape 10 pages so it's actually scraped four pages there's four pages kitchen and bathroom showrooms in Norwich and we've got 37 rows there's 37 different companies we're going to hit download and we're going to do this as a CSV file and what I'm going to do is go over to Google Sheets and create a new lead list so it's just going to act as our lead database okay so info we're going to have we're going to do contact name because we need a business owners detail it's going to do business name website phone number email we'll do that for now there'll be things that we're going to want to add to this location and let's do SUB niche as well and if we go file and we import that CSV that we just downloaded what information is this scraped I'm not we haven't got all the information that I want here let's go over to data scraper again let's just check okay it's actually only taking the rating reviews category it's not giving me the website find a different one and this is what I want we've got the website now I've got a phone number address and so on and we're going to do this one manually so it's actually 77 companies that are coming up and if I import that okay it's more like it okay what I'm then going to then do is do bathroom Fitters Norwich as well now a lot of leads companies will there will be some of these which will be cross over which is absolutely fine we can do a duplicate search on Google Sheets to get rid of those so to take those in fact I'm gonna start the bathroom thing off um no we will do the bathroom Okay cool so now we have just scraped 164 companies from Google Maps under five minutes but somebody's going to be duplicate so I want to run a duplicate check on here so uh if we do find data data cleanup remove duplicates data has a row has a header row and if we do that 32 duplicates get rid sweet so now there are no duplicates on this so it's 132 companies I'm not even going to bother with landscapers at this stage because this is more than enough for us for it this is going to get whittled down even more we need to find business owners details now it's gonna be more than enough for this task at hand here but I'd always recommend you getting around 100 leads before you start doing Outreach get a good hundred leads on your database but we actually want to take these companies what I'm now going to do is going to manually go through each of these and just get rid of the ones which aren't suitable and then we can assess whether or not we want to have landscapers on this list so if you open up from open up all these websites dream doors this looks like a large company so this Hawthorn this looks like a local business let's have a look this is a local company they're a good lead cool I keep them on dream doors get in touch of our showrooms see like this is a this is a big company yeah different showrooms so I'm going to get rid of them and in fact you can just kind of work through this list if you just hold down command if you're on Mac open up that website open up this one and so on and just smash through them I know I can get rid of howden's Hawthorn's already on there nvks up there gonna get rid of this one supreme bathroom and kitchen Center shout out this is one of my first ever clients I think like my third client when I first started my agency five years ago and sometimes you've got companies like this that judging by the website are pretty small they've actually look into these guys a little bit I've got one Google review yeah it's a pretty small company so these guys aren't going to be suitable tell you what I forget how laborious manual lead generation is it's a slog usually what I would do in this situation like well obviously like now in our agency we just have a lead generation team and they just will go and do this themselves like when you're first starting out you're gonna have to go and manually filter through this information like just basically getting rid of any company that you think is too small it's potentially unsuitable and you don't want to be too strict with this because like you can if anything like you can just practice your cold calling and so on uh when you're actually speaking to people but like for example this website here website designed on Wix like it's a Hotmail email address it's got a mobile number there great mobile number but this person isn't going to be making 10K a month like this there's no chance so in this instance it would like get rid of that but yeah it's a it's time consuming but I'm going to get through all of these and then we're going to go to finding the business owners details I mean look at this like what is this website look at this for a web development agency should be calling up these companies booking in meetings and selling these people it doesn't have to be a high cost package even some of these businesses are making a low amount of Revenue just do a quick 1K landing page templatize it sell it to a bunch of these people like you'll clean up there's so many of these bad websites here and you only need to compare them to one of their competitors who's got a really nice website for them to see the value in it yeah Norwich based agencies what are you doing Okay so we've actually now just whittled that list down to 35 leads 35 companies and this is still haven't we still haven't found business owners details so and that has moved me being extra picky mainly because I don't want to waste time on this um on this day doing this Outreach recording this video some of you guys will want to keep other companies on there that maybe don't look suitable on face value but it's worth you just testing them out so if anything else you're just getting practice on your cold calls right all of that experience is a valuable experience when you're first starting out but for me I'm being extra fussy here because I want to I want to have valuable use of this time scene as we're condensing it all down into one day right so we still have enough leads on here to get us going for today generally I'd advise you having over 100 leads on your list so in your case you would go and continue building a sale and what I want to do is now find the business owners details the quickest way I'm going to do this is using a tool called snob.io to actually identify the business owner's name if they're on LinkedIn and so on and not all the people will be able to find this way some of them will have to do manually whenever I log in I'll show you how we do this so if we go over to on the left hand side and we're going to do domain search and it's going to be bulk domain search actually we're going to import from a list so it might export this where we are download CSV and then go bulk domain choose and the domain list is website and we want to find prospects let's collect up to three prospects per domain we're going to leave this all open I don't want to I don't want to put any criteria on there just to see what company what people that can be found okay so we found eight prospects here no results with 30 other domains that's fine let's see the list so I say let's create a new list actually okay what do we got we found some direct email addresses here which is ideal so let's just open this up and I'll put this on the left and then we can put in this information so so this is actually a lot less lead than I would have liked it to find this is only eight companies business owners details but that being said as we we've already established that this is an industry that isn't very tech savvy these people aren't on LinkedIn which is why we haven't found them on Snap which is fine some of the niches you guys will be going for you'll be able to find so many more business owners details but I think Home Improvements will be a good Niche for us to do with this so we're going to crack on uh what I will have to do though it's gonna have to manually find the business owner's details on these websites and I'll show you doing that it's gonna set us back a little bit time wise again well this is a good indicator of though for the people that we have found is that these companies in particular will be larger companies potentially on the list because these people are on LinkedIn okay they're already a little bit more aware of social strategies so I'm going to highlight these on the spreadsheet when I'm done and notify that these are really going to be the ones I'm going to call at first so for the rest of these what we've got to do is good old-fashioned lead generation so open up a website Route Around okay about establish there we go more to see email address this company so we've got info see if we can find a direct email so snov.io have an email finder Google Chrome extension no it's not about anything else so if there is one kind of easy to find on the internet it's not we'll pick it up but we'll just go for the info out generally not ideal but again it depends on the industry like really depends on the industry that you're working with if it's an industry which is digitalized then you're going to find a lot more direct email addresses so for this one I can't find a business owner's name so if we just go over to Google and for the business name owners Norfolk Custom Kitchens Norfolk kitchens limited is that the same company Norfolk kitchen's dissolved you know hopefully not no but I've just found a mobile number have we already got a mobile number we do have a mobile number okay maybe if I do call this mobile number I might be able to find someone what we can do is look at reviews as well have a little look if certain names have been mentioned time and time again yeah you did what you got invited to your first Art Gallery exhibition did you yeah yeah well where is it artique galleries yeah champagne oh yeah and I can bring as many guests alike first one officially grown up are you gonna bring no why no you should go with rose I'm slogging through lead generation right now oh no no it's not ideal I was hoping that I'd be able to automatically find loads of business owners details using software but it's such an old industry that I just can't find like snob that I but I'm just insert I mean I have to uh I'm basically manually going through it all which is fine as it is I had 75 leads I'm now down to 36 who are actually suitable and I'm just going to try and find all the details for these these guys basically but I'm probably only going to call through 20 companies or so in a couple of hours so you can see you can find business owners uh details just by using like this email finder I didn't know that one I've always used um yeah email haunted is the same thing oh really no why not it Just often like comes up with new often comes up without finding that yeah because it can only it can only find one it can yeah yeah yeah you know like it can it can only find what is available out there that's why it's good then using this will do pretty much you he can always find everything so what lead gen guy oh yes fine yeah but I'm not allowed to use my hair okay yeah I'm coming tomorrow [Laughter] looks like some of these interestingly haven't been found on snow but actually do exist it's because the company name presumably is somewhat different concept bathrooms and kitchens limited and then we have contact bathroom and kitchens and there's just cements how important it is to do manual Outreach at the start as well uh manual lead gen because you're going to miss out you would have missed out if you just relied on software you'd have missed out in fact you would have missed out on all these leads you're trying to do a home improvement in agency like I am now in Norwich you're just relying on software because you're lazy then you wouldn't get any of these leads it's so important that especially in the initial stages and ongoing you're paying someone to do this or you're doing it yourself that you do go through manual Lead Gym because you just miss out on a lot of money and a lot of opportunity well I met with a decision like this like do I want to go sales at or admin at email and we can't find a business owner's direct email I'm always going to go for sales sales is going to be the email it's going to be most likely to be open it's the one they're going to take the most serious over admin is just going to be it's just gonna get lost in there hello there welcome to Jordan Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares today we're going to be making turkey mint Alan Nando sauce with scrambled eggs on the side where's the lamb sauce come on man what a function mean where's the lamb sauce so I've started what I would call a keto Carnival diet for like half the day I avoid carbs all together until like dinner so normally what I would have is like a portion of ground minced beef or like a burger with no bun I'm doing lean turkey mince this week I'm trying it out I think it's okay like it's nothing like ground beef and then I'm having to add like sauce to the turkey Min to give it some flavor the ground beef normally I'll just have that straight up maybe a tiny bit of soy sauce put it through it and then I'll usually have like free scrambled eggs as well for extra protein but today I've only got one egg it can't be asked to go down to the shops I'm just gonna put a fried egg over top but I find being in the absence of carbs and using my energy sources is fat I have so little brain fog in my day and it's just been an absolute game chamber to change it for me and I've completely got rid of those those afternoon slumps that you have like mid-afternoon feeling like you need a nap or just getting brain fog like 2 3 P.M so for any of you that are feeling that I'd recommend you avoiding carbs all together breakfast and lunch been amazing for me foreign this is the latest Bonsai in my collection this is a Japanese Juniper to take a second to appreciate how incredible this tree is it's 60 years old spent 40 of us years in Japan it's been watered every single day to keep it looking like this for me Bonsai is the ultimate symbol of discipline and it reflects business in so many ways you've got to make sure your foundations are there you've got to be sure that you're selling daily you're watering every single day if not the business will die you have to groom it and prune it and look after your service delivery look after your clients most people can't keep a plant alive for six days they'll learn 60 years and so for me this is that daily reminder of discipline it's consistency over time that creates a successful business you can't hack your way there and if you can then it won't last okay let's do this where were we so Lee Jen's out of the way thank God uh let's move on to building the Outreach strategy so um as a new start agency there are there are three main ways that we can tackle this and we can do this through AI tools automation different platforms and DMS we can send messages on Instagram on LinkedIn are the most popular followed by places like Facebook and then alternative platforms like Pinterest Twitter if you're an Ecom and then even Tick Tock you can do DMS on now we're definitely going to be doing cold calls this is without the easiest way the quickest way to get meetings when you're first starting out we're on limited time so I want to make sure that we get some meetings booked in it's also the scariest Outreach strategy but it's a necessary evil it puts you in a place of discomfort which is going to force you into learning something new and it's going to make you a better business owner all around now I haven't made cold calls in months so probably going to be a little bit Rusty it'll be a humbly experience in itself but I want you to see that emails bread and butter absolutely non-negotiable anyone can send the email so it's just a baseline strategy it's not one you should rely on there's your fan that is your only strategy but it's a baseline strategy so we'll definitely be doing that and I think I'm probably going to avoid DMS I'll explain why uh so I've got a personal brand obviously and we have to pay intellectual property lawyers on retainer for the amount of fake accounts that we have popping up every single day so if I make a fake account I've got to put content on there it's probably going to get taken down by the IP lawyers anyway and plus it's going to create a confusing message for anybody it doesn't know I'm promoting this series joint by the fact that it's an unfair Advantage if I send a DM to someone they Google my name they're going to know who I am I'm based on whatever social media platforms they're going to be more likely to have a meeting with me and kind of it's counter-intuitive to the point I'm doing this series in the first place so we're going to stick with just cold calls and emails and I would expect from what have we got on our lead list 30 leads anything from one to three meetings depending on the conversion rate and I reckon we can do that just from cold calls so hopefully emails can bolster up those numbers as well so let's jump into this build the Outreach strategy the first thing we actually need to do for this is have some scripts so if I'm gonna there I'm gonna get rid of direct messages um so we're going to do cold calls we're going to do emails first of all I'm going to write a cold calling script and then we'll do the cold calls get the cold calls out of the way first of all it's not a fun task so if you put it off till the afternoon you're not going to do it so you have to get it out of the way first of all so I'm going to do this first I'm gonna write the Cocoon script do some cold calls and then we'll do the email script and send some emails so let's focus on this first now I'm gonna get up the notion board again now I actually if you haven't seen already recorded a live cold calling video on YouTube where I called on behalf of one of our students in the affluent Academy who won a competition and then we secured a couple of meetings for him in 20 dials I wrote a cold calling script for that so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna find that script and we're going to build it off the back of that I'm just going to copy this and put it in our workplace create a new page at the bottom here paste that in so this is the script that I wrote for Mo and he was targeting aesthetic clinics in the UK with an offer of 15 new qualified appointments booked in or you don't pay we've got the script format here so what I'm actually going to do is just go ahead and call in script this is within Renault reach and change the information on screen and we'll work through this now so the niche is obviously Home Improvements the offer is going to be five new uh five quote ready uh lead within 30 days or you don't pay service is going to be Facebook lead gen ads plus appointment setting is actually the same and the agency is going to be run over each okay so start off with some gatekeeper objections a gatekeeper is the person that picks up the phone that isn't the business owner but is the receptionist or something like that we want to get past them and so it's always good to have some prompts that you can quick fire on especially if you haven't called called it ever or in a while you need to refresh your memory with things to come back from so if someone says where you're calling from I'm just going to say Norwich okay I'm not going to say Renault reach okay we want to be as vague as possible generally with Gatekeepers want to be as big as possibly you know we probably actually haven't got time to go through some proper training right now so I'd recommend I'll maybe put some links in the description and you can go through and watch previous videos that I put out around cold calling because if not I'm not going to be able to get all this done today so what company I'm not going from a company what is it regarding getting you guys five more quote ready leads over the next month or so uh can I take a message no not this time the things I would like to discuss are a little complex to leave in a message Maybe you could help me when would be a good time for me to reach the name it's business owner's name for literally two minutes so we're always diffusing that's kind of a message of a gatekeeper like whatever question they're asking we're kind of batting it off and just saying oh trying to get further information when can I call them back do you have an email address do you have a phone number and so on can you send an email honestly there's some pretty time sensitive I'm only looking for one in the Norwich area so I'd rather call back later if there's a better time this is kind of counter-intuitive to this one I'm gonna add another one in here name Audi that's one that's all good is that a better time to take this maybe you could help me okay to the script I is it name I'm speaking to we always want to make sure that we're getting hold of the right person this is the business owner we're speaking to we don't want to be handed off to someone else who isn't who can't make decisions Jordan here I know you're busy so I'll be quick diffuse them straight away I do have a script video on YouTube where I go for this a lot more detail go and watch it um but yeah we want to defuse them so they don't they're disarmed could you handle another five quote ready leads right now it was a negative response look okay before you hang up I'm not trying to sell you anything right now I just want to arrange a time where we can have a quick 50 minute eating get past this awkward cold call stage and I can share some ideas with you no obligations if you like you can take my ideas and Implement them yourself so the psychology behind this is we're like look just give me a minute I'm not trying to say anything right now I just want a little bit of your time there's no obligations I can share some ideas of you so we're hooking them in on the fact that they're going to get some free information from us we're not going to try and sell to them and we're just really trying to defuse them it's all you want to do you don't ever want to come across aggressive on a cold call is that positive awesome I hope Home Improvement businesses get more clients booked in get more quote ready leads without having to do things themselves and generate the leads then call them on your behalf to make sure they're ready for a quote contact them on your behalf to make sure they're ready for a quote I'm so confident this will work for you if I don't get you clients you wouldn't have to pay me anything would that be worth a quick chat I'm so confident to work with you I'm going to make that shorter and if I don't get you at least five quote ready leads you wouldn't have to pay me anything would that be worth a quick chat to you so this is what I call an elevator pitch it's basically if you're an elevator with someone you need to sell your service to them quick and tell them exactly what you do this is the statement and you want to have it as short as humanly possible on a cold call I hope I'm improving businesses get more quote ready leads about demand to do anything extra themselves so I generate the leads for you I then contact them on your behalf to make sure they're quite ready for a quote and if I don't get you at least five quote ready leads you wouldn't have to pay me anything would that be worth a quick chat to you okay simple don't copy and paste this by the way guys you need to write in your own tonality and just understand the psychology behind what you're saying so we use a combination of paid ads to generate the leads and then we manually engage in conversation and we book in the appointment on your half that's what we're going to do and manually engaging conversation to make sure they're not time wasters okay because that's what they're gonna be that's why we're doing the quote ready thing I'm tired and then we hand them off to you I'd love to run through all of it in more detail if you haven't got 15 minutes free early next next week or over the next couple of days so we're just again being as vague as possible it's a very top level understanding and then we're just trying to push into a meeting never get pressured into pitching on the phone never get pressured into going through the price when we do the cold calls I'm not going to put any ejection handling on here when we do the cold calls you'll hear some injection handling people will push back people might not be happy you might make a few mistakes we'll see and then you'll get a better idea of how I can actually secure meetings off the back of people rejecting but you want a baseline script on screen and what I'm going to do is I'm just going to take this script and I'm going to put it over I've got I don't know if you've already seen one of my monitors is not working today and everyone's coming tomorrow I've got a small portable monitor on my desk so I got a dual screen set up one screen's going to have the leads on screen next one is going to have the script so I can revert to the script if I want to but then also just smash through the dials on the other screen a lot of people ask what cool software we recommend now at affluent.com we use just cool it's because we've got a team of people that have been dials all the time and so it's really great for Data Tracking and also at looking at call recordings and so on automatically I'm going to use this on a mobile app so it won't show my mobile phone number people won't get a hold of that when you're first starting out though you can just use your mobile phone number people will have access to it though obviously you could also use Skype call as well and even go high level as functionality to make calls too so the last thing I'm going to do and I always recommend doing is getting your head straight before you start cold calling plug in your headphones do a quick meditation clear your mind from all the stuff that's already happened in the day's been a long day as it is doing all the lead generation and recording videos takes out of you as it is so I need to get my head straight I'm gonna do this meditation and we're going to start smashing the phones thank you [Music] [Music] you've reached thank you for your call we are currently unavailable but if you can leave your name and number we'll get back okay so no lumps on that one need to add a note section on this database so I can add notes to go along the mark That's orange and put no answer in fact I'm just gonna double dial it's always good to double dial morning could you pop me through please um I'm afraid um he's not actually in the building can I ask who's calling oh that's all right no worries um is is he in dis at all today can I ask who's calling yes my name is Jordan [Music] [Applause] no it's absolutely fine so it's a little bit time sensitive though um I wondered if there's a better way that I could reach him [Music] yeah yeah he got it he got an email from me yesterday it's okay um it's normally due in the Norwich office or is he normally based in this uh he's actually um in this but then he could actually be on site so fine um it depends on his calendar dates really okay um he says yes he could be on site um with customers not a problem no it's absolutely fine he's got an email from me anyway um but would you say it's worth calling up this or or would that be a waste of time if he's out today no that's no problem that's all right I'll try I'll try later in a week I don't appreciate your time okay take care bye a little bit Rusty for the first call just wanna generally you're just kind of a boy did I want to leave a message I don't want to give them kind of many information about or give them any fuel to then not let me through in the future so I'm gonna update the notes it's what it's always worth double dialing so I'm adding these notes but I'm not going to be calling back because I want to get a meeting out of these calls today okay let's move straight on to the rest I'm going to add notes as if I was one of you guys though doing this okay because I've only got one day about reach here for this series uh but you guys would want to call them call back okay you don't just quit now you know it's not in the office please note that all our calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes please hold on one of the team will be with you shortly morning could you pop your food please how you doing my name is Jordan I know you're busy so I'll be quick I just wonder whether you guys could handle another five quotes at the moment I wonder if you guys could handle another five or so quote requests over the next month uh four what sorry what it is is I run a business called Renault reach where I help Kitchener bathroom showrooms get more quote requests in and I'd get all the leads for you I then make sure they're quote ready and qualify them there's no risk to yourself if I don't generate you at least five to ten in a month you wouldn't pay me absolutely anything so I just wanted to see if that would be worth a chat to you okay uh I just got your name online from your website I'm pretty sure it's on your about page that's all right that's what it looks like it's not absolutely the owner of the business I have no clue why um ideas and we're lucky enough to have a really good reputation we don't really need any more business income income um we're quite lucky in that respect I suppose even though obviously the market is quite challenging in the minute we're still getting enough inquiries and enough turnover that um to not really warrant any additional yeah obviously if anything changed going forward then there's no harm in you send them some details across to the inbox so we've got company on record so that you know yeah that's that's not a problem at all like maybe you just help me just for one moment now I just want to understand um a little bit about oh have I lost you oh I must have excellent I don't know why accidentally hung up but they hang up okay fine uh well crucial error there is we didn't speak to the right person okay so I spoke to who is actually just a kitchen consultant so it's not the right person at all actual content I need to speak to us I'm not going to give up on this one I would generally recommend calling up again please my name is Jordan I know you're busy so I'll be really quick I just wanted to know whether you guys could handle another five or so quote requests in the next month really now we come you're that busy huh yeah well look I own a local business in Norwich called Renault reach we help a kitchen and bathroom showrooms get more quotes in you don't have to do anything extra yourself I generate the leads for you I then make sure they're quote ready so they're not going to waste your time and we're so confident that this works we put a guarantee on it so you wouldn't pay us unless you actually got those results [Music] always interested in the to see how people can produce leads yeah and obviously do it yeah no give me a phone call back next week but I've got them okay let me let me let me pencil A Time In to speak to you next week um that's better what what time what time will work for you would next Thursday work for you okay what time would be best [Music] oh in the morning make it the afternoon okay no problem should I say about 2PM okay no problem I'm gonna send you an email just just confirming that um what's the best email address for me to reach you on awesome okay I looked forward to speaking to you next Thursday take care cheers bye-bye first meeting down on the third call um now this is one thing this is something that I imagine we're gonna have we'll run into issues with potentially with people considering the last Cup last call as well people are pretty busy in this area when it comes to Home Improvements but they're always open to new opportunity and this is the thing I'm quite open to having this conversation or I'm prepared to have the conversation on business expansion I've found this before when I first started my agency sometimes when you speak to a company that isn't right in the right frame of mind to actually expand they need to just have a conversation with someone to realize how much opportunity is out there on social by running ads through lead generation for them to really reignite that burning hunger inside them to want to then grow and expand further so we've got our first meeting booked in next Thursday 2 p.m let's go please speaking oh hi my name is Jordan I know you're busy so I'll be really quick I just wondered whether you guys could handle another five quote requests at the minute okay okay so and so I help um I own a company called Renault reach I'm in local in Norwich actually and I helped the kitchen and bathroom showrooms get more qualified leads every month I generate them for you and then I also make sure that they're quote ready so they're not going to waste your time and I'm so confident that I can get you results so if I wasn't to you wouldn't have to pay me absolutely anything would that be worth a chat to you okay amazing um You probably would have been speaking rather than it's quiet yeah at the moment yeah fine yeah I've had a few conversations and heard the same so look I would I would love to book in another time with you that we can have a proper conversation I don't know if you've got any available tomorrow dude okay I could do early next week if that works better for you maybe Tuesday or Wednesday what whatever works for you I'm pretty open either Tuesday or Wednesday or 4 30 or 5. why don't we go for 9am on Wednesday Wednesday yeah yes perfect okay great lot I'm going to send you an email just to confirm that I've got but is that the best one for me to reach one or is there a direct one no that's that would be the one that comes through that comes through to everything okay okay great no words well I'll send you over a quick invite and you've got any questions in the meantime feel free to respond but if not have a lovely weekend and I'll speak to you next week perfect cheers take care thanks cool there you go got another one so that's a really interesting one so there's a polarizing conversation there Jonathan's like well I don't know if you've heard but it's quite quiet at the moment which is the complete opposite to the call I just had when they said they're really busy but you want to roll with it yeah I'll actually have heard that my pitch was super Rusty actually because it's Hawthorne kitchens and I said kitchen and bathrooms and they'll actually throw me off it's always the first like this is the first time I've called since the last cold calling video I did a few months ago and the first like three to five cold calls are always Rusty I've done over a hundred thousand cold calls easily over the years in Boiler Room cool rooms settings and so on the first five calls are always super Rusty but there are two meetings in five calls unreal but hi is that hi my name is Jordan I know you're busy so I'll be really quick I just wondered whether you guys could handle another five or so quote requests at the minute that's all right um can you guys hand to another five quote requests at the minute okay um no I mean I I help yeah so I mean I own a company called Renault reach I'm based in Norwich I help renovation companies and Home Improvements businesses get more quotes without them having to do anything themselves I basically generate the leads for you and then I make sure that they're not going to waste your time and that they're quote ready so I'll speak to them first and if I wasn't to generate you at least five quotes over the next 30 days understand you're busy at the moment but maybe you can book them into for the future then you wouldn't have to pay me anything I would [Music] oh yeah I get the information I've caught you uh caught you off guard I presume you're on the job at the moment aren't you fine fine my apologies I I found your number online I thought it'd be worth giving you a call look I don't want to take your time now I I think it would be best if I don't know if you've got time maybe tomorrow or next early next week and we can book in another time and I can run you through things in a bit more detail yeah why not okay fine does tomorrow work okay for you have you got any availability tomorrow when would be best for you um I would say half hour max probably 15 20 minutes realistically though okay fine no worries uh how about should we say 3 P.M tomorrow I don't know what your schedule is like yeah okay fine well I'll be sat down at my desk so I want to make sure I call you at a specific time so if I if I send a notification over that I'll call at 3 P.M will you be able to make that okay brilliant all right Fantastic look forward to speaking to you tomorrow if you've got any questions in the meantime send me over a message but I appreciate your time my name's Jordan take care thanks bye okay boys hello hi my food yes vegan hi Jordan here I know you're busy so I'll be really quick um I just wondered whether you guys can handle another five quote requests at the minute but I I own a company in Norwich called Renault reach I help Home Improvements businesses get more clients in I generate the leads for you and then I make sure they're quote ready so they won't waste your time and we're so confident this will work that if you didn't and we didn't get your leads you wouldn't have to pay us anything I don't know um I'm obviously in someone's house feet in a kitchen so it's not really easy to talk right fine I understand them completely completely understand is there a better time I can call you back okay can you send me some information about your company and who you are first and then I can have a look at it yeah I'll send you a quick email and over that you'll have a a link to my website um and you can see a little bit about us but I'll give you a call on Friday regardless would it be better in the afternoon say 4 P.M or so well not 4pm I might be in the pub Point yeah okay no problem at all yeah all right I'll send you an email then I'll call you at two on Friday take care cheers bye-bye this is a lot easier than I thought it would be why has nobody already done this that's what I want to know of all the people I preached to online in my local area people have meat out and I'm like oh I start an agency Home Improvements industry would be good bang six calls four meetings what's your ratio like and these are Rusty cools this is not my best work it doesn't need to be afternoon can I speak please I know that's all right it's a little bit of a complex of a topic um is there a better time to call back is he in later today I'm not sure what time you'll be back can I get to give you a call no that's all right there's no words at all I'll tell you what I'll do because I'm out the office or the rest of the day I'll give a call tomorrow Jordan from Renault reach okay all right no worries take care have a good one bye hi did you pop your food please hey not in the building today it'll be back in in the morning okay no worries um I'll give it a call tomorrow morning then okay take care bye-bye no worries my name is Jordan I just wanted is it a better time for me to call back it was just about whether you guys can handle another five quote requests at the minute until November mate to be honest okay no worries at all that's a good problem to have no worries you have a good one take care bye please say it again [Laughter] oh okay apologies cheers okay that was awkward just managed to call the same company twice uh they got two different companies two different names two different phone numbers same with dress though so it's the same business happens move on yeah hi my name is Jordan I know you're busy so I'll be really quick I just wonder whether you guys could handle another five or so quotes at the minute um no no it's the answer okay that's all right big good problem to have when are you booked until yeah okay fair enough I mean what about if I just give me 10 seconds I might be able to change your mind and well as in you you charge too little too much too much I mean that's definitely not a problem that I would have I'd be able to help you guys uh get some high ticket but look look just one 10 seconds of your time and then you can hang up but this might be worth your while now I I help Home Improvements businesses get more leads in and more customers and I generate the leads for you I then qualified them to make sure they're not time waste isn't their high quality enough and if I don't generate you at least five quotes in a month you don't have to pay me anything does that change your mind at all you would have at least five people that are ready for quotes that are that are interested in your services and that's another promise I always I always plan to over deliver of course um but yeah you would have interested policies well we would help you with the appointment setting side of things we'll be running paid ads from your for your business to generate leads so you would and from experience people don't normally raise their hand at interest if they're just going to waste your time so we we would hope that you'd close at least a few of those companies or those people sorry qualified leads then in theory yes we would we would get paid regardless but if I would want to work with you guys yeah I mean I would want to work with a company on a long-term basis as we do of all our customers so if you weren't happy then I wouldn't charge you for it on the basis of a longer relationship of course of course I I completely unders I completely understand that but I would like to think we'd be able to generate you enough interest for you to definitely get something completed what's the average value of a job for you guys 15K yeah I mean that's that's pretty standard for the for the things that we do so I mean look why don't we just have a conversation about this and if it's something that you want to explore then then great and if not at the very least you've all you've done is waste an hour of your time but you could have gained so much from it also a product you're looking at I mean is me Supply and fitting there per normal as I normally would yes so so basically what we would do is we would run ads on let's say Facebook and places like that and we would we would look for people that are interested in getting work done on their home at the moment would specialize in whatever your your Flagship service is so if you prefer doing kitchens and bathrooms you find the majority of people go for that then that's what we would go for we'd come up with an offer together and then we'd get people to raise their hand we'd have a quick chat from them from RN to make sure that they're actually interested is not going to waste your time hand them over to you and then you'd go out and do your quote as you usually would so just see it as a way of generating you more interest but we'd be running ads directly for your business it's not like some back door strategy somewhere somewhere conversation where if you don't win work we wouldn't charge you anything but you would be spending money on advertisement so you'd have to spend the money on the actual ads themselves that money wouldn't come to us but the likelihood of that happening based on experience is extremely low because there are so many people out there and especially in this area that aren't running ads at the moment and so it's a pretty it's a pretty blue ocean opportunity in your industry yeah Chef has the B and q's and all that trying to get me to get involved with them because I'm a limited company and all that stuff the way I run myself you know I'm not cheap yeah trying to be a bit cheap at the moment but the overheads don't go away so uh no no I completely yeah no completely understand is it are you are you a one-man band or is there is are you a team of people our best mate works for me and I get everyone else subbies plumbers electricians and plasterers are in but I do the majority of the work you see all the fit in all the time in all the floor and all the kitchen fitting fine fine should I just get in the other trades fine fine I I completely understand so so it'd be it would be a fair I mean creating gone wrong are you are you making more than 20 or 30k on a monthly basis at the moment or last year was slow and I turned 250. yeah fine okay yeah before was busier and it was exactly the same but I had probably eight weeks old for Christmas but to be honest with you I quite like I quite like a bit of time off yeah no I know I completely understand look like companies like B and Q and how you would have been approached in the past those companies there's you know big conglomerates they're going to generate a load of mass kind of leads that aren't interested in a specific business I'm not talking about doing now I'm a local Norwich guy I own a my company is called Renault reach right only work with Home Improvement businesses and we'd be running ads directly to your company so it's not like I'm selling you leads from some random other company like lots of people like B and Q do instead we'd be actually doing it directly for you completely understand if it's not something you want to explore I'm saying maybe we could just have a quick chat to see if it is something worth going further on and if not at the very least you might get a few ideas that you can run away with and go and do yourself lots and lots of Flyers lots of players supplies how much imagine and I got one job yeah doesn't mean that people are the market is a scared Mark at the moment because um investigating everything else it's changed I'm looking at loads of work but the return isn't great yeah no I I understand you're not going to make these people spend money you see you you can't personally you can't do that I can't no I can't make them spend money but I can hit them where people are buying and people are buying on and recognizing learning from companies on social media and that's what I can do and the thing is with Flyers is it's been done 20 times over by all of your competitors and that's why it doesn't get the results it used to get whereas social media especially in Norwich and Norfolk is really untapped in the Home Improvements industry people aren't doing it because generally speaking and correctly if I offend you most business owners no improvements industry aren't very tech savvy so they don't want to run ads on social media which is why we started our company yeah for people like me you know they just you know if something's not there when I start a kitchen on a Monday and if that's a two-week job on there for two weeks not there any longer he's got Hayden's kitchen so I know if something's wrong turned around that day the next day it doesn't have to stop or lose any time B and Q have issues already then I might go back in three weeks on the Wednesday after work so I can't let customer down there yeah me yeah that's not me I think right I've been doing a 54 now and I don't run around or everything you want to control me I could work weekends I don't you see what I'm saying yeah no I I absolutely understand um okay well maybe the time isn't right now but I appreciate your time and listen and hear me out anyway I obviously wish you all the best for the future and if anything changes I'll drop you an email over anyway so you've got my details yeah do that do that no worries you have a wonderful weekend a good end to your week take care thanks bye-bye so I know for a fact we could continue to push that and get a meeting with Andy but not big enough company it's himself and it's his brother I found that out about Midway through that's why I tried to do the financial qualification thing he's done about 250k in his year um but there are two people in this business and he's 54 years old and probably doesn't have the desire to grow the company any further hence why he's 54 years old and only has two people in the company so it's not worth exploring and we've already got a bunch of meetings so I don't really want to waste too much time on meeting some people that aren't going to convert foreign [Music] that's okay it was something I needed to speak to to her about is she back in later today okay no problem at all I'll give a call back this afternoon no it's absolutely fine I'll give a call back later okay take care have a good one bye good afternoon can I speak please um he's not here at the moment he's still not back disappointment he should be back at any point but he's not at the moment where he is that's all right I can give a quick call back this afternoon [Laughter] it is here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um well in theory um I would have assumed he'd been back by now but um he's obviously been delayed so um yeah what was your name please my name's my name's Jordan right yeah um I'll give him a call back this afternoon it's all good um but I've got his email as well so I'll just drop over an email and then I'll speak to him shortly no that's all right there's no worries at all that's absolutely fine perfect take care have a good one good morning please yes all right no worries is he back in tomorrow [Music] okay no why is it to us all right I'll try again on Friday all right take care you have a good one thanks bye good afternoon please um uh yeah my name is Jordan Renault reach yeah mellow Renault like renovation yeah that's it all right cheers [Applause] hi my name is Jordan I know you guys are probably out in the jobs so I'll be quick um I just wonder whether you guys could handle another five quotes at the minute sorry another five quotes or so at the minute no I wondered if you could handle another five quotes handle another five quotes yeah well that's a funny question is that what you're saying well well yeah but if you just give me 10 seconds before you hang up on me I might be able to change your opinion on it so I I hope Home Improvements businesses get more quote ready leads I generate the leads for you I make sure they are quote ready I'm based in the Norwich area and if I don't generate you at least five to ten then you wouldn't have to pay me anything leaves yeah so you could say to me you get me a lead but that could be like a yeah so so I I completely understand I I I've experienced it myself as well I found you guys on on trusted Trader but um the reason I say quote ready is because we do a bit of qualification on our end they actually speak to lead makes them not time waste so they actually have budget get an idea of the kind of project that they want as well before we even hand them off to you Well we'd reach out to them we'd run Facebook ads for you or on Instagram as well we generate leads directly for your business so not some high Professor cool company and then sell them to you so they know they're coming to you um already uh then we would reach out to them and have a conversation to pre-qualify them before they get put in your hand so they're not time wasters I'll take it you these leads would go to other other companies no no no so we we we're essentially an advertising agency we whilst we our focus is lead generation so we'd be running ads on your behalf for your company so there'll be some Facebook ads out just for you we're not going to sell these leads to anyone else this is just bespoke for you guys directly [Applause] well okay so I mean I've gotta go we've got a website company who puts she puts projects on blogs on this other yeah so any do that separately to yeah okay so how much it's gonna cost well it I mean it it really depends on the kind of position that you guys are in at the moment to be honest um so I'd like to have a conversation with you like uh just 15 20 minutes over the next couple of days so if you've got time then it would be great to have it just quick sit down over a either phone call or video call and I can just run you through things in more detail and at the very least you can hand things over to your web development guy and you can Implement things yourself if it's not a good fit for each other next week will be okay what's Wednesday morning like for you into the night has been three weeks away Wednesday night up sorry yeah ignore me yeah that's it uh yeah okay cool does 10 AM work for you yeah yeah that's okay cool what I'll do is I'm gonna send you over a just a quick email invite are you will you be around a computer to do a video call or would you prefer a phone yeah all right cool perfect my name's Jordan well a month you're saying well yeah I mean look I I'd rather under promise and over deliver every time so I mean I I say five to ten quote ready leads in a month but I would hope for a lot more than that um I I in this in the Norwich area the Norfolk area there's no not really any competition that are running ads actively on social media so I would hope for an awful lot more than that um but I'd rather under promise to you yeah okay [Music] um because we're a small family-round kitchen business right so when I do a lead depending on depending on the depending on what I believe the customers have wasting my time we normally so in charge to do designs and go out this that and the other okay we charge 150 quid it's not even really worth charging but just get through the time waiting so what I'm saying is I can spend half my well if you're saying five to ten leads potentially a month gospel believes I get it you know that's quite a lot isn't it that's um yeah which is a bit obviously but yeah I mean I mean well we could have a we could have a chat about what like the mechanics of how exactly you'd want them qualified you'll you'll know more than I will how to identify time wasters if we need to pull people in on like a on like a free consultation or so on in theory which is a phone call or something first but then charge them for the in-person quote then that's something that we could do so I mean there are many ways that we can make sure that people aren't going to waste time and as a company we're built not just to send you over leads and just leave you to it I'll make sure that we pre-qualify them as much okay cool at yes yes no obligation of course okay all right so I'll speak to you next Wednesday team Perfect all right I'll speak to you next Wednesday have a good weekend uh that's a good shout I mean I've got you I haven't I've got your info out but is there as well that goes direct to me yeah cool all right no ways at all I would send over an email then confirm perfect take care have a good one cheers cool interesting cooldown so um obviously learning some stuff about the industry so these guys are on Checker trade which is a industry directory and obviously getting a lot of leads from there but they're low quality they're not getting um they're not getting people that are actually going and buying they're getting some time wasters now I know why that it is as a marketer it's because it isn't isn't a direct ad something like a directory people just playing everybody off when you use a directory you are directly trying to find the cheapest alternative you're trying to find and you're playing people off each other which we're going to be running direct ads to this business on Facebook people who are filling a quote request it's a completely different buying Dynamic so why is that hi my name is Jordan I know you're busy so I'll be quick I just wondered whether you could handle another five quote requests at the minute sorry quote requests yeah and five new jobs at the minute I just wondered whether you could handle another five over the next month or so well look I mean I'll be really quick so I help Home Improvements companies in the Norfolk area get more clients in so I generate the leads for you and then I make sure they're quote ready so they're not time wasters and if I don't generate you at least five over the next 30 days then you wouldn't have to pay me anything would that be worth a quick chat fair enough amazing oh that's a good problem to have just just personal question do you do are you open and looking to grow the business at the minute you're actively looking for more team members and to expand or are you quite content on where you are oh that's my business I've got someone in the office full time doing with you and I do basically yeah and I got another girl who do all the accounts and then foreign [Music] let's say when you're fully booked at the moment what's the what's the bottleneck that stops you from taking on more work is it just staff and team like more people to actually do the jobs what's the what's the thing that stops you taking on more fine okay no that's great and so we're not you know really interested in bringing so-called Outsiders yeah we're all happy in what we do yeah no that makes perfect sense I appreciate your transparency mate yeah not interested if they 'll Be A Millionaire tonight yeah no that makes that makes perfect sense I appreciate you being honest all right there mate well thank you yeah we'll do I'll I'll call back in a couple of months no take care you have a good one cheers cool so there's a friendly chat but when it's used as an opportunity to just find out about bottlenecks out of many businesses about Medicare and very honest is himself doesn't want to grow the company any further right now so my name's Jordan I know you're busy so I'll be really quick I just wondered whether you guys could handle another five or so jobs at the moment uh no okay that busy for the Fitters we've got which isn't very many we're in our lead time everybody no not not a problem at all I appreciate your time okay okay take care thank you bye foreign do you know when he's back okay that's absolutely fine I'll call back in July yeah no worries take care thanks bye [Applause] how can I help afternoon could you pop me through please oh no worries is it back next week is he uh yes okay no worries I'll call back then all right take care thanks bye-bye okay so that is 22 dials in an hour and 20 minutes now that we've got five meetings booked in I'm pretty happy with that it's a good ratio typically I would say for you guys like it might be one or two meetings per 20 dials but just shows you how many opportunities you can get when you just pick up the phone and start doing some cold calls it was surprisingly easy to get hold of business owners in this industry which I kind of wasn't I don't know whether I was expecting that yeah I suppose I was expecting it considering the business owner often quotes out that isn't that typical as well but yeah that's a very successful hour darling people I got rid of a bunch of other people on the list as well just because I thought looking at the website again to be a little bit too small and on the basis of speaking to a few of these guys having small businesses I don't want to waste time on meeting some people that aren't going to convert so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to send an email twitch these people confirming the meeting at the time slot and inviting them with a calendar invite then I'm going to send some cold emails out to everybody else we didn't get a hold of on the phone right so that is cold calls Adler way successful session happy with that let's move on to emails okay what's the damn damage so we've got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven emails to send out from this list which is fine I'm actually gonna send them out to these are the people that we couldn't reach um for whatever reason but I'm also going to send them out to the people that are a hard no as well like they're too busy until November uh maybe not the one that's too small but if they're too busy I'm gonna still send an email just so they've got my details for the future so if they do change their mind they can come to me and what I'm going to do is first of all let's actually go ahead and write an email script so if we go back on notion and on Renault reach we'll follow the same premise here duplicate the cold cool script and do called email okay same rules apply now a simple format I'm gonna follow an email so we're going to do hey name personal compliment so some kind of personalization curiosity question which is going to be about uh offer and then we're gonna have CTA and signature so personalization will leave open for now typically speaking what we would do is we would look at a business's website and we'll see if we can comment on something I don't know what I'm gonna do for them yet but we'll do that in a moment when we actually come to writing an email and then we'll do it on the spot curiosity question could be similar to what we've said on the call call so if I could get you another five quote ready jobs in the next 30 days or you don't probably anything I'm confident I could get you another five quite ready jobs or you don't pay anything would you be against a quick call over the next few days to discuss no obligations you can Implement my ideas yourself if you like I always like to add this like no obligations make sure this isn't your tonality keep the system four most possible a kind regards nice keep it informal this industry is informal so you change the tonality for the industry but I'm gonna do have a great day Jordan managing director renaultreach.com cool because our website is optimized nicely it shows it from Norwich personalization plus location okay I'm gonna do a personalization and plus I'm gonna mention I'm from Norwich because it's going to be a nice Inn so this is a simple script we might adjust this as we start doing it um but this is a nice foundation for us to go on so the go back over to database now and send an email put that in generally speaking I want to keep your emails as short as possible just straight to the point come companies get emailed a lot every day by businesses what we would also do is put like a case study screenshot or something around here just to show that we've recently done this for somebody else obviously we don't have that just starting out I'm going to leave just do Jordan not Jordan platten you would normally do first name last name but I don't want people to search me and then I have an unfair Advantage okay so personalization wise let's take this first business and they weren't in the office to try later in the week so let's go on the website typically speaking we just want to find something that is going to be easy for us to mention so we could go on their reviews all pretty samey they don't have blogs in this industry but they are I imagine typically posting results quite often we want this to be something that we can kind of repeat throughout everybody so we're just kind of we're not just for one person mentioning a Blog for another person mentioning so let's open up their Instagram my gut tells me probably the right thing to do is mention one of the recent jobs that they've done because all these companies gonna have mentioned jobs so it should be a relatively quick process to go through each of these and mention one of these for example this shower is pretty cool and doesn't mention anything but I could mention it they only posted a week ago and it's going to be easy to mention this so I could say something like hey someone up on your Instagram today when looking at local bathroom companies in Norwich and love the brick wool shower you posted last week major bath memory on that one I own Renault reach a local lead generation Agency for Norfolk Home Improvement businesses based on what I've seen nbk so we're called nbk some have on your Instagram today and love the brick wall shower you posted last week major bath memory on that one okay so that's going to grab their attention I own Renault reach a local lead generation Agency for Norwich Home Improvement businesses based on what I've seen I only read to local lead gen agency okay hey some will look up on your Instagram today and love the brick wall shower you posted last week made your bathroom memory on that one I own Renault reach a local lead generation Agency for the Norfolk Home Improvement industry based on what I've I've seen of nbk I'm confident I can get you another five quote-ready jobs in the next 30 days or you wouldn't pay anything would you be against a quick call over the next few days to discuss no obligations you can Implement my ideas yourself if you like have a great day Jordan platten Mansion director Rena reach you could argue that you could move these two around based on the personalization I think it wouldn't flow well so if I say major bathroom Envy on that one based on what I've seen of MBK I'm confident I could get you so you could uh should we move them around and see what how that reads major bathroom menu on that one based on what I've seen of mvk I'm coming I can get you another five quote ready jobs next 30 days he wouldn't pay anything I ran a reach a local lead generation agent with the Norfolk Home Improvement industry would it be against a quick like a call over the next few days to discuss to discuss ideas to discuss okay cool now I'm happy with this so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this place the email in subject line I'm gonna do quick question for honestly I have tested out thousands of subject lines over the years and various sales jobs quick question for first name still works the best um correct me if you found anything better but this is Elite so I'm going to copy that email so it's easy for me to go again I'm going to hit send it's our first email done I'm going to go through and I'll start going through the rest of these companies now it's a lot quicker in theory know that we now that we know kind of how we're doing this first of all I wouldn't paste the email until afterwards because you might accidentally send it Atlantic okay let's do the same thing find an Instagram it's normally at the bottom okay or call that green kitchen is memorable 38 weeks ago though that's a long time ago 38 weeks ago Jesus okay well it's still memorable they need a social media Management Service for sure and love the green cabinets major kitchen and we all know love the green cabinets you've fitted major the dark what is it dark green yeah some of the four new Instagram today and loves the dark green Championship fit into major kitchen and be on that one based on what I've seen of Atlantic I'm confident I get you I own each okay you could mention some people would mention here that you tried to call them now this lead I missed this note actually says um said that they're busy from industry reputation so this is one of those where I'm basically just reaching out for the future I actually called up today and spoke to you've said explained that you guys are extremely busy at the moment great problem to have thought I would drop a drop a quick email over in case anything changes in the future or if you look to expand further stumble up on your Instagram today and love the dark green cabinets you fitted made your kitchen enemy on that one based on what I've seen of Atlantic I'm confident I can get you another five quote ready lead jobs uh in the next 30 days or you wouldn't pay anything I own when I reach a locally generation Agency for Norfolk Improvement industry I actually called up today and spoke to explain to you guys are extremely busy at the moment great problem to have glad to hear it thought I'd drop you a quick email and go simply jeans in the future or if you look to expand forever have a great day Jordan okay so we're keeping things amicable there we're planting that City for the future I wanted to actually use that subject line that's quite nice okay Instagram yellow walls that's pretty pretty good love the yellow walls late for it there and they're getting clean someone up on your Instagram today love the bedroom with a yellow walls you posted major bedroom Envy on that one based on what I've seen of angular bathrooms I can't get your number five I've got really wouldn't pay me anything I already reach a local lead generation Agency for that Improvement industry bloody bloody blah quick question four slap the email address in and send it you guys get the picture at this stage so I'm just going to carry on now to send in the rest of these out [Music] thank you okay all done so I've added two extra columns to the lead list track when I initially cold called when I initially sent an email now typically speaking if I was actually doing this for an agency I was looking to scale and I wanted to be as efficient as possible I'd be using a tool like instantly.ai or lemlist or gmas to automatically follow up on these emails okay but I wanted to keep things the most simplistic form at strict backs I'm not using any hacks tips or tricks or softwares on this series right now to just show you how simple it can be to actually sign up clients if you want all of those things have a look at our program or we have enough of you comment below I'll create videos on those systems and automations but for now we've send it all automatically it's also going to make sure that we've got the highest deliverability rate on our email as well typically you want to make sure you warm your emails for two weeks because we've only sent 20 or so emails we shouldn't have any issues with deliverability but if you're planning on sending 20 a day over the course of a couple of weeks you might fall into spam so you want to warm your email on a software like instantly or limb list to start off with with now another final thing that I've done whilst I just finished there is I created the pipeline on go high level for Renault reach and the pipeline is where we manage the different stages that a lead is in so when we initially Outreach and before we've heard back from a lead they're going to stay on our lead list when they respond to us that's when we move them onto our pipeline so typically we put them then in the new lead stage or the conversation stage we then also have a ghosting stage if they stop responding to us we know we need to follow up we have the appointment set stage with all of the meetings that we've got lined up over the next seven days and we've got no Show cancellation and we also have a few more in there as well negotiations have gone back and forth on price so after the first meeting got client closed and then nurturing nurturing flow is where we put people in a drip feed this is something we do in our agency over a period of time to reignite them nurture them basically so I've got meetings booked in for more over the next seven days I kind of didn't anticipate I wouldn't just be able to book everyone in on the same day but it doesn't really matter because what five meetings realistically not all them going to show up I'd be happy if two or three show up three would be good and even if all five show up it's still going to be what maximum of four hours on the phone so it's all still condensed down into one day's worth of video which keeps us on track so guys I think you can tell I'm a little bit exhausted it's been a very long day we've crammed a lot in right now I've now got to jump on a live q a session group coaching call with our private community of agency owners in the affluent Academy so I hope you've enjoyed this episode cannot wait to jump on these meetings and close a client and go through that process with you been a fun one I'll see you all soon cheers you'd be paying us 800 every month and you'd be paying Facebook 800 every month so what happens if it just doesn't work I completely understand I'm a complete stranger I only called you a few days ago we barely got acquainted right I'd like to believe that we'll build a friendship throughout working together if we do but I completely understand your hesitation that's why I have the guarantees in place I don't want to have difficult conversations we have a 30-day guarantee happiness guarantee you can get out at any point if you wanted to get out halfway through the month you can leave I don't want to waste my time just as much as you don't want to waste your money oh that's wrong okay yeah so why don't we do it

10,373 views 18 Jul 2023

📹 Episode 1:    • Starting A New SM.. 📹 Episode 2:    • Live SMMA Lead Ge...   📹 Episode 3: Launching Friday 21st July 2023 ________________________________________________ If you want to find out how we help agency owners sign their first or next 5 clients, guaranteed, check this out 👉 https://www.affluent.academy/?utm_sou... ________________________________________________ 👔 Win An ENTIRE, Ready-to-go Agency (1 Winner Left): Must be subscribed, must like & comment on EVERY Episode once live! The winner will be announced on the 31st of July (Location to be confirmed) 💻 How To Win An Apple MacBook Pro (1 Winner Left): Must be subscribed, must like & comment on EVERY Episode once live! The winner will be announced on the 31st of July (Location to be confirmed) 📞 How To Win A Free Coaching Call (3 Winners Left): Must be subscribed, must like & comment on THIS video & EVERY Episode launched. The winner will be announced after 24 hours of each episode via my Instagram @JordanPlatten ________________________________________________ Follow me on other platforms: IG, FB & TikTok @jordanplatten

PART - 3

Episode 3: Launching Friday 21st July 2023 

How To Build an AI Chatbot For Your AIAA Clients


yes people so welcome back to the channel in today's video we're gonna be going over how you can build a bot using bot press for your AI automation agency now we use Bots a lot to get in the door of these companies and we also sell them into these companies as well and this is exactly what I'm going to show you today now not only am I going to break down exactly how you do this step by step I'm also going to give you a simple blueprint that you can replicate over and over again for so many different businesses it's going to make your life a lot easier and I'm also just going to give you away the template so you don't even have to build it if you don't want to but I do recommend you learn how to build it so that you do become an expert at this when you are sending it to clients as you already know I love a good bloody presentation me and I have another one for you just quickly before we get into this bot build which is going to really break down the reason why we've built the bot this way and who we're building it for so we're going to be building it in bot press and as you can see there is a picture here of some crying accountants now these accountants are probably crying because their marketing sucks they have no idea how to get leads and their business is just failing so this is where we're going to step in and help now of course now of course I'm using an accountant as just an example this could work for so many different businesses and I'm actually going to be creating different examples of different businesses you can build these Bots for and I'm going to be showing you different types of bots that you can build over the next couple of weeks but this time we're starting with accountants and instead of making accountants cry through their lack of marketing we're now going to be making accountants cry because they're getting fired for their jobs because they're no longer needed because our chatbot's going to take over everything obviously that was a joke please don't take it serious but let's jump into wire accountants so accountants are a support heavy industry they get a shitload of messages and a shitload of people wasting their time sending them messages asking them when is my vat due or when do I have to file my accounts like this is all stuff that they could find online this is all stuff that could connect to the accountants database for that independent client and it could all talk to one another and that just saves the accountant time it means they no longer have to jump on a call with these people and have to answer these questions so they usually have poor marketing efforts now this is just generalization but a lot of account accountants that I've seen are very archaic they get left behind their websites are outdated their methods of business are outdated they barely run any Facebook ads and just for some reason they haven't got the grip of online digital marketing so I guess they're caught up in the numbers which is good for us because we can step in and actually help them with this so they also have a wide pool of potential clients which means they have a massive opportunity when it comes to marketing because their Niche are business owners now I mentioned there's different types of bots that we could be building and I'm going to show you some examples now you can build Bots that specifically are there to collect data and generate leads you can collect Bots that answer questions and act as like a resource for clients you could build a bot that supports products and gives recommendations on e-commerce stores maybe you could even build a bot that does onboarding so it's an internal bot that helps onboard clients into the business whether that's a B2B service maybe you run a marketing agency and this bot is now being built to onboard your new clients and get all of the information you need from them just by using the bot that means you no longer have to send out emails you no longer have to hand hold or jump on onboarding calls all done with a chat bot then of course there is training Bots which is similar but maybe you load it up with company information or training manuals and then you hand them to your staff members to use on a day-to-day basis whenever they get stuck but the question is what bot are we going to be building today well we are specifically going to be building a bot that collects data and it collects leads now how are we going to do this well we're going to have a bot press bot that is then going to collect the data obviously we're then going to use zapier to send a web hook and send the data that's collected from this bot to a spreadsheet or a CRM and that sounds sheet and CRM is going to be accessed by the sales team of the accountants who will then turn them into paying clients this is a very very simple process your job is just to help gather that data and put it into a place that the accountants can then go over review it and start doing their business now the bot we're going to be building today is going to be beginner friendly we are only going to be using a knowledge based bot for me the reason why I like using knowledge base Bots is is like when you go bowling you put the guard rails up and you're terrible at bowling you bowl it down and it bounces off of the guardrails and you still end up getting a strike this is exactly what knowledge base Bots are to me no matter how bad you are at building a bot if it's only trained on the knowledge and it's only trained on the stuff that you put into it it all leads to the same place you know we're never going to be building a bot for an accountant that's going to go on a tangent and start talking about the Ocean Gate submarine do you know what I mean like we're building something that has a strict guideline of what it can talk about and what it should be talking about and that is the key here this is also the super easy beginner friendly way as well because it doesn't involve any Integrations from stack Ai and you don't really need to get any devs involved because it's relatively simple and easy to follow along so I've done this weird diagram here and the way I see these Bots is if you imagine a human body the knowledge base is the brain of this human right the bot the questions and all the flows the entire setup of Bot press is the skeleton that's what holds it all together and then the zapier and web hooks are like the organs these are the things that keep the thing moving they take good stuff Outlet the body and they bring good stuff into the body as well I don't know where I'm going with this but you understand what I mean so we have the knowledge base which is the brain the bot setup which is the entire structure and then we have those API web hooks to help us manage these leads and send the data to different places now I know a lot of you have questions on about how to actually build a solid knowledge base and I am making a full video on that coming this week so make sure you subscribe to the channel leave a like on this as well and let me know in the comments if that's something you need to learn but essentially just to give you a quick overview how you're going to build a good knowledge base is you're going to copy the knowledge from the website of your potential client you can even ask chat GPT you know going into chat gbt and saying hey give me information on this website there's plugins now that you can use to scrape different websites you can scrape YouTube videos and you can get a lot of information using GPT then of course you can add a website as well so you can actually just manually add the URL of their website and that will also act as a knowledge base and you can use that you can use and upload documents so what we like to do is we just like to load up a word doc and then upload it to our bot and we find that the easiest way to really set a strict structure of that knowledge base and on the other hand if you're working with accountants in the UK for example maybe you can go out to the UK tax Authority and start downloading all of these relevant tax documents that you can then upload into the bot because then all of a sudden this bot is now a tax expert not only is it an expert on your client's business but it is a tax expert that can then give accurate and up-to-date advice based on tax questions so another way is you can just ask your client to fill this in you can just ask them for a list of FAQs that they get a lot of and then they will be able to provide you with that knowledge base so this is it we want to be building up a very strong knowledge base that acts as our brain for our bot that carries this forward in this video like I mentioned we're going to be going over these two aspects we're going to be setting up that bot so we're going to be building that skeleton and then we are going to be setting up that zapier web hook showing you how you can then integrate that into a Google sheet or even a CRM whatever your client has about this is what we're going to be focusing on in today's video the main goal is we're going to have an intro sequence we're going to collect data name email number some other bits as well we're then going to allow the user to ask questions and we're going to open up a constant feedback loop of questions here until they're done and then we feed them into a CTA which in our case lct8 is going to be book a call we want them to leave their information so one of the accountants can call them up and that is the sales process for these new leads like I said I am going to be giving you the templates to this bot the resources link is down below in the description of this video make sure you do that and whilst you're down there join our Discord Community we have a massive AMA tomorrow with Brett milanowski we'd love to see you guys over there that is free to join you can come and ask some questions we have so much going on and I would love to see you in there now let's get started building this bot and this is our bot press and this is the bot that we're gonna be building in this video so as you can see it may look confusing but it is a relatively simple bar now if we click here and go into our knowledge base we can see there is a document and this is what the document looks like it's a simple knowledge base and in order for us to make our bot as good as possible we need to keep add into this knowledge base so let's quickly take a look at this structure so there's an intro we collect data we then ask them if they want more information we then ask what questions they have they ask their questions if we don't know the answer we send them to this where we say hey we don't know the answer because we haven't been trained in that yet and then we send them back up to their questions if they get the right question they come here they then ask if they want to book a Consulting call in the back of their questions we then send them up to this we then collect their name and their number and then we use zapier to send that information over to a spreadsheet just like this and as you can see we collect all of this data so we have their first name the last name the email the phone number the business name the turnover after that once we've scheduled a call with them we then ask them do you want to ask any more questions if they say yes we send them through the same process they ask their questions if they say no we go to end of workflow it's as simple as that now this is a really really basic bot this isn't anything crazy we're not using any third-party plugins here this is all within bot press and everything that bot press is capable of there is a bot press link link Down Below in the description of this video feel free to go and start an account there it is an affiliate link so that would be helping me supporting this channel your Bot with a knowledge base attached to it is only as good as the knowledge base you upload to it if you go half asked on the data and you don't fill it up with those potential FAQs that are commonly asked you're going to come into the problem of the bot not being able to answer as much as you would like now obviously we can get around this by integrating chat GPT but we can do it all internally inside of Bot press which is super beginner friendly and something I'd much rather prefer that you learn and start doing because this is going to allow you to get started straight away so we can come and test our bot and you can see it's asking to ask us some questions yes I'm ready what is the name of your business we are called the AI bot boys what is the best image contact you on oh I have bot boys101 gmail.com what is the estimated revenue for 2023 1 million dollars there you go yes I would like to see what you offer yes I want general tax advice what would you like to know how much does Finsbury charge for a tax return now I'm just using this business as an example of course yours is going to look different but I have used the information from this accountant's website so if Lindsay Robinson charges different prices for tax returns depending on the type of client the prices start from 60 pound per month including vat for individuals blah blah blah yes I have more questions what services does Finsbury offer and then it's going to give a list of services that Finsbury offers as well so again we Loop IT background saying do you have any other questions but in this case I actually want to book a free Consulting call because this price aligns with what I want so I do that so it's now asking what is my name AI Boyer what is the best phone number to contact you one one two three four five six seven eight nine good try great a member of the team will be in touch with you soon did you have any more questions yes I do actually I've just realized I want to know how did the Ocean Gate sub sync and you can see the Bots come back and says I don't know the answers to that question do you have another question so we we set it so it has them bowling alley rows up it's not going to go off topic and start talking about the creatures of the oceans and how the dinosaurs weren't even real it's not going to start doing that it's going to stick with our script so no I don't have any more questions thank you that is now the end of it we've scheduled our call the accountant now has that information because we use zapier here to send through all of the information and the variables that we collected the name the phone number the email the name of the business all of that good stuff so let's do the fun part let's get to building this from scratch let's show you exactly how you can do it so you're going to come to your Bot press account you just come up and click create a chat bot and then we're just going to jump in and click edit cool so the first thing we want to do we now have a blank template we're going to come up to this agents Tab and we're going to hit acknowledge agent and remove that tick where it says answer on start node and then click save and we can now begin so we're going to right click click standard node and we're now going to want to rebuild our bot basically in our last one we made a section where it was an intro and we just introde the business given some short information about what to expect and then we move them through the process so we're going to come up here we're going to click add card and that is going to be a text card so our text is going to be welcome to this accountancy we're here to help you find the answers to the questions you have about our services cool so we can now set it optional to whether or not we want someone to be able to click a button to go to the next step or we can set out to be automatically now in this case I'm just going to do it so we get them to click a button just so you get used to doing that so we're going to click single Choice here and we're then going to come up here and say are you okay if we ask you some questions first and then we're going to add this little plus button here which is going to give us some choices now I would just put a yes I do not mind because then it just pushes them through the funnel rather than getting stuck there thinking no I don't want to give any data over and then they just don't ever get past the first step so if you just leave that there we can then come and add an expression and what we're going to do here is turn off the AI section and just type in true now what this means is if this first selection has been selected which means it's true we can now move on to the next sequence so the next node we're going to create is going to be one where we collect their business name so whenever you want to collect information from someone now unless it's a preset input like email address phone number full address name that kind of thing we're going to want to use raw input now this is for like custom stuff so in this case we want to ask the name of their business so what is the name of your business then we can come down to here and we can see these variables now what variables are is it allows you to save the responses that you receive as certain things now this is great because when it comes to building the bot later on if we want to reference those variables in potentially an input into some AI or some questions we can do that with our variables and when we come to exporting this data inside a zapier we also are going to use those variables to know what this data is so let's set this variable as business name now again we're going to come down and we're going to press expression and we're going to type true so when someone fills that in it will move forward to the next section so now I want to collect an email now instead of going through that process of right clicking and clicking standard node again we can actually just come and click copy and then we can click paste now we do have to be careful with this because we will have to make sure we change everything properly but what is the best email to contact you on question mark and then we can change the name of this to email one thing we need to remember is changing that variable so this time the variable is an email when it comes to connecting these up we've got free already now so we can now click the start is going to go to our intro and then the next step away from intro is going to be business name and then from business name we're going to go to email and you can see we can start to stitch these bot pieces together to build our megabot now the next question we asked was turnover so again we can just paste our node in here and we can change this one to turnover and change this to what is your or estimated turnover for 2023 and our variable is going to be turnover we now have that and if we now click test and type in higher we can see that it comes to our intro yes I do not mind then comes to our business name what is your business name business one then it's going to come to what is the best email business one email and then what is your estimated turnover for 2023 10K there you go that is the end of the sequence so far so everything is working the way it should be all clean all simple now this next step we're going to be lining up the user to come into some questions and to start asking us things we've collected some data now so we're going to thank them for that data so next steps let's say thank you for thanks for that we'd love to know how we could help you today now of course all of this is custom you can put whatever you want in these text boxes the only thing you don't want to be changing up is all of these variables and getting messy with those but these text boxes are relatively simple they're almost unbreakable where it doesn't really matter what you put in there because it all relies on the stuff that comes after so we are now going to say yep thanks for that we'd love to know how we could help you today and then we're going to get them to do a choice in this case what would you like help with today now we're going to put taxes v80 and then we're just going to put general information now we're going to want to turn these off because regardless of what they choose they're just going to get sent to the same sequence anyway now what these actually do though this is where it gets interesting is if you wanted to create an entire new bot for just talking about taxes or an entire new bot that's just trained on vat or just general tax information you can start dragging these off to brand new nodules and they won't merge with one another so this is something you can do for the purpose of this video we want to keep it simple so we're not going to do that and we're just going to keep it so it goes to the same sequence so we have our key points that people will want to know about we're now going to come and connect our last sequence up so it's all tied in together and we are now going to ask them what questions they want to know we're going to call this one questions we're going to add a card and we are going to ask our first question so again we're going to do raw input because we want them to input the information and we're going to ask what would you like to know cool and this variable is going to be a question now before we do that we've quickly come back to next steps and add our true so this means once someone has selected one of these choices they're now going to get brought down to this section we're now going to click this tab here where we're asking the question and we're going to turn on our knowledge base now I did say I've been making a full new video about how to build out killer knowledge bases that is going to be coming very very soon but for now I'm just going to upload a document that I scraped off of the website very very quickly off of this company and I'm going to upload it to our bot now you can see I've got some information about their services I've got some information about general tax stuff and then I've also got some information on their prices and their location so that will be enough for this example but like I said the bigger the knowledge base the smarter the bot so remember that once we turn on Lodge base on we're going to see this little book icon here the next step is we're going to set up something that allows this bot to base basically if it doesn't know the answer to something it's not going to make an error it's just going to send them to a different tab now I'm going to make a new node I'm going to call it no answer and then I'm going to add a quick text card saying hey I'm sorry I don't know the answer to this question and then I'm going to add another one that basically says would you like to ask another question yes I would I'm also going to add no I wouldn't so that is that we can now drag this no I wouldn't to the end we can just get rid of them and the part where we said do you want to ask another question I'm just going to drag that back up to our questions box now before we move on we have to add something a little bit custom here this bit could get tricky so make sure you follow this bit closely we are going to add an expression and we are going to copy and paste this in now I'm going to leave this in a document this is essentially going to acknowledge if the knowledge base can't respond to a certain question it's going to acknowledge that and send them to a certain sequence based on that result so in our case we're going to send them to the no answer if that knowledge base can't be answered and this triggers it they are then going to get sent there now alternatively we also have to have a sequence that if we can't answer the questions so in this case we're just going to create a standard node purpose of this node is to essentially allow them to ask another question if they want or we can send them to the next sequence which is booking a call with our accountant so we're going to add a card and we're going to have it as a single choice and we're going to say did you have any more questions our choices are going to be yes I have more questions I'm also going to add another which will be book a free Consulting call now on this one you can see that I haven't deselected these parts this is because we actually want to use logic here to send them to the next sequence depending on what answer they come back with so if they said yes I have more questions all we're going to do is we're going to send them back to these questions tabs if they say no I don't have any more questions we're then going to a completely different node taking them out of this question Loop and sending them to the next step in our process so before we're done we're now going to come to our question Tab and we're just going to set up our our expression so if this bot answers this question no problem we are going to put true we're then going to send our user to that next step that we just built that says cool do you have any more questions or basically do you want to book a call with us so now we've got the main bulk of this bot actually built and put together you can see it didn't take very long at all and we've now got the sequence in for the data we want to collect and we now have that infinite question Loop set up and enabled on knowledge base we now need to go and add our knowledge base so we're now going to come on over here and click quick start knowledge now make sure this is the only knowledge base that you have in there if there's another one just click delete there may be one that says small talk and then we're going to want to upload our documents now you can add plain text documents and a website as well what I like to do is I basically just like to build these word docs fill them with information that I collect through chat GPT scrape from their website manually and it's just a really really fast and efficient way to get all the information that I need onto there now this document is not big at all this is just for the purpose of this video but I do recommend you fill the this out as much as you can you know spend some time on this really work with your client to identify what are their key FAQs that they get all the time what are the key questions that people come into them and ask about and how can you provide an answer using this chatbot like I said before this is the brain of your chatbot so this is the part that we need to be working extremely well for this chatbot to even be good so you're just going to upload your word doc in documents and you should be good to go once we now have our knowledge base up we have the bare bone of this entire bot ready we just now need to test it and see if it can actually start answering questions that we've inputted into our knowledge base so we can come and test that by typing in higher here and that activates our bot it's then going to go through our sequence yes I do not mind what is your name you can put anything here just to skip through this a turnover yep general information please and then I want to know what services do you offer cool and it's come back with a massive list of what this accountancy offers now you can really really refine this when it comes to building your knowledge base you can literally break it down so question one answer two and you can label it so it's super super easy for this knowledge base to work properly I've kind of just dumped everything in it for the sample of this video because you're going to be using your own knowledge base anyway it's mainly the structure that you guys need of this bot but you can see here it pulls directly from that document that we've uploaded and it uses the information that we've trained it on so we can even ask it a few more questions here so I've done how much do you charge for a tax return the fees for tax returns are fixed and competitive they are quoted for an agreed in advance with the clients this allows of easy budgeting and cash flow projection with money payment terms yes I have one more question where is finji Robinson located and it's now given me the address for Finsbury Robinson cool so no I actually don't have any more questions but I would now like to book a Consulting call and this brings us up to our next step which is this node right here which we have yet to fill out this is the next part and this is what we're gonna be doing now so firstly we're going to want to start collecting more information so we're going to put a text box here that says we would love to find out how we could help you more please provide us with a few more details so we're now going to add a card and what we want to collect is their name so again we're going to come to Raw input and just type in what is your name our variable here is going to be name obviously and then we're going to add a new card and say what is the best phone number to contact you on so what is the best number to contact you on a variable again is going to be phone create that there we go and now what we need to do is we need to integrate our zapier into this pot because this is the data that we want to collect this is where we send this information to a CRM or a spreadsheet for our accountancy that we're working with so we're going to want to come on over to Google Sheets and in this case you can actually copy this it's super super simple we're going to have first name last name email phone business and turnover you can go ahead and you can set that up you can pause this video copy this out super super easy just name it accountant bot leads or something like that and then we're going to come up to zapier and we're going to create this zap so what you're going to do is you're going to to select webhooks by zapier now you do need to be a premium user to do this so if you haven't got a client yet you know you don't need to go and buy a zapier to do this you can wait until you've signed someone before you do all the connections but this is essentially how you're going to do it it's going to be catch hook click continue continue again and you can see we now have a web hook URL so you're going to click copy there and we're going to go on over to our bot press we're going to add a card and this is going to be an execute code card now this is the part where bot press gets a little bit confusing because I personally do not have any coding experience I've found this just through trial and error and this is what works for me I don't know if it's the right way or the best way of doing it we have devs to do the more complex stuff so if it works for me it should work for you what we're essentially going to tell this code to do is to send all of the variables that we've collected so far to that zapier web hook so we are just sending the variables that we've already collected so in our case it's send variables business name email turnover name phone to zapier web hook we've got our web Hook from that zapier and we've just pasted into here and you can see that execute code has gone ahead and it's made this really simple code for us to now use and we've now collected that information so we can now come up with that and now what we're going to want to do just let our user know that that has been successful but rather than it just being a text I want to now send them back to ask any questions they may have just in case they have more and they want to keep asking the bot questions so we're going to create that new node we're going to add the new card which is going to be a multiple choice and we're going to say great a member of the team will be in touch shortly now after this we can say before we go did you have any more questions now our choices one is yes I have more questions you can add that and then we can also add no I'm good thanks now again we've left these little nodules on because we want to send them to different places based on their answers so in the case of them saying no we're good thanks we're just going to send them to n we're now going to set up an expression here to say that all of this has been filled out which means that is true so that we can always send them to this last confirmation step now the only thing we now need to do is we now need to add our new questions in here again we need to copy our infinite question Loop here and then just plug it in so that people can go back and keep asking questions but this side of the bot if you like so the way that we're going to do that is we're just going to click copy on this questions we're going to paste it here and I'm going to call it questions two super simple I know and again what would you like to know that's all good our knowledge if it can't be answered is going to go somewhere else and if it can it's going to go to the next step so again I'm going to copy this no answer I'm going to paste that here I'm going to call this no answer to and I'm also going to copy this one and call it more questions too so you can see once you've built it once you can kind of copy and paste it as long as there's not any variables that are going to change inside of that that's how you can end up tripping over yourself but this is essentially working for me right now and this is a nice simple example we're not going too detailed or too crazy with this bot so we can do this yes I have more questions it's going to bring us down to this question tab no the bot doesn't know the answer is going to take it to no answer yes it has the answer it's going to ask it again do you have more questions but instead on this do you have more questions are we going to ask them to book a free Consulting call we can just say no I'm done thank you so I do have more questions we can re-loop them background to our questions and if they don't we can send them to the end now originally they were going back up now originally they were getting pushed to book a call but now because they've already done that we just want to take them to the end and finish the conversation and again when we can't answer we ask them would you like to ask another question yes I would we take a background to questions no I wouldn't we just take them straight to end that bit looks confusing but it's really not that complicated it's just logic based and it's super simple to follow if you go slow but look Let's test out our bot because we are essentially done now we have built this make sure our zapier integration is working make sure it's answering questions making sure it's sending people through to the right sequences and that is the easy part so let's jump into it well actually I say this is the easy part this is the part where you usually bump into loads of issues and you sit there scratching your head for 30 minutes to realize that it was a super simple issue that you had because you hadn't actually dragged one of these to the right sequence or something like that so if you're struggling to find out what's wrong take it slow take a breath go grab a coffee and then come back to it cool so we're going to test this here and type in higher and you can see we're going to start going through this entire sequence I'm ready what is the name of your business the name of the business is Liam's AI Bots what is the best email to contact you on Liam at AI bots.com now the reason why I'm filling this in properly is because I want to send the data up to zapier after this as a test as well so I want to make sure everything's working with just one attempt what is your estimate Revenue 950k yes I would like some help v80 returns please cool what would you like to know what is the vat rate in the UK the standard vat rate in the UK is 20 which is correct I want to book a free Consulting call first we need some more information for you what is your name my name is Liam Evans what is the best phone number put in whatever number we want do you have any more questions yes I do so let's test and make sure this back end question sequence is working as well what would you like to know what services does Finsbury offer so that is working we're getting Services coming back now what I want to do is make sure this no answer is working as well so I'm going to say I have more questions and then ask what color is a pig it's a weird question I don't know why that's the first thing that came to my head but let's see if we can trip this bot up and get it to send to an answer I don't have the answer to this question do you have another question so it worked so the next step is to make sure our zapier integration is working now what we're going to want to do is come on over to zapier and we would have already set up that web hook because we pasted it into our execute code card on bot press uh we're going to click continue and then we're going to find our new request here we go this is our new one Liam at AI Bots Liam AI Bots 950k yep that's the one we just did and that is the one we're going to select so we're now going to come on over to Sheets click Google Sheets now of course you can use whatever you want you can use a CRM you can use Salesforce you can use HubSpot whatever your client has you can enter integrate into it but in the example of this video we're going to do something very very basic and that's just Google Sheets everyone knows how to use it it's really easy to use and you can just get set up straight away so we're going to create a spreadsheet row we're going to hit continue we're then going to go through and choose our account and get all that connected up we're then going to choose the spreadsheet that we just made earlier and then choose our worksheet and then we're going to fill in all the details that we started to collect so we have first name we have our last name we have our email we have our phone number as well we also have the business name which is Liam's AI Bots and then we have our turnover number as well so if we now click continue and we click Test action we should now get that information that's come from that bot straight into our zapier spreadsheet which we have right here now this would be the same if it was a HubSpot it would have gone straight into that but we can now give our client an opportunity to track the leads that that bot is generating so we're now going to publish this and we're going to run one more test through it we can now come to our bot and we hit publish now to edit your Bot we're going to go back to dashboard and we're going to come on over to integration Now by default web chat is connected now webchat allows you to change the name of all of these fields you can remove different things you can add delete clear conversation on exit you can add a bot description you can send this to your clients so they can embed it into their website as like a chat widget but for now all we're going to do is just use the default template that's given us and we're just going to be running a test through this to see if our zapier connection fully Works automatically without us having to do anything now remember guys the keeping here is knowledge base so the more knowledge you have on this bot the better it's going to be I cannot stress that enough so let's get started I'm going to whiz through this right to the end of this box so you can see the final part where we check this APR cool so I've done that bot now I've gone through all the information I've filled it in and now let's see if zapier has sent that lead through to our spreadsheet and it has Billy Auto blah blah blah it's now filled in that information and done that now obviously you can customize these fields completely you can put first name you can break up in the last name put an email phone business turnover whatever questions you have maybe you want to put budget or you want to put Services they're interested in and then you change the variable of something that they select like that vat question that we put in to be an actual answer to what they need help with and we can put that information here we just have to edit it in that execute code section on our bot press bot that we set up here where we send the different variables over this bot is not that advanced it is relatively simple and straightforward this is definitely a beginner's bot and it's why I wanted to make this video I'm not a technical guy I'm not someone who knows how to write code I'm not someone who can read these different languages and you know edit things and make my own stuff up to be honest we don't need that chat GPT can now do that for us and we have platforms like bot press that can create code from prompts just like this so definitely get stuck into bot press make sure you fatten that knowledge base out as much as you can that is literally the lifeblood of these entire Bots especially when you're not you know using external things like chat gbt to help answer any logic based question guys if you did find Value in this video please smash the like on the video subscribe to the channel let me know Down Below in the comments what Niche do you want me to build a bot for next I would love to see it and I would love to make one for you live again so I can help you guys out as much as I can like I said there's going to be a resources tab down below where you can download this bot and you can also join my free telegram we'll give you the daily behind the scenes action of what I get up to inside of my agency guys if you made it this far you're all legends I appreciate you so so much and I wish you the best of luck in building your own AI automation agency I'll catch you in the next video catch you soon bye-bye

15,888 views Premiered on 12 Jul 2023 AIAA / AI Agency

Building an AI Chat Bot For Your Business (/w Zapier Integration) Collect data and leads using this Chatbot setup! Looking to automate your business? Let our agency help you 🤖https://calendly.com/liamevansmedia/u... Download FREE AIAA Resources https://liamevans.xyz/networkresources Join My Free Agency Telegram 🤖 https://t.me/+_vP8jXpkFiFiYmI0 Join The Network Agency Community 🤖 https://discord.gg/sX6qytXp98 Jump on a consulting call with me 👋🏼https://calendly.com/liamevansmedia/c... Zapier Tutorial:    • How To Use Zapier...   ✅ Manage your agency with Go High Level: https://www.gohighlevel.com/?fp_ref=u... Start using BotPress today: https://bit.ly/liamevans_botpress_signup Automate tasks using MAKE (Zapier Alternative): https://www.make.com/en/register?pc=l... Beginner-friendly CustomGPT.ai Chat Bot builder: https://customgpt.ai/?fpr=asfkn My Links 🔗 👉🏻 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/liamevansyt/ 👉🏻 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Liamevansyt Some links in this description may contain affiliate links where I earn a small % from each signup. However, I only promote products I use and would recommend to others.

0:00 - The Training 0:37 - Who Is This Bot For? 7:41 - The Setup/Overview 11:30 - The AI Bot Build 20:18 - Your Knowledge Base 23:18 - Setting Up Zapier /w Your Bot 29:22 - Zapier Configuration 32:11 - IMPORTANT FOR BEGINNERS #aichatbot #ai #automation


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A Guide for AI-Enhancing YOUR Existing Business Application

A guide to improving your existing business application of artificial intelligence

מדריך לשיפור היישום העסקי הקיים שלך בינה מלאכותית

What is Artificial Intelligence and how does it work? What are the 3 types of AI?

What is Artificial Intelligence and how does it work? What are the 3 types of AI? The 3 types of AI are: General AI: AI that can perform all of the intellectual tasks a human can. Currently, no form of AI can think abstractly or develop creative ideas in the same ways as humans.  Narrow AI: Narrow AI commonly includes visual recognition and natural language processing (NLP) technologies. It is a powerful tool for completing routine jobs based on common knowledge, such as playing music on demand via a voice-enabled device.  Broad AI: Broad AI typically relies on exclusive data sets associated with the business in question. It is generally considered the most useful AI category for a business. Business leaders will integrate a broad AI solution with a specific business process where enterprise-specific knowledge is required.  How can artificial intelligence be used in business? AI is providing new ways for humans to engage with machines, transitioning personnel from pure digital experiences to human-like natural interactions. This is called cognitive engagement.  AI is augmenting and improving how humans absorb and process information, often in real-time. This is called cognitive insights and knowledge management. Beyond process automation, AI is facilitating knowledge-intensive business decisions, mimicking complex human intelligence. This is called cognitive automation.  What are the different artificial intelligence technologies in business? Machine learning, deep learning, robotics, computer vision, cognitive computing, artificial general intelligence, natural language processing, and knowledge reasoning are some of the most common business applications of AI.  What is the difference between artificial intelligence and machine learning and deep learning? Artificial intelligence (AI) applies advanced analysis and logic-based techniques, including machine learning, to interpret events, support and automate decisions, and take actions.  Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.  Deep learning is a subset of machine learning in artificial intelligence (AI) that has networks capable of learning unsupervised from data that is unstructured or unlabeled.  What are the current and future capabilities of artificial intelligence? Current capabilities of AI include examples such as personal assistants (Siri, Alexa, Google Home), smart cars (Tesla), behavioral adaptation to improve the emotional intelligence of customer support representatives, using machine learning and predictive algorithms to improve the customer’s experience, transactional AI like that of Amazon, personalized content recommendations (Netflix), voice control, and learning thermostats.  Future capabilities of AI might probably include fully autonomous cars, precision farming, future air traffic controllers, future classrooms with ambient informatics, urban systems, smart cities and so on.  To know more about the scope of artificial intelligence in your business, please connect with our expert.

מהי בינה מלאכותית וכיצד היא פועלת? מהם 3 סוגי הבינה המלאכותית?

מהי בינה מלאכותית וכיצד היא פועלת? מהם 3 סוגי הבינה המלאכותית? שלושת סוגי הבינה המלאכותית הם: בינה מלאכותית כללית: בינה מלאכותית שיכולה לבצע את כל המשימות האינטלקטואליות שאדם יכול. נכון לעכשיו, שום צורה של AI לא יכולה לחשוב בצורה מופשטת או לפתח רעיונות יצירתיים באותן דרכים כמו בני אדם. בינה מלאכותית צרה: בינה מלאכותית צרה כוללת בדרך כלל טכנולוגיות זיהוי חזותי ועיבוד שפה טבעית (NLP). זהו כלי רב עוצמה להשלמת עבודות שגרתיות המבוססות על ידע נפוץ, כגון השמעת מוזיקה לפי דרישה באמצעות מכשיר התומך בקול. בינה מלאכותית רחבה: בינה מלאכותית רחבה מסתמכת בדרך כלל על מערכי נתונים בלעדיים הקשורים לעסק המדובר. זה נחשב בדרך כלל לקטגוריית הבינה המלאכותית השימושית ביותר עבור עסק. מנהיגים עסקיים ישלבו פתרון AI רחב עם תהליך עסקי ספציפי שבו נדרש ידע ספציפי לארגון. כיצד ניתן להשתמש בבינה מלאכותית בעסק? AI מספקת דרכים חדשות לבני אדם לעסוק במכונות, ומעבירה את הצוות מחוויות דיגיטליות טהורות לאינטראקציות טבעיות דמויות אדם. זה נקרא מעורבות קוגניטיבית. בינה מלאכותית מגדילה ומשפרת את האופן שבו בני אדם קולטים ומעבדים מידע, לעתים קרובות בזמן אמת. זה נקרא תובנות קוגניטיביות וניהול ידע. מעבר לאוטומציה של תהליכים, AI מאפשר החלטות עסקיות עתירות ידע, תוך חיקוי אינטליגנציה אנושית מורכבת. זה נקרא אוטומציה קוגניטיבית. מהן טכנולוגיות הבינה המלאכותית השונות בעסק? למידת מכונה, למידה עמוקה, רובוטיקה, ראייה ממוחשבת, מחשוב קוגניטיבי, בינה כללית מלאכותית, עיבוד שפה טבעית וחשיבת ידע הם חלק מהיישומים העסקיים הנפוצים ביותר של AI. מה ההבדל בין בינה מלאכותית ולמידת מכונה ולמידה עמוקה? בינה מלאכותית (AI) מיישמת ניתוח מתקדמות וטכניקות מבוססות לוגיקה, כולל למידת מכונה, כדי לפרש אירועים, לתמוך ולהפוך החלטות לאוטומטיות ולנקוט פעולות. למידת מכונה היא יישום של בינה מלאכותית (AI) המספק למערכות את היכולת ללמוד ולהשתפר מניסיון באופן אוטומטי מבלי להיות מתוכנתים במפורש. למידה עמוקה היא תת-קבוצה של למידת מכונה בבינה מלאכותית (AI) שיש לה רשתות המסוגלות ללמוד ללא פיקוח מנתונים שאינם מובנים או ללא תווית. מהן היכולות הנוכחיות והעתידיות של בינה מלאכותית? היכולות הנוכחיות של AI כוללות דוגמאות כמו עוזרים אישיים (Siri, Alexa, Google Home), מכוניות חכמות (Tesla), התאמה התנהגותית לשיפור האינטליגנציה הרגשית של נציגי תמיכת לקוחות, שימוש בלמידת מכונה ואלגוריתמים חזויים כדי לשפר את חווית הלקוח, עסקאות בינה מלאכותית כמו זו של אמזון, המלצות תוכן מותאמות אישית (Netflix), שליטה קולית ותרמוסטטים ללמידה. יכולות עתידיות של AI עשויות לכלול כנראה מכוניות אוטונומיות מלאות, חקלאות מדויקת, בקרי תעבורה אוויריים עתידיים, כיתות עתידיות עם אינפורמטיקה סביבתית, מערכות עירוניות, ערים חכמות וכן הלאה. כדי לדעת יותר על היקף הבינה המלאכותית בעסק שלך, אנא צור קשר עם המומחה שלנו.

Glossary of Terms

Application Programming Interface(API):

An API, or application programming interface, is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software programs to communicate and exchange information with each other. It acts as a kind of intermediary, enabling different programs to interact and work together, even if they are not built using the same programming languages or technologies. API's provide a way for different software programs to talk to each other and share data, helping to create a more interconnected and seamless user experience.

Artificial Intelligence(AI):

the intelligence displayed by machines in performing tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning, problem-solving, decision-making, and language understanding. AI is achieved by developing algorithms and systems that can process, analyze, and understand large amounts of data and make decisions based on that data.

Compute Unified Device Architecture(CUDA):

CUDA is a way that computers can work on really hard and big problems by breaking them down into smaller pieces and solving them all at the same time. It helps the computer work faster and better by using special parts inside it called GPUs. It's like when you have lots of friends help you do a puzzle - it goes much faster than if you try to do it all by yourself.

The term "CUDA" is a trademark of NVIDIA Corporation, which developed and popularized the technology.

Data Processing:

The process of preparing raw data for use in a machine learning model, including tasks such as cleaning, transforming, and normalizing the data.

Deep Learning(DL):

A subfield of machine learning that uses deep neural networks with many layers to learn complex patterns from data.

Feature Engineering:

The process of selecting and creating new features from the raw data that can be used to improve the performance of a machine learning model.


You might see the term "Freemium" used often on this site. It simply means that the specific tool that you're looking at has both free and paid options. Typically there is very minimal, but unlimited, usage of the tool at a free tier with more access and features introduced in paid tiers.

Generative Art:

Generative art is a form of art that is created using a computer program or algorithm to generate visual or audio output. It often involves the use of randomness or mathematical rules to create unique, unpredictable, and sometimes chaotic results.

Generative Pre-trained Transformer(GPT):

GPT stands for Generative Pretrained Transformer. It is a type of large language model developed by OpenAI.


GitHub is a platform for hosting and collaborating on software projects

Google Colab:

Google Colab is an online platform that allows users to share and run Python scripts in the cloud

Graphics Processing Unit(GPU):

A GPU, or graphics processing unit, is a special type of computer chip that is designed to handle the complex calculations needed to display images and video on a computer or other device. It's like the brain of your computer's graphics system, and it's really good at doing lots of math really fast. GPUs are used in many different types of devices, including computers, phones, and gaming consoles. They are especially useful for tasks that require a lot of processing power, like playing video games, rendering 3D graphics, or running machine learning algorithms.

Large Language Model(LLM):

A type of machine learning model that is trained on a very large amount of text data and is able to generate natural-sounding text.

Machine Learning(ML):

A method of teaching computers to learn from data, without being explicitly programmed.

Natural Language Processing(NLP):

A subfield of AI that focuses on teaching machines to understand, process, and generate human language

Neural Networks:

A type of machine learning algorithm modeled on the structure and function of the brain.

Neural Radiance Fields(NeRF):

Neural Radiance Fields are a type of deep learning model that can be used for a variety of tasks, including image generation, object detection, and segmentation. NeRFs are inspired by the idea of using a neural network to model the radiance of an image, which is a measure of the amount of light that is emitted or reflected by an object.


OpenAI is a research institute focused on developing and promoting artificial intelligence technologies that are safe, transparent, and beneficial to society


A common problem in machine learning, in which the model performs well on the training data but poorly on new, unseen data. It occurs when the model is too complex and has learned too many details from the training data, so it doesn't generalize well.


A prompt is a piece of text that is used to prime a large language model and guide its generation


Python is a popular, high-level programming language known for its simplicity, readability, and flexibility (many AI tools use it)

Reinforcement Learning:

A type of machine learning in which the model learns by trial and error, receiving rewards or punishments for its actions and adjusting its behavior accordingly.

Spatial Computing:

Spatial computing is the use of technology to add digital information and experiences to the physical world. This can include things like augmented reality, where digital information is added to what you see in the real world, or virtual reality, where you can fully immerse yourself in a digital environment. It has many different uses, such as in education, entertainment, and design, and can change how we interact with the world and with each other.

Stable Diffusion:

Stable Diffusion generates complex artistic images based on text prompts. It’s an open source image synthesis AI model available to everyone. Stable Diffusion can be installed locally using code found on GitHub or there are several online user interfaces that also leverage Stable Diffusion models.

Supervised Learning:

A type of machine learning in which the training data is labeled and the model is trained to make predictions based on the relationships between the input data and the corresponding labels.

Unsupervised Learning:

A type of machine learning in which the training data is not labeled, and the model is trained to find patterns and relationships in the data on its own.


A webhook is a way for one computer program to send a message or data to another program over the internet in real-time. It works by sending the message or data to a specific URL, which belongs to the other program. Webhooks are often used to automate processes and make it easier for different programs to communicate and work together. They are a useful tool for developers who want to build custom applications or create integrations between different software systems.

מילון מונחים

ממשק תכנות יישומים (API): API, או ממשק תכנות יישומים, הוא קבוצה של כללים ופרוטוקולים המאפשרים לתוכנות שונות לתקשר ולהחליף מידע ביניהן. הוא פועל כמעין מתווך, המאפשר לתוכניות שונות לקיים אינטראקציה ולעבוד יחד, גם אם הן אינן בנויות באמצעות אותן שפות תכנות או טכנולוגיות. ממשקי API מספקים דרך לתוכנות שונות לדבר ביניהן ולשתף נתונים, ועוזרות ליצור חווית משתמש מקושרת יותר וחלקה יותר. בינה מלאכותית (AI): האינטליגנציה שמוצגת על ידי מכונות בביצוע משימות הדורשות בדרך כלל אינטליגנציה אנושית, כגון למידה, פתרון בעיות, קבלת החלטות והבנת שפה. AI מושגת על ידי פיתוח אלגוריתמים ומערכות שיכולים לעבד, לנתח ולהבין כמויות גדולות של נתונים ולקבל החלטות על סמך הנתונים הללו. Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA): CUDA היא דרך שבה מחשבים יכולים לעבוד על בעיות קשות וגדולות באמת על ידי פירוקן לחתיכות קטנות יותר ופתרון כולן בו זמנית. זה עוזר למחשב לעבוד מהר יותר וטוב יותר על ידי שימוש בחלקים מיוחדים בתוכו הנקראים GPUs. זה כמו כשיש לך הרבה חברים שעוזרים לך לעשות פאזל - זה הולך הרבה יותר מהר מאשר אם אתה מנסה לעשות את זה לבד. המונח "CUDA" הוא סימן מסחרי של NVIDIA Corporation, אשר פיתחה והפכה את הטכנולוגיה לפופולרית. עיבוד נתונים: תהליך הכנת נתונים גולמיים לשימוש במודל למידת מכונה, כולל משימות כמו ניקוי, שינוי ונימול של הנתונים. למידה עמוקה (DL): תת-תחום של למידת מכונה המשתמש ברשתות עצביות עמוקות עם רבדים רבים כדי ללמוד דפוסים מורכבים מנתונים. הנדסת תכונות: תהליך הבחירה והיצירה של תכונות חדשות מהנתונים הגולמיים שניתן להשתמש בהם כדי לשפר את הביצועים של מודל למידת מכונה. Freemium: ייתכן שתראה את המונח "Freemium" בשימוש לעתים קרובות באתר זה. זה פשוט אומר שלכלי הספציפי שאתה מסתכל עליו יש אפשרויות חינמיות וגם בתשלום. בדרך כלל יש שימוש מינימלי מאוד, אך בלתי מוגבל, בכלי בשכבה חינמית עם יותר גישה ותכונות שהוצגו בשכבות בתשלום. אמנות גנרטיבית: אמנות גנרטיבית היא צורה של אמנות שנוצרת באמצעות תוכנת מחשב או אלגוריתם ליצירת פלט חזותי או אודיו. לרוב זה כרוך בשימוש באקראיות או בכללים מתמטיים כדי ליצור תוצאות ייחודיות, בלתי צפויות ולעיתים כאוטיות. Generative Pre-trained Transformer(GPT): GPT ראשי תיבות של Generative Pre-trained Transformer. זהו סוג של מודל שפה גדול שפותח על ידי OpenAI. GitHub: GitHub היא פלטפורמה לאירוח ושיתוף פעולה בפרויקטי תוכנה

Google Colab: Google Colab היא פלטפורמה מקוונת המאפשרת למשתמשים לשתף ולהריץ סקריפטים של Python בענן Graphics Processing Unit(GPU): GPU, או יחידת עיבוד גרפית, הוא סוג מיוחד של שבב מחשב שנועד להתמודד עם המורכבות חישובים הדרושים להצגת תמונות ווידאו במחשב או במכשיר אחר. זה כמו המוח של המערכת הגרפית של המחשב שלך, והוא ממש טוב לעשות הרבה מתמטיקה ממש מהר. GPUs משמשים סוגים רבים ושונים של מכשירים, כולל מחשבים, טלפונים וקונסולות משחקים. הם שימושיים במיוחד למשימות הדורשות כוח עיבוד רב, כמו משחקי וידאו, עיבוד גרפיקה תלת-ממדית או הפעלת אלגוריתמים של למידת מכונה. מודל שפה גדול (LLM): סוג של מודל למידת מכונה שאומן על כמות גדולה מאוד של נתוני טקסט ומסוגל ליצור טקסט בעל צליל טבעי. Machine Learning (ML): שיטה ללמד מחשבים ללמוד מנתונים, מבלי להיות מתוכנתים במפורש. עיבוד שפה טבעית (NLP): תת-תחום של AI המתמקד בהוראת מכונות להבין, לעבד וליצור שפה אנושית רשתות עצביות: סוג של אלגוריתם למידת מכונה המבוססת על המבנה והתפקוד של המוח. שדות קרינה עצביים (NeRF): שדות קרינה עצביים הם סוג של מודל למידה עמוקה שיכול לשמש למגוון משימות, כולל יצירת תמונה, זיהוי אובייקטים ופילוח. NeRFs שואבים השראה מהרעיון של שימוש ברשת עצבית למודל של זוהר תמונה, שהוא מדד לכמות האור שנפלט או מוחזר על ידי אובייקט. OpenAI: OpenAI הוא מכון מחקר המתמקד בפיתוח וקידום טכנולוגיות בינה מלאכותית שהן בטוחות, שקופות ומועילות לחברה. Overfitting: בעיה נפוצה בלמידת מכונה, שבה המודל מתפקד היטב בנתוני האימון אך גרועים בחדשים, בלתי נראים. נתונים. זה מתרחש כאשר המודל מורכב מדי ולמד יותר מדי פרטים מנתוני האימון, כך שהוא לא מכליל היטב. הנחיה: הנחיה היא פיסת טקסט המשמשת לתכנון מודל שפה גדול ולהנחות את הדור שלו Python: Python היא שפת תכנות פופולרית ברמה גבוהה הידועה בפשטות, בקריאות ובגמישות שלה (כלי AI רבים משתמשים בה) למידת חיזוק: סוג של למידת מכונה שבה המודל לומד על ידי ניסוי וטעייה, מקבל תגמולים או עונשים על מעשיו ומתאים את התנהגותו בהתאם. מחשוב מרחבי: מחשוב מרחבי הוא השימוש בטכנולוגיה כדי להוסיף מידע וחוויות דיגיטליות לעולם הפיזי. זה יכול לכלול דברים כמו מציאות רבודה, שבה מידע דיגיטלי מתווסף למה שאתה רואה בעולם האמיתי, או מציאות מדומה, שבה אתה יכול לשקוע במלואו בסביבה דיגיטלית. יש לו שימושים רבים ושונים, כמו בחינוך, בידור ועיצוב, והוא יכול לשנות את האופן שבו אנו מתקשרים עם העולם ואחד עם השני. דיפוזיה יציבה: דיפוזיה יציבה מייצרת תמונות אמנותיות מורכבות המבוססות על הנחיות טקסט. זהו מודל AI של סינתזת תמונות בקוד פתוח הזמין לכולם. ניתן להתקין את ה-Stable Diffusion באופן מקומי באמצעות קוד שנמצא ב-GitHub או שישנם מספר ממשקי משתמש מקוונים הממנפים גם מודלים של Stable Diffusion. למידה מפוקחת: סוג של למידת מכונה שבה נתוני האימון מסומנים והמודל מאומן לבצע תחזיות על סמך היחסים בין נתוני הקלט והתוויות המתאימות. למידה ללא פיקוח: סוג של למידת מכונה שבה נתוני האימון אינם מסומנים, והמודל מאומן למצוא דפוסים ויחסים בנתונים בעצמו. Webhook: Webhook הוא דרך של תוכנת מחשב אחת לשלוח הודעה או נתונים לתוכנית אחרת דרך האינטרנט בזמן אמת. זה עובד על ידי שליחת ההודעה או הנתונים לכתובת URL ספציפית, השייכת לתוכנית האחרת. Webhooks משמשים לעתים קרובות כדי להפוך תהליכים לאוטומטיים ולהקל על תוכניות שונות לתקשר ולעבוד יחד. הם כלי שימושי למפתחים שרוצים לבנות יישומים מותאמים אישית או ליצור אינטגרציות בין מערכות תוכנה שונות.