
Shap-E is designed to create 3D objects that are dependent on specific text or images. It utilizes advanced technology to generate 3D objects based on user input and can produce a wide variety of shapes and designs. This tool is particularly useful for designers, artists, and architects who require complex 3D models for their work. It can streamline the creative process and save a significant amount of time and effort in the design and production of 3D objects. With Shap-E, users can generate high-quality 3D models that are conditioned on specific text or images, making it an invaluable tool for various industries.

Note: This is a GitHub repository, meaning that it is code that someone created and made publicly available for anyone to use. These tools could require some knowledge of coding.

Pricing Model:GitHub

Tags:Generative Art

Generate Your First Professional  AI SHAP-E PROJECT & Get Your BUSINESS 2 Another Level. 

What Is OpenAI's Shap-E?

In May 2023, Alex Nichol and Heewon Jun, OpenAI researchers and contributors, released a paper announcing Shap-E, the company's latest innovation. Shap-E is a new tool trained on a massive dataset of paired 3D images and text that can generate 3D models from text or images. It is similar to DALL-E, which can create 2D images from text, but Shap-E produces 3D assets.

Shap-E is trained on a conditional diffusion model and 3D asset mapping. Mapping 3D assets means that Shap-E learns to associate text or images with corresponding 3D models from a large dataset of existing 3D objects. A conditional diffusion model is a generative model that starts from a noisy version of the target output and gradually refines it by removing noise and adding details.

By combining these two components, Shap-E can generate realistic and diverse 3D models that match the given text or image input and can be viewed from different angles and lighting conditions.

How You Can Use OpenAI's Shap-E

Shap-E has not been made public like other OpenAI tools, but its model weight, inference code, and samples are available for download on the Shap-E GitHub page.

You can download the Shap-E code for free and install it using the Python pip command on your computer. You also need an NVIDIA GPU and a high-performance CPU, as Shap-E is very resource-intensive.

After installation, open the 3D images you generate on Microsoft Paint 3D. Likewise, you can convert the images into STL files if you want to print them using 3D printers.

You can also report issues and find solutions to issues already raised by others on the Shap-E GitHub page.

What You Can Do With OpenAI's Shap-E

Shap-E enables you to describe complex ideas using a visual representation of ideas. The potential applications for this technology are limitless, especially as visuals typically have far more reaching effects than texts.

New AI to generate 3D Assets 🔥 from Text - SHAP-E from OpenAI

New AI to generate 3D Assets 🔥 from Text - SHAP-E from OpenAI




a has silently released a new text to 3D


model a 3D generation model that is


currently available from open a


completely open source it's called shape


e it's called shape e it's in the family


of you know like you can say Dali Point


e open AI already had a model called


pointy and which we have covered in the


channel before so if you want Point


Cloud generation you can refer that


video but now we have got a new model


called shapey so how is shapey different


from the existing model is what the


first question that came to my mind and


the paper very clearly presents that so


we present shape e a conditional


generative model for 3D assets unlike a


recent work on 3D generative models


which produces a single output


representation JP directly generates the


parameters of implicit functions that


can be rendered as both textual meshes


and neural Radiance field if you are not


familiar with neural Radiance field you


might know this word called Nerf n e r f


it's been taking the entire internet by


storm where people are making drone


shots without having a drone so you can


just create a neural Radiance field and


then set the camera in the way you want


and then you can make the video look


like it's a drone shot even though if


you have got not got a drone or a


robotic camera so what shape he can do


is shape he can generate both texture


textured meshes which you can Import in


tools like a blender and other tools and


then create 3D objects and also you can


make Nerf neural Radiance field and this


is quite interesting and when you


compare it with Point e which is also


from open AI an explicit 3D generative


model over Point clouds shap converges


faster and reaches comparable or better


quality despite modeling a high


dimensional multi-representation output


space which means if you were planning


to use Point e or if you are obsessed


with pointy this is something that you


should definitely check out thanks to


open AI for making this open source now


getting into the model in itself you can


and see certain samples so a chair that


looks like an avocado an airplane that


looks like a banana a spaceship a


birthday cupcake a chair that looks like


a tree a green boot a penguin Ube ice


cream cone a bowl of vegetables so these


are some of the examples that they've


given you and you can see how just a


simple text prompt all you have to give


is a simple text prompt and that


generates the 3D object that you can see


here and you can see these are 3D


objects like right now it's just a gif


an animation but you can export the 3D


object it's very simple to use it's not


just text to 3D it can also do image to


3D but that is not something that we are


going to see in Hands-On video today


we're going to jump into the Google


collab notebook that I've prepared for


you thanks to the example notebooks that


open a has given it's not completely


created by me but I've made it a Google


color notebook for to make it easier for


you to run this all you have to do is


open this Google collab notebook which


I'll link it in the YouTube description


below the like button click that run all


and you should be able to see the 3D


images and I'll let you know where you


need to change what which will help you


create slightly different pictures


to start with first thing that we need


to do is we need to clone the shape e


repository and once we have cloned the


shape e repository we need to enter into


the shape e repository shape e


repository is nothing but this this


Google GitHub repository which has got


MIT license from open AI that says


generate 3D objects conditioned on texts


or images


and once you have entered into the shape


e repository then you have to install


everything at this point you are good to


go now all you have to do is import all


the required items from import torch and


that's quite important and then import


all the required things from the shapey


repository like from shapey diffusion


sample you import sample latents you you


know you want to create pan cameras you


want to create widget all these things


are available here


once that is there then you need to set


up the device if you have got a GPU like


me in the Google collab I'm using the


free GPU then it would be set as Cuda if


you do not have GPU it would you know


assign the device as CPU so that is


something that you set in this line then


you are going to load the required


models then you're going to load the


transmitter model and the main text 300


million parameter model and then you're


going to open the diffusion


now this is the place where you're going


to give the settings the batch size how


many images you want the guidance scale


which is very important for you to set


how much you know you want to change the


image or the creativity from The Prompt


enter itself a prompt a birthday cake so


I've just given a birthday cake and all


these things go here and then the


latents are getting created and you can


play around with this parameter I'm not


I'm not going to get into the details of


this parameter but you can always go to


the GitHub repository and then


understand what these are it took me




um about one minute for this particular


configuration batch size for guidance


skill 15 and for these default settings


that I got from open AI Library the


GitHub page say it took about one minute


in a Google collab notebook


and next Once you have created the



latents now you can export or you can


render this latency into two format one


you can render it as stf in the mesh


that we discussed about or you can


render them as Nerf the neural Radiance


field and you need to give the size this


the size as you increase the size of the


render it's going to take a longer time


so like typically like any video editing


or any rendering software the the number


of the size that you increase are in the


number of frames the we the rendering


time is going to take time so depending


upon the machine that you have got make


sure that you change this value I went


ahead with the 64 and I got all these


renders in 36 seconds you can see I've


got one two three four I've got four


renders of birthday cake the next thing




um as most people who work in 3D your


life is not going to be only inside


Google collab notebook so it is


important for you to export this mesh or


whatever that you have created the


latents into some kind of file format


that you can import into a 3D software


like blender and one of the most popular


format is dot ply that stands for Point


Cloud so you can export this as Point


cloud and once you do that it's going to


export everything as Point Cloud 0 1 2


3. so the four images that you created


are the four 3D objects that you created


can be exported into Point cloud and


those have been exported as Point cloud


and I'm going to just quickly show you


how it looks when you import it inside


blender I have this is a very basic


input I have not done anything very you


know I've not even added colors I've not


did anything all you have to do is go to


the file go to import and select ply and


then all you have to do is import the


object after you have downloaded the


object from Google collab notebook so if


you do not know how to download it from


Google collab notebook it's very simple


go here right click this or click that


three dots and then click download that


will download the ply Point Cloud object


and go to blender and then from blender


you have to just import it and then


there are certain ways how you should


import it if you want the colors like


vertex colors but I just want to show


you that the 3D thing actually works


like you can see the 3D entire 3D


objects if you want to if you don't want


colors if you want to just give your own


colors you can do it with blender I'm


not a blender expert but I just wanted


to show you that this can be ultimately


exported or imported into blender so


overall this is an amazing piece of


technology imagine you have to create 3D


game assets there are a lot of websites


where people actually go buy 3D assets


like potion you know simple characters


and a lot of things and looks like you


know this is quite amazing to conclude


this demo I would like to quickly show


you something like in real time so that


we all know how this works I want to


actually you know let's create a sword


it's a very simple prompt a sword and I


I'm going to go with batch size one I


don't want like three objects I want it


to be faster so I've gone ahead with the


same guidance skill batch size one


guidance skill 15 and the prompt as a


sword and you can see how much time it


takes into real time this I'm not going


to edit this particular piece here and


you can also see certain uh you know


parameters here like for example the


progress equals true will help you


enable the progress bar so that you know


how much time it takes after this is


successfully done the next thing is we


are going to render it which which would


ideally take like half of the amount


that this has taken and you can see the


latents are created


um once you have the latents created all


you have to do is you have to render it


render it in some kind of format here we


are rendering it in the Nerf format


which should take to 30 to 60 seconds


I'm going to probably edit this part so


that you don't wait for it oh it's done


cool it's already done in 10 seconds you


have the sort so this is how you


generate a 3D object using artificial


intelligence just simply using a text


prompt we have not seen the tutorial of


image to 3D which is also possible using


the same shape e Library you can


probably use my notebook and the


notebook that they have given as part of


the example and then use image to 3D but


even simply if you want text to 3D this


is an amazing model it's quite quite an


interesting model uh an interesting


entry into the 3D generation space which


helps you create 3D mesh and Nerf as


well from the latency itself a nail


plane that looks like a banana so you


can also you know explore the creativity


that you have been doing with stable


Division and Dolly you don't have to


necessarily generate only Real World


objects right you can also do things


like that do not exist like an avocado


that looks like a chair or an airplane


that looks like a banana


um and it's it's it's really amazing


what we can do with this thing I would


like to hear from you what do you feel


about this 3D model a lot of text


generation models have been coming but I


didn't want to lose attention of this


amazing 3D model that comes from open


source open AI as an open source model


um it it looks like they have been


living up through their name as an open


source company our Pro open source


company with these kind of releases let


me know in the comment section what do


you feel otherwise all the links will be


in the YouTube description for you to


get started immediately right after this


video see you in another video Happy



Shap·E, a conditional generative model for 3D assets. Unlike recent

work on 3D generative models which produce a single output representation,

Shap·E directly generates the parameters of implicit functions that can be rendered as both textured meshes and neural radiance fields. 

Shap-E Github - https://github.com/openai/shap-e

Colab Text-to-3D - https://colab.research.google.com/dri...

openai/shap-e     GitHub Pages

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This is the official code and model release for Shap-E: Generating Conditional 3D Implicit Functions.


Here are some highlighted samples from our text-conditional model. For random samples on selected prompts, see samples.md.

A chair that looks

like an avocado

An airplane that looks

like a banana

A spaceship

A birthday cupcake

A chair that looks

like a tree

A green b


A penguin

Ube ice cream cone

A bowl of vegetables


Install with pip install -e ..

To get started with examples, see the following notebooks:

Shap·E: Generating Conditional 3D Implicit


Shap·E: Generating Conditional 3D Implicit


                                       Heewoo Jun ∗                                                                    Alex Nichol *

                              heewoo@openai.com                                 alex@openai.com


We present Shap·E, a conditional generative model for 3D assets. Unlike recent work on 3D generative models which produce a single output representation, Shap·E directly generates the parameters of implicit functions that can be rendered as both textured meshes and neural radiance fields. We train Shap·E in two stages: first, we train an encoder that deterministically maps 3D assets into the parameters of an implicit function; second, we train a conditional diffusion model on outputs of the encoder. When trained on a large dataset of paired 3D and text data, our resulting models are capable of generating complex and diverse 3D assets in a matter of seconds. When compared to Point·E, an explicit generative model over point clouds, Shap·E converges faster and reaches comparable or better sample quality despite modeling a higher-dimensional, multi-representation output space. We release model weights, inference code, and samples at https: //github.com/openai/shap-e.

1 Introduction

With the recent explosion of generative image models [47, 40, 48, 17, 52, 53, 70, 15], there has been increasing interest in training similar generative models for other modalities such as audio [44, 10, 5, 31, 2, 25], video [24, 57, 23], and 3D assets [26, 28, 45, 41]. Most of these modalities lend themselves to natural, fixed-size tensor representations that can be directly generated, such as grids of pixels for images or arrays of samples for audio. However, it is less clear how to represent 3D assets in a way that is efficient to generate and easy to use in downstream applications.

Recently, implicit neural representations (INRs) have become popular for encoding 3D assets. To represent a 3D asset, INRs typically map 3D coordinates to location-specific information such as density and color. In general, INRs can be thought of as resolution independent, since they can be queried at arbitrary input points rather than encoding information in a fixed grid or sequence. Since they are end-to-end differentiable, INRs also enable various downstream applications such as style transfer [72] and differentiable shape editing [3]. In this work, we focus on two types of INRs for 3D representation:

  A Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) [38] is an INR which represents a 3D scene as a function mapping coordinates and viewing directions to densities and RGB colors. A NeRF can be rendered from arbitrary views by querying densities and colors along camera rays, and trained to match ground-truth renderings of a 3D scene.

  DMTet [56] and its extension GET3D [18] represent a textured 3D mesh as a function mapping coordinates to colors, signed distances, and vertex offsets. This INR can be used to construct 3D triangle meshes in a differentiable manner, and the resulting meshes can be rendered efficiently using differentiable rasterization libraries [32].

Equal contribution

          “a bowl of food”                                      “a penguin”                                     “a voxelized dog”                                     “a campfire”

“a chair that looks like

            “a dumpster”                                                                                                          “a traffic cone”                               “a green coffee mug”

an avocado”

“an airplane that looks

                                                         “a cruise ship”                            “a donut with pink icing”                               “a pumpkin”

like a banana”

         “a cheeseburger”                                   “an elephant”                          “a light purple teddy bear”                      “a soap dispenser”

           “an astronaut”                                    “a brown boot”                                      “a lit candle”                                          “a goldfish”

Figure 1: Selected text-conditional meshes generated by Shap·E. Each sample takes roughly 13 seconds to generate on a single NVIDIA V100 GPU, and does not require a separate text-to-image model.

Although INRs are flexible and expressive, the process of acquiring them for each sample in a dataset can be costly. Additionally, each INR may have many numerical parameters, potentially posing challenges when training downstream generative models. Some works approach these issues by using auto-encoders with an implicit decoder to obtain smaller latent representations that can be directly modeled with existing generative techniques [43, 34, 30]. Dupont et al. [12] present an alternative approach, where they use meta-learning to create a dataset of INRs that share most of their parameters, and then train diffusion models [58, 60, 22] or normalizing flows [51, 13] on the free parameters of these INRs. Chen and Wang [6] further suggest that gradient-based meta-learning might not be necessary at all, instead directly training a Transformer [64] encoder to produce NeRF parameters conditioned on multiple views of a 3D object.

We combine and scale up several of the above approaches to arrive at Shap·E, a conditional generative model for diverse and complex 3D implicit representations. First, we scale up the approach of Chen and Wang [6] by training a Transformer-based encoder to produce INR parameters for 3D assets. Next, similar to Dupont et al. [12], we train a diffusion model on outputs from the encoder. Unlike previous approaches, we produce INRs which represent both NeRFs and meshes simultaneously, allowing them to be rendered in multiple ways or imported into downstream 3D applications.

When trained on a dataset of several million 3D assets, our models are capable of producing diverse, recognizable samples conditioned on text prompts (Figure 1). Compared to Point·E [41], a recently proposed explicit 3D generative model, our models converge faster and obtain comparable or superior results while sharing the same model architecture, datasets, and conditioning mechanisms.

Surprisingly, we find that Shap·E and Point·E tend to share success and failure cases when conditioned on images, suggesting that very different choices of output representation can still lead to similar model behavior. However, we also observe some qualitative differences between the two models, especially when directly conditioning on text captions. Like Point·E, the sample quality of our models still falls short of optimization-based approaches for text-conditional 3D generation. However, it is orders of magnitude faster at inference time than these approaches, allowing for a potentially favorable trade-off.

We release our models, inference code, and samples at https://github.com/openai/shap-e.

2 Background

2.1    Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF)

Mildenhall et al. [38] introduce NeRF, a method for representing a 3D scene as an implicit function defined as

FΘ : (x,d) 7→ (c)

where x is a 3D spatial coordinate, d is a 3D viewing direction, c is an RGB color, and σ is a non-negative density value. For convenience, we split FΘ into separate functions, σ(x) and c(x,d).

To render a novel view of a scene, we treat the viewport as a grid of rays and render each ray by querying FΘ at points along the ray. More precisely, each pixel of the viewport is assigned a ray r(t) = o + td which extends from the camera origin o along a direction d. The ray can then be rendered to an RGB color by approximating the integral

, where

Mildenhall et al. [38] use quadrature to approximate this integral. In particular, they define a sequence of increasing values ti,i ∈ [1,N] and corresponding δi = ti+1ti. The integral is then approximated via a discrete sum


Cˆ(r) = XTi(1 − exp(−σ(r(ti))δi))c(r(ti),d), where i=1

One remaining question is how to select the sequence of t0,...tN to achieve an accurate estimate.

This can be especially important for thin features, where a coarse sampling of points along the ray may completely miss a detail of the object. To address this problem, Mildenhall et al. [38] suggest a two-stage rendering procedure. In the first stage, timesteps ti are sampled along uniform intervals of a ray, giving a coarse estimate of the predicted color Cˆc. In computing this integral, they also compute weights proportional to the influence of each point along the ray:

wi Ti(1 − exp(−σ(r(ti))δi))

To sample timesteps for the fine rendering stage, Mildenhall et al. [38] use wi to define a piecewiseconstant PDF along the ray. This allows a new set of ti to be sampled around points of high density in the scene. While Mildenhall et al. [38] use two separate NeRF models for the coarse and fine rendering stages, we instead share the parameters between the two stages but use separate output heads for the coarse and fine densities and colors.

For notational convenience in later sections, we additionally define the transmittance of a ray as follows. Intuitively, this is the complement of the opacity or alpha value of a ray:


2.2     Signed Distance Functions and Texture Fields (STF)

Throughout this paper, we use the abbreviation STF to refer to an implicit function which produces both signed distances and texture colors. This section gives some background on how these implicit functions can be used to construct meshes and produce renderings.

Signed distance functions (SDFs) are a classic way to represent a 3D shape as a scalar field. In particular, an SDF f maps a coordinate x to a scalar f(x) = d, such that |d| is the distance of x to the nearest point on the surface of the shape, and d < 0 if the point is outside of the shape. As a result of this definition, the level set f(x) = 0 defines the boundary of the shape, and sign(d) determines normal orientation along the boundary. Methods such as marching cubes [35] or marching tetrahedra [11] can be used to construct meshes from this level set.

Shen et al. [56] present DMTet, a generative model over 3D shapes that leverages SDFs. DMTet produces SDF values si and displacements vi for each vertex vi in a dense spatial grid. The SDF values are fed through a differentiable marching tetrahedra implementation to produce an initial mesh, and then the resulting vertices are offset using the additional vector vi. They also employ a subdivision procedure to efficiently obtain more detailed meshes, but we do not consider this in our work for the sake of simplicity.

Gao et al. [18] propose GET3D, which augments DMTet with additional texture information. In particular, they train a separate model to predict RGB colors c for each surface point p. This implicit model can be queried at surface points during rendering, or offline to construct an explicit texture. GET3D uses a differentiable rasterization library [32] to produce rendered images for generated meshes. This provides an avenue to train the implicit function end-to-end with only image-space gradients.

2.3  Diffusion Models

Our work leverages denoising diffusion [58, 60, 22] to model a high-dimensional continuous distribution. We employ the Gaussian diffusion setup of Ho et al. [22], which defines a diffusion process that begins at a data sample x0 and gradually applies Gaussian noise to arrive at increasingly noisy samples x1,x2,...,xT. Typically, the noising process is set up such that xT is almost indistinguishable from Gaussian noise. In practice, we never run the noising process sequentially, but instead “jump” directly to a noised version of a sample according to

where is random noise, and α¯t is a monotonically decreasing noise schedule such that α¯0 = 1. Ho et al. [22] train a model on a data distribution q(x0) by minimizing the objective:


However, Ho et al. [22] also note an alternative but equivalent parameterization of the diffusion model, which we use in our work. In particular, we parameterize our model as xθ(xt,t) and train it to directly predict the denoised sample x0 by minimizing

To sample from a diffusion model, one starts at a random noise sample xT and gradually denoises it into samples xT−1,...,x0 to obtain a sample x0 from the approximated data distribution. While early work on these models focused on stochastic sampling processes [58, 60, 22], other works propose alternative sampling methods which often draw on the relationship between diffusion models and ordinary differential equations [59, 61]. In our work, we employ the Heun sampler proposed by Karras et al. [27], as we found it to produce high-quality samples with reasonable latency.

For conditional diffusion models, it is possible to improve sample quality at the cost of diversity using a guidance technique. Dhariwal and Nichol [9] first showed this effect using image-space gradients from a noise-aware classifier, and Ho and Salimans [21] later proposed classifier-free guidance to remove the need for a separate classifier. To utilize classifier-free guidance, we train our diffusion model to condition on some information y (e.g. a conditioning image or textual description), but randomly drop this signal during training to enable the model to make unconditional predictions. During sampling, we then adjust our model prediction as follows:

xˆθ(xt,t|y) = xθ(xt,t) + s · (xθ(xt,t|y) − xθ(xt,t))

where s is a guidance scale. When s = 0 or s = 1, this is equivalent to regular unconditional or conditional sampling, respectively. Setting s > 1 typically produces more coherent but less diverse samples. We employ this technique for all of our models, finding (as expected) that guidance is necessary to obtain the best results.

2.4  Latent Diffusion

While diffusion can be applied to any distribution of vectors, it is often applied directly to signals such as pixels of images. However, it is also possible to use diffusion to generate samples in a continuous latent space.

Rombach et al. [52] propose Latent Diffusion Models (LDMs) as a two-stage generation technique for images. Under the LDM framework, they first train an encoder to produce latents z = E(x) and a decoder to produce reconstructions x˜ = D(z). The encoder and decoder are trained in tandem to minimize a perceptual loss between x˜ and x, as well as a patchwise discriminator loss on x˜. After these models are trained, a second diffusion model is trained directly on encoded dataset samples. In particular, each dataset example xi is encoded into a latent zi, and then zi is used as a training example for the diffusion model. To generate new samples, the diffusion model first generates a latent sample z, and then D(z) yields an image. In the original LDM setup, the latents z are lower-dimensional than the original images, and Rombach et al. [52] propose to either regularize z towards a normal distribution using a KL penalty, or to apply a vector quantization layer [63] to prevent z from being difficult to model.

Our work leverages the above approach, but makes several simplifications. First, we do not use a perceptual loss or a GAN-based objective for our reconstructions, but rather a simple L1 or L2 reconstruction loss. Additionally, instead of using KL regularization or vector quantization to bottleneck our latents, we clamp them to a fixed numerical range and add diffusion-style noise.

3 Related Work

An existing body of work aims to generate 3D models by training auto-encoders on explicit 3D representations and then training generative models in the resulting latent space. Achlioptas et al. [1] train an auto-encoder on point clouds, and experiment with both GANs [19] and GMMs [8] to model the resulting latent space. Yang et al. [69] likewise train a point cloud auto-encoder, but their decoder is itself a conditional generative model (i.e. a normalizing flow [51]) over individual points in the point cloud; they also employ normalizing flows to model the latent space. Luo and Hu [36] explore a similar technique, but use a diffusion model for the decoder instead of a normalizing flow. Zeng et al. [71] train a hierarchical auto-encoder, where the second stage encodes a point cloud of latent vectors instead of a single latent code; they employ diffusion models at both stages of the hierarchy. Sanghi et al. [55] train a two-stage vector quantized auto-encoder [63, 50] on voxel occupancy grids, and model the resulting latent sequences autoregressively. Unlike our work, these approaches all rely on explicit output representations which are often bound to a fixed resolution or lack the ability to fully express a 3D asset.

More similar to our own method, some prior works have explored 3D auto-encoders with implicit decoders. Fu et al. [16] encode grids of SDF samples into latents which are used to condition an implicit SDF model. Sanghi et al. [54] encode voxel grids into latents which are used to condition an implicit occupancy network. Liu et al. [34] train a voxel-based encoder and separate implicit occupancy and color decoders. Kosiorek et al. [30] encode rendered views of a scene into latent vectors of a VAE, and this latent vector is used to condition a NeRF. Most similar to our encoder setup, Chen and Wang [6] use a transformer-based architecture to directly produce the parameters of an MLP conditioned on rendered views. We extend this prior body of work with Shap·E, which produces more expressive implicit representations and is trained at a larger scale than most prior work.

While the above methods all train both encoders and decoders, other works aim to produce latentconditional implicit 3D representations without a learned encoder. Park et al. [43] train what they call an “auto-decoder”, which uses a learned table of embedding vectors for each example in the dataset. In their case, they train an implicit SDF decoder that conditions on these per-sample latent vectors. Bautista et al. [4] uses a similar strategy to learn per-scene latent codes to condition a NeRF decoder. Dupont et al. [12] employ meta-learning to encode dataset examples as implicit functions. In their setup, they “encode” an example into (a subset of) the parameters of an implicit function by taking gradient steps on a reconstruction objective. Concurrently to our work, Erkoç et al. [14] utilize diffusion to directly generate the implicit MLP weights; however, akin to [12], their method requires fitting NeRF parameters for each scene through gradient-based optimization. Wang et al. [66] pursue a related approach, jointly training separate NeRFs for every sample in a dataset, but share a subset of the parameters to ensure that all resulting models use an aligned representation space. These approaches have the advantage that they do not require an explicit input representation. However, they can be expensive to scale with increasing dataset size, as each new sample requires multiple gradient steps. Moreover, this scalability issue is likely more pronounced for methods that do not incorporate meta-learning.

Several methods for 3D generation use gradient-based optimization to produce individual samples, often in the form of an implicit function. DreamFields [26] optimizes the parameters of a NeRF to match a text prompt according to a CLIP-based [46] objective. DreamFusion [45] is a similar method with a different objective based on the output of a text-conditional image diffusion model. Lin et al. [33] extend DreamFusion by optimizing a mesh representation in a second stage, leveraging the fact that meshes can be rendered more efficiently at higher resolution. Wang et al. [65] propose a different approach for leveraging text-to-image diffusion models, using them to optimize a differentiable 3D voxel grid rather than an MLP-based NeRF. While most of these approaches optimize implicit functions, Khalid et al. [28] optimize the numerical parameters of a mesh itself, starting from a spherical mesh and gradually deforming it to match a text prompt. One common shortcoming of all of these approaches is that they require expensive optimization procedures, and a lot of work must be repeated for every sample that is generated. This is in contrast to direct generative models, which can potentially amortize this work by pre-training on a large dataset.

4 Method

In our method, we first train an encoder to produce implicit representations, and then train diffusion models on the latent representations produced by the encoder. Our method proceeds in two steps:

1. We train an encoder to produce the parameters of an implicit function given a dense explicit representation of a known 3D asset (Section 4.2). In particular, the encoder produces a latent representation of a 3D asset which is then linearly projected to obtain weights of a multi-layer perceptron (MLP).

2. We train a diffusion prior on a dataset of latents obtained by applying the encoder to our dataset (Section 4.3). This model is conditioned on either images or text descriptions.

We train all of our models on a large dataset of 3D assets with corresponding renderings, point clouds, and text captions (Section 4.1).

4.1 Dataset

For most of our experiments, we employ the same dataset of underlying 3D assets as Nichol et al. [41], allowing for fairer comparisons with their method. However, we slightly extend the original post-processing as follows:

  For computing point clouds, we render 60 views of each object instead of 20. We found that using only 20 views sometimes resulted in small cracks (due to blind spots) in the inferred point clouds.

  We produce point clouds of 16K points instead of 4K.

  When rendering views for training our encoder, we simplify the lighting and materials. In particular, all models are rendered with a fixed lighting configuration that only supports diffuse and ambient shading. This makes it easier to match the lighting setup with a differentiable renderer.

For our text-conditional model and the corresponding Point·E baseline, we employ an expanded dataset of underlying 3D assets and text captions. For this dataset, we collected roughly 1 million more 3D assets from high-quality data sources. Additionally, we gathered 120K captions from human labelers for high-quality subsets of our dataset. During training of our text-to-3D models, we randomly choose between human-provided labels and the original text captions when both are available.

4.2  3D Encoder

Our encoder architecture is visualized in Figure 2. We feed the encoder both point clouds and rendered views of a 3D asset, and it outputs the parameters of a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) that represents the asset as an implicit function. Both the point cloud and input views are processed via cross-attention, which is followed by a transformer backbone that produces latent representations as a sequence of vectors. Each vector in this sequence is then passed through a latent bottleneck and projection layer whose output is treated as a single row of the resulting MLP weight matrices. During training, the MLP is queried and the outputs are used in either an image reconstruction loss or a distillation loss. For more details, see Appendix A.1.

We pre-train our encoder using only a NeRF rendering objective (Section 4.2.1), as we found this to be more stable to optimize than mesh-based objectives. After NeRF pre-training, we add additional output heads for SDF and texture color predictions, and train these heads using a two-stage process (Section 4.2.2). We show reconstructions of 3D assets for various checkpoints of our encoder with both rendering methods in Figure 3.

4.2.1   Decoding with NeRF Rendering

We mostly follow the original NeRF formulation [38], except that we share the parameters between the coarse and fine models.[1] We randomly sample 4096 rays for each training example, and minimize an L1 loss[2] between the true color C(r) and the predicted color from the NeRF:


We also add an additional loss on the transmittance of each ray. In particular, the integrated density of a ray gives transmittance estimates Tˆc(r) and Tˆf(r) for coarse and fine rendering, respectively. We use the alpha channel from the ground-truth renderings to obtain transmittance targets T(r), giving a second loss:

Figure 2: An overview of our encoder architecture. The encoder ingests both 16k resolution RGB point clouds and rendered RGBA images with augmented spatial coordinates for each foreground pixel. It outputs parameters of an MLP, which then acts as both a NeRF and a signed texture field (STF).

We then optimize the joint objective:


4.2.2   Decoding with STF Rendering

After NeRF-only pre-training, we add additional STF output heads to our MLPs which predict SDF values and texture colors. To construct a triangle mesh, we query the SDF at vertices along a regular 1283 grid and apply a differentiable implementation of Marching Cubes 33 [62]. We then query the texture color head at each vertex of the resulting mesh. We differentiably render the resulting textured mesh using PyTorch3D [49]. We always render with the same (diffuse) lighting configuration which is identical to the lighting configuration used to preprocess our dataset.

In preliminary experiments, we found that randomly-initialized STF output heads were unstable and difficult to train with a rendering-based objective. To alleviate this issue, we first distill approximations of the SDF and texture color into these output heads before directly training with differentiable rendering. In particular, we randomly sample input coordinates and obtain SDF distillation targets using the Point·E SDF regression model, and RGB targets using the color of the nearest neighbor in the asset’s RGB point cloud. During distillation training, we use a sum of distillation losses and the pre-training NeRF loss:

Ldistill = LNeRF  SDFregression(x)||1 + ||RGBθ(x) − RGBNN

                                Pre-trained      Pre-trained STF

Ground-truth            Distilled NeRF        Distilled STF  Finetuned NeRF              Finetuned STF NeRF       (untrained)

Figure 3: 3D asset reconstructions from different rendering modes and checkpoints. Surprisingly, we find that randomly initialized STF heads still produce some elements of the original shape, likely because the previous layer activations are used for NeRF outputs. While distillation improves STF rendering results, it produces rough looking objects. Fine-tuning on both rendering methods yields the best reconstructions.

Once the STF output heads have been initialized to reasonable values via distillation, we fine-tune the encoder for both NeRF and STF rendering end-to-end. We found it unstable to use L1 loss for STF rendering, so we instead use L2 loss only for this rendering method. In particular, we optimize the following loss for STF rendering:

Render(Meshi) − Image

where N is the number of images, s is the image resolution, Meshi is the constructed mesh for sample i, Imagei is a target RGBA rendering for image i, and Render(x) renders a mesh using a differentiable renderer. We do not include a separate transmittance loss, since this is already captured by the alpha channel of the image.

For this final fine-tuning step, we optimize the summed objective:


4.3  Latent Diffusion

For our generative models, we adopt the transformer-based diffusion architecture of Point·E, but replace point clouds with sequences of latent vectors. Our latents are sequences of shape 1024×1024, and we feed this into the transformer as a sequence of 1024 tokens where each token corresponds to a different row of the MLP weight matrices. As a result, our models are roughly compute equivalent to the base Point·E models (i.e. have the same context length and width) while generating samples in a much higher-dimensional space due to the increase of input and output channels.

We follow the same conditioning strategies as Point·E. For image-conditional generation, we prepend a 256-token CLIP embedding sequence to the Transformer context. For text-conditional generation, we prepend a single token containing the CLIP text embedding. To support classifier-free guidance, we randomly set the conditioning information to zero during training with probability 0.1.

Unlike Point·E, we do not parameterize our diffusion model outputs as  predictions. Instead, we directly predict x0, which is algebraically equivalent to predicting , but produced more coherent samples in early experiments. The same observation was made by Ramesh et al. [48], who opted to use x0 prediction when generating CLIP latent vectors with diffusion models.

5 Results

5.1  Encoder Evaluation

We track two render-based metrics throughout the encoder training process. First, we evaluate the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) between reconstructions and ground-truth rendered images. Additionally, to measure our encoder’s ability to capture semantically relevant details of 3D assets, Table 1: Evaluating the encoder after each stage of training. We evaluate PSNR between reconstructions and ground-truth renders, as well as CLIP R-Precision on reconstructions of samples from Point·E 1B (where the peak performance is roughly 46.8%).






STF Point·E CLIP R-Precision

Pre-training (300K)





Pre-training (600K)















Figure 4: Evaluations throughout training for both Shap·E and Point·E. For each checkpoint for both models, we take the maximum value when sweeping over guidance scales


we encode meshes produced by the largest Point·E model and re-evaluate the CLIP R-Precision of the reconstructed NeRF and STF renders. Table 1 tracks these two metrics over the different stages of training. We find that distillation hurts NeRF reconstruction quality, but fine-tuning recovers (and slightly boosts) NeRF quality while drastically increasing the quality of STF renders.

5.2   Comparison to Point·E

Our latent diffusion model shares the same architecture, training dataset, and conditioning modes as Point·E.[3] As a result, comparing to Point·E helps us isolate the effects of generating implicit neural representations rather than an explicit representation. We compare these methods throughout training on sample-based evaluation metrics in Figure 4. As done by Jain et al. [26] and various follow-up literature, we compute CLIP R-Precision [42] on a set of COCO validation prompts. We also evaluate CLIP score on these same prompts, as this metric is often used for measuring image generation quality [40]. We only train comparable 300 million parameter models, but we also plot evaluations for the largest (1 billion parameter) Point·E model for completeness.

In the text-conditional setting, we observe that Shap·E improves on both metrics over the comparable

Point·E model. To rule out the possibility that this gap is due to perceptually small differences,

              Prompt                                                     Point·E Samples                                                             Shap·E Samples (ours)

“a diamond ring”

“a traffic cone”

“a donut with pink icing”

“a corgi”

“a designer dress”

“a pair of shorts”

“a hypercube”

Figure 5: Examples of text prompts for which text-conditional Point·E and Shap·E consistently exhibit qualitatively different behavior. For each prompt, we show four random samples from both models, which were trained on the same dataset with the same base model size.

we also show qualitative samples in Figure 5, finding that these models often produce qualitatively different samples for the same text prompts. We also observe that our text-conditional Shap·E begins to get worse on evaluations before the end of training. In Appendix B, we argue that this is likely due to overfitting to the text captions, and we use an early-stopped checkpoint for all figures and tables.

Unlike the text-conditional case, our image-conditional Shap·E and Point·E models reach roughly the same final evaluation performance, with a slight advantage for Shap·E in CLIP R-Precision and a slight disadvantage in CLIP score. To investigate this phenomenon more deeply, we inspected samples from both models. We initially expected to see qualitatively different behavior from the two models, since they produce samples in different representation spaces. However, we discovered that both models tend to share similar failure cases, as shown in Figure 6a. This suggests that the training data, model architecture, and conditioning images affect the resulting samples more than the chosen representation space.

However, we do still observe some qualitative differences between the two image-conditional models. For example, in the first row of Figure 6b, we find that Point·E sometimes ignores the small slits in the bench, whereas Shap·E attempts to model them. We hypothesize that this particular difference could occur because point clouds are a poor representation for thin features or gaps. Also, we observe in Table 1 that the 3D encoder slightly reduces CLIP R-Precision when applied to Point·E samples. Since Shap·E achieves comparable CLIP R-Precision as Point·E, we hypothesize that Shap·E must generate qualitatively different samples for some prompts which are not bottlenecked by the encoder. This further suggests that explicit and implicit modeling can still learn distinct features from the same data and model architecture.

5.3  Comparison to Other Methods

We compare Shap·E to a broader class of 3D generative techniques on the CLIP R-Precision metric in

Table 2. As done by Nichol et al. [41], we include sampling latency in this table to highlight that the superior sample quality of optimization-based methods comes at a significant inference cost. We also


                                                                             Point·E Sample                                        Shap·E Sample


(a)   Shared failure cases between image-conditional Shap·E and Point·E. In the first example, both models counter-intuitively infer an occluded handle on the mug. In the second, both models incorrectly interpret the proportions of the depicted animal.


                                                                             Point·E Sample                                        Shap·E Sample


(b)   Conditioning images for which both Shap·E and Point·E succeed.

Figure 6: Randomly selected image-conditional samples from both Point·E and Shap·E for the same conditioning images.

note that Shap·E enjoys faster inference than Point·E because Shap·E does not require an additional upsampling diffusion model.

6   Limitations and Future Work

While our text-conditional model can understand many single object prompts with simple attributes, it has a limited ability to compose concepts. In Figure 7, we find that this model struggles to bind multiple attributes to different objects, and fails to reliably produce the correct number of objects when asked for more than two. These failures are likely the result of limited paired training data, and could potentially be alleviated by gathering or generating larger annotated 3D datasets.

Table 2: Comparison of 3D generation techniques on the CLIP R-Precision metric on COCO evaluation prompts. Compute estimates and other methods’ values are taken from Nichol et al. [41]. The best text-conditional results are obtained using our expanded dataset of 3D assets.








∼ 200 V100-hr




∼ 17 V100-min




∼ 12 V100-hr

Point·E (300M, text-only)



25 V100-sec

Shap·E (300M, text-only)



13 V100-sec

Point·E (300M)



1.2 V100-min

Point·E (1B)



1.5 V100-min

Shap·E (300M)



1.0 V100-min

Conditioning images




                                      Prompt                                                             Text-conditional samples

“a stool with a green seat and red legs”

“a red cube on top of a blue cube”

“two cupcakes”

“three cupcakes”

“four cupcakes”

Figure 7: Examples of text-conditional Shap·E samples prompts which require counting and attribute binding.

Additionally, while Shap·E can often produce recognizable 3D assets, the resulting samples often look rough or lack fine details. Notably, Figure 3 shows that the encoder itself sometimes loses detailed textures (e.g. the stripes on the cactus), indicating that improved encoders could potentially recover some of the lost generation quality.

For the best results, Shap·E could potentially be combined with optimization-based 3D generative techniques. For example, a NeRF or mesh produced by Shap·E could be used to initialize an optimization-based approach such as DreamFusion, potentially leading to faster convergence. Alternatively, image-based objectives could be used to guide the Shap·E sampling process, as we briefly explore in Appendix D.

7 Conclusion

We present Shap·E, a latent diffusion model over a space of 3D implicit functions that can be rendered as both NeRFs and textured meshes. We find that Shap·E matches or outperforms a similar explicit generative model given the same dataset, model architecture, and training compute. We also find that our pure text-conditional models can generate diverse, interesting objects without relying on images as an intermediate representation. These results highlight the potential of generating implicit representations, especially in domains like 3D where they can offer more flexibility than explicit representations.

8 Acknowledgments

Our thanks go to Prafulla Dhariwal, Joyce Lee, Jack Rae, and Mark Chen for helpful discussions, and to all contributors of ChatGPT, which provided valuable writing feedback.


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Algorithm 1 High-level pseudocode of our encoder architecture.

Input point cloud p, multiview point cloud m, learned input embedding sequence hl. Outputs: latent variable h and MLP parameters θ.

1: h Cat([PointConv(p),hl])

2: h CrossAttend(h,Proj(p))

3: h CrossAttend(h,PatchEmb(m))

4: h Transformer(h)

5: h h[−len(hl) :]

6: h tanh(h)

7: h0 DiffusionNoise(h)

8: θ Proj(h0)

9: return h,θ


A.1  Encoder Architecture

To capture details of the input 3D asset, we feed our encoder two separate representations of a 3D model:

  Point clouds: For each 3D asset, we pre-compute an RGB point cloud with 16,384 points.

  Multiview point clouds: In addition to a point cloud, we render 20 views of each 3D asset from random camera angles at 256 × 256 resolution. We augment each foreground pixel with an (x,y,z) surface coordinate, giving an image of shape 256 × 256 × 7. We apply an 8 × 8 patch embedding these augmented renderings, resulting in a sequence of 20,480 vectors representing a multiview point cloud.

Our encoder begins by using a point convolution layer to downsample the input point cloud into a set of 1K embeddings. This set of embeddings is concatenated with a learned input embedding hl to obtain a query sequence h. We then update h with a single cross-attention layer that references the input point cloud. Next, we update h again by cross-attending to the patch embedded multiview point cloud m. Next, we apply a transformer to h and take the 1K suffix tokens as latent vectors. We then apply a tanh(x) activation to these latents to clamp them to the range [−1,1]. At this stage, we have obtained the latent vector that we target with our diffusion models, but we do not yet have the parameters of an MLP.

After computing the sequence of latents, we apply Gaussian diffusion noise q(ht) to the latents with probability 0.1. For this diffusion noise, we use the schedule α¯t = 1 − t5 which typically produces very little noise. After the noise and bottleneck layers, we project each latent vector to 256 dimensions and stack the resulting latents into four MLP weight matrices of size 256 × 256. Our full encoder architecture is described in Algorithm 1.

A.2        Encoder Training

We pre-train our encoders for 600K iterations using Adam [29] with a learning rate of 10−4 and a batch size of 64. We perform STF distillation for 50K iterations with a learning rate of 10−5 and keep the batch size at 64. We query 32K random points on each 3D asset for STF distillation. We fine-tune on STF renders for 65K iterations with the same hyperparameters as for distillation. For each stage of training, we re-initialize the optimizer state. For pre-training, we use 16-bit precision with loss scaling [37], but we found full 32-bit precision necessary to stabilize fine-tuning.

A.3        Implicit Representations

We represent our INRs as 6-layer MLPs where the first four layers are determined by the output of an encoder; the final two layers are shared across dataset examples. We do not use any biases in these models. Input coordinates are concatenated with sinusoidal embeddings following the work of Mildenhall et al. [38] and Watson et al. [67]. In particular, each coordinate dimension x is expanded as

Figure 8: NeRF reconstructions of noised latents using our diffusion schedule α¯t = e−12t. The timestep t is linearly swept from 0 to 1 from left to right.


Our MLPs use SiLU activations [20] between intermediate layers. The NeRF density and RGB heads are followed by sigmoid and ReLU activations, respectively. The SDF and texture color heads are followed by tanh and sigmoid activations, respectively.

Although we use direction independent lighting in all of our experiments, we found our encoders unstable to train unless we augmented their input coordinates with ray direction embeddings. Unlike typical NeRF models, our models’ density head can be influenced by the ray direction, potentially leading to view-inconsistent objects. To ensure view-consistency at test time, we always set the ray direction embeddings to zero. Despite the out-of-distribution inputs, this approach is effective, likely because the model learns to disregard the ray direction with sufficient training. It remains an open question why the ray direction is beneficial during initial pre-training, yet appears irrelevant in later stages of training.

A.4  Diffusion Models

When training our diffusion models, we employ the same hyperparameters as used for the 300M parameter Point·E models. The only difference is that we use larger input and output projections to accommodate 1024 feature channels (instead of 6).

For diffusion models, the choice of noise schedule α¯t can often have a big impact on sample quality [39, 27, 7]. Intuitively, the relative scale between a sample and the noise injected at a particular timestep determines how much information is destroyed at that timestep, and we would like a noise schedule that gradually destroys semantic information in the signal. In early experiments, we tried the cosine [39] and linear [22] schedules, as well as a schedule which we found visually to destroy information gradually: α¯t = e−12t (see Figure 8). In these experiments, we found that the latter schedule performed better on evaluation metrics, and decided to use it for all future experiments.

We use similar Heun sampling hyperparameters as Point·E, but found that setting schurn = 0 was a better choice for Shap·E, whereas schurn = 3 was better for Point·E. Additionally, we found that, while our image-conditional models tended to prefer the same guidance scale as Point·E, our textconditional models could tolerate much higher guidance scales while still improving on evaluations (Figure 9). We find that our best text-conditional Point·E samples are obtained using a scale of 5.0, while the best Shap·E results use a scale of 20.0.

A.5   Evaluation

When evaluating CLIP-based metrics, we render our models’ samples using NeRF at 128 × 128 resolution. We sample camera positions randomly around the z-axis, with a constant 30 degree elevation for all camera poses. We find that this works well in practice, since objects in our training dataset are usually oriented with the z-axis as the logical vertical direction.

B   Overfitting in Text-Conditional Models

We observe that our text-conditional model begins to get worse on evaluations after roughly 600K iterations. We hypothesize that this is due to overfitting to the text captions in the dataset, since we did not observe this phenomenon in the image-conditional case. In Figure 10a, we observe that

Figure 9: Evaluation sweep over guidance scale for text-conditional models. We find that Shap·E benefits from increasing guidance scale up to 20.0, whereas Point·E begins to saturate at lower guidance scales and then becomes worse.

(a) Train and validation loss averaged across (b) Train/validation loss averaged over the all diffusion steps. noisiest quarter of the diffusion steps.

Figure 10: Training and validation losses for our text-conditional model. We find that this model overfits, and that the overfitting is stronger for the noisiest diffusion timesteps.

the training loss decreases faster than the validation loss, but that validation loss itself never starts increasing. Why, then, does the model get worse on evaluations?

To more deeply explore this overfitting, we leverage the fact that the diffusion loss is actually a sum of many different loss terms at different noise levels. In Figure 10b, we plot the training and validation losses over only the noisiest quarter of the diffusion steps, finding that in this case overfitting is more pronounced and the validation loss indeed starts increasing at about 600K iterations. Intuitively, conditioning information is more likely to affect noisier timesteps since less information can be inferred from the noised sample xt. This supports the hypothesis that the overfitting is tied to the model’s understanding of the conditioning signal, although it may still be overfitting to other aspects of the data.

Bias and Misuse

Biases present in our dataset are likely to impact the behavior of the models we develop. In Figure

11, we examine bias within our text-conditional model by providing it with ambiguous captions in which certain details, such as body shape or color, are left unspecified. We observe that the samples generated by the model exhibit common gender-role stereotypes in response to these ambiguous prompts.

Our models are not typically adept at producing photo-realistic samples or accurately following long and complex prompts, and this limitation comes with both benefits and drawbacks. On the positive side, it alleviates concerns regarding the potential use of our models to create convincing “DeepFakes”

                                           Prompt                                                             Samples

“a doctor”

“a nurse”

“an engineer”

Figure 11: Examples where our text-conditional model likely exhibits biases from its dataset.

                                           Prompt                                                                            Samples

                          “a 1/8" titanium drill bit” 

Figure 12: Examples of generated 3D objects which could have adverse consequences if used in the real world without validation.

[68]. On the negative side, it raises potential risks when our models are used in conjunction with fabrication methods such as 3D printing to create tools and parts (e.g. Figure 12). In such scenarios, 3D objects generated by the model could be introduced into the real world without undergoing adequate validation or safety testing, and this could potentially be harmful when the produced samples do not adequately meet the desired prompt.

Guidance in Image Space

While our diffusion models operate in a latent space, we find that it is possible to guide them directly in image space. During sampling, we have some noised latent xt and a corresponding model prediction x0 = f(xt). If we treat the model prediction as a latent vector and render it with NeRF to get an image I, we can compute gradients of any image-based objective function L like so:

Given this gradient, we can then follow the classifier guidance setup of Dhariwal and Nichol [9] to update each diffusion step in the direction of a scaled gradient.

To test this idea, we leverage DreamFusion [45] to obtain image-space gradients that incentivize rendered images to match a text prompt. Since DreamFusion requires a powerful text-to-image diffusion model, we use the 3 billion parameter GLIDE model [40]. We sample from our textconditional Shap·E model using 1,024 stochastic DDPM steps. At each step, we use eight rendered views of the NeRF to obtain an estimate of the DreamFusion gradient. We then scale this gradient by a hyperparameter s before applying a guided sampling step. This process takes roughly 15 minutes on eight NVIDIA V100 GPUs.

In Figure 13, we explore what happens as we increase the DreamFusion guidance scale s while keeping the diffusion noise fixed. We observe in general that this text-conditional Shap·E model is not very good on its own with DDPM sampling, failing to capture the text prompts with s = 0. However, as we increase s, we find that the samples tend to approach something more closely matching the prompt. Notably, this is despite the fact that we do not use most of the tricks employed by DreamFusion, such as normals-based shading or grayscale rendering.

                                                                               “a corgi wearing “a red cube on top

                                 s              “a corgi”

                                                                                   a santa hat”        of a blue cube”

s = 0

s = 0.01

s = 0.05

s = 0.1

s = 0.5 s = 1.0

Figure 13: Using DreamFusion to guide our text-conditional Shap·E model.

[1] We use different linear output heads to produce coarse and fine predictions.

[2] In preliminary scans, we found that L1 loss outperformed L2 loss on PSNR after an initial warmup period where L1 was worse.

[3] However, note that Shap·E depends on a separate encoder model, while Point·E depends on separate upsampler and SDF models. Only the base diffusion model architecture is the same.

For faster inference without waiting in a queue, you may duplicate the space and upgrade to GPU in settings. 

Text to 3DImage to 3D

SHAP-E - Text-to-3D

!git clone https://github.com/openai/shap-e

Cloning into 'shap-e'...

remote: Enumerating objects: 304, done.

remote: Counting objects: 100% (48/48), done.

remote: Compressing objects: 100% (37/37), done.

remote: Total 304 (delta 19), reused 23 (delta 11), pack-reused 256

Receiving objects: 100% (304/304), 11.71 MiB | 22.49 MiB/s, done.

Resolving deltas: 100% (19/19), done.

[ ]

%cd shap-e


!pip install -e .

Looking in indexes: https://pypi.org/simple, https://us-python.pkg.dev/colab-wheels/public/simple/

Obtaining file:///content/shap-e

  Preparing metadata (setup.py) ... done

Collecting clip@ git+https://github.com/openai/CLIP.git

  Cloning https://github.com/openai/CLIP.git to /tmp/pip-install-_otx4sh3/clip_ecf5c957d3ea41669a4651860e427321

  Running command git clone --filter=blob:none --quiet https://github.com/openai/CLIP.git /tmp/pip-install-_otx4sh3/clip_ecf5c957d3ea41669a4651860e427321

  Resolved https://github.com/openai/CLIP.git to commit a9b1bf5920416aaeaec965c25dd9e8f98c864f16

  Preparing metadata (setup.py) ... done

Requirement already satisfied: filelock in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from shap-e==0.0.0) (3.12.0)

Requirement already satisfied: Pillow in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from shap-e==0.0.0) (8.4.0)

Requirement already satisfied: torch in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from shap-e==0.0.0) (2.0.0+cu118)

Collecting fire

  Downloading fire-0.5.0.tar.gz (88 kB)

     ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 88.3/88.3 kB 8.8 MB/s eta 0:00:00

  Preparing metadata (setup.py) ... done

Requirement already satisfied: humanize in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from shap-e==0.0.0) (4.6.0)

Requirement already satisfied: requests in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from shap-e==0.0.0) (2.27.1)

Requirement already satisfied: tqdm in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from shap-e==0.0.0) (4.65.0)

Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from shap-e==0.0.0) (3.7.1)

Requirement already satisfied: scikit-image in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from shap-e==0.0.0) (0.19.3)

Requirement already satisfied: scipy in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from shap-e==0.0.0) (1.10.1)

Requirement already satisfied: numpy in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from shap-e==0.0.0) (1.22.4)

Collecting blobfile

  Downloading blobfile-2.0.2-py3-none-any.whl (74 kB)

     ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 74.5/74.5 kB 10.1 MB/s eta 0:00:00

Collecting pycryptodomex~=3.8

  Downloading pycryptodomex-3.17-cp35-abi3-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (2.1 MB)

     ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 2.1/2.1 MB 10.1 MB/s eta 0:00:00

Requirement already satisfied: lxml~=4.9 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from blobfile->shap-e==0.0.0) (4.9.2)

Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<3,>=1.25.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from blobfile->shap-e==0.0.0) (1.26.15)

Collecting ftfy

  Downloading ftfy-6.1.1-py3-none-any.whl (53 kB)

     ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 53.1/53.1 kB 7.7 MB/s eta 0:00:00

Requirement already satisfied: regex in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from clip@ git+https://github.com/openai/CLIP.git->shap-e==0.0.0) (2022.10.31)

Requirement already satisfied: torchvision in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from clip@ git+https://github.com/openai/CLIP.git->shap-e==0.0.0) (0.15.1+cu118)

Requirement already satisfied: six in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from fire->shap-e==0.0.0) (1.16.0)

Requirement already satisfied: termcolor in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from fire->shap-e==0.0.0) (2.3.0)

Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.7 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib->shap-e==0.0.0) (2.8.2)

Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=20.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib->shap-e==0.0.0) (23.1)

Requirement already satisfied: cycler>=0.10 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib->shap-e==0.0.0) (0.11.0)

Requirement already satisfied: kiwisolver>=1.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib->shap-e==0.0.0) (1.4.4)

Requirement already satisfied: contourpy>=1.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib->shap-e==0.0.0) (1.0.7)

Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing>=2.3.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib->shap-e==0.0.0) (3.0.9)

Requirement already satisfied: fonttools>=4.22.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib->shap-e==0.0.0) (4.39.3)

Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer~=2.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests->shap-e==0.0.0) (2.0.12)

Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests->shap-e==0.0.0) (2022.12.7)

Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests->shap-e==0.0.0) (3.4)

Requirement already satisfied: networkx>=2.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from scikit-image->shap-e==0.0.0) (3.1)

Requirement already satisfied: imageio>=2.4.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from scikit-image->shap-e==0.0.0) (2.25.1)

Requirement already satisfied: PyWavelets>=1.1.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from scikit-image->shap-e==0.0.0) (1.4.1)

Requirement already satisfied: tifffile>=2019.7.26 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from scikit-image->shap-e==0.0.0) (2023.4.12)

Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from torch->shap-e==0.0.0) (4.5.0)

Requirement already satisfied: sympy in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from torch->shap-e==0.0.0) (1.11.1)

Requirement already satisfied: triton==2.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from torch->shap-e==0.0.0) (2.0.0)

Requirement already satisfied: jinja2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from torch->shap-e==0.0.0) (3.1.2)

Requirement already satisfied: lit in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from triton==2.0.0->torch->shap-e==0.0.0) (16.0.2)

Requirement already satisfied: cmake in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from triton==2.0.0->torch->shap-e==0.0.0) (3.25.2)

Requirement already satisfied: wcwidth>=0.2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from ftfy->clip@ git+https://github.com/openai/CLIP.git->shap-e==0.0.0) (0.2.6)

Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from jinja2->torch->shap-e==0.0.0) (2.1.2)

Requirement already satisfied: mpmath>=0.19 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from sympy->torch->shap-e==0.0.0) (1.3.0)

Building wheels for collected packages: clip, fire

  Building wheel for clip (setup.py) ... done

  Created wheel for clip: filename=clip-1.0-py3-none-any.whl size=1369398 sha256=f3e22e6c05776411029b81feaa8f66442b6439defe6abb3db450aaee26ff1ca6

  Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-d861pv8v/wheels/da/2b/4c/d6691fa9597aac8bb85d2ac13b112deb897d5b50f5ad9a37e4

  Building wheel for fire (setup.py) ... done

  Created wheel for fire: filename=fire-0.5.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl size=116952 sha256=53aed103179e74f6f6e17ec68992bd34cb4b834de70b232b7935602e95b29ac6

  Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/90/d4/f7/9404e5db0116bd4d43e5666eaa3e70ab53723e1e3ea40c9a95

Successfully built clip fire

Installing collected packages: pycryptodomex, ftfy, fire, blobfile, clip, shap-e

  Running setup.py develop for shap-e

Successfully installed blobfile-2.0.2 clip-1.0 fire-0.5.0 ftfy-6.1.1 pycryptodomex-3.17 shap-e-0.0.0 

[ ]

import torch

from shap_e.diffusion.sample import sample_latents

from shap_e.diffusion.gaussian_diffusion import diffusion_from_config

from shap_e.models.download import load_model, load_config

from shap_e.util.notebooks import create_pan_cameras, decode_latent_images, gif_widget

[ ]

device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')

[ ]

xm = load_model('transmitter', device=device)

model = load_model('text300M', device=device)

diffusion = diffusion_from_config(load_config('diffusion'))

[ ]

batch_size = 1

guidance_scale = 15.0

prompt = "a sword"

latents = sample_latents(





    model_kwargs=dict(texts=[prompt] * batch_size),










[ ]

render_mode = 'nerf' # you can change this to 'stf'

size = 64 # this is the size of the renders; higher values take longer to render.

cameras = create_pan_cameras(size, device)

for i, latent in enumerate(latents):

    images = decode_latent_images(xm, latent, cameras, rendering_mode=render_mode)


[ ]

# Example of saving the latents as meshes.

from shap_e.util.notebooks import decode_latent_mesh

for i, latent in enumerate(latents):

    with open(f'example_mesh_{i}.ply', 'wb') as f:

        decode_latent_mesh(xm, latent).tri_mesh().write_ply(f)

/content/shap-e/shap_e/models/stf/renderer.py:286: UserWarning: exception rendering with PyTorch3D: No module named 'pytorch3d'

  warnings.warn(f"exception rendering with PyTorch3D: {exc}")

/content/shap-e/shap_e/models/stf/renderer.py:287: UserWarning: falling back on native PyTorch renderer, which does not support full gradients



SHAP-E - Text-to-3D


Shap·E: The Revolutionary 3D Asset Generator by OpenAI

Taking Your Existing Business With HuggingGPT AI

HuggingFace Crash Course

HuggingFace Crash Course - Sentiment Analysis, Model Hub, Fine Tuning

What is Hugging Face - Crash Course (No Coding) | ML Products for Beginners

Getting Started with AI powered Q&A using Hugging Face Transformers | HuggingFace Tutorial

Hugging Face Agents

NEW Hugging Face Agents — First Look

Hugging Face has announced its take on Large Language Model (LLM) Agents. Similar to what we see in LangChain agents, Haystack agents, and ChatGPT plugins — but incredibly easy to get started with and with access to Hugging Face's huge hub of NLP models (taking inspiration from HuggingGPT). 

00:00 Hugging Face Agents

00:38 Agents and Tools Explained

02:15 Current Agents Landscape

04:35 Taking Inspiration from HuggingGPT

05:45 Getting Started with Hugging Face Agents

08:28 Querying the Agents

10:58 Agent Prompt Template

11:46 Conversational Chatbot Agent in Hugging Face

16:44 Community Tools in Hugging Face

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/jamescalam

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These agents look great, with the integration into the HF hub, multi-modality, and an easy-to-use implementation, and I'm looking forward to doing more on HF agents in the near future.

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🤖 70% Discount on the NLP With Transformers in Python course:


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hugging face have just announced


something that I think is probably going


to be a very major thing in the future


of large Lounge models and NLP and that


has their spin on agents for large


language models and Transformers in


general now there's quite a few reasons


as to why I think home face are in a


very good position to offer possibly one


of the best agents and Tool Frameworks


out there and I'm going to discuss those


first for those of you that haven't


heard of these things before are just


kind of not sure what they are let me


quickly explain One agent and what a


tool is so we know what large language

Agents and Tools Explained


models are they are big Transformer


models that can basically answer


questions in natural language for us


based on some natural language input a


agent kind of takes this and takes it a


little bit further and expands these LMS


out to basically allow them to have


multiple sets of reasoning and thought


so they can think to themselves and this


is ideal for when we want to integrate


what are called tools so what we can do


is we can tell an LM hey we want you to


answer a question if you can't answer by


yourself you can actually refer to some


other tools that we have given to you


and you might say something like if you


don't know about a particular topic you


can perform a Google search in order to


find out about that particular topic and


you would also explain you know how we


can do that and because the llm has this


multi-step thought process it can say


okay I've got this question I need to


use a Google Search tool and then it


will say how do I use that Google search


so it's going to provide some input to


Google search we would then go do a


Google search for it return some answers


and pass that back into the LM and now


all of a sudden it can answer a question


and you can do this for a ton of tools a


single databases knowledge base some


effective databases and so on python


interpreters you can do basically


anything you can program you can create


a tool out of it now obviously this is a


very powerful thing to be able to do now


at the moment by far the biggest library

Current Agents Landscape


for using agents is Lang chain there's


also haysak who have introduced agents


recently and and there's also actually


chat GPT plugins which are a form of


Agents as well or at least it's a form


of tools added to the agent which is


actually chat GPT itself now hooking


fails have also kind of jumped on the


bandwagon and I think their


implementation is actually uh very


interesting and particularly powerful


for a lot of different reasons a big


component of that is what hooking face


actually is so clicking face is


essentially almost like a huge community


and hub of all of these different


Transformer models diffusion models for


generating images data sets and just a


ton of anything you can think of in


machine learning home face actually


cover a lot of it and their version of


agents and tools are very interesting


and you know I haven't been all the way


through yet this is kind of my first


look but the agent itself is very simple


to use it also can be use as a


conversational agent so as a chatbot


where you have multi-steps in the


process and it also gives us access to


all of these models on hugging face


which I think is one of the coolest


things about it but and there's other


things as well but actually let me jump


into it and show you those rather than


just talking through them we'll just


have a quick look at their example here


so they have basically they didn't


really show you anything I'm going to go


through a code in the moment but you run


agent dot run capture in the following


image right and then they pass in this


image right through image here and then


the output is a beaver throwing in the


water then they also have this so agent


run read the following text out loud and


it will use a text to each model to


actually do that you can also do this so


we have like some OCR reading this


document or this image of a document


then we say in this following document


as we asked the question and the output


is this Ballroom for you which is down


here at the bottom but I'm right now the


point here is that these agents are


using like a ton of different models


from the Transformers library and I

Taking Inspiration from HuggingGPT


think this takes pretty clear


inspiration from this paper called


hugging GPT which essentially use chat


GPT with a ton of hug and face models to


do a load of cool things so it use the


same sort of approach where you have an


agent which was the chat GPT model and


if we come down to the first image here


this basically shows us how it works we


have a large Lounge model chat GPT in


this case our rgbt 3.5 turbo I assume


and this is like your controller and


then we have all these what we would


call specialist models that can do


particular things that chat GPT is not


able to do like understand what is


within an image or caption an image and


chat GPT or your your large language


model is able to basically figure out


okay given a question which models do we


need to use what input do I need to pass


them and then uses the output from those


models to inform the next step of trying


to you know figure out what it needs to


do and then provide a very cool answer


that a normal large language model would


not be able to do by itself now let's

Getting Started with Hugging Face Agents


take a look at a code example of how we


can use this now initially I'm just


actually using one of the examples from


hooking phase and then we'll just go


through it's a few cells and then we'll


do something a little more interesting


so first thing we need to do here is


install a few things so Transformers


which is a library that contains the


agents because we're going to be using


image generation and models here so the


diffusion models we need to use I can


face the fuses and we're also going to


use accelerate which I believe allows us


to run things faster now in reality and


I'm not sure if this is the case I think


we should hopefully be running on a GPU


here okay so here I've gone into my


runtime settings and just changed my


Hardware accelerator to GPU and then


what we do is we're just going to use


open AI here obviously you know for your


large Lounge model hooking face makes it


very easy to use other open source


options so you can you can do that I'm


just using this because I know it's


going to work it's quick so here we are


and I'm going to use text eventually 003


basically what I found generally


speaking is that text DaVinci zero zero


three is usually better at following


instructions for tools within agents


than GPT 3.5 turbo and that's also the


model that they use that hook and face


are using in their examples so I'm not


100 sure if they support GT 3.5 turbo


yeah I'll need to try at some point so


yeah all we do just performers tools


import open AI agent and there are other


agents as well I think there's the


hugging face agent is like HF agent


maybe but obviously we're just going to


use open AI on here you will need to add


in your API API key which you can get


from splatform




platform the open AI .com okay so we're


going to run this this is going to


initialize our agent and actually that's


all we need to do


and now it works which is very easy and


quick to sell so I think all we're doing


here is okay so we're downloading the


tool configuration and this is a very


interesting component of hugging faces


tools implementation which is that we


can download Community contribute tools


and obviously hugging faces Zone tours


so in the next probably very soon next


few weeks we're probably going to see


some pretty insane tools appear from the


community which will be


fascinating to see that's one of the big


components as to why I think this is


going to be pretty major okay and

Querying the Agents


another reason I think this is going to


be pretty major is that we can do


multi-modal agents super easily so I


haven't done anything here right I just


initialize my agent and I said okay I


want to generate an image of a boat in


the water right and because hugging


phase has they have a big diffusers


Library which contains loads of text to


image diffusion models and they


obviously have all the transform models


as well they've kind of integrated at


least a few of those into the default


agent so if I just say generate an image


of a bone to water what it's doing here


is this isn't how long it takes to


process this is actually downloading the


model okay so the the image generation


model this will only happen once okay



and I'll prove that by running it again


in a moment so that's going to download


it is okay here we go so we've got an


estimation from the agent I'm going to


use the following tool image generator


to generate an image according to the


prompt then it generates some code here




here we go here's here is our image of a


boat in the water Okay so


yeah that was super easy to do and let


me just run that again okay you'll see


that it doesn't take quite as long this




okay so it's generating the image




and there we go right that was eight


seconds which you know considering it


also three seconds to generate the image


that's pretty good for an agent so that


is really cool and okay what we can also


do is okay I have a boat image here


and we can come down and do agent run


again and I can pass in this variable


okay so we use this backtick here and we


can pass in a variable which we then


enter its own actual variable here right


so we could we could also just do like


image okay and then that just means that


we need to replace image here okay so


let's run that I'm just going to ask you


to write a caption for this image again


it's going to need to download the


captioning model as you can see here


okay and then we get a boat floating in


the water with clouds in the background


all right let's run it again so we can


see how long that actually takes okay so


four seconds again very quick okay and

Agent Prompt Template


then so here I was just looking okay


what does that prompt template look like


when we're doing that run method you can


kind of see a little bit logic that is


going on in here here so I'm going to


ask you to perform tasks it includes all


the tools here and then it gives a few


examples and then ask it to figure out


what it needs to do next right this is


just yeah we don't need that it just


contains all the code for the agent


which is another nice thing that I like


about the hugging face implementation is


that the code is pretty readable


um so if something isn't quite working


the way you'd expect it to work you can


go into code and kind of figure out why


almost straight away which is not as


easy to do with other libraries at the


moment so that that's very nice and yeah

Conversational Chatbot Agent in Hugging Face


I mean it's super cool now let's have a


look at a conversational agent so


basically a chat bot right so I'm going


to say hey how are you okay we just get


this right hi there I'm doing well thank


you for asking cool I'm gonna ask you to


create an image of a draft riding a


skateboard and I I just made this up


very quickly before running this


I mean the results are not perfect but


they're they're intro they're funny


right so we're not running any special


diffusion models here so we'll get like


this weird two-headed giraffe but you


know let's stick with that and like I


said the resources are entertaining and


then they're not particularly impressive


from a image generation point of view


but it's just interesting to to see so


you're using a image generator model and


then you come down here and it's not


going to use a image generator model


it's going to use an image Transformer


model to modify the existing image and


this is something that is really cool as


well so okay first it needs to download


that in that model so let me explain


what is so cool here right so look you


can see that it's generating some code


right and this code is actually


referring to the image okay and the


image is generated by this code


beforehand so the python interpreter


that all of this is using is maintained


between chat interactions it's going to


write some code and then you can say oh


actually can you do something else and


it's it can still interact with that


coding it can still see that code and


it's going to write some more code based


on what's already done


which is not something that I have seen


done by default in other libraries like


use agents and tools so I mean that's


just a really cool thing that I I like


and it's just insane how easy it is to


get that working so cool yeah so now we


get this right so it's an elephant so


this image transform model I even use an


image transfer model before I didn't


actually know they were a thing but I


think what it does is identifies wearing


the image and the draft is which it's


done and then just try to modify that


part of the image so we get this kind of


weird I mean yeah I can see what it's


trying to do but it's interesting right


so okay cool and then this this didn't


work for me before I want to try it


again so could you give the elephant


shiny laser eyes last time I tried this


it made the elephant like made of gold


uh let's see what it does this time


maybe it just read could you maybe


elephant shiny I'm not sure


okay so it went from that again so now


we have like a I don't know what it is


it's like a gold giraffe I think


um and then okay we can caption the




so I'm very curious as to what it says


about this image okay and this caption


is a a gif giffe standing on the


skateboard before I'm pretty sure it


gave me a very similar very similar


output so I wonder if is it uh okay so


it's a modified image right so can you


caption the modified image


or what I'm gonna say is


I'm gonna copy this


and I'm gonna say sorry I meant the


modified image


okay okay a g graph okay so the code is


right so the caption is image captioner


modified image and then this is weird


I'm not sure why like maybe there's some


weird stuff going on the tokenizer here


but yeah here we get a GI GIF on a state


board okay fair enough and then I wanted


to test this a little more can you


search the internet some more of these


types of images so a Search tool is a


pretty typical tool that is included


within agents and I just wanted to see


if they include that by default so let's


try and we'll we'll see okay so


unfortunately no they don't seem to so


it refers to a text downloader tool okay


and that is apparently a thing so


downloads the text downloader model or


tool I'm not sure what it is exactly and


yeah it just download some tapes so it


doesn't work for everything yet but that


think is is already pretty cool the fact


that we're just referring to all these


models that we have this like python


interpreter just built in and just so


it's so easy to use I think is is really


interesting and yeah for sure we're


definitely going to do a lot more on


Transformer agents in the future but for


now yeah I just wanted to introduce the


the library to you or the the new


features to you and also just explore


them myself again like I said there's a

Community Tools in Hugging Face


massive Community aspect to this so that


is probably one of the biggest things


that I think hooking face agents has


going for it the fact that they will


have and I haven't I haven't seen if


there are


if we can actually find them on the home


face website but let me show you what it


looks like with just models so we can


come over here we have models right and


there's just tons of models on hugging


face right now imagine that they're


planning to do or are doing the same


thing with tools and it's not here yet I


don't I don't see any tools but clearly


the the code or the interface is already


there because we were downloading tools


here I I believe we're downloading tools


here so that is super interesting and


yeah I'm sure people are going to build


some insane tools very quickly


so yeah that will be pretty huge in my


opinion now I haven't seen how


customizable these agents are yet that's


something exploring very soon but I


would imagine you know who you can face


to make things pretty simple so I my


expectation is that it will be pretty


easy to to work through and figure all


that out


so yeah overall I'm I'm very excited to


see what they what they do with this I


think this will be a really cool feature


but for now I'm going to leave it there


so I hope this has been interesting and


useful thank you very much for watching


and I will see you again in the next one







For faster inference without waiting in queue, you may duplicate the space and upgrade to GPU in settings. 


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A Guide for AI-Enhancing Your Existing Business Application

A guide to improving your existing business application of artificial intelligence

מדריך לשיפור היישום העסקי הקיים שלך בינה מלאכותית

What is Artificial Intelligence and how does it work? What are the 3 types of AI?

What is Artificial Intelligence and how does it work? What are the 3 types of AI? The 3 types of AI are: General AI: AI that can perform all of the intellectual tasks a human can. Currently, no form of AI can think abstractly or develop creative ideas in the same ways as humans.  Narrow AI: Narrow AI commonly includes visual recognition and natural language processing (NLP) technologies. It is a powerful tool for completing routine jobs based on common knowledge, such as playing music on demand via a voice-enabled device.  Broad AI: Broad AI typically relies on exclusive data sets associated with the business in question. It is generally considered the most useful AI category for a business. Business leaders will integrate a broad AI solution with a specific business process where enterprise-specific knowledge is required.  How can artificial intelligence be used in business? AI is providing new ways for humans to engage with machines, transitioning personnel from pure digital experiences to human-like natural interactions. This is called cognitive engagement.  AI is augmenting and improving how humans absorb and process information, often in real-time. This is called cognitive insights and knowledge management. Beyond process automation, AI is facilitating knowledge-intensive business decisions, mimicking complex human intelligence. This is called cognitive automation.  What are the different artificial intelligence technologies in business? Machine learning, deep learning, robotics, computer vision, cognitive computing, artificial general intelligence, natural language processing, and knowledge reasoning are some of the most common business applications of AI.  What is the difference between artificial intelligence and machine learning and deep learning? Artificial intelligence (AI) applies advanced analysis and logic-based techniques, including machine learning, to interpret events, support and automate decisions, and take actions.  Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.  Deep learning is a subset of machine learning in artificial intelligence (AI) that has networks capable of learning unsupervised from data that is unstructured or unlabeled.  What are the current and future capabilities of artificial intelligence? Current capabilities of AI include examples such as personal assistants (Siri, Alexa, Google Home), smart cars (Tesla), behavioral adaptation to improve the emotional intelligence of customer support representatives, using machine learning and predictive algorithms to improve the customer’s experience, transactional AI like that of Amazon, personalized content recommendations (Netflix), voice control, and learning thermostats.  Future capabilities of AI might probably include fully autonomous cars, precision farming, future air traffic controllers, future classrooms with ambient informatics, urban systems, smart cities and so on.  To know more about the scope of artificial intelligence in your business, please connect with our expert.

מהי בינה מלאכותית וכיצד היא פועלת? מהם 3 סוגי הבינה המלאכותית?

מהי בינה מלאכותית וכיצד היא פועלת? מהם 3 סוגי הבינה המלאכותית? שלושת סוגי הבינה המלאכותית הם: בינה מלאכותית כללית: בינה מלאכותית שיכולה לבצע את כל המשימות האינטלקטואליות שאדם יכול. נכון לעכשיו, שום צורה של AI לא יכולה לחשוב בצורה מופשטת או לפתח רעיונות יצירתיים באותן דרכים כמו בני אדם. בינה מלאכותית צרה: בינה מלאכותית צרה כוללת בדרך כלל טכנולוגיות זיהוי חזותי ועיבוד שפה טבעית (NLP). זהו כלי רב עוצמה להשלמת עבודות שגרתיות המבוססות על ידע נפוץ, כגון השמעת מוזיקה לפי דרישה באמצעות מכשיר התומך בקול. בינה מלאכותית רחבה: בינה מלאכותית רחבה מסתמכת בדרך כלל על מערכי נתונים בלעדיים הקשורים לעסק המדובר. זה נחשב בדרך כלל לקטגוריית הבינה המלאכותית השימושית ביותר עבור עסק. מנהיגים עסקיים ישלבו פתרון AI רחב עם תהליך עסקי ספציפי שבו נדרש ידע ספציפי לארגון. כיצד ניתן להשתמש בבינה מלאכותית בעסק? AI מספקת דרכים חדשות לבני אדם לעסוק במכונות, ומעבירה את הצוות מחוויות דיגיטליות טהורות לאינטראקציות טבעיות דמויות אדם. זה נקרא מעורבות קוגניטיבית. בינה מלאכותית מגדילה ומשפרת את האופן שבו בני אדם קולטים ומעבדים מידע, לעתים קרובות בזמן אמת. זה נקרא תובנות קוגניטיביות וניהול ידע. מעבר לאוטומציה של תהליכים, AI מאפשר החלטות עסקיות עתירות ידע, תוך חיקוי אינטליגנציה אנושית מורכבת. זה נקרא אוטומציה קוגניטיבית. מהן טכנולוגיות הבינה המלאכותית השונות בעסק? למידת מכונה, למידה עמוקה, רובוטיקה, ראייה ממוחשבת, מחשוב קוגניטיבי, בינה כללית מלאכותית, עיבוד שפה טבעית וחשיבת ידע הם חלק מהיישומים העסקיים הנפוצים ביותר של AI. מה ההבדל בין בינה מלאכותית ולמידת מכונה ולמידה עמוקה? בינה מלאכותית (AI) מיישמת ניתוח מתקדמות וטכניקות מבוססות לוגיקה, כולל למידת מכונה, כדי לפרש אירועים, לתמוך ולהפוך החלטות לאוטומטיות ולנקוט פעולות. למידת מכונה היא יישום של בינה מלאכותית (AI) המספק למערכות את היכולת ללמוד ולהשתפר מניסיון באופן אוטומטי מבלי להיות מתוכנתים במפורש. למידה עמוקה היא תת-קבוצה של למידת מכונה בבינה מלאכותית (AI) שיש לה רשתות המסוגלות ללמוד ללא פיקוח מנתונים שאינם מובנים או ללא תווית. מהן היכולות הנוכחיות והעתידיות של בינה מלאכותית? היכולות הנוכחיות של AI כוללות דוגמאות כמו עוזרים אישיים (Siri, Alexa, Google Home), מכוניות חכמות (Tesla), התאמה התנהגותית לשיפור האינטליגנציה הרגשית של נציגי תמיכת לקוחות, שימוש בלמידת מכונה ואלגוריתמים חזויים כדי לשפר את חווית הלקוח, עסקאות בינה מלאכותית כמו זו של אמזון, המלצות תוכן מותאמות אישית (Netflix), שליטה קולית ותרמוסטטים ללמידה. יכולות עתידיות של AI עשויות לכלול כנראה מכוניות אוטונומיות מלאות, חקלאות מדויקת, בקרי תעבורה אוויריים עתידיים, כיתות עתידיות עם אינפורמטיקה סביבתית, מערכות עירוניות, ערים חכמות וכן הלאה. כדי לדעת יותר על היקף הבינה המלאכותית בעסק שלך, אנא צור קשר עם המומחה שלנו.

Glossary of Terms

Application Programming Interface(API):

An API, or application programming interface, is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software programs to communicate and exchange information with each other. It acts as a kind of intermediary, enabling different programs to interact and work together, even if they are not built using the same programming languages or technologies. API's provide a way for different software programs to talk to each other and share data, helping to create a more interconnected and seamless user experience.

Artificial Intelligence(AI):

the intelligence displayed by machines in performing tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning, problem-solving, decision-making, and language understanding. AI is achieved by developing algorithms and systems that can process, analyze, and understand large amounts of data and make decisions based on that data.

Compute Unified Device Architecture(CUDA):

CUDA is a way that computers can work on really hard and big problems by breaking them down into smaller pieces and solving them all at the same time. It helps the computer work faster and better by using special parts inside it called GPUs. It's like when you have lots of friends help you do a puzzle - it goes much faster than if you try to do it all by yourself.

The term "CUDA" is a trademark of NVIDIA Corporation, which developed and popularized the technology.

Data Processing:

The process of preparing raw data for use in a machine learning model, including tasks such as cleaning, transforming, and normalizing the data.

Deep Learning(DL):

A subfield of machine learning that uses deep neural networks with many layers to learn complex patterns from data.

Feature Engineering:

The process of selecting and creating new features from the raw data that can be used to improve the performance of a machine learning model.


You might see the term "Freemium" used often on this site. It simply means that the specific tool that you're looking at has both free and paid options. Typically there is very minimal, but unlimited, usage of the tool at a free tier with more access and features introduced in paid tiers.

Generative Art:

Generative art is a form of art that is created using a computer program or algorithm to generate visual or audio output. It often involves the use of randomness or mathematical rules to create unique, unpredictable, and sometimes chaotic results.

Generative Pre-trained Transformer(GPT):

GPT stands for Generative Pretrained Transformer. It is a type of large language model developed by OpenAI.


GitHub is a platform for hosting and collaborating on software projects

Google Colab:

Google Colab is an online platform that allows users to share and run Python scripts in the cloud

Graphics Processing Unit(GPU):

A GPU, or graphics processing unit, is a special type of computer chip that is designed to handle the complex calculations needed to display images and video on a computer or other device. It's like the brain of your computer's graphics system, and it's really good at doing lots of math really fast. GPUs are used in many different types of devices, including computers, phones, and gaming consoles. They are especially useful for tasks that require a lot of processing power, like playing video games, rendering 3D graphics, or running machine learning algorithms.

Large Language Model(LLM):

A type of machine learning model that is trained on a very large amount of text data and is able to generate natural-sounding text.

Machine Learning(ML):

A method of teaching computers to learn from data, without being explicitly programmed.

Natural Language Processing(NLP):

A subfield of AI that focuses on teaching machines to understand, process, and generate human language

Neural Networks:

A type of machine learning algorithm modeled on the structure and function of the brain.

Neural Radiance Fields(NeRF):

Neural Radiance Fields are a type of deep learning model that can be used for a variety of tasks, including image generation, object detection, and segmentation. NeRFs are inspired by the idea of using a neural network to model the radiance of an image, which is a measure of the amount of light that is emitted or reflected by an object.


OpenAI is a research institute focused on developing and promoting artificial intelligence technologies that are safe, transparent, and beneficial to society


A common problem in machine learning, in which the model performs well on the training data but poorly on new, unseen data. It occurs when the model is too complex and has learned too many details from the training data, so it doesn't generalize well.


A prompt is a piece of text that is used to prime a large language model and guide its generation


Python is a popular, high-level programming language known for its simplicity, readability, and flexibility (many AI tools use it)

Reinforcement Learning:

A type of machine learning in which the model learns by trial and error, receiving rewards or punishments for its actions and adjusting its behavior accordingly.

Spatial Computing:

Spatial computing is the use of technology to add digital information and experiences to the physical world. This can include things like augmented reality, where digital information is added to what you see in the real world, or virtual reality, where you can fully immerse yourself in a digital environment. It has many different uses, such as in education, entertainment, and design, and can change how we interact with the world and with each other.

Stable Diffusion:

Stable Diffusion generates complex artistic images based on text prompts. It’s an open source image synthesis AI model available to everyone. Stable Diffusion can be installed locally using code found on GitHub or there are several online user interfaces that also leverage Stable Diffusion models.

Supervised Learning:

A type of machine learning in which the training data is labeled and the model is trained to make predictions based on the relationships between the input data and the corresponding labels.

Unsupervised Learning:

A type of machine learning in which the training data is not labeled, and the model is trained to find patterns and relationships in the data on its own.


A webhook is a way for one computer program to send a message or data to another program over the internet in real-time. It works by sending the message or data to a specific URL, which belongs to the other program. Webhooks are often used to automate processes and make it easier for different programs to communicate and work together. They are a useful tool for developers who want to build custom applications or create integrations between different software systems.

מילון מונחים

ממשק תכנות יישומים (API): API, או ממשק תכנות יישומים, הוא קבוצה של כללים ופרוטוקולים המאפשרים לתוכנות שונות לתקשר ולהחליף מידע ביניהן. הוא פועל כמעין מתווך, המאפשר לתוכניות שונות לקיים אינטראקציה ולעבוד יחד, גם אם הן אינן בנויות באמצעות אותן שפות תכנות או טכנולוגיות. ממשקי API מספקים דרך לתוכנות שונות לדבר ביניהן ולשתף נתונים, ועוזרות ליצור חווית משתמש מקושרת יותר וחלקה יותר. בינה מלאכותית (AI): האינטליגנציה שמוצגת על ידי מכונות בביצוע משימות הדורשות בדרך כלל אינטליגנציה אנושית, כגון למידה, פתרון בעיות, קבלת החלטות והבנת שפה. AI מושגת על ידי פיתוח אלגוריתמים ומערכות שיכולים לעבד, לנתח ולהבין כמויות גדולות של נתונים ולקבל החלטות על סמך הנתונים הללו. Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA): CUDA היא דרך שבה מחשבים יכולים לעבוד על בעיות קשות וגדולות באמת על ידי פירוקן לחתיכות קטנות יותר ופתרון כולן בו זמנית. זה עוזר למחשב לעבוד מהר יותר וטוב יותר על ידי שימוש בחלקים מיוחדים בתוכו הנקראים GPUs. זה כמו כשיש לך הרבה חברים שעוזרים לך לעשות פאזל - זה הולך הרבה יותר מהר מאשר אם אתה מנסה לעשות את זה לבד. המונח "CUDA" הוא סימן מסחרי של NVIDIA Corporation, אשר פיתחה והפכה את הטכנולוגיה לפופולרית. עיבוד נתונים: תהליך הכנת נתונים גולמיים לשימוש במודל למידת מכונה, כולל משימות כמו ניקוי, שינוי ונימול של הנתונים. למידה עמוקה (DL): תת-תחום של למידת מכונה המשתמש ברשתות עצביות עמוקות עם רבדים רבים כדי ללמוד דפוסים מורכבים מנתונים. הנדסת תכונות: תהליך הבחירה והיצירה של תכונות חדשות מהנתונים הגולמיים שניתן להשתמש בהם כדי לשפר את הביצועים של מודל למידת מכונה. Freemium: ייתכן שתראה את המונח "Freemium" בשימוש לעתים קרובות באתר זה. זה פשוט אומר שלכלי הספציפי שאתה מסתכל עליו יש אפשרויות חינמיות וגם בתשלום. בדרך כלל יש שימוש מינימלי מאוד, אך בלתי מוגבל, בכלי בשכבה חינמית עם יותר גישה ותכונות שהוצגו בשכבות בתשלום. אמנות גנרטיבית: אמנות גנרטיבית היא צורה של אמנות שנוצרת באמצעות תוכנת מחשב או אלגוריתם ליצירת פלט חזותי או אודיו. לרוב זה כרוך בשימוש באקראיות או בכללים מתמטיים כדי ליצור תוצאות ייחודיות, בלתי צפויות ולעיתים כאוטיות. Generative Pre-trained Transformer(GPT): GPT ראשי תיבות של Generative Pre-trained Transformer. זהו סוג של מודל שפה גדול שפותח על ידי OpenAI. GitHub: GitHub היא פלטפורמה לאירוח ושיתוף פעולה בפרויקטי תוכנה

Google Colab: Google Colab היא פלטפורמה מקוונת המאפשרת למשתמשים לשתף ולהריץ סקריפטים של Python בענן Graphics Processing Unit(GPU): GPU, או יחידת עיבוד גרפית, הוא סוג מיוחד של שבב מחשב שנועד להתמודד עם המורכבות חישובים הדרושים להצגת תמונות ווידאו במחשב או במכשיר אחר. זה כמו המוח של המערכת הגרפית של המחשב שלך, והוא ממש טוב לעשות הרבה מתמטיקה ממש מהר. GPUs משמשים סוגים רבים ושונים של מכשירים, כולל מחשבים, טלפונים וקונסולות משחקים. הם שימושיים במיוחד למשימות הדורשות כוח עיבוד רב, כמו משחקי וידאו, עיבוד גרפיקה תלת-ממדית או הפעלת אלגוריתמים של למידת מכונה. מודל שפה גדול (LLM): סוג של מודל למידת מכונה שאומן על כמות גדולה מאוד של נתוני טקסט ומסוגל ליצור טקסט בעל צליל טבעי. Machine Learning (ML): שיטה ללמד מחשבים ללמוד מנתונים, מבלי להיות מתוכנתים במפורש. עיבוד שפה טבעית (NLP): תת-תחום של AI המתמקד בהוראת מכונות להבין, לעבד וליצור שפה אנושית רשתות עצביות: סוג של אלגוריתם למידת מכונה המבוססת על המבנה והתפקוד של המוח. שדות קרינה עצביים (NeRF): שדות קרינה עצביים הם סוג של מודל למידה עמוקה שיכול לשמש למגוון משימות, כולל יצירת תמונה, זיהוי אובייקטים ופילוח. NeRFs שואבים השראה מהרעיון של שימוש ברשת עצבית למודל של זוהר תמונה, שהוא מדד לכמות האור שנפלט או מוחזר על ידי אובייקט. OpenAI: OpenAI הוא מכון מחקר המתמקד בפיתוח וקידום טכנולוגיות בינה מלאכותית שהן בטוחות, שקופות ומועילות לחברה. Overfitting: בעיה נפוצה בלמידת מכונה, שבה המודל מתפקד היטב בנתוני האימון אך גרועים בחדשים, בלתי נראים. נתונים. זה מתרחש כאשר המודל מורכב מדי ולמד יותר מדי פרטים מנתוני האימון, כך שהוא לא מכליל היטב. הנחיה: הנחיה היא פיסת טקסט המשמשת לתכנון מודל שפה גדול ולהנחות את הדור שלו Python: Python היא שפת תכנות פופולרית ברמה גבוהה הידועה בפשטות, בקריאות ובגמישות שלה (כלי AI רבים משתמשים בה) למידת חיזוק: סוג של למידת מכונה שבה המודל לומד על ידי ניסוי וטעייה, מקבל תגמולים או עונשים על מעשיו ומתאים את התנהגותו בהתאם. מחשוב מרחבי: מחשוב מרחבי הוא השימוש בטכנולוגיה כדי להוסיף מידע וחוויות דיגיטליות לעולם הפיזי. זה יכול לכלול דברים כמו מציאות רבודה, שבה מידע דיגיטלי מתווסף למה שאתה רואה בעולם האמיתי, או מציאות מדומה, שבה אתה יכול לשקוע במלואו בסביבה דיגיטלית. יש לו שימושים רבים ושונים, כמו בחינוך, בידור ועיצוב, והוא יכול לשנות את האופן שבו אנו מתקשרים עם העולם ואחד עם השני. דיפוזיה יציבה: דיפוזיה יציבה מייצרת תמונות אמנותיות מורכבות המבוססות על הנחיות טקסט. זהו מודל AI של סינתזת תמונות בקוד פתוח הזמין לכולם. ניתן להתקין את ה-Stable Diffusion באופן מקומי באמצעות קוד שנמצא ב-GitHub או שישנם מספר ממשקי משתמש מקוונים הממנפים גם מודלים של Stable Diffusion. למידה מפוקחת: סוג של למידת מכונה שבה נתוני האימון מסומנים והמודל מאומן לבצע תחזיות על סמך היחסים בין נתוני הקלט והתוויות המתאימות. למידה ללא פיקוח: סוג של למידת מכונה שבה נתוני האימון אינם מסומנים, והמודל מאומן למצוא דפוסים ויחסים בנתונים בעצמו. Webhook: Webhook הוא דרך של תוכנת מחשב אחת לשלוח הודעה או נתונים לתוכנית אחרת דרך האינטרנט בזמן אמת. זה עובד על ידי שליחת ההודעה או הנתונים לכתובת URL ספציפית, השייכת לתוכנית האחרת. Webhooks משמשים לעתים קרובות כדי להפוך תהליכים לאוטומטיים ולהקל על תוכניות שונות לתקשר ולעבוד יחד. הם כלי שימושי למפתחים שרוצים לבנות יישומים מותאמים אישית או ליצור אינטגרציות בין מערכות תוכנה שונות.