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How to Start an AI Automation Agency | STEP BY STEP

How to Start an AI Automation Agency | STEP BY STEP


so it's been a little over a month since I first shared my AI automation agency model with the world and more and more recently I've been hearing from my community members about other creators who were also talking on the topic now and it seems that many of you are being led down the wrong path so as the creator of the model effort I would come on here and set the record straight and give you a complete beginner's blueprint on exactly how I would start an AI automation agency and take it from zero to sixty thousand dollars per month where my business is currently so if you've heard all about how the AI automation agency model is the next big thing in online business and you want to get off on the absolute best foot possible then this is a video for you this video has taken weeks to prepare and the information that you're about to get is the result of three plus months of trial and error within my own AI automation agency so if you are serious about becoming a triple A owner and taking advantage of the enormous opportunity that is in front of us right now then what I need you to do right now is to pause this video close all the other tabs go and get a notebook and then come back and prepare to sit here for an hour and hour and a half however long this video ends up being and you're going to want to add this video to your watch later because there is no way that you can just watch this once and get all the information you're going to need to come back and likely watch this multiple times and go over certain sections again and again and again and don't worry when you get to the end of the video I'm not going to be sending you just some more free training where I've actually put up the real information I'm giving you everything you need in this video I'm not leaving anything out and you're going to be getting some information that I probably shouldn't be giving away on YouTube but I wanted to give you the exact blueprint that I would use if I was starting from xero and it's the exact same blueprint that I teach to thousands of students within my community now as you can already probably tell by the length of this video we do have a lot to get through today so we're going to be starting off with whether entrepreneurship is right for you which is an important question to ask before you even start this video then I'm going to be breaking down what the AI automation agency actually is and explaining why the opportunity for us right now is so large next we'll go through a quick explanation of the things you need to start and more importantly the things you don't need to start which often hold up a lot of beginners when starting a new online business and then we're going to be getting into the juicy stuff of this video which is going to be your Niche selection offer creation how to find and close your first clients how to service those clients and then giving away a few of my secrets to scaling to ten thousand dollars per month and Beyond any tips and tricks that I'm giving away in that last section are going to be immensely valuable for anyone who is serious about this business model because it's all of the learnings that I've had from running and building my company you're going to get to understand all of those things that I did wrong and apply them to your business and get it right the first time now if you're new to the channel you probably want a little bit of information about who I am and why you should bother listening to a big long video by me in the first place my name is Liam otley I'm 23 years old and originally from New Zealand but I'm now based in Dubai and currently I'm in Europe for the summer and I'm here in Dusseldorf in Germany I'm the creator of the AI automation agency model and I actually run the largest community of AI automation agency owners in the world I've got over 11 000 members in the Discord and we're growing quickly I've been doing online business since I left High School coming up for five years ago now I'm the founder and CEO of my own AI automation agency and AI development company called Morningside AI I'm currently doing around 100 000 per month in Revenue by growing very quickly so a little bit more information about my company we have Morningside AI Morningside Automation and Morningside Studio as I mentioned we're doing around a hundred thousand dollars per month in Revenue warning site AI is strictly a development company where we build custom coded applications for clients Morningside automation is of course the automation wing of our business where we do full business automations with AI and finally Morningside studio is where we build full SAS applications and SAS platforms typically partnering with a co-founder or a startup as development partners and we take equity in those businesses we've actually just launched a beta test for our new productized automation service so if you're interested in that and want to join the waitlist we do have a link in the description and in the pin comment now before we get stuck into the good stuff of this video I just want to draw a bit of attention to a giveaway that I'm running at the end of this video that I know many of you are going to be very very interested in if you've been watching my videos recently you'll know that I have a free incubator program that's just starting this week and that's called the original eight it is a 100 free and application only incubator and we have chosen all of the members of the eight but what we're giving away at the end of this this video is going to be what we're calling spectator spots so if you're interested in learning more about how you can win one of these spectator spots I'll give you more information on that at the end of the video so before you waste even another second watching this video we need to address the question of is entrepreneurship right for you is starting your own business right for you and do you have what it takes and have the commitment required to make this successful in the long run entrepreneurship and particularly online entrepreneurship has become very romanticized and hip these days but there's actually a significant Dark Side to it that you don't really see a lot of the time on Instagram and you don't see all of the failures really so I thought I'd take you through a little bit right now on my experience of becoming an entrepreneur and how I've gone from basically having no skills and no money to where I am now and comfortably traveling the world and living my the life that I've always dreamed of with my friends as I've said in my other videos building an online business takes time effort and sacrifice and there's no way around it I'm not going to sit here and tell you this is going to be easy it's going to be a walk in the park because it's not and it's going to probably take you a lot longer than you think right now to find My Success the life of an entrepreneur is dotted with brutal ups and downs the highest of highs and lowest of lows the most difficult thing for a lot of people to adapt to about entrepreneurship is that at the end of the day you are entirely responsible for your successes and for your failures so there's total accountability on both sides and because of this not everyone is cut out for entrepreneurship and not everyone has what it takes everything I'm telling you is from my own experience of being an online entrepreneur for coming up five years now since I graduated high school over my years as an online entrepreneur I've had my fair share of ups and downs I started my entrepreneurial Journey on my Gap year while I was living in Edinburgh I have a crusty flat and I was working for hours before I went to work I'll go to work I would come back I would go to the gym and then I'd work all the time before I went to bed so the the life of an entrepreneur starting out can be very tough and a lot of the time the success that you envision happening takes a lot longer than you thought initially but success is possible and it is rewarded to the people who are willing to do the work on a long enough time scale so as someone who used to sell fake Rolex and protein powder at school to someone who now owns one just believe me and that it is worthwhile if you're willing to do the work and when you do get there I promise you it is the best job in the world I get to work on projects that I'm excited to work on every day I get to work wherever in the world that I want to I get to make money with people I really enjoy being around and with my best friends and at a certain stage you're able to set your sites on building something that you're truly proud of like I am right now with Morningside AI what I'm trying to say is that you need to be self-aware enough to be able to ask yourself the question of do I have what it takes am I ready to commit myself to this journey that is going to take probably a lot longer than I think but is the reward at the end of it worth my time and commitment now now if for you the answer to that question is yes and you are ready to commit to this journey just know that getting started is the hardest part and in this video I've created it around helping you guys get that first step done as easily as possible and with the absolute best information that's going to lead you down the right path now if you haven't already go and get your notebook and go and get a pin and save this video to your watch later because you're going to need to sit here for at least an hour an hour and a half just this first time and then come back to it and really study each part of this video so that you can get your start on the right foot now the first thing we need to cover in this video of course is what is an AI automation agency I'm going to be giving you my exact definition of what the model is before going into what kind of services you can sell and more importantly giving you real world examples of what they would look like in action so there's a lot of information in here and some of it might seem a little over your head but I promise you at the end of it it's going to all make sense so please just stick with me and don't get overwhelmed so my official definition for what an AI automation agency or AAA is this the AI automation agency model is an online business model focused on helping small to medium-sized businesses to automate their systems and processes with AI technology first we can take a high level look at what the business model is and first and foremost it is a beginner friendly model for a number of reasons that we'll be going into later it is a excellent business model to start as a beginner as long as you have the drive to succeed secondly I'm why this business model is getting so much attention lately is because it is the perfect on-ramp for entrepreneurs who are aspiring and experienced to get into Ai and start building businesses it's Auto suitable for people with a nine-to-five job who are looking to pick up a side hustle and spend maybe five to ten hours a week trying to sell a couple of these on the side at the end of the day for most people all it takes is one to two clients per month in order to replace your your regular income so it is totally doable and it's very beginner friendly in that aspect and finally one point that I want to address now before we get any deeper is that you do not need a development background the way I've created the instruction this model is that you will not need to know how to code in order to get your first foot in the door essentially so I'll be explaining that later but right now you're able to start as a complete beginner with basically no skills in any area as long as you're willing to do the work and follow the information in this video so what there's an AI automation agency actually sell what are the core Services of the business on screen we have the three main services that you sell as an AI automation agency firstly starting off with AI chat Bots secondly content generation systems and thirdly AI enhanced automations the most important thing that you need to understand right now is that these Services can actually be delivered on no code platforms initially this bit specifically is really the key to the entire model and when I discovered that you could create these services and sell these services using these low code platforms that was really the start of the whole model and that was the key thing that set this off because without it it's not very beginner friendly and you need to have a development background we need to have developers of your own within your team so this is the the most important thing that you need to understand right now and we're going to be going into more detail on this later now the first core service of course is AI chat Bots and the no code platform of choice for building these chatbots is typically bot press That's great because there's no coding skills needed there's a nice visual editor and visual bot creation platform so highly recommend that you don't need any coding skills there's a very easy learning curve it's not too difficult to get started and in my experience the most important and valuable thing about bot press is a platform for are delivering these Services as a beginner is that the deployment options are really really great this web chat you can easily provide to a client can put a chatbot on their website super easily you can deploy it to a WhatsApp chat bot a telegram chatbot all within a couple of clicks and this is typically the the most difficult part if you're trying to do this yourself is how can I actually take a Chapter that I've created and deploy it to a certain place for the client can use it so Bob press is an excellent chatbot platform it's my personal favorite and we use it within my own company and I'm actually working closely with the team to push new features that help AAA owners like us and one more thing I wanted to add here is that because of the fee structure being based on usage when you create your own chatbots for clients and you pass them over to their account you essentially aren't getting billed for any of that so it's basically free as a triple A owner and very beginner friendly in that regard as well the second core service of an AI automation agency is content generation systems now what content generation systems are is taking a bunch of old or prior content from a client and using that as a knowledge base it sends you to create new ones so say you had a ton of meal plans by a my personal trainer know a fitness expert that you're working with you can take all of their prior meal plans and use those as examples to create new ones so you're using uh prior content to generate new content now my no code platform of choice for building content generation systems and really any llm based applications is called stack AI stack AI is really our go-to platform for building any kind of llm or AI applications using a visual editor rather than having to custom code the whole thing for someone who doesn't have a technical background and you're looking to get into this learning something like bot press to build the chat Bots and learning how to use stack AI it makes you an extremely powerful developer in just a few days or weeks of practice you can get really good at building all sorts of AI applications within stack which is a excellent skill to have not only as AAA owner but in general in this current world we live in and finally we have ai enhanced automations using zapier now of course the API automations are nothing new it's been a very valuable thing for most businesses for a long time but the key here is is that there's a massive increase in value with the AI features that are now available you can see on screen here you can have a chat GPT action and essentially include AI features within your zaps now so it makes it a ton more valuable and opens up a whole world of new possibilities so this connective tissue between different parts of businesses is really really valuable in a lot of cases especially now that there are AI features within zapier so this is the final one and this is the sort of last thing you'll typically do for a client because it's quite complex you need to really be in inside their business and know how everything is working so to give you an idea of the kind of chat Bots you can sell I've gone and put together a big list here and we're going to be giving real life examples of each of them so we have prospecting chat Bots onboarding chat Bots customer service chat bot staff training chatbots and data analysis slash Insight chat bots so what even is a prospecting chat bot and what value does it provide to a business I've actually covered an example of a prospecting chatbot on my channel a few times basically when visitors arrive on the site they can click on the chat bot and they can ask a couple of questions and it's going to capture some information on their visitor and then typically you're going to push to a booking event or some kind of conversion event or capture their information and capture it as a lead so on screen you can see we have objectives and implementation so with any kind of deliverable like a prospecting chatbot or onboarding chatbot it helps to know exactly what the objective is what are you actually trying to do with this and this is something that a lot of people tend to ask questions about in the comments and in my Discord is like what are they actually doing for business where is the value and by creating this objectives and implementation layout every time that you have a specific deliverable or service you can provide you can give the clear objective of it so in this case for a prospecting chat bot the objective is to increase the conversion rate from website visitor to lead and also to capture the user intent for a tailored follow-up so by offering a chat bot on the home page visitors are able to come ask a bunch of questions be directed to relevant products provide a bit of information about themselves and what they're looking for and then you can capture that information as a lead or you can push them to a conversion event as you can see on screen here we have an example of a little demo bot that I created which was capturing the email info here and and creating a lead for the business and so the implementation of this is to get the chat bot added to the home page it's going to ask questions capture the info then it's going to push into a conversion rate or capture the lead now the second example of a chatbot which might be helpful for you guys is an onboarding chat bot so I'm sure you're familiar with onboarding and businesses how you can get clients onboarded into all of these systems and get Contract signs and invoices paid and slack channels set up and all sorts of things about getting a client into their business and starting to to work with them so again we have these objectives and implementation structure of course the primary objective of an onboarding chatbot would be to reduce the number of hours spent by your staff members and onboarding so typically that's going to be the head of operations or the Chief Operating Officer so if we can reduce those hours we're providing real value to the business so by reducing their average onboarding time from say two weeks to three days you're actually increasing the sales velocity now the implementation of this is fairly simple it's just to create the chat bot and deploy it to a web page and it's going to walk the user through the the business's onboarding process and that's going to integrate with DocuSign and stripe and slack and everything like that so they start and by the end of it they're fully onboard into the business and you haven't had to be involved at all now the final example of a chat but I want to share with you guys is a staff training chatbot which is pretty self-explanatory the objective of one of these chatbots is to reduce the number of hours required to onboard new hires so so what the staff training chatbot does is takes all of the training information and documents and frequently asked questions about a business that you typically provide to new hires and you put it into a chat bot with a custom knowledge base your hires can now get 24 7 access to up-to-date information on the business which not only frees up a lot of time on the manager side so they don't have to keep asking questions but also the employee can now get relevant info when they need it potentially leading to higher quality work and and I guess less awkwardness for these new highs and maybe performing the job better so the objective of a staff training chatbot is to reduce the number of hours required to onboard these new hires typically by the managers so if you can save your manager's hours you're saving money and the implementation for this is actually very very simple all you need to do is add the training documents to our custom knowledge base chat bot on something like bot press then you can deploy that chatbot very easily in a couple clicks to Whatsapp or telegram an important note that I wanted to mention now also is that while these chatbots are not always AI focused or strictly an AI chat bot the value of implementing chatbots across businesses is to keep up with the changes in consumer taste and preferences shift that is underway right now which was really triggered by the rise of these large language models and things like chair GPT if they're changing consumer preferences away from point-and-click websites towards natural language input and things like chatting to websites or chatting to services to get their information and do what they need to do so as AAA owners we can help businesses to keep up with these changing preferences by providing them things like chat Bots to do most of the functions of their business this kind of change Echoes the change we went through from desktop websites to mobile now we can get onto content generation systems that will give you a few examples of these we have of course a workout plan generator so we're going to use old workout plans to generate new examples we have things like website copy generators so we take the best performing website copy from a business and use it to generate more then you have things like personalized Outreach message generators which can use information on a person to generate a custom Outreach message to them that's tailored to their sort of background increasing the response rate of course you have blog post generation for SEO as well now an obvious example of a Content generation system that you could create would be a diet plan generator this of course is going to be for fitness trainers and personal trainers Etc and the objective of course is to reduce the time spent by your client uh weekly or monthly and actually writing these personalized plans for people the implementation for something like this is to collect all of the human written Plans by your client and there's typically a little step of actually preparing the data before you ingest it into the knowledge base and once it's in the knowledge base you can start to test and generate outputs and make sure that it's what your client is looking for and finally you can deploy the super easy to a website somewhere or to something like slack and the end result here is that your client can come on and say I need a diet plan for a 40 year old woman who wants to lose weight over nine weeks who's vegan and it can generate a plan based off prior ones that were similar to that now finally our third and final core Services AI enhanced automations there's an unlimited scope on the kind of things you can do here but typically you're going to be using the AI within zapier to handle unstructured data so you've taken a bunch of of text or a bunch of information about a client or a customer and you can take that through a higvd action and get it to Output a certain thing so you want it in this format or I want to extract these bits of information so these new chat GPT actions can really elevate your zpu automations because you can handle new data types now and do new operations really so a few examples of AI enhanced automations that you can create for businesses would be something like an inbound classification system to classify inbound requests also lead vetting to check that it meets a criteria that your business wants to work with and finally something like a personalized Outreach system using AI to generate personalized messages for people so a good example of an AI enhanced APO automation could be a resume assessment system so this is great for businesses that do a lot of hiring and they get a lot of inbound requests and people sending their resumes to apply for different positions for the HR team to look through all of these resumes and determine who is good news not can take up a lot of hours this system will be focused on as you can see here the objective would be to reduce hrl spent on resume so the way this kind of system would work would be with a hiring form where people can go on and see the information in they can upload their own resume and then once that's all sent off it can be pushed over to a Google sheet where all of the information is available there now from there you can get zapier to pull each row each applicant out of that Google sheet and get the information and scrape the data out of the PDF or the resume that they've sent pass that information as context to a prompted chat gbt action within and then in that chat CPT prompt you can give it a instruction saying you are a resume application grader you will be provided with resume information and then you're going to Output a grade from one to ten here is the resume that you're going to receive and then you programmatically enter that end within zapier then all you need to do is say if the output grade from the chat GPD action is above a seven then take that row that you've taken from the sheet and add that to a new sheet of successful applicants so that's taken a ton of time and ton of work off the HR teams hands example number two could be a lead vetting system the objective of course of a lead bidding system will be to reduce the number of hours your team spends vetting leads for the way this could work with an AI enhanced APS setup is to create a lead form on your website collect information on that such as the website and their LinkedIn profile then you need to set up a zap on zapier that's going to scrape the web page and also scrape the LinkedIn profile for the information then you're going to pass the information to it prompt the chat GPT action as we've done in the previous one and prompt it with a certain criteria of say you are a lead vetting bot we only work with clients who meet this this sisters you are going to be provided with information by about a business that's applied to us please output only a grade of XYZ or please output a zero if it's declined or a one if that's accepted then if the output of that chat gbt action is a one or successful then you can send them an email and say hey we'd love to work with you here's how you can book in a call so that's how you can set up a lead vetting system using a chat GPT action within zapier and finally to give you just one more example of these kind of core services that you can provide as an AI automation agency owner is a personalized Outreach system now I've covered this before in videos but it's such a good one that I want to cover it again the point of one of these systems is to create customized messages to reach out to businesses or clients that you want to work with so people get bombarded with all sorts of marketing and requests if you're a big business especially so many requests from people with generic emails the point here is to take information from the LinkedIn profile or any other data source and create a personalized message using your chat GPT action and zapier to increase the response rate so it doesn't sound right you've just been said blanket statement you've just been shot out to a big list of cold emails this feels like someone's taking the time to craft a special message for you and the point of it and the objective here of course is to increase the response rate on cold Outreach the implementation for this is very similar to the other two it actually connects to the lead vetting system if you want it to as soon as the vetted leads arrive on a new sheet you can set up another zap that's going to scrape information from their profile or you could even pass the information across from the previous one actually scrape that information then you're going to pass that to a prompter chat gbt action again and you can pass it some instructions like you are a personalized Outreach message writer here is some information about our business and the products we sell we are trying to reach out for clients for this Services here's the information about the client please write a personalized Outreach method and maybe you can throw in an example of some previous cold Outreach messages that you've used to clients that have worked as an example to increase the quality of the output then once you've got their customized message back from the chat GPT actions API you can use another action within zapier to send an email to the client instantly and start the communications from there okay that's all of the examples I've got for you please please please don't feel overwhelmed if any of that seems to be going over your head I promise you that that doesn't take long at all to come up to speed on that and there's people on my Discord who have been doing it for a couple of days or a couple of weeks and they're experts on it already so don't get overwhelmed all of the automations that I've just mentioned can be done with no code or low code tools and better yet ninety percent of them particularly the chat Bots can actually be copy and pasted using templates so I create templates and share them with my Discord and in my resource Hub and I can basically build something and give it to my community and they can just plug and play it into their own system so don't worry if that seems complex and you think oh no I can't do this there's no way I'd be able to figure out how to build these things a lot of it can be templated and a lot of it you're going to be able to get as resources from my channel and from my community so you can just plug and play it and and jump start your success and get off on the right foot and I guess the most important thing is that the method I actually teach and recommend for beginners and I'm teaching to thousands of people within my community is heavily simplified and I strip it down to the absolute Bare Bones of the only thing you need to focus on as beginner so that you can get your foot in the door because I know it can be difficult when you get overwhelmed and there's so many things you need to do I've simplified this method down and really really boiled it down to the only thing you need to worry about so you're going to learn about that next before we get stuck into things like Niche selection and off creation I'll actually explain my entire system for beginners so that we're all on the same page and you know where we're working towards so I'll be covering that in a few minutes an important question you might be asking now is okay I've learned all this stuff I know how to build this but how am I actually getting paid what's the pricing structure the fee structure the revenue model for this model well there's a couple of options firstly just fixed contracts say 2 500 in Syria or Contracting retainer where I say I build you something for a thousand and then you pay me 500 a month or you can do a strictly retainer model which is quite an advanced model and that's something that we've been doing at Morningside and we're actually launching that at the moment all of this and how you get paid is going to be covered in the offer creation section in a few minutes now I thought I'd add in this final slide in this what is an AI automation agency section of how AI automation agencies stack up against other online business models right now so here on screen you can see we have business model the saturation level the startup costs the learning curve and the scalability now these are important categories that I think go into making a business model good or bad for beginners especially and I've included some of the most common business models that we see in the online space today including social media marketing agencies Drop Shipping Amazon FBA trading and of course the new kid on the Block the AI automation agency or AAA of course smma and 2023 is a highly saturated and competitive industry I've got low startup costs because it's the agency model you don't have to pay anything out of your pocket until you get paid the learning curve for actually learning how to run a social media marketing agency is very very steep not only do you have to learn how to run a business aspect but you also need to learn how to sell products online and sell services online so there's two major things you need to learn and the online marketing as it's become more and more competitive has gotten even harder so it is quite a steep learning curve if you're starting smma in terms of scalability and smma is medium you know like you can get some good clients on there you can start stacking a bunch of retainers be making 50 to 100 000 a month but you're not going to be making millions and millions of dollars a month unless you're some of the top guys in the space secondly we have Drop Shipping which of course is extremely saturated the startup costs are obviously higher than smma because you're going to need to be using your your credit card or your debit card to pay for ads the learning curve is medium because you still have to learn how to use Shopify manage a Shopify store but more importantly you have to learn how to run traffic and run Facebook ads and Instagram ads things like that well Tech talk ads more recently but a good thing about a Drop Shipping Store is that the scalability is very high because if you do it right you can start making a ton of money as a drop shipper convert it over into a brand and do things correctly and then eventually exit on that so there is quite a lot of potential upside if you do a Drop Shipping Store correctly with the right product thirdly we have Amazon FBA which just like the other two I've just mentioned because they've been around for a long enough time it's also saturated the startup cost for FBA can be a lot of money because you're having to buy a ton of stock in order to get started and I've put their learning curve down as high because I think for anything where you're dealing with tons of stock and you're putting a lot of money up front you don't have that low risk environment to experiment with so you need to be a lot more calculated in every step you make your margin for error and being able to learn by failing is a lot lower it's harder to get good at it and they're learning curve is steep but once you have an FBA business up and running and you're ranking well and in keywords and you're getting a lot of sales coming in consistently it is fairly scalable up to a point where you're limited by the actual search volume so not much you can do after you get to that sort of cap on the search volume for your particular products now the fourth one here is trading which I guess is more of a job or profession rather than a business trading is probably one of the most saturated things on the planet you have not only regular people like you and I doing it but you have huge businesses and institutions who are trading as well now because trading has been around for hundreds of years it is probably the most saturated thing you could buy possibly get into at this point startup costs are medium because you need a little bit of capital to actually get started and start trading it you could start with 100 but that's really going to put a cap on how quickly you can grow and the learning curve for trading are put down as extreme because as I said there's so many other competitors in the market as the most saturated thing you could probably get into you are going up against hedge funds and institutions so you're trying to trade is basically going up against the big guys so to be able to consistently make money as a Trader is one of the the hardest things you could do an online business at the moment and of course trading has a bit of a scalability issue where it's you always doing the trades unless you're teaching other people and getting them to do it for you but really the only thing ever you can play with to increase your scale is to throw big amounts of money at your trades so how does this new AI automation agency model stack up against these other tried and tested business models well first of all the saturation of the AI automation agency space and of offering AI automation agency Services is is low I'd almost even say zero at this point because there's basically no one really offering these services and businesses have never been offered Arman Mission Services before because AI has only really been popularized in the last six to eight months and come to the front of the public Consciousness business owners across the world have not yet been offered AI automation agency Services they haven't had someone come to them and say hey I can integrate AI into your business and it's going to do this this and this they haven't heard about it and it's a new offer so the saturation is low and secondly of course the startup costs are low it's the same agency model as smma where you're only going to have to put up money when you've been paid money so you collect money from the client say a thousand dollars then you pay 300 to a contractor to deliver it or something like that now if you're listening earlier in the video you'll know that the learning curve for it is actually low because you're going to start off using no code tools so all you need to do is a new AAA owner is to be familiar with these no code tools to create AI chat Bots content generation systems and AI enhance automations and better yet you can get your start with your own AO automation agency using templates from other people so this is such a key part because it makes your learning curve so accessible to people looking to get into it and the last Point here of scalability is really still an open-ended question I'm scaling mine as fast as possible and trying out new services and offerings but we haven't really seen how far this thing can go and I'm really really excited to see not only where Morningside and our automation when goes but people within my community who are focused on different niches and doing different things with their agencies now that you are up to speed on what the AI automation agency model is and the exact kinds of services that you can provide and the benefits they provide to your clients we can get stuck into what your starting requirements are what you need and more importantly what you don't need many of you will be happy to know that all you need to start an AI automation agency is a computer or laptop with an internet connection and an email more importantly the things that you don't need to start include coding skills or a development background any form of startup capital or money to get started you don't need any prior business experience either while it is great and it will help you in a number of ways this business model is intended to be a great on-ramp for people who are starting as an AI entrepreneur because it's an agency model and you learn basically the full ropes of how to start a business now to manage clients and things like that you do not need a registered business you don't need to file for an LLC you can run this entirely under your personal at the start to get started and then further down the line you can get your company structure set up and things like that so at the start you don't need a registered company to begin you just need to register as a sole proprietor and despite what many of you may think you do not need a website to start an AI automation agency this is an issue I see all the time with people spending way too much time starting a website when you can actually get started with that one and finally you don't need any employees to start you can start with just yourself learn the ropes and then start to Outsource that to other people whenever you're ready now on the topic of employees there are two ways you can go about starting this firstly is the freelancer model where you yourself are the service provider and you are going to learn enough about bot press and stack Ai and things like that to be able to take templates from other people play around with them a little bit and hand them over to your client or you can use the agency model where you yourself are not actually delivering the services rather you have people underneath you who are servicing that for you so these are outsourced to contractors or Freelancers and things like that for many of you starting out I would recommend taking the freelancer route initially just so you can get familiar with these tools and then you're able to effectively hand it off to other people and Outsource that once you need to focus more time on the the business side of things of scaling up and getting more clients and how you can continually build these systems and be bigger and better and more efficient for those of you who are looking to jump straight into the agency model and not touch any service delivery yourself is a little incubator hack of mine for my community which is to find business partners inside my community we have literally thousands of developers who are hungry for work and some of them who are also Keen to partner with you on the business so if you were a a entrepreneur who wants to focus on the sales side on the marketing side on on the generating clients and generating leads you can focus on that side you can make a post on our very active startup board where you can say hey I'm looking to handle this side of the business who wants to partner with me on it and we go on together and in that way you won't have to pay them hourly but if you are looking to retain all of the ownership of the business yourself we also have a jobs board where you can say I'm looking to hire a chatbot developer hey is anyone interested in this role I'd like to pay you this this and this and then all of the developers in there will be able see that and they can reply to it and DM you and sort out a contract like that as I said we are the number one Community for AAA owners in the world right now with over 11 000 members and growing very quickly so if you want any kind of hiring be it a co-founder or hiring a developer or a salesperson even you can come in there make a post and get sorted out very very quickly if you're looking to join the community and haven't already the link to join will be in the description and the pin comment another key part of being successful as an entrepreneur and as an AI automation agency owner is of course your mindset so I just wanted to briefly touch here in this module to cover a bunch of things that I've learned and experienced in my journey as an entrepreneur and pass them on to you guys who was just starting this journey and things that I wish I knew sooner that's going to really really help you to become the best entrepreneur possible and find success as quickly as possible I'm going to be giving you a few points which will be hugely valuable on your entrepreneurial Journey so I want you to get that notebook and get that pin and start jotting these down because you're going to need to stick them up above your face on your wall every day you're working because some of these things you need to be reminded of daily to not forget them meant to continue to put them into practice every day firstly entrepreneurship is a marathon not a Sprint if you're watching this video right now you are obviously interested in pursuing this as a career but what you need to do is zoom out a little bit and understand that this is a long-term process and essentially you should be looking to do this for the rest of your life if you're really serious about it let me tell you right now that this is not going to make you rich overnight and if you are a complete beginner entrepreneur and you've never even run a business before what you need to be trying to do with this is to learn how to become an entrepreneur learn the skills of an entrepreneur not focus on the money necessarily initially you are trying to do this business model and running it so that you can learn the skills that entrepreneurs have and those are the skills that allow you to generate money consistently there are so many cases of people who make a ton of money then just completely fall back the Baseline because they didn't actually have the skills under them to make them someone who's able to generate money consistently so please approach this business model as something that is going to most importantly teach you the valuable and Timeless skills of the entrepreneur of how to get clients how to manage clients how to deliver Services how to run a business because these are the things that you are never going to be able to be taught in a degree or buy a course or something so it's the actual running of the business that's going to teach you more things than any of those degrees could if you value the freedom to be able to travel anywhere to make money with people you love to do things that excite you every day then you need to be clear that this is a marathon and not a Sprint but if you put in the work it will all be worth it secondly you need to avoid assumptions at all cost by assumptions I mean when you think to yourself oh I don't think the customer would like this or I think that this would sell or I think that this it does not matter what you think you are assuming things about the market the market will tell you what's true the market will give you feedback on what is actually the truth in the situation therefore it is your job as the entrepreneur to ensure that all of your assumptions are tested in the market you get data back and you use that to make decisions spending an entire month on making a website because you think this is what they're going to like this is not the way to go you need to directly test something as quickly as possible in the market get data back and make your decisions off of that so right that down because you're going to need to remember that every day am I assuming things about the market am I assuming things about what my customers wants which is an absolute death sentence for an entrepreneur thirdly perfect is the enemy of good this is an old saying which means that the insistence on Perfection often gets in the way of the implementation of good outcomes this is often combined with the Pareto Principle which is the 80 20 rule if you're familiar with it in this instance it means that 20 of the time spent on a task can deliver 80 of the Perfection so as soon as you start going past the good and trying to get to perfect you end up spending far more time than necessarily when you've really done that 20 already and you should just push that 80 out now sounds a bit numerical but essentially you need to avoid being perfectionist in the early stages of your business because this is often the number one killer of would-be entrepreneurs so all of that simplified down basically what I'm trying to say is that it's better to get something out that is of good quality than get nothing out at all that is of perfect quality or take five times as long so speed is your friend here and getting things out will always Trump waiting and waiting and waiting to push out a perfect instance of it now this ties back to my earlier point of avoiding assumptions it's so important to do the good work and get it out quickly and test the market get a response back and then you can go okay I'm on the right track if you spin five times as long trying to get a perfect outcome and then you test it on the market and it completely flops you've just wasted so much time when you could have put out a good example gotten feedback and then gone back to the drawing board and you could be multiple steps ahead of where your perfect self would be my fourth piece of advice would be to accept chaos and accept that it is a natural state for any small business you are going to be constantly putting out fires and when you put them out they're going to keep popping back up so just get used to it and don't get mad at it don't be like man I suck at this why is this happening this is just what a startup feels like this is what starting a business is like at the early stages don't get mad and frustrated that problems keep popping up with your business this is just the nature of early stage businesses and to get mad at that and feel down about it would be like being mad at the Sun for being hot you know it's just baked into it you're going to have chaos you're going to have issues all the time so get used to it and finally my personal favorite and something that I've used over and over again in my career is that you need to go through hard to get to easy learning new stuff and throwing yourself in the deep end is going to feel hard it's going to feel impossible and uncomfortable and just horrible to go through at times but that is just the nature of learning new things say for example after this video you go and try to learn how to use bot press you're going to get in there and you're going to feel stupid you're going to feel completely incapable and out of your dip but that is just part of it you have to go through hard to get to easy if you do the work for a week or two and you roll around in that uncomfortable feeling but you push through eventually and before you know it really it's going to feel easy you have to go through hard to get to easy I've experienced this multiple times in my career when I first started learning Facebook ads I remember going into the business manager and feeling completely stupid and looking around like how am I ever going to get my head around this but if you just keep pushing through eventually it's like breathing it's like riding a bike you know exactly how to do it remember that this is one of the most important traits of an entrepreneur and it's what separates us as entrepreneurs from Regular People and that's to be able to be comfortable in uncomfortable environments and literally sit there for years and years at a time feeling uncomfortable but still go through and still continuing to improve and of course the growth as a person and as an entrepreneur is always going to be where you're uncomfortable so get used to it with the mindset stuff out of the way and hopefully you've taken all those notes down and you're going to stick it up in front of your face now I can get stuck into explaining my exact system for beginners Who start an AI automation agency in 2023 and Beyond and this is the exact methods that I teach you not only all of my community members the 11 000 or more people in there right now but also to my free incubator program which is the original eight that I'm writing right now as well I've put this thing together piece by piece to make it as beginner friendly as possible and there's nothing else like this on the instair right now so we can jump straight into explaining my system the four key steps of my system are firstly to pick a niche secondly to pick a specific deliverable thirdly to learn by doing and then fourth you can increase prices and scale the first step in my system is to pick a niche now before we even pick a niche you need to know why you're niching down because this is a mistake that I see so many beginners make it's going too broad and thinking that they're smart enough or capable enough to take on an entire industry or even the entire scope of automation on their own as their first business I have covered this in depth and my best niches for AI automation video which will be available up here but for the sake of this video I'm also going to go through it again and give you a quick overview of why you need to Niche down and why it is so important by narrowing down to a specific industry or Niche or business type you have the potential to sell the exact same product for a hundred times the value or even more the example I used in my previous video is actually from Alex from Ozzie and his book 100 million offers where he uses the example of a time management course so say a time management course that's for everyone might be what 19 but what if we Niche it down to say time management for sales reps okay maybe we could sell it for 200 what if we go a step further and say that this time management course is for gardening and power tools sales reps maybe we could sell it for 997 dollars and if we Niche it down one more time and speak directly to a specific and small group of people we could say this is a time management course for outbound Power Tools and Gardening sales reps and the in the Texas area or something like that where it's so Niche we could charge maybe two thousand dollars for it and the key Point here is that you could be selling essentially the same product as the time management course at twenty dollars but for two thousand dollars it's the same product maybe with a few tweaks but it's at the end of the day it's a same product you're just selling it to a very specific Niche and the person who hears that this is an offer for them they're like wow this is exactly what I need and that's an example of how you can sell the exact same product for up to a hundred times more another factor that compounds this benefit of you niching down is not only can you sell your product for up to 100 times more you can streamline all of your messaging towards that specific Avatar so imagine I'm selling a time management course and I'm trying to run social media ads for it that's very very broad I'm not able to Target down and when people see it it's like it's just another time management course but if I narrow it down to that tiny little power tools outbound reps Avatar mentioned before and then the ad copy or the we website copy on your landing page is all tailored towards wow we do it for this this person or the specific thing they're going to be much more responsive it's going to shoot your click-through rate your response rate up through the roof and your conversion rate at the end of the day so not only are you going to be able to sell the same product for up to 100 times more you are going to be able to get far better results by narrowing down your your messaging and all of your websites and your ad copy so that you are getting a high response rate and better performance from your ads as well the final nail in the coffin if you're still not convinced that you need to Niche down and you think you can do it without it is that the systems efficiency gains of actually niching down to a specific Niche and deliverable are enormous what I mean by this is that if you are generalized and you try to attack all niches at once when you get a client come in you can build all the work for them you can service them all you want you can make with these automations and then when they're gone someone else comes in from a different Niche you have to provide completely new services for them you need to figure out how to piece together some kind of service offering for them by doing this over and over and over again your team is going to always be doing new stuff and the team's doing you stuff is not efficient you're going to be having to come up with new Solutions all the time and that takes much longer than taking an existing solution copying it over and changing a few things about it so by narrowing down to a specific Niche and a specific deliverable as I'm going to show you next you are able to build up a portfolio of different services and and products that you can sell to people so when you service a client within a particular Niche and you get a new one coming you can take all of the stuff you've done before copy and paste it over get your developer or your team member to make the tweaks necessary to make it work for that client and you've just saved so much time and your profit margins are going to be immeasurably higher and one final thing I wanted to add in here is that because this is such a new space and there's no industry leaders yet you have a chance if you Niche down and say I'm a legal automations expert or something you can become the the go-to guy because there's no one there yet if you start now and Niche down and start getting a a portfolio of companies and clients that are really happy with your services you can establish yourself as a leader and be in a great position to get unlimited business from here on Now The Next Step Beyond niching down is to pick a specific deliverable within that Niche so here on screen you can see it that AI automation as a whole is a very broad field as we've gone through in this video there's chat boxes content generation system there's AI enhanced AP flows and things like this there's so much if you're trying to take it all at once as a beginner your head's going to be spinning by narrowing down to one Niche and one deliverable say I make onboarding chatbots for tax law firms or something like this so I make staff training chat Bots for construction companies you Niche down to the industry and then also to the specific deliverable this makes it far easier to communicate the benefits to the client because you can say instead of I'll automate your business which is like what does that even mean you go to them and you say I will give you this specific AI deliverable which is going to do this to your bottom line or reduce these hours here and increase this here you can communicate the benefits much easier to clients in this way because the offers so new and people aren't used to this sort of stuff yet furthermore when you narrowed down to just one deliverable you can afford to invest in new features to add to that deliverable so say you have a a onboarding chatbot for smma clients you can now get a developer to come in and build some custom features into that chatbot because you're going to be copy and pasting that over to other clients you can invest in improving it and adding new features and really separating yourself from the competition so this is how you get ahead this is how you create at the front of the screen here in the house Source or proprietary technology that really sets you apart from the competitors and allows you to provide extreme amounts of values to the client and as I kind of touched on there the major benefit of narrowing down to a specific deliverable as well is again this messaging and systems efficiency your messaging can be more direct and you can say we do this for this to this this kind of business with these results we built onboarding chat Bots for tax law firms it's very narrow the messaging on your ads and on your website copy can be so specific and more so you can just copy and paste these over but when you're only dealing with one specific Niche and then one specific deliverable within that Niche you just go from one tax firm and make an onboarding chat bot copy it over adjust it to the systems and then you're done like it's copy and paste at that point when you're doing only one deliverable this is of course has huge benefits to your bottom line but I will say as a business owner to your peace of mind because when you have team members running around and solving custom issues every single time trust me I've dealt with it in my own company it can be a absolute Nightmare and knowing that these guys only have to copy and paste over make a tweak is the peace of mind that you're really looking for when you're running a business basically what I'm trying to say is do not make it hard on yourself by trying to attack the whole automation space or the entire niche of the whole world at once Niche down to a specific industry each down to a specific deliverable and that will just take all of the other factors away and as a beginner you need to simplify it as much as possible for yourself in the beginning The Next Step once you have your niche in your deliverable is to get out there and start learning by doing whether you are freelancing initially and delivering the services yourself or you're going straight to the agency model and Outsourcing to a developer or to another team member to deliver these Services the process here is going to be the same you need to get some experience of doing this for real clients the goal here is to get Hands-On inside a business and start to really understand who your Niche is who your avatar is and how you can deliver these Services easily and and get a real feel for what this business model is and how it operates and and how you can handle your team members and how you can deliver it's just so important to keep your foot in the door and start learning by doing rather than sitting around and trying to land this massive whale of a client that's going to bring you three thousand dollars you are in the phase of learning rather than earning and Alex mozzie talks about this all the time this is the phase of your business that is the learning phase not the earning phase as you can see on screen it is great if you can get paid to learn if you can go into a business and get paid 500 or 600 to go in and deliver your first services or your first couple of them that is great but you should really be willing to go in for free and offer these services to businesses that you can get in touch with for free and and really get an idea of how this thing fits together and most importantly collecting the testimonials and case studies that you're going to use for your sixth client your seventh client and then you can start charging some real money so you're learning you're collecting some testimonials and case studies that you can show to Future clients that is the goal here over deliver and give them the best treatment possible the last step might be beginner system is to increase your prices and start to scale the business from there here is where all of the hard work that you've put in in the learning by doing phase comes into play and you start to be able to actually generate money and profit with your business when you're pitching to new clients you'll be able to point to your previous ones and say these are the results for businesses that I've got who are exactly the same as you here's another tax law firm who I did this for and they got these results here's what I can do for you and this is how much it costs once you have the ball rolling and those testimonials coming in you can start to test higher and higher prices and you can start to Outsource the server delivery if you're still doing it as a freelancer so you can make your first hire and say okay I'm going to train him up on how to deliver these and how to copy and paste them over between and make the changes required at this stage you can begin to expand your offering Beyond just one deliverable so you're no longer going to just be the onboarding chatbot for legal tax law firms you can say I'm going to do this this and this and then once I'm in there and I have the onboarding chapel built out I can say hey I also do this or I can also add this feature to the bot or I can connect it to your I can connect it to your lead system and do this so you can start to blow more options and increase the aov of each of the clients by offering more services once you've actually got them in the door and it's at this stage that you as the business owner once you have it outsourced to someone else to deliver the services you can really focus on bringing more sales and building your funnel out so that you can start to build a consistent stream of clients if you're still here I want you to give yourself a pat on the back you've made it to the important part of Niche selection everything I've just taught you is absolutely crucial to know before you get started and this has prepped you to be able to make the right decisions within this particular module and thus we start the process of selecting your Niche now the first step in picking your Niche is of course coming up with a bunch of potential niches that you can choose now for this I have a little hack that we use in our AAA incubator Community which is to use a chat GPT prompt to get a bunch of different Niche ideas coming back at you so that you can start to analyze them with the Frameworks that I'm about to show you as you can see on screen here you're probably only aware of a fraction of the potential niches possible and I find when you're trying to think of new Niche ideas you tend to get stuck in this thought Loop of the same five or ten niches over and over and my reasons those Hub in the description you're going to be able to get access to the exact chat GPT prompt that myself and my community use to consistently generate high quality and ideal Niche ideas for your AI automation agency now I've carefully structured this prompt to ensure that it's only putting out the specific kinds of niches that are really good for AI automation agencies now when I was playing around with this it can sometimes throw some really complex ones and ones that are not suitable but the prompt that's available on my resource Hub will give you really really good ideas that will give you a perfect set of starting niches that you can take into the next steps of this video so if you want to get instant access to that and all of my workshop recordings and all of the resources for this video you can sign up to my members area in the description below the next question is what makes a niche good or bad for an AI automation Agency on screen here you have my Niche selection criteria and we have five key points here that I like to check each news against before moving forward with it firstly the niche needs to have a high purchasing power secondly it needs to be easy to Target thirdly it needs to have a large Market size fourth it needs to have a high automation potential and finally if you're familiar with the niche that's also a bonus we can break down those points a little bit more just to help you guys understand what each of them means so firstly we have purchasing power now a good purchasing power is typically decided by other clients or customers that they work with are they selling High ticket products or services or do they have extremely high margins on the products that they do sell so this will typically mean that they have a lot of money to spend on services like you're trying to sell them for easy to Target this can be determined by how easily can you find and contact business owners within the space a quick Google Facebook and Linkedin search can be very helpful here so you can Facebook search a a particular Niche name you might show something like SEO agency owners or something like that on Facebook or the same on LinkedIn if you're able to find communities of these people floating around online and that's a great sign that these people are easy to Target or for some Industries you can just Google Search and say find me a coach or a tutor if you search that up you're going to find a ton of marketplaces for coaches and tutors where you can get in touch with them directly and offer them your services thirdly we have Market size which is pretty straightforward how many business businesses are there in an XYZ area so how many taxable firms are there in the United States you can search this just trade on Google and it's going to give you pretty quick answers back on the total Market size now if you go too Niche with it you go down to a boutique arts and crafts stores for elderly people in Virginia or something like that's there's not enough in that market size for you to bother making a automation offer around and finally we have the automation potential criteria which I will go into more detail later it's a bit of a different story on screen we have an example Niche analysis table now all of the tables that you're going to see over this next course of the video is going to be available on my resource Hub in the description so when you're watching all of this you're going to be able to go and get a version of this for you to use on your own and start to put in the niches that you get from your chat gbt prompt and you can put them in here and start to do your own analysis of the niches that you have a quick glance of the niches we have here I've chosen Airbnb management smmas e-commerce restaurants dental and legal pretty straightforward niches Airbnb management companies typically have money to spend they're leasing out different apartments and stuff for above market rate smmas yes they have clients that are coming in quite a lot of cash flow lots of money to spend e-commerce stores a lot of money to spend if they're running profitably restaurants not so much dentists typically have high ticket clients so that's yes they do have enough money to spend and legal also the clients are typically High ticket as well so that's a breakdown of the money to spend side of things now are they easy to Target Airbnb management companies can be reached out to directly on Airbnb so they're easy to Target enough social media marketing agencies very easy to to get in touch with or find communities for online they they hang out in all sorts of places on Facebook and Linkedin and things like that e-commerce stores you can find on the Facebook ads library and get in touch with them via their email their support email for restaurants Dental legal all going to have their contact information available online somewhere where the Google Maps are on their website then we have Market size which for Airbnb managements might not be as large as these other ones but the rest of them are all fairly large niches and we haven't gone too Niche so we haven't gone say Italian restaurants which would maybe be a bit of a smaller Market size or tax law firms are trying bit of a smaller one I've kept them all pretty broad so the market sizes are all pretty large in the familiar tab I'm familiar with the top three but not with the bottom three you would do the same for you if you were familiar with restaurants you would say yes there as well as I said all of these tables are going to be available on my resource Hub so you can get them all there after this video the final piece of the puzzle for choosing your Niche is breaking down what the automation potential criteria meet to understand this automation potential criteria need to understand what I call the three tiers of AI automation agency Services which start off at no code AI chatbot secondly to low code automations and thirdly to custom automation this concept is one of the key things that I've been piecing together in the run-up to this video in terms of how you as an agency owner can understand the different levels of services and where the entry point is for beginners like you the first thing that you need to understand is that the only option for you guys as beginners who are looking to start your own AI automation Agency for the first time is tier one now why is tier one your only option why are building AI chat Bots your only option as a beginner firstly creating AI chatbots on platforms like bot press is very very very easy and beginner friendly for someone like yourself if you were completely new to building these kind of chat Bots you can learn how to use bot press and start to deliver chatbots to your own clients yourself which means that you don't have to take on extra risk of hiring a developer or hiring someone to deliver these you can completely remove the risk of losing money by delivering themselves and having essentially 100 margins on these on these clients secondly once you've created a chat bot and service their particular client you can then just duplicate it across to your other client within bot risks create a duplicate of the chat bot and then make the changes necessary and then sell it to another client in the early stages of your business being able to copy and paste these Solutions across and sell them for the same price is going to be hugely hugely important for you and since the learning curve to use something like bot process so low once you're up and running you can very easily Outsource this to someone else you can just say hey we've got a new client this is how you duplicate it these are the variables you need to change great and now you can get rid of that and you can start focusing on growing the business and I'd say the most important reason why people should focus on selling these tier one Services as a beginner is because these chat Bots can actually be templated it and given away and and sold and passed around so that you as a beginner you might not even need to create your own first chatbot to start selling you could find someone in the community or you could get one of mine off my resource Hub clone it download it import it into your Bot press make a couple changes and then sell that thing for a thousand two thousand dollars depending on how good your sales skills are so you are all clear that tier one AI chat Bots are the deliverable that you need to be focusing on as a beginner now we can start breaking down what are some options within this AI chat Bots tier one and how can you start to sell them as well so on screen you see the automation potential analysis this is breaking down uh the tier one deliverables of AI chat Bots into five key kinds of chatbots that I recommend you guys look at starting and applying to your own Niche so firstly we have prospecting chat Bots onboarding chat Bots support chat Bots training chat Bots and internal use chat bots on screen here you can see the criteria by which we analyze the automation potential of a niche we do this through having five different types of chat Bots and figuring out if a particular Niche can benefit from them so we can have a prospecting outbot which is when you might go on a website where they're going to collect some lead information we've gone over this earlier in the video when onboarding chat bot is where you're onboarding the clients obviously support chatbot is where you're providing customer Supports to clients a training chatbot is an internal use chatbot where you can load in documents we've been over this as well but the final one I wanted to touch on here is an internal use chat bot for document query so say you have a legal business or a legal firm they might have a lot of documents that they might want to ask questions on so that could be a custom model chatbot that you could create for the internal team of a legal business or maybe you want to put a bunch of sales data into a chatbot and ask questions about the sales data or things like that that is an internal use chat bot where you can ask questions and get answers back which could be a valuable deliverable for one of these niches please do not worry if you're strugging to get all of this down I know it can be complex initially but I actually have a full automation potential analysis framework where I explain each of these different chat Bots and what they look like in different Industries the exact steps on how to implement them and then you can also steal my templates if you want any of that which is going to help you really under understand this key part of the model it's going to be available in my resource Hub Link in the description on screen here you have the automation potential analysis example again this table is going to be available my resource Hub we have the exact same niches as we have before but this time we've expanded up that grayed out column to this entire screen here and we put each of the different chatbot types that I mentioned before on the columns so we have the prospecting onboarding support training and internal what we need to do is analyze each of our niches on the need for each of these different chat bots so we can start with Airbnb management do they have any sort of prospecting requirements are they going to be reaching out to clients and getting information back and forth not really are they going to be onboarding clients sure there's a bit of onboarding required for Airbnb management companies is there support yes there is a ton of support required as a Airbnb management company and they can benefit a lot from it so you need to go through all of these different steps and say smmas do they Prosper yes they do they're on board yes they do do they have any kind of customer support that they can benefit from yes they do and the the output is what you see here on screen and a good example to show how these vary between Industries is e-commerce we have e-commerce doesn't really need a prospecting chatbot to capture lead information and things like this they definitely don't need an onboarding chatbot so the only options you really have is support training and internal so I'll let you take a quick look at that and just see how I've labeled these yes or no I won't go into in too much detail but it's pretty straightforward once we go on from that we have a scoring system so low is zero to two points medium is two to four and high is Five Points so going back to that we see e-commerce has maybe three out of five it may be management four out of five they fall into the different labels and categories here and then after all of that work we have our completed Niche analysis table now with this automation need column filled in So based on the points that they scored in the automation potential analysis we take it over we score them and then we fill it out so this is the same table from earlier but we've filled in that grayed out column now you can look across and get a proper analysis of each of the niches that you've got and start to decide which ones are best for you and which ones you should move forward with here we can see that the restaurant's Niche might not be what we're looking for since it doesn't have money to spend has a low automation need and I'm personally not familiar with it but maybe something like social media marketing agencies could be good but you have lots of money to spend easy to Target and large Market size a high automation need they checked all five of those boxes from the previous screen and I'm also familiar with it so what you need to be doing is get 30 ideas generated with that chat GPT prompt and then you're going to want to lay them out all in a spreadsheet or in a document somewhere and start to go through this process of the move do they have money to spend do are they easy to Target okay now I'm going to bust that out into the automation potential and analyze each of these as what chatbots could they benefit from which of these Tier 1 deliverables of these five different types of chat Bots could they benefit from what I want you to do is start with about 30 of them and then narrow them down to say the next five and then we're going to take those On To The Next Step the next step is my favorite of all which is to create the offer and this is going to be an absolutely crucial step now that you've done all the hard work of getting five exciting niches that take a lot of the boxes for you is to create an offer and this is going to determine whether you flop off the stuff outline or you have an immediate success so pay attention here be taking notes because it's a very very important section the next task for us after we have these five niches we've narrowed down to is to identify the biggest opportunity for each so how do you determine which is the most valuable service for a business this has to be done on a case-by-case basis and this is done by calculating what is the actual Roi of this particular deliverable in this particular Niche you can attempt to quantify the ROI for clients by speaking in terms they understand such as hours saved or full-time equivalents replaced and what we need to do is determine a potential Roi for each of these different kind of chat Bots for each Niche and this is going to vary by industry as you'll see the best way to illustrate this is with a couple examples so for this particular client they had a support team on for 24 hours a day that was three people on doing eight hour shifts each and that was going on for five days per week and that's four weeks per month as well which ended up being 480 hours per month and our chatbot was able to come in and reduce support tickets by I think it was 78 at the end of the day following the implementation of our chatbot they were able to reduce the hours per month by the real support team the humans down to around 105 hours I wanted to show this example because it gives you a very very clear look at how a specific Niche and a specific type of chat bot can combine together to make a very very high impact so a customer support chatbot in the case of an e-commerce store can provide a ton of value whereas in different niches and different Industries customer support chatbot might not provide anywhere near as much value as that now the second example I want to use to help illustrate how you can quantify the ROI for a client as using an onboarding chatbot example in this example the figure that we're going to be targeting to really show the ROI of this particular chatbot is the head of operations hours spent on onboarding new clients per month so typically in service-based businesses like my own company Morningside AI we have our clients who come in the door they sign with us and then they need to be onboarded into our processes into our slack they need to sign contracts all this sort of stuff now typically my head of operations handles that and so for this particular example we'll be looking to decrease the L number of hours that he's spending on that and typically a head of operations or Chief Operating Officer is going to cost quite a lot of money per hour so any hours we can reduce here are going to provide a big impact for the business for example the head of operations could spend two hours onboarding each client and they could onboard two clients per week and maybe we call that nine new clients a month and that comes out to 18 hours by the head of operations onboarding new clients each week if your client's head of operations is on say 70 an hour you can do the maths and figure out what the maximum potential savings you can provide to them are which in this case on screen would be 1 260 per month so that already is a potentially huge benefit to the business and cost savings but that doesn't even factor in additional benefits to an onboarding chat bot light and increase close rate people following through and actually signing contracts and and paying invoices or increase in the sales velocity by reducing the total time for onboarding say it was two weeks now it's three days you can see by the sales velocity format on screen here you're potentially altering not only the win rate but also the length of the sales cycle so this can really speed up a business if you do it right now there's many benefits that you can really sell to the business on to determine which kinds of chatbots can benefit which of your five final niches we need yet another table and again this is going to be available in the resource Hub in the description but we have laid it all out here you can see that I've actually grayed out some of the areas that we know they don't apply so obviously e-commerce businesses don't need prospecting your onboarding chatbots so I've laid them all out and now we can actually analyze which ones can benefit from which the most so Airbnb management onboarding probably not that high impact support potentially a very very high impact and high Roi deliverable for them training maybe low they don't have that many staff the turnover isn't very high and the internal use there's not many documents that they want to be chatting from and the value that you could extract from that isn't very high now if we go to smmas the value of prospecting and helping them attract new clients better and capture information probably about a medium onboarding potentially a very very high Roi because there's so much onboarding that goes on in this mmas that's customer support potentially very high if there's a lot of communication done by the head of operations or developers if you can streamline that you can Save hours that's potentially a huge benefit for the business I'm not going to go through all of these what it does take is a little bit of Common Sense here and being able to say hey it doesn't really have that much of an onboarding process probably not the highest Roi you need to maybe do a little bit of mental math as well and say hey how much volume are they really doing on the support side not much okay okay let's try and look for something else once you've filled all of this out and I know it's another table but you're actually at the point now where you've identified not only a good Niche but also a high value deliverable to sell within that Niche so you're right there another little hack that I want to drop in here that we use within my AAA incubator Community is to actually use templates to create these chatbots and I know I've touched on this earlier in the video but that's actually a key point to be looking for templates because as you're selecting your niches and you're selecting the deliverable there may actually already be a template for that particular Niche and deliverable say a onboarding chatbot for social media marketing agencies if you can find that within my community or find it on my resource Hub then that could actually be a very very good place to start now that you have maybe 10 different specific niches and deliverables that you can choose from maybe you can start to look see if you can find a template for one and then you've narrowed it down even more to maybe three out of ten and they've got a really good place to start you can download that you can buy it off someone and then you can get started using that exact template the absolute best place to look for any templates is going to be in my community or in my resource sub because I have a bunch there as well so you can sign up to both of those in the description and with that I must say a huge congratulations to if you've made it this far you now have that filled out table that I showed you just before any of those niches where they have a high value in any of those you can actually pick one of those now and start to craft your offer so some examples on screen could be onboarding chat Bots for smmas customers support chatbot for e-commerce stores staff training chatbots for restaurants prospecting chat Bots for tax law firms now here you've seen of niched down Beyond just a broad niche of law firms I've gone to tax law firms so if you want to get a little bit more specific on the niche if you've got a really broad Niche you could actually narrow down a little bit more but what I want you to do now is pick one of those as you can see these ones on screen here I've identified the high impact part of the business to attack with the chatbot which is onboarding for smmas customer support for e-commerce stores you need to identify the high impact one as we've done with that table and then write down your Niche and write down your deliverable in the format like this so deliverable for Niche and with your deliverable and chatbot decided we are ready to get into the fun stuff of adding the secret Source now you know I'm a huge fan of Alex mozzie and a lot of the stuff I talk about my videos comes from him and this I'm going to give him full credit for all of the stuff I'm talking about here this is a hundred percent out of his book but I thought I'd slap him on screen here and give them credit where credit is due but we have pricing scarcity urgency bonuses and guarantees these are the secret sauce the icing on the cake that's really going to take what you're offering say onboarding chat Bots for tax law firms and really judge that up and make it a whole lot more appealing and add the stuff that you need to make this thing hit right off the bat when you first launch it into the market Alex from Ozzy always preaches that you should charge as much as possible for the customer for your own benefit but also for theirs because you get more more buy-in from them and they're going to be more attentive to you and more invested and the process but I'm going to sort of go a little bit off script from what he says in this book strictly because I think for you guys right now charging thousands of thousands of dollars for something that you've never delivered before probably isn't the best idea so My Philosophy when it comes to pricing initially is to instead of focusing on how much you can make initially focus on how much you can learn so if you can flip it in your head to where your payment is going to be the learning you get back from the experience you can see on screen here I say when starting out your job is to learn getting paid to learn is the goal that would be great if you can get paid 500 or a thousand dollars to do your first couple of clients and learn and get paid at the same time which is what we did with our company but it's not possible for all people starting out so go at it with a mindset of hey I'd love to make money doing this but if I can't get it then I'm just going to take whatever I can get so that I can get some experience get some testimonials Etc by no means am I saying that you should go and offer your services for free initially but you should go in with a a strong offer that we're crafting right here but you should be prepared if you've found a client who could be a good learning opportunity for you to downsell them and say hey I can do it for XYZ amount or just anything you can do to get in the door and get that first client under your belt but when it comes to setting that initial price what you're leading in with your offer you need to calculate this or a good way to calculate this is to estimate that the return on investment or Roi for the client and base your pricing around that Roi and the amount you're saving them essentially initially if you're working with an e-commerce client and making a customer support chat bot so if you were estimating the savings to be around fifteen hundred dollars per month for them based on the number of hours their customer support team wouldn't have to do you could charge them a thousand dollars and this comes back to the idea that homology talks about a lot and other other direct marketers as well which is you're trying to sell them a hundred dollars for twenty dollars so we're selling them fifteen hundred dollars a month of savings for one thousand dollars fixed so you're selling them a hundred dollars for twenty dollars it's an irresistible offer it's something that they it doesn't even make sense for them to turn down so especially in this example where it's going to be a monthly cost so you're saving them at fifteen hundred dollars recurring monthly fee and then you're going to charge them a single one thousand dollar setup fee you're giving them a great deal of selling a hundred dollars twenty dollars so when it comes to pricing your offer a good guideline is going to be that Roi that you provide to the client and doing a bit of napkin mathematics to figure out hey what are the potential savings that I can provide to them and I'm going to fall beneath that and and that's an irresistible offer for them in some Industries and deliverables you may need to actually get in touch with some of these business owners and get a bit of feedback and say how much time are you spending on this okay okay that's great and you take a couple data points down and you use that to base your future prices off now another aspect of pricing is of course your pricing structure what are the terms around the payment and how are you actually going to be collecting that money so there's a few options here we have 100 up front which is quite confident that not a lot of clients especially if you're taking on your first ones will be comfortable with 100 up front but then there's compromises like 50 up front and 50 on completion and you have things like a fixed setup fee so say I'll set up the chatbot for one thousand dollars and then I have a monthly retainer of say 300 for maintenance and Improvement or you could do something like a free setup and they only pay if they're happy with it which is what we're going to touch on later in terms of guarantees and things like that so there's lots of different options you can even build in by you usage should say if you have it on your Bot press or your stack AI account you can see how much usage is going through on that particular application and then you can build them based on that and Mark it up and that kind of thing that's the basics of pricing out of the way now we can jump into scarcity which is a hugely important aspect of your offer and if you're not putting some elements of scarcity in it you're basically asking do you have a hard time going out and trying to sell those things so you have to get some kind of element of this inside whether it's artificial or Genuine trust me it's a lot easier if it's genuine scarcity than than artificial but some of you might need to get a little bit creative on that side of things and and really factor in some some scarcity into this on screen is some examples of tried and tested scarcity methods such as we're only going to accept x amount of clients full stop so we only work with 10 at a time you can only get enough one of them drops off so we're fixed and we only do 10 people at once we can do a cohort based system like the second Point here which is we only accept two clients per week or we only accept five new clients per month so there's a waiting list and that's sort of a staggered release and they've got a B on that five will be on that two per week or per month to get it another method that is great that can kind of be an umbrella term over all of these which is just having a waiting list or saying that you're sold out and people can get on the waiting list and then you can notify them when the spots open up so having a waiting list or appearing to be sold out is another key thing and ideally you are sold out so that you have some genuine demand built up and genuine scarcity and the final one that I've put on here I thought I'd throw on to show you that scarcity can also come in sort of different forms in the above examples we're saying we only accept this or there's a strict limit on this this and how many clients are coming in but this last Point here of saying I specialize in doing X for why businesses means that you are scarce and the fact that you are a expert you have narrowed down who you work for and you can provide services to making you an expert or making you a scarce resource you're the only one of five in the world who can provide these services for someone so that in itself is another form of scarcity I mean Alex mozzie does touch on this on his books as well and this is another reason why I say it is so important for beginners to Niche down to at least in industry but ideally a deliverable as well so that you can appear to be an expert and be a scarce resource onboarding chatbot specialist for the tax law firms that is so scarce there's not many people like that on the earth so when you make an offer to them it feels like you are in higher demand than some generalist and then we have the close cousin to scarcity which is urgency this of course is more related to time and trying to get people to buy now rather than later this is an issue going to run into all the time with clients delaying saying I need to talk to other people this this and this if you can add some kind of time urgency factor and make them by now rather than later you can have a much higher success rate in turning leads into clients there's a few ways you can do this first so you can have some sort of discount or special offer that's only available for today or this week for example you can say that we have our spring sale ending at the end of the week if you want to get on that that price is only available until the end of the week if you buy after you're gonna have to pay the full price another great way that hamasi mentions in his books is to let your customers know that the prices are going up now this can be artificial or it can be genuine this can work very very well but as from Aussie says in his book every time you increase prices you need to let your customers know so you need to blast out communication via email or SMS to not only the leads that you didn't close that have gone cold but also to your past clients that you're trying to re-engage with new services and product offerings seasonal promotions can be a great way to dress up a regular promotion and get give it a little bit more credibility if you compare a generic and sort of arbitrary discount or offer say 20 off for the next two weeks ending on Monday that's very arbitrary and it doesn't have much credibility but if you compare that to Fan Easter sale and say we're running our Easter sale until the end of Easter this is going to be 30 off and you can have a much more credible deadline and so people know when it's coming up and you can rinse and repeat this and say a spring sale or a Halloween sale and things like this and it adds more credibility to your discount it's a clear deadline and so it pushes more urgency onto the client and the final way that I'll cover in this video is to have some sort of sign up now to get into the XYZ cohort so say you have a new bag starting on Monday and it's a Thursday you can say if you sign up now I can get you into the the Monday cohort when we start the next group if you don't sign up now I'm gonna have to give that spot to someone else and you'll have to wait another week or two or month however along your cohort sort of rolling system is they'll have to wait until that so if they want to get it now they have to pay now and then we have bonuses which can be a great way to couple with your urgency and offer them these special bonuses if they purchase now but they work in tandem a lot of the time for example you can increase the value of your offer by throwing things in specifically if you're offering chat Bots for say a free month of Maintenance and Improvement if you buy today or you buy this week or I'll do a free one hour workshop with me to assess other areas in AI other areas that AI can help your business so say I'm going to throw in a free hour-long Workshop which is an AI audit and that's a bit of extra value and business owners right now are really really interested in getting an AI audit done and having a bit of peace of mind so you're throwing in this hour-long Workshop that can give them complete Peace of Mind of where they sit in terms of all this AI stuff and how they're opposed to to benefit or how they're supposed to lose from it and as I say here expanding the service offering over time will make the bonuses easier to do so at the moment when you start out if you're listening to what I'm telling you to do you will only have one Niche and you have one deliverable so it's a little bit harder to upsell and throw in different and services apart from these maintenance improvements and hour-long workshops and things like that but as soon as you've got some experience and working with these clients and you've started to identify different upsells you can add and you've got your team to go and figure out how we can do this so I want to add this feature to our chatbot or I want to add the zapier connection to the chatbot so once you have those kind of upsells you can start to add those in and say hey look I'll throw in a freeze API integration that's going to generate a personalized Outreach method for you based on your prospecting chatbot over time you're going to have more of these to potentially upsell and throw in as bonuses and the final Point here as I mentioned before you can use these as an urgency lever you're trying to put it on top of the urgency layer that you've just put in which is you get a free month if you sign up today or I'll throw in this free one hour Workshop if you sign up today so combine your bonuses with your urgency if need be so that you can really combine the effects of both and the final step that I'm going to cover in this video is guarantees which is going to be hugely important for you guys starting out being a completely new business and a new service provider it's hard to get the credibility you don't have the backup and results to really show yourself and show you show your expertise so having a guarantee that protects the buyer not only protects them but kind of goes above and beyond it's going to make selling a ton easier for you guys so there's obviously a number of different ways you can provide a guarantee money back guarantee refund trial period all these sort of things these are quite sort of standard and regular and a lot of the ways that you're probably thinking of right now that you could run guarantees are not really strong enough but on screen here we have a couple examples of guarantees from Alex modi's book we have firstly the results-based guarantee which is you will achieve X results and wide time or we're going to compensate why and you have a value added guarantee which is if you're unsatisfied we're not only going to refund you but we're going to give you more than that so it's compensating the business owner for their time wasted yeah you might give them their money back but business owners time is valuable and expensive so you want to ensure that they are going to get something out of it if you don't do what you say you can do and finally another really good one for you guys who are looking to learn rather than earn which is a performance oriented guarantee and you say hey you're only going to have to pay for a product if you're happy with it so I'll make you a chat bot I'll install it in your business and with this you're obviously relying quite heavily on social norms and social using that if someone is really happy with the service it's sort of a expectation by society that you should give the money you're sort of throwing out the bait and you're saying look here's my product here's if you like it please you can pay me whenever but only if you like it so if they like it chances are 1995 of clients are going to say yes I like it and pay the money because they're running a business they have to have some sort of Integrity a lot of the time but you might get five percent ten percent of people who are scumbags and they're going to try and run away with your money and your products so just be aware of that but it is worth it that kind of guarantee will attract a lot of the right and wrong people but you'll definitely get enough within that to start making money we've added all of the aspects of the secret source to make your offer stand out so now it's a case of putting it all together bringing in all of these aspects of scarcity urgency guarantees Etc and adding them on top of your offer and putting it together so here we have the first example of a customer service chat bot for e-commerce stores and this is what it might look like if you were planning out your own offer using these elements we've just covered firstly we have the niche of e-commerce stores we have the deliverable of a customer support chat bot then we have the benefits or key objectives what what is the value being provided to the business here primary which is to reduce the customer support rep hours which is a clear Roi for the business and it's also good to throw in some secondary benefits such as increasing the customer satisfaction and reviews and particularly for e-commerce this is going to go for trust pilot the customers aren't being responded to in a timely manner and getting the responses they need then your scores on not only your own website but also on trustpilot and things like that could really be hurt and tank the the conversion rate a lot of the time then we have the pricing structure which I put here as a 997 setup fee plus 300 per month retainer for maintenance and Improvement I'm going to touch on how maintenance and Improvement packages can work and how you can structure a retainer offer a little bit later in the video but for now just know that this one is a 997 setup fee with a 300 per month maintenance and Improvement package there are no element of scarcity on this one is that we're only going to be taking in three clients for the month of July so we've got one squat filter ready let me know when you're ready to sign up and you can get one of those last two remaining and then the real trick here is the urgency and bonuses combination here of if you purchase today I'll give you your first month of Maintenance and Improvement it's free so that's a three hundred dollar value add to them or savings to them if they're able to purchase today and finally to wrap it all up you can put a big juicy guarantee on there look you don't even pay the 997 unless you're happy with what I set up so with all of these aspects put together the urgency the scarcity the pricing structure clearly communicating the benefits and a guarantee that basically it makes it no risk for them this is an example of a really good and really strong offer that you could start to run with and I'm going to give you another example here of a staff training chat bot for logistics companies obviously the niches and logistics companies we have the deliverable of a staff training chat bot then the benefit or objective of the chat bot the ROI we're seeking to provide is firstly the primary would be to reduce hours required to onboard new hires if you think about it a little bit you might be able to figure out why I've paired logistics companies with staff training chat Bots again this is going back to our method previously of trying to identify okay what does logistics companies what could they potentially need in terms of the five types of chat Bots we have okay now which one of those is actually going to provide the most value and in this case for this just for companies they've had very high staff turnovers so training new staff training new people who are working on the floor of the company are going to be very very helpful and very beneficial so there's a lot of time spent training new highs and the churn of new highs in these industries is very high and I have a secondary benefit on here of actually increasing the quality and accuracy of work by all employees when you have potentially hundreds of new hires each year by having some sort of chat bot that these new highs can talk to is going to allow them a way to get information when they need it and do the job correctly ensuring less issues and less mistakes by these new hires and overall increase in the quality and accuracy of the work done by all of these employees then when it comes to pricing here I've put it at 14.97 for the setup fee plus a 500 per month retainer for maintenance and Improvement so I'd expect a lot of these companies who have updates to their knowledge base to their training documents so having that sort of retainer added in there is going to allow them to continually make changes to it and improvements over time for scarcity I've used a waitlist so I've said look we're sold out right now but I can put you on the waitlist and notify you when a spot is open so I might email them and say hey look you have 24 hours to get back to me if you want to secure the spot if not it's going to the next person or something like that and then the real magic within this offer is this urgency and bonuses combination of if you purchase today I will waive the setup fee so you can see I've pumped the setup fee up to a 1500 price point then when you combine it with the urgency and bonuses it's a lot more attractive so well I get to waive this 1500 setup fee but the retainer is higher so you can play around with that price anchoring and stuff here but this is a a pretty good way to structure it if you increase that setup fee and increase the retainer as well and then finally I've added a guarantee that similar to the last one but in this case you're actually getting the retainer free if the team isn't happy with the chat bot and it's not providing what they need to get from it I've thrown in this slide here to give you an example of what it might look like when you convert all of that information all those sort of bullet points into some copy now this isn't great this was done in a couple of minutes but you get the idea which is I build customer support chat Bots for e-commerce stores that eliminate up to 80 of repetitive customer support queries my clients typically save XYZ amount per month after my system is installed the setup fee for my system is 800 with a 300 monthly retainer and Improvement fee I'm accepting only four clients in the month of July if you sign up today I'll waive my setup fee so taking it from the the strictly laying out how the offer is constructed through how you're going to actually write this and and communicate it to the client so this is a good starting point you might need to do a little bit more uh adjustments on it to make it really hit with all of that out of the way you should now be able to get a similar layout to what I've just shown you in those examples of what's Manish what's my deliverable what's my pricing structure Etc write that down in your notebook and try to do it a couple different ways maybe even go back a few steps and grab some different ones and experiment on say okay maybe I want to do a prospecting chatbot for social media marketing agencies and try to do some experimentation on offers for that until you really find one that you're happy with and you think it's going to provide a lot of value now that you have those and you've picked your favorite we can get stuck into lead generation how are you going to find clients that you can potentially sell to thankfully lead generation is actually a lot easier than you think and it's a question that I get asked all the time in my community but as a beginner there's a few different methods you you can go over and we're going to cover them in this video firstly LinkedIn search is a great way to find potential leads now the LinkedIn method I'm going to teach here is great for getting started firstly if you have the sales Navigator which is the linkedin's way of searching up companies it's more of an advanced research tool if you can get sales Navigator it is quite expensive I think there's a free trial use that if possible if you have the resources it's going to be better but in this video I'm going to cover the free method that doesn't require the sales Navigator if you do have the sales navigator at the same principles apply but it's going to be a little bit easier to find what you're looking for for the method for you guys just looking to get started would be to head to LinkedIn search up your niche as you can see on this this image here I've searched up Tax Lawyer and I've actually narrowed it down so you want to start to filter it by location by industry title or company size as well so company size is available only in the sales Navigator I believe that's not something you'll be able to do on the free one but firstly maybe you want to narrow down by United States as you see I've done here and I've narrowed down here by Legal Services as the industry and on screen you can see there's a couple results that came up already you can also narrow down by title and you can say CEO or founder and so you can try to find the extra decision makers and the real point of contact for these businesses you can pull up the results that look good into a new tab and then for each of them you can check the contact info section so on LinkedIn basically everyone has a contact info section so you can click on that and ideally they have the email or phone number or some kind of contact Point that's direct to them but if they don't you can use something like get Prospect or any of the other tools that allow you to basically look up emails and look up contact information based off the company of person for example the company name or leave you find might be johnsmithlegal.com tools I get Prospect are going to be able to look up and see if there's a if there's a John John Smith legal.com and then you can use that email in your lead so once you get that information off get Prospect or you just get it straight out of the contact info section you can create a Google sheet and you can start to add these in as leads you can say the name contact info business any kind of like website information as much info as you can have on them and add that to a row in your sheet method number two which is tried and tested as well is to use Facebook groups firstly you can just search your Niche so in this case I've searched up tax law firms or just illegal firms and of course you need to apply to join these so I would join a bunch of these here we have lawyers groups we have tax professionals helping each other I'd try to join them you might have to lie a little bit to get in and once you're inside you need to start looking for the members section sometimes you won't actually be able to view all of the members so instead you're just going to have to look at the Active participants who's commenting who's liking who's posting the process from there is to open up their profile in a new tab and then you can have a quick look at the info depending on the privacy settings you might be able to see uh Sarah Smith works at sarahsmithlegal.com CEO and founder if she doesn't have contact info on Facebook or anywhere within the group you can go and search LinkedIn and try to find her on LinkedIn and use the same process as before so Facebook you're going to collect a bunch of people who are potentially meet the criteria of being decision makers or owners of small legal firms and I'm using the legal example just for some sort of consistency here I hope you understand that you can replace this with whatever your Niche that you're working in and then then go over to LinkedIn get the information off their profile or using get Prospect or another tool and then add it to a sheet in the exact same way so your goal here is when you're collecting these leads is to just get a big sheet for of all of them you can start to outreach to or email and SMS and whatever you're going to do with them next and the last method I'm going to cover in this video is a local business search which is probably going to be the best option for a lot of you people watching this right now super simple all you need to do is go to Google Maps search for your Niche and click the information and add it to a sheet it's not rocket science at all you guys should be able to get hundreds and hundreds of leads within your own industry so for example on here I've just searched up Tax Lawyer and it's given me a whole bunch of Tech Law places within Dusseldorf which is where I'm at at the moment and there seems to be a ton in one city so you can just do this over and over and over again with this you're able to search by city or by country for say Dental practices and start to pick all of these leads they're going to have the contact information on there because it's a Google Business posting so you can grab their contact number which is great for cold calling which we're going to cover later or you can go onto their website and figure out what their support email is or figure out who the business owner is and get in touch with them do the same LinkedIn thing bunch of different things you can do once you've found a business on here but again you need to be getting all of that info over into a lead sheet once you have a big old list of leads then the next step is to reach out them contact them and that is called Outreach I thought I'd cover some basic principles for outreach here for you guys who are completely new to this so first of all and the most important thing you need to keep in mind is that you need to be selling the meeting and not the service so you shouldn't be trying to go for the throat and say I have this thing you need to buy it this is why why but you need to come in with and say hey I have this thing you may be interested in it do you want to maybe hop on a call and have a chat and I could tell you how you could apply it to your business and how it could benefit you you're selling a low risk commitment of hopping on a call and they can ideally take the information that you give them on the call and go somewhere else with it so it's not specific to you another key thing that's going to really increase the response rate of your Outreach is to hook them in by providing Value First and this is actually a sort of psychological trick because it engages the reciprocity principle and and social Norm of when someone gives you something you want to give them something back and if they don't do that then they feel like a bad person so you can play on that on reciprocity factor and by giving some value and saying hey I've just done a full AI audit of your website here's how I think you could do this and this if you want to up in a call with me okay so you can book in a call I don't know what Niche you're working in I don't know what chap what you're doing so you're going to need to think about what kind of value can I throw into an email or a cold call or something like that to provide value and then expect something in return later down the line also keep your Outreach short and sweet a business owner is not going to spend 10 minutes reading your Outreach they don't care if you can't get to the point within a few sentences or a few words ideally they're not going to read it and you're not going to get any responses so short sweet break it up into line by line so it's not a big wall of text and you should be going in the right direction and this goes back to making this Outreach method and potential encounter with a client as low risk or low commitment as possible so firstly you don't want any risk on their hands they should just be able to hop on there not spend anything not have to do anything other than give their time but you want to make that time commitment at law as possible so hey do you have 60 seconds for me to just explain what what I do for businesses like you and how I've helped them previously or you can say in your email Outreach hey look we can open a 5-10 minute call I can run through this all quickly I've got everything prepared for you let me know if you want to book in and we can get this done the first method of Outreach that I'm going to be covering is cold calling and I know that probably sounds terrifying to you but there's a number of reasons why you have to do this in your business at least at the start cold calling is fantastic for you as a new business owner because this is a very very quick and efficient way to get instant feedback from your target market now this goes back to what I was saying in the mindset section of don't make assumptions you need to test this offer you need to get feedback from real people real participants in the market in order to verify what you're doing so you can start to allocate more resources so you don't want to put all your resources in one bucket or go all in one offer and build a whole click funnels landing page or build a massive website Build A team out build a get office space you don't want to go all in until you've at least had some kind of feedback from the market that people are interested in this so cold calling is a great way to do this you can really call up 10 businesses in 10 minutes and get instant feedback on what you're offering them and more importantly understanding the kind of common questions and objections you're going to get when you're trying to sell a chatbot to a specific Niche it is so crucial that you learn those objections and learn what people are going to push back on then you're going to be able to piece together what information these people need in order to make a decision that's going to result in a purchase so I absolutely have to do this if you want to run this business in a way that's data backed and actually getting real data from the market before you make decisions you need to be doing at least some form of cold calling at the start to really fast track your success I would say if you're just going to stick to emails and things like that you're not going to get that real-time feedback from the market I know a lot of you guys are going to say oh but I'm shy I have social anxiety I don't care and the market doesn't care and if you want to make any money you need to get over that and it's just calling up a person how bad could it really be you're not even looking at them just call them get some feedback and go back to your business and start making some money get over it and there's even secondary benefits that come from cold cooling like building confidence speaking as a business owner this is a skill that you need to develop if you're never going to get on cold calls with clients the only time you're going to practice speaking is when you have a qualified hot lead who's ready to sign and if you hop on that call and sound like an idiot or you don't have any kind of professionalism and you can't beat your words out you're not going to close that client so why not learn on the the people who aren't clients who aren't even one warm leads yet and just get familiar with speaking to people on the phone and pitching your services you need to learn the stuff you can't just read a book on it you have to actually do it so if I could recommend anything and I know only five percent of you gonna probably do this but set some kind of quota on how many cold calls you need to do a day and just see it as learning don't go I need to be closing these clients just you need to get familiar with talking to clients you need to get familiar with pitching or Services you need to get familiar with what pushback you're going to get from people so that you can start the closing this is absolutely key and so I know only some of you are going to do it but set a quota and just start picking up that phone every day and start calling and don't try to give me the excuse of what I can't call XYZ because I don't have a plan that allows me to do that get Skype get some calling credit and spend 10 bucks on it and you're going to be able to make calls all around the world and start to close some clients when it comes to a script for cold calling I have a super basic example on screen here there's a number of different ways you can skin this cat and I'm going to actually have a bunch of cold calling script examples on my resource Hub also for cold email so if you want to get access to some scripts and some templates that you can start to roll with and test on your Market those are going to be available in the description in my resource hub and there was to be some floating around in the sales channel of my Discord with this example you could hop on the phone and say hey XYZ I've just worked with another client in your industry and we've got some really great results for them I was wondering if you'd be interested in getting something similar set up for your business we make AI onboarding chat Bots for social media marketing agencies would you be interested or would you have a couple minutes do you have 60 seconds for me to tell you a little bit more about it and then boom and if they say yes you give them a quick breakdown of the systems and the benefits it can provide such as my onboarding chatbot will shrink your onboarding sales process on average by 60 you're going to have much higher sales velocity and you're going to have a much higher close rate XYZ once you've had a chance to explain how your product works and the kind of benefits they might see from it within the industry you can start to move them towards getting them on the next call which again is what you're selling you can say to them if this sounds at all interesting to you I'd be happy to hop on a free 15-minute AI audit Workshop call with you and just go over your business and the systems and processes you have currently and how we can potentially get something similar set up for you in your business and the key part here is to book that next AI audit call or Workshop call while you're on that cool so throw it a couple times we'll ask them hey what time's work for you next week okay great I'll pencil that and you can also ask them for an email that you can send an invitation to so you can book it in both of your calendars as I said there's just one example of how you could potentially run your cold calls if you want more scripts and more examples like this they're going to be developing my resource Hub as I mentioned the other method of cold Outreach that I'm going to cover is of course cold email now if you're new to online business and you haven't done any sort of Outreach before you probably don't know that you can't just email people willy-nilly off a random Gmail that you create you actually need to warm up the domain to ensure that you're delivering the the emails you're not being marked as spam you're getting direct to the inbox or the person you're looking to get in contact with and before you start blasting out emails to the leads that you've just collected and getting straight to the spam box and and screwing up the deliverability of your domain and all the email that you used you need to use something like instantly.ai to warm up your domain instantly it's by far the best option in the industry right now for this I'm actually friends with the founder of instantly so I'm happily plugging it on here for you guys to use because I know how much work he puts into creating this platform and it's really really the gold standard in the industry right now once you have your domain warmed up you're ready to start a basic three-step email campaign the first email is going to be similar to the cold calling script and that you can lead in and say hey I've worked with XYZ competitor or XYZ in your industry and we built this for them and we got these results then you can cut straight to the Chase and say something like if this at all sounds interesting to you I'm happy to hop on a free Workshop or free AI audit call with you and analyze where this could fit into your business and what benefit we can provide a few days after that and if you still haven't got a response you can send the reminder email just saying hey I haven't heard from you wondering if you're still interested or you might be interested in these Services then email three is a hey it seems like you're not interested I'll take you off my list and I'll stop emailing you now now this example is very basic and will likely have quite a low hit rate but it's a good place to get started you've got the not only the lead in email but two follow-ups to potentially increase the response rate on this campaign now as I said I do have a cheat sheet for outreach that's available on my resource Hub on there are a bunch more examples of cold calling scripts but also email campaign templates as well so you can take either of those start running them today in your own business if you want to get instant access to those who can sign up to my resource Hub in the description and also join my community for any help and go into the sales Channel and have a chat with people about how to refine your sales scripts for your particular business and deliverable and Niche once you have generated your leads you've reached out to them you've gotten some responses back you've got on some of those audit calls and you have a client that's ready to sign then you can step into the service delivery section that we're covering now in this section of Service delivery and when you actually get to signing and delivering your first client it's going to become so much clearer as to why I'm so insistent on You niching Down by narrowing down to one Niche and one deliverable you drastically simplify Your Service delivery method because you're only going to be working with one specific type of chat bot and once you have it set up on your first client you're able to copy and paste it over to others and repeat the process over and over and over again minimizing any of this this discovery and experimentation phase that you have to go through with new clients and new Industries and things like that all you need in order to get to this point is to have some sort of prototype where you've gone into bot press and stack Ai and you've made a prototype save your onboarding chat bot or you've prototyped with a staff training chat bot what with a custom mileage base that you created and with that you're able to go to clients and say hey here's a prototype of it what I'm going to do when we sign is going to adapt this to your business and then I'll be able to deliver that value to you with it if you're really smart about it you might not even need to create it yourself you'll be able to use templates from my community or from my resource Hub and the key Point here is that you have a prototype to show to the client send a little loom video and as soon as you get onto their business and you're working with them you have real data and real examples to actually build this whole thing out and here we have another little hack for my AAA incubator community and this is contracts now writing a contract that not only serves your client well but also protects your business from any liability and things like this it's important to get the right contract to cover yourself in these situations getting a good contract can be difficult and expensive for beginners so all my resource Hub I have an example of a contract that you're going to be able to use that we've used previously at Morningside that covers a lot of the important aspects and you're going to be able to download that and start using it without having to worry about anything so if you need to get access to that it's available in my resource Hub in the description as I mentioned before when you've got off the call with a client and they're ready to move forward what you need to get a contract sent over to them so you can take for example the template I just mentioned on my resource Hub modified a little bit so it's ready to go with the information that you've discussed on the course you can send that contract over to them for signing with a software called DocuSign and then once that's all signed you can send them an invoice with stripe you're going to need to set up a stripe account if it's available in your country once it's set up you can create an invoice on stripe and you can send them a link to pay then once everything has been paid and the money has been received you can go ahead and create what's called a slack workspace slack is a communication software that we use at Morningside and it's Philly industry standard across any kind of Service delivery business once both you and the client are inside that slack Channel then you can request your requirements so say if you're doing a staff training chat what you can say hey I need the the FAQs or the staff training documents or if it's an onboarding chatbot you can say I need a document that explains your onboarding process so I can start to plan together and piece together what your onboarding Chapel is going to look like and then you need to actually do the work you need to deliver the service and I know I'm kind of skipping over a big part here but I can't give you 10 tips and tricks on how you can do it you just need to build what you said you're going to build and what you sold them on ideally you've had a prototype chatbot as I mentioned and now you're just going to be basically setting up with their business and making a couple tweaks and then you're good to go and you can pass that off as I say here you can deliver it for review and then go back and forth and iterate until they're happy with it key thing here as you're delivering these Services is to keep a copy or a download of the safer to bot press chatbot download that template or upload it to your own press account so that you have a couple examples and you have a backlog and you start to build sort of a catalog or a library of all of these different chat Bots as it says on screen here you will see some variation within an industry of course for example an onboarding chatbot for one business will be a certain way and an onboarding chatbot for another will be slightly different but they will have similarities so what you want to do in order to further streamline Your Service delivery and really speed up and be ready to deliver anything at the sort of blink of an eye you want to start to build up this Library so that whenever a client comes in and say hey we use this for our Communications and we use this for our CRM you're like okay I've got that I've actually done someone before I can just take that copy and paste it over okay that's that's basically a whole lot closer than this other one so very helpful to build up this catalog and library and this is really going to speed up your service delivery on the long term kpis and testimonials are an important thing to keep in mind as you're delivering your services so as I say early on you desperately need to get results that you can use as evidence so when you start a project you need to be collecting some data points say if it's a customer support chat bot for logistics companies you need to collect okay how much time are your managers spending on trading new stuff what's the average hours required by a manager to onboard a new hire or using the example on screen say we spend 20 hours per week on customer support as an e-commerce store when you finish the project and when you've delivered your service you should really only be tying off that project and ending things with that client when you've actually moved the needle because you're going to need that data point of okay this is what it started as and this is what it ended as and then you can take that data point and start to use it in your marketing materials and say here are our results and furthermore Beyond just collecting data points so you can use as your proof of results off offering potentially a discounted rate or just asking the client after you're done if they're really happy with the service if you can get a written or a video testimonial that you can add on your web page and use new marketing materials this is extremely important because the only way that you're going to be able to start charging more and more and more for your services is when you can increase the perceived chance of success of your offer so as there are more and more testimonials and proof that you're able to deliver and get certain results clients are going to be thinking in their head okay these guys are more and more credible they've gotten more and more people just like me results I'm willing to pay more for that service because I have a higher perceived chance of success I'm willing to pay more because I'm more confident that they're able to get exactly the results that they're talking about this of course was taken directly from Alex homazi's value equation so again credit where credit is due this is his concept and finally for those of you who are still here you're obviously and that few percent of people who are actually going to take action on this information and start to make real money with this I wanted to throw in a bit of advice on how to scale to 10K per month and Beyond and give you a bit of an idea of where you're going to be moving in the long term now I don't want you to get too hung up on a lot of this stuff what you need to focus on initially is selling your specific deliverable in a specific Niche to a specific Avatar and selling that over and over and over again and getting really good uh results and testimonials on that particular on that particular offer and once you're up to speed with that and you are doing around ten thousand dollars per month a lot of these things can start to come into play that will help you get beyond that Mark firstly as you'd expect upsells and actually expanding your offering is a great way to begin to increase the aov or lifetime value of your clients so as you deliver Services you will start to see opportunities for upsells so say I'm selling my onboarding chatbot to smma so I've done that a couple of times I've started to see hey maybe I could add this on or maybe this feature could be cool as I say here the best place to start when thinking about upsells and expanding your offering is to actually focus on adding more features into the chatbots you're selling it's not going completely unrelated and going I'm going to jump into zp now and start doing all these crazy Integrations no you are niched down to providing a specific chat bot to a specific industry you need to start looking at how you can make that a better chat bot and make it do more things before you start getting distracted on other things so for example if I had an Airbnb customer support chat bot that I was selling to Airbnb management companies I would say go to one of my clients or one of my old clients to say hey what we've been working on is a new feature that allows you to sell local activities through the chatbot that we've already made for you now if you're interested in this we we have it all ready to go we can start to build it in this is going to cost you six seven hundred dollars a thousand dollars whatever you want to charge for it and then you can start to build that into your service offering and have that either as an upsell and say once you've got a client in the door or before you even sign the contract you could say this is my fixed fee for the basic one if you want to have local activities feature included there could be an extra 500 or you can have those as sort of dry powder and ammunition for your bonuses as I mentioned before so you can say I'll throw in the local activities feature so you can generate more income for the particular property I'm going to throw that in as a bonus if you buy today so expanding the functionality of the chatbot initially is going to be the best place to start but then after that once you've really fleshed out a chatbot as much as you would really want to I would say start looking up and down the business now by up and down the business I mean looking at where your chatbot fit into the business say it's an onboarding chat bot for social media marketing agencies hmm okay what happens before that okay what happens after that and that's what I mean by looking up and down the business or or left and right through the business I think up and down is better we'll go there looking up and down a business can be a great way to expand your service offering within your Niche and saying okay I'm handling the onboarding here I want to go one step back and say okay how can I help them generate contracts okay maybe I can look at creating hiring a developer and getting a contract generation system setup what happens after onboarding okay that's Service delivery what about the service delivery for social media marketing agencies could I assist with some sort of AI offering maybe a Blog content or or content creation Assistance or Facebook ad copy creation or things like this so once you've got the chatbot maxed out you can start to look left and right or up and down up and down the business and say okay maybe I can start to go towards the the Outreach side of things or I can go towards the contracts or I could go further Downstream to a service delivery so think about it that way but as I say here do not rush into this do not get distracted from what you're selling as soon as you start spreading yourself too thin and trying to handle a whole bunch of things at once you lose the power of being a specialist for your particular industry so I make onboarding chat Bots with social media marketing clients there's so much power in that statement of saying I do X for y kinds of business and get Z kind of results you can become the number one service provider in that particular Niche and if you pick something big like onboarding for social media marketing agencies that is a huge market and you can really start to make some serious money if you stay Niche down on that but then just attach all of your other offers behind it you know you're not trying to blur it on the front and say hey we do all these things keep with that really powerful offer of we do onboarding chatbots for smas and then you can sort of upsell them on different things afterwards what I'm saying is keep the missing streamline and keep doing what has been working I do want to touch on retainers here because it is a question that I get a lot from people in comments on my YouTube videos and in my community as well when it comes see retainers within an AI automation agency it's a little bit more difficult than something like smma you really have to craft a special offer and really be an expert in your Niche you can't come and as an amateur as a beginner and start to offer some sort of retainer package it's just not feasible and and it will be very very difficult and overwhelming if you try to do that as beginners the only kind of retainers that you want to be looking at doing is some sort of Maintenance and Improvement packages where you create a chat bot for a company say I make a staff training chat bot for a logistics company and I say hey look you might want to make changes over time you might want to add new information into the training that sort of thing is going to take time for me to edit so what I can do is you can pay me 300 400 500 a month not only and I'm going to maintain it and make those updates but I can also do improvements on it and whenever you want maybe one new feature I can throw in one new feature a month when I get other features from my clients and the things that I'm seeing in the space I'm happy to add on one more feature a month for you doing that so that's how you can kind of structure it maintenance and Improvement package and it is a great way to get some kind of Baseline income for your business so that if you don't get any contracts you're still are going to be making money and this is great for people who are looking to equip their job especially and I will say these retainers can actually be pretty lucrative if you have some kind of client that you can sell multiple chat bots on say it's a Airbnb manager and they have tons and tons of properties you can say okay for each property I'm going to throw on an extra 50 or 100 per month so suddenly you have a thousand dollars or 1500 a month retainer because you're managing 20 properties so keep an eye out for opportunities like that and if you can sell your clients on it then definitely pitch it to them at least now while I don't recommend it for beginners at all there is actually a retainer only based variant of the AI automation agency model which asset Morningside at testing right now and we've just released our beta test for it as you can see on screen here we have a monthly quarterly and yearly package so people are able to work with us as partners on an ongoing basis and they're paying us monthly and we're doing sort of an ongoing analysis of their business and plugging in different things and building new chatbots for them here and integrating it here and adding new features so it's a constant scope of work and it's a very very different different way of delivering services to contract only basis which is what I want you to start with this retainer only variant of the AI automation agency model is unique to what we're doing at Morningside here so if you guys should see very soon on the channel a bit more of an update on on what we're doing here and how we're actually running it so if you want to stay tuned for that you can subscribe to the channel because I've got a video covering exactly how we're doing this which is coming out soon and as I said and I'll say it again this is not for beginners this is not what you should be focused on right now I thought I'd just throw it in there to show you where you could potentially take this model and the kind of fee structure and revenue you could potentially be generating with a full team and a better understanding of the entire scope of the model of course if you have a business and you'd like to supercharge your systems with AI and work with me and my team there's a link in the description where you can sign up and get in contact with us another important part of you getting to that 10K point and Beyond is you start building out your team and now you can actually get a lot of work done with a team of two to three developers so all it takes is a couple good highs and then you're really Off to the Races with being able to deliver on a large scale especially if you've listened to me and you're selling one deliverable to one Niche to one Avatar you can just copy and paste things over those two three Developers can get a lot of work done a question that I get a lot on my weekly q and A's on my Discord is where can I hire do I go on upwork how can I find people who have a skill set that can deliver these kind of chat Bots and things like this so the best place in fact is actually inside my community we have three to four thousand people within my Discord who have labeled themselves as developers alone so we are by far the best community if you're looking to hire all you need to do is get into the community and post on the job board and say hey I'm looking for two bot press developers or two chatbot developers if you're interested please flip me a DM and you'll get a ton of responses and this is a really really great way for you to meet co-founders on our co-founder board but also to hire people as salesmen as bot press developers as has anything you need you can post on the job support in the community and there's just thousands and thousands of people in there who are looking to to get involved as well so as I said you can hire from within my community which is the hot spot for botbs developers at this point or you can train one yourself and you can take a full stack developer and say here's some elim's videos here's some examples learn how to use this particular platform and then I'm going to be able to pay you XYZ dollars per hour once you've made a couple highs and you have your team set up then you need to be thinking very very carefully about creating standard operating procedures or Sops Sops are absolutely crucial in any business and your job as the business owner is to create these systems so something that you've probably never done before if you haven't run a business is to plan out systems and get people to do them so this is a major part of the entrepreneurial skill set is to be able to write these systems together in a way that's efficient and that everyone's on the same page with them now from my own experience of running an automation Agency on screen I've given you some serious Source because these are the exact things that we had pitfalls on and issues with so if you want to get a real jump start on how to scale smoothly and not run into the same pitfalls that we have then take notes on this and be sure to start setting them up within your business firstly you need to lay out what the onboarding process for new clients looks like in this onboarding process it is key to make sure both the client and your team are on the same page and they have the same vision for what you're going to be creating now this is very very important because sometimes you get to the end of a contract and what you've created is not lined up with what the client wants so I'd say an issue because you've got mismatched expectations and you've delivered something that wasn't what they had in mind you need to build an onboarding process that ensures that your client and your team are on the same page secondly I'd suggest you make some sort of work submission process so that when one of your team members has finished a particular part of a contract then you can all pass it into maybe a group chat within you and your other developers you can say hey can we all approve this can we make sure that this is good to go out because without this you're going to get some of your developers just throwing stuff at the clients stuff that you're not happy with and that you haven't reviewed and that's going to cause a bunch of issues so make sure you have some kind of submission process to evaluate and quality check and do some quality control on the work that you're being passed over to the clients thirdly you need some kind of Handover process to tie off a project make sure you're collecting data so you can do the comparisons and see if you've made any any changes to the metric you were trying to change in the first place and you can do things like testimonials and get referrals and things like that so A system or a process on how you can do the Handover is going to be important in your business as well and finally you need to set clear communicate rules for your team so that they know exactly when they're supposed to be sending updates to clients okay Monday Wednesday Friday you send an update and this is how you structure the update this assists you provide examples of messages you need to send you get them protocols for when you're going to go over if you're going over a deadline okay this is what you need to do let's say communicate it if you run into an issue this is how you communicated and when all of these kind of things need to be spelled out in plain writing for your team to be able to understand if you don't have this setup then you're going to run into so many issues because people have different communication Styles and between the members of your team is going to be different you need a way of standardizing it so it's consistent throughout the company please learn from my mistakes in writing and building my own AI automation agency and start to put these in place as soon as you can once you have team members and once you start scaling up my last tip on how you can get to ten thousand dollars per month and Beyond is how you can fill your pipeline how you can make sure that you always have a ton of lead and a ton of interest in your services so that at any point you need to bring in more money you can just open the door and suddenly you have more clients this is obviously no small feet but this is something you need to be working towards every business owner tip for filling your pipeline is that your initial sales the first couple of clients at your service that money should be going back into filling your pipeline it should be going out for dinner it shouldn't be spent on clothes and cars or whatever you want to buy it needs to be going back into the business in order to set up sustainable long-term methods of getting more leads and more business your real goal here should be setting up some kind of way for your business to start getting inbound leads now inbound there's obviously people reaching out to you outbound is you reaching out to them your business at this current stage is likely fully dependent on outbound you have to communicate to them before they get in touch with you but what you want to start doing in order to scale Beyond sort of 10K and Beyond you should also start looking at how you can start creating an inbound source of leads this is not necessarily a case of one is better than the other both require a lot of effort in different ways you want to be combining inbound without bound to make a sort of hybrid so that your business is able to be sustainable over the long term so where should you be investing your time and money in order to start generating these inbound leads firstly you have things like Facebook groups getting in there and being active finding ones within your Niche and starting to provide value and saying hey we did this this for clients we've found that people within our Niche are able to use this sort of chat bot or this sort of deliverable to get these kind of results and get active and then start building a bit of a reputation and sharing value same thing applies for LinkedIn groups find some LinkedIn groups for your Niche and start to provide some value set the network in there and building up a bit of a reputation for providing value and providing services within that Niche same thing goes for YouTube of course I have a YouTube channel myself and I get basically all of my leads to my YouTube channel so if you do it right you can get all of your business through a YouTube channel but if you're doing a Instagram you can do the same thing you can make some short form content saying we help these kind of businesses do this and then you should start getting a slow trickle at first of inbound leads another thing that you can start to consider now is getting your website set up so figuring out a little bit of brand identity and how you want to position yourself obviously keeping in line with that Niche down aspect where we are an expert in this your website should be very directed and be saying uh we create killer AI chat Bots to onboard social media clients doing this this and this need to keep that messaging streamlined and pointed at your avatar because if you go General and say hey we just automate stuff with AI you're not going to speak to anyone and it's going to be very hard for your people who land on your site to understand what you do and similarly to that my last Point here is that you need to work on creating a case study or something on a landing page you can start to drive traffic to so this may be a case of sitting down in front of a camera like I am here and saying hey this is an example of a client that we worked with we did this this and this and taking them through some sort of presentation similar to what I'm doing here and explaining this is the business we work with this is how we came and helped them this is the results we got and you want to make maybe a 20 30 40 minute long video put it on a landing page you make with click funnels or something with all of your your LinkedIn posts or Facebook groups or your your ads that you run you might even run some search ads or Facebook ads you can start to drive traffic to that page and then people will learn about your service learn about what you do and you can never call to action to book an accord and the final cherry on top that I want to add this video because I know you guys are about to go out and get stuck right into this and take all the notes put them on your wall and start trying to build one of these automation agencies but you need to take a few precautionary steps and how you're going to manage your time so that you don't start running down the wrong path which is what this entire video has been about I only have one point to make when it comes to time management for AAA owners and that is sales sales sales at the end of the day without money coming in and sales being made you don't have a business you can have sales and no website but still have a business but you can't have a website and no sales and have a business the sales are the business this is why I say that 80 or more of your time as an entrepreneur with a startup business like you're starting now should be focused on sales and marketing strictly on how am I getting more customers what am I building to ensure that we get some sort of inbound lead flow or what am i setting up to am i setting up email campaigns am i setting up a new cold calling script am i setting up new lead generation methods 80 percent of your time should be focused on doing that work or even cold calling like actually getting on the phone and saying this is the most high impact thing I could do for my business right now is sit on the phone the whole day and call because if I get two clients out of a whole day that is far more impact to my business than if I build a website and create a little document that is doing nothing for your business really without the sales and without the clients so do not let your brain take the easy route and go to things like oh I'm going to set up an LLC or things like this it doesn't matter if you haven't got sales you haven't got a business pick up the phone and start calling that is likely the highest impact thing you can do for your business because it's going to get money in and then you're going to be able to invest in team and build things up and then you can do an LLC and you can do all that down the road but without sales without money coming in you don't have a business as I say here LLCs logos office space website it doesn't matter without sales I cannot stress this enough it really pains me to see it in my Discord Community people saying oh I've done this and this and this like I've had a win that I did this like wait it doesn't even matter if you don't have sales if you haven't landed a client if you haven't brought in any money to your business over the past month you haven't done anything right you haven't done the Right Moves you haven't been focusing on doing the right tasks which is the biggest task for an entrepreneur is to be able to prioritize things correctly prioritizing your time on the tasks that are going to provide the biggest impact to your business and for you starting out that is going to be sales one handy trick that you can do and I really urge you to do this is whenever you write down what you're going to do say in your Morning Journal you write down your plan for the day ask yourself how much of this is actually helping to drive sales of the business how many of these tasks are directly correlated to potentially increasing our cash flow inbound how many of these tasks or what percentage of them are directly linked to Bringing more money into the business and if you look at it and you've got website design logo design all of that stuff it's not really related to bringing in business you need to cross them off and re-prioritize in order to make sure you're spending time on bringing business to your business and with that out of the way you are now clear to put your pin down to close your notebook but I do have one more thing that may be very interesting to you if you're one of the few people who are left here now which is the giveaway that I'm running for this video at the moment as I mentioned at the beginning of the video I have just launched my free incubator program called the original eight this is the only formal kind of teaching or coaching that I do as I said this is a completely free incubator I'm not charging any of them any money I sent out an application to the community and got about 350 responses back I was able to narrow that down to the eight people I wanted to work with Within These group workshops and one-on-one workshops that I'm going to be doing with all of the people in the eight but the key opportunity that I want to point out to you today is that you can become a spectator by entering the giveaway in the description there's going to be a bunch of ways that you can get entries into the giveaway but these 10 spectator spots are going to be highly sought after and you're going to get through watch this entire process unfold which is going to be hugely valuable when you couple it with what you've just learned today so if you're looking to get off on the absolute best foot possible with your AI automation agency then be sure to head to the description and check out the giveaway that all the information required will be on the page and the next steps for any of you guys who are looking for more information I'm going to be putting out tons of really granular and specific videos to help agency owners from now on so if you haven't already subscribed Please Subscribe and leave a like on the video if you haven't already it would mean the world to me I put a ton of work into this video for you guys secondly of course you can join my AAA incubator Community which I'm sure you figured out by now is where you need to be if you want to start one of these thirdly of course sign up to my resource hub for all of the resources mentioned in this video I also have a AI on information agency newsletter called over the shoulder which gives you weekly access to my personal notepad tips and tricks on how I'm scaling my businesses and particularly how I'm running my AI automation agency and finally of course check out the giveaway that I just mentioned it's going to be linked in the description I'm also going to be giving away a 20 minute free Consulting call with me to someone who comments below so what I want to know is what is your biggest issue or what is the thing that's stopping you from starting your own AO automation agency I want to know comment below and you'll get into the jaw to win a 20 minute Consulting call with me that's all for the video guys thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one [Music] foreign


Taking YOUR Existing BUSINESS

With AAA

How to Chat with HUNDREDS of Files (500+ Hormozi Podcasts)


now these kind of outputs I think are really really powerful considering how much work has gone into this this bot in this video I'm going to be showing you how I created an AI version of Alex from Ozzie by taking hundreds of transcripts from his podcast and feeding it into a chat bot and how you can take this exact same application that I've built and template it and start to build your own AI personalities for yourself for personal and business use now before we actually jump into the code editor and start to see this thing in action I thought I'd give you guys a quick high level overview of how these kind of applications work so what I've built here is actually called a custom mods chatbot not to be confused with training your own model which is what a lot of people think oh I want to train a model on my own data that's not what we're doing and that's not what people do in a lot of cases with llm applications currently so the easiest way to break down a customized chat borders into the few components that it takes so the first component is going to be the custom knowledge base so what I'm doing in this project is taking a bunch of information from Alex and mozzie's podcast and I'm putting it into this custom knowledge base that our chatbot is going to have access to what happens when a user queries it puts in a question say I I'm asking a question about how to build a better sales process where you're going to take what the user has queried we are going to essentially search our database of all the information from the transcripts we're going to search for anything that's similar to what I've asked about the sales process and then our Vector database is going to retrieve say three to five different chunks of text which are most similar to what we're asking about it's going to pull that information out of the database and then it's going to match that with the user input so can you give me a plan about my sales process and then we're going to get a large language model like GPT 3.5 turbo or gpt4 and we're going to say okay can you answer this user's question with the context that we've just retrieved from the knowledge base so an easy way of understanding this that I always tell my clients is that these custom old chatbot systems allow you to go from say 100 000 tokens of data and then when the user queries you're able to pick out only the most relevant parts to that query out of the hundreds of thousands of tokens of data so by creating a system like this when the user queries we can have hundreds of thousands of document comments or pages when the user queries the chat bot we're only going to retrieve a couple different pieces of that information that are most relevant to the query so we essentially filter down to only what's most relevant to the user and we use that information to send to our llm like the Chachi PT API and then we answer the question given that context and what they asked originally so with that out of the way we can jump into the code here and I'm going to give you guys a very high level sort of skim over the code here I'm not going to do a full coding breakdown tutorial here maybe I'll do that in another video if you guys want it but all of this code is going to be available on GitHub if you want to clone it if you want to Fork it and leave a staff if you feel like it so we're going to jump into this and I'm going to break down very quickly how it works so the first step in actually building one of these applications is to do what's called a document Pipeline and this is essentially how are you going to take your raw data or in my case YouTube videos or podcast and how am I going to bridge that what are the processes that I'm going to take in order to get it chopped up in the way I want the right information put into the metadata and then I'm going to send that off to my Vector database which I'm going to be using Pinecone so from transcript to vectorize data in my database that's sort of the distance that the document pipeline covers now for the purposes of this video I don't have time to go through my entire document Pipeline and show you things under the hood but if you guys want to see that in another video please let me know down below because this is a pretty key part that I feel like you guys could get some value out of I just don't want to drag this thing out too much for the people who aren't necessarily that technical so just from a high level we have these three different notebooks here that I've created which is one that did the transcription the second one that is my data Pipeline and the third that is the indexing notebook that essentially takes that data and puts into the python database now I did this through the podcast application I went to see all and then I just downloaded a whole bunch here I got up to about 160 downloads so the current version of the homozy GPT is using 163 podcast transcripts so that can continue to be added to and I found the more more information that I add though the better the retrieval becomes because there's more similarity Etc but essentially the more that I add in it seems to be getting better which is probably how you expect it to go I downloaded all of those podcasts then you're able to actually find them locally on your computer where they're stored which Apple probably doesn't want you to do but you can find them and I drag them all over into this folder called podcast so I have 100 plus audio files of all of the different podcasts that I downloaded and then I head to essentially transcribe those using the whisper apis so basically this transcription notebook just took in the MP3 files chopped them up into sizes that were okay for the whisper API I sent it off to open ai's whisper API and got it transcribed very very cheaply which is good I think it's about a sixth of a cent per minute so the output of that was going to be a text file based on every podcast so for every MP3 file I now had a DOT text file that I was able to use in the next part of the pipeline now the next step was to take all of those text files that I'd gotten and prepare them to be put into the index so I have this data pipeline file and essentially I go through here and I chunk it up into different sizes so I think I went for about 512 tokens and so every single piece of data was around 512 or less so that I could take all of those chunks and then put them into the regular database one by one now after chunking everything up I got a massive data frame that was filled with information like this so as you can see here this is one transcript that has been split up into multiple different things so all of them have their token count around 500 or less so the chunking has worked correctly I've broken down what was probably 10 000 tokens of this attention is the new oil I think is the name of it and I've chopped that into multiple different parts of that are just 500 tokens each and now those are all ready to be individually put into the vector database with that all done I was able to save it to a CSV here and then I was going to go over to my indexing so this is the indexing notebook that I created essentially what we do is take all of those chunks that we've created and each row of the CSV we're going to embed the data in that and then we're going to insert that into the pinecon database so I won't bore you with the details essentially I just read in the CSV I do a bunch a little bit more manipulation of the data and then I was able to put that all into my Pinecone database and save that index ready for later recall with nvs code and within the app that you're going to see now so with the data pipeline out of the way we can now jump into the app that allows you to interact with that so this app is responsible for essentially taking in user input and then querying the index we've just created pulling back similar results combining those two together and then giving the response fonts and then also creating a sort of nice sui for it so that we're able to chat to it in a visual way now to keep this short and sweet and because I know most you guys are probably just going to download this change out your API Keys Etc and try this on your own data what I can show you here is essentially those parts here you need to go into the EMV file up here which you're going to need to create yourself on GitHub this dot EMV file will not be there what you'll need to do is right click go new file and go dot EMV then you're going to need to create these variables you can see it in here actually I'll blur these out essentially you're going to need to write this and go equals and then put it in as strings so all of these different things open AI API key then pine cone API key Pinecone index name Pinecone environment and the pycon endpoint so all that info you're going to need to put in yourself but once you have that set up and here it should be importing it all correctly and here we have the sort of core functionality of the app which is to one of them is to get the embedding so what's going to happen when you use a queries the app we're going to put it through this function here which is going to return the open AI embeddings using the Adda 002 model once we have those embeddings of the user query we can pass it off to the semantic search that's going to search alpinecone database for things that are similar to what the users ask for it can be three different chunks it can be five different chunks you're able to specify it with this top K parameter but that's essentially the the medium potatoes of the application then what we go through to is our app.pi and here when a user sends a message it triggers this generate response now if you're not familiar with streamlit here's a quick crash course the main action of this app is going on down here so this is the the text input essentially where the user is going to be entering their question so this St dot text input which is a streamlit text input this is the on change function the generate response so this is essentially on submit when they submit their question this is going to trigger this function here which is this big boy right here so the generic response function is going to generate a sponsor from the user prompt so the main action going on here is the semantic search function so when we take in the prompt from the user which is available here that's st.sessionstate.prompt and then top K as I mentioned before is a number of chunks that we want to retrieve so we want to retrieve three different chunks from this we're going to take the user prompt we're going to pass it to our semantic search function it's going to embed the user query it's going to query our Vector database with those embeddings and it's going to return the three most similar chunks related to the query so say using the sales example again I ask how can I build a sales funnel or what what are some tips on building my sales process out it's going to embed that it's going to search for essentially anything to do with sales in the vector database and it's going to pull the top K or the top three which we've inserted in here it's going to pull three similar chunks back and then save it in the search results variable then in order to combine the context that we've just gotten from a vector database with the user query we're using a prompt template here so what we have is the user query this is what I've called the human template and this is going to contain the context that we've just received from the database and the user query so this is what we're essentially submitting to the language model here is the user query here are relevant transcript Snippets now above you can see a system message if you're not familiar with how these work this is one of the things that you can send off to open AI chat completion endpoints in the system message is essentially setting the mode or setting the tone of the bot so here I've put in your web Alex homozy a successful entrepreneur you have access to transcripts be aware that transcripts may not always be relevant to the query you need to analyze each of them carefully so now playing around with this prompt is actually one of the highest leverage tasks that you could do because a few small changes in this can completely change the output of the bot so there is a lot of experimentation to be done that I haven't really done at this stage but if you guys want me to continue to work on the spot I could definitely play around with the sister message more I've got a ton of other features that I think I could build into it but that'll all depend on if you guys are interested in it and want to see me continue to work on this of course it's all going to be available on GitHub so I can continue to connect continue to add more stuff to put over time the last thing to do is to combine the user query with the context that we just created here we can see the context that we receive from the search results and then we're going to what I call construct messages so this is going to essentially handle some of the chat history and make sure that we're always keeping a running chat history going don't need to look into that too much but it works trust me so what we're going to do is create those that those messages and then we're going to send off the messages to the open AI chat completion endpoint with the GPT 3.5 model and we're going to be putting in those messages that I generated enter the messages variable for the API call here I'm using the GPT 3.5 turbo model and it it's just really quick and snappy for these kind of chatbot applications so that's what I'm liking using at the moment but essentially we're going to be catching this response saving it as bot response and then we're going to be printing that to the UI so I think that's a good enough rundown I hope you guys can sort of figure out what we're doing here but now we can jump into actually seeing this in action and I can show you some of the outputs that we can get from it to run stream apps all you need to do is type streamlit run app.pi now we have homozygpt this is what a typical stream UI looks like so here we can go I found that the really interesting use case for this kind of Bot is to ask it for sort of business plans and specific outputs not just asking questions hey how do I do this with this actually putting a little bit of context in there and saying write me a plan or give me a guide so I've got here I have a lawnmower company that's doing ten thousand dollars per month write me a digital marketing plan on how I can get more leads and grow my business and so what this is doing it's taking a query that I've just given it it's embedding it with the same embedding model that we've put all of our chunks into our Vector database with it's going to take that embedding which is just a bunch of numbers and then since you're searching for the most similar numbers in the database and it's going to retrieve three different chunks that are most similar to that it's going to put that into that prompt template and it's going to take the query that I just put in and I was going to try to answer the query with the information from the database so what have we got and so here we can see a little bit of errors with the prompting this is what I probably need to try and iron out over time but based on transcripts first step in your digital marketing plan should be analyze your pricing off a cost of acquisition so we've got a pretty decent response from Aussie GPT already here you can see talking about 30 day cash High ticket premium offering focus on brand building rather than a direct response so not very specific I did ask for a plan now I thought I'd drill a little bit deeper and say okay give me a detailed digital marketing plan for my lawn mowing business with the aim of brand building not direct response what kind of content and ads should I be creating so build your brand over the long term it's important to focus on creating high quality content establishing thought leadership in your industry and leveraging social media to expand your reach I'll let you guys pause this for a second and have a read now these kind of outputs I think are really really powerful considering how much work has gone into this this bot and you can only imagine how good they could get if you continue to add more and more context play with more and more prompting and I think here things like email marketing developing a newsletter leverage social media developer content marketing strategy for for someone who's not necessarily that plued up when it comes to digital strategy having a bot like this to chat to could be pretty pretty valuable I've yet to really test it on how granular you can get with it so if I provide a ton of information about the business how good he could respond say I was to ask okay I need a Content marketing strategy for my lawn mowing business we do this this provide as much content and then ask for a really granular plan I think if you guys can can download this and start playing around with it and let me know how good you can get the responses and what sort of outcomes you are getting that will be really really helpful and if you want to contribute on GitHub I'd really appreciate that too given that I've put a 163 podcasts in already and it seems to have a very flexible understanding of homozy sort of knowledge and what he talks about often so you have gone a little bit deeper and I've said okay should I base the content marketing around me personally around the company so as he's mentioning a digital content marketing strategy here and he says based on the transcripts which is I need to get that bit bargained out but my recommendation will be to focus on building the band of your company rather than building around you personally and educational content interactive content customer success stories so this is all all pretty solid business advice I'd say in terms of digital marketing they could definitely do that and I think it's pulling from the knowledge base in the right way and this is only using 3.5 turbo so I've tried with gpt4 but I don't think the sort of trade-off between speed and and reasoning and intelligence is really worth it at the moment I thought I'd give you one more example of this thing in action now these are not script that I haven't tested these responses or anything Aussie talks a lot about 20 year old men and 20 year old people on how you can make the most out of your 20s and sort of more of a life coach rather than a business coach so I've decided to go a little bit personal with it I've said I'm a 22 year old entrepreneur what should I be focusing on in order to maximize my long-term success see what he says I've got back a pretty good response from Alex talking about how I should focus on the customer invest in myself build passive streams of income Embrace constraints I thought was an interesting one talking about rather than changing the business just to challenge yourself do sort of micro challenges within the business to not get distracted from the big task that you're sort of doing the Reps on so I think it's very interesting now just to be clear guys this is a V1 product this is the most basic thing that I could get up and was happy showing you guys on YouTube I think there's a lot more stuff that could be done with this I think you could do deep fakes you could do voice generation you could do I could speak to it and it could reply to me like that so there's also all sorts of things to be done in terms of how this chat function interacts because this is always querying the custom knowledge base every single time I message it when you can essentially set it up so that it only queries in knowledge base when it's needed and then otherwise they can just use them Mission that's already in the chat history so don't want to get too too Stuck In The Weeds there but there's so much that we could do with this and if you guys want to contribute that GitHub link is going to be in the description so you can either go down there and clone it and start to do some work on it and and come up with improvements on the homozy GPT itself or you can use it for your own applications and maybe have a coaching business maybe you want to create an artificial version of yourself or one of your clients this can all be done using this framework that are provided the only thing missing for you is that data pipeline side of things so you're going to need to prepare your own data and create your own Pinecone index and then as you can see in the dot EMV files you need to change the index name so you can switch it over to another one but if you guys would like me to make an entire video on how I did the document pipeline for this chat bot and how I took the transcripts transcribe them chop them up and put them into the Vic database and I can definitely do that just please let me know down below and I can do a part two on the Samosa GPT so that about wraps it up for the video guys if you have any questions and please leave them down in the comments below I'll be answering as many as I can and as always if this is lit up any light bulbs in your head and you want to reach out to me as a consultant a chat about some of your ideas or potentially work with my development company in terms of getting this built out then you can reach me as a consultant in the description let's have a chat and get something built if you've enjoyed the video and want to support me making more stuff like this please hit down below leave a like on the video and subscribe to the channel if you want to see some more the while you're down there feel free to sign up to my AI newsletter and join my AI entrepreneurship Discord that's all for the video guys thank you so much for watching and I'll see you on the next one

AI Persona Chatbot

Building a $5,000 AI Persona Chatbot LIVE


in this video I'm going to be showing you how you can take advantage of one of the biggest opportunities to make money in AI right now building AI Persona chat Bots and no you don't need to know how to code I'm going to be creating an AI Persona chatbot of a famous YouTuber from scratch to show you how to make and sell these chatbots yourself but more importantly I'm going to be addressing a burning question within the AI automation space right now why would anyone pay five thousand dollars for a chatbot by the end of the video you're not only going to understand exactly why this is possible but you will also have everything you need to start building and selling these things yourself I'm going to be giving away the exact no code method for quickly creating these kind of chat Bots that we discovered and used regularly within my own AI automation agency which I'm totally fine with sharing with my community because I'm so confident that this Market is big enough for us to all get a slice this video is going to be broken down into a few Key Parts so feel free to skip around as you need firstly we'll be jumping into what are Ai personas and why why the opportunity around them is so big right now secondly I'll be showing you the entire process to create one of these chat Bots and just a few minutes really with no code tools and finally I'll be taking the chat bot we created and putting it to the test in my own life to prove that these kind of chatbots can be worth five thousand ten thousand twenty thousand or more if done correctly now if you're new to the channel and don't know who I am my name is Liam otley I'm an online entrepreneur from New Zealand now based in Dubai but currently in Europe for the summer I have an AI development and AI automation company called Morningside AI we automate businesses both large and small with AI technology but we also build custom coded AI applications for our development clients I am the creator of the AI automation agency model or Triple A as it is known and I also own and manage the largest community of AI automation agency owners in the world almost 20 000 people in there that I'm in teaching regularly too on this channel we are all about building real skills building real businesses making real money in order to create a life you truly love living so if you're not familiar with what an AI automation agency actually is the official definite mission is that the model is an online business model focused on helping small to medium-sized businesses integrate AI technology into their systems and processes now if you're a complete newbie and want to get the full rundown on what this business model is and how I've created it you can watch my full beginner's guide here which is a two hour video explaining everything so maybe you want to watch that and jump back here so you have all of the foundational knowledge you need in order to be able to take advantage of this particular opportunity but long story short this business model is something that I've created in order to allow people like you and I our entrepreneurs who want to make the most out of this AI Revolution to be able to help businesses to adopt the technology and get paid while doing so for complete beginners you can start with something as basic as an AI chatbot template made by someone else that you can offer to businesses for free and then from there you can investigate the business and identify more high value opportunities for you to automate their business with AI and yes if you do it properly you can start to charge up to five thousand dollars or more for your chat Bots or for your automation packages as you'll see later in this video so now you know what an AI automation agency is what is an AI Persona chat bot and why is it such a big opportunity right now in its most simple terms an AI Persona is a type of chat bot that uses a knowledge base of content from a specific person in order to create what looks and feels like an AI version of that person for example if I wanted to create an AI Persona chatbot for myself I would take the transcripts from some of my YouTube videos and put that into a knowledge base to their custom chat what has access to and then I'd be able to ask it questions and it would respond as if it was myself another example could be my homozy GPT app which you can take a look at up here essentially I took 150 of Alex Modi podcasts I put them into a knowledge base and then I was able to chat to a chat bot that was an AI Persona of Alexa Modi and I was able to ask business related questions to this chat bot and get advice on my business and my own strategy AI Persona chat Bots like this are such a huge opportunity for us as AI automation agency owners because this represents a revolution in access to information on par with how the internet made basically all information freely accessible to people what these chatbots are now doing is making all of that information available at your fingertips but in a personalized and specific way what the internet did to make information freely accessible to anyone anywhere on the planet these chatbots are now taking that one step further not only is this information out there if you look for it you can now get it all from one chat interface and you can ask specific questions and have them tailored to your specific needs the most important thing about all of this is that the information can now be personalized to your problems to your situation for example I was having a conversation with my business partner last night and he was saying man I would love just to have an AI version of Alex huberman so that I could ask him instead of having to look up why am I taking the supplement how many times a day at what time of the day am I supposed to take it instead of trying to find the information through digging through podcasts or looking through blog posts he can now just ask a chatbot for it and it's going to give it tailored based on his questions so not only can he get the specific information in a second but he can ask about his specific information and the AI can respond in order to diagnose and treat what he's asking for another example of this Persona chat what's changing the way we access information is imagine if a CEO had a board of five advisors who were experts in different fields you had an AI persona for accounting and AI persona for marketing and AI persona for distribution Logistics and the point of this is that you can get access to experts in the given field and you have unlimited access to them or a more relevant example for you watching this video imagine you're an entrepreneur just starting on your entrepreneurial journey and you could have the benefit of the smartest people in the world at specific online businesses and you can ask them on how you should start your own and when you have all of the issues that pop up and starting the business you can go to them and get advice back I know that I for sure could have benefited from having something like this when I was just starting out instead of getting scammed by these social media coaches and things like that the point is that with these Persona chat Bots you can now have the smartest people in the world on your team ready to help you with any query you have and this is a revolution in the way we access information not only as the people consuming it but it's also a revolution in terms of the people Distributing this information the kind of chatbot that I'm just about to teach you how how to build it's just the beginning of an entirely new form of monetization for people with specific knowledge this means that people in Industries like coaching Consulting advising content creation tutoring all of these types of Industries and and professions really where you have a specific set of information that people want to access is now going to be revolutionized by a new way of monetizing with AI Persona chatbots people within these industries now have a way to really infinitely scale the way they distribute their information but it's still going to be in a personalized manner so one way that Alex Moore could get his information out to more people is through YouTube through writing books as he does but at the end of the day a consultation where you sit down with Alex for an hour and go over your business is going to be infinitely more valuable than reading your book and trying to apply it yourself so what these Persona Bots allow you to do is to have that information but create a personalized experience out of it and so our job as always as AI automation agency owners is to facilitate the adoption of this technology into these industries you can put anyone who is selling their knowledge currently with hey I will give you an entirely new way to monetize your knowledge with the bot I'm about to show you how to build you can go to anyone in these coaching Consulting sort of niches and say I have a new way for you to monetize your knowledge using AI people who run these kinds of businesses already have email lists SMS lists online communities and what I believe to be the next step in terms of knowledge monetization will be to have chat lists what these chat lists will be is another form or another Channel really for these business owners to communicate with people who are engaging with their content and when you add in things like running ad campaigns to your chat lists to push products and to push sponsorships you can kind of see where I'm going with this now enough just talking about it I hope you've got an idea of what AI Persona chatbots are and why the opportunity is so huge here let's get stuck straight into actually building this and getting something for you guys to start selling so first off what kind of AI Persona bot are we building and why the example bot that we're going to be building today is actually a replica of a 4 800 chatbot that we built for a client at Morningside the client himself was a marketing consultant with a a ton of written and also video content that we took took and put into his AI Persona so just to be fully transparent that was a 50 up front and 50 on a completion so I'll put screenshots up on the on screen now for you guys to see that and unfortunately because he didn't want to be featured in a video and have all the stuff shared around I wasn't on a case study rate so I'm not going to be able to show you the exact setup but it's going to be essentially the same thing but using a different knowledge base and since we can't use my clients knowledge base we need to find a new one planning for this video I really wanted to pick a knowledge base that I could use myself and really try to extract value out of these AI Persona Bots to prove to you all that there is value in these things and you can really see with your own eyes exactly the value that they provide to the end user after some self-reflection and really thinking about what I needed in my life right now and who I would want to speak to as an expert to really help me in specific areas of my life I settled on Ali abdal for his productivity expertise you may already be familiar with Ali he is a very big YouTuber who's doing very well at the moment I've been watching a lot of his stuff on productivity lately and I thought what better way of showing you guys the value of one of these chat Bots than to use his information on productivity to Revolution realize my own productivity so I've been going through a period of my life over the past six to eight months of Rapid change and really radical change in every aspect I now have a YouTube channel to manage it has grown quickly I have a Discord community that I'm doing calls with regularly and I have a development company automation agency to juggle so there's just so many changes and there's so much going on in my life my old systems and everything that got me to the point I am is no longer working as efficiently as it should I need to upgrade my systems upgrade my productivity systems in order to cope with this new workload and in order to step into my next level as an entrepreneur and so today we're going to be building an AI Ali abdal and then I'm going to try and radically transform my own productivity systems with the AI audio does help and just to be clear what I'm about to show you works for anyone as you're going along just use a different person grab some different information and put it in the same steps and you're going to have your own AI version of whoever you want I'm going to be blasting through this as quickly as possible so at any point you need to slow down you need to pause it do whatever you need to do but we're going to be going very quickly so step one is to give go to stack ai.com link is going to be in the description to sign up once you're on stack AI you need to sign up and create an account once you are in you will see this screen here you need to click on new project once we have a new project here what we're going to do is head to the llm section go to the open AI drag out the open AI node here next we go to data loaders and we need to go to documents drag in a document loader here then we're going to go down to Vector stores and we're going to grab a basic Vector Store and put it there and then we're just going to grab one more output and put it down here now when we are connecting up these nodes you're going to grab this from the input and drag it down to basic you're going to go across from here to here you're going to go from the document upload over to the basic Vector store you're going to connect the output up to the vector store also then you're going to go from the vector store up to the llm node here and then from the llm node down to the output here then you should have something on screen looking like this once we have this basic setup ready we can go to the next step which is to get our information on Alia Bell or whoever you want to use so I'm going to go to Ali's YouTube channel so I go to YouTube I search up Ali Dal I'm going to go to his channel and because I'm only interested in productivity I'm going to find his productivity playlist which is here somewhere I believe um productivity Club there we go so now I need to just pick a couple videos out of his productivity Club playlist in order to make our knowledge base so how to build the ultimate productivity system let's grab that one five essential tips for long lasting productivity my productivity systems probably be pretty good how I manage my time um 12 productivity Miss wasting your time sure we'll grab that and then we can grab this how to organize my life as well so we have a bunch of different videos here that I want to include in my knowledge base all productivity focused and hopefully this should give me a pretty good pretty good look at what kind of information he has to share with now that I've got these five videos all I need to do is get the transcript from them so we can head to YouTube transcripts generator this one here is just fine it's called YouTube transcript.com click on this and then I'm going to go through quickly take all of these URLs put them into this git transcript and then it's going to give me the transcript then once you have the transcript on screen you can just go to the bottom left here and click copy entire transcript then what I'm going to do as a Mac User is go to text edit I'm going to start a new document then I'm just going to paste in the transcript there and then I'm going to save the name of the video ultimate productivity system and I'm going to save this file call it that and then I'm going to save that to my downloads so just to keep it short on the video I'm going to go through each of these repeat that process copy the link put it into the transcript generator copy all of the transcript put it into a new text file just a txt or a word doc is fine and then I'm going to save that to my downloads ready to upload so I'll catch you when that's all done now we're back over in stack AI what you can do is click on this document upload here then all of the text files and all the transcripts that you've saved you need to locate them on your downloads then you need to click all of them select them and upload them into your document upload here now we have all our documents uploaded and they're being put into our Vector store right here next step is going to be selecting our model so this is going to be what's generating I know you guys probably don't have any any clue what's going on but I don't have time within this video to explain it all just trust me it works what we're going to do is Select GPT 3.5 turbo okay and then we need to get the prompt in order to prompt this AI into speaking like his Alia Bell now the prompt isn't absolutely crucial part to this kind of build on screen is the prompt that I'm going to be using for this chat bot an AI Persona chatbot has two main elements one is your knowledge base and a system for retrieving that and providing it as context and then you have the prompt and when you combine these two you can create a really impressive AI Persona in just a few minutes now this particular prompt is a great Persona prompt that I've been using and I created recently you can use this and you can adjust it to whoever you want so you can go into my resource Hub you can sign up in the description to get access to this prompt then you can take it copy it into chat gbt and give it a bit of information about who you want it to be instead and it will rewrite this in a way that's going to match the person that you're trying to create in your own Persona bar so what I'm going to do is take this AI Persona prompt I'm going to head back to stack AI I'm going to head up to the system message here I'm going to paste it in and there we go all of that is in there and then in the prompt box when you need to add a little bit as well don't worry about this too much but essentially it's just setting it up so that your question is going to be put in the prompt but also the information that comes from the vector store when we query our knowledge base we are almost there with the stack AI functionality all we need to do now is play around with the chunk length and how much it's going to be provided so on the side here you can see I'm changing the chunk length to be 900 and the chunk overlap to be 150 these are numbers I've played around with and these work best for our purposes you can also do the same with the vector store you want to make this up to five thousand then we're ready to start asking Ali some questions hi Ali write me a plan to optimize my work day play and just like that we are starting to get tailored responses using Ali's knowledge to our specific questions now there's actually one last thing that I want to double check and this is going to be the memory so you want to turn memory on here and we're going to change this to a sliding window and we're going to set the window size at six or seven tends to work and with all that done we can click the deploy button up here we can head to the deployments tab and then we can click the drop down here and we're going to scroll down and select our new project and we're going to click JavaScript and then we're just going to save this page here and head over to our other our front end for this chatbot which is going to be bot press so botpress.com again you can sign up in the description it's an affiliate link as well so if you want to help myself and help the channel I don't ask you guys for anything but if you want to sign up to the software there's a link in the description for you guys to use you need to of course sign up for an account first I'm just going to log in here to my account and once you've signed up the bot press you're going to be on a main screen here to get started we're going to create a chat bot now you guys are lucky because I've already done all the hard work for you I'm actually going to be giving you the exact template that I've created so you guys can get access to the template I'm going to show you how to import it so you can skip all of the hard work of actually creating this and literally just plug and play your stack AI functionality into your own bot press and you'll be ready to go so we can start from a template here let's go down we can just do a basic empty one basic empty suite and then we can go to the top left here snooze we can go to import export import from file this exact template is going to be available on my resource Hub so if you just sign up to that you'll be added download for free and follow along in the video so once you've downloaded it you can click here on the import and it's going to import it and just like that we have these three little nodes here I know it doesn't look like much but there is quite a lot of magic going on behind the scenes so just to give you a quick demo of what we're working towards here I can say hi Ali what are my three tips for a beginner to productivity and we can see what he says one start with the calendar to manage your schedule effectively to use a to-do list or task management system to stay organized three prioritizer tasks and focus on the most important ones first so this chatbot that we're building here is going to connect our stack AI functionality to a nice looking chat UI and we'll also put it onto a WhatsApp number so that I can chat to it via WhatsApp now connecting stack Ai and Bot press is super easy all we need to do is come back to stack AI we need to copy this URL here just down to the last quotation copy it over head back to our bot press and go into this first message block where it says execute code click on it and then click over to the right it's going to open up an editor don't freak out all we're doing is replacing this one line here mine's going to be blurred out of course we can paste that in there let me we can head back to stack AI again and then you need to click the show token button and it's going to show your API key once you click that it will appear here and then you're going to need to take that particular string of numbers copy it over head back to bot press and then after the bearer word here and you'll hit it you're going to replace the string with your information it's going to be XXX when you receive this template but you paste that in there instead and you should have this updated endpoint and the XXX is going to be replaced with your API key now we need to repeat this process one more time so we can just copy this endpoint again copy it X out of there and go over to this main Loop and click the execute code and do the same process copy delete it sorry and paste it in and then we need to go back to stack AI get our API key again and then come down and paste in our API key instead of the XXX and so with all that done we are ready to give our app a test what we can do is come to this part here we can hit the refresh button and we can start chatting with our bot so in my case I say hi Ali what are you famous for can you help me make a better productivity routine what is step one so as you can see we can have a conversation with him he's answering nicely but one thing here I want you to notice is that see this is no credits node off to the side this is actually a cool little feature I've built in which is gives you a hint of the kind of functionality that we actually built into my clients chat bot which is keeping track of the number of messages and then asking them to buy more if they need them what we have here is a conditional check so every time you send a message and it sends a response before you're allowed to send another message it's going to check if the number of messages that you've sent is greater than five so in this case let's just make it two and it's going to edit that and then we can run this again and you'll see what happens when you run out of credits so I can say hi Ali I need help with my email productivity I am wasting too much time in my inbox and then because we've already sent two messages it says oops you've run out of messages please come back tomorrow okay you're going to get free credits every day or buy more below then if I click buy 10 more messages it's going to take me back to the main Loop and I can continue to talk to them then he says thanks for purchasing now where were we so I can continue the conversation as I was that's just a little feature that I built in to show you guys what you can do within bot press and give you an idea of where you can take these things if you're going to put in a little bit more effort so I can actually deploy this now and show you what it would look like on a URL so we can chat to it outside of Bob press this is super simple to do all you need to do is Click publish in the top right give that a second and once that's been published successfully you need to go back to your Bot press dashboard and click on your chat bot and you can go up to the top two Integrations and you should see this web chat screen if not you need to go to the browse button here and click on web chat then once here you can do a little bit of customization I've already filled this all out for the sake of the video I'll put a little video on the resource Hub showing how I've customized this and how I've set things up pretty basic to do but once I've filled all the information out I've turned on the integration then I can click here and copy this shareable URL go to a new tab and there we have it in just a few minutes we've created our own AI Persona chatbot of Ali abdall in this case it's put onto a URL I'm able to chat to it within a web browser and get the information I need now there's one more step that I'm going to do off camera here I'm actually going to put the tutorial for it on my resource Hub so if you want to know how to do it you can check that out in the description below but I'm basically going to take this and use the bot press integration with WhatsApp bot press is great because it has a number of different deployment options here in the screen we have WhatsApp so I'm going to do that off screen and then I'll show you the result in a second sorry to interrupt the video guys but I have a really important thing to ask you all as you may know I am currently running my free AI automation agency incubator called the original eight we are in the process of doing that right now and from my calls that I'm getting on every twice a week with all of these guys I'm learning very quickly that there is a significant sort of technical hole that many of you have and in my experience of talking to these original eight people on the calls having a sort of technical advisor and having someone to talk back and forth with has been the most helpful thing for them they have all the ideas they have all the enthusiasm but they just don't have someone to bounce the idea off and that's the main role that I've been doing within the original eight is being that technical person to bounce ideas back and forth with so I'm currently brainstorming a bunch of solutions for you all in terms of how I can best help you guys make that bridge and get the technical help you need not necessarily building things for you but letting you know if it's possible the kind of ideas you have for Automation and also guiding you in terms of how you get prototyping yourself for low Code and low code tools and you guys know that I don't charge anything for all of my information I've never asked you guys for a dollar but in this case I feel like I may be harming our community and harming you guys progress by not having some kind of option that allows you to get the help you need so I want to get your feedback as my community on if this is worthwhile for you so if you want it and if you are willing to pay some sort of money in order to get the technical help you need I can definitely set up some kind of system where you can get the help you need at on demand release I'm only going to offer something like this if you guys are absolutely certain that this is going to be helpful for you so there's going to be a link in the description to vote on A4 and only if the results are overwhelmingly yes in favor of you guys wanting to get some kind of technical help from experts being able to speak to someone to bounce ideas off and get detectable help that you need I'm more than happy to put together something for you also please if you want to help me and help the other people on this channel be sure to go down and click the link in the description is going to be a four please vote on that and hopefully we can get something going if you guys want so I've successfully deployed our Ali abdall Persona bought onto WhatsApp I now have his number technically and I'm talking to him on WhatsApp I also have it on my phone so I can go out and still chat to him now comes the real test of me putting this technology and putting this particular Persona to the test and trying it in my own life so over the next day or two I'm going to be using this sort of religiously in order to improve my own productivity rebuild my systems and very soon you're going to see the before and after of that and and the results so I'll catch you guys in a few days so we are back about 24 hours later I've spent the past day working closely with Ali and really reshaping my entire productivity system I'm going to be quickly taking you through the changes that I've made with his help and the kind of experience that I've had while working alongside them so in order to analyze the value that I've been able to extract from this we need to look at the before and the after from honestly before state of my productivity systems was not really uh that great it wasn't that impressive but it wasn't really up to par for the kind of businesses that I'm running now and the amount of volume that I'm doing in terms of my community my YouTube my business as well there's a lot of stuff that needs to be done and I honestly don't think it was sufficient for the needs that I have currently prior to now the only productivity systems that I had really was my own personal notion which had some note-taking abilities and project management and also my Google Calendar which was just linked up to my calendly so Google Calendar was not optimized in any way it was purely just open free-for-all feedback to bookend and do Morningside calls and things like that and then my personal notion I was using sporadically and not really getting the most out of it and hadn't built it into a proper protocol for using it and getting the most out of it hey everyone this is me Jessica couple of days later I thought I'd show you guys briefly how far you can take these chatbots if you're willing to put in a bit of extra work I have two ad placements here that you'll see just in a second but I've also got a login sequence as well so just to give you an idea uh here's a login please provide your email they provide the email next your password which is just a dummy password for now but we start to come down and have a chat and then bang we have our first product placement now Ali is actually releasing a book if we go here you can see his book landing page so this is how you can start to sell products for the particular Creator or coach within the chat I've actually got another example in the chat here of his courses so you can also put a second ad placement so here's ad placement one I've just got this set up here and then I've also got a carousel with all of his courses but I wanted to give you guys a bit of a look forward into the future if you were to build this out and you could start to sell products for your creators within their chatbot the first thing that I did with Ali was ask him okay what's the first step if I wanted to completely change my productivity system then improve them what's the first step and he gave me back a list of requirements firstly what are your main goals and priorities one of the biggest challenges and obstacles you face when it comes to productivity what tools or apps are you currently using if any how do you currently manage your tasks and schedule and are there any specific areas of productivity that you want to focus on more so I gave them back answers to all of those and from there I got a very actionable and helpful first sort of set of step to do so I'll put these up on screen somewhere here but basically I've taken all of those and I've gone out and gotten a bit of feedback from them but put them all in place the first step in this was actually to plan my calendar ahead of time to block out my workbox and have a visualization of the ideal day and my ideal week so that I know where I should be and when I'll put a little before and after of that on screen now so you can see the difference but the key thing here was that I was able to go back and forth with the Persona bot and ask it if what I was doing was most suited to what my needs were right so it's personalized and that it's not just generic information on a YouTube video that anyone can watch and try to apply I was able to Workshop it with them and say hey I have these needs what do you recommend when should I squeeze in my admin and things like this so it's really really helpful the next thing that Ali recommended I improved was my email email system so I've switched over to superhuman which you may have heard of which is a email software that aims to really speed up the process of managing your inbox so I've set up my superhuman and I'm going to be doing that from now on which I'm really enjoying beyond that I've also used Alia abdall's own YouTube content production management system on notion so I've got that all set up you'll see that on screen now very happy with that and my team have just been getting onboarded into using it now and the final set that I'm still working on right now is actually how I can consume content better so I've started this off with a recommendation from Ali which is Castro for podcast so I can get all my favorite shows and I can sort of schedule them up and and plan how I want to listen to them in a more structured way and probably my favorite thing that I've set up thanks to all these help and what I think will be the most useful for me over time is actually a thing called rescue time which is a a complete productivity tracker for my Mac so I'm going to be getting analytics back essentially on what I've been doing over the day this is very helpful some of you who are entrepreneurs also or working for yourself you will know that sometimes you get through the entire day and you don't really have some kind of audit or analytics on what you've been doing and being able to say yes I did three hours of solidwork on my video planning or things like this so I've just set that up and I've been able to identify different tasks and how important they are so this is going to be a very good way for me to have the finger on the pulse of my own productivity and continue to analyze and improve over time now I'm actually really happy with how things have turned out so far with this I'm actually more excited for the ongoing aspect of it where I can get all this information technically from his YouTube videos and I could just go click click and edit and put it all in one by one but it's the ongoing the feedback right so when I get a problem say hey Ali my my scheduling isn't working I keep running over my time uh do you have any tips on that is when it becomes valuable because that's when it is personalized to me and instead of just asking a YouTube video and not being able to get those answers and trying to figure it out I can get it all synthesized into a nice answer perfectly for me and so with that kind of case study in front of you I hope that you've now been able to get a better answer and understanding of the original question of this video which is why on Earth would anyone pay five thousand dollars for a chatbot you can see just how much value myself as the end user was able to extract from it and throughout the process we're not talking away from that message kept popping up buy 50 more messages for 25 and I kept hitting it so you can only imagine how much value would then go back to the Creator and how much volume they could be doing with their huge follower base like someone like Ali hats this of course was just the start of the kind of monetization you can do with this as I said it is a V1 prototype but I hope you can see that if you were to charge so five thousand dollars that would be because them as a Creator or the MSC person with a specific knowledge could charge about 200 a month 100 a month to the end users and that would definitely pay back the five thousand dollars you're charging them so if you're selling a hundred dollar bill for twenty dollars essentially they are paying you five thousand dollars to set them up an entirely new and exciting way of accessing your knowledge and monetization stream and that's going to be feeding back to them and bringing them thousands even tens of thousands of dollars per month so that's the math where it comes down to why five thousand dollars for a chapel like this would be worthwhile to someone who's looking to buy it like Ali Abdullah now if you can't tell I'm extremely excited about this opportunity so much so that myself on the Morningside team are actually working on a platform for this kind of thing and you guys be home more about that in the near future out but that's about all for the video guys thank you so much for watching I hope you've gotten something out of this I've been able to see this new opportunity as the exciting New Frontier really of AI and how we access information that you guys can start to use this exact thing but I've shown you guys in the video and as I said there's all the resources in the video for say WhatsApp deployment our custom styling is going to be available on my resource Hub which will be in the description so you can click through to that get access to all of my AI automation agency resources including the ones mentioned in this video and please if you are part of my community and you want to help me do the things that can help you the most as I mentioned earlier in the video I'm doing a poll so that you guys can let me know what kind of things are going to help me the most so I need to get your pre back so please drop down there and click the link in the description for that and beyond that if you're not already in my AI automation Community we have 20 000 members in there now uh you can join up in the description and also join my AI automation ages and newsletter where I'm giving you my personal notes and on and learnings really from myself running my own AI automation agency people are loving that at the moment so if you're not already in my community and on my newsletter be sure to sign up to those also subscribe to the channel leave a like if you haven't already it'd mean the world to me that's all for the video guys thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music]

21,083 views Premiered on 25 Jul 2023

In this video I build a replica of a client's AI persona chatbot LIVE that I charged $4,800 for in total, using Ali Abdaal as an example. This is a great chatbot tutorial for beginners showing how to build AI Persona chatbots for creators, coaches and businesses using Botpress and Stack AI to make money as an AI Automation Agency (AAA) owner. Links to these softwares are below! All AAA Resources Mentioned: ➡️ https://www.liamottleyresources.com My AAA Community 📈 Weekly workshops and QnAs with me: http://discord.gg/dAa78Zj7yj PLEASE FILL OUT! Community Survey 🙋🏽‍♂️ https://forms.gle/A5ihygicMCwxeBSXA Want to Automate Your Business? ⚙️ Join our beta test: https://www.morningsideautomation.com/ Software for AAA Owners 🛠️ Botpress: https://bit.ly/liam_botpress_signup Stack AI: https://www.stack-ai.com/?via=liam GetProspect: https://getprospect.com/?a=386511 BigSpy: https://bigspy.com/?fpr=liam44 BrainFM: https://www.brain.fm/?via=liamottley Join My AAA Newsletter! 🗞️ Get my tips and tricks direct to your inbox: https://www.overtheshoulder.co/subscribe

My AI Consulting Services 👋🏼 Want to speak with me about your next big project? Book here: https://calendly.com/liamottley/consu... My Links 🔗 👉🏻 Subscribe:    / @liamottley   👉🏻 Twitter: https://twitter.com/liamottley_ 👉🏻 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/liamottley/ 👉🏻 Instagram: https://instagram.com/liamottley Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 1:55 - What is an AI Automation Agency? 2:57 - The AI Persona Opportunity 7:45 - Building a Persona Step by Step 22:03 - Why they're worth $5,000 About Me 👋🏼 Hi! My name is Liam Ottley and I’m an AI developer and entrepreneur, founder of my own AI development company: Morningside AI (https://morningside.ai). You’ve found my YouTube channel where I help other entrepreneur’s wrap their heads around AI with tutorials on how to get started with 

building AI apps! With developments in AI moving so fast, I’m constantly working on my own projects and those of clients and sharing my learnings with my viewers 2-3x per week. I don’t have anything to sell you, my only hope is that one day some of you will learn enough from my videos to see an exciting opportunity in the AI space and want to work with my development company to make it a reality.

Building a Client's $3,500 AI Chatbot LIVE


in this video I'm going to be building one of my own AI automation agency clients chat Bots that was worth three thousand five hundred dollars live for you guys watching over my shoulder every step of the way this video is going to be hugely valuable to anyone who is new to the AI automation space and wants to very quickly wrap their head around bot press and stack AI how they work together how to build chat Bots and Bot Preston you're going to see the end result which I was able to sell for eventually three thousand five hundred dollars and how you guys can take the exact same Blue Plate and template and start to sell it to your own clients onwards of course if you're new to the channel my name is Liam otley I have my own AI development and AI automation company called Morningside AI we help businesses both large and small to build custom coded AI applications and entirely new AI products but we also work with businesses as automation Partners we'll be doing head to toe analysis of every part of the business and how we can apply AI to reduce friction to decrease expenses and at the end of the day increase profits and for the current month of June Morningside is on track to smash our goal of one hundred thousand dollars in Revenue just to give you an idea you have the kind of numbers that we're doing with this business model and for our custom coded application side of things as well and for my regular views you may notice that um again in a different location I'm actually in Amsterdam in the Netherlands with my business partner for a few days we've got some meetings here before heading out uh later this week now before we get into actually building the bot you're probably going to want to know what this thing does and sort of a bit of context around us so to keep it brief this was a client that worked with us at Morningside he has a SAS platform that works with martial arts businesses to handle their leads and handle their systems and products and things like that and what this bot that we were creating was meant to do was be placed on all of the different sites of the SAS customers so that he could have some kind of AI chat bot element that's going to take caption information from the users since you figure out what they're looking to find on the site help direct them to the kind of products and services and booking Pages the point of this chatbot was to be able to be easily copied and pasted over all of the different clients that he has with the SAS business and the main functionality is to collect information from the potential customers who visit the site and guide them along a personalized conversation so that they're able to find the correct products and services and get pushed to the conversion event which in this case is a booking a booking page to book a class we also built in a lead capture aspect so for more the information that we're asking along the way figuring out the intent of the user why you're speaking to the business what you'd be interested in then we can capture all of that information with their lead the email and name and then essentially enrich that lead with the data we've collected in the earlier part of the chatbot once we capture this information we're using zapier to send it directly to a Google sheet now I can actually show you what the finished product is going to look like down here so I've just put this onto a test website here is the embeddable little bubble down the corner which we can easily put onto client sites we can click that and it's going to pop up with the bot hi I'm Joseph your AI martial arts assistant from Superstar martial arts what brought you here today so let me get through these nice buttons which are built into the UI you don't have to mess around with it too much martial arts for myself and since it's going to guide us along a conversation click some important information and then try to push us through the booking pages so that's great a martial arts program was designed specifically for adults so it's making me feel like this is a what I'm looking for essentially okay I want to learn self-defense do you have a martial art in mind let's do MMA great choice MMA combines different martial arts which are great for self-defense so it feels like it's personalized and feels like it's it's making me think that the product that they're going to sell me is ideal for what I'm looking for which is self-defense and I'm an adult would you like more information on how to get started sure tell me more best way to try our program is to see what's right for you and then we can book a trial here by clicking this link and that will send the potential customer straight to the booking page do you have any questions regarding getting started now here's the lead capture if I say email me the info so we have a info pack essentially you can send out so now I can provide my email and my full name and now what's happened in the back end here is that we've taken all of that information we've taken the answers that I said which I'm an adult I'm looking for self-defense classes that are MMA focused taking all of that information attached it to my email and name and then they have that in the Google sheet to start their email marketing too now you may be thinking this doesn't sound very AI enabled but you'd be wrong this last bit here is really the key AI functionality which is a open loop of being able to ask questions to a knowledge base so do you have any further questions yes what we have is a knowledge base that's been ingested and put into stack AI but also into bot press as well what would you like to know I can ask questions in the large space which is what um Marshall art do you offer now it's going to query the knowledge base do you have any further questions yes can my eight-year-old start classes yes children as young as four can start classes and the program is great for kids age four to fourteen do you have any further questions now this is an open loop we're essentially able to ask questions to this knowledge base until we have all levels of information that we want and the final thing I want to mention before we get stuck in is what tech stack we're using so essentially we're using bot press as the base of this application to handle the logic and to handle the general sort of deployment and and UI of the bot as well using the custom code blocks within bot press we're actually able to make API calls to our stack AI functionality which is super easy to create I'm going to be showing you that in this video as well so we're going to build the bot press application from scratch and we're also going to build elements in stack Ai and I'm going to show you how to connect the two so you can essentially have all of the amazing functionality of Stack Ai and sort of land chain visualized and how you can connect that into your Bot press using very very simple API calls that any beginner can understand now I will say there are so many different applications and platforms that are coming out to solve this problem of building chat Bots and having complex AI functionality that this is subject to change and there's sort of new new technology that I'm finding out about basically every day with another code hey guys just jumping and recording this a few days later bot press has actually just released their important export feature meaning that I can actually share the bot that I build in this video with you guys so if you watch it all you'll be able to see how to build it you'll learn how to use Bob press and stack Ai and how they work together then at the end of the video I'm going to explain how you guys can get this exact same bot template download it import it into your own botbras account and start to use it and sell it to your own clients and have fun with it so it's going to be available at the end of the video sort of just jump in and let you guys know that now so here we are inside bot press what you want to do is sign up to an account in the description there's a link there it's an affiliate link so you will be helping me in the channel out if you click on that once you're logged in you're going to want to click on create a chat bot uh it's not actually allowing me to do it right now so I've just cleared one of my older projects and then you're going to edit it it's going to give you a few different options as to the kind of templates they offer but for now just start on completely from scratch so you can follow along step by step and once you get inside you should be looking at something similar to this now I will show you the example of what we're building this is sort of the end product that we're going to be working towards so we have two different trees here essentially this takes a a bunch of information from the user and then we have a sort of custom merge based query here's our stack AI integration using a custom code block so a lot of work here but we are going to be able to get through it within the scope of this video you guys are going to be able to have this as a template that you can then use for your additional clients or for whatever purposes you want you can modify it whatever you want if you go along step by step with me here now this is going to be the perfect video for many of you beginners because we're going to cover a lot of stuff in a short space of time all of the different elements that you're going to use most commonly how to handle routing how to handle custom code blocks how to set up API calls to stack AI how to push leads to a sheet using zapier we have a zapier API call in here as well so a ton of value a ton of good golden nuggets in here for you guys to be able to take the exact same code and put it into your own applications so we can get started let's start by placing our first node here you can drag out and drop standard node for the sake of speed here so we can rename this node up here by clicking on this we can call this hello what we're going to do is add in our first text I'm going to be going through this fairly quickly so at any point if you need to pause the video just to copy down what I'm writing then feel free to do that but I do need to keep the pace up or this is going to be an hour long second text Block in here paste that in and now we need to get an information capture which is a single Choice here so this is going to allow us to capture some information from the user in the form of a button click so here we have it as a single choice and we need to ask users so when it's asking for the information you need to ask the question which for this case is going to be what brought you here today and we need to create some options for the users to select so we can click here to this little plus icon we can say Marshall art for myself then we can hit enter martial arts for my child and then we need to create a variable so we're actually tracking and saving what they reply to this so we can add a new one and call this uh who for and now when they click one of those buttons it's going to save it to the variable that we can use that information later on for creating personalized messages or for adding to the lead form when they submit their information now down here you can actually test your chatbot what we can do is start the conversation by saying hi and here you can see how each of the elements actually displays so we have the first message the second message and then this Yellow Block here which is I'm going to ask the question and it's capturing for the who4 variable then I'm able to select what I want so martial arts for myself okay we can go on to the next node so I'm going to call this one why you here add a new text block paste it in here feel free to take a read then we need another single Choice with the question of why are you looking to learn martial arts so this is asking for a little more intent from the user and the first option we're going to provide users with is I want to stay fit and the second one is going to be I want to learn self defense now for this particular node we don't actually need these to have separate routes essentially so we can click these two little buttons here and that means that it's not going to sort of split them based on the answer we're just going to continue on regardless so we can add a transition here just using the expression now you do have this AI aspect up here so you can type things in like no knowledge like no answer from knowledge and it's going to try to generate the code but I find a lot of the time it doesn't work too well so take that out of here in this case we're just not going to need to write true here that'll wrap your head around how these transitions work essentially we have this condition here and if whatever's in this comes out as true then it's going to send the user to the next node so if we can just hard code in true it'll pop up as always so that means it's always going to be true you're always going to send users so they send this message they take the user input and if it gets the next block it's always going to send to the next one and there's one thing we forgot to do on our capture information here which is to create a new variable which is going to be why lessons and enter to create that now on this new node we can change it to which Marshall art and click here we can add a new code block so this is the first time we're using a custom code block by bot press a quick breakdown on how these things work essentially you're able to access the variables that you've been sitting within bot press which if you click on the background here you can see we have two variables of who4 and Y lessons now Within These code blocks you're able to access those variables by typing workflow dot then the variable name so here you can see if the Y lessons variable which is this node here was set to I want to learn self defense then we're going to go workflow dot next message so the next message variable which we can create right now add a new variable and call this next message a description the next message for the bot to send add that and we're going to set the value of that next message variable to whatever we want so in this case it's going to be a message that's related to or a sort of complementary to the user's previous input that they provided of I want to learn self-defense so this is how you can essentially take what variables were captured previously do some logic with it using an if else block cross which case statement and then as you'll see we can use this variable in the next node now if you don't have any experience coding don't freak out because all of this stuff is super super basic JavaScript and you're going to be able to ask chat GPT to generate all of this I mean you're going to be able to use this example here as just some basic stuff but chat gbt is able to generate basically all of this no matter how complex we get so you're going to see that later as well next card we need to add here is going to be another text block so and we're going to make this our next message variable so this is the magic here that you can actually get it to print out or the bot to send a variable value so by us setting the value of the message here so we go workflow dot next message we can set it and then send it straight afterwards this is just the first step towards making more and more advanced applications with boardpress so now we can grab another single Choice have another single Choice here and the question we want to ask is going to be do you have a martial art in mind we're going to add a few different items here kick boxing MMA and karate now we can again turn off these different little routing options and we want to create a new variable here as always this is going to be type of martial uh just to give you a quick look at how this is coming out already I can say hi okay now we have some buttons martial arts myself great it's going to send the message it's going to ask for the next bit which is here why are you looking to learn martial arts I want to learn self-defense okay and now it's going to send the personalized message which is knowing you can look after yourself is more important than ever these days so it's taken the input that I provided and it's giving me a customized message based off what that value was and then setting the next message variable so we're doing uh sort of less nodes but we're using the custom code blocks we set variables essentially and by doing that we save a huge sprawl of different nodes all over the place we can simplify it down by using those custom code blocks do you have a martial art in mind I think we're going to go with kickboxing great and now we're up to where we are here so we can add a transition another expression again we're going to set this turn off the AI and set this as true so it's just always going to transition up to this next one we're going to start off with a large conditional block here so what you can do is add in a execute code block now this looks quite complicated but it's essentially the same thing as we've done before it's just on a bigger scale so this using a switch case statement the way these are generated you can do it very very easily so all you need to do is provide chat GPT with a breakdown of of what the structure of your of your chatbot is so say I have I have variable of who for and these are the options and I have variable of Y lessons and these are the options and I have variable of type martial art and these lessons then it's going to be able to end the math do essentially all of those different combinations and you can say can you give me a switch case statement or a FL statement that's going to be able to give personalized answers for all of these different combinations of variables that they might have picked up now so the whole point of this execute code block is to save again a ton of different nodes that are required we can simplify this down and use the same process of going at next message so depending on what the user's input has been up to that point we're going to essentially set the next message to a customized message so if they were selecting four martial arts for themselves which is the first question and then they also said I want to stay fit which is the second message and then they said I want to do kickboxing then we can sort of combine all those inputs and write a personalized method which is great choice kickboxing is an excellent martial arts for Fitness we offer classes every Wednesday where that experienced coach Mike so this is making it feel like everything that they've said previously is leading them towards the sale and what they're asking for and the products that we have it's a perfect match what they're trying to do then we set the next message to this message and then we send it directly afterwards so so if I restart the conversation and I start again hi martial arts myself I want to learn self-defense I want to do karate excellent decision karate is one of the best martial arts for self-defense join coach join every Friday to learn these techniques so this is the personalized message that's coming out of this big switch case block next step is to take some more user information so we're going to add a single Choice block here the question is going to be would you like more information on how to get started the options we're going to have is sure tell me more I have a question so we're going to take short tell me more down here new node down here new node and we're going to change this one to link to trial this one down here update it to check knowledge now for the link to try out the first text that we're going to add on is just a text card here so this message is going to be sent after they've said uh yes I would like some more information so you can click on this that's the message there great the best way to try our program to see if it's right for you is to take advantage of our special offer so here's an offer that I've just hard-coded in I've just written it in but you can actually put variables in there that the client's able to easily change out depending on the bot so if this is duplicated for multiple different clients websites then they're able to easily change that variable and without having to get in manually and change all of them at once then we need to add in our information capture again asking them a question the question this time is do you have any questions regarding getting started so the options we're going to have here is yes no and then email me the info so three options here Shuffle this down then what we can do is connect the yes route down to this check knowledge node down below we can take the no to the end so essentially they've said do you have any questions regarding getting started and then they've said no we can wrap that to the end because they've said no they don't have any questions questions and then finally we can take the email me the info and just plop a note up here for later now we get on to the more exciting parts of this app which is the knowledge query function which is the AI aspect of this chatbot what we're going to set up is not only a bot press knowledge query but also a stack AI knowledge query so this is a system that I've created and I find works best and this is what I get our developers at Morningside to do as well essentially you use the bot press knowledge query which they have built in which we're going to do in a sec as the sort of initial knowledge query so it's going to ask a question to pop press so hey can you give me a quick answer and if what press comes back with no I don't have an answer which is quite common then it's going to send an API call to one of our stack AI applications and then run a knowledge query using gpt4 or 3.5 turbo and then send us back an answer and in most cases if botbras isn't able to answer stack AI will be able to answer it because it's just using a better model and as a better sort of embedding system and and Vector database setup so the reason we have them layered like that is because bot press responses can be quick and snappy for the very basic things but if it's a bit more of a a curveball question we can pass it to stack aisle form back and if stack AI isn't even able to respond to it then we have another fallback so it's sort of a three-step fallback system for custom Modge queries and then finally we'd say I don't know if that's if we still don't get an answer from either of those first step is to set up our bot press knowledge querying so what we can do is actually create our own knowledge base within bolt press so you can come up to the left corner here and click add knowledge base what I'm going to do is add a knowledge base Source we're going to add a document so what I can do is get the frequently asked questions file or the the support document file from the client in this case I can upload it here as a text file now in your case you're not going to have this I can't give you this data unfortunately but when you go and use this template for another client you can get their q a information or their FAQs in a text file which is just structured question answer question answer then upload it here and you'll be in the same spot as us right now you can write a little description okay so just a little blurb there that you can add in we can also rename this to be knowledge base let's make this super it's the it's knowledge base so it's literally as easy as that to set up a knowledge base with bot press then we need to come over to this agent section which is a new feature and make sure that the knowledge agent is on enabled and this answer on start load is off so make sure that's all set up then we can go back to our main zoom in on this check knowledge node and click this button here which is going to enable knowledge answering now this now this knowledge based querying within bot press can actually be pretty confusing at times but just know that when the query comes in and hits this if this is checked it's going to attempt to query the knowledge with that information that's just arrived so first step for us is going to be taking a single Choice here so we're going to set the question that we asked them when they arrive on this knowledge query node as what would you like to know and we need to change this from a single Choice which is going to be a button into raw input so whenever you want to receive input from the user in the form of a message or just a sort of freeform response you change it to Raw input and it's going to just capture that text as the value so we want to change it to a raw input and we want to catch this value as a new variable called question then we need to set up some important routing depending on if the knowledge base within Bob press was able to give response so we can add another expression here a transition you're going to need to set your transition information to exactly as I have on screen here which is a label of no answer from knowledge so you can easily see that this transition why it's going to be triggered and then the condition is going to be if the knowledge agent which is the agent up here if it has responded so that's going to determine if it hasn't responded then we're going to take them down here so that's what the little exclamation mark means here so if we have not received the response from the knowledge agent essentially it's tried to query it but it's come back as I don't know or I don't have an answer for this question then we need to add another transition here which is going to be always true whenever you transition into the top of your block here it's going to start at the top it's going to read from the top down and here we can see if there's no answer from the knowledge base AKA we're going to ask a question the knowledge base doesn't have response it's going to take it down here but if this condition here doesn't evaluate to true then it's going to go on to the next box so we have the setup here so we receive a question and it's going to ask the bot press knowledgebot so the way this Czech knowledge node is working is we're asking the user a question of what would you like to know and then we're going to query the bot press knowledge base and if there's no answer from the knowledge agent then we're going to route down to this next one which is going to be our stack AI query we have that condition as true and it's going to be always and then we can create a new node just down here this is going to be further cues this is going to be stack AI query sorry to interrupt guys but if you are enjoying the video can you please hit down below and leave a like if there's any value that you're getting out of this it would mean the world to meet and help me reach more people like you and help them build businesses like this back to the video for the further cues we're going to add a single choice on here do you have any further questions and the options here are going to be yes and no and if they have further questions then we can just send them back up to the knowledge query so this is when we start that infinite Loop of them being able to ask question after question and then if they say no we're going to take them to the end now we can give our bot press knowledge base a test what I'm going to do here on the stack AI queries add no answer from WordPress knowledge page so we know that if it's heading down to the stack AR query then this a statement is evaluating to true so we're not getting a response from a bob press knowledge base if you want to test our knowledge query we can just whip through this and we can say hi martial arts myself I want to stay fit kickboxing I have a question what would you like to know now we get to ask a question to the knowledge base and I'm going to say how old do my kids need to be I'm actually going to add a transition onto the bottom here just for now so that we can easily test this change this to True how old do do my kids need to be to start lessons so this is within the knowledge base let's see if we can figure it out kids can start martial arts classes from the age of four great that's a correct answer what martial arts do you offer oh I'm supposed to click a button there actually what I can copy and paste this in what martial arts do you offer so it's doing a pretty good job of answering using the bot press knowledge base I'm going to say I have further questions now if I say something like what color is the sky this so this transition here has worked correctly the knowledge agent didn't respond and it sent us down to the stack AI query we'll receive this message so that means the bot press is answering correctly now we just need to set up our stack AI API so that we're able to answer more difficult questions using the same information now to do this part of course you're going to need a stack AI account but it's free to sign up there's a link to sign up in the description once you're in here with an account you're going to be able to scroll down to the document and database templates super easy to set up click on the document database q a and then we're going to click on the document q a here so in just a few clicks you've got the entire document query system set up I just need to click to upload here up upload that same document that I had from the client that's going to take it a few seconds here to just learn once we've got the OK there then we can play around with this prompt a little bit a quick explain it on what's going on here this is a input node so this is where we're going to be sending our query from the user so it's going to be essentially filling this up programmatically once we get the import it's going to query the documents it's going to return some of those documents that are relevant to the query and it's going to insert it into this prompt template here so the question is going to be coming from the input and then the context is going to be coming from this here so it's inserting a couple relevant chunks say ask about what kind of martial arts do you offer it's going to return a few chunks that are relevant to that query insert it into this context via this variable here then we're also going to insert the user import and say okay now answer this question given this information we've retrieved from our document so we have a little opportunity here to do some prompt engineering I think GPT 3.5 turbo here as the model is completely fine I have the prompt here you can take a look at that essentially answer the question quickly this is who you're from and always try to bend the app to make it sound like we are the perfect solution to the problem now I can give you a quick example of this in action so if I say my son is two years old can he start lessons so if I click run up here we can see what the response is going to be we typically start teaching martial arts at 4 to 14 but we do offer two child children as young as three so you've got a nice answer which is tailored to the user's question which is not really what WordPress does this is actually using a language model like GPT 3.5 turbo to really bend that and make it a personalized response and this personalization of the answer to what they're actually asking is the main advantage of using a stack AI query over the native bot press one once we've done this quick setup within stack AI all we need to do is click to deployment and I can go to document q a here you can see what the JavaScript API call looks like now if you're not technical don't freak out I'm going to be giving you the exact code that you need this actually doesn't work directly bot press is a little bit weird and you have to dumb it down quite a bit so the code block that we're actually going to be using is going to be available in the description I have a little document for you has to be able to get all of the code that I mentioned in this and you can just copy and paste over or use to give the chat GPT to answer to generate more similar ones so going back to bot press now I'm going to grab an execute code block I'm going to paste in this code here and then I'm going to go back to stack Ai and I'm going to grab this URL so getting back over delete that comma so we've set up the endpoint correctly now I just need to add my Bearer token which is my API key which you guys won't be able to see but you can get your API key for stack AI by coming up to the right corner and going to Keys then copying your key and heading back and pasting it in instead of these three dots I'm going to create a new variable called API response up here for response from just we can save that and so in here you can see we're going to be sending off as our input so this is to the input field of the stack AI application we're going to be sending the question that we captured here so when the user asks us a question we're going to capture that and save it to the variable of question if we're not able to answer from the bot press knowledge base it's going to come down to the stack AI query we're going to use that same query send it off as part of the payload and we're going to be using this workflow.question as the input then what we receive back as the output is going to be captured in this API response variable that we just created so that we can use it in the next steps we can add in a text card here and then set it to API response so that's going to be the response from stack AI we get to print that out as a response to the user's query and once we have replied to them with the stack AI response we can delete this routing here we just need to click on this little red line and then we need to take this always just up to the further questions so that we've replied to the question now we take them back to this node here which is going to say do you have any further questions and it starts it all over again and if they say no it's going to take them to the end and if they say yes it's going to take them back up to the knowledge query and we say what would you like to know so we've got this infinite Loop running where we can ask questions to the the knowledge base and then it's going to go to the stack AI if it isn't able to answer it and then at the end if they have no questions they can send them off to the end of the chatbot with the custom knowledge base query out of the way we can get onto the other interesting function that you guys will probably want to see which is to be able to capture leads so we can start here with a text we start the process of lead capture off with this question here which is uh when we say great the best way to start a program we start off the process for lead capture with this single Choice section here which is do you have any questions regarding getting started one of the options is email me the info so then it's going to take them to this node up here and we say sure we have full information pack on all of our classes and offers next card we put in is going to be the email capture so you want to ask them a question up here of please provide your email below this is automatically set to being an email address you want to add this to the email variable and that's going to save that then we can add in the full name person name [Music] then we ask please provide your full name that's going to be saved to the name variable then we need a custom code block to execute the zapier query this is the code that you're going to need right here I'm actually going to create a new variable called zapier success we're going to set this to a Boolean save that and so inside this execute code block you can see we have the zapier success value so we're going to set it as false initially we're going to take all of this lead data which is saved to our variable so the workflow name the workflow email the workflow who for all of the information that we've captured already we're going to add as the payload for this API call then we're going to try to make a post request as API here using the URL provided now in this video I don't have time to show these atheist hit up side of things but it's very straightforward you just create a zpu account you set up a custom web hook you're going to be able to get an API endpoint that you can put into this field here I've actually deleted half of mine but you'll be able to paste that directly into there essentially all you're going to be doing is setting up a custom web hook or API and allowing to send data to it and it's going to push it to a Google sheet so you need to create a Google sheet create these these column names of name email who for ETC and that the the data is going to fill out that sheet and the way that you tell it to so go with this APS set that up and then you're going to be able to come back and paste in the URL that they provide into this part here and then when that comes back as a success it's going to sit the new variable as true and then we're going to be able to move on to the next part of the application now we need a little transition here which is going to take us if this has been successful so we can type fzp success is true and the AI feature here was able to actually get this right for us now if that poster crisp went through and it came back with a zps success is true we're going to go to a new node here we're going to create a new bit of text added on after they've submitted their information and the zap has gone through correctly we say perfect we'll be in touch with you shortly and then off make them a offer of 50 off you can sort of insert anything you want in here and after that we want to again transition we're going to ask them if they have any further questions so this is going to be an always so we can set that to true and then grab this end and send this all the way down to the further queue so it's going to be going from the standard two down to the further questions and ask them if they have any other questions and as a basic fallback what we can add in here is a text mentioning an error occurred a boarding and then we can always send this to drop in another expression here we can make this true this is essentially error handling we're just going to take this to the end if the zapier a post request doesn't go through we're just going to send it to the end of course and in later versions of the app you can set it up so that it fails much better than just sending it to the end but for the scope of this video I can't show you the full setup like that zooming out on our application it seems that we've almost finished it off there's just one little part to do left which is to fill out the bottom half of this which is if you've chosen that it's martial arts for my child so we can very very quickly pass through that now I don't want to drag this out too much more name Mr why are you here to come in and add a text card that's great we have an excellent kids program here at Superstar martial arts single choice in here I'm going to ask them why do you want them to learn martial arts training and we can save the user input to the Y lessons variable which we used previously as well we can reuse that in this part of the application and then we're going to ask them a few things give them a couple options options we're going to give them are build confidence build strength learn discipline all of the above now that we'll capture that information we can actually turn off all of these custom routes and then we just hit and always so once they've received that information saved it to the variable we can route this always set this to true and then we get the next node save this one to why martial arts kids we're going to add a custom code Block in here first I'm going to paste this in here you guys will be able to get all of this it's the same thing that we're doing before which is based on what they've asked this is the same process as in the adult tree which is above have been over that it's just hitting this next message variable to a personalized message depending on what they've answered in the previous node then of course we need to add our next message response at next message the next card we need to add in here is a single choice so we can drag in a single Choice here we're going to say the question as do you have a martial art in mind we're going to save this to the type of martial art variable that we've created above so you might be able to tell that these are mirroring each other but we've just gone for one side as with the kids and one side is with the dots the options that we're going to have here kick boxing MMA karate same as above we can turn off all of these connectors and then we need to get an always transition down the bottom true send it up to the top and with that final connection I think we are ready to go uh we have finished things up here from a high level what we have built here is a chat bot that helps customers to get information about the business to find products that are best for them to help them feel like it's a personalized process of getting to the right class or finding the right martial art for what they need and Etc finding the right class for their kid we have ai aspects of custom knowledge based querying using bot press and stack AI we have uh lead capture that sends to a Google sheet via zapier integration here and then the beautiful thing about bot press is once we've finished all of this we can very very easily just click publish in the top right corner here we can see we've successfully published the bot now we're able to go back to our home page and click on the we can refresh the page and click on Integrations and then we have all of these options as to how we can actually hand this bot over to the client so in this case I was using a web chat so here you can see we can go to the pre-configured and copy this link paste it yeah and then we're able to chat to our chatbot on a hosted web page so we can send this link to clients so you can have a chat to it they can send this link to their own clients whatever they want to do so we can say hi then we can go through all of the things that we've just set up so maybe we go down to the child throughout this time we have an excellent kids program here why do you want them to start martial arts training I want them to learn discipline discipline is a foundational aspect of all martial arts what martial art do you have in mind why not karate karate is well known for instilling discipline and its practitioners we have classes every Friday with our discipline coach John would you like more information on how to get started uh I have a question do I need to be fit to start classes no you don't need to be fit to start classes people are start at varying Fitness levels Etc do you have any further questions no I think we're good so that's one way of interacting with this bot just one example you can go back to bot press and you can take the script tag and you can send this to clients and they can put it on their website and it will pop up as I showed you at the beginning of the video you're going to be able to add this handy little UI and actually customize this UI if you want to take this a step further but this is going to be able to be put on any website that your client wants and if you want to get fancy you can even experiment with some of these other deployment options that you have from bot press that can help you to provide different services to your clients and make more money so that is about all for the video guys well done for making it this far I hope you've been able to follow along and get something similar to this duplicated in your own bot press so then you can make edits to it you can play around with the different features and I know it can be sort of overwhelming getting started I hope this has been a nice entry point for you to get familiar with bot press to get familiar with stack AI familiar with the kind of integration you could do between the two and I urge you to just keep playing around keep experimenting keep trying to build different types of chat Bots and exploring some of the other features like the AI side of Bot press Etc now over this has been useful for you you're definitely going to want to join my community Discord which is available in the pin comment and the description I do workshops there every week and weekly q and A's we have the biggest AI automation community in the world at this point because we've started it within that Community itself we've just started to see our first set of community members getting their first client sign so we've got a wins Channel set up there we're starting to really see some great results from people and if you want to get in there and be worthy essentially get your information from the source and be around the other guys and girls who are hungriest to get this business model working and I'll be in there replying the questions as well so essentially if you're not in there what are you doing get in there and and start extracting some of the value that we're giving away for free daily if you haven't already watched my best niches for AI automation agency videos I'd recommend you go and watch that now it's very very useful for you to figure out how you're going to need to approach starting your first AI automation agency how you can pick your Niche sort of framework and criteria that I use and that I recommend for people on the Discord to use as well so that you can get off on the absolute best for possible and set yourself up for success and as always if you're looking for more information Asian on AI automation be sure to subscribe to my channel because that's putting out videos two to three times a week on this exact topic as valuable as I can possibly make it as you've seen in this video and of course join my Discord as I mentioned but you can also sign up to my AI automation newsletter which is going to be available in the description and the pin comment so if you want to get a couple times a week my tips and tricks sent direct to your inbox you can sign up to that down below that is all for the video guys I'm going to need to go and have a massage after this it's been a very big session but thank you so much for watching I hope you got something out of it and I'll see you in the next one

5 Best AI Automation Agency Services to Sell as a Beginner


in this video I'm going to be sharing with you the five best AI Automation Services to sell as a beginner and how you can deliver them I'm making this video today for beginners who are looking to start their own AI automation agency but don't know where to start and these things that I've picked to put in this video are both a combination of easy to deliver and easy to understand but also high impact and high value for the clients that you can sell them to and just to make it even easier for you guys for each of the services that I'm going to mention I'm going to be giving you step-by-step instructions on exactly how you can deliver it and how I deliver them myself none of them require that you need to know how to code and I'm going to be giving you the exact softwares that you can use to get this set up within your own AI automation agency which means that by the end of the video you're going to be armed with five excellent opportunities to take and start building your own AI automation offer and business with now if you're listening to this and going what in the hell is an AI automation agency then you're going to want to head back and watch my previous video which will be available up here in which I go through exactly what an AI automation agency is how I discovered it and how I've come across this business Model A high level look at the kind of services and value you provide to businesses but more importantly I explain in black and white detail why this AI automation agency opportunity is so big and why it's important that you get started now so that you don't miss the boat so if you're new to the space be sure to click up here watch that video and then come back and you'll be ready to get started now if you're new to the channel and don't know who I am my name is Liam otley I have my own AI development and AI automation company called Morningside AI we help businesses both large and small to build custom coded AI applications but we also partner with businesses as an automations partner doing a top to bottom analysis of the business and how exactly we can apply AI Technologies to reduce expenses and at the end of the day increase profits I'm from New Zealand but I'm now based in Dubai and at the moment I'm in beautiful Antwerp and Belgium I've been an online entrepreneur coming up for five years now and I actually discovered the AI automation agency model that I'm going to be explaining in this video over the past couple of months now for those of you who are interested in the kind of results you can see by running an AI automation Agency on screen you can see that my results were forty five thousand dollars profit in the month of May I did an entire breakdown on of that month which is available up here and my agency and development company is currently doing around a hundred thousand dollars in Revenue per month with a near-term goal of a hundred thousand dollars in profit per month now before we get started with the five services that I'm going to take you through for one of the services that I'm going to mention in this video you can actually get my exact chatbot template and steal it and copy it and put it on your own bot press account and start selling it if you want to get more information on how you can get this chatbot template I'm going to be covering it at the end of the video hey guys to do a deep dive on one of them doing a full breakdown exactly how you deliver it and do the full video on it so if you guys want to see one of these in a future video where I actually deliver it and I show you these systems that you can set up be sure to let me know in the comments below each comment that you put down will enter you into the draw to win a 20-minute Consulting call with me whichever service has the most comments on it I'll be doing a video on that within the next week and I'll also be selecting the winner of the Consulting call within seven days so if you want to win that Consulting call and want to let me know what you want to see then comment down below service number one is a personalized cold Outreach system now the idea behind this personalized cold Outreach system is to be able to help businesses to convert more leads into paying customers what you're going to be doing is creating an AI enabled API flow which takes information on a prospect or a lead and you're going to use that as context to help generate a personalized message and ideally if you do it right that message is going to have a high response rate than a generic one now why is it such a good service to sell well firstly the response rates on cold Outreach already suck for most businesses and businesses are already paying good money to actually acquire these leads in the first place so that they're spending money to get these high quality leads your job is then to help them squeeze as much money as possible out of those leads by increasing the response rate and conversion from leads to paying customers or at least from a cold lead to a warm lead where they've booked an appointment Etc this increase in conversion from cold leads to warm leads is going to be facilitated through your personalized messaging system this is because people are already bombarded with hundreds and hundreds of generic emails and by making a personalized email to the person depending on the information on your LinkedIn profile or other source you're able to create a message that sounds personalized and speaks directly to them and cuts through the Clutter so how can you actually deliver this service it can actually all be done within zapier so you can start off with a lead sheet that's going to have all the leads arriving on it and it needs to include a link to the person's LinkedIn then you need to set up your zap so that it's going to pull information from a row and that lead sheet it's going to take the LinkedIn URL and it's going to scrape the information from the profile now there's a bunch of different methods that you can use to scrape information within zapier you can use things like Phantom Buster as well they have his API integration that allows you to get information from LinkedIn and then the key part here is that you're going to pass all of that data that you just got off LinkedIn into a prompted chat GPT window and within that prompt you can write things like you are an expert cold Outreach message writer your goal is to take information which will be provided from their LinkedIn and write a personalized message here's some examples of previous messages that we like and it's going to take the information in from the LinkedIn scrape it's going to inject it into that prompt and then it's going to give you the outputted message and then finally the last piece in this app is to take get information connect to the email delivery platform and then send off an email to the lead now onto service number two which is a staff training chat bot now the idea behind this deliverable is that companies often need to train new staff and by providing a chat bot that has all of the training materials inside it you can eliminate a lot of the manual work and sort of back and forth between managers and new new hires and things like that and streamline the process of hiring and not only are you allowing them to have instant access and on-demand access as a new hire to all of this information you're giving the manager peace of mind and you're giving them their time back essentially so of course training new staff as a business especially if you have high staff turnover can suck it's very painful for managers it's awkward for the new hires who can sometimes feel a little bit awkward about asking questions the idea with this chatbot and the value that you're selling is that you're going to reduce the amount hours required to onboard new hires and then Industries where their turnover is very high this can be extremely valuable by taking all of the businesses training documents and frequently asked questions and putting it into a customized chat bot you can have a 24 7 helper available to these new hires to answer their questions so how can you deliver the service the First Step would be to request training documents or frequently asked questions documents from the business owner then you can ingest those documents into a custom knowledge base within bot press or stack Ai and then you can deploy that chatbot to Whatsapp or telegram or even to a web URL for people to access within their business service number three is a customized plan generator now the idea behind the service is to create a Content generation system that's going to leverage a previous batch of documents that are made by a specific client and use those old documents to generate new ones and safety my time of time as you can see on screen here there are some industries that rely very heavily on these kind of customized plans of course you have nutrition for dieting you have Fitness for workout plans you have personal finance for finance tracking and methods of investing Etc by Nature creating these personalized and customized plans can take a lot of time for these business owners and so if you're able to sell them a service where we can say hey look all those hundreds of ones that you've already done all those hundreds of plans that you've already made for previous clients we can take those and repurpose them and use them to create new ones in seconds for you now if they don't already have any kind of system set up to to do this already this is going to be a huge Time Saver and a huge value add for that business so how can you actually deliver one of these first step is to collect a bunch of examples from your client for example if you're working with a nutritionist you could ask for a hundred examples of previous meal plans that they've created once you have all the documents you can put it into a stack AI Vector database and have it there for later recall then you'll need to do some prompting in order to get it to generate plans using the examples pulled from the Victor database once you've set that up you can deploy it to a chat bot either on stack AI or on bot press and then allow the client of yours to come on and enter some information say I might I need a meal plan for a 40 year old woman who wants to lose 10 pounds and she's vegan then it's going to search the vector database for any plans that match that are similar to that pull it into your prompt template and say here are some examples and here's what the lady wants please generate the outcome and then you're going to get that meal plan provided for your client within the chat bot service number four is an onboarding chat assistant the concept behind this onboarding chat assistant is that onboarding processes within businesses can be clunky they can be drawn out they can be extremely inefficient and if humans are getting involved and if every step of the way there's a lot of wastage and a lot of potentially lost Revenue when clients drop off during that onboarding process your job when delivering the services to take an entire onboarding process from a business and simplify it down to a chat bot where a client can be sent a link to the chat bot they can go oh okay my name is this this is what's your point of content okay this is the point of contact okay here's where can I see in the contract okay I'm generating the contract now and I'm going to send it the main AI aspect of this and what makes it so powerful for businesses is that you can integrate a AI powered contract generator within this chat bot using the exact same method that I just mentioned about generating meal plans you can also use it to generate contracts for your clients and integrate that into this onboarding chatter system now the good news is if you're going to be selling something like this basically every service business on the planet needs to onboard clients at some point so all you need to do is Niche down to one specific industry say social media marketing agencies or something like that you can say hey I can simplify your entire onboarding process down to a 15-step chatbot interaction with a client this is how much it's going to cost and this is where it's going to be deployed this can be extremely beneficial for both the person who was being on board and the company that is doing the onboarding and business owners are able to simplify much of the admin that typically goes into connecting people to slack or contracts or invoicing and things like that and just put it all into one place that can run autonomously so how would you actually deliver this well first off you would hop on a workshop call with your client and say give me the full breakdown of your current onboarding system where are people signing contracts where are people being invoiced from which communication channels are people being added to what things are happening in the background let's get all of that condensed down to a clear plan of what your onboarding system looks like currently and then you can take that away and as I say in step two here convert that onboarding process into a chatbot so you can map it out in figma or something like that or you can just map it out directly in a platform like bot press start to connect all the required components like information capture invoicing sending the contract generating the contract adding to slack channels creating new Trello boards Etc all can be done in the background via this chat bot and the best thing is if you use a platform like bot press you're able to easily deploy this onto their website so that customers can go on and get access to and finally service number five is a Airbnb guest support chat bot this week I actually did an hour-long workshop on this exact idea within my Discord if you want to get access to that Workshop we talked through how to position yourself and how to identify avatars how to craft your offer and how you can actually deliver the spot that's going to be available in the description and it's also going to be available to download the exact Airbnb support chat by template that I've created so that you can just copy and paste exactly what I've created and start offering this as a service to Airbnb hosts access to that workshop and the bot template is going to be available in the first link in the description so what's the concept behind this particular deliverable people who have multiple properties on Airbnb and they're self-managing can get really bogged down by the amount of communication that's required to handle new guests and have check in and check out and where's the Wi-Fi password and this this is so many questions that they can get bombarded with the point of this deliverable is to create an AI chatbot that can eliminate 80 to 90 of all the regular queries that come in we can do this by taking the frequently asked questions for a specific property putting it into a custom mileage base of a chat bot then make that available to the customers via WhatsApp or Telegram and it's actually a twofold benefit for this kind of deliverable because not only can you sell it as being beneficial for the host like you can get peace of mind of not having to be available at all hours you can have complete peace of mind that check-in is going to go smoothly all the information is there but more importantly the clients actually have a beta while the guests actually have a better experience on the property if they have that 24 7 service and and customer support so it's a very very attractive offer because you're not only benefiting the homeowner but you're also benefiting the guests and potentially increasing the guest satisfaction ratings reviews Etc so how would you actually deliver this as I said you get the sport and FAQ documents from the owner for a specific property then you can ingest that into a custom knowledge base with bot press or stack Ai and you can easily deploy that bot to Whatsapp or telegram so that the Airbnb owner can take that telegram handle or that WhatsApp number and provide it to them and say for all support queries contact this in an emergency contact this and as I've just mentioned on screen here you can see that I'm giving away the exact Airbnb chat bot template that I just mentioned I've already built it out I've made a template out of it so you're going to be able to download it people have already got access to it in the Discord but you can get access to it in the first link in the description that's going to take you to access the workshop so you can see me go through this entire opportunity and analyze it and then get access to the exact same bot that I built in that so that you can take it and start pitching it to other people on Airbnb and start selling it now with any of these services and deliverables sound exciting to you and you want to get started with your own AI automation agency but don't yet have experience with bot prison stack AI I've actually just released a 30 to 40 minute long video of me building an entire application for a client that was eventually worth three thousand five hundred dollars so if you want a crash course on how to build chat Bots without press and stack Ai and how you can start getting paid for building chat Bots and other AI services so you can click up here and watch that now or if you're not already in my AI automation agency Community you can get access to the Discord in the description we're all in there talking about how to deliver these chat Bots how to sell them how to send code Outreach messages how to get leads everything under the sun we're giving away free value in the everyday and we have a great Community going and I also do weekly workshops and Q A's in there so if you want to get information direct from the source for myself and from the community be sure to join the Discord now and get in there now if you're hungry for more information on how to decide a triple A I have a video coming next week which is going to be how to start an AI automation agency as a beginner a step-by-step guide and this I'm going to be walking through how to choose your Niche and deliverable how to create an irresistible offer how to find and sign your first client and how to deliver these services that you're selling this is going to be a complete beginner's guide that I'm putting a ton of work in so if you don't want to miss that be sure to head down below and subscribe to the channel and if you've enjoyed this video so far and gotten anything out of it please leave a like it would mean the world to me and if you're looking for more information on AI automation agencies on me or on my company my services you can subscribe to the channel join my Discord and I also have an AI automation agency newsletter which is going to be available in the description and in the pin comment giving my tips and tricks every week for you guys to learn your own on how you guys can build and scale your own AI automation agency that's all for the video guys thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one thank you

85,679 views Premiered on 27 Jun 2023 How to Start an AI Automation Agency (AAA)

In this video I share the 5 best AI automation agency (AAA) services to sell as a beginner and exact steps on how you can deliver them. These AI agency deliverables are not only easy to understand and deliver but also provide a ton of value for the client. If you're eager to start your own AAA then any of these is a great place to start. Since I created the AI Automation Agency model earlier this year I've been sharing my learnings from running my own AAA at scale here on the channel 💪🏼 AIRBNB WORKSHOP + CHATBOT TEMPLATE LINK: ➡️ https://www.liamottleyresources.com My AI Development & Automation Company 🤖 https://morningside.ai Software for AAA Owners 🛠️ Botpress: https://bit.ly/liam_botpress_signup Stack AI: https://www.stack-ai.com/?via=liam My AI Consulting Services 👋🏼 Want to speak with me about your next big project? Book here: https://calendly.com/liamottley/consu... Join My Newsletter! 🗞️ Get your fix of the latest AI news direct to your inbox: https://www.overtheshoulder.co/subscribe My AI Entrepreneurship Community 📈 Find top shelf co-founders for your next AI venture: http://discord.gg/dAa78Zj7yj My Links 🔗 👉🏻 Subscribe:    / @liamottley   👉🏻 Twitter: https://twitter.com/liamottley_ 👉🏻 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/liamottley/ 👉🏻 Instagram: https://instagram.com/liamottley

Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 0:46 - What is a AAA 1:16 - My results 2:56 - Service #1 5:00 - Service #2 6:12 - Service #3 7:45 - Service #4 9:57 - Service #5 11:50 - Download my templates 13:04 - New Video About Me 👋🏼 Hi! My name is Liam Ottley and I’m an AI developer and entrepreneur, founder of my own AI development and Automation company: Morningside AI (https://morningside.ai). You’ve found my YouTube channel where I help other entrepreneur’s wrap their heads around AI with tutorials on how to get started with building AI apps! With developments in AI moving so fast, I’m constantly working on my own projects and those of clients and sharing my learnings with my viewers 2-3x per week. I don’t have anything to sell you, my only hope is that one day some of you will learn enough from my videos to see an exciting opportunity in the AI space and want to work with my development company to make it a reality. 


AI Automation Agency

Building a Basic Bot: Step-by-step Guided Walkthrough


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הרם את העסק שלך עם כלי ה-AI.io הטובים ביותר הזמינים באינטרנט. קבל את היתרון התחרותי שאתה צריך להצלחה ב-2022/3, בין אם תבחר באפשרויות חינמיות ובין אם אתה פותח תכונות מתקדמות עם חשבון Pro.

מחפשים פלטפורמות אינטרנט מתקדמות? אל תחפש עוד! הרשימה האוצרת שלנו של כלי AI.io מבטיחה חוויה של 5 כוכבים, ומעצימה את העסק שלך לשגשג ולהצליח ב-2022/3

A Guide for AI-Enhancing YOUR Existing Business Application

A guide to improving your existing business application of artificial intelligence

מדריך לשיפור היישום העסקי הקיים שלך בינה מלאכותית

What is Artificial Intelligence and how does it work? What are the 3 types of AI?

What is Artificial Intelligence and how does it work? What are the 3 types of AI? The 3 types of AI are: General AI: AI that can perform all of the intellectual tasks a human can. Currently, no form of AI can think abstractly or develop creative ideas in the same ways as humans.  Narrow AI: Narrow AI commonly includes visual recognition and natural language processing (NLP) technologies. It is a powerful tool for completing routine jobs based on common knowledge, such as playing music on demand via a voice-enabled device.  Broad AI: Broad AI typically relies on exclusive data sets associated with the business in question. It is generally considered the most useful AI category for a business. Business leaders will integrate a broad AI solution with a specific business process where enterprise-specific knowledge is required.  How can artificial intelligence be used in business? AI is providing new ways for humans to engage with machines, transitioning personnel from pure digital experiences to human-like natural interactions. This is called cognitive engagement.  AI is augmenting and improving how humans absorb and process information, often in real-time. This is called cognitive insights and knowledge management. Beyond process automation, AI is facilitating knowledge-intensive business decisions, mimicking complex human intelligence. This is called cognitive automation.  What are the different artificial intelligence technologies in business? Machine learning, deep learning, robotics, computer vision, cognitive computing, artificial general intelligence, natural language processing, and knowledge reasoning are some of the most common business applications of AI.  What is the difference between artificial intelligence and machine learning and deep learning? Artificial intelligence (AI) applies advanced analysis and logic-based techniques, including machine learning, to interpret events, support and automate decisions, and take actions.  Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.  Deep learning is a subset of machine learning in artificial intelligence (AI) that has networks capable of learning unsupervised from data that is unstructured or unlabeled.  What are the current and future capabilities of artificial intelligence? Current capabilities of AI include examples such as personal assistants (Siri, Alexa, Google Home), smart cars (Tesla), behavioral adaptation to improve the emotional intelligence of customer support representatives, using machine learning and predictive algorithms to improve the customer’s experience, transactional AI like that of Amazon, personalized content recommendations (Netflix), voice control, and learning thermostats.  Future capabilities of AI might probably include fully autonomous cars, precision farming, future air traffic controllers, future classrooms with ambient informatics, urban systems, smart cities and so on.  To know more about the scope of artificial intelligence in your business, please connect with our expert.

מהי בינה מלאכותית וכיצד היא פועלת? מהם 3 סוגי הבינה המלאכותית?

מהי בינה מלאכותית וכיצד היא פועלת? מהם 3 סוגי הבינה המלאכותית? שלושת סוגי הבינה המלאכותית הם: בינה מלאכותית כללית: בינה מלאכותית שיכולה לבצע את כל המשימות האינטלקטואליות שאדם יכול. נכון לעכשיו, שום צורה של AI לא יכולה לחשוב בצורה מופשטת או לפתח רעיונות יצירתיים באותן דרכים כמו בני אדם. בינה מלאכותית צרה: בינה מלאכותית צרה כוללת בדרך כלל טכנולוגיות זיהוי חזותי ועיבוד שפה טבעית (NLP). זהו כלי רב עוצמה להשלמת עבודות שגרתיות המבוססות על ידע נפוץ, כגון השמעת מוזיקה לפי דרישה באמצעות מכשיר התומך בקול. בינה מלאכותית רחבה: בינה מלאכותית רחבה מסתמכת בדרך כלל על מערכי נתונים בלעדיים הקשורים לעסק המדובר. זה נחשב בדרך כלל לקטגוריית הבינה המלאכותית השימושית ביותר עבור עסק. מנהיגים עסקיים ישלבו פתרון AI רחב עם תהליך עסקי ספציפי שבו נדרש ידע ספציפי לארגון. כיצד ניתן להשתמש בבינה מלאכותית בעסק? AI מספקת דרכים חדשות לבני אדם לעסוק במכונות, ומעבירה את הצוות מחוויות דיגיטליות טהורות לאינטראקציות טבעיות דמויות אדם. זה נקרא מעורבות קוגניטיבית. בינה מלאכותית מגדילה ומשפרת את האופן שבו בני אדם קולטים ומעבדים מידע, לעתים קרובות בזמן אמת. זה נקרא תובנות קוגניטיביות וניהול ידע. מעבר לאוטומציה של תהליכים, AI מאפשר החלטות עסקיות עתירות ידע, תוך חיקוי אינטליגנציה אנושית מורכבת. זה נקרא אוטומציה קוגניטיבית. מהן טכנולוגיות הבינה המלאכותית השונות בעסק? למידת מכונה, למידה עמוקה, רובוטיקה, ראייה ממוחשבת, מחשוב קוגניטיבי, בינה כללית מלאכותית, עיבוד שפה טבעית וחשיבת ידע הם חלק מהיישומים העסקיים הנפוצים ביותר של AI. מה ההבדל בין בינה מלאכותית ולמידת מכונה ולמידה עמוקה? בינה מלאכותית (AI) מיישמת ניתוח מתקדמות וטכניקות מבוססות לוגיקה, כולל למידת מכונה, כדי לפרש אירועים, לתמוך ולהפוך החלטות לאוטומטיות ולנקוט פעולות. למידת מכונה היא יישום של בינה מלאכותית (AI) המספק למערכות את היכולת ללמוד ולהשתפר מניסיון באופן אוטומטי מבלי להיות מתוכנתים במפורש. למידה עמוקה היא תת-קבוצה של למידת מכונה בבינה מלאכותית (AI) שיש לה רשתות המסוגלות ללמוד ללא פיקוח מנתונים שאינם מובנים או ללא תווית. מהן היכולות הנוכחיות והעתידיות של בינה מלאכותית? היכולות הנוכחיות של AI כוללות דוגמאות כמו עוזרים אישיים (Siri, Alexa, Google Home), מכוניות חכמות (Tesla), התאמה התנהגותית לשיפור האינטליגנציה הרגשית של נציגי תמיכת לקוחות, שימוש בלמידת מכונה ואלגוריתמים חזויים כדי לשפר את חווית הלקוח, עסקאות בינה מלאכותית כמו זו של אמזון, המלצות תוכן מותאמות אישית (Netflix), שליטה קולית ותרמוסטטים ללמידה. יכולות עתידיות של AI עשויות לכלול כנראה מכוניות אוטונומיות מלאות, חקלאות מדויקת, בקרי תעבורה אוויריים עתידיים, כיתות עתידיות עם אינפורמטיקה סביבתית, מערכות עירוניות, ערים חכמות וכן הלאה. כדי לדעת יותר על היקף הבינה המלאכותית בעסק שלך, אנא צור קשר עם המומחה שלנו.

Glossary of Terms

Application Programming Interface(API):

An API, or application programming interface, is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software programs to communicate and exchange information with each other. It acts as a kind of intermediary, enabling different programs to interact and work together, even if they are not built using the same programming languages or technologies. API's provide a way for different software programs to talk to each other and share data, helping to create a more interconnected and seamless user experience.

Artificial Intelligence(AI):

the intelligence displayed by machines in performing tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning, problem-solving, decision-making, and language understanding. AI is achieved by developing algorithms and systems that can process, analyze, and understand large amounts of data and make decisions based on that data.

Compute Unified Device Architecture(CUDA):

CUDA is a way that computers can work on really hard and big problems by breaking them down into smaller pieces and solving them all at the same time. It helps the computer work faster and better by using special parts inside it called GPUs. It's like when you have lots of friends help you do a puzzle - it goes much faster than if you try to do it all by yourself.

The term "CUDA" is a trademark of NVIDIA Corporation, which developed and popularized the technology.

Data Processing:

The process of preparing raw data for use in a machine learning model, including tasks such as cleaning, transforming, and normalizing the data.

Deep Learning(DL):

A subfield of machine learning that uses deep neural networks with many layers to learn complex patterns from data.

Feature Engineering:

The process of selecting and creating new features from the raw data that can be used to improve the performance of a machine learning model.


You might see the term "Freemium" used often on this site. It simply means that the specific tool that you're looking at has both free and paid options. Typically there is very minimal, but unlimited, usage of the tool at a free tier with more access and features introduced in paid tiers.

Generative Art:

Generative art is a form of art that is created using a computer program or algorithm to generate visual or audio output. It often involves the use of randomness or mathematical rules to create unique, unpredictable, and sometimes chaotic results.

Generative Pre-trained Transformer(GPT):

GPT stands for Generative Pretrained Transformer. It is a type of large language model developed by OpenAI.


GitHub is a platform for hosting and collaborating on software projects

Google Colab:

Google Colab is an online platform that allows users to share and run Python scripts in the cloud

Graphics Processing Unit(GPU):

A GPU, or graphics processing unit, is a special type of computer chip that is designed to handle the complex calculations needed to display images and video on a computer or other device. It's like the brain of your computer's graphics system, and it's really good at doing lots of math really fast. GPUs are used in many different types of devices, including computers, phones, and gaming consoles. They are especially useful for tasks that require a lot of processing power, like playing video games, rendering 3D graphics, or running machine learning algorithms.

Large Language Model(LLM):

A type of machine learning model that is trained on a very large amount of text data and is able to generate natural-sounding text.

Machine Learning(ML):

A method of teaching computers to learn from data, without being explicitly programmed.

Natural Language Processing(NLP):

A subfield of AI that focuses on teaching machines to understand, process, and generate human language

Neural Networks:

A type of machine learning algorithm modeled on the structure and function of the brain.

Neural Radiance Fields(NeRF):

Neural Radiance Fields are a type of deep learning model that can be used for a variety of tasks, including image generation, object detection, and segmentation. NeRFs are inspired by the idea of using a neural network to model the radiance of an image, which is a measure of the amount of light that is emitted or reflected by an object.


OpenAI is a research institute focused on developing and promoting artificial intelligence technologies that are safe, transparent, and beneficial to society


A common problem in machine learning, in which the model performs well on the training data but poorly on new, unseen data. It occurs when the model is too complex and has learned too many details from the training data, so it doesn't generalize well.


A prompt is a piece of text that is used to prime a large language model and guide its generation


Python is a popular, high-level programming language known for its simplicity, readability, and flexibility (many AI tools use it)

Reinforcement Learning:

A type of machine learning in which the model learns by trial and error, receiving rewards or punishments for its actions and adjusting its behavior accordingly.

Spatial Computing:

Spatial computing is the use of technology to add digital information and experiences to the physical world. This can include things like augmented reality, where digital information is added to what you see in the real world, or virtual reality, where you can fully immerse yourself in a digital environment. It has many different uses, such as in education, entertainment, and design, and can change how we interact with the world and with each other.

Stable Diffusion:

Stable Diffusion generates complex artistic images based on text prompts. It’s an open source image synthesis AI model available to everyone. Stable Diffusion can be installed locally using code found on GitHub or there are several online user interfaces that also leverage Stable Diffusion models.

Supervised Learning:

A type of machine learning in which the training data is labeled and the model is trained to make predictions based on the relationships between the input data and the corresponding labels.

Unsupervised Learning:

A type of machine learning in which the training data is not labeled, and the model is trained to find patterns and relationships in the data on its own.


A webhook is a way for one computer program to send a message or data to another program over the internet in real-time. It works by sending the message or data to a specific URL, which belongs to the other program. Webhooks are often used to automate processes and make it easier for different programs to communicate and work together. They are a useful tool for developers who want to build custom applications or create integrations between different software systems.

מילון מונחים

ממשק תכנות יישומים (API): API, או ממשק תכנות יישומים, הוא קבוצה של כללים ופרוטוקולים המאפשרים לתוכנות שונות לתקשר ולהחליף מידע ביניהן. הוא פועל כמעין מתווך, המאפשר לתוכניות שונות לקיים אינטראקציה ולעבוד יחד, גם אם הן אינן בנויות באמצעות אותן שפות תכנות או טכנולוגיות. ממשקי API מספקים דרך לתוכנות שונות לדבר ביניהן ולשתף נתונים, ועוזרות ליצור חווית משתמש מקושרת יותר וחלקה יותר. בינה מלאכותית (AI): האינטליגנציה שמוצגת על ידי מכונות בביצוע משימות הדורשות בדרך כלל אינטליגנציה אנושית, כגון למידה, פתרון בעיות, קבלת החלטות והבנת שפה. AI מושגת על ידי פיתוח אלגוריתמים ומערכות שיכולים לעבד, לנתח ולהבין כמויות גדולות של נתונים ולקבל החלטות על סמך הנתונים הללו. Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA): CUDA היא דרך שבה מחשבים יכולים לעבוד על בעיות קשות וגדולות באמת על ידי פירוקן לחתיכות קטנות יותר ופתרון כולן בו זמנית. זה עוזר למחשב לעבוד מהר יותר וטוב יותר על ידי שימוש בחלקים מיוחדים בתוכו הנקראים GPUs. זה כמו כשיש לך הרבה חברים שעוזרים לך לעשות פאזל - זה הולך הרבה יותר מהר מאשר אם אתה מנסה לעשות את זה לבד. המונח "CUDA" הוא סימן מסחרי של NVIDIA Corporation, אשר פיתחה והפכה את הטכנולוגיה לפופולרית. עיבוד נתונים: תהליך הכנת נתונים גולמיים לשימוש במודל למידת מכונה, כולל משימות כמו ניקוי, שינוי ונימול של הנתונים. למידה עמוקה (DL): תת-תחום של למידת מכונה המשתמש ברשתות עצביות עמוקות עם רבדים רבים כדי ללמוד דפוסים מורכבים מנתונים. הנדסת תכונות: תהליך הבחירה והיצירה של תכונות חדשות מהנתונים הגולמיים שניתן להשתמש בהם כדי לשפר את הביצועים של מודל למידת מכונה. Freemium: ייתכן שתראה את המונח "Freemium" בשימוש לעתים קרובות באתר זה. זה פשוט אומר שלכלי הספציפי שאתה מסתכל עליו יש אפשרויות חינמיות וגם בתשלום. בדרך כלל יש שימוש מינימלי מאוד, אך בלתי מוגבל, בכלי בשכבה חינמית עם יותר גישה ותכונות שהוצגו בשכבות בתשלום. אמנות גנרטיבית: אמנות גנרטיבית היא צורה של אמנות שנוצרת באמצעות תוכנת מחשב או אלגוריתם ליצירת פלט חזותי או אודיו. לרוב זה כרוך בשימוש באקראיות או בכללים מתמטיים כדי ליצור תוצאות ייחודיות, בלתי צפויות ולעיתים כאוטיות. Generative Pre-trained Transformer(GPT): GPT ראשי תיבות של Generative Pre-trained Transformer. זהו סוג של מודל שפה גדול שפותח על ידי OpenAI. GitHub: GitHub היא פלטפורמה לאירוח ושיתוף פעולה בפרויקטי תוכנה

Google Colab: Google Colab היא פלטפורמה מקוונת המאפשרת למשתמשים לשתף ולהריץ סקריפטים של Python בענן Graphics Processing Unit(GPU): GPU, או יחידת עיבוד גרפית, הוא סוג מיוחד של שבב מחשב שנועד להתמודד עם המורכבות חישובים הדרושים להצגת תמונות ווידאו במחשב או במכשיר אחר. זה כמו המוח של המערכת הגרפית של המחשב שלך, והוא ממש טוב לעשות הרבה מתמטיקה ממש מהר. GPUs משמשים סוגים רבים ושונים של מכשירים, כולל מחשבים, טלפונים וקונסולות משחקים. הם שימושיים במיוחד למשימות הדורשות כוח עיבוד רב, כמו משחקי וידאו, עיבוד גרפיקה תלת-ממדית או הפעלת אלגוריתמים של למידת מכונה. מודל שפה גדול (LLM): סוג של מודל למידת מכונה שאומן על כמות גדולה מאוד של נתוני טקסט ומסוגל ליצור טקסט בעל צליל טבעי. Machine Learning (ML): שיטה ללמד מחשבים ללמוד מנתונים, מבלי להיות מתוכנתים במפורש. עיבוד שפה טבעית (NLP): תת-תחום של AI המתמקד בהוראת מכונות להבין, לעבד וליצור שפה אנושית רשתות עצביות: סוג של אלגוריתם למידת מכונה המבוססת על המבנה והתפקוד של המוח. שדות קרינה עצביים (NeRF): שדות קרינה עצביים הם סוג של מודל למידה עמוקה שיכול לשמש למגוון משימות, כולל יצירת תמונה, זיהוי אובייקטים ופילוח. NeRFs שואבים השראה מהרעיון של שימוש ברשת עצבית למודל של זוהר תמונה, שהוא מדד לכמות האור שנפלט או מוחזר על ידי אובייקט. OpenAI: OpenAI הוא מכון מחקר המתמקד בפיתוח וקידום טכנולוגיות בינה מלאכותית שהן בטוחות, שקופות ומועילות לחברה. Overfitting: בעיה נפוצה בלמידת מכונה, שבה המודל מתפקד היטב בנתוני האימון אך גרועים בחדשים, בלתי נראים. נתונים. זה מתרחש כאשר המודל מורכב מדי ולמד יותר מדי פרטים מנתוני האימון, כך שהוא לא מכליל היטב. הנחיה: הנחיה היא פיסת טקסט המשמשת לתכנון מודל שפה גדול ולהנחות את הדור שלו Python: Python היא שפת תכנות פופולרית ברמה גבוהה הידועה בפשטות, בקריאות ובגמישות שלה (כלי AI רבים משתמשים בה) למידת חיזוק: סוג של למידת מכונה שבה המודל לומד על ידי ניסוי וטעייה, מקבל תגמולים או עונשים על מעשיו ומתאים את התנהגותו בהתאם. מחשוב מרחבי: מחשוב מרחבי הוא השימוש בטכנולוגיה כדי להוסיף מידע וחוויות דיגיטליות לעולם הפיזי. זה יכול לכלול דברים כמו מציאות רבודה, שבה מידע דיגיטלי מתווסף למה שאתה רואה בעולם האמיתי, או מציאות מדומה, שבה אתה יכול לשקוע במלואו בסביבה דיגיטלית. יש לו שימושים רבים ושונים, כמו בחינוך, בידור ועיצוב, והוא יכול לשנות את האופן שבו אנו מתקשרים עם העולם ואחד עם השני. דיפוזיה יציבה: דיפוזיה יציבה מייצרת תמונות אמנותיות מורכבות המבוססות על הנחיות טקסט. זהו מודל AI של סינתזת תמונות בקוד פתוח הזמין לכולם. ניתן להתקין את ה-Stable Diffusion באופן מקומי באמצעות קוד שנמצא ב-GitHub או שישנם מספר ממשקי משתמש מקוונים הממנפים גם מודלים של Stable Diffusion. למידה מפוקחת: סוג של למידת מכונה שבה נתוני האימון מסומנים והמודל מאומן לבצע תחזיות על סמך היחסים בין נתוני הקלט והתוויות המתאימות. למידה ללא פיקוח: סוג של למידת מכונה שבה נתוני האימון אינם מסומנים, והמודל מאומן למצוא דפוסים ויחסים בנתונים בעצמו. Webhook: Webhook הוא דרך של תוכנת מחשב אחת לשלוח הודעה או נתונים לתוכנית אחרת דרך האינטרנט בזמן אמת. זה עובד על ידי שליחת ההודעה או הנתונים לכתובת URL ספציפית, השייכת לתוכנית האחרת. Webhooks משמשים לעתים קרובות כדי להפוך תהליכים לאוטומטיים ולהקל על תוכניות שונות לתקשר ולעבוד יחד. הם כלי שימושי למפתחים שרוצים לבנות יישומים מותאמים אישית או ליצור אינטגרציות בין מערכות תוכנה שונות.






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