
姓  名:申正秀

最高學歷:University of Washington / Ph.D. – Seattle, WA

現  職:韓國學中央研究院副教授


Dissertation: “From Bewitching Beauty to Effete King: Transgendering of King Peony in Medieval Chinese and Korean Literature” (Advisor: David R.Knechtges)

Dec 2022  “존 뮤어의 靈性과 理性: 1869年 山行日記, ‘나의 첫여름’을 中心으로” [Co-existence of Religious Reverence and Scientific Observation: A Study of John Muir’s Mountaineering Diary, My First Summer in the Sierra], Munhak kwa hwankyŏng 文學과 環境 21.4: 77-106.

Oct 2022   “Kim Chŏnghŭi and His Epigraphic Studies: Two Silla Steles and Their Rubbings,” Journal of Korean Studies 27.2 (October 2022): 199-223. https://doi.org/10.1215/07311613-9859798

Feb 2021  “三生石 故事의 文學的 受容 樣相 硏究: 19世紀 韓中 文人 交流를 中心으로” [The Samsaeng Stone and its Allusion to Friendship: A Nineteenth-Century Sino-Korean Perspective] Hanmunak nonjip 漢文學論集 58: 209-234.

April 2020   “19世紀 文人 黃山 金逌根(1785-1840)의 硏山圖와 題畵詩 硏究” [A Study of Kim Yugeun’s Paintings and Poems of Inkstones], Jangsogak 藏書閣 43: 136-71.

Sept 2019    “趙冕鎬의 禮石 硏究: 사람과 돌의 交感에 대한 一考察” [A Study of Cho Myŏnho (1803-1887) and his “Tributes to Stones” with a Focus on Friendship between Man and Stones], Hanguk Hanmunhak 韓國漢文學, 75: 223-54. 

2024 forthcoming    “The Stone Inscription of King Xiao of Lu” and Kim Chŏnghŭi’s Refashioning.” In Carved, Cast, and Ground: Antiquarianism and Craft in East Asia, 1700s-1900s, eds., Michael J. Hatch, Michele Matteini, and Weitian Yan. Brill. 

December 2017 “The Tale of Lady Park” and “A Tale of Two Sisters.” In Pre-modern Korean Literary Prose: an Anthology ed. Michael J. Pettid and Gregory Evon, Columbia University Press, 66-123. Co-translation with Peter Lee. 

June 2017        Chungguk munhak sok sangin segye (中國 文學속 商人 世界), Seoul: Somyong Publisher. Pak Kyŏngnam ed., Co-translation with four scholars. 

Korean translation of Shao Yiping 邵毅平, Zhongguo wenxue zhong de shangren shijie (中國文學中的商人世界), Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2016.

2004    Nanse rŭl kkop’iun siindŭl 亂世를 꽃피운 詩人들. Seoul: Ihoe Publisher, 2004. 

Korean translation of The Six Dynasties Poetry by Kang-i Sun Chang. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986.

姓  名:金敏鎬


現  職:韓國翰林大學教授


《忠節的象征,伯夷叔齊 -敘事和形象演變的系譜學 충절의 아이콘 백이와 숙제 -서사와 이미지 변용의 계보학》,Seoul:成均館大學校出版社,2020。

《朝鮮士大夫的中國見聞錄 조선사대부의 중국견문록》,Seoul:Munhakdongne,2018。

《東京夢華錄 동경몽화록》,Seoul:Somyong,2010。(韓文翻譯)

‘One from the East, One from the West: The Uneasy Encounters between Hong Tae-yong and Augustin Hallerstein in Mid-Eighteenth Century Beijing’(Acta Koreana Vol.20 No.2/ 2017.2.)

《韓國古小說裏的中國 –以趙緯韓的崔陟傳爲中心》(《明清小說研究》 2012年 第3期 總第105期)




姓  名:楊沅錫


現  職:韓國高麗大學漢文學系副教授







本網站圖源:〔清〕焦秉貞繪《耕織圖》 / 哈佛大學哈佛燕京圖書館藏