
姓  名:郭劼


現  職:美國南卡羅來納大學副教授


“The Male Dan at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century: Wu Jiwen’s Fin-de-siècle Boylove Reader,Prism: Theory and Modern Chinese Literature 18.1 (March 2021): 70-88.

“Reportage, Ethnicity, and Feminine Subjectivities: Ai Wu’s Journey to the South and Its ‘Sequels’,” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture. 31.2 (Fall 2019): 1-40.

“Erotica in Erotica: Adaptation and Somatic Translation in Late Imperial Chinese Erotic Culture.” Erotic Literature in Translation and Adaptation. Johannes Kamiski, ed. Legenda, 2018. 110-124.

“The Image of the Traveling Mother in Eileen Chang’s The Fall of the Pagoda and The Book of Change.” New Modern Chinese Women and Gender Politics: The Centennial of the End of the Qing Dynasty. Ed. Ya-Chen Chen. London: Routledge, 2014. 135-154.

“Mulan Comes Home from the War: The Meaning of Homecoming in Late Imperial China.” Odyssean Identities in Modern Cultures: The Journey Home. Eds. Hunter Gardner and Sheila Murnaghan. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University Press, 2014: 19-43. 

姓  名:熊本恩 / 包弼德

最高學歷:熊本恩  哈佛大學碩士就讀 / 包弼德  普林斯頓大學東亞系博士

現  職:熊本恩  哈佛大學碩士生 / 包弼德  Charles Carswell Professor of East Asian Languages and Civilizations


 “’The Words of a Nation Worn Down by Cares:’ Classical Wisdom and Modern Crisis in Lin Shu’s Aesop’s Fables.”  Classical Receptions Journal (2023) [即將發表]  DOI: 10.1093/crj/clad018.

 “The Vexatious Valences of Idleness: Vaco and Vacuus in Ovid’s Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto.”  Classical Association of Canada, Annual Meeting, May 2023.

 “‘Put Yourself in that Place and Give a Thought to What It Would Feel Like:’ Empathy, Enslavement, and Moral Logic in Seneca Epistle 47 and Yan Maoyou’s Dijilu迪吉錄.”  Methods and Practice in Classics Workshop, Harvard University, April 11, 2023.

 “文王德薄不及鬚眉乎? 清儒的《二南》詮釋與考證學的性別政治.” 子衿論壇:中文青年學者論壇,國立中正大學東亞漢籍與儒學研究中心,中文系合辦,March 11, 2023.

 “‘Treat Them Like Your Own Daughters:’ Eighteenth-Century Sexual Assault Prevention Training in Harvard-Yenching Library T 1681 4420.” Harvard Library Bulletin (2022)

 “‘Your Mother Was Somebody’s Daughter:’ Moral Debate About Infanticide in Graeco-Roman Antiquity and Late-Imperial China.”  Society for Classical Studies Annual Meeting, New Orleans, January 8, 2023.

 “What Do Lizards Have to Do with Victorian Morals?  Homoerotic Tension, Virgilian Autobiography, and the Pedagogue’s Conundrum in Editions of Eclogue Two, 1800-1950.”  Classical Association of Canada, Annual Meeting, May 13, 2022

姓  名:鄺師華


現  職:密西根大學助理教授



Towers in the Void: Li Yu 李漁 and Early Modern Chinese Media (New York: Columbia University, 2023).

 “False Bound Feet and Forged Paintings: Propping Up Gender in Early Modern Chinese Theatre,” in Sean Metzger and Roberta Mock, eds., The Methuen Handbook to Gender and Theatre, (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2023).

 “A Much-Desired Match [意中緣]: Playwriting, Stagecraft, and Entrepreneurship,” in Patricia Sieber and Regina Llamas, eds., How to Read Chinese Drama (New York: Columbia University Press, 2022), 257-284.

 “Science Fictions: Early Modern Technological Change and Literary Response.” Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies 17.2 (2017): 112-146.

 “Seeing through Pictures and Poetry:A History of Lenses[鏡史].” With Kristina Kleutghen.Late Imperial China 38.1 (2017): 47-112. 

 “Transgender Performance in Early Modern China.”differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 24.2 (August 2013): 130-149.

 “Zaoqi jindai Zhongguo de kuaxingbie biaoyan早期近代中國的跨性別表演” in Zhongguo xing/bie: Lishi chayi中國性/別:歷史差異. Shanghai: Sanlian, 2015

本網站圖源:〔清〕焦秉貞繪《耕織圖》 / 哈佛大學哈佛燕京圖書館藏