
姓  名:阮福安


現  職:越南胡志明市國家大學下屬人文與社會科學大學文學系講師









姓  名:阮蘇蘭


現  職:越南社會科學翰林院漢喃研究院研究員


2022. In English, a book chapter “‘Body Borrowed, Soul Returned’: An Adaptation of a Chinese Buddhist Miraculous Tale into a Vietnamese Classic Theatrical Script,” in Li Guo, Patricia Sieber, Peter Kornicki eds, Ecologies of Translation in East and South East Asia, 1600-1900, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 145-174.

2021. In Vietnamese, co-author with Rostislav Berezkin, Phật Bà bể Nam: Truyện Quán Âm Diệu Thiện tại Việt Nam [Avalokiteśvara of the Vietnamese Sea: Miaoshan-Guanyin Legend in Vietnam], Hanoi: University of Education Publishing House.

2021. In English, co-author with Rostislav Berezkin. “The Hanoi Reprint of the Precious Scroll of Incense Mountain (1772) and the Printing of Buddhist Works in Northern Vietnam at the End of the Eighteenth Century,” East Asia Publishing and Society (Brill), pp. 1-33.

2021. In Chinese. “民間傳說與木刻版畫:觀音女性化形象在越南 [Folk Legend and Woodblock Prints: Feminized Guanyin Imgage in Vietnam]”, 中正漢學研究專題:《性別,知識,圖像,東南亞漢學新路向》, no.7, June, pp. 45-72.

2020. In Chinese. “十八世紀性泉法師與漢文藏律在越南的傳入,與傳承脈絡 [The transmission and influence pathway of Chinese Buddhism Vinaya Pitaka]”. 台灣東亞文明研究期刊 [Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies], vol.1, June, pp. 107-150.

2019. In English. “Entertainment as Ritual: The Transformation of Hat boi Opera in Southern Vietnam after the Reform”. Asian Education and Development Studies. Article DOI: AEDS-01-2018-0012; Article ID: AEDS633229.

2014. In Vietnamese. Khảo cứu tuồng ‘Quần phương tập khánh’ [A Monograph on Original Royal Chapters Tuong Scripts of the Nguyen Dynasty/ Research on Theater Nom Scripts of the Nguyen Dynasty]. Hanoi: The Gioi Publishing House.

姓  名:胡明光


現  職:胡志明市國家大學下屬人文社會大學東方語文系講師兼創業與就職輔導中心副主任







姓  名:潘青皇


現  職:越南河內國家大學下屬陳仁宗院研究員



“Analysis Methods of Vietnamese Sentence and Culture in Vietnamese Sentences”, World Journal of English Language (ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online), Vol 13, No 5 (2023), p501-513. (scopus, Q2)

Phan Thanh Hoàng (tác giả chính), Nguyễn Xuân Bảo, “Dấu tích Phật hoàng Trần Nhân Tông tại chùa Minh Khánh”, Tạp chí Khoa học xã hội (Tp. Hồ Chí Minh) - Số 3(295)2023, tr.59-73.

 “A Study On Decorative Art Of  Jinshibei In The Le Dynasty--A comparison between Vietnam and China”,  Zhishan Vol 22 (ISSN1992-0776), 2017, pp 115-136.


本網站圖源:〔清〕焦秉貞繪《耕織圖》 / 哈佛大學哈佛燕京圖書館藏