2 Powerful Network Marketing Tools For Success - Self Development & Prospecting (2023)

Joining a Network Marketing Biz & Making Money with it are two completely different things, which new distributors don't really understand.

Network Marketing Tools For Prospecting

Network Marketing Tools For Prospecting

This may sound like a complete turn-off to people who hate a Multi-Level Marketing concept but it works for a person who does it consistently.

In this post, we will see some of the helpful Network Marketing Tools that can accelerate your success. 

People hate MLMs because they either get cheated by an illegal company or they failed losing money in the business.

Nobody will hate any company that consistently pumps in Money in their bank account every single month and for years to come. 

The concept of Network Marketing is not illegal if it involves honest and lawful business practices.

If it’s completely illegal how the top MLM companies lasted for more than 50 years, in the market and some of them are doing exceedingly well. I personally am not a hardcore fan of Network Marketing but I still consider it to be one of the best ways to create passive income.

2 Network Marketing Tools For Success - Must Use:

Network Marketing Tools are extremely important for you if you really want to make things easy and simple, to get results. Ever imagined why people jump into a Multi-Level Marketing company after getting so excited and suddenly quit after 2-3 months?

There is something completely wrong in the process and maybe you do not understand why so many people fail in this industry. The moment you joined an MLM company and till the moment you hit your goals, there are things you need to do consistently.

Let me tell you again that this is not an easy game and you got to think hard before you join a company. Success in Network Marketing is achievable and is not an impossible task at all. Those people who made it big in MLM are human beings like you and me.

It is harder to live paycheck to paycheck our whole life than to become successful in the Network Marketing industry. There is a difference in actions taken by successful people in MLM and people who fail.

Let’s make these very short and simple, as this is your first step towards Network Marketing success. If you do these simple tips your chances to succeed will be almost 100X than not doing it. 

It may not be perfect but it surely will help in your journey to success. The TWO MOST IMPORTANT tools can be classified as Self Development & Prospecting Tools.

#1. Network Marketing Tools For Self Development:

Network Marketing Tools For Self Development

This probably is the single most important 1st step towards your success in life, whatever field you are in. Whatever life you are living today is mainly because of the choices you made every single day in the past and based on what you really are. 

And hey some people go through many misfortunes and tragedies in life, which are out of control. That’s not the case here and we are talking about those things that you can change to make your life better for good. 

So let’s see some important Self-development tools for Network Marketing Success. 

Reading Books:

Your journey to success begins with the first step to transforming yourself into a new being and reading does an amazing miracle from within. Your Network Marketing success is going to be a long journey and you need to be equipped with powerful tools.

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Develop a habit of reading self-development books every day for at least 30-45 minutes, before going to sleep. The more and more you read you will start recognizing yourself and your brain will be focused on your goal.

Every successful person in the world has a reading habit and this will help you to shape your mental attitude ready for success. Your inner self will be completely changed day by day and people can see that you are becoming sharp and active. Try reading at least 1 new book a month and you will be good to go.

Some of the best books for personal development are:

Work on Your Self Image:

It is often said that the first impression will be the last impression, in most cases in life. So you have decided to become successful with a Network Marketing Business? Do you want to become a successful entrepreneur? Then work on your self-image and improve how to look externally.

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The process of Transformation should be both internal and external. You will be going out representing a big business as a business owner, so do your best and try to look sharp. Cut your hair, shave your facial hair, clean your mouth and wear a nice dress.

Imagine a business owner approaching people, saying HI and suddenly his/her mouth smells like cow dung, what will happen? Next time you won’t see that prospect ever again and you will destroy your business no matter how good the products are.

Some of these Network Marketing Tools and Tips are serious and you need to treat them very seriously if you want to be successful. Wash your clothes, press your suit, smell nice shine your shoes and be ready for big things to come.

Listen to Audio Tapes:

Our world is full of distractions, negative news, and unwanted things which are poisonous for your journey to success. Your brain needs to stay focussed all the time and you need to tune in to the right frequency 24/7.

Listen to audiotapes related to your business, such as the success testimonial of other entrepreneurs. This process also needs to be consistent and listen to at least one audio every single day. Reading and listening alone will eliminate all the negativity inside and from outside.

Presentation for Network Marketing

Attend Webinars:

These days, most Network Marketing companies host webinars every week, especially in the time of this pandemic. You need to get updated every single day about the business you are in and be ready to answer any questions from new members.

If you want to be successful with Multi-Level Marketing you need to treat it like your own business and be serious about it. This is going to be a long journey and you need to be using every tool available to equip yourself for success.

Attend Product Training:

The product training is provided for free in most of the Multi-Level Marketing businesses, every week or maybe once a month. You need to be trained about the products or services you are dealing with.

Make sure you use the products first before you sell to other people and also read about all the benefits they can give. When you speak based on your real experiences in life, people will believe you, and also high-quality products are easy to sell. There may be 100s of products with the company you are involved but you need to know every product in detail.

Attend Business Training:

Most Network Marketing Business training is conducted by leaders in your company and you need to attend it regularly. This is one of the most important Network Marketing success Tools that can guide you to the next level of leadership.

Consider this as a MUST to do and never miss any business seminar, meeting, or training that is conducted by the company. Make sure you always invite your group members to such events every time. These events will motivate and build you which gives an opportunity to learn about experiences many people are facing with regards to the business.

Associate with Successful People:

This is primarily the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT Network Marketing Success Tools or Tips, whatever we call it. You will eventually become like the person with whom you hang out all the time. This is really serious and you need to associate with successful people.

Look for people, maybe your up line, group leaders, and people who made it big with the business, and ask them for their guidance. Most legit MLM business has a very genuine business practice which focuses mostly on helping others to succeed before they become successful.

Success Strategies for Network Marketing

So when you show your seriousness about the business and good leader will always be open to help you out in anything you need. This is a beautiful concept of a win/win situation that leads to long-term success in the business.

#2. Network Marketing Tools For Prospecting:

Tools For MLM Prospecting

Once you start meeting new people and talking about your business, there are some important Network Marketing tools you need. Prospecting may sound like one of the most difficult things to do in an MLM business but it’s really simple.

You just need to follow a systematic approach and stick with the plans consistently. This is not some kind of rocket science and the people you will be meeting are just humans like you and me with needs. So let’s see some important MLM tools you need to have for success:

Your own Business Card:

It’s normal to talk to people in this business and you will be meeting new people everywhere you go, shopping malls, grocery shops, pharmacies, etc. When you talk to people you will introduce yourself and will exchange numbers while you get to know the other person.

So, it’s always professional to have a business card for you and that should look attractive with your name and details on it. Always be honest and tell the other person that you are expanding your business in the area and if it’s okay to call them.

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Use company DVD’s, Booklets, and Banners:

Most of the established Network Marketing companies provide tools like audios, DVDs, and product banners for distributors to make marketing easy. These Network Marketing Tools are very effective and you need to be using these tools for prospecting.

DVDs and audio material are very powerful tools and sometimes it does more than you talking for 1 hour to your prospects. Again remember not to overinvest in these things, but you need to be thinking like a businessman and do what is required.

Use a Network Marketing Calling Script:

With regards to using a script while you call your prospects every company has got some kind of training by leaders. Make sure you use those scripts based on the situations and the interest of each prospect.

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What you say can completely turn off a prospect and so you need to be trained well on what you might say in certain situations. Don’t be so pushy and suffocate people with an unnecessary sales pitch that people don’t want to hear. Create a need and a common ground to speak to a prospect.

Use MLM Lead Generation Tools:

You need to use the power of the internet to build your Network Marketing business and this can probably be the best option to multiply your results. You can create a Funnel to collect leads and catch information like email addresses and phone numbers. Some of the best tools are:

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Use Chatbots:

A Chatbot is an automatic sales robot that converts your website visitors into leads. This is one of the highest recommended tools for you to have if you have a website, blogs, or any online presence. This is super effective and super powerful.

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Use a High-Quality MLM Lead Company:

This is probably the most powerful and effective Network Marketing Tools to get downlines in your group pretty FAST. When you are doing an MLM business you are either dealing with a cold audience or with a hot audience.

This is a hot audience and every person you will speak to is looking for a business opportunity. If you are good with calling prospects this will convert like Crazy.

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Final Words on the Best Network Marketing Tools:

Success with Network Marketing is very much achievable for those who do things in the right way. And it will be extremely good for you to do everything right from the beginning and it shall be just a matter of few years before you start seeing the results. With the Network Marketing Tools and Tips, we mentioned here, your chances for success in MLM with being much higher. So if you have made your decision, start today and don’t ever think about quitting. I believe you can do it.