15 Objection Handling Tips in Network Marketing | MLM Tips For Introverts (2023)

Handling objections in a Network Marketing Business can be quite frustrating for most of the new beginners & introverts in the MLM business.

Objection handling in Network Marketing

Objection Handling in Network Marketing

The reason for most of the objections in MLM comes from a negative mentality towards the biz, from previous unpleasant experiences.

However, this is what every Network Marketer has to go through if he/she wants to make good money and make it to the top. 

These objections are extremely common and you will face this every single day with the same common questions.

Hence, when you join a direct selling company, always look for a company with a system that guides distributors with training. 

The hard truth about a Multi-Level Marketing opportunity is that almost everybody will reject you when you approach.

So, the question is how you prepare for this daily battle in handling rejections with your Network Marketing business. As we mentioned in our previous post on how to handle rejections in an MLM biz, these should never be taken as personal. If you are shy to talk to people or an introvert, remember Network Marketing involves a lot of activities every single day. It involves talking to different personalities which will make you face criticism, rejection & failure. These objection-handling tips will help you if you are a beginner; 

15 Tips for Objection Handling in Network Marketing:

In this post, we will see some of the most common objections you will be facing every day and what you need to respond to at the right moment. If handled properly, many of those prospects might become some of the highest diamond earners in your group.

1.“Is this a Pyramid Scheme? Blah...Blah...Blah:

One of the best initial steps to handling Rejections in Network Marketing is to answer a question with another question. If somebody asks “Is it a Pyramid scheme? Or whatever, any B.S, ask them what they know about a Pyramid Scheme?

Most of the people don’t have accurate Knowledge about what a pyramid scheme is and only they know is a scam. In fact, the word pyramid comes from the structure pointed at the top and wider at the bottom.

A scheme is something like a mind game to manipulate people to get money out of their pockets, with no legitimate practice. When the combined word ‘pyramid scheme’ is mentioned, it relates to an illegal scheme without legitimate practice, not approved by the law.

Network Marketing was officially approved by the FTC in the US, as a legally approved business model if it involves honest business practices. Such practices involve legit products or services, in exchange for the money and honest biz practices, without manipulating people.

Multi-Level Marketing is completely legal in almost all the countries in the world, except mainland China and few other places. That’s why you need to join a legitimate company and make sure you do proper homework since there are too many scam companies out there.

2. “I Really Don’t Have Time for This”:

This is another common objection in a Network Marketing Business when you talk to prospects, who do a 9-5 job. These excuses mostly come from those people who only see your MLM business opportunity as an unimportant optional part-time biz.

Put yourself into the shoes of such prospects and think for a moment, the reason why people say such things. It’s not only about a direct selling business, if someone says I don’t have time for this; it is not an important priority for them.

First, you got to acknowledge that he/she is giving time for important daily work to make a living for himself. Secondly, show what amazing things it can do to their lives with an example of a successful entrepreneur.

It is in fact a part-time business and you don’t need a lot of time in a week to invest in starting the business. Most importantly, if someone says come tomorrow sharp at 5.00 AM in the morning and you will get $100,000 every month as a reward.

A person who says I don’t have time, always have time for doing something really important to them. Everybody has 24 hours and you don’t consume 24 hrs every day just for work or biz, right?

3. Oh, I really hate selling:

When you approach people as a Network Marketer with your MLM business opportunity, most people think about selling all the time. When you think about a person who owns a business and a person who goes door to door selling, it’s completely different.

Of, course every business in the world involves selling some kind of products or services in exchange for the money taken. However, in the Network Marketing business, you show an opportunity to others for becoming business owners.

Most MLM companies deal with high-quality daily consumer products or health products that are used by every household. Anyway, people buy daily items or services from some kind of store every single day.

It’s about changing that shop which they buy and consuming as a business owner and at the same time make money with it. This business is about getting you the great benefits of the products and recommending them to others through word of mouth.

4. These products are really expensive:

Most MLM companies manufacture products that are higher quality and more concentrated, comparing to average products sold in the market. Handling this particular objection in Network Marketing is easy, as you can always provide a live demo of the products.

I remember using some Network Marketing products from 2 companies called Herbalife and Amway. One was these Aloe Vera tablets from Herbalife, after consuming those products for few days, my fiancée found them very refreshing and healthy, better than any other products in the same category.

Another was this Amway Sunscreen cream costing me around $10 whereas normal products cost around half of this price. However, after using it, I found it can be used for many months and three to four time’s more than normal ones. And the quality was quite good and not only these products; I have tried many other products.

You can always mention to your MLM prospects that, the values you get from using the products are 5-10 times more than normal cheap products. You get what you pay for and most legit company products come with even a money-back guarantee.

5. Tried many MLM - didn’t work buddy:

There is a huge difference between giving it a try and going out to Do it, no matter what it takes to succeed. Network marketing business is a serious game and not a trial game for people looking to make quick bucks.

Many Network Marketers give a try to one business for a month or so and move to another business for few months again. When their trial activities don’t yield the results in their MLM venture, they end up like a loser.

Another big reason for this objection or excuse is that they joined the wrong companies and associate with the wrong people. It is a fact that, if you take a side with the wrong and unlawful people, disaster is waiting for you.

Come on guys, it’s the day and age of technology and the internet, where you get so much knowledge from a click of a mouse. Before you join a Network Marketing company one should always do some research and spend some time digging.

You can handle such objections by simply saying the legitimacy of your MLM Company and how long it had survived in the business. Show the number of lives it has changed for years in many countries and if they can do it, you too can do it.

6. I don’t have money right now:

The money excuse is another big reason for objections in Network Marketing and this can happen because of 2 reasons. First, the prospect is not really interested in the business opportunity and wants to make it as an excuse.

Secondly, the same prospect might be having serious financial issues and doesn’t take the MLM biz with any importance right now. So, in both cases how will you handle these Network Marketing objections?

As a serious Network Marketer, your responsibility is to make sure that the prospects must see what the opportunity can do to change their lives. People don’t have enough time because they are chasing after money. And people don’t have money because they spend time on activities that don’t make money.

The beauty of an MLM business is that it helps you in creating a passive income that will make you wealthy. When you become wealthy, you have both time and money, not just riches but you will become financially free.

Be honest, and mention how you started the business in the beginning if that relates to them or mention some successful people. Everybody had problems financially when they started and when they gradually grow in the biz, they no longer worry about it.

7. Oh, I hate talking to friends & Families about it:

It is one of the easiest objections to handle in a Network Marketing business, where people fear criticism from others. There are more than 7.5 billion human beings on the planet and it is not really necessary to bug a few uninterested friends and families for it.

Always encourage your prospects that you have a great system where you get trained free of cost to get unlimited people to talk to. Gone are the days and ages where every Network Marketers ring their friends and families to give MLM pitches.

Nowadays it doesn’t work that way and you have the advantage of creating highly targeted Network Marketing Leads online. The beauty of these tactics is that if you train yourself you can get daily MLM prospects free of cost.

8. “Anyway, how much money are YOU making?”

When a prospect gives an objection about your Network Marketing asking you about your Income, there may be few reasons. It may be a trap to prove that your business doesn’t work for you, especially when you are a beginner.

Or it may be due to genuine curiosity that he wants to know the rewards he might be getting if he signs up. So either way, you should never give out your exact income even if you are a high-income earner.

What you can do in such a situation is to answer by asking him/her another question. Oh, I completely understand, what you wanted to know is how much you can earn every month. Well, explain all the monthly Incomes according to the ranks they achieve and all the perks of the biz.

Also, you can say something like, I know the best person who can answer what you want to know. And then make a 3-way phone call or a call conference with your up line who is an expert in the MLM biz.

9. Need to consult my spouse on this:

You must understand that every prospect who gives this kind of objection showing dependency on another family member, will never come back. So, as a smart Network Marketer first, acknowledge and respect any decision they make.

What you can say is, if it’s okay for your prospect; make another appointment where you can meet both of them for a follow-up. Never say, you will wait for their response after taking the decision of their spouse.

Another way to handle these types of objections in Network Marketing is to invite both the couple in an event. This is how you can make them see what the opportunity can do for them and they will decide without waiting for one another.

10. Some of my friends lose a lot of money:

Such objections always referred to someone else failure with some unknown MLM sources, which created negativity. There are 1000s of companies operating in the name of direct selling and 10,000s of people also fail in the process.

Remember that not only about Network Marketing or MLM, the success-principle also is the same and a person who does it will make it. You have no control over what any of your friends do with their lives, but you can always make the right choice.

In fact, doing an MLM business doesn’t require you to invest a lot of money and is always a minimal investment. He/she lost a lot of money because they either get involved with a ripped-off scam or invested with no knowledge, expecting too much in return.

11. Too many MLM company Reps approached me, I am confused:

In today’s world of competition, many Network Marketers from several companies are putting an effort to get more people. So, it’s obvious that your prospects must have heard about a Multi-Level Marketing biz opportunity from someone or somewhere.

This objection in Network Marketing doesn’t mean a no but the prospects are too nervous about making a decision. In such cases first, you need to explain the legitimacy of your company and the minimal risk involved in the business.

Secondly, talk about the great success system of your company that can guide them each step towards their success. Let them get assured that they will never be alone in the MLM biz and there will be a team to help them out.

12. I want to think about it and get back to you:

Well, even these types of prospects hardly return even your calls once they leave the place of meeting. This is what we call Lukewarm MLM prospect, neither cold nor hot and they mostly end up with a no-show next time.

Firstly you can’t force them to make a decision today, and that would be too pushy. Secondly, if you let them go just like that, they might not come back again because the world is full of negativity and someone can poison their brain with a bad reputation of the MLM industry.

In such scenarios what you can do is show the seriousness of the business and taking a decision today might change their lives. If you have marketing materials such as DVDs, tapes or brochures give some to them.

Make an MLM appointment with an exact date and time, to call back for another meeting. Also, ask them if you can add them to your social media profile where you keep updates every single day. Even if they are not interested now in your MLM biz today, they will keep seeing your updates and might join after few months.

13. I really don’t know many people:

This objection in Network Marketing is another easy-to-handle matter and can be resolved with proper training. Always, acknowledge and mention that you also had the same thinking before but you have become a prospecting expect because of the system.

Even if a person doesn’t have many friends and family, he will never lack prospects to speak to every day. Is there anyone who doesn’t like to make extra money above what they are earning? I think there are many people who want to make money and it’s the way how you approach makes the difference.

14. People who join early makes money:

This objection in your Network Marketing biz again comes from the misconception of business saturation, where you come to the point of no more prospects. Anyway, the people who join your MLM business in the 1980s, already joined, so what?

The moment you are reading this post, already more than 100,000 children are born in this world. Do you even know how many people graduated from college every year? Saturation will happen only when the birth of new human beings stop, period.

It is not the people who join early in an MLM business, but people who take real action that makes real money. Always clarify your prospects that this is all negativity that comes from sources with no correct information.

15. I don’t like rejections:

Prospects of this kind are a category of people who are expecting life with a bed of roses and a life without struggles. This is not an objection, but a clear sign that person is never going to succeed in life no matter where he goes.

The only thing you can do to handle such prospects is to show the real-life testimonies of other people who go through such struggles. If they still say, I can’t go for a business where people will reject me then ask for references. Ask if someone they know might be interested in your Network Marketing business opportunity.

Final words about Objection Handling in Network Marketing:

For you as a serious Network Marketer, no matter how many objections in Network Marketing you face, always be ready for the next prospect. All these experiences are making you much stronger in your character and experiences, not a reason to act like a loser. Always remember that the more you become an expert in handling these Network Marketing objections the more money you will make passively.