How to Handle Rejections in Network Marketing? 10 MLM Pro Tips (2023)

Learning how to handle rejections in life or your business can make you stronger and unbeatable, building your confidence for success.

How to Handle Rejections?

How to Handle Rejections in Network Marketing?

Rejection in a Network Marketing business is quite difficult to handle especially for newly joined Network Marketers

This is also the main reason why 98% of the direct selling or MLM distributors quit their business making it an excuse. 

These Tips can help you in every area of life and not just in an MLM business.

After having a weird rejection after rejection experiences a weak distributor who has no strong determination comes to the point of quitting.

If you have decided to go for the long-term rewards, you must be equipped with knowledge on what you are going to face.

Let’s say you are going to drive a 2000 miles journey in your car, don’t you think you educate yourself about your journey.

It’s not only about a Network marketing Biz but in every achievement in life; you will sit down and count the cost. What makes a person quit in Network Marketing are not the rejections, but lack of determination and willpower. Anyway, who’s going to stop you when you grind your teeth, widen your eyes and say, ‘I am going for it?

So, the next time you quit since things don’t work your way, don’t blame anyone or anything for your failure. Most people 99% quit because they are quitters and that is why we got only 1% wealthy people who control the wealth of the world.

10 Tips on How to Handle Rejections in Network Marketing Business Like a Pro:

Remember that you can’t control the actions of other people, but you always decide what you choose to do. So, your success in your business depends on your actions and not on those 1000s of rejections. Here are 10 tips that may be able to help you in handling rejections in a Network Marketing or MLM business.

1. Nothing in Your MLM Business is Personal:

No matter how many people rejected you in your MLM business, remember that nothing is personal. People rejected your opportunity, and that’s not you, so why do you worry about thinking too much unnecessarily.

Rejections are normal in every kind of business and you need to go through more numbers to get those sales you wanted. In a Network Marketing business since you deal with people face to face, you are supposed to handle your emotions wisely.

2. Today may not be the right time for ‘Mr. Average Joe’:

Remember people who are not much interested in your business opportunity will always build up a list of excuses at the moment. That doesn’t really mean they will remain the same after 1 month or maybe another 3 months.

The key to handling such prospects in your Network Marketing is to keep in touch with them through social media or an online platform. The world is changing and you never know what will happen next. The Average Joe who rejected you might join your group after 3 months when a recession hits, resulting in the loss of jobs.

3. Remember the Law of Average:

Not only Network Marketers, but in the world of Businesses do you think everybody you approach will buy what you have to offer. Remember, there is something called the law of averages and it’s about numbers.

When you approach 100 interested customers in a particular product, maybe 2-5 people will buy what you have to offer. So, another 95-98 people have to reject you if you want to get those 2-5 high-value customers.

4. MLM rejections will make you unbeatable:

When you become a serious Network Marketer who takes action every single day, rejections will be a part of the game. So, the more you go through it, the more you will become immune to it and you will be enjoying the process.

This is what makes seasoned MLM distributors different from those people who quit the business. It’s like a boxer in a movie, who got knockdown 10 times but still gets up to finish his opponent. If you are a Network Marketer, like this boxer, no matter how many rejected; you will always go for the NEXT.

5. Guess what “Who needs who?”

Your success in a Multi-Level Marketing business doesn’t depend on someone accepting or rejecting your biz opportunity. If 10 people rejected what you have to offer, there are more than 7 billion people on the planet earth.

If you are a Network Marketer in a highly reputable MLM company, you will never have a shortage of prospects. In fact, your prospects need your business opportunity however you don’t need them or are not required to run after them.

6. Every super successful people are like you:

Study the life history of every super successful people in the world and you will find a common quality in all of them. Just like a Network Marketer, they all were rejected and gone through many failures before they make it.

Imagine a person lifting weight in the gym, in order to get a perfectly shaped muscular body, what is required for him to do? Thomas Edison went through 1000s of failures before he finally invented the electric bulb.

7. Get Motivated with Top Leaders:

If you truly want to handle rejections in Network Marketing Biz, always associate with the successful & top leaders. These are the people who had gone through several failures, who really had learned the art of handling rejections.

In fact, your association in the business will ultimately determine where you will be going in the biz. So, choose it carefully and you will also become a master in every area of MLM prospecting, no matter what type of people you meet.

8. You need people to do your laundry:

Come on guys; let’s be honest, if everybody whom you show the opportunity comes to the biz then, who will do your laundry work? We need other people to do our house painting, babysitting or polish those shoes.

Network Marketing is not a business for everybody and there have to be rejections from other people wherever you go. There is a good reason why only 1-2% of the people are successful in life and the rest of the people live just an average life. 

9. You will become a great salesman & a leader:

Have you seen those salesmen who knock on 100 doors to get 1 sale for the products he is selling? Many people find it annoying buy hey that guy is struggling to earn his living. It’s only those people with a strong reason to do what they do, are able to go through such rejections.

So, don’t you think if you have a strong reason to do that Network Marketing biz, you will also be able to go through many rejections? Yes, of course, and the best part is with the process you will become a great salesman who knows A-Z about what he does. You will also become a great example to other MLM distributors in your own group.

10. It makes your reward like sweet honey:

Have you seen those athletes, who won a gold medal in the Finals, suddenly burst out in tears when they hold their rewards? When you become successful after a hard work of 5-6 years in your Network Marketing, you will feel the same.

Those rejections you went through, the failures, pains, and all the criticism from your family, will make you a much deserving person. So, the moral of the story is, whatever you get going through much pain and long hard work, the reward is like sweet honey when you finally get it.

Final Thoughts about Handling Rejections in Network Marketing:

So, learn to be happy when someone rejected you because you are moving ahead and a step closer to success. Not only in Network Marketing but in life, we go through many things which are disappointing and hard to handle. It is always up to the person who is facing the situation and his character. Rejection and failures are a must in the game for a life of success. So, as a serious Network Marketer, you should become a master in handling these rejections and duplicate them to your team.