8 Network Marketing Daily Routine To Become Successful (2023)

Those Network Marketers who are truly serious about creating a long-term passive income always are disciplined and consistent. These 8 Network Marketing Daily Action Plan will help you achieve success & become financially free.

Network Marketing Daily Routine

Network Marketing Daily Routine

When you join a direct selling business, after seeing the opportunities you always had many expectations.

The money, cars, exotic trips, and freedom you could have were all seen in a business presentation most of the time. 

But the real question is that how many of those Network Marketers who join an MLM make it and how many failed?

Dreaming about something and desiring it is completely different from taking real actions to achieve it. 

There is a reason why few of them succeed and there is also a reason why many people failed in the same industry.

A person who goes to the gym every single day works out 2-3 hours consistently with discipline in his diet is different from people who work out twice a week. So what are you doing every single day and are you disciplined enough is the most important thing.

8 Network Marketing Daily Routine For Success:

As a beginner in Network Marketing, you need to differentiate those habits which give you results and those which don’t. Imagine doing something every single day for the next 1 year, your results will compound over time.

A successful Network Marketer is different from other normal distributors when it comes to taking action that gives results. So here are another 8 activities that you need to be doing daily if you want to make serious money with your Multi-Level Marketing Business:

Routine #1. Read 30 Minutes Daily:

Reading self-development and leadership management books is one of the first priorities of successful Network Marketers. What you put daily into your brain will eventually shape your character and mental attitude.

You know, the world we live in today is full of violence, hatred, corruption, and negative news every single day. So, how do you block such negative influences every single day and keep focused on your goals in life?

This is not only about a Network Marketing business but applies to every great achievement in life. Reading positive mental attitude and self-development books will keep your mind more focussed and motivated every single day.

So make the reading habit every single day before you go to bed or in the early morning for at least 30-45 minutes. Communicate with your MLM upline and get some suggestions on what to read, based on your business. Read at least 1-2 books every month or you can also read more if you have enough time.

Routine #2. Positive Affirmations & Meditations:

What you put inside your brain every day and what you speak from your mouth will eventually become what you believe in. Your subconscious mind will automatically start activating based on what you believe and that produces the results in your life.

Learn to speak those things that you want and desire in life, not those which are negative. There is something called the power of the spoken words which means what you believe and speak will be attracted towards you. Every successful Network Marketer chooses to speak positively and only those that they desire.

So choose your words carefully and also learn to meditate every day in order to keep your mind calm and peaceful. All these things will keep you to rest peacefully while you sleep and make you more energetic when you wake up the next day.

Routine #3. Show your Business Opportunity to 3-5 People daily:

As a serious Network Marketer, this is one of the most important daily activities which you can’t miss even a single day. Network Marketing is the business of the people with the people and you need to show it to at least 3-5 prospects per day.

This number is not limited and you can show it to more people based on your seriousness and expertise. We have a post here that explains how to create High-quality Network Marketing or MLM Leads.

If you have these high-quality leads you will be showing your MLM business presentations to those who are interested in a business opportunity. This will skyrocket your conversions and your chances of recruiting high-quality Network Marketers are extremely high.

Routine #4. Follow up with your Mentor or upline:

In a successful long-term Network Marketing business, the idea of a lone warrior doesn’t work here. No matter how much experienced you are as a Network Marketer you are supposed to get in touch with your up line or group leaders constantly.

The right association is the key to success in the Direct Selling business and it will save you from negative influences. When you are getting along with a group of positive-minded people with the same goals as you are, it will always uplift you to succeed in life.

Choose your associations carefully as they can make you or break you in life. Also, follow up with your up line about your daily activities regarding prospecting and also following up with your leads. Let them guide you on your daily activities and ask for more suggestions on Network Marketing Tools to even increase your results.

Routine #5. Build your social media profiles:

Many Network Marketers don’t take this part as an important business strategy in their Network Marketing Business. But consider the fact that, every single human being with an internet connection uses social media platforms every day.

This is where you share your daily life experiences, photos, videos, and useful information with everyone you know. You can use Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snap chats, and many other platforms for your Network Marketing Business.

People usually don’t like others approaching them to sell something, so always try to share your real-life experiences with the business. A real-life testimony is 1000 times more powerful than your 2 hours presentation or a sales pitch.

When you share useful information and show how your business opportunity has helped 100s of people, you will become a trustworthy example in your domain. People share things daily that waste everybody’s time, so why not share something that helps others in a positive way.

Routine #6. Make new friends every day:

In our daily life, we meet people and new faces everywhere, maybe in the grocery shops, medicines stores, or on a bus. The wrong way desperate Network Marketers always do is, as soon as they see someone they see the dollar sign on their forehead.

These are all people, same as us with problems, emotions, needs, and many struggles in life. Rather than seeing them as a prospect with a dollar sign, start thinking, about what ways you can help them. People love those who genuinely care for them and always remember that there is more joy in giving to others, than receiving.

Making friends doesn’t mean showing all your expertise and exchanging phone numbers, which doesn’t work. Care for others, help them in their needs and build a bond of trust, which is how you will become successful in a Network Marketing Business.

Routine #7. Improve your communication skills:

No matter how good a product or service is, if someone who sounds like a noisy parrot with a messed up communication skill is presenting, people will runway. Don’t over imagine that if you have confidence, knowledge, and skills people will love to hear from you.

How fast are you speaking and is it clear enough to understand what you are saying? What tone of voice are you using and is it audible? All these things are super important if you want to become a successful Network Marketer.

With Network Marketing you deal with many people every single day and so try to improve your communication skills daily. Check with your up line, try to show your business plans to your friends and family, and get their feedback.

Routine #8. Important - Repeat it:

Repetition is the key to perfection and if you are a serious Network Marketer, do these every single day and discipline yourself. Consistency is the most important thing in a serious business-like Multi-Level Marketing to create a lifetime passive income.

All these activities and habits have to become a part of your daily life and the most important thing is you got to love them. Being passionate about something will make you addicted to doing the same thing every single day. If you take a hammer and keep hitting the wall, again and again, no matter how thick the wall is, it will break someday.

Final Words on Network Marketing Daily Routine:

There is a reason why few people in Network Marketing (MLM) are making a lot of money and others fail in the same business. A serious Network Marketer is someone with a purpose in life and they have no room for excuses. This is how they always find a way to make things happen even after 10,000 people rejected them. Once you choose the right business opportunity and the right leader, there shouldn’t be anything that stops you. If you follow these daily activities seriously and are consistent and persistent, you will also become one of the top Network Marketers. So keep moving and don’t stop, you will get what you always wanted.