8 Best online Tutoring Jobs and Tutoring Sites To Make Money (2023)

What is an Online Tutoring Job?

Online tutoring jobs are those jobs where a tutor or a teacher provides guidance & instruction to students over the internet, without physical presence. This can be done through online video conferencing, using Skype, or other digital communication platforms. The tutor and student can be in different locations & still connect online to have a face-to-face session.

Online tutors may work for a company that specializes in providing online tutoring services or they may be self-employed & find clients through their own networks or through online marketplaces. The subjects they teach can vary widely, such as math, science, English, foreign languages, test preparation & more.

As an online tutor, you will be dealing with different types of students with different needs, even though the subject is the same. In some cases, there may be students with learning disabilities or students with specific career needs. With the technologies these days, online tutoring jobs are becoming very popular as most students prefer the convenience of learning from their homes.

How Can I Become an Online Tutor?

Online tutoring is a growing topic, offering a flexible & convenient way for individuals to share their knowledge & skills with students around the world. If you are considering becoming an online tutor, here are 5 steps to help you get started.

#1. Identify your subject expertise:

The first step in becoming an online tutor is to determine what subjects you are knowledgeable in & confident in teaching. This could range from traditional subjects such as math & science to niche areas like music or foreign languages.

#2. Build your online presence:

Creating a website & social media profiles is essential in promoting yourself as an online tutor. Make sure your online profiles accurately reflect your expertise & teaching style & include any relevant credentials or certifications.

#3. Offer a trial lesson:

To attract new students, offer a trial lesson to give them a taste of your teaching style & approach. This will also help you assess their learning needs and determine if they are a good fit for your services.

#4. Invest in quality tools & resources:

As an online tutor, you need to have reliable technology & resources to deliver quality lessons. This includes a reliable internet connection, a webcam, a microphone & a comfortable, well-lit workspace.

#5. Network with other tutors & educators:

Networking with other online tutors and educators can help you expand your reach & find new students. You can join online tutoring forums, attend webinars and events & participate in professional organizations to connect with others in the field.

By following these 5 steps, you can successfully establish yourself as a successful online tutor. Remember to consistently improve your skills, expand your knowledge base & provide a high-quality tutoring experience to your students. With dedication & hard work, you can make a positive impact on the lives of students & achieve your career goals as an online tutor.

What Qualification is Required to Become an Online Tutor?

If you are planning to become an online tutor, you are required to have proper knowledge & experience in what you will be tutoring. For example, a science or maths tutor would require you to have a degree in the subject and teaching experience too. So all these depend on what you will be teaching & on what platform you are planning to get your online job. 

8 Types of Online Tutoring Jobs To Make Money From Home:

There are several different types of online tutoring jobs available which you can try:

1. Subject-Specific Tutoring Jobs:

As a subject-specific tutor, you will be providing online classes to students in a particular subject area. These tutors typically work with students to help them improve their skills & understanding in a specific area, such as science, math, English, or a foreign language.

2. Test Preparation Tutoring Jobs:

Test Preparation Tutors will be helping students to prepare for common exams such as LSAT SAT, ACT, GRE, and GMAT. You will be guiding your students with feedback and letting them know where they need to improve. 

3. Language tutoring Jobs:

This type of tutoring involves teaching a foreign language, such as Spanish, French, or Mandarin.

4. Special needs tutoring Jobs:

These tutors focused on helping students with special needs, such as those with learning disabilities or ADHD.

5. Career tutoring Jobs:

As a Career Tutor, you will be helping students prepare for a specific career, such as medicine, law, or engineering.

6. Online Teaching Jobs:

After the 2019 pandemic online teachers for schools or universities, teaching students remotely, are quite common. People find it more convenient to work online & earn money, especially online teaching jobs are quite rewarding.

7. Self-employed tutoring Jobs:

Many tutors work independently, setting their own hours and rates, and finding clients through their own networks or through social media.

8. Small group tutoring Jobs:

Some tutors work with small groups of students or people, either in person or online, to provide more personalized instruction.

How Much Money Can You Earn as an Online Tutor?

The amount of money you will earn as an online tutor will depend on the type of jobs you have taken, your experiences, the countries you living & including several other factors. Your hourly rates may range anywhere from $10 to $50. Some online tutoring jobs which help students in competitive exams such as MCAT, LSAT, and GMAT will earn much higher hourly rates. Again there is no exact amount of money you will earn, & all these depend on many factors as mentioned.

8 Best Websites To Find Online Tutoring Jobs:

There are several online tutoring websites available, and the best one for you may depend on your qualifications, subject area, and experience. Some popular online tutoring sites include: