15 Tips For Network Marketing Success to Avoid Mistakes in MLM (2023)

Here are 15 Tips For Network Marketing to help you avoid terrible mistakes resulting in failure with your MLM business and finally to quit.

Tips For Network Marketing

Tips For Network Marketing Success

So, why do you join a Multi-Level Marketing in the first place, if it was to quit in a mid-way? 

Let’s be honest here, that everyone who joins a Network Marketing business was expecting more money, freedom, and a better lifestyle. 

So if you wanted something so bad, why didn’t you make it happen, and what was wrong in the process.

Many people learn from their own mistakes which are considered wise, however, if you learn from the mistakes of others that’s wiser, right? 

Prevention was always better than the ways to find cures, and you need to study these things before a decision.

Tips For Network Marketing Success To Avoid The Biggest Mistakes:

1. Joining the Wrong Network Marketing Company:

Network marketing long-term success is all about associating with the right company with a great reputation and legacy. No matter how smart and sharp you are in marketing if you promote the wrong company people will have trust issues with you.

This is one of the greatest first mistakes a network marketer does before they fail miserably along the way. The wrong vehicle with a duplicate engine will never get you far no matter how ready and excited you are. Check out our post on the best Network Marketing companies and how to identify them?

2. Starting without a strong purpose:

A major reason why most Network Marketers fail and quit mid-way is that they joined a company without any strong purpose. In fact, why would you do anything which you are not really serious about, and a small excuse is enough to make you quit?

Forget about a direct selling business, anyone who doesn’t have a strong ‘why’ or a purpose will never become successful. Before you join a Network marketing opportunity, ask yourself this; why are you doing it?

3. Sponsored by an irresponsible up line:

In fact, this mistake can’t be a reason why you will fail in your MLM business, however, still it is a drawback and a disadvantage for your success. Imagine someone who sponsors you, has an intention to get an immediate benefit for himself or herself but never cares about your success.

A win/win situation in the Network Marketing business makes it one of the most unique opportunities out there. When your group members or distributors become successful you will make more money. So look for someone who is not selfish and thinks more about other people succeeding more than their own.

4. Promoting multiple Network Marketing Companies:

Once you make your decision and join a company, you need to stick with the same MLM Company till you succeed. Some distributors make the mistake of joining multiple companies, expecting to create 2 income sources at one time.

This will not work as you will lose trust from people with whom you are doing business. And the most important thing is, if you join 2 or more companies, it shows you are thinking short term and end up in a complete failure.

5. Didn’t treat like own biz:

Just imagine how seriously a man will run his business day and night if he invested his entire life’s savings into it. Let’s say you invested $150,000 into starting a local shop, won’t you go there every single day to make money.

So, why treat your Network Marketing businesses like a simple hobby, which you do once or twice a week when you get some free time to spare? Because, it initially cost you just $50 or maybe $100 to start up and you have nothing to lose, right?

Tell me is there any reason why won’t succeed, if you do your business so seriously day and night, with a goal and a strong purpose? The measure of your success will be determined by the measure of seriousness you put while taking action.

6. Not using own MLM products:

When you join a Network Marketing biz, you become a business owner who deals with 100s of products. The products are manufactured by the direct selling company and you too are a consumer.

Your first priority to become a presenter of the business is to use all the products for yourself first. What you have consumed and used, you will know what benefit you get in real life with those products.

So, the next time when you talk about the products, you are narrating your first-hand experiences. That is how you testify that what you are promoting really works in real life and gain trust from others.

7. Changing companies:

Most Network Marketers jump from one company to the other, when things don’t go their way. A person who is not clear about the purpose in their life is always confused and ends up wandering here and there.

When you are not able to take a strong decision to stick with a great company, there won’t be any perfect MLM company for you. Chances are you will always find an excuse to quit one company expecting a better result in the next company.

When this cycle happens often, your chances of success as a Network Marketer become almost zero and people will lose trust in you. This is because, it’s a business of the people and with the people, when you are able to build trust you will succeed.

8. Nonteachable & A Big Ego:

Another big reason why many Network Marketers fail is that they have a big ego and are not teachable. How can you pour water inside a bucket, when it is kept upside down; which is a characteristic of a person with an ego.

No matter how smart you are or how great you think you are, life is short and there is always room for improvement. There is a huge difference between being confident and having an ego.

Network Marketing always follows the quote which says learn and earn more. So when you are not learning how in the world can you get results and make money. Always be open-minded and teachable if you want to become successful and it’s not just about an MLM biz.

9. Not a place for Lone wolf here:

When you join a direct selling business, you join a team that wants to become successful in life. At the same time when you sign up someone under you, they also become a part of the team.

It’s always about teamwork, to uplift one another and help others to succeed first, to become successful. It’s always a great character that you are a self-dependent person and courageous.

However, as a Network Marketer, you are supposed to work closely with your upline leaders and your downlines too. So, the idea of a lone survivor or a lone wolf doesn’t work here anymore.

10. Waiting for others:

The long-term success in Multi-Level marketing is about consistency and persistence, with daily actions. Don’t ever think like you have sponsored those 50 people in your group and magic is going to happen.

A lot of Network Marketers fail because they wait for results from other people’s works and efforts. Yes, it’s great that you already sponsored those 50-100 wonderful people, but what makes you think that your passive income will be pouring in?

You as a leader should always remember that, when you do 20 good actions, your downlines will do 3-5 good actions. So always keep doing what you are supposed to do, without waiting and expecting too many things from others.

11. Investing time with wrong downlines:

When you are going out there, doing presentations, and work with your downlines, choose people carefully. Work and invest time with those Network Marketers who are really serious about their success.

You can’t invest your time in convincing those downlines who are not really serious about a long-term business. Many people will come and go in your MLM business, but few will stick with you until they become successful.

When you sponsor 100 people, there will be very few people who will be serious about the business. Many will quit but maybe there will be 2-3 people out of those hundred who will be super serious about the business.

12. Failed to build retail Customers:

In fact, failing to build enough retail customers can’t be a serious mistake resulting in a failure as a Network Marketer. However, this is required to build a good business volume for your monthly sales activity for your business.

When you show a business presentation to someone, they might not be interested in the opportunity itself; however, they might need your products. So, it’s always wiser to pitch in such a way that they have those two options, even if they don’t want the opportunity.

13. Managing instead of Leading:

Most people who work 9-5 know, what it feels like when someone is always above their shoulder, deciding what to do. First of all, as a Network Marketer, you are a business owner helping another Independent business owner.

So, never pressurized people to do things that they don’t want rather encourage them about the rewards. Leading someone means, you as a leader should do those things first, what you want others to do. Stop being a manager and become a leader who will be a great example to others.

14. No Proper goal setting:

As a business owner and a serious Network Marketer, you will always be taking action every day, every week, and every month. There has to be proper goal setting that will make your work easy and precise.

You can’t expect any better result from a work, in which you have no planning and goal settings. So sit down with your up line and make a daily routine of actions you need to take every day to reach your next goals.

15. Lack of Consistency and Persistence:

Last but not least, Network Marketing is a long journey, and people without persistence and consistency will never make it. Along the way, when you keep moving you will face too many rejections and unexpected results.

The real question is how far are you willing to go to make it happen and that’s where many Network Marketers fall. People who are immovable in their determination and who have a hunger to succeed will make it.

Final Thoughts About Tips For Network Marketing:

There are many mistakes that resulted in failure for distributors in a direct selling business; however, it’s all up to you. Mistakes are supposed to make you wise, not a reason to quit and this is what many people don’t do. To start a successful journey, one should begin with a heart of strong determination and a will to succeed. Become a Network Marketer who takes action like other successful leaders in the business and you will surely become one. Learn more Network Marketing Tips with our blogs.