Udemy Online Courses: How To Make Money With Udemy Courses? (2023)

Learn how to earn income with online courses on Udemy. Discover tips, tricks & strategies to make money with Udemy courses in this comprehensive guide.

Udemy Online Courses, How to make money on Udemy?

What is Udemy?

Udemy is an online learning platform founded by Eren Bali, Gagan Biyani & Oktay Caglar, which provides a wide range of online courses on various topics. The platform provides a medium for Instructors or students to sell online courses & learn new skills.

Udemy is located in San Francisco, California offers a wide range of courses, from programming and design to personal development & language learning. It is designed to be accessible to people of all skill levels & offers various pricing options for students. Udemy is considered one of the world's biggest MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) providers. With millions of students worldwide, it's no wonder that many instructors are turning to Udemy to share their knowledge & make money. But, how exactly can you make money with Udemy courses?

How To Make Money With Udemy Courses?

In this article, we will explore the various methods for earning income with Udemy courses, as well as tips, tricks & strategies to help you succeed. Whether you're a seasoned instructor or just starting out, you'll find valuable information on how to make money with Udemy courses. Udemy offers several methods for instructors to make money, including;

#1. Course sales:

Instructors earn a percentage of each course sale on Udemy & this percentage varies, but it's typically around 50%.

#2. Promotions:

Udemy regularly runs promotions, offering discounts to students. Instructors earn the same percentage of each sale during these promotions.

#3. Affiliate marketing:

Udemy has an affiliate program, allowing instructors to earn a commission for referring new students to Udemy.

#4. Udemy Plus:

Udemy Plus is a subscription-based service for students, offering unlimited access to all courses on the platform. Instructors earn a percentage of each Udemy Plus subscription.

9 Best Udemy Courses To Make Money Online:

Udemy offers a wide range of online courses on various topics for instructors & students. Based on these topics you can create your online courses & start selling using the traffic on the platform. These are 9 popular Courses on Udemy that you can start selling & make money online;

#1. Health & Fitness Courses:

Fitness-related courses on topics such as nutrition, yoga, and meditation, to help individuals improve their physical & mental well-being, are quite popular in Udemy.

Some popular health and fitness courses on Udemy.com include;

  • "Yoga for Stress Relief & Flexibility,"

  • "The Complete Nutrition Guide for Women,"

  • "The Science of Nutrition,"

  • "Personal Training on How to Train Clients Online."

Also, Udemy mobile app allows you to learn on the go & make progress even when you're not using a computer.

#2. Personal Development Courses:

People are quite interested in courses on self-improvement, time management & productivity which help individuals reach their personal & professional goals.

#3. Design Courses:

Courses on graphic design, web design & user experience (UX) design to help students learn the skills to create visually appealing & user-friendly digital products.

#4. Business & Entrepreneurship Courses:

These are Entrepreneurship courses on topics such as marketing, finance & leadership to help entrepreneurs & business professionals develop their skills. Business courses also have a huge potential to earn money.

#5. Test Preparation Courses:

Test Courses to prepare for certification exams & professional exams, such as the TOEFL, PMP & CPA, etc. These are some of the most lucrative online courses due to the high demand & value of these certifications.

#6. Technology & Coding Courses:

It includes courses on programming languages like Python, Java & C++, as well as web development, data science & cybersecurity.

#7. Languages Courses:

These are courses to learn new languages like Spanish, French, German, Chinese & more. They are an evergreen niche to make money online, especially on platforms like Udemy.

#8. Music & Arts Courses:

You can also create Courses on music production, songwriting & various instruments like guitar, piano & drums.

#9. Lifestyle Courses:

Last but not least, Lifestyle online courses are some of the most interesting online courses with a huge market. These include courses on cooking, gardening, photography & other hobbies & interests.

Udemy's courses are taught by experts in their field & they are designed to be accessible to people of all skill levels, from beginners to advanced learners. They also offer a variety of pricing options, from free courses to paid courses with lifetime access.

7 Simple Steps to Make Money Selling Courses on Udemy:

If you have a great passion for teaching & helping other people, to solve specific problems, online courses can be a lucrative way. The best thing about online courses is that it is available at a much cheaper price than offline courses. Below we have listed 7 simple tips to create an online course effectively & make additional income with it.

#1. Identify Your Niche:

The first thing you need to do in order to get started selling on Udemy is to find a profitable niche or a topic of your choice. If the passion or topic of your choice happens to be a high-demand niche, you are on your way to making a good amount of money online. Look for subjects that are in high demand & have a large audience.

#2. Create High-Quality Content for Your Course:

Before you start creating the content, always give a priority to having clear outlines that show the key concepts & main objectives of the course. Use engaging multimedia elements such as pictures, videos & quizzes to keep students engaged. Follow the term called the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation & Evaluation) to make sure that your content is well organized & easy to follow.

#3. Optimize Your Course Online for Udemy's Search Algorithm:

The Udemy homepage allows users to search for a particular online course using keywords & names of the courses. So it's very important to use the proper course title, along with descriptions including tags for students to find it. Here you might want to learn a bit about how to optimize your listing with proper SEO techniques, just like in the google search engine.

#4. Promote Your Course:

There are several ways to promote your Udemy course & one easy way is through social media. You can create a great landing page that informs people to opt-in to your list and get valuable information on what they are looking for. Many online marketers use social media as a very effective tool to promote as it gains trust from your followers.

#5. Continuously Update and Improve Your Course:

The Udemy platform allows instructors to consistently update their online courses. This is to make sure that all the online courses on the website are fresh & relevant. If your contents are always fresh & up to date, it builds trust for the students who eventually buy your courses online.

#6. Make use of Udemy's Marketing Tools:

Udemy is a very famous platform, that allows instructors to promote their online courses using several inbuilt tools. Some of the inbuilt tools include:

  • Udemy's Email Marketing

  • Udemy's Social Media

  • Udemy's Analytics

  • Udemy's Instructor Promotion

  • Udemy's Paid Advertising etc.

#7. Price Your Course Competitively:

When it comes to selling your online courses & making a lot of money, the price & quality of your product is everything. Remember there are many other instructors offering the same online course on Udemy, as you are. So people will buy from those who offer a good price & with a higher value.

Pros & Cons of Selling Courses on Udemy:

Pros of Selling Online Courses on Udemy:

  • Udemy is a huge online platform with a large user base, hence a great potential for making more money

  • It is a very easy-to-use platform, which makes it simple to upload and manage your course content.

  • Udemy provides a variety of marketing tools to help instructors promote their courses.

  • As an Instructor, you keep most of the profit as Udemy takes a very less percentage for every online sale.

  • The platform provides very Easy access to students' feedback which helps to improve the course.

  • Udemy has great customer support, especially for instructors, whether it's technical or any other issue.

Cons of Selling Online Courses on Udemy:

  • A Huge platform comes with a huge competition with other instructors, and selling might be thought if you are a beginner.

  • With Udemy you might have limited options regarding prices.

  • As an instructor, you will always depend on the Udemy platform and will not have full control over your content, design, or delivery.

  • Udemy.com has limited options for customizing the course and less flexibility in how you present your courses.

  • As an Udemy instructor, you will have a Limited possibility of upselling:

8 Best Udemy Alternatives for Instructors:

As an online instructor, if you are looking for more platforms look for those which has a great reputation. There are several alternatives to Udemy that offer online courses & learning opportunities, they include:

Skillshare.com is a community-based learning platform that offers 1000s of online classes on a wide range of topics, from creative skills to business & technology.

Coursera is another popular online learning platform that partners with universities & organizations worldwide to offer courses online.

Khan Academy is a non-profit organization that provides free online education to anyone, anywhere. They offer a wide range of subjects, including science, math, and humanities.

#4. edX:

edX.org is also a non-profit online learning platform founded by Harvard and MIT. They offer high-quality courses from top universities and institutions worldwide.

#5. Lynda:

Lynda is an online learning platform owned by LinkedIn that offers courses on business, technology, and creative skills.

Pluralsight is a technology learning platform that offers a wide range of courses on software development, IT data, operations, security, and more

Futurelearn.com is a platform that provides online courses, programs, and degrees from top institutions & universities worldwide.

Last but not least Codecademy offers interactive coding courses in a variety of programming languages.

Udemy Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs);

Q: How much money can I make with Udemy courses?

A: The amount of money you can make with Udemy courses depends on many factors, including the popularity of your courses, the number of sales you make & the pricing of your courses. Some instructors make a full-time income with Udemy courses, while others earn a supplemental income.

Q: How do I get paid for my Udemy courses?

A: Udemy pays instructors via PayPal or Payoneer on a monthly basis. You can also choose to have your earnings transferred directly to your bank account.

Q: Do I need to have teaching experience to make money with Udemy courses?

A: No, you don't need to have teaching experience to make money with Udemy courses. However, having experience in your subject matter & a passion for teaching can certainly help
