, Marketer's Guide: How To Make Money on Medium? (2023)

What is

'Medium' was started by Evan Williams, one of the co-founders of Twitter, in August 2012. Making Money on Medium is absolutely easy & achievable even if you are a beginner or a newbie. However, there are several things about this platform you need to know before you start. Medium has a global rank of 450 & gets more than 188 Million website visitors a month, which is insane.

What is Medium & How To Make Money with it?

Medium is a big blogging & social media platform where you can publish your stories, articles, or blogs to a huge audience. The website is known for its clean & simple design, as well as its focus on high-quality & informative content. Medium also has a strong community of readers & writers who can engage with one another through comments, "claps," & other amazing features. It's a platform for storytellers & readers to share their thoughts, ideas, and knowledge & Google loves Medium.

What is a Medium Clap?

A "Medium Clap" is a feature on the website that allows readers to show appreciation for an article or post by clicking a button to make a clapping sound. This is similar to the "like" or "thumbs up" button on other social media platforms. The number of claps an article receives is a way for readers to indicate how much they enjoyed or found value in the content.

What are Medium Publications?

Medium publications are pretty much like a huge online magazines will a large number of followers, written around a common topic or theme, usually by many authors. They are run by an editor or a Curator, who select & publish that are helpful to the type of audiences they have. When a writer submits content to a publication, the editor will review the content & if accepted will be published under the Publication's name. 

When you submit an article to a publication, it has a better chance to reach thousands of readers, rather than publishing it on your own. However, you need to be careful about the terms & conditions of a publication, before you submit an article. Some publications have strict terms & you can't submit any article that is of poor quality.

5 Benefits of writing for Medium publications:

7 Famous Medium Publications To Join as a Writer:

When you join a publication, make sure you join the right one related to your niche. There are several popular publications on Medium that cover a wide range of topics, but some of the most well-known & widely-read publications include:

The Startup publication covers topics related to startups, technology & entrepreneurship. It features articles, interviews & case studies from successful entrepreneurs and industry experts.

Towards Data Science is a popular online publication on Medium that focuses on data science, artificial intelligence & machine learning. The publication has more than 650,000 followers& claims to be the 2nd biggest publication.

The Ascent publication is focused on personal development, productivity & self-improvement. The publication features interviews & resources on topics such as time management, goal-setting & mindfulness.

This publication is dedicated to helping writers improve their craft & reach a wider audience. It features articles, tips & resources on a wide range of writing topics, including poetry, fiction, non-fiction & more.

The publication has more than 500K followers & publishes articles for self-improvement, productivity & personal development. It also publishes interview articles & resources on topics such as productivity, career growth & leadership.

"Better Humans" is a Medium publication dedicated to exploring the intersection of self-improvement & technology.

UX Collective is a Medium publication focused on research and user experience (UX) design.  The publication has more than 317,000 followers & is a huge resource for everything related to user experience.

These are just a few examples of the many popular Medium publications that are available. There are many other publications that cover a wide range of topics and focus on different interests, so it's worth exploring to find the ones that align with your interests & goals as a writer.

What Do You Mean by Curation in Medium?

Medium curation is the process of your story being selected by the medium review team & curated to pop up on thousands of people's feeds on the Medium platform. In order to be selected by the medium team for curation your story needs to be informative, free of error & several other SEO factors. Curators on Medium are typically responsible for selecting, editing & publishing content that aligns with a publication's mission & theme. They play an essential role in shaping the content that is featured on Medium & in determining what readers will see when they visit the platform. Curation on Medium can take many forms, including:

#1. Publication Curation:

This involves selecting, editing & publishing content for a specific publication. Curators for publications are responsible for reviewing submissions, providing feedback to writers & making the final decision on what content is published. Most of the bigger Publication platform has a strict content policy & is hard for most content writers to get curated.

#2. Topic Curation:

Topic Curation involves selecting & organizing content on a specific topic or theme. Curators for topics may work for publications or may be independent curators who are focused on a specific area of interest.

#3. Personal Curation:

This involves selecting & organizing content for a specific audience, typically based on the curator's own interests.

#4. Algorithm Curation:

Medium uses an algorithm that curates the content for a user based on their reading and engagement history, this is known as personalized curation.

Curation on Medium plays an important role in determining what content is seen by readers & in shaping the overall tone & voice of the platform. Curators are responsible for ensuring that the content they select is high-quality, relevant & follows the terms of the publication's mission & theme.

7 Easy Ways To Make Money on Medium:

Making money online with is quite popular for so many years, especially for bloggers or content creators it can be a great option. If you have a passion for writing & sharing your ideas, knowledge & tips, you can monetize your content to earn extra income online. Below are a few ways by which you can make money on Medium for Free.

#1. Use Medium To Sell Your Own Services:

If you want to make money on medium there are several effective ways you can try. Write articles based on your passion or niche and at the bottom of your article, inform people that you work as a freelance writer or have an agency. In this way, people will find out how you write and will be ready to pay you to write for them. The good thing about this type of promotion is that you don't need to compete and fight with thousands of writers like on Upwork or Fiverr.

Whether it's medium readers or your article gets picked up on Google, with Medium you have a good potential to get more clients. If you get into the right publications your chances to reach a wider audience are much easier. So by mentioning your name, contact details, or your website at the bottom of your articles you can start a Freelance writing business with medium and earn money. This is how you can make money without competing with many other and without spending any money.

#2. Cross-Promote Your Blog or Website on Medium:

If you happen to have a blog you can cross-promote your blog using your medium platform. Maybe you have adsence enabled in your blog, you can make money with Medium by driving more traffic to your own website. What you should do is, go to your medium account and Click on Import story. The advantage of using the medium canonical tool is that your blog is going to be picked up by google pretty fast. Medium has such a high domain authority that you won't be needing to do much of the SEO and it ranks on google most of the time.

#3. Earn with Medium Partner Program:

Medium's Partner Program allows eligible writers to make money based on the engagement their stories receive on the platform. To be qualified for MPP, you must have a Medium account & be a part of the Medium Partner Program. To join the Medium Partner Program, you can apply through the Partner Program's website - Once you're approved, you'll be able to start earning money from your stories.

To maximize your earning potential, you should always focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with your readers & encourages engagement. Additionally, you should promote your stories on social media & other platforms to drive more traffic to your Medium account. You can also use Medium's built-in promotion tools, such as the Medium Partner Program Promotion feature, to boost your stories' visibility & reach more readers.

It's important to note that Medium's MPP is based on a revenue-sharing model. In this Medium takes a percentage of the revenue generated from your stories & you earn the rest. The percentage may vary based on Medium's policy at a specific time. It's best to check Medium's Partner Program page for the most updated information.

#4. Earn with Affiliate Marketing on Medium:

You can make money by promoting products or services & earning a commission for each sale made through your affiliate link. While promoting direct affiliate links, Medium has a strict policy to prevent people from spamming the site with links. So the best way to promote your affiliate marketing business is by using a website or landing page of your own. Always read the medium policy before getting started - Medium has many strict policies regarding affiliate promotions:

#5. Earn Through Sponsored Content:

You can also earn money by creating sponsored content for brands. Earning money with sponsored content on is a way for writers to get paid for creating content that promotes a brand or product. To start earning money with sponsored content, you'll need to reach out to brands & pitch your services as a content creator. 

You can do this by creating a portfolio of your previous work & highlighting your writing skills and expertise in a particular niche. Once you've secured a sponsored content opportunity, you'll work with the brand to create content that aligns with its message and promotes its products or services. 

It's important to disclose that the content is sponsored & to only work with brands that align with your values and that you believe in. You can also use your Medium account to promote your services as a sponsored content creator and to network with brands and businesses that are looking for content creators. 

Read Medium guidelines for sponsored content carefully & you need to be transparent about the content, including appropriate disclaimers. Also, Medium may limit sponsored content posting depending on the time and policies, so it's best to check guidelines before creating sponsored content.

#6. Earn with Medium Subscription Service: 

If you have a large following on Medium, you could start your own subscription service, where readers pay to access exclusive content. Earning money with a subscription service on is a way for writers to get paid for creating exclusive content that is only available to paying subscribers.

To start earning money with a subscription service, you'll need to have a large following on Medium and a track record of producing high-quality content. Once you've built a sizable audience, you can create a subscription service where readers pay a monthly or annual fee to access exclusive content that is not available to the general public.

You can choose to offer a variety of subscription tiers, each with its own set of perks and benefits, such as early access to your content, exclusive content & one-on-one coaching, or mentoring. To maximize your earning potential, you should aim to create high-quality content that resonates with your readers and encourages them to subscribe to your service.

Additionally, you can use Medium's built-in promotion tools, such as the Medium Partner Program Promotion feature, to boost your stories' visibility & reach more readers. Check the Medium policies for subscription services, such as the requirement for clear & conspicuous disclosures of material connections between advertisers & endorsers.

#7. Earn with Medium Membership:

You can join Medium Membership, where readers can access exclusive content from selected writers and are also able to support them financially. This is also another way by which you can earn additional income on the Medium Platform. There are also several other ways you can earn by selling your own eBooks, Online Courses, or a Dropshipping business.

Benefits & Disadvantages of Writing on Medium:

Even though Medium writers have the advantage of using a great platform to publish their stories, it has some disadvantages as well. Whether you want to become a part-time or full-time writer on Medium, you should know the Pros & Cons;



FAQs About

How do I start earning through Medium?

The simple answer is to start writing high-quality content that can help others in a specific niche. After that, you can promote anything through your writings & make money through some of the steps mentioned above.

How long does it take to make money on medium?

How soon you will make money on Medium may vary depending on several factors. This depends on the amount of traffic your articles receive, the monetization strategy you choose & your overall goals as a writer. Overall, making money on Medium can take time & it depends on the monetization strategy you choose. It mainly depends on how much effort you put into building an audience & promoting your content. It's important to be patient & to keep working on creating high-quality content while building your audience continuously.

How much does Medium pay per 1000 views?

The amount Medium pays per 1000 views can vary depending on several factors, such as the type of content, the monetization strategy & the Medium Partner Program (MPP) rates at the time. It's important to note that the earnings per 1000 views can also depend on the Medium Partner Program rates, which can fluctuate based on various factors. 

This can be the time of the year, the overall engagement of the Medium community &  the number of Medium Partner Program members. It's difficult to give an exact number for earnings per 1000 views as it varies greatly depending on the factors mentioned before. It's best to check Medium's Partner Program page for the most updated information on the MPP rates & earnings per 1000 views.

When does medium pay?

Medium pays its writers using the Medium Partner Program (MPP) on a monthly basis. Payments are transferred on the last day of the month for the previous month's earnings. For example, earnings from January will be paid out on the last day of February. Medium supports payments via PayPal & bank transfer. You need to add your PayPal email or bank account details to your Medium account in order to receive payment. You will be paid only when you reached the medium payout threshold of $10.

Do I need a Stripe Account To get Paid on Medium?

Medium supports other payment options through PayPal & also through bank transfers. In order to set up your payment method, you need to go to your Medium account settings, select the "Earnings" tab, & then select "Payment settings". From there, you can add your PayPal email or bank account details. You can use a strip account or the other payout options.

What is curation jail in Medium?

In Medium, curation jail refers to a situation where a writer's content is not being recommended or highlighted by Medium's curation algorithm. This can happen because of many reasons, such as low engagement of the articles, low-quality content, or breaking Medium's terms of policies.

Final words about Medium: is considered a high authority domain. Having a high DA means that Medium is likely to rank well in search engine results & that the content on the site is considered to be high-quality and trustworthy by search engines. This can be beneficial for writers who publish on Medium, as their content is more likely to be found by a wider audience. Hence, writing on can benefit you in many ways & many people are making passive income with the platform.

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