How to Deal with Negative People in a Network Marketing Business? (2023)

Handling Negative prospects in a Network Marketing Business (MLM) is much easier than dealing with Negative people in real life.

How To Deal with Negative People in Network Marketing?

How To Deal with Negative People in Network Marketing?

Did you ever realize that those people, who criticize and reject your MLM business opportunity, didn’t reject you personally?

Or did you just get soaked into that spiral of negative people and let them steal your dreams in life. 

When was the last time you get super excited about something in life, and suddenly someone close to you kills your dreams with just a few words?

Hey, this is the fact and reality of life; if you rise above the average people, you will be hated and criticized. 

As long as you follow the masses or the crowd you won’t be criticized & this is not just about Network Marketing.

If you think on the bright side Negative people are like a blessing to make you into a strong and unbeatable character in life. Let’s not make this a complicated topic and understand that dealing with Negativity in MLM biz is super simple.

10 Network Marketing Tips on How to Deal with Negative People: 

Many of these ideas about handling Negative people in Network Marketing also can be applied in real life. In a direct selling business the Negative people can be identified into two types:

Dream Killers:

You won’t believe that this first category of negative people might surround you every single day. This person can be your family members, your close friends, or those working in your office together.

So, after seeing a great MLM business opportunity, you came back home said to your spouse, baby we are going to make millions. Now you hear something like, are you going crazy, you can’t even pay your mortgage, now you talking about millions huh?

Then you go to your workplace and said hey Joe I am going to be rich in 3-5 Years and going to buy that Green Lamborghini. Then, suddenly Mr. Average Joe started laughing and said how about your 1995 Toyota, is that still working?

So, as a Network Marketer does this relate to you in some ways and you wonder how to deal with these negative people? Let’s move and understand a bit about the category of negative people you are going to face.

People who are Negative About Your Business:

You will find these Negative people as a Network Marketer, once you start the process of daily prospecting. These people are easy to handle, not like those dream killers these people are just against your opportunity.

There are 100s of questions that a Negative person throws at you about what they believe. In this post, we are not going to talk about all those questions a however more about developing you as a warrior.

If you become that person with fire inside your heart and a strong determination or willpower you can face any category of people. This will not only make you successful but a much deserving person for the money you get.

More money will make only MORE of you, which is a very true proverb and relates to the reality of you. If you are a drug addict, more money will kill you much faster than less money.

If you happen to be a gambler, more money will make you a super gambler and it applies to anything. So, let’s see some tips that can make you overcome negative people in your Network Marketing biz.

1. First Set Your Mindset Right:

The day when you make that solid decision to become successful with your Network Marketing Business, you become a warrior. Imagine yourself going to a war where you have only two options – Victory or Dead.

When we talk about setting our mindsets right, it’s about the reason why we want to succeed in the MLM biz. A serious Network Marketer is like a soldier who burnt their bridges behind and is no turning back at any cost.

The real question is when you signed up as a distributor, did you just see the money or did you fail to see the price you are going to pay to succeed?  This is the first step in training yourself to handle negative people.

See, when you have that strong mentality towards your business, no one can stop you. When you have the right attitude about your Network Marketing business, negative people are only going to make you stronger.

2. Get Trained to Become the Best:

As a Network Marketer, there are two types of training you will get to succeed in your business. The first one is before you get into the battleground you equip yourself with knowledge and skills.

The second one is you get trained with your daily experiences with new people every single day. Always remember that every single day you will find people who are negative and criticize for what you do.

That’s why you need to take your Network Marketing tools & training as a priority in your biz. These tools are like your defense and attacking weapons in a battle.

Negative people are going to throw those poisonous dream-killing words at you, so be ready with a bulletproof mentality. The positive attitude, leadership, and personal development books you read every day will make you stay strong.

Listen to all the business development, product training, seminars, and events of the MLM biz you are in. If you are willing to learn and are teachable, you will become a better version of yourself every single day.

3. You need your up line or a Mentor:

Your association with other highly successful Network Marketers will make you a rejection handling expert. The beauty of this Multi-Level Marketing Business is that there will always be people who genuinely want to help you.

You know all the common questions that a negative prospect will throw at you;

There may be a list of 1000s of Negative questions; however, a successful Network Marketer has gone through all these. So, always get your training from someone who has done it all and all you have to do is copycat him/her.

4. Remember you have no control over other people:

Not only about the Network Marketing negative prospects, but you also have no control over the words and actions of other people. Handling negative people in the MLM biz doesn’t mean pushing people in taking decisions based on what you think is right.

When a prospect is extremely negative or against your business, the best thing you can do is to avoid them. In-Network Marketing, you are not in the convincing business but to share what you have experienced in real life.

That’s why MLM is called a word of mouth business and people see you as a real-life testimony to your opportunity. Keep doing what you have to do and stop trying to force people to do something that they don’t like.

5. Network Marketing Tips - Never argue:

Whether you are dealing with Negative people in Network Marketing or in real life, never get into an argument with anybody. One of the best quotes by someone is that you can never win an argument.

You know, when someone is arguing with what you have to say, they think they are right in their own perspective. You might try your best to prove your point with the best wisdom you have, but nothing is going to make a difference.

The best thing to handle such people is to let them know you acknowledged what they are saying. Always be cool and calm in such timings, let them know you will get back to them with the best answers.

The point here is to avoid such people for the moment and always consult with your mentor about it. Based on what they are arguing you can always find a solution with an up line who is a successful Network Marketer.

6. Relate and Testify:

This is a great way to handle someone who is negative and trying to prove his point with some real-life events. Like, hey this business is similar to those Pyramid schemes or Ponzi schemes.

Or it may be something like, they or their friends tried Network Marketing for 5 years & fail to lose $10,000. What you can you is let them know, you completely understand where they are coming from.

Let them know that in the beginning you felt the same way they felt but it was completely opposite. Always relate to a person who is extremely successful in the MLM business and their real-life story.

The simplest way to handle such negativity is to provide them some free resources like a DVD or a company presentation video. Try to invite them to a company meeting or a group event.

Or if that doesn’t work, maybe you can book another appointment meeting along with your upline or MLM mentor. Remember such negativity comes after they associate with the wrong company, wrong people, or because they quit.

7. There are 8 Billion Human Beings:

Do you know why a Network Marketing Business opportunity is called ‘an Opportunity’? Because an opportunity is something that makes the quality of one’s life better than before and that’s what you are offering.

When you face a Negative person they are rejecting that offer and the fact is that you don’t need them, they need you. And concerning finding new MLM prospects every day, think about the 8 billion humans on this planet.

The moment you are reading this post, another 100,000 people already reached the age of 18. So, when you master the art of Network Marketing Lead generation, you will always have prospects on your list.

So, why do you need to try to convince a Negative person so hard with your infinite wisdom? You don’t need to make a list of 100 dos and don’ts list for negative people. Just make another 100 fresh MLM leads and you are good to go, and it’s that simple.

8. Every Top Network Marketers Faced it:

Handling negative people in Network Marketing is not something new that only you faced. Every top Network Marketers had to go through 10000s of such prospects to hit their Diamond ranks.

The way how a successful positive-minded leader sees it is like more weight in the gym to put more muscles. It is only when you face more resistance, more sweats, and more pains, you become stronger.

Not only in a direct selling business, but this principle applies to every great achievement in life. So as a warrior always be trained & be equipped, and it doesn’t matter whatever the enemy throws at you, nothing should bother you.

9. You are the One:

See no matter what the world says about you or your business, the one who is going to make it happen is you. So now after showing 5-10 presentations you are back home and no one wants to join.

Does that 5-10 negative MLM prospects decide what you are going to do the next day? Did you just lose all your oxygen inside and shrink again into this tiny Mr. average Joe?

Remember that you are the one who decides what will happen with your life according to your action. Never let any circumstances or negativity kill your motivation and always become an unstoppable serious Network Marketer.

10. Remember the small acts of Kindness:

This applies to real life and is not just about Multi-Level Marketing Business. If you really want to become a very successful person always look for ways to help others in some ways.

Listen more to people, what they have to say, and remember every human being is going through some kind of problem in life. When you give attention to people and what they have to say, they will like you.

Always look for ways to help the other person in whatever ways you can, and this will build respect and trust between you and the person. Remember when you win someone with an act of kindness, that person will accept you with great regards.

If you try to do these, even if a person is really negative about your Network Marketing Business, guess what they are going to join your biz, whatever it is. This may not be taught with every MLM biz, but life is all about those great relationships bound with mutual Love & Respect.

Final Words about How to deal with Negative People:

Now that we have gone through few tips about Dealing with Negative People in Network Marketing, it’s all up to you. Remember we live in a world that always throws stones at others, no matter what. Haters are everywhere in every profession you are in, and you are in a crab society. There are no magic words or a list of do’s and don’ts, but everything depends on you and your decision in life.