Top 20 Best Network Marketing Books For Personal Development (2023)

If you are looking for the best Network Marketing Books, you will find endless resources and tips on the same topic.

Network Marketing Books

Best Network Marketing Books

The books to build your direct selling or MLM business can be categorized into two types; Personal Development & Business Development.

The reason why reading books are so important for Network Marketers is that your income is directly proportionate to your knowledge.

Forget about a beginner, even a seasoned entrepreneur in the Multi-Level Marketing Biz read books every single day, which is a must-to-do daily activity.

When you are reading a book, you are accessing the knowledge and experience of a highly successful person and what he has done in many years. Reading these Best Network Marketing Books not only helps you in building your business, but it will make your brain laser focus on your goals.

20 Best Network Marketing Books For Personal Development:

As a Network Marketer and building your business part-time, you might find it hard sometimes to read books. The best thing to manage your time is to find an extra 20-40 minutes every day, which may be after your work or in a break time.

Many serious marketers manage their time to read every day while traveling on a bus, train, or maybe 15 minutes before sleep. You can use even the audio versions and can listen anytime while you are traveling or on a walk.

The point is that you must be reading 1-2 books every month, which can help you to grow personally and in your business. This must be a daily routine and imagine the amount of knowledge you will accumulate in a year if done daily. So here’s the list of some of the best Network Marketing Books for your business growth;

Your First Year in Network Marketing

1. Your First Year in Network Marketing – A Book By Mark Yarnell & Rene Yarnell:

Your First Year in Network Marketing was first published in 1998 is the #1 choice especially for Network Marketers who just started their venture. This book will guide you on how to overcome your fears, achieve success, and achieve all your dreams.

Go Pro by Eric Worre

2. Go Pro – A Book By Eric Worre:

Go Pro, the 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional written by Eric Worre is a must-read book for all serious Network marketers. 

The book was originally published in 2013 and if you want to become a real pro you need to hear this MLM legend.

The Greatest Networker in the world by John Milton Fogg

3. The Greatest Networker in the World – By John Milton Fogg:

The Greatest Networker in the world is a real MLM classic and one of the best Network Marketing books, that you must have in your arsenal. 

This book was first published in 2013 and teaches you about how to overcome frustrating experiences in the MLM industry.

The Four Year Career By Richard Bliss

4. The Four Year Career – By Richard Bliss:

The Four Year Career was written by Richard Bliss Brooke and first published in 2012, is also a great recruiting guide. 

The book covers the importance of residual or passive income which can be earned through the powerful concept of Multi-Level Marketing.

The Business of the 21st Century By Robert Kiyosaki

5. The Business of the 21st Century – One of the Best Network Marketing Book By Robert Kiyosaki:

The Business of the 21st century is the most unique and revolutionary business of Network Marketing, making it a success in any economic crisis.

Robert Kiyosaki is of the most brilliant entrepreneur, author & investor, who published this amazing book in 2010.

Pre closing for Network Marketers

6. Pre Closing for Network Marketers – By Keith Schreiter & Tom Schreiter:

Pre Closing for Network Marketers is a great business-building guide on how to get more 'Yes' from your MLM prospects. The book was first published in 2017 and is an important book on MLM prospecting.

Network Marketing Book Beach Money By Jordan Adler

7. Beach Money – By Jordan Adler:

Beach Money as the name suggests is an interesting book about creating a lifestyle, that allows you to be financially free working from anywhere in the world. 

This direct selling book was first published in 2008 and has inspired 1000s of Network Marketers around the world.

The Magic of Thinking Big Book By David Schwartz

8. The Magic of Thinking Big – By David Schwartz:

The Magic of Thinking Big was first published in 1959 and is one of the best self-help books of all times recommended by Forbes.

This is one of the most popular Network Marketing Books which is a must-have for every success-seeking individual in the world.

Building an Empire By Brian Carruthers

9. Building an Empire - By Brian Carruthers:

Brian Carruthers, who is the author of the book Building an empire is a Network Marketing legend, who built one of the largest networks in the last 2 decades.

If you want to build a team of highly motivated Network Marketers fast and effectively, this is a must-have book for you and your team.

Building Your Network Marketing Business By Jim Rohn

10. Building Your Network Marketing Business – By Jim Rohn:

Emanuel James Rohn also known as Jim Rohn was one of the best speakers in the world and a mentor for the founder of the direct selling company called Herbalife. 

Throughout his career, he has written several books to help Network Marketers around the world.

The Four Colour Personalities for MLM By Tom Big Al Schreiter

11. The Four Colour Personalities for MLM – By Tom Big Al Schreiter:

The 'Four Colour Personalities' is all about communication, understanding, bonding, and taking actions in your MLM biz. This book was first published in the year 2014 and guide you in understanding the prospect's view about the business.

Think and Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill

12. Think and Grow Rich – By Napoleon Hill:

Think and Grow Rich published in 1937, is one of the Top Network Marketing Books and the most recommended personality development books of all times.

Napoleon Hill who is the author of this book is the most famous American self-help writer and a great inspiration to all entrepreneurs.

I Dare You By Frazer Brookes

13. I Dare You – By Frazer Brookes:

I dare you written by Frazer Brookes guides Network Marketers to take actions and how to increase results in your Network Marketing using Social Media

This book will teach you how to multiply your followings and create an engaging post on your social accounts.

The Miracle Morning for Network Marketers By Pat Petrini

14. The Miracle Morning for Network Marketers – By Pat Petrini & Honoree Corder:

The Miracle Morning for Network Marketers is a great book that will help you to develop habits of the 1%er in the MLM industry. It will guide you about having amazing results if you change few things in your daily success rituals.

Go For No Network Marketing By Ray Higdon

15. Go For No Network Marketing – By Ray Higdon:

Go For No Network Marketing written by Ray Higdon was first published in 2017, is a very helpful book to overcome rejections with your MLM biz. It teaches the new beginners how to see the NO answer as an opportunity to boost their business.

Rock Your Network Marketing Business Book

16. Rock Your Network Marketing Business – By Sarah Robbins:

Rock Your Network Marketing Business written by Sarah Robbins was first published in 2013 helps you on how to become a rock star in the MLM biz. 

The author was a kindergarten teacher who happens to lose her job and later turned into a 7 figure earner in MLM.

How to Win Friends & Influence People By Dale Carnegie

17. How to Win Friends & Influence People – By Dale Carnegie:

How to Win Friends & Influence People written By Dale Carnegie is an old-time classic, published in 1936, is one of the top Network Marketing books for relationship building. 

As you know MLM is about a long-term relationship with your team members, you need to be a people-smart entrepreneur.

Story Your Way to Success in Direct Selling

18. Story Your Way to Success in Direct Selling – By Kindra Hall:

Kindra Hall who is the author of Story Your Way to Success in Direct Selling(2016) teaches all the challenges faced by the leaders in the Network Marketing Industry. 

She is an award-winning columnist, national champion storyteller, and a great author who has helped 1000s of entrepreneurs.

How to Build Your Network Marketing Business in 15 Minute

19. How to Build Your Network Marketing Business in 15 Minute – By Tom Schreiter:

The book, How to Build Your Network Marketing Business in 15 Minute is one of the best guides for all part-time business builders in the industry. The best book on how to mage your time and get amazing results.

Be a Network Marketing Superstar

20. Be a Network Marketing Superstar – By Mary Christensen:

Be a Network Marketing Superstar written By Mary Christensen was published in 2007, writes about MLM as one of the best biz to build.

The 26 step program in the book guides a Network Marketer to reach their goals by building a large team and reaching the top in the biz. 

Final Thoughts about the Best Network Marketing Books: 

You will find 1000s of personal development and Multi-Level Marketing Books out there, but few of them are really worth your time and money. However, the most important thing is to learn every single day by developing a serious reading habit daily for at least 15-30 minutes a day. Without reading good books you will be like a Network Marketer without any enthusiasm and knowledge. Target to read at least 1-3 new books a month and also get recommendations from your uplines.