8 Network Marketing Prospecting Tips & 7 Recruiting Mistakes In MLM (2023)

Prospecting is the first step in any business, not just MLM for getting potential customers also known as prospects, and finally converting them to sales.

Prospecting Tips

MLM Prospecting Tips

Either you are Network Marketers or a traditional business owner, there has to be a sequence on how you get your prospects.

Most traditional businesses prefer cold calling, email marketing, and media advertisements for getting more prospects to their businesses. 

Depending on the type of business or products, you may be required to follow up with the prospects.

If you can master the art of prospecting, you can become successful in any kind of business and generate sales anytime you want. Success in a traditional business or a Network Marketing is always a numbers game.

Also, the way you do prospecting also defines the quality of prospects you get from your efforts thereby increasing your profit. No matter whichever business you are in, always focus on generating quality leads by improving your marketing skills.

Network Marketing Prospecting Tips For Beginners:

Getting high-quality and targeted prospects has always been a very challenging task, especially for the Network Marketing Industry. Most of the newly joined Network Marketers face a higher rate of rejections in a direct selling business comparing to traditional businesses.

Many times the older ways of prospecting in the MLM industry may not be effective and if necessary you need smarter ways to get results. Here are a few tips and techniques that can help you in effective prospecting for your Network Marketing Business:

What is Prospecting in MLM/Network Marketing?

The real journey of success as a Network Marketer begins when you start learning to build long-term relationships with people. In a long-term business like Network-Marketing prospecting is not just about getting customers, leads, or distributors.

It’s about building a relationship, which is based on honesty, trust, and the attitude of giving more than receiving. Your daily activities in an MLM business will always involve marketing your business to a bunch of prospects.

So, the question is how do you do prospecting in your direct selling business and what steps are involved in it? This is quite similar to many other businesses however you are supposed to focus more on building a relationship rather than selling.

Prospecting in Network Marketing is also more like adding more quality people every single day to your list of prospects. If you focus more on recruiting people who are hungry for success in life, chances are you will get your next diamond prospect pretty soon.

2 Types of Prospecting in Network Marketing:

Prospecting can be done in two ways especially for Network Marketers of the 21st century has several tools that can multiply the results. As we mentioned before, the method that worked 5 years back may become obsolete and there may be more effective ways in the present time. If we dig into these topics, it can be very lengthy however let’s just look into the 2 main types.

Offline MLM Prospecting:

With offline prospecting, you use the old traditional way to get new prospects for your Network Marketing business without using the internet. This method is mostly preferred and taught by many top Network Marketers; however, the conversion rates are extremely low.

There are many tools and strategies you can use with offline prospecting and most of the time you need to be present personally. A Network Marketer is required to mingle with people in their daily life, make new friends, and exchange contact numbers.

Never disclose too much information about your business in the first meeting and has to be focused on building a relationship first. Introduce yourself and ask more questions about the prospects, their family, and occupations.

Explore more about them and let them talk more; ask them about what they enjoy and what they want in life. Always look for something to compliment, a common ground to speak to, and at the end exchange your numbers. You must develop your communication skills and self-image while doing cold market prospecting.

Online MLM Prospecting:

Network Marketing was started in the 1950s and still was using the old prospecting tactics until the internet was invented. Today the world is interconnected and wired, which allows you to communicate with anyone in the world in real-time.

Online prospecting is much more effective than offline, as it allows you to connect with more people every day using the technology. More and more successful Network Marketers use these strategies to multiply their results.

You know, everybody uses a social media account like Facebook, Twitter, 'LinkedIn' and Pinterest, etc and most of them are super active every day. But remember, you should never promote your business which looks like you are selling something to them.

The first goal in your prospecting journey should always be started with building relationships and trust with people.  Always try to share what works for you, the positive changes in your life, and real-life testimonies of people.

There are other methods of online prospecting like email marketing, blogging, or maybe starting a YouTube Channel. The possibilities are endless with online prospecting and you should be using both the prospecting methods including offline too.

8 Powerful Network Marketing Prospecting Tips & Tricks:

Here are some prospecting tactics that can help to improve your results and help you find more qualified prospects for your Network Marketing Business. Most of these methods are for those who prefer to go for offline prospecting.

#1. Look for Open Minded Prospects:

When you go out for prospecting, meeting new people every day, always remember never to prejudge anyone. A person who is super excited today may quit the next day and the person who doesn’t seem much qualified might become your next diamond.

However, what we are looking for is people who are open-minded and are hungry for something in life. It is always the people who are hungry, will be ready to do anything to achieve success. So, look for those prospects that have a positive attitude and are open to opportunities to improve their life.

#2. Always compliment:

People love compliments and this is always a great conversation starter for Network Marketers who wants more prospects. You will meet new faces every single day, so find a way to talk to as many people as you can.

Some people don’t like talking to strangers at all, and that’s okay, you will always have people around you everywhere you go. Look for something to compliment, like nice-looking shoes, and a beautiful bag, or maybe your hair is looking great.

And then, hey what’s your name and my name is so and so. There you go; you got a nice start to build your rapport. When to talk to your prospects always try to find a common ground or a topic that both of will agree on.

#3. Use F.O.R.M:

Learn to FORM when you are doing cold market offline prospecting, which stands for the question on Family, Occupation, Recreation, and delivering your message. You must have heard somewhere that, people are interested in themselves more and we are selfish beings.

Ask more about their Family and occupations, while you are having a conversation and you will see most people love talking about themselves. It’s no point about you explaining your life story and people are not much interested in that.

Let them talk about recreation and ask about what they love to do in their spare time. And at the end, always try to build your rapport by delivering your message in a brief way.

#4. Listen More:

Always listen more, talk less when you are having a conversation for the first time and always let them know you agree with them. People love those who genuinely care for their feelings, ideas and those who understand them.

Remember not to talk about politics or religions while you are doing cold market prospecting. Always listen more, have proper eye contact, and try to understand the other person putting yourself in their shoes. 

#5. Never give too much information:

Whether it's offline or online prospecting, you should never give too much information when you meet someone the first time. Learn the art of creating curiosity when you meet your prospects and leave most of the important things for the next meeting.

Have you seen those TV series when you watch for 60 minutes, at the end of the episode the ending will always make you want to see the next episode? Your Network Marketing Tactics should also have that powerful hook that can keep people coming for more.

#6. Always exchange contact details:

At the end of every conversation always learn to exchange your contact number with your prospects. It is always great to keep your business card ready and write something interesting on your card, something like a punch line.

Or you can write your name and contact details on the front side while on the backside of your card write something that will make others curious. It can be like “Want to know how to get financially free in 2 Years?” or maybe other powerful words.

#7. Follow up:

After your conversation, always ask the prospect for their convenient time and ask if it’s okay to call them. Always deliver your message like - You are a business associate and looking for more people who want to make money.

Tell them something like, you are expanding your business in the area and are looking for business partners. People will say what they know and always let them know you are a professional and respect other people’s time.

When you make the follow-up phone call, try to find out a convenient time for them. And I strongly suggest that this one also needs to be in brief. Just let them know, you are just sending an email with information or providing free training. It will take at least 7-10 follow-ups until a prospect makes their decision for a Network Marketing Business.

#8. Ask for referrals:

After all these step-by-step prospectings, here come the Yes or No from your prospects. So after every Yes, you need to learn the next proper steps, and also if they say No always ask for referrals.

It’s nothing wrong to ask something like, Hey Mike, I understand and respect your decision but do you happen to know anyone who might be interested? Let’s say if they give you the contact details of two people, then you will always have more people added to your list.

7 Mistakes to Avoid in Network Marketing Recruiting:

Try to avoid these MLM prospecting mistakes that most Network Marketers do when they start building their network. You will be working day and night for that one diamond in your team, so it’s always smart to learn from the mistakes of others.

#1. Expecting that most people will join:

Remember when you get into the direct selling recruiting battleground, you will find too many rejections and most people saying no to you. It all depends on the fire inside you and how much you hit are you willing to take?

#2. Annoying friends and family members:

This is the major mistake that every Network Marketer does when they join the business. It is good and easy to approach those you know however if you want better results look for open-minded targeted prospects.

#3 .Prejudging other people:

When you go out for prospecting, avoid pre-judging people as you never know anyone can become your next diamond.

#4. Sending direct sales messages and spamming:

Most desperate Network Marketing distributors always do this mistake by spamming people with sales messages. You put yourself into the shoes of that person; do you like being spammed with 10 emails a day with a sales pitch?

#5. Too many phone calls:

Following up with your prospects doesn’t mean you to call them twice a day. Come on guys; let’s try to respect people and their personal lives. All these activities surely will turn off even a prospect who is interested; they will even block you and your number at the end.

#6. Saying and bragging that we are the world’s #1:

All these old and outdated prospecting tactics don’t work anymore, so stop saying that we are the world’s #1. It is the day and age of the internet and there will be 1000s of people that criticize your company. So no company is absolutely best in every way, which is a fact.

#7. Bragging too much about yourself:

People don’t like that show biz, where a scam actor does a lot of videos with Lamborghini’s and private planes. Stop bragging about yourself and stretch more on what the opportunity can do for the prospects.

Network Marketing Prospecting Tips To Generate high-Quality MLM Leads:

Generating high-quality and targeted prospects for your Network Marketing business is one of the biggest challenges. You need to always have a list of fresh prospects every single day for your business.

Without a list, your business is going nowhere, so learn the art of generating high-quality leads who are interested in your business. We have a post here on how to generate highly targeted MLM leads that will respond to your business offer.

Final words on Network Marketing Prospecting:

It is highly recommended that you use both offline and online prospecting to build your Multi-Level Marketing business. No matter how many people are rejected, you will always find people that will be interested in your opportunity. All it takes is the tools and the tactics that will lead your business to the next level. Keep hitting until you reach that Top spot.