10 Characteristics of Successful Network Marketers & Leaders (2023)

Learn the Characteristics of successful people who are at the top in their professions, and these traits are not just about Network Marketing.

Characteristics of Successful People in Network Marketing

Characteristics of Successful People in Network Marketing

Successful Network Marketers always possess certain unique qualities and they dare to do things that an ordinary Joe is scared to do. 

Even though the Network Marketing Industry has so many controversies and scams going on, they still make it happen.

One of the simplest ways to achieve success in life is to copycat a successful person who has done it.

Choosing the right mentor and the right association will always save you from 100s of mistakes you could have made if done alone.

Becoming a successful Network Marketer in the MLM industry takes a lot of courage, hard work, and determination. There is a big reason why most of the average Joes fail in the direct selling industry and few are those who make it to the top.

The most important thing is to stick with the right company and having the right mentor after you set your goals right. Success in anything is a simple 3-way formula, first, it starts with you setting your dreams and goals right.

Secondly choosing the right vehicle for success, which means the right company and the right leadership or mentor? And the third most important step is to go out, take action, and never quit no matter what.

What a successful Network Marketer does is not a superhuman thing, and if they can do it you can do it too. You know, it’s the habit that makes the character of a person and that eventually resulted in the life you are living now.

If you want to be successful you need to change your habits and there are no other second options. Let’s see few important Networking Tips or habits that most successful entrepreneur does in every area of life.

Characteristics of Successful Network Marketers:

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1. They Are All Big Dreamers:

Every great achievement in life, all originated from a dream where you visualize what you desire inside the invisible part of your brain. Not only a successful Network Marketer, but every great achiever in life is a big dreamer.

A dream is not about what you see at night after eating too much food and sleeping 10-12 hours. It comes out of hunger and desire to achieve something in life. When you start to dream big in life, average people will always criticize you and laughed at you.

This is what every great achiever and successful-people goes through when they start their journey towards great things in life. But the most important question is that, do you dream big and desires great things in life? Only you can answer as you are in the diver’s seat of your life.

2. Successful Network Marketers are Hungry people:

Imagine you are hungry and thirsty, had no food for many days and you are going to die in 3 days if you don’t eat. So what are you willing to do to get food and water in the next 3 days? It is a life and death situation and you will do whatever it takes to get what you need, right?

The same thing applies to people who are willing to be successful in Network Marketing or MLM industry. If you are really hungry for success you are going to run and do whatever it takes, like a mad man willing to do anything, to achieve what he desires.

People who are not really hungry will always quit in a mid-way when they are first met with their obstacles. There is a big reason why only a few 1-2% people become successful in life and the rest 98% remain broke until they die. So the question is, are you really hungry for something and what are you willing to do to get it?

3. They are Good Learners & Also a Good Listener:

Learning never ends, whether you are 18 or 65 there will always be an area for improvement in life. Successful Network Marketers are always hungry for more knowledge and experiences that will bring them closer to their goals in life.

There are several ways you can implement the learning process in your journey to success. Some of them include:


Read personal development books daily for at least 30 minutes or maybe one hour if you have enough time. Make this a daily habit and complete at least a book every month. This is one of the most important habits which you need to become successful in the Network Marketing industry.

Listening To Audios:

This is another productive habit that successful Network Marketers have to get themselves motivated all the time. Listen to audiotapes or watch video testimonials of people who are successful in the business you are involved with. Learn and know what they went through to achieve that kind of success.

Be a good listener:

Understand the reason why we have 2 ears and 1 mouth; speak less and listen more. You need to develop an attitude of listening attentively when someone is speaking to you. This will make you more active and people will want to speak to you more because you care for them.

4. Highly Successful People always have a game plan:

The first step towards your success as a Network Marketer starts with a dream and then writing down those goals on a piece of paper. In order to achieve that goal, you need to have short-term and long-term goals as well.

In order to achieve a greater goal in life, you are required to have a step-by-step game plan to achieve it. These can be classified as:

Short Term Goals:

Always make daily, weekly, or monthly game plans and also be very clear about what improvements you need for the next steps. A bigger goal or achievement has to be separated into smaller and achievable short-term goals.

Long Term Goals:

As a Network Marketer, your long-term goals can be for 6 months, 12 months, or the next 2 years game plan. Always make your goals as realistic as possible and always write down what actions you need to do every single day to reach that destination.

5. Honest & Trustworthy:

What you are from within is what attracts people towards you and becoming a successful Network Marketer is all about relationships with people. A long-term relationship is always built with the foundation of honesty and trust between two human beings.

In this business, you will be dealing with 10,000s of people and if you are an honest person people will appreciate you. If people trust you they will be eager to do business with you and that is what makes you successful in Multi-Level Marketing Business.

6. Successful Marketers are Fast Action Takers:

One of the most unique qualities of a real achiever is that they never procrastinate and does things right away. If something is good and worth doing, why not take action today instead of postponing the next day, or the day after.

The mark of a loser is that they will always keep procrastinating and wait for time to complete what they are able to do the same day. Taking action is the key to achieving great results and be a person who has an attitude and mentality that says ‘Right-Now’.

7. Associate with Likeminded People:

To become a successful Network Marketer, you need to associate with Marketers who are successful in the same industry. Your association will eventually determine what type of person you become in life, so choose your friends carefully.

You need to walk, talk and have the same attitude as those successful Network Marketers. Building your image is extremely important if you want extraordinary results in life. Be willing to sacrifice those relationships which are pulling you down in life and associate with people who have the same destination as you.

8. They are Some of the Greatest Salesmen:

Becoming a great salesman doesn’t require you to become like a superhuman who does impossible things. When you sell something, people first see you and if they trust you people will buy what you are selling.

Becoming a better salesman is about becoming someone that people can trust and when you speak people listen to you. Successful Network Marketer will always believe in themselves first and they also believe in the product they are selling. So naturally, when they speak, they will speak with command, experience, and confidence.

9. Successful People Love What They Do:

If you really love something you will become passionate about it and passion is the thing that keeps us going without getting weary. Imagine yourself getting excited jumping up and down while you see someone showing you a rewarding business opportunity.

So you decided to join and started to work. In the midway you got hardships, problems, and rejections, so what do you do next? If you really love the process and the daily task that you do, you will always keep going without getting bored.

10. Top Network Marketers Don’t Know How to Quit:

Last but not least, a person who has achieved the greatest success in a Network Marketing business never knew how to quit. They kept on moving next and next, every single day. It doesn’t matter 100,000 rejected their business plan, they keep moving.

If you really want to make money with Network Marketing keep on going and don’t even think about quitting. It is always the few who make it at the top in any industry and the average people are those who always in a great number. Becoming one of those few or the average is always up to you and the choices in life you make.

Final Words About Characteristics of Successful Network Marketers:

These are just a few of the characteristics and habits of some of the most successful Network Marketers. If you have joined or are planning to join a direct selling business to make extra money working from home, you can do it too. Many people are also making a good decent amount of income from these businesses. However, in order to make a good passive income, you need to be disciplined and work hard to achieve it. Make sure to find a great mentor and always have daily training.