40 Dos and Don'ts in Network Marketing Business For Beginners (2023)

The Do’s and Don’ts knowledge are supposed to be a priority for serious Network Marketers since the biz involves dealing with 1000s of people.

Dos and Donts

Dos and Don'ts in Network Marketing

A long-term business like Network Marketing, which completely depends on building trust with others, is to be done carefully.

Any wrong step or mistake might cost you to lose a diamond prospect which could have created a turning point for your business. 

As a direct selling business owner, it’s strongly recommended to follow the system of the company which you joined.

The journey might sound difficult but many have already done it and are living a lifestyle that is really enjoyable.

If someone can do it, you too can and the only thing that can make that happen is to do the right steps.

40 Dos and Don'ts in a Network Marketing Business:

With daily actions as a Network Marketer, make sure you do these so that you might have better results. You also must be having a much better success blueprint from your company or up line but at the same time, you can use this for some more references.

Dos In Network Marketing:

Here are some important things you need to be doing if you are serious about building a successful long-term Network Marketing Business.

1. Be Serious About The WHY Factor:

Do you have the strongest reason why you want to become successful in a Multi-Level Marketing Business? Or did you just joined to give it a try, maybe to earn few extra bucks through marketing? To be honest, this is serious biz, to be done for at least 2-5 Years or more with extremely hard work.

Anybody who has taken a decision from the head to complete serious tasks will always take a u-turn when the going gets tough. Do not do this business if your reason to succeed, doesn’t make you wake up in the night.

2. Choose the Best Network Marketing Company:

Do you want to be a part of a company which appears in the market this month and going to vanish with your money in a few months' time? Be wise, as you live in the time of the internet and everything can be pulled up with Google.

Why not research the company that you want to join, open the history and learn how long it’s been on the market. MLM or Network Marketing industry is full of crabs and rip-off scam artists, who will steal your money if you are not careful. No company is absolutely best in every way, but be clear about what you are really passionate about and choose it.

3. Hey, always think Positive:

Before you climb a huge mountain, with many difficulties and you desire to reach the top, don’t you think you need to set your mind first? Network Marketing is certainly not the easiest business out there and you need a strong positive mental attitude to succeed.

Positive thinking is that inward voice you have in your head every single day, convincing you that you can do it. So, always learn to speak with a voice of hope, strength, prosperity, health, and every good thing that you want into your life.

4. Gang up with Top Network Marketers:

As a Network Marketer, who wants to succeed you need to associate with the most successful entrepreneurs in the business. By far this is one of the most important topics in the Do’s & Don’ts lists, which is a success booster for you.

If you follow the footsteps of someone who has already done it, your chances to make it happen are much higher. Just look for a leader who genuinely cares for your well-being in the business and copycat their success blueprint.

5. Always write down your dreams:

People who are really successful in a Network Marketing business are all big dreamers and visionaries. There is something called a subconscious mind and what it can do to your life if you realize the power of it.

So, you are supposed to write down your dreams and goals, on paper and pictures, stick it somewhere you can see every day. When you see what you desire, every single day your subconscious mind will be activated and you will start taking actions to achieve it.

6. Your Life Depends on it:

Not only about a direct selling business, but consider a life and death situation incident where you are ready to do anything to save your own life. Or it may be the lives of your loved ones, what are you willing to do to save the life of a sick daughter, your only daughter.

Your success as a Network Marketer depends on your seriousness and willingness to do whatever it takes to make it happen. When you have made that decision from your heart, nothing should be able to stop you from moving forward in life.

7. MLM Leads Generation Tactics:

Gone are the days when a Network Marketer always depended on the cold market, friends, and families for their MLM business. Especially at this age of technology, you have a great advantage of many free online public platforms to generate MLM leads.

You need to master the art of generating more interested prospects for your business and that is the warm market. When you do prospecting to people who have shown interest in a home-based business, your chances of growth are much higher.

8. Educate & Train Hard:

You need to remember the motto of a direct selling MLM business which is to learn and earn more. Most legitimate and top Network Marketing companies always have great training sessions on a regular basis for their members.

This is a process that will be ongoing for you, even if you make it to the top, never stop educating yourself every day. Train and take action like it’s your last day and with that kind of determination, you will make it happen.

9. You Do Need To have a Rhino Thick Skin:

So, how do you behave when 50 people rejected your business opportunity in the last 5-10 days and how do you face all the criticism? Before you join as a Network Marketer, remember that this is not a business of weak-hearted people.

Even if you are a shy person, you need to train yourself to become a marketer with a 'rhino' thick skin. There will be a lot of criticism, rejections, and mockery throwing at you from every direction in a Network Marketing business.

10. Remember Honesty is the best policy:

Your honesty is like a seal of trust especially with a people’s business like an MLM and this is the best policy for long-term success. Be honest about yourself and in every deal relating to money as 100s of your downlines with look up to you as an example.

11. Be Passionate about what you do:

You got to love what you do if you really want to succeed in life and that’s the only way you will keep going no matter what comes next. Being passionate is about being addicted to what you do and this has to happen with your direct selling business too.

A person who is addicted to something always comes for more and this usually happens to people who are addicted to bad habits. What if, you become addicted to good things in life, and you keep coming for more every single day?  

12. Be a Time-management expert:

98% of all the Network Marketers are working part-time to earn a passive income and you need to be a time management expert. You must write create a timetable based on your daily activities and make at least 1-2 hours of free time for your MLM biz.

13. MLM Presentation to new people every day:

Always focus on daily activities and consistent growth in your business by taking action showing your presentation to new people. What you do every single day as a Network Marketer will compound over time and you will reap your rewards in the end. If you do an active online lead generation focus on showing your business to 3-5 new people daily.

14. Sponsor 10-30 new members a month:

Sponsoring and recruiting is the name of the game in the direct selling business and learn to go for quality prospects. If you show your business opportunity to 3-5 or more of your highly targeted MLM leads, you will have good conversions. Always target to sponsor at least 10-30 quality prospects every single month and duplicate your success with them.

15. Become a ‘Guru’:

Every new recruit you bring into the business is full of doubt, questions and they will be exposed to a negative environment other than your MLM community. It’s your responsibility to equip, encourage and guide them every step of the way.

16. Learn people’s skills:

This is another high-priority Do’s & Don’ts list of Network marketing as you will be meeting all kinds of people. In fact people smart entrepreneurs always make it at the top of this business as this is a Network of people.

17. Stay connected online:

If you want to become an authoritative figure in your industry you need to be transparent and stay connected with others every single day. The social media platform is an absolute breakthrough for many businesses to build trust with their consumers. Build a social media profile or pages related to your niche and keep updating your testimonies online.

18. Duplicate and Build an Army:

Duplication is the key to success in a Multi-Level Marketing business and this is how you make money while you sleep. This is where the business of Network Marketing becomes one of the greatest part-time opportunities to create wealth. You become a success and then you create more successful people like yourself while in the process.

19. Earn & Invest:

Most Network Marketers fail to do this as it’s not tough in their companies which are to re-invest your money in building assets. When you make a lot of money, people keep buying things for short-term pleasures, rather invest them.

You can re-invest in buying a piece of real estate, reliable company shares, stocks, or other assets which will give you more passive income. In fact, you should never rely on a single income source but create multiple income sources, for real financial security.

20. Become an example:

When you become successful and helped others to become like you, many people will love and admire you. That value should be passed onto your children and your generation. Create an example and become a person who has great values in life and it’s not just about an MLM biz.

Don'ts in Network Marketing:

Here are another 20 serious don'ts you need to remember while building your direct selling business and avoiding this will make you succeed in no time.

1. Never say “We are the Best”:

What happens when someone says to you that, we are the best in the world and there’s no one like us? The moment you start to brag about yourself is the moment you will start breaking trust with someone. It really doesn’t matter how many cars, private planes or how much money you got, people are primarily interested in themselves. Your Network Marketing presentation should be more focused on how the opportunity or the products can benefit them.

2. Never have a lottery ticket buyer mentality:

Imagine a person, spending $10 on a lottery ticket and think about what he exactly want with that, a lot of money overnight, right? What are the odds to winning a lottery for 10,000 people spending $10 each to win 100,000?

A Network Marketer with a long-term mentality is primarily motivated by the rewards he could get in the next 2-5 years. Short term mentality people always end up being broke or working for someone else for the rest of their lives.

3. Don’t Make the Mistake of treating it like a hobby:

A hobby is something you do when you have nothing to do and you do it mostly to kill time or waste your time. Some people make hobbies a little productive based on person to person however your direct selling business is a serious business. If you conduct your business like a hobby, you are not so sure about what you want and chances are you are not going anywhere with it.

4. Stop annoying family & friends:

The old tactics of cold marketing where everybody makes a list of everyone that they know and start ringing their phones no longer work. Even if you are doing that, you need to do it in a nice way without annoying them.

Prospecting in Network Marketing is much more than just showing a business presentation but gaining trust and relationships with people. If you are someone whom people can trust easily, your words will be counted and people will join your group or buy from you.

5. Don’t be a loner:

Don’t be a lone wolf in a direct selling business because it never worked in the past and it will never work in the future too. It is always wise and recommended that you learn from the mistakes of others who have already done it.

Since the MLM business, involves meeting new people every single day, you are supposed to be learning by remaining in a success-minded team. Always get counseling and training from your leaders before you take a new step.

6. Don’t spam online:

Nowadays everybody is a victim of online marketing spam where 100s of marketers are blasting sales emails 3-5 times a day. Does anybody want to respond to such emails and online posts in social media groups?

As a smart Network Marketer, learn to do marketing tactics where you don’t sell every time to others but gives value. Give Free training, Free E-Books, or something that ad value to others using online platforms.

7. Never take rejections personally:

Don’t ever think rejections personally in your Multi-Level Marketing Business, but consider it as one step closer towards your diamond prospect. Remember, in a direct selling business, you are bound to be rejected and criticized by 100s of prospects.

8. Don’t stop using your MLM products:

If you don’t use your own MLM products or services, how can you go out and tell everyone about it? You will be representing a business opportunity and you are supposed to experience what can your products benefit you in real life. Never stop using your own direct selling products and let others see you are speaking from real experiences.

9. A no-no to a selfish sponsor:

Before you join as a Network Marketer, always check your up line or sponsor and how is he willing to help you to succeed. There are marketers who just want quick bucks and after sponsoring you, they will just vanish with some profits. Your up line is going to be your first guide in your MLM biz and a very important long term biz partner.

10. No time for low mentality people:

Association with the right people is everything in Multi-Level Marketing biz, so avoid people who are negative and dream stealers. You must identify people who are serious about their lives and people who just enjoy being mediocre. Have nothing to do with those groups of people who have no goals and dreams in their lives.

11. Don’t become like a weird office boss:

Everyone in the direct selling business is a business owner and you need to be an example to others becoming a leader in the industry. Know the difference between a leader and a boss, as nobody likes someone looking over their shoulder and giving orders.

12. Don’t invest time with nonserious downlines:

Even if you have sponsored 100s of Network Marketers, only a small percentage of people will be serious about the biz. As a leader, you are required to identify members who are serious about their life and the biz. Invest time with people who are taking action to get results and only with those downlines who are willing to do whatever it takes.

13. Never expect too much from others:

Remember that your business and your life don’t depend on the efforts of others but on you and your determinations. You sponsor 20 good members doesn’t mean you sit and wait for what they do next in your MLM business. Keep doing what you are meant to do every single day and that is how your success will be achieved.

14. Don’t just focus on width:

There are different Network Marketing compensation plans, and most of them allow unlimited width except binary compensation plans. If you want long-term sustainable business growth always focus on building depth in your MLM structures.

15. Never miss events:

Events, meetings, seminars, and training are the success booster of your direct selling business and you should never miss them. Many companies with legit and reliable systems always conduct these events from time to time and you should bring all your members to such events always.

16. Don’t stop reading:

Don’t you ever stop reading books and learning from many sources, since life has a lot to offer you in every way. To become a great Network Marketer you must be reading and develop a daily habit for it. No matter what level you reach, you are always far from perfection and you must put your effort into better things in life.

17. Never pre-Judge others:

Don’t make the mistake of pre-judging people based on how they appear in the moment, what they do or how well known they are. Many prospects who are excited now may quit the next week and few people who are not much interested might become your next diamond prospect. So, keep doing your good work and stop judging others.

18. Act now & don’t procrastinate:

Most unsuccessful people have the characteristics of procrastination and always keep postponing things that they can do today. In a people business like MLM, you need to act fast because this is a world filled with competitors. The person you wanted to speak to, the next day may be introduced to the same biz by someone else today before you even approach.

19. Don’t waste your time:

As a serious Network Marketer, you should never waste your time on unproductive habits that add no value to your life. Your whole being must be transformed into a personality that people will admire. Use your free time to do things, which are meaningful to your life and the life of others in a positive way.

20. Don’t you ever quit?

Now, this is the most important tip of our Dos and Don’ts in a Network Marketing business. Haven’t you heard, winners don't quit and quitters never will win, and this is the key to your success? You must be a person who really doesn’t know how to quit and only then you will achieve great success in life.

Final thoughts about Dos and Don'ts in Network Marketing:

In fact, there are many Do’s and Don’ts which is not mentioned here, but I am sure a few of these tips might be helpful to you. Whether you are an experienced Network Marketer or just a beginner, your success depends on your commitment. So, before you do anything important in life, just sit down and think if it’s a worthy goal to achieve. You have free will and once you make your decision there shouldn’t be any excuse.