10 Network Marketing Tips on How To Survive Your 1st Year In MLM (2023)

How to Survive Your 1st Year in Network Marketing?

A Distributor in Network Marketing who joins the business a few days back always has a lot of excitement, dreams, and expectations.

Network Marketing Tips

Network Marketing Tips For Beginners.

He/she after seeing all the financial rewards, freedom, recognition, and lifestyle always have adrenaline pumping through his veins.

Then after few days he decided to start building this great Network Marketing business, goes out and talks to everybody about it. 

Suddenly these Network Marketers who were full of energy and excitement are forced to face rejections after rejections.

Now, his best friends started running away from him and their family members criticize them day and night. 

Now this person who was so energetic and excited suddenly started realizing if he/she is doing the right business.

10 Important Network Marketing Tips For Beginners:

This is the true story of 98% of all the Network Marketers in the world who comes to the conclusion of quitting the business. And also many become the victim of the cruel get rich quick and illegal pyramid schemes, which are started by thieves.

 Now the question is, we know the stories of these 98%ers but what about the 2%ers who become successful in the same business. What are their stories and what is that one thing, which is so special about these people making Millions?

When you join a direct selling business, your first year as a Network Marketer will be full of surprises that you never expected. This is the period when most of the distributors quit a Network Marketing or MLM business.

Most people quit the business in their first 3 months or 90 days, without even getting a penny back of what they invested. If you join the right company under the right leadership, the question is how you survive this first year, which is really critical. Here are some tips which will help you to stick to your plan for success as a Network Marketer.

Tip #1. Have a Strong ‘WHY’:

Having a strong purpose and reason for why you do something always makes you work like a superhuman and nothing can make you quit. So the real man’s question is; why in the world did you decide to join a Network Marketing business.

To be honest, many people just join to earn some extra income, some to try the products and some people after dreaming about a lot of money. These are the categories of Network Marketers who usually disappear after a few months of trial.

A person with a strong ‘Why’ is like a person who is on fire and running everywhere like a mad man for his life. He is someone like, a man whose life is on the line and they have to do it as it is a life and death situation.

Why did you start as a Network Marketer and what is that you desperately wanted? Your answer to this question will ultimately decide your destiny and whether you will quit or not. The 2%er who make millions are those who have the strongest ‘Why’ when they start the business.

Tip #2. Using your own Products:

Network Marketing is all about high-quality products and services which people would want to use in their daily life. So the question is, how much do you know your products, and do you believe in your own products?

Serious Network Marketers always will use their own products first and based on that first-hand experience they recommend it to others. In order to be successful in your MLM business, you got to have faith and belief in your own products.

When you experienced and know that it works, you are not just promoting it but you yourself are a testimony to others. When you speak with authority and confidence it builds trust and people will not hesitate to buy it from you.

Tip #3. Surviving Negativity from Family members & Friends:

You ask this question to every Network Marketers who became financially free and making a lot of money. What is one of the biggest obstacles you get when you travel the journey of Network Marketing Business?

It will be the criticism and their closest friends, family members trying to stop them from doing the business. Someone who is really close to you will always try to stop you when you start your journey as a Network Marketer.

People who are usually weak and don’t have any strong foundation for success will always get swept away with these waves. So how do you survive these Negative people who are surrounding you every day?

As we mentioned above, first determine-your ‘Why’ and think for a moment how your life will become if you are successful. How many lives will it change and is it worth quitting based on the opinion of few people? You are the one who is going to decide this and no one can do anything about it. I would love to say “stand your ground soldiers” and don’t you even dare to back off!

Tip #4. Choosing a Strong Leader:

When you choose a leader who is like Lion, you as a student will also become like a Lion, and this is what you must do as Network Marketer. Your first year in the Network Marketing business will be full of challenges and negativity.

To be honest, when you join an MLM business you are a beginner, like a small fish, and out there you will face a lot of cunning animals. In order to be saved from these filthy external environments, you need a strong up line and a strong leader who is going to protect you.

Make an inner circle of association with like-minded people and try to avoid friends and colleagues who don’t have the same goal as you do. So get in touch with your group leaders and always listen to their advice as they care for your success.

Tip #5. Attending Network Marketing Events & Training every day:

As a new Network Marketer, you should never miss the meeting, events, and training sessions conducted by the company for its distributors. These activities will build you up and also you will get to learn what others are doing that gives them results.

The events, meetings, and seminars are your opportunity to get associated with like-minded communities which makes you more confident. In a Network Marketing business, the concept or idea about a lone warrior is not applicable.

This is also an opportunity to bring your new members to make them associated with success-minded leaders. If you want to become successful as a Network Marketer, never miss a meeting, seminar, or event.

Tip #6. Invest in Education:

The best investment in life you can ever do is to invest in educating yourself whether it is a business or a Network Marketing. Your daily activities will be full of errors and mistakes, which is why a consistent education is required.

It will also make your brain more focussed and super active, ready for any challenging tasks in life. You should consider investing to buy some good books to develop you as a person. Self-development, positive attitude, and leadership-related books are some of the best choices to improve you as a person.

If possible you can also opt-in with online courses to improve your communications skills and leadership skills. There are many powerful audios and videos which you can listen to every single day to improve yourself from within.

Tip #7. Getting used to Rejections:

The main reason why the majority of the distributors quit the Network Marketing business after a mild struggle is rejections. Serious Network Marketers always have rhino-thick skin that makes them love rejections from people.

When they will face a rejection they think about showing it to 2 more people and the 2 rejects think about another 4. You can’t beat them easily and they will keep moving until they reach their destination.

MLM business has the highest number of controversies and people usually think of it as an illegal pyramid scheme. So, it’s a fact that you will be facing rejections one after another, which will eventually decide how strong you are.

Tip #8. Try to sponsor at least 50-100 in the first 90 Days:

Your first 90 days are very critical and since you have invested some money into your direct selling business, it’s always nice to get some profits too. Try showing your business opportunity to new people every single day.

Check out our post on How to do effective Network Marketing Presentations? Most Network Marketers lose their money in these businesses because they fail to follow the right system.

A legit Multi-Level Marketing company always has a great system that allows people to become successful. They will teach you about prospecting and how to make phone calls and follow-ups.

Read our post on Generating good quality MLM or Network Marketing Leads, who are interested in a business opportunity. If you approach these people who have shown interest in a home-based business, the rejection rate will be much lower.

Let’s say you have a list of high-quality MLM Leads with 1000 people with email and contact numbers. These people have opted in to see a business opportunity like yours. If you call up 10-20 people every single day, your chances of sponsoring 50-100 good Network Marketers are extremely high.

Tip #9. Understand that 98% might quit:

As we mentioned above people will join your group and most of them will quit. The number of people who quit is usually high and you as a New Network Marketer should be aware of these facts.

Your responsibility is to set your goal, follow the system, and never quit because the reason why you do it is really important. So you don’t come in the categories of those quitters who are always a failure in their lives. Whether you want to become the 2%er or the 98%er, only you can decide.

Tip #10. Develop the Habit of Consistency:

Consistency is the key to perfection and every great achievement in life, not only as a Network Marketer. All these activities and habits have to become a passion for your life. Imagine the first 1 year, you keep showing your business to 10-20 people every single day.

You keep reading, training, and duplicating your success, don’t you think there won’t be any change happening in your life. Most people want quick success and end up their life in disappointment. Always focus on building that long-term passive Income that your Network Marketing business can provide you.

Final words about Network Marketing Tips for Beginners:

This shouldn’t be only about the first year as a Network Marketer but has to become a habit for you every single day. A man who goes to the gym to exercise well for the last 5 years is always different from the one who just works out for 1 year. So, what do you think? As mentioned success is a journey and not just a destination, so keep moving. The road to greatness has many ups and downs, but the one who makes it is the one who never knew how to quit.