What is Network Marketing? Step By Step MLM Guide (2023)

Learn About Network Marketing, A Business Model That Leverages A Network of Distributors To Reach Customers & Build a Residual Income. Get An Overview of The Advantages, Disadvantages & How It Works.

What is Network Marketing?

Network marketing is a type of direct selling where individuals, known as distributors, promote & sell products or services directly to customers. These distributors also recruit other individuals to become distributors & earn a commission on their sales, forming a network of distributors that grows over time. The compensation plan in network marketing can vary, but it typically includes commissions on sales, bonuses for recruiting new distributors & overrides on the sales of the downline. 

Network Marketing was first invented in 1945 by Carl Rehnborg for implementing a sales process for Nutrilite, a supplement company. But the real concept of Network Marketing was revolutionized by Rich Devos and Jay Van Andel in 1959, with the start of Amway, the first MLM Company.

What is Network Marketing?

Step-by-Step Network Marketing Guide!

Since then, Network marketing becomes the industry that creates the maximum number of Millionaires compared to any other industry. There are 10,000’s MLM companies in the world, but few of them are reliable and trustworthy. The Multi-Level Marketing Company is also one of the most misunderstood forms of marketing and many times people consider it a scam.

Network Marketing can be quite confusing for people who are new to the industry and especially because of the MLM reputations made by scam companies. Everyone comes to this industry with much expectation to make money working from home part-time. So let’s get to know the reality of this multi-level marketing concept.

How Does Network Marketing Work?

Network marketing operates through a network of independent distributors who are motivated to sell products & recruit others to do the same. Distributors are trained & supported by the company. They receive a commission on the sales they generate, as well as on the sales of their downline. As a distributor grows their network, they earn residual income from the sales of their downline, which can provide a long-term source of income. The success of a distributor in network marketing depends on their ability to sell products, recruit new distributors & support their downline.

How To Start Network Marketing?

Network Marketing as the name suggests is about creating a huge network of people to do marketing for a business or a product. In a traditional business, the manufacturer of a product distributes its products to the suppliers, wholesalers, retailers, and then consumers. However, with Network Marketing the idea of a middleman between the manufacturer and consumers is eliminated.

This also leads to a huge benefit to the companies by saving a large number of investments in advertising and promotions. The products are made available to the consumers directly from the manufacturer hence it is also called direct selling. A survey indicates that more people are likely to buy a product or service if it’s recommended by someone they know.

The reason behind the huge success of the network marketing industry is that they always have an army of distributors to advertise and sell products on the company’s behalf. Since it eliminates the middlemen the profit margin with each sale with direct selling can be very extremely high compared to normal retailing.

Network marketing uses the power of the Duplication formula, which is the most powerful concept for building a residual income. The more people you help to achieve success, the more you will become successful which is a great concept of a win/win situation.

Network Marketing Success Tips

What is MLM (Multi-Level Marketing)?

MLM or Multi-Level Marketing and Network marketing are referred to as the same concept. When we say Network it refers to the network of people who are involved with actively marketing the products or services. And the term Multi-Level marketing refers to the strategy used by direct selling companies to encourage the distributors.

Network Marketing Tools

As the name suggests it normally goes in levels of recruits or new customers brought to the company by each distributor. When you as a distributor bring a new consumer or a member that will be referred to as the first level. Then the new one brings other people into his team & will be referred to the 2nd level. And the hierarchy goes on from there which will, in turn, bring in a huge network of people to the company.

Because of this level of structure, the MLM industry is also considered one of the most controversial marketing concepts by new beginners. The Multi-level marketing concept is completely legal and is an extremely powerful concept if you know what you are doing.

It becomes illegal when a company or manufacturer doesn’t abide by the terms and MLM Guidelines set by the FTC in the US(Federal Trade Commission). Every country may have different laws on companies and especially in the MLM industry. Make sure to check the government guidelines of your country if you plan to join an MLM business.

6 Network Marketing Strategies

Network Marketing or MLM Compensation Plans:

MLM Compensation Plan

Types of MLM Compensation Plan

MLM compensation plan plays an important role in the success of the network marketing business. Even though there are several comp plans for Network Marketing or MLM, Here we are going to see the 4 most popular payout plans. The more rewarding the compensation plans are the more distributors are motivated to perform better thereby increasing overall business revenue. The 4 most popular MLM compensation plans are:

i) Binary MLM Compensation Plan:

Binary-compensation-plan in MLM as the name indicates is about having two down-line legs, which are left and right. The commission that a distributor will be calculated based on the volume of business comparing the left and the right leg. 

Normally in most MLM compensation plans, the payouts are based on the percentage of the volume. Every new person is directly sponsored by you after the left and right legs are automatically spilled over below, either to the right or left.

However, in the binary structure, it will be calculated based on the activities left and right, which are required to have a balance. This Binary plan is the most famous and the most rewarding plan compared to other MLM payout plans. It is easy to understand and most people are attracted to it because of its simplicity in structure.

ii) Unilevel MLM Compensation Plan:

Unilevel compensation plan as the name refers to UNI – which means one, is a single-level MLM structure. This probably is one of the simplest MLM compensation plans and is extremely easy to make people understand. There is no spill-over or volume percentage calculation as every new recruit brought by you will be directly placed in the first level under you.

It has unlimited width and most Network marketers prefer this structure because it’s really simple to understand. Not only the direct referral bonus but you will also benefit from approximately 5-10 business levels in many ways.

iii) Forced Matrix MLM Compensation Plan:

The Forced Matrix compensation plan restricts a member to have a limited number of direct referrals in their first level. Let’s say you have an 8*10 forced matrix MLM plan, which means you can have only 8 people on your first level and will be paid up to 10 levels deep.

Those network marketing companies that allow Forced Matrix will pay you for direct sponsor commission, level commission, and Matrix commission. This type of compensation plan also allows the distributor to focus on fewer people and help them to succeed.

iv) Party Plan MLM Compensation Plan:

Party-Compensation-plan is a new concept implemented by many network marketing companies for promoting their products by organizing social events. This type of MLM compensation plan is more popular among products like kitchen and cosmetics which involves women.

Those independent contractors or distributors who are organizing such events will be paid a percentage of total sales generated through such events. Most of the time such live events prove to be very effective in promotions as people can get more product info through several presentations.

Top Network Marketing Companies

There are also many other MLM compensation plans implemented by hundreds of network marketing companies across the globe. Some of those plans are:

Network Marketing Vs Pyramid Schemes:

Pyramid-scheme is one of the most controversial business models that recruit new members with a promise of a payout rather than the sales of products or services. The pyramid schemes as the name indicate look like a pyramid structure, where someone at the top gains benefits from all new recruits or members.

Such schemes are more focused on recruiting more new members and mostly don’t have a product or services involved in them. The network marketing industry has got a false impression from many people because of fraudulent companies operating in such plans. You need to read the FTC guidelines on how to identify such illegal schemes in the first place.

Network Marketing Presentation

Such companies are in the 1000s operating all over the world taking advantage of new beginners and investors who lack knowledge. A legitimate Network Marketing or MLM makes money by selling a legit product or services and an illegal pyramid scheme is based on new recruits.

What is a Ponzi Scheme?

Ponzi-Schemes are one of the most cunningly crafted illegal schemes that lure investors and pay commissions with the revenue generated from new recruits. This is also much similar to the pyramid schemes and totally depends on new recruits or members to make the business move.

Eventually, when the new streams of fresh members stop, the business also stops, and the scammer who starts the business runs away with all the money. People who are less educated, Naive, or a beginner often fall victim to such con artists who try to manipulate people with false promises.

It’s like robbing John to pay Mike, and the trend continues where more and more new members who join become victims of this scam. You need to learn to identify the Red Flags while joining network marketing, such as:

Network Marketing Vs Make Money Online Business:

Network Marketing Vs Make Money Online

Network Marketing Vs Make Money Online

When we talk about Network marketing it is considered one of the most effective ways to create a passive income for life. If you are involved with the right company and do things in a proper way, you have a great chance of success.

The best part of the 21st century is the invention of the internet and after it, everything becomes a part of the online community. Many make money online business has started using the concept of Network Marketing or MLM using the power of the internet.

When you use the technology in addition to the Network Marketing concept, it may give you exponential results. Most of the Make money online businesses are also based on selling other people's or company's products through affiliate marketing.

So in both cases, you are selling something, to the consumers. Why not use the technology to do the multiplication of your results? However, if you are a beginner, the make-money-online world is also full of scams and con artists trying to rip you off.

Always look for a legit training program before you start with anything new. Education and proper knowledge is the key to success in your online marketing or network marketing career.

Top 10 Network Marketing Companies In The World:

Top Network Marketing Companies

Top 10 Network Marketing Companies

Time and Time again, 1000s of Network marketing came, lasted for a few months or years, and then vanished due to dishonest or illegal business ethics. Below we have listed the Best Network marketing that has lasted for decades.

If you are seriously considering joining a Network marketing company or an MLM, you need to study the Big Players in the market. No matter what many have said about these MLM companies, they have proven themselves to be the best in the industry. So here are the Top 10 Best MLM Companies:

Amway is primarily considered the first Multilevel Marketing who started the wave of MLM business in the world. The company was first started in November 1959 in Michigan USA and it's having the highest turnover with close to $9 Billion US dollars annually. Amway deals with FMCG products which are Personal care, Home Care, Nutrition, and Beauty.

Avon is one of the oldest companies that were founded in 1886 by David McConnell & is headquartered in New York City. If you love the beauty industry Avon might be the best choice for you in terms of quality and a trusted reputation. They manufacture beauty products, Fashion, and home care products with a turnover of close to $6 billion annually.

Herbalife healthcare items are Top of the class and have assisted millions of health-conscious consumers since 1980. The company is one of the Industry leaders in Network marketing which has more than 2.5 Million distributors in close to 100 countries worldwide. Herbalife nutrition also offers one of the highest profit margins for each sale up to 25% for distributors.

Vorwerk is a German Based Network marketing company offering Hi-Tech kitchen appliances like TM6, Thermo Mix Cooking appliances, and vacuum cleaners. The well-designed German engineering makes it extremely popular which leads to a global turnover of $4 billion annually.

Mary Kay is a US-based cosmetic MLM Company that was first started in 1963 by Mary Kay Ash. The company is an industry leader in producing cosmetic products and distributing them through Network Marketing. Mary Kay is the only MLM company that calls its distributor Beauty Consultants and requires a $100 start-up cost to join the company.

Infinitus is another famous Network Marketing company based in China that manufactures products to help people with a healthy lifestyle. The company was first started in 1992 with health products made with Pure Chinese herbs and hit a turnover of close to $4 annually.

Perfect MLM Company is another Chinese-based Network marketing dealing with Health care, Beauty, Skincare, and Personal Care products. The company was established in 1994 with Headquarters in Guangdong Province in China and has a turnover of $3 billion annually.

NaturalBrasil is another Famous Network Marketing company based in Brazil that sells skincare products and spa-like soaps. It was first started in 1969 with just one product that is soap and since then became an industry leader with a $2 Billion annual sale.

Tupperware was first started in 1946 by Earl Tupper and is one of the biggest companies dealing with Innovative Kitchen products. The company was made famous with the promotion of Tupperware parties. Airtight sealed containers are quite popular all over the world and Tupperware is the best in that niche.

Nuskin is another US-based MLM Company dealing with lotions, Spa Tools, and Supplements with a Turnover of $2 billion yearly. The company was first started in 1984 in UT, USA, and has its foreign operation based in Canada. Their main manufacturing units are NU skin Korea and Pharmanex.

Top 20 Income Earners in Network Marketing Business:

Top Network Marketing Earners

Top Network Marketing Earners in the World

Top Network marketers who have made a fortune with Multi-Level Marketing, live a lifestyle that every person would dream of. The most interesting fact about an MLM business is that it gives a passive income source, which will last for years to come.

When you are trying to make an extra income, the best choice would be to create a residual income. You work once and the money keeps coming in for many months and years to come. There are 1000s of Top Network Marketers who are making millions as passive income. Let’s see the top20 Earners:

20. Alfred Nickson with FES - Earnings - $5.4 Million per Year:

Alfred Nickson has made a fortune with the Financial Education Services MLM Company in the US and made over 30+ six-figure earners in his team.

19. Khalid Shaath from Dubli Network - Earnings - $5.7 Million Annually:

Khalid Shaath has created a huge team with more than 100,000 distributors in his group across the globe with Dubli Network.

18. Damon Aleczander with Epic Trading - Earnings - $6 Million Annually:

Damon is an online entrepreneur who made millions with Epic trading which is a Forex Trading educational platform.

17. 'David Liciaga' from Epic Trading - Earnings - $6 Million per Year:

'David Liciaga' is another famous Forex trader who became very successful with Epic Trading and is currently working as a VP with the same company.

16. John Haremza with Valentus - Earnings – $6 Million per Year:

John Haremza is considered one of the Network Marketing veterans with experience of over 30 years in the business and is a leader with Valentus MLM.

15. Ana Cantera from Total Life Changes - Earnings - $6.3 Million per Year:

Ana Cantera is a young entrepreneur who made good earnings with a network marketing company known as Total Life changes.

14. Nathalie Smith with Total Life Changes - Earnings - $6.6 Million Annually:

Nathalie Nicole Smith also made a fortune with Total Life Changes Company with an income of $500,000 a month.

13. Lulian Cimbala from Success Factory - Earnings - $6.7 Million per Year:

'Lulian' Cimbala is also the MLM top earner with a monthly income of more than $500,000 with Success Factory Company located in Japan.

12. Dexter Yager with Amway - Earnings - $7.2 Million a Year:

Dexter Yager also registered under the name of Dexter group is the highest earner with Amway the #1 Multi-Level Marketing Company in the world. He passed away in 2019 and still, his passive income keeps pumping into his family members.

11. Danien Feier & Stefania Lo Gatto with Jeunesse: Earnings - $8.4 Million Per Year:

Feier is a Triple diamond achiever with a company called Jeunesse and builds the business together with Stefania Lo Gatto.

10. Bryce Thompson from IM Mastery Academy - Earnings - $8.4 Million per Year:

Bryce Thompson is a big achiever with the MLM Company called IM Mastery Academy and is a chairman 500 rank holder.

9. Rolf Kipp from FLP - Earnings - $8.4 Million Per Year:

Rolf Kipp is the highest earner with the company called FLP (Forever Living Products) which is based in the US and produces healthcare products from Aloe Vera.

8. Laura Castro & Allan Badilla from BE: Earnings - $8.7 Million per Year:

Laura Castro & Allan Badilla is the top earner with an MLM Company called Berules earning a whopping $730,000 per month.

7. Matthew Rosa & Jason Brown with IM Mastery - Earnings - $9.6 Million per Year:

Jason Brown & Matthew Rosa is the first-ever Top rank chairman 250 with the Network marketing company called Imarketslive.

6. David Imonitie with IM Mastery - Earnings - $10.3 Million Per year:

David Imonitie is the highest African American earner with a monthly income of around $865,000 a month with IM mastery.

5. Stormy Wellington with Total Life Changes - Earnings - $12 Million per Year:

Stormy Wellington started her Network Marketing career in 2013 with Total Life Changes and makes around $1 Million a month.

4. Jenna Zwagil with My Daily Choice - Earnings - $12.7 Million per Year:

Jenna Zwagil is the highest female earner in the network marketing industry along with her husband Josh Swagil in My Daily Choice MLM Company.

3. Trin with Jirawan Vichaidith from Nu Skin - Earnings - $16 Million per Year:

Trin & Jirawan Vichaidith are an amazing couple from Thailand who is making around $1.3 Million per Month with Nu skim MLM company.

2. Monika & Ivan Tapia from IM Mastery Academy: Earnings - $18 Million per Year:

Ivan & Monica Tapia has built a huge network with over 60,000 entrepreneurs in their group with IM Mastery, making more than $1.5 Million a month.

1. Igor Alberts & Andreea Cimbala with Success Factory: Earning $21.6 Million a Year:

Igor Alberts & Andreea Cimbala, the couple is the highest Earner in the Network Marketing business who is earning more than $2.6 Million a month.

Common Network Marketing FAQs:

Q1. What are the Benefits of Network Marketing?

Ans. There are several benefits to network marketing, including the potential to earn extra income, the flexibility to work from home or on your own schedule, & the opportunity to own your own business. Additionally, many network marketing companies provide training & support to their distributors, allowing them to grow their businesses & achieve success. Join a Network Marketing company if you have the following reasons:

The Multi-Level Marketing industry might not be for everyone, since it will involve selling and promoting products to people. It is considered one of the most effective ways to generate a residual income that lasts a lifetime if you build with the right organization. But the sad truth about the Network Marketing business is that 98% of people fail & try to make it happen.

This happens not because the system doesn’t work but because it takes a lot of hard work and consistency to succeed in Network marketing. And the majority of the people quit and few people are willing to do whatever it takes to succeed. I personally don’t work for any MLM companies, but I have experience with it and my passion is to build a business using the power of Technology (Blogging). If you are willing to pay the price for success and are passionate about building a solid lifelong residual Income you should join it.

Q2. What is the difference between Network Marketing & Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)?

Ans. Network marketing & multi-level marketing (MLM) are often used interchangeably, but they are not exactly the same thing. MLM is a type of network marketing where individuals earn a commission not only on their own sales, but also on the sales made by individuals they recruit, the individuals those individuals recruit, & so on, creating multiple levels of commissions.

Q3. Is Network Marketing a Scam?

Ans. Network marketing is a legitimate business model, but like any other business, there are scams & fraudulent companies that use it as a cover. It's important to research any network marketing company you're considering joining & make sure it is reputable & offers a product or service that you believe in.

Q4. Can Anyone do Network Marketing?

Ans. Yes, anyone can do network marketing, but it takes hard work and dedication to be successful. Like any other business, it requires time and effort to build a successful network & earn a steady income. However, with the right training & support, anyone can achieve success in network marketing.

Q5. How much Money can I make with Network Marketing?

The amount of money you can make with network marketing varies greatly & depends on several factors, including the company you work with, the products or services you're selling, & your own effort and dedication. Some individuals make a full-time income through network marketing, while others use it as a part-time job to supplement their income.

Q6. Is Network Marketing Right for Me?

Whether or not network marketing is right for you depends on your own goals, skills, & circumstances. If you're looking for a flexible, low-cost business opportunity, network marketing may be a good choice. However, if you're not willing to put in the time & effort required to build a successful network, it may not be the right choice for you.

Pros and Cons of Network Marketing:

Making money, getting time Freedom, being free from all anxieties, and traveling the world in style are some of the main reasons why people start a home business. Whether it’s MLM or a Make Money Online program, there are always some pros and cons about it. So let’s see some of the good and bad things about it.

Pros of Network Marketing:

Cons of Network Marketing:

Final Thoughts about Network Marketing:

If you are seriously considering joining network marketing or an MLM company, first try to find out WHY you want to join it. If your reason for success is not strong you will quit midway. That is why 98% of the people in any industry fail. Your determination, the reason for success, and consistency is the key to success. All that is required to succeed in life is within you. Think about this, if the same human being just like you and I can do it, you too can do it. The only thing that stops YOU is your excuses. Either you make money online using technology or start Network marketing; you are the key to success. So go for it, never look back and Just Do It.