Professional Organizer: Earn with Organizing & Decluttering Services (2023)

Professional Organizing Is a Fast-Growing Industry & You Can Be A Part Of It. Learn How To Turn Your Skills Into A Profitable Business & Make Money As A Professional Organizer.

What is a Professional Organizer?

A Professional Organizer is a person who helps individuals & businesses organize their physical space, & time & resources in a way that maximizes efficiency & productivity. Professional organizers work with clients to develop systems for managing clutter, improving workflow & creating a more functional & organized environment. They may assist with tasks such as decluttering, sorting, labeling & creating storage solutions, as well as providing coaching & support to help clients maintain their newly organized space. Professional organizers may work independently or for a company & may specialize in a particular area such as home organization, office organization, or time management.

How To Start a Professional Organizing Business?

Professional organizing has become a popular service in recent years, as more and more people look for help in decluttering & organizing their homes, offices, and lives. If you have a knack for organization and want to turn it into a profitable business, starting a professional organizing business may be the perfect opportunity for you.

A. Identify your niche:

To stand out in the crowded professional organizing industry, it's essential to identify your niche. Do you specialize in home organizing, office organizing, downsizing, or move management? By focusing on a specific area of expertise, you can build a reputation as an expert in that field and attract more clients.

B. Develop a business plan:

Before launching your professional organizing business, you'll need to develop a business plan that outlines your goals, target market, pricing structure & marketing strategies. Your business plan will serve as a roadmap for your business & help you stay on track as you build & grow your business.

C. Obtain necessary certifications or training:

While you don't need any formal education or training to become a professional organizer, obtaining certifications or training from reputable organizations such as the National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals (NAPO) or the Institute for Challenging Disorganization (ICD) can help you stand out in the industry & provide credibility to your business.

Setting Prices & Building Your Client Base:

A. Research market rates

You'll need to research market rates for professional organizing services in your area to set your prices. Look at what other professional organizers are charging & adjust your prices accordingly. Keep in mind that your pricing should reflect your expertise & the value you provide to your clients.

B. Develop a pricing structure

Once you have an understanding of market rates, you can develop a pricing structure that works for your business. Will you charge by the hour, project, or package? Consider the different types of services you offer & what pricing structure makes the most sense for each.

C. Develop marketing strategies to attract clients

To build your client base, you'll need to develop marketing strategies that target your ideal clients. This may include building a website, creating social media accounts, networking with other professionals in your industry & offering free consultations to potential clients.

Best Practices for Professional Organizing Services:

A. Establish a process for working with clients:

To ensure that you provide high-quality services to your clients, it's important to establish a process for working with clients. This may include assessing clients' needs, creating a plan of action, executing the plan & following up with clients to ensure their satisfaction.

B. Develop a system for organizing and managing client information

As a professional organizer, you'll handle sensitive client information such as addresses, phone numbers & personal belongings. It's important to develop a system for organizing & managing this information to ensure that it's secure & easily accessible when needed.

C. Continually educate yourself on the latest organizing trends & techniques

The organizing industry is constantly evolving, with new trends & techniques emerging all the time. To stay ahead of the curve & provide the best possible services to your clients, it's important to continually educate yourself on the latest organizing trends & techniques.

How To Make Money as a Professional Organizer?

There are several ways to make money as a professional organizer, including:

Hourly Rates:

Charge an hourly rate for your services, with rates ranging from $50-$150 depending on your experience & location.

Package Rates:

Offer package rates for organizing specific areas, such as closets, kitchens, or garages.

Product Sales:

Sell organizing products such as storage containers, labels & file folders to your clients.

Speaking Engagements:

Offer talks and workshops on organizing & decluttering to businesses, community groups & events.

Online Courses:

Develop & sell online courses on organizing & decluttering to a wider audience.


Here are some FAQs related to making money as a professional organizer:

Q: How much can I expect to make as a professional organizer?

A: The amount you can make as a professional organizer depends on a variety of factors, including your location, niche, pricing structure & the number of clients you attract. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for self-employed individuals in the personal care & service industry, which includes professional organizers, is anywhere from $30K to $60K.

Q: Do I need any special equipment to start a professional organizing business?

A: While you don't need any special equipment to start a professional organizing business, there are a few tools that can make your job easier. This may include storage bins, labeling tools, a label maker, & other organizing supplies. However, you can start your business with just a computer, phone, & transportation to meet with clients.

Q: Do I need insurance to operate a professional organizing business?

A: While it's not required by law, it's highly recommended that you obtain liability insurance for your professional organizing business. This can protect you in case of accidents or damages that occur while you're working with clients.

Q: Can I work as a professional organizer part-time?

A: Yes, many professional organizers start out by working part-time and gradually building their businesses as they gain more clients & experience. Starting out part-time can be a good way to test the waters & see if professional organizing is the right career choice for you.

Q: What are some common challenges faced by professional organizers?

A: Some common challenges faced by professional organizers include dealing with difficult clients, managing client expectations, managing time and resources & staying organized while running your own business. However, by establishing processes & systems for your business & continually educating yourself, you can overcome these challenges & build a successful professional organizing business.

Q: How can I stand out in the crowded professional organizing industry?

A: To stand out in the crowded professional organizing industry, it's essential to identify your niche, develop a strong brand & provide exceptional services to your clients. By focusing on a specific area of expertise & building a reputation as an expert in that field, you can differentiate yourself from the competition & attract more clients.


Starting a professional organizing business can be a lucrative and rewarding career choice for those with a passion for organization & helping others. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this blog post, you can set yourself up for success & make money as a professional organizer in 2023 & beyond.

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