Social Media Prospecting Tips | How To Generate MLM Leads Online? (2023)

Social Media Prospecting Tips To Generate MLM Leads:

Prospecting using social media platforms is one of the most preferred lead generation methods used by every business, not just by Network Marketers.

Social Media Prospecting

Social Media Prospecting Tips For MLM

You can pretty much say that half of the population in the world is active on a Social Media Platform.

As a Network Marketer, you need a consistent flow of high-quality prospects to your business and social media is an absolute goldmine.

If you prefer only on paid advertisings for your business, you are literally burning your money.

In the early days, the Network Marketing Business promotions were always based on cold market and offline prospecting. So, now if you have internet in your arsenal, why not exploit it to multiply your results.

The old ways were dependent on friends and families, annoying them until they finally block you or run away from you. Your list will always run out if you are depending only on people you know for building your direct selling business.

Social Media Prospecting allows you to get more engagement in real-time, thereby reducing the unnecessary frustration you get in face-to-face cold marketing. The internet is an incredible tool where you can multiply your results and get more prospects for your Network Marketing Business.

When you are trying to get prospects using social media, you are still in a cold market and hence most people won’t be aware of your business. The primary goal for you as Network Marketer is to get their attention and start a conversation.

When you go social you can use several platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, 'LinkedIn', Tumblr, Reddit, Pinterest, and Instagram. Let’s see two of the most popular platforms here:

Facebook Prospecting For Network Marketing Leads:

There are approximately 8 billion human beings on the planet and around 3 billion use the social media platform – Facebook. Isn’t that insane and you got a great opportunity to meet new people every day on a free-to-use platform.

In fact, Facebook is one the best social media platforms where you can build a friendship with someone, and build a relationship too. Average Facebook users look into their profiles and timelines 2-3 times every single day.

Facebook prospecting can be quite profitable for many Network Marketers if done in the right way. However, since it’s still cold marketing, you are required to follow certain effective prospecting steps. Let’s make this very short and simple;

Setting up an attractive profile:

Facebook prospecting doesn’t mean you should be going everywhere pitching for sales and begging people to look into your opportunity. Remember people buy and join those people whom they trust.

When you set up your social media profile, don’t make it look like a sales page rather set it up with your genuine personal details. Put a nice photo of yourself, hobbies, goals in life and your family too.

The more genuine it is, the more people will accept and engage with your social media profile. Nobody would like to engage with a profile that looks like a business sales page, as most people don’t like others selling to them.

Get to know more people:

As you create your personal profile in a natural way, adding more people is easy and simple. Start first with those people you know, as most people have their account set up done, this is not required.

Sending a friend request to strangers is not recommended and hence look for more mutual friend suggestions given by the Facebook algorithm. Send up to 10 friend requests to mutual friends a day and never send more than that.

If you are a beginner in the Network Marketing industry, always prefer a personal profile rather than setting up a fan page, which is for the established distributors. If done correctly social media prospecting can get you 5-10 leads every day.

Find Likeminded groups:

When it comes to Facebook prospecting as a Network Marketer, joining the right group can be very effective. Sometimes Facebook groups have a very large number of audiences for the similar niche you are in.

The problem with Facebook groups these days is, people are spamming with sales offers one after another every single day. So the response rate and conversions are extremely low in most cases.

Before you join a Facebook group always look for the engagement rate of each post in the timeline. Join at least 20-25 groups with high engagement rates and people should be active. Learn to comment every day on most of the posts and that should be a simple comment.

Everything shouldn’t be business:

This is the most important part of your Facebook prospecting and you need to be posting very consistently in your timeline. Remember not to post everything about your business.

When you post 1 business-related post, post another 4 personal and entertainment posts and by this way, you can make your timeline interesting to others. As you know, you won’t like to watch any videos where everything is an advertisement, so it has to have more entertainment and value with it.

One important thing about Facebook prospecting as a Network Marketer is that you should never disclose what company you are in, either in your profile or first time talking to someone. That is going to be done, once the prospects are eager to know more about the opportunity, which is the second step.

Know the timing:

An effective social media prospecting is about the right timings and you should learn to engage in a time when people are most active. A survey done about the timings when people use social media indicates that people are most active on weekdays – 11 AM, 3 PM, and 8 PM EST.

As you know if you have a long friend list in your social media profile most of them will be posting something every day. So, you must be posting every day consistently on these timings, and the Facebook algorithm rewards you if you post consistently.

Like Share & Comment:

Always remember the give and take relationship, so if you don’t care about other people’s posts, why should they care about yours too? So always like, share, and comment on other people’s posts regularly.

This applies to both your profile and the group members where you joined and shares your content. When you like and comment on others, they are very likely to visit your profile and will be more interested in your post too.


Finally, the most important step to get what you always wanted, which is the prospects. in most cases of the cold market, you will be meeting with people face to face for your prospecting. However, Facebook is the only social media platform where you can build trust and get prospects without meeting them for the first time.

Never send any direct messages mentioning your business opportunity or a website link. Instead, look for people who commented on a related post in your groups and send a message. Those messages can be something like, hey John I saw your comment the other day about making money online.

Ask him/her, if it’s okay if you send some free training, eBooks, Pdf, or some free videos to help him out in his research. Always offer something Free to everyone when you contact them for the first time.

If they respond, okay or yes – send them by getting their email or on the Facebook messenger. By these methods, you might be able to generate 5-10 leads a day, and remember you need to be consistent by putting in some hard work.

Pinterest Marketing For Generating MLM Leads:

Pinterest Marketing is one of the most underutilized promotional methods and this platform has a huge potential to get the most buyers. The Pinterest platform has more than 500 million active users, where more than 70% are from English-speaking countries.

This is not a social media platform but is a search engine like Google with many attractive graphics and videos. It can be an absolute goldmine for your Network Marketing business if done correctly. Here we are not going to explain every detail about how to create your profile, pins, and how to search things. Let’s see some 6 tips on how you can increase your chances of prospecting with Pinterest Marketing.

Research Keywords:

Since Pinterest is a search engine, try to do proper keyword research before you start prospecting with Pinterest Marketing. If you are going to attract visitors who are interested in Network Marketing or MLM do Keyword research on what people are searching for.

SEO Optimization:

After you know your targeted list of 2-3 keywords, try to include those words when you create your business profile. Include a short description with a Title, also a real image of you in your profile. Start creating an SEO-optimized board for your Network Marketing Keywords.

Create 2-5 new pins per day:

Most advanced Network Marketers recommend creating at least 10-20 new and pins every single day. However, if you are a beginner, start with 2-5 new pins every day. Include your keywords in the title and write a short description about it including the alt text. Use a Free to use a platform like '' to create your pins.

Join Group Boards:

The Pinterest group boards are where you get your website traffic from and it’s highly recommended to join at least 10-25 niche-related boards. There is a site called which allows you to find group boards related to your niche.

Link to a page or blog:

You know the whole thing behind social media prospecting using Pinterest is to drive traffic to your page or a blog. Hence the page you link to every post in your pins should lead to a landing page related to providing free training or information on your Network Marketing business. This is how you generate free leads using Pinterest.

Use Tailwind:

It’s highly recommended to use the tailwind app to automate your pinning in your Pinterest profile. It’s really easy to set up a week or a month’s work with tailwind or else you will have to spend a lot of time in your pin scheduling. Check out the powerful concept of using tailwind tribes and ways to get your post viral on Pinterest.


This is the key to success in your Pinterest Marketing for generating Network Marketing leads, which are highly targeted. Just like the Google algorithm Pinterest also rewards those who are really consistent with what they do and it must provide great value to others.

Also, check out our new post on generating high-quality and super targeted MLM or Multi-Level Marketing Leads. These types of prospects have some of the best conversion and joining ratios for a Network Marketing Biz.

Pros & Cons of Social Media Prospecting:

Social Media prospecting has certain advantages and disadvantages, and if done wrongly it has certain negative impacts on your business. Here let’s see some pros and cons of social prospecting for your Network Marketing Business:


  • It’s a Free to use platform with massive potential

  • More than 4 Billion people are using social media

  • People are super active every single day

  • It’s possible to build a relationship without meeting face to face for prospecting

  • Social Media prospecting with groups are very effective sometimes

  • It’s better than offline cold marketing for Network Marketers


  • Too much competition and promotions

  • You will need a lot of smart marketing strategy

  • It’s not for people who aren’t patient

  • Direct messaging with links will get you banned

  • Facebook is too strict with its policies

Final Thoughts on Social Media Prospecting:

Generating leads as a Network Marketer for your direct selling business is not an easy task, but you always have powerful free resources every day. So if you learn a marketing strategy that gives you a better result with social media prospecting you can make some good money. Facebook and Pinterest have been some of the top platforms preferred by top Network Marketers. Without spending too much on paid ads and hectic cold audience marketing, social media is one of the best options for your business.