How to Make Money from Home with Resume Writing Services? (2023)

Starting a resume-writing business can be a profitable & rewarding venture. By following a few simple tips, you can establish yourself as a successful resume writer & help job seekers improve their job prospects. Remember to stay up-to-date with industry trends, continuously improve your skills & provide excellent customer service to build a thriving business.

The Importance of a Good Resume:

A resume is a vital document that helps job seekers get noticed by potential employers. A well-written resume highlights a candidate's skills, experience & qualifications, making them stand out from the competition. Hiring managers often receive hundreds of resumes for a single job posting, so it's essential to have a resume that grabs their attention.

A good resume writer understands the hiring process & knows what recruiters are looking for in a resume. They can help job seekers craft a resume that showcases their strengths & accomplishments while also highlighting their unique value proposition.

Skills Needed to Be a Resume Writer:

To be a successful resume writer, you need to have excellent writing skills, a keen eye for detail & a strong understanding of the job market. You should be able to write in a clear and concise manner, using proper grammar & punctuation.

In addition to writing skills, you should also have knowledge of different industries and job roles. This will help you tailor your resumes to specific job openings & make them more appealing to potential employers.

How to Start a Resume Writing Business?

Starting a resume-writing business can be a lucrative venture, but it requires some planning & effort. Here are some steps to get you started:

1. Determine Your Target Market:

Your target market will depend on your skills & experience. You can specialize in writing resumes for specific industries or job roles, such as healthcare, finance, or IT. Alternatively, you can offer a general resume-writing service that caters to a broad range of job seekers.

2. Set Your Prices:

Research the market and set your prices competitively. You can charge by the hour or by the project, depending on your preference. It's essential to be transparent about your pricing & services so that potential clients know what to expect.

3. Establish Your Brand:

Create a brand that reflects your personality & values. Your brand should be professional & trustworthy & it should appeal to your target market. Develop a logo, website & marketing materials that showcase your brand.

4. Create a Website:

Your website is the face of your business, so it's essential to make it visually appealing & user-friendly. Your website should include information about your services, pricing & contact details. You can also include testimonials from satisfied clients to build credibility.

5. Develop a Marketing Plan:

Use social media, email marketing & other online channels to promote your business. You can also attend networking events & career fairs to meet potential clients. Partnering with career coaches, recruiters & other professionals can also help you grow your business.

How to Write a Compelling Resume?

As a resume writer, your job is to help job seekers create a resume that stands out from the competition. Here are some tips for writing a compelling resume:

1. Tailor the Resume to the Job Posting:

A generic resume will not get noticed by hiring managers. It's essential to tailor the resume to the specific job posting & include keywords that match the job requirements.

2. Focus on Achievements, Not Just Responsibilities:

Many job seekers make the mistake of listing their job responsibilities without highlighting their achievements. It's important to showcase your accomplishments & how they added value to your previous employers.

3. Use Action Verbs:

Using action verbs in your resume makes it more dynamic & engaging. Action verbs help to highlight your accomplishments & make the resume more memorable.

4. Keep it Concise:

A resume should be no more than two pages long. Keep the information concise & relevant. Use bullet points to break up text & make it easier to read.

5. Highlight Transferable Skills:

If you're changing careers, highlight your transferable skills that are relevant to the new job. This will help to hire managers to see how you can add value to their organization, even if you don't have direct experience in the field.

How to Expand Your Resume Writing Business?

Once you've established your resume-writing business, there are several ways to expand your services & increase your income.

1. Offer Additional Services:

You can offer additional services, such as cover letter writing, LinkedIn profile optimization & interview coaching. These services will help job seekers improve their overall job search strategy & increase their chances of getting hired.

2. Collaborate with Other Professionals:

Collaborating with career coaches, recruiters & other professionals can help you grow your business. You can offer your resume writing services as part of a package deal or refer clients to each other.

10 Ways to Make Money with Resume Writing Services:

There are many different ways to make money with resume writing services. By offering a range of services, including LinkedIn profile writing, cover letter writing & career coaching, you can build a loyal client base & establish yourself as a trusted expert in the field.

1. Freelance Writing:

One of the easiest ways to start your own resume-writing business is by freelancing. Freelancing allows you to work from anywhere in the world & set your own hours. You can find freelance resume writing jobs on job boards, social media platforms, or freelance websites such as Upwork & Freelancer.

2. Resume Writing Service:

Starting a resume-writing service is another way to make money. You can create a website for your business & market your services to job seekers online. You can also reach out to recruiters, staffing agencies & job fairs to promote your business.

3. LinkedIn Profile Writing:

LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network, and having a well-written LinkedIn profile is crucial for job seekers. You can offer LinkedIn profile writing services & help job seekers create a compelling profile that stands out to recruiters.

4. Cover Letter Writing:

Cover letters are a crucial component of job applications. You can offer cover letter writing services and help job seekers create a cover letter that highlights their skills & experience.

5. Resume Review Services:

Not everyone needs a complete resume rewrite. You can offer resume review services & provide feedback on how job seekers can improve their resumes. This can be a more affordable option for job seekers on a tight budget.

6. Job Search Coaching:

Many job seekers struggle with the job search process. You can offer job search coaching services & help job seekers navigate the job market, create a job search strategy & improve their job search skills.

7. Interview Coaching:

Job interviews can be nerve-wracking & many job seekers struggle with interview preparation. You can offer interview coaching services & help job seekers prepare for interviews, practice their answers & improve their interview skills.

8. Career Coaching:

Career coaching is a broad field that encompasses many areas, including job search, interview preparation & career development. You can offer career coaching services and help job seekers identify their strengths, set career goals & develop a plan to achieve them.

9. Corporate Resume Writing:

In addition to working with individual job seekers, you can also offer corporate resume writing services. This involves working with companies to create compelling resumes for their employees, which can be particularly helpful during times of restructuring or downsizing.

10. Specialized Resume Writing:

There are many different industries & professions that require specialized resumes. You can offer specialized resume writing services, such as technical resume writing, executive resume writing, or creative resume writing, to cater to the unique needs of job seekers in these industries.

Tips for Success:

Here are some tips for success as a resume writer:

1. Stay Up-to-Date with Industry Trends:

The job market is constantly changing, so it's essential to stay up-to-date with industry trends & job search strategies. Attend webinars, read industry publications & network with other professionals to stay informed.

2. Build Strong Relationships with Clients:

Building strong relationships with clients is essential for repeat business & referrals. Provide excellent customer service & follow up with clients to ensure their satisfaction.

3. Continuously Improve Your Skills:

Continuously improving your skills as a resume writer will help you stand out from the competition. Take courses, attend workshops & seek feedback from clients to improve your writing & job market knowledge.

FAQs: Resume Writing Services

As a professional resume writer, you may have several questions related to your business. Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about resume writing services:

1. How much can I charge for resume writing services?

The cost of resume writing services can vary depending on several factors, such as the level of experience of the job seeker, the complexity of the job search & the type of service offered. As a general guideline, entry-level resume services can range from $100 to $300, mid-level services can range from $400 to $700 & executive-level services can range from $800 to $1,200 or more. It's essential to research your competition & set your prices accordingly.

2. How do I know if my resume writing business is successful?

There are several ways to measure the success of your resume writing business, such as client satisfaction, repeat business & referrals. If your clients are satisfied with your services and are referring you to others, then you are likely to have a successful business. It's also essential to track your financials, such as revenue & expenses, to ensure that you are profitable.

3. What are the most common resume mistakes?

The most common resume mistakes include spelling and grammar errors, using a generic resume instead of tailoring it to the job posting, listing job responsibilities instead of achievements & using passive language instead of active verbs. As a resume writer, it's your job to help job seekers avoid these mistakes & create a compelling resume that stands out from the competition.

4. How can I showcase my unique value proposition in a resume?

Your unique value proposition is what sets you apart from other job seekers. To showcase your value proposition in a resume, focus on your achievements & how they added value to your previous employers. Use specific examples & quantifiable results to demonstrate your skills & experience. You can also include a professional summary or objective statement that highlights your unique skills & qualifications.

5. Is it necessary to have a degree in writing or English to be a resume writer?

No, it's not necessary to have a degree in writing or English to be a resume writer. However, having strong writing skills & knowledge of the job market is essential. Many resume writers have backgrounds in human resources, career coaching, or related fields. Continuously improving your skills & staying up-to-date with industry trends are also important for success as a resume writer.