14 Network Marketing Success Secrets | Why Do People Fail in MLM? (2023)

Network Marketing & success with it can be a very frustrating topic for many people, who are struggling hard to make it happen.

Network Marketing Success Secrets

Network Marketing Success Secrets

Especially for people who are facing rejections after rejections, some may be desperate to learn how to Succeed with MLM.

And for people, who don’t believe in Multi-Level Marketing this may be a hard truth.

Because of the fact that Network Marketing has got a very bad reputation with many misconceptions and illegal schemes, the rejection rate is pretty high when you start the business.

Not only with the MLM industry, but every business also has a risk involved with it and the chances of Failure and success depend on many things.

Fewer people achieve extraordinary success and many are in numbers who fail. You can’t blame the system every time for the failures and it all depends on the person who is playing the game.

Network Marketing is completely legal, doable and there is nothing wrong with it if the company abides by the legal terms set by FTC or government authorities. If you want to know What Network Marketing is – Check our previous post.

14 Network Marketing Success Secrets For Beginners:

To be successful in business-like Network marketing, it will take a lot of hard work with dedication and this is certainly not for people who are weak-hearted.

1. First - Know Your ‘WHY’:

Whether it’s Network Marketing or any kind of Marketing, the first MOST important thing in life to succeed is to know the reason WHY you are doing it. If your reason and purpose are not strong enough, chances are you will quit in a mid-way, when life hits you back with some hardships. Let’s say, you love your daughter more than anything else in this world and one day she fell sick.

What if a situation comes and you need to take her to a hospital within an hour or else she dies. So, what do you do? You will take her to the hospital, whatever it takes, 1000 miles, 10,000 miles doesn’t matter and no one can stop you. Your goal is to reach that hospital and your why is to save your beloved daughter.

Tools for your Network Marketing Success.

Most people who become successful took their decision emotionally from the heart and not from the head. This is the most important Network Marketing Success tip that anyone can ever give you and you need to take this thing very seriously.

2. Proper Research before you jump into the game:

Before you enter a warzone, you need to study what you will be facing on the other side of the world before you step in. Lack of knowledge and proper study of things you are going to do may lead you to ultimate failure in that subject. 

A Fool who doesn’t know anything is pretty much like a blind and a mute person. If you want to succeed in Network marketing you need to study the companies, their history, and what successful people do. Study the game before you ever think of jumping in the field and make your decisions wisely.

Successful Presentation for Network Marketing

3. Find the Best Network Marketing Company:

I call this choosing the right vehicle to reach your destiny. When it comes to long-term network Marketing Success, you need to choose a company carefully, especially in the Multi-Level Marketing world. So many MLM companies come and go every year, after doing an illegal business practice, they run away with people’s money.

Because of this, there is a huge misconception and negativity when it comes to Network Marketing Business. Do good research about the company you are going to join, how long it’s been in the market and how many lives it has changed. What is the product they are dealing with, the qualities, prices, and the demand in the market?

When everything about all these is in place, you shall be confident about what you getting into. Make sure you do research on the terms and conditions an MLM company has to follow according to FTC guidelines and government notices about Multi-Level Marketing.

4. Find the right up-line & Mentor:

An up-line or a mentor plays the most important role in your success in the network marketing business. You need to carefully choose whose team you are going to join and that person will be responsible for helping you every step of the way. A team leader in MLM business is responsible for encouraging, training, and guiding new members to succeed in the business.

Passive Income with Network Marketing.

This process goes on for the long term; hence you need to choose your mentor carefully. If the person sponsoring you doesn’t have that fire inside, you and your team members might also get demotivated in the long run. It is often said that an army of sheep under the leadership of a LION always wins a battle. So, choose your leader carefully.

5. Know your products:

Since the Network marketing business involves selling, it is mandatory for you to know the products and services you will be offering. Lack of knowledge will lead you to failure and people losing trust in you in the long term.

You need to know what you are into and when you speak people should realize, you are speaking from knowledge and experience. One of the best ways to know your product is, first you need to use it yourself. Secondly, you need to attend some product training that the companies organize for free.

When you speak from your experiences, you won’t lie and people will know that. So it’s extremely important for you to get involved with a Network Marketing company that manufactures high-quality products.

Top Network Marketing Companies

Learn the benefit of using those products in real life and also create a need when you speak to others. Tell them the Importance of using it based on their needs and people will buy it. High-quality products and services sell themselves, and it becomes really easy for you to do your business.

6. Educate & train yourself every single day:

I called this Network Marketing Success tip as Training your heart and getting ready for the battle, no matter what it takes. The best investment you can ever do in life is not the investment in a business, but to invest in yourself.

If you don’t have the right attitude and the determination to succeed in life you won’t make it. Human beings are gifted with so much power within and the sad part is 99% of the people die without even realizing it.

Your MLM training should involve shaping you to have the right mindset for success and develop you as a person. Think sharp, look sharp, speak what you want, and always have that fire within. If you do this success is yours and no one can stop you.

7. Make a Clear Business Plan:

This is a chart or a written plan that you need to execute before you step into the game. We human beings have a limited number of hours in a day and it’s very important for you to have a clear plan if you want to succeed.

You can’t just jump in and do whatever you feel like or whenever you feel like doing. Let’s say you are doing a 9-5 job, which is good and you are trying your best to provide for yourself and your family.

Now you are in a Network Marketing business building it part-time then you need to set your priorities right. Your Network Marketing Success business plan may include what time you will go for the meeting and what time you will train yourself.

Discipline is extremely important in life and you need to apply it in your business plans. This is a consistent daily routine that you need to do to get results. So take it seriously and sit down, get a diary, write down your time schedules and just do it.

Make money with Network Marketing?

8. Learn to be happy when people reject you:

This may sound like a funny and weird Network Marketing Success tip, but it’s real. When you are involved in an MLM business, you will face rejection after rejections. Not only this thing but people who join your team, 70-80% eventually will quit.

Now the real question comes for the real man, will you still keep moving? This is definitely not a game for the weak-hearted people so think hard before you step in. You need to learn to accept the fact that people are going to reject you, not once, not twice but 10000 times.

Are you ready for it and if you are not, don’t waste your time? Failure and rejections are what make you stronger. This is an essential tool that will be thrown at you if you want extraordinary success. Be willing to do what the average middle class and normal people are not willing, and you shall have what they dream about.

9. Use Technology in your Network Marketing Business:

The 21st century has become the age of the Internet and technologies. The whole planet is wired and people from every corner can communicate and interact with one another in real-time. The Internet has got an INSANE power to create wealth, whether you believe it or not. 

The richest man on the planet (Founder of Amazon) is using the internet to create his wealth powerhouse. Imagine the power of the Internet, with one click of a mouse you can reach 1 Million people in an hour. Now that is what we call the definition of Insanity.

With the launch of Social Media and video platforms like YouTube, people are very much active on the internet every single day. You need to establish yourself using such platforms by creating social media pages or maybe YouTube blogs if you are good with videos.

You can create blogs, Use Lead generation Tools, Use email auto-responders, and other advertising channels to generate more leads. But make sure that you don’t invest too much.

At the end of this post, I will tell you a Super Powerful Lead source, which will give you the direct contact numbers of people who are interested in the MLM business. Some people called it rejection-free marketing but I call it doing things in a smarter way.

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10. Follow up with your prospects regularly:

You will have to make regular follow-up plans for your prospects since most people don’t make decisions the first time you approach them. If someone doesn’t take an immediate decision, you need to ask them if it’s okay to call them back. Write the time, you need to call back and if possible ask them if it’s okay to call on such and such time.

This is going to be a regular routine for you especially in a Network Marketing business because you will be dealing with 1000s of people. A regular follow-up is extremely important and research shows that you need to at least follow up 3-7 times to get a decision from a person.

11. Train & Duplicate your downlines for success:

If you want Huge Success in Your Network Marketing Business you need to use the power of Duplication. This is the single most powerful concept of multiplying your results exponentially and getting rich.

Let’s say your name is MIKE and you are a well-trained distributor who is ready to do whatever it takes to succeed. You sponsor MIKE1 & MIKE2 in your team. Then, it’s your responsibility to train and motivate these two guys to become like MIKE.

So you have duplicated yourself into 2 persons. Imagine you have 1000 MIKEs doing the same work as you do. That is the power of duplication which guarantees your Network Marketing Success 100X.

12. Focus more on other people’s success than yourself:

For long-term success in Multi-Level Marketing, you need to focus primarily on helping other people succeed in life. Most of the legitimate MLM companies focus on helping out new distributors to achieve success. This is a win/win situation and the more people you help to succeed the more you become successful.

Money shouldn’t be the primary focus for your business and it has to be a by-product of the good things you do every day with a passion. Not only in a Network Marketing business but in real life if you learn to give more to others, you will ultimately reap the reward of True Happiness in Life. 

13. Commit yourself for long term success (2-5 Yrs):

Success in Network Marketing is definitely not going to be a game of 6 months, 1 Year, or not even 2 years. Many people quit after 3-6 months of work and then end up with huge negativity about the MLM industry. It’s few that achieve success and many fail because of a reason.

You need to set your goal first, write it down, visualize and hit it hard with consistency for at least 2-5 years. The journey may sound difficult and full of failure, rejections but if you stick to your goal you will achieve it.

14. Don’t quit:

If you are a quitter, chances are you will never win in life and end up in the same place where you were. Once you make up your mind, took the decision quitting shouldn’t be an option. Life’s problems will try to knock you out every single day but you need to stand your ground.

Surrender has never been an option for a LION and they will fight to the death if it needs to be. It’s a matter of your heart and how strong your decision is to achieve the goal you want to. Stop acting like a loser and be the man or woman, whom you are meant to be in life.

Why Do People Most Fail in a Network Marketing Business?

People fail in life for many reasons, not only in Multi-Level Marketing but in every area of life. As we mentioned before, because of the reputation the MLM industry has gained it becomes even harder to achieve success.

Some common reasons why people fail in a Network Marketing Business are:

Whatever the external excuses might be, you have all the power within you to succeed in life. The main reason why people fail in life is that they just don’t have the right heart to move on and get what they want.

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Top 5 Network Marketing Companies To Consider For Your Success:

Some of these Multi-Level Marketing companies are in the game for many decades. Some of them have also got some lawsuits in the past but finally, they won and are considered legal and have honest business practices. Some Top Network Marketing companies are:

There are 100’s of MLM companies in the world and you need to do your research properly before you join the company. Look for a product you love to promote and check the compensation plans too.

Best Books to Read for Network Marketing Success:

What you hear, what you see, and what you speak will eventually decide what you get in life. You need to develop a habit of reading useful books every single day before you go to bed or set a time. These books have proven to be very powerful for your journey to Network Marketing success.

If you study the life of the most successful people in the world, they are all serious book readers. Not only these books you will find 1000s of powerful self-development books online. I suggest you also listen to powerful audio every single day for at least 30 minutes.

Every morning when you wake up from your bed, you need be waking up like a Lion that will tear apart every problem you face. The more and more you read you will start establishing yourself with the best foundation for success. You will become a great leader and inspire others to succeed in life and also in your business.

Some Helpful Tools for Your Network Marketing Success:

There are several powerful tools that you can use for faster success in your Network Marketing Business. Some of these companies have proven themselves to be very reputable and get you results.

1. Chatbots:

This tool is super effective and is very powerful in generating online leads for your business. Every business in the world is primarily focused on getting more leads and converts them into sales. Check this super powerful AI Robot in action – Video Here

2. Use a High-Quality MLM Lead Provider:

This leads company has been around in the market for the last 21 years and is the #1 source for providing Network Marketing Leads. The conversion rates are very high. You can try them – Click Here

Final words About Network Marketing Success Secrets:

Before you join an MLM business, think about why you want to start your own business. Every successful journey was started with the first step and you are the person who will be in the drivers' seat. You will decide your destiny with the actions you commit and you can’t blame anyone for your failures. So seat down, think hard, make a game plan and be willing to do whatever it takes to achieve it. Hope these Network Marketing success tips help you in some ways.