Day One Prep

Recommended Activities to Prepare for New Hires

The following activities are recommended best practices from leaders at all court levels in the state and departments in the administrative office.

Electronic Systems Access

As soon as a new hire has accepted the electronic job offer via HireForms, the hiring manager should submit a ticket to the Information Technology Department to initiate all computer hardware/software/systems setup the new employee might need.

Security Badge/Keys/Building Logistics

Facilitate a smooth transition into the new job by prearranging as much of the following as possible before your new hire arrives: building security badge, any applicable office/furniture keys, parking pass or bus pass, etc. Follow local district or courthouse procedures as guided by facilities and leadership personnel.

Prepare Workspace Like New

Unless you are hiring an employee to telework full-time, prepare the new hire's work space like brand-new. Anticipate office supply needs, toss out the broken or coffee-stained office chair and replace it, prepare a name plate and/or business cards if applicable, clear out clutter or garbage and make the space reflect the honor of the job, the team and the Courts as a whole.