Tedesco Francesco

Name and Surname: Francesco Tedesco

Cycle: XXXVII - Curriculum: Food Sciences and Engineering

Tutor : Prof.ssa Angela Capece

Co-tutor: Dott.ssa Rosanna Salvia

Title of the project

Use of chitin and its derivatives obtained from sustainable sources as an alternative to the use of chemical additives in the food production.

Aims of the project

The aim of the project is to study and improve the knowledge about the use of chitosan, an innovative and natural polymer obtained from the deacetylation of chitin extracted from a sustainable source, such as insects.

In particular, it will be explored the use of this compound as alternative to the sulphur dioxide, a chemical additive used for the microbiological control of wines during all the steps of winemaking process, in order to meet the market demands for wines with a reduced content of sulphites

E-mail: francesco.tedesco@unibas.it