This curriculum has an international agreement with the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Forestry (Croatia)

AFE Research Themes (RT)

1. Agronomy and chemistry (RT1)

The macro-area of agronomy and soil chemistry, through laboratory and / or field analysis, studies the issues related to: soil-plant relationships; use of water for agronomic purposes; parameters related to the growth of plants, including the mechanisms of adaptation of herbaceous crops to abiotic stresses. The training skills of the area include the agronomy of herbaceous and arboreal crops, irrigation techniques and tools, the ecology of agro-environments, sustainable agriculture, the chemistry and physiology of soil and plants; the chemistry of fertilizers and pesticides and bioremediation practices.

2. Economics and rural planning (RT2)

The research topics are related to the economic, political, management and estimative aspects of production, transformation, distribution, and consumption of primary sector products (agriculture and forestry), to their relations with other components of the socio-economic and environmental system, as well as to the economic aspects of environmental impact assessment. The training skills of the macro-area include the agricultural, forestry and agro-industrial economics and policy, related to rural areas and its resources, with a focus on natural resource management through economic and spatial models.

3. Water and land planning (RT3)

The main topics of the macro-area focus on the quality analysis and management of water resources in agriculture; the characterization and transport of contaminants in the water; models for studying water transport and solutes within the soil-plant-atmosphere system, including spatial mapping and geostatistical modelling; to irrigation systems carried out using non-conventional waters; to the analysis of rural structures and artefacts; spatial planning in rural areas. The training skills include lessons related to hydraulics and the protection of agricultural and forest soil, hydrology and management of water resources, cartography and Geographical Information Systems, construction systems and settlements in rural areas.

4. Silviculture, ecology and wood (RT4)

The research area deals with issues related to: forest ecology; sustainable management and environmental protection, with specific reference to natural and semi-natural ecosystems; studying and modelling of plant growth; climate change impact analysis (with a special focus on processes of desertification and depletion of forest systems, response of forests to pollutants and ability to fix carbon); risk analysis and management of forest fires; studying of technological characteristics of wood. The training skills of the research area include teachings related to silviculture and forest management, to ecology and ecosystem processes, to the wood sciences and to the phenomenon of forest fires.

5. Livestock production (RT5)

The research themes of the macro-area focus on the technical and hygienic management of livestock farms; qualitative and quantitative improvement of livestock production; health and welfare of farm animals; animal feeding and nutrition; environmental sustainability of animal products.

6. Plant pathology (RT6)

The research area deals with issues related to: the main plants diseases; identification/diagnosis of pathogens and diseases; biological control techniques.